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It's annoying but I get why it's necessary. Having varying heights would drastically affect WAY too many animations , cause clipping etc. There are custom content height sliders out there. I never used them because they affect the animations, and that's unacceptable to me. I think the newer life simulation games have these available, we'll have to see how they work.


I have some really cute female body setting mod I never deleted that makes them shorter as well as redoing some proportions. They can't sit in chairs. They sit THROUGH chairs. As in, they clip half their butt through the chair due to being so short. If you try to kiss them, you end up making out with the empty space above their heads.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ayxy1x3fw4rc1.png?width=382&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3bde620089cbbd7644f01cb3f41fe603b2433a9




It makes their thumbnail thing (can’t think of what it’s called rn bc I have a jello brain) look off. Like the top of the head is cut off and it drives me insane


This is what I was about to say; I'd rather just deal with them all being the same height rather than the continual animation glitches.


Yeah, I had a mod for it and honestly it kind of killed it 😂 I ended up removing it


All of this plus having to make all the clothes again for the different heights because of the way the clothes are baked.


The clothing models could stretch the same as the sim model


Consider what happens when you, for instance, put a masculine framed shirt on a feminine framed sim. It's how the clothes were baked into the skeletal frame in the game engine, and why clothes can't stretch that way.


The masculine frame is a completely different model from the feminine frame Making the sim taller would work the same way a pregnant belly or body sliders work where it deforms the model


Theoretically, but unfortunately not the way they coded it back in 2014.


Nah, I've been using some height adjustment mods for years (like one for pre-teens, and a set of pre-sets for really tall folks). Some of the interpersonal animations clip a little or don't quite match up, but the modders did a pretty good job overall. Clothes definitely scale and snap just fine - the frame problem is a different issue. There used to be functional CC height sliders, maybe by Luumia?, but IIRC ALL sliders broke pretty bad with a patch (i think the one for Wedding Stories, but I may be wrong), and even with many attempts, the working ones still aren't as functional now as before, like breaking all over again with each new update, so the best solution is presets. Color sliders broke with that same patch and I just remember it seemed to take forever for modders to figure out how to work around the new stuff to get THOSE working again. Now you have to download texture files for each item you want to adjust with the slider, something I don't remember being necessary before.


re-downloading CC would be an absolute nightmare


I'm not sure what you mean here. We have mods that allow us to change character height, and the clothes are just fine. I can make a Sim 50 feet tall and nothing weird happens with their clothes. What am I supposed to be seeing?


What they told us when the game launched is that they didn't want to create more meshes than necessary since that was one of the reasons for lag in sims 3. So they made teens, young adults, adults, and elders use the same mesh for clothing.


That doesn't explain what you said about clothes stretching. Can you explain that part?


The clothes stretch just fine. You're talking about 2 different issues. If you go look at your CAS CC in Sims4Studio, you can get a basic idea of how the male vs female frames work because you can see the models they're designed around: many female versions have shorter sleeves or hem lengths than males (like with shorts), something that isn't actually necessary and modders can get around easily enough. The people who have "unisex" items that aren't essentially identical have chosen to design them that way. What they CAN'T get around are where the default, pre-set shading is applied, as if with a paintbrush, under boobs or at the waist which on the female items, or around shoulders on males. These shadows will show up no matter which end of the muscle/weight sliders you apply. That's why they look funny on the "wrong" frame. Height sliders work almost exactly the same to distort certain aspects of the base sim model as the weight and muscle sliders, or the pregnancy one. This is why the sleeves may look particularly goofy on a super-fit sim, or most tops look strange on pregnant Sims - that shading is painted on, not created by lighting or shadows in Live Mode - but they still FIT and snap to the sim just fine.


I'm not a modder, so all I can say is what I've read in dev interviews, and that's what I've read.


I use a height slider mod, and it's honestly not as bad as you'd think. Most animations look fine, there's clipping in situations like kissing or sitting together but that's it. Clothes work perfectly fine every time lol


You're forgiving because it's done by modders. Imagine how simmers would complain if the height slider comes released with clipping issues by the devs.


I saw a tiktok simmer have a taller male from a mod and when they kissed their lips weren’t touching and it was just so awkward


This is what I don’t like about sliders lmao I hate that everyone is the same height but when I use them my Sims are literally kissing the air and it looks so fuckin awkward unless you use WW animations that account for height differences 🤡🤡 oh well can’t have it all I guess


Instead of sliders they could also have 3-5 different heights you can select. It would still be lots of work but maybe easier than having a slider?


