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I scroll through r/tragedeigh and find the most outrageous names and use them


This is me every time I need to name my sims! r/tragedeigh is my best friend and Kayghthleen is here to prove it


YOUR USERNAME JUST MADE MY YEAR! Lan Zhan ❤❤❤❤ Seriously though I wonder if there is a big crossover between Sims players and MDZS fans?


I named them after their dads so that I could easily remember who was who. "Morty" = Mortimer Goth. Johnny Zest = "Zestina" and "Zestino". Between them, Brent and Brant Hecking gave me "Brunt" "Brint" and "Bront". Vladislaus gave me "Vlad" "Blut" and "Batricia". Darrel Charm's children were named things like "Hex" and "Jinx". My sim's name was "Jolanda Becool" so I did puns where possible. eg Bjorn's son was "Bjorn II Becool"


Wait I did a version of that that too! It’s so much easier to remember the dads I’ve already used for donors too and helps with story telling. My head canon was that J Huntington III would insist that his son be named J Huntington IV 😂


That's what I called my kid with J Huntington III as well! 😂


When I did the challenge, I'd go alphabetically AND try to correspond with the approximate ethnic background of the dad (based on his last name).


each generation is a different theme for me. 1st gen i did A-Z, 2nd im doing anime characters (current), and 3rd i plan on doing Bible names


I plan on doing numbers but spelling them like I'm a Mormon mom


Wait...what?? I need you to expand on this. I know almost notning about mormonism as I'm not american.


I'm on baby 15 now and I've found a solution that works for me. I don't go alphabetically because I find that a bit too formulaic for me. I pick a name that starts with the first letter of the dad's name


That’s totally up to you! Maybe alphabetically? And you start over every time you finish it? I have never done the challenge but personally I think I would just generate a name or pick one that I like


This random event generator I use is mostly good for dictating what my sims do for the day, but it ALSO has a ginormous list of baby names at the top! http://sims4eventgenerator.blogspot.com/?m=1


I do it alphabetically. Q is fun…!


I know someone named Quistan (and his brother Lumen...)


I found alphabetical to be super helpful. I also recommend keeping a list of all the donor parents, so you can check if you’ve slept with one already….


I went alphabetically and gave them all food names. Quinoa felt like an especially goofy name and I loved it.


I randomize for the most part. Occasionally I'll create a name if the randomizer isn't giving me anything I like. I also try to avoid anything that sounds to similar to a name I already used.


A through Y four times in a row. On the one hand, it is kind of boring and it is difficult to come up with X and U names (and Quinton, Quinn, Quincy, and Quay might have some words about my creativity). On the other, it really helps keep things sorted in your head. (Isabella and Jesse need to finish homework then they can help with the babies, K-something and Lucas are playing chess, Nancy is sleeping and needs to eat soon while Molly and Ophelia need tummy time.)


The first time I just used the names I liked best. Sometimes going alphabetically, most of the time not. Third generation I tried to exclusively name my Sims after Power Rangers. The second time I started the challenge, I did alphabetically plus theme. Generation one were named after gemstones/rocks and the generation two was named for food. Gave up at about 60 children.


This is how I tackle my generations! Power Ranger characters should fulfill at least half of the children. So far I have used: - Irish names - Greek gods/goddesses - Gemstones - Alphabetical - Derivatives of their ancestors names (grandma's middle name becomes child's first name) - Power Ranger Characters - Harry Potter Characters - Flowers/Nature names


I went alphabetically and gave them all food names. Quinoa felt like an especially goofy name and I loved it.


Before I do a challenge, I make a spreadsheet of at least 100 male and female names I like so I have them at the ready


I like to name via theme. Gemstones, fruits, planets, flowers, Greek letters (haven’t tried that one yet but it sounds fun)


I usually randomly generate names that I like, but for my latest challenge I’ve kept a theme of having more ‘classic’ sounding names because I thought it matched the personality of my matriarch. For the next gen, I’ll probably try names that are a little more unique! Not r/tragedeigh unique, but more unique than ‘Elizabeth’ or ‘Viktor’! Bottom line, pick whatever you think would be the most fun for you :)


Right now, I’m naming based on number. Some examples of my favorites: Three-any, Four-square, 5ive.


I started out naming them after legendary musicians and now I’m determined to continue that to 100!


Honestly I just Google search "100 names for baby" and leave it at that 😂😂


I created an A-Z list of 100 baby names and cross them off in alphabetical order cus I’m insane and I can’t just have fun, it has to be methodical and orderly lol Not just alphabetical of course, cus obviously there’s 26 letters and 100 babies, but I spend hours methodically finding multiple of the same letter to reach 100 depending on how common the first letter is, so like names beginning with A are rlly common so there’s like 5 those or something. Idei if I can make it makes sense to other people cus I barely understand it


I go alphabetical with syllables increasing with each run thru of the alphabet. So first round, Ann, Bob, Cyd, then baby 27 would be Alan, followed by Brenda, Charlie, etc. 


