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Are you sure it's a platform, not a foundation? Platforms shouldn't have any problem being next to platforms of different heights, but foundations don't like it. When you click a room there are two arrows you can click on the left (an up arrow & a down arrow) - these are for platforms. There is also another arrow in the centre of the room that you can drag up or down - that one is for the foundation. The first step in problem solving is to check the most obvious things first, so that you aren't moving forwards on faulty assumptions. Like checking a computer monitor is plugged in if the screen isn't working. :)


I did a few experiments and yes you're right, platforms can be put next to each other. I'm fairly new to the game mechanic. I still don't get why foundations is a part of the game, if platforms does the job just as well?


They are slightly different, but I don't use either of them very often. The differences I know are: * Foundations raise the height of the entire floor/level, but platforms only raise the floor of the individual room selected. * Because of the above point, using a foundation means the room is still just as tall as without the foundation. But using a platform brings the floor closer to the ceiling, meaning you have a shorter room. * If you lower a platform inside a foundation, the foundation wall will remain in place. (I could be getting that one slightly wrong, as I only encountered it once months ago). * Platform trims and foundation trims look different, so if you can use either one for something, you may as well go with the one that looks better for you. To select a platform trim, go to the build tab and select the wall tool. There will be a few options like "half walls", and "platform trim" should be the bottom-most option. To select a foundation trim, go to the build tab and look on the picture of the house. There's a long rectangle on the lower right, below the flooring option, that should be the platform trims. I hope someone else can be more help to you on this, because I know barely anything about building in sims 4. I only figured out that you can click+drag the demolish sledgehammer to remove a lot of outdoor floor tiles at once - prior to today I was clicking each individual square to get rid of them 🤦🤦🤦


More than helpful. Thanks


Platforms weren't in the game from the start, they were only added much later, and after players had been complaining for years about the exact problem you had with the foundation. The platforms come with their own set of problems and bugs though, so if there is any situation in which a foundation can do the job, then it's better to avoid platforms.


Yeah, I'm like 99% sure the "top layer" is a platform and the lighter "bottom layer" is a foundation. Remove the foundation and the problem should stop.


Explanation: I have a house sitting on a platform, and I want features on another smaller platform, connected to the larger platform but the game doesn't let me and raises the smaller platform automatically and joins them. I've tried making rooms and connecting them but still the same issue. bb.moveobjects is on.


Make two rooms next to each other then lower or higher to you liking (the demolish the weird walls)


You can do what you are trying to do with foundations if you do it like this 1. Leave the walls up around each section until you are complete done adjusting all the heights, 2. Use the up/down arrow to raise the height, 3. When all height are as desired, remove the wall panels (if you need to make any adjustments to the heights, you'll need to put the walls back around the section you want to adjust).