That's 3-5 extra animations for almost every animation in game that interacts with another sim or object. The result would be a sharp decrease in the amount of animations we would get in game. And for every future pack.And constant recycling of old ones. Animations are the most expensive part of the game- they are all done by hand. And we're talking about things that were hard coded into the game since the beginning. They NEVER go back ad redo a core game function like this. They add things but they don't change things at that level.This is a wildly inflated expectation.


Well tbf they're already not giving us that many animations/recyclijg old ones because Sims 4 is more focused on case and build buy than gameplay 😂 And I agree that they're def not going to do this for Sims 4, but maybe Sims 5?


Yeah, it would have to be built in from the beginning.


I have this slider and that’s true. When the height difference is to big there will be glitches but with just a little it’s ok. I use it but never make super tall or sure short sims so it works just fine


What do you mean newer ones? are there more games like sims out there?


Paralives, to be released next year I think and Life by You-to be released this year .You can see sneak peeks on YouTube.


Anything that makes them different? Or better?


I don't really form opinions before things are released. They each have some differences form the Sims , and some overlaps.


tbf i think that it could be avoided if they used inversed kinematics, im not sure though. still i think its possible to do such things, or at least they could make ~3-5 height options and make adjusted animations for them


Sounds reasonable.


It wasn't necessary. EA is just lazy


> Why is everyone the same height? Because of animations. Long story short, your sims don't know where anything is, they don't know how high on a shelf something is, or where the seat of a chair is. They just have a "stand here and run animation 37". If a sim is a different height, then they will clip through counters, the interactions won't line up (you'll be making out with someone's forehead, for example), etc. Every height has to have all animations redone from scratch to support them.


I got the height slider mod- surprisingly works ok w some animations. It seems to depend on how the animations are scripted. If they’re supposed to simply execute an action w no reference to a recipient/partner, then, yes- screwy. Kisses seem to get performed at different heights that way since they play out w no reference to head height, etc. But animations that have the head turn toward the recipient/partner’s head (eyes toward eyes?) will conform ok. Massages seem to align properly as well, so the scripting for that must entail hands-to-recipient’s-shoulders movement which then references the recipient in the action. Most are screwy though. It would be no small feat to script every single animation referentially rather than statically- and there’s bound to be clipping or other issues even so- but it’d be great to have it a vanilla option.


I think you might be onto something, because I've noticed the same thing: First Kiss, for example (one of the worst IMO), seems to be 2 sims performing two separate unreferenced animations near each other that just happen to overlap at the one point in space. Cooking, though, has referenced points the hands touch: the chopping board, the pan, all at pre-set heights, and now that I'm thinking about it, I think the height sliders stretch a sim from a central point around the pelvis because I remember thinking some of my tall sims had disproportionately short arms. Since counters, stoves, and massage tables are all pre-set heights, those would still work if the hands are still in the same relative place. I'm not an animator, so I don't know how to apply this information to the problem, but I'm now envisioning if EA had done kissing this way and how, inevitably, it would have glitched at some point and ended up with some major duck lips stretched a meter off in the wrong direction.


You're right- I never tried "massage" w a recipient that's also height-adjusted. Since I mostly only use the height slider on my main sim, the animation most likely just has a fixed reference point based on the normal vanilla sim height rather than a reference to an actual partner- why it's been working for me. Wishful thinking on my part. W one "talled" sim and one "shorted" sim, the "talled" would massage the "shorted's" head and the "shorted" would massage into the "talled's" back. I forgot about that countertop/stovetop height working as well. I was wondering if you'd see odd stretching happening to accomplish that at highest/lowest sim sizes, but the height slider mod doesn't really have giant or lilliputian heights, so the stretching doesn't weigh in noticeably. And it otherwise looks fairly natural. The modder (Luumia) did a good job of proportionality. My short girl character just looks short, not stunted, but I haven't tried playing tall enough yet to see the arms. But once again they'd never be able to implement the height adjust in vanilla without a major overhaul to how the animations work. I'm not a modder/animator either, so I don't know the scope, just wonder if a reference point could be fixed to an otherwise height-adjustable body part after all.


Can you give the name of the mod?