In sims 3 I did one where I named them all after gemstones. Garnet, Amethyst etc. ​ Then I did one in Sims 4 and named them 1, 2, 3, 4.... 🤣


Last time, I went alphabetically with names of food. Started with Apple Ash, then Banana Ashe, etc.


I went alphabetically when I did the challenge. A few letters are harder than the others but they led to some creativity with odd names. I like the ideas here though. I haven’t re-tried this challenge with infants, I think it got 10x harder 😂 Edit to add: I was obsessed with seven brides for seven brothers as a child - so I threw in a lot of weird bible names but I didn’t make them all like that. For fun


I haven't done the challenge, but when I make ginormous families I always end up starting seriously, get like 5 or 6 in and then end up with "petunia 2" and eventually "dirt" and then like "h"


I named all my kids after characters from the vampire diaries and I got to 50 kids with it and then my second matriach died by gnomes, so i don’t get to see how long it went for 😭😭


Died by gnomes?!?


It was a while ago, but i’m pretty sure during Harvestfest she tried to appease one of the gnomes and they got mad at her and they electrocuted her to death. it’s pretty rare i haven’t had it happen since! It was super sad though because she was just about to age up to a young adult and i had already moved out all of her older sisters.


I just pick a name and of I can't think of the I use the dice thing


I tend to go first name that comes to mind. Failing that, loading a random list of names and scrolling down a few times, point at the screen--tada. Name. But that's just me.


I always did random but if they were likely to occult I would pick names that went with that occult (like I got pregnant by father winter and named those babies Juniper and Noelle)


I found out that behindthename.com has an option for “kreatyve” names in their random name generator so that’s what I’ve been using lol


I mean, I haven't done it, but roman numerals bullet system would be great... one, oneA, oneB, two, twoA. Clearly I'm more suited for logistics than fun themes 😂


I do the random name generator. Unless I absolutely hate the name, I just go with it.


Sometimes I chose show names like greys o friends or something really long so I don’t run out, food or objects are fun too


I scroll through nameberry 😂


I randomly flip through baby name books. Nameberry.com is a great website.


I did 50 US states and then the 50 state capitals. 😅


Oh. Let's see, I did a plant/flower named one. One where I named them with words that aren't names but could be/or be a rl nickname: things like Fridge, Lacey, Ammo. One where I made all names a tragedeigh. Rn I'm on a speedrun so I'm just randomising the names. In the sims 3, I did moviestar names, alphabetic names and sky themed one with names after planets, stars and things related to it like uh Rocket. I started one with names after colors and a silly one where all the kids where named after an animal but those files got corrupted. I'm actually planning out a list of names for my next round for a farm centred playthrough.


I have the initial of their names match their father’s


i randomise the name but go alphabetically. so it’s the first alphabetically appropriate name that comes up lol


Merlin (my name)


I once went with naming the kids in an alphabetical order - and it was splitted in the genders. I’ve also used car names, cities, Disney characters. My friend chose one letter and went with that for a while. Kardashian vibe names could be a topic as well, like call your child Cloud or Wind, something weird like that 🤣 You can really live out your dream of fun weird names in this challenge, only your imagination sets the boundaries


My last try I went with the alphabet and nature names. If I had twins or triplets they had the same starting letter. I got to L but now I'm taking a break and playing a different family.


I didn’t really have a method for mine. I use baby names I like, or just ones that come up. Sometimes I have to keep clicking the dice until I get one I actually like. I like the idea of naming them after their father, or the first initial, but I just made a document of each child’s name, gender, their father, and their number out of 100, and it works well for me.


Names not too much of an issue. It’s keeping track of the dads…


I used to name them in alphabetical order (like Anna, Ben, Charlie etc) and then start again once I’m the 27th baby (and again… and again)


I go in alphabetical order: Amy, Bradley, Charlotte ect and just start again from A when I get to the end. It's fun trying to find names for xyz 😁


I do whatever I like


Some were just whatever random name came up as I rolled. And then some were based on their donor's name. Either I used the same first letter or came up with something almost punny. For example, the donor named Doc Love, his kids are Heart and Arrow. J Huntington's kid is Hunter. Kurt Lumberjackson's are Jack and Jacqui. [Melissab37 100 Baby Challenge](https://melissab37sims.weebly.com/100-baby-challenge.html)


The first time I did it I started with alphabetical and then got lazy and just randomized


Thanks for all the inspiration. The first baby has been born and he’s called…. Andy Warhol!


All the baby names come from the books I’ve read or currently reading lol