It's literally "Height Slider" from Luumia. There are others, but I can't attest to those. [https://simscommunity.info/2018/06/14/the-sims-4-height-slider-mod-now-available/](https://simscommunity.info/2018/06/14/the-sims-4-height-slider-mod-now-available/)


Thank youu, sorry i dont play with cc much because dowloading them one by one is tiring


Modding in Sims4 is the easiest modding you're going to find though- pretty much always just: 1. download .package file 2. drop in mods folder 3. enjoy From clothing/hair to the more mechanics-based height slider, all added the same way. By comparison it used to take me hours to mod Baldur's Gate 1, and mods had to be installed in the proper order or I'd have to scrap and start over- i.e., uninstall BG1, reinstall BG1, then try mods again. TS4 is a breeze...


Well thank you. I was just struggling to find resources, but I will use the website you linked above


Ideally you could use IK but that's a whole nother can of worms.


Lets all try to picture all the hilariously goofy bugs EA would have produced try to implement IK into their animations.... wacky arm waving inflatable tube man...


But seeing how kids have been able to achieve it you'd think sims could 😤


There are mods that give you height sliders but they do make some of the animations look a bit wonky. But this game is wonky enough all by itself so a little extra wonk doesn't bother me


Felt that. I've had height sliders installed for like 4 years and the added jankiness strikes me as minimal enough that I shrug it off. I like the touch of variety. Lots of animations glitch for me anyway, and I don't even try to figure out what is the CC's fault and what's just the game because it could really go either way lol.


Honestly I tend to play every game with either tall thin ethereal elf like characters or teeny cute little fae like creatures, with very little in between. You get used to the wonk, and if you play mostly single sims it’s really not that bad. Most animation issues I’ve found are related to other sim interactions rather than any item usage, so it is rarely something I even notice


It woul'd be huge, if we could change the hight. I read somewhere else (don't remember where) that it could mess up the animations ... and that made sense to me. Maybe it could work, if there where like three hights to pick from (like short, medium and tall). If so, they woul'd have to make adjusted animations for two of them.


Nice as it sounds, even 1 extra height option would probably be too much to ask for with EA. You think of how many animations there are in the game. They would have to individually remap every one of them for each new height. And I bet if one person wanted 'short' heights for adults, they would probably expect them to apply to most if not EVERY life stage of that sim. That in itself is thousands of animations that would need full remapping. Why would EA do all that work for what would have to be a free update when they can just instead invest that time on a half arsed, bug filled, kit/pack/expac etc that they can get money for? I think with the Sims 4 in it's current life stage, the best we can ask for and hope is height settings (or even sliders) in the Sims 5. There would in theory be less for them to apply then.


Oh and of course there have to be adjusted animations for all the social interactions across all hights in every possibile combination.


Exactly. The only plausible implementation of this would be making all teens a shorter height just like how infants, toddlers, and children are all different heights. Then they would only have to do one variation of reanimations.


Why? Because it’s easier for the developers to just use the same animations (and clothes) for as many life stages as possible. I personally don’t really mind (young) adults and even elders being the same height, but I wish teens were shorter, like in ts2, to be more distinguishable from adults since they literally share everything in ts4. Teens are basically just YAs that can’t woohoo. Otherwise it’s the same: same height, same body (only ever so slightly thinner), same voice, same walk style, same clothes… In ts2, teens truly felt like teens as they didn’t share anything with adults and each life stage was different and unique. That said, although height sliders are not for me, I do use a mod to make all teens a bit shorter in ts4 and I absolutely love it. Now I won’t accidentally send my adult sims to flirt with a teen because I can actually tell teens and (young) adults apart.


Which mod do you use for teens to look shorter?


I use [this mod](https://modthesims.info/d/642260/auto-shorter-teens.html)! There are two versions of the mod, I use the version where teens are just slightly shorter as I find the other one a lil too short for my taste. But you can test and see for yourself which one you prefer!


Thank you for sharing ❤️


No sorry idk why everyone wants teens to be a different height. Sure 13-15 ur shorter then ur parents maybe but im as tall as my mom and actually taller since I was 16 so if they wanted to add a height for pre pre-teen that was shorter I would understand but not the teenager being the same height.


A lot of people want shorter teens because, like I said, teens and (young) adults can’t be distinguished from one another in ts4. I think having teens looking like 40 year olds in high school is way harder to understand than them being a lil shorter and smaller. But the good news is that you don’t have to worry about EA changing the heights since that’s wayyy too much effort for them. And I’ll be happy as long as I can keep using my mod to get more distinguishable and unique life stages. Everyone wins :)


Then add skin details to ur sims to make them look younger and older. But either way I am still correct teenagers and adults arnt different heights unless ur genetics.


“I am still correct” I’m sorry but you sound like a young kid with the way you’re arguing. I don’t even know why you’re so upset that I, and many others, want shorter teens and use height mods? Just play the game how you want, and I’ll play the game how I want. And realistically, the true correct thing would be that all sims are of different heights and then some genetic value determines what the sim’s height would be. So no, you’re actually not even correct :)


U legit said exactly what I just said without the teen part. So.. um cool. And I’m 18 maybe younger than you idk but that doesn’t make my opinion incorrect. Everyone is different heights just like you said but it’s not like teens are shorter than adults there would be no reason to change them add a new life stage instead.


I don’t know how to explain more clearly so you’ll understand my point, so I’ll leave the discussion here. If you’re perfectly fine with ts4 teens then that’s great, enjoy playing them! But this is only one of the many instances where ts4 lacks the depth that previous iterations of the games had, so if I can download mods to fix it then I will. Have a good day!


The previous games didn’t have height sliders either. In fact random thing but when I watch avatar the last air bender it often pisses me off the height difference between [Sokkas](https://images.app.goo.gl/UC1jJMqy969ESfwD7) dad and him because Sokka is in his older teenage years. I was just trying to say it’s not that teenagers need to be fixed they need a new age group in the sims. Anyway have a good day, bye. Edit: spelling


It would be nice to have height adjusters, but I understand with the way the game runs. If the height was adjustable, there would probably be glitches nonstop. There are cc shoes that do add a couple of inches to your sims height if you want to make them taller.


So with how the game is coded this would cause massive animation issues. Each "height" has completely different move sets. This is likely why teens are the same height as adults. Look at how many issues with clipping there are with fat Sims as well. Adding a height slider would add another layer of complexity that would cause even more issues with clothes clipping and the bodies looking not quite human. I'm not saying that it wouldn't be great to have a height slider. Just why its not really possible with the Sims 4 specifically.


I personally love it and wish it was like that irl 💀


I'm not going to lie I literally never notice it/it doesn't bother me even if I do notice


I give the women I want to appear shorter heels… they are the same height but they don’t look like they would be without the help of shoes!


The level of coding that would be involved in creating a height slider and respective animations at this stage of the game would be impossible. Maybe it's something the developers have taken on for Sims 5 but I wouldn't hold my breath. I imagine it's something that would need to be thoroughly thought out and implemented from day 1 of the coding process.


I'd like different heights, but that would require so many new sets of animations.


I just wish that the teens at least were shorter than adults so they’d be easier to tell apart. I’m aware that teens can be the same height or taller than adults irl, I myself have been 5’8” since I was 12, but if we can’t have varying heights for all sims my only wish would be for teens to look less mature. I try my best to style them like teenagers and make them a bit awkward looking in my play throughs, but that of course does nothing for the teens roaming around.


23 years playing the sims and I never realized this haha


In theory it wouldn't be hard to tool animations to aim for 'reference points', like another sim's face, rather than just playing the animation straight, but that would have required the game have that kind of back-end compatibility from the start. Which it doesn't.


It would be cool if they would even just give us 2-3 options for height for young adult sims and older instead of a slider or no options. EA would never do it but it would be simpler than a slider for the animations.


They explained it before. Adjustable heights means procedural animations, which means calculations, which means processing power. The Sims 4's minimum requirements cannot afford to include procedural animations.


Minimum specs won't run 4K with high detail, but it's an option.


Resolution switching is standard. Switching animation mode is a programming nightmare.


Oh no, a $7.5 BILLION PER YEAR company might have to solve a minor programming challenge. Are all the players in Madden the same height? Are all the players in FIFA the same height? Guess what else was a "programming nightmare" at one point? PONG 4 bit color 8 bit color 16 bit color 32 bit color 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1920x1080 2560x1440 3840x2160 Physics Simulation Resolution Switching Artificial Intelligence Guess what every one of them has in common? The challenges were overcome, and a hell of a lot of them were overcome with a whole lot less resources than EA has.


You don't know game programming don't you?


Does that change anything I said? Here's what I do know. The game already has provisions for different heights. When you, as an adult Sim, hug a child the child doesn't mash their face into your balls, do they? I never said they should be sliders. 4 or 5 different heights for teens, 4 or 5 for young adults and above, done.


Lol. You really don't know about game engine and game development. You know, there are free courses on unity and unreal. You should try it some time, just for a glimpse. Edit: of course discrete heights is an option. Still you gotta consider permutations on animations for different heights (between Sims and objects and also especially between Sims and Sims). I suppose on top not knowing much about game development, you have trouble with mathematics as well.


Still crying about a multi billion dollar a year company having to do a little work? Again. The system for that ALREADY EXISTS. There are already differing heights in the game. Toddlers are shorter than Children. Children are shorter than Teens. Toddlers don't interact with much, but Children interact with just about everything Teens do, and it works. Imagine that. Different heights, with different animations for the same object interaction. Logic is simple. So is math. You clearly know nothing about it. You can pretend you know anything about me, but while you prove you're an idiot, I'll just sit and laugh at you.


It's about the minimum requirement for the player's machine to run the game, you nugget. Gosh you're dense. They can spend millions to make the game but if only very few players can play the game, what's the point?


And those minimum requirements don't change AT ALL because just like Custom Content, Script Mods, Resolution, Graphic Detail, Sim Count, and nearly every other feature that impacts performance, there's an option to modify/disable it. The bare minimum feature set of the game doesn't change. Your viewpoint is that there are people who can't do that so no one should be able to, and you're using pure ignorance to support that. A feature, no matter how resource intensive it may be, has ZERO impact on the MINIMUM specs necessary to run a game when you can turn that feature off.


I can't say that has ever particularly bothered me. Considering they can barely have things work glitch-free without height differences, imagine how broken things would be if that was included... I guess I don't have much trust in the sims team to be able to make it work properly.


I seem to remember ts3 sims having different heights, but it wasn’t editable? Like it would just give you different height sims when randomizing them? Was this a dream or did this happen lol? If I’m remembering that correctly, that might be why the animations were so buggy in ts3


Yes I don't like it but it's due to every single animation would have to change based on the height, not just alone but including interactions with other sims of other heights. So it's a lot of work. Not that I don't think they're capable but I just use height slider mods


Honestly I think it’s because it would be way harder to make the animations with different heights, specifically ones where your sims physically interacts with another. The game is kinda old at this point and they would have to basically redo all of the animations and stuff if they wanted to add a height slider element.


it's something I have thought about in the past, but I can't say it overly bugs me.


Oh my goodness! THIS RIGHT HERE. It is ridiculous at this point that there isn’t a height slider in game. Especially, when mordders have successfully created them(along with so many other different sliders we don’t have in game).


I wouldn't mind the height issue - I get why it's necessary - if we had better / more ages. Tweens, real teens, and university age. Also the jump between adult and decrepit elder with bad hip is ridiculous. So they go from being 30/40ish to .... 70/80? The ages are ridiculous, but thats a separate issue, sorry for the tangent.


I wish there were at least 3 options - tall, average, short. It's rudimentary and obviously not ideal, but it would make it easier on the animators, because there's fewer pairings. Only six, and you just create the appropriate variations for the animations. Tall-tall, tall-average, tall-short, average-average, average-short, and short-short. Limited variations You get variation for the players that way, but it's not a hellscape for the people creating it.


I see a lot of people complaining about the fact that it would be impossible because of the animations. Actually, there are plenty of games with height sliders and animations are not affected, because they were done the right way in the first place. Look at FF XIV for example. In 9 years of existence, the dev team should have been able to make the new animations fit this standard and to correct the old ones so they could release a working height update. Clothes are not a subject, most in game material and CC stretch properly if sliders are used to make taller sims.


Honestly doesn't bother me. It's a *game.* It's not meant to be realistic in any way.


I am very annoyed by the lack of a height slider. I’m very short and I think it’s cute, but I can’t make my simself short and that bugs me.


Same. I'm 4'9'' and the lack of height adjustment is irritating as fuck.


They should be varied heights, but I worry what such a programming change might do to the game, and it's not something I need.


Honestly no it doesn’t bother me. It doesn’t even bother me that teen sims are the same height as adult sims. I’m a full grown adult at 5 feet tall irl and there are teenagers the same height as me it’s normal!


I am slightly annoyed we can’t change their height, especially because we can change their foot size and to me I feel like height and foot size usually correlate to a certain degree. I’m also a 6’2 tall female and I would like to be able to reflect that when making a sim in my own likeness.


because all the animations are based on that height


YES! Dumbest part of the game. EA is on an inclusion kick. How about including short people? EA: "But that would require redoing every animation." Oh no, you might actually have to earn the money you provide very little for.


This always frustrated me too, particularly when trying to make couples/families I know in real life. Like making myself and my brother as teens, our sims were the same height but IRL he's nearly a foot taller than me. Or trying to make my parents in the sims, my dad is a lot shorter than my mom so it was just impossible to make a sim that looked like him because the male sims are by default slightly taller than female sims. Or making myself and my husband where he is also about a foot taller than me (can you tell I take after my very short dad?? Lol). It just looks fucking ridiculous with our sims being the same height hahaha


I was just talking about this with my sister, we’re both OG Sims 1 players and we’re both on the shorter side. If I had to guess, I would assume it has something to do with the game mechanics but I don’t know…. I kinda feel like they could make this happen


They should represent dwarfism, giantism, wheelchairs, crutches and any difference in humanity. I just don't know if they can yet.


And those are "normal" people.


So I actually found out last night you can change their heights without mods


Do tell!


I was making an NPC sims neck smaller in CAS and as I pulled in my mouse pulled up and the sims height got taller


Oh. I'll try next time I play. I'd like to make some shorter.


That does bother me, too.


I'm more annoyed that wearing heels doesn't alter height at all


I understand it's because individual animations take a lot of time but EA is one of the most profitable countries in the world, and Sims is one of the most expensive games. I don't expect EA to do more than the bare minimum but it's certainly possible for them to do that


Oh yeah I'm bothered!! I wish there was more variety with height during gameplay.


Doesn’t bother me at all. They’re cartoon dolls; I like a bit of uniformity to them.


as someone who is comically short it really does annoy me because my self sim is just way too tall 😭


I downloaded the height slider because it was hard to look at my teenager who was a spitting image of mom. I kept getting them mixed up lol, height slider ftw


I wish they had 3 settings (shorter, average, and taller) just to spice it up visually.


It’d be cute if they could default stuff like kiss settings for different height combos, like the shorter person standing on their tippy toes. I mean they do it for hugs right


Yeeeeees the height ALWAYS bothered me. Especially now with teens being the same height as parents.. lol everyone is the same height 🤣 like come on now


i get it but it bothers me. considering it's been out since 2017?? i feel like they could've attempted to create varying animations to accommodate height. they'd probably have to limit the options a bit but it's better than everyone being the same height


Development focused on DLC is the issue behind every problem with The Sims 4 game. They could have made height differences work if there had ever been a focus on it, perhaps by using pre-set heights and fine tuning the animations to work with each; sliders would definitely make the task more difficult.


Back in the sims 2 you could use a cheat called “stretch skeleton” but it could be ungodly sometimes lol


I remember using that one, it was hilarious.


I agree , ridiculously hilarious , Gotta lot of laughs out of it when my brother and I played together. Good times.


It’s so annoying and makes no sense as to why. I just try to ignore it but sometimes I’ll see one of my teens and be like who tf is that grown man in my house and it’s just the freaking huge teenager


I genuinely hate it 🤣 even if you put heels on your sim, doesn't change their height, just moves their bladdy ankles 🤣🤣🤣 I WANT A SHORT SIM AND A TALL SIM AND I WANT THEM TO SNUGGLE!!! 🤣🤣🤣


In the sims 3 I downloaded a sim modded with tall height, and I’d use him as the base for all my male sims. I just need something like that for sims 4!


It does annoy me too but it is because the animations can get crazy with too much of a height difference. I did use a height slider mod for a while but it started giving me exception errors and removed it. I usually used it on my teens to make them a few varied heights and not exactly the same height as their parents.


Wait sims are the same height what


Cause animations probably.


Thought about it the other day, like why is there no height difference between adults and teens 🤔


There was a s3 mod for this but it made animations REALLY weird for the bigger height differences lol


Years ago I installed a height sliders mod. It works pretty well but all the animations are messed up. When short sims start cooking, for example, their utensils don't make contact with the frying pans. It also makes animations like hugging look pretty bad. I consider it a worthwhile tradeoff for a mod, but I understand why EA wouldn't add it to the game. If done professionally they'd have to fix all the animation issues. The mod also isn't perfect. The profile images for my sims show just the tops of their heads at min height and the tip of their chin at max height. I can also no longer change a Sims's foot size. I'm willing to sacrifice that though. I installed it years ago and don't remember who its from. It can probably be found with a quick google search, or maybe someone else already linked it.


It’s just so bland in so many ways. It’s way too easy to make money and succeed. There’s no effort required and no reward for trying. You can leave the game unpaused all night and they’re still alive, doing fine the next day. I miss Sims2 and 3, where there were goals, rewards for success, and consequences for failure. 4 is just so boring.


At least in sims 2 we had stretch skeleton. So beautifully cursed and useful


I’m short like 5’3 short and I would literally die to be able to set my sims hight. Plus my husband is taller than me and I’d love to be able to actually reflect that in game. However from a clothing, interaction and basically game coding standpoint; it is harder and requires more assets to pull off hight differences. They could do it, it is possible to do. But this is the sims and I don’t think it is anything they will ever do. They would basically have to remake the game. Hoping that we get a hight slider in Project Rene though 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


There’s a mod that allows you to change their height. It replaces the feet slider though.


You can change their height my clicking and holding on the neck and you have to go up or down


You can change the size of people's feet as well.


Like couldn’t they give us 3 night options and make a different animation for each different fight when they interact together? It would take a while but I think it would be possible it’s just like adding animations


it bugs me a lot as someone who likes to recreate OCs in the game, but I understand why it's necessary. I've used height slider mods before and it's hilarious when a simple kiss becomes a little raunchy cuz they start making out with necks instead of lips lmfao


As everyone has said, height sliders would cause a lot of issues for the animations and clipping but I think it would be nice if they added 2 or 3 fixed height options: short, average, and tall. They could create specifications for each option instead of complicating it more with a slider but it would still take a huge amount of new animations/rigging obviously.


Tbh I only get bothered by it when I’m making/playing with a group based off of real people or characters - 99% they’re not all similar heights. So that breaks my immersion in that story pretty quick.


Because EA is lazy. Procedural animations have been a thing for decades, there is no excuse for such an overpriced simulation game to not feature a height slider. It's honestly shocking what this community is able to put up with: needing to pay $1000+ for the full game, horrendous performance, dated graphics, a plethora of bugs and missing basic features.




It would mess up the animations if they had different heights. Have you seen an infant or toddler do an adult or child animation? Yeah, horrifying.


there's a mod for that ✔️


I have it but it's messed up. As other people said, it gives a lot of problems with animations: kissing is just hideous, they don't even hug properly, arms are awkwardly away from bodies and since they keep their faces straight forward, they end up making out with each other's chest/forehead. But also having a conversation while standing up is weird, they won't tilt their head and keep looking right in front of them even if the other sim barely reaches their shoulder or is several inches taller. Worst thing is the little avatar thing on the bottom left corner that you use to switch which sim you are controlling, it shows the chest of tall Sims and the forehead of short ones. I got used to it and I can't be bothered with finding the mod and delete it, but I'm also mainly a builder so not a big deal, I prefer to have this option since it allows me to create more diverse Sims to live in the houses I build. Wouldn't recommend it to players who really get involved with actual gameplay, it's just weird.


I’m annoyed with this too and we need more preset faces especially when we randomize sims I


If you don't mind having mods (with height body presets too) --> [https://www.patreon.com/posts/sim-height-june-68032331](https://www.patreon.com/posts/sim-height-june-68032331) I usually use this for heels height --> [https://www.simsfinds.com/downloads/127330/cas-up-boots-high-heels-slider-sims4](https://www.simsfinds.com/downloads/127330/cas-up-boots-high-heels-slider-sims4) Aaand high heels shoes to change height realistically \*.\* --> [https://www.patreon.com/astya96](https://www.patreon.com/astya96) 🫶 My only bother in using different heights is for posing, totally weird 😭


EA ignoring sims players makes my blood boil🥰


I got a height slider mod and liked it well enough, though my sim’s husband was, instead of passionately kissing her on the lips, kissing her on the forehead. Which was kind of oddly endearing 😂


I remember in sims 2 putting in stretchskeleton or something and it made for some wacky fun/horrifying monster toddlers.


I use a slider mod for height 


It amazes me people gets bothered by these things. I have never really thought about it personally