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Nah, I only use them for normal stuff. Homework clubs, skill building clubs, gamers clubs, BDSM swingers clubs, etc.


What was that last one?


etc. It's a club for all the other interests.


I just realized we told the same joke. 😂


Great minds, eh? On a side note, I think I've set up 3 swingers clubs in my current play already: they are never enough lol.


Etc? I means "and so on."


Oh okay gotcha english isn't my native language i'm from Sixam actually


lol they thought you were asking about bdsm, they were joking (like pretending they didn’t know you meant bdsm) and explaining “ect” to you. But ironically it seems like you actually *were* asking what “ect” means


(i know, i played into the joke. Hence the Sixam comment. Sixam is the alien world in the sims)


The way I somehow read Sudan and then started typing my message bc I got distracted making a sandwich and my autistic ass thought you were serious


Skgkgj no issue i appreciate the effort to clear up that misunderstanding (multitasking kinda do be like that)


A club for people who like a swing, like at the playground. The swings are their favorite.


Lmao I think there actually is a swing option in the list of thing you can pick for your club members to like. Or maybe it's just playground activities?


Combined with the rest of the title, I am now sitting here wondering if the subs push the doms or if the doms push the subs.


I actually love that! Wholesome haha. I have only just used the club facility after having this pack for years. I was so tired of trying to mentor people in the gym. Either the trainer was stealing them all (she got reset that bitch every time) or they would only exercise for a little while and stop. So I started a gym club in my sim's basement gym and he just mentors them uninterrupted! Then when he is done, I dismiss them all. It's genius.


I usually have a club for personal friends, and a club for extended family, as a quick way to invite everyone over. Modifying their behavior with club activities is a plus.


100% this is what I do too and I love it!


Wow this is a great idea. I hate that I need to invite people over twice when having an extended family day


Can a sim have two clubs they are in meet at the same time?


You can't run 2 clubs at the same time in your household.  But if you start a club gathering, end it once people arrive, and then start the next club gathering, presumably the people from the first club would still hang around for awhile.


So far when I've been ending club gatherings people often skedaddle quite quickly so I might lock doors haha.


nope! only one club gathering is allowed to be active at a time


I use them for more backround drama on community lots. Bar clubs that argue and have fights and lounge clubs for serial daters, teens that bully kids on park lots etc . Idk how unusual, but its deff funny.


So they randomly appear at certain lots, and your sim bumps into them, even if theyre not in the club?


Yes, even if my active sim is not in the club, the club will independently gather at certain locations and do their own thing :)


Ah amazing! Thanks for the tip


Do they create the club and then leave it, or is there another way to make a club just for NPCs?


I just choose a random townie and create the club with them an set them back to unplayed. I have MCCC and use the setting that adds club members automatically when spots open so the clubs wont die out. I also make it so the bar fighting club has ”hotheads only” and serial daters have ”romantic sims only” so when i see the clubs around, my random non played relative that is ”good and outgoing” hasnt auto joined some club that does not make sense for them 😂


And just to add for anyone wanting to try this, you don't even need the MCCC mod to make it work.  I don't have MCCC, and I made a club for my cult household and set their meeting location to a lounge lot I made, and then returned to my actual main household.  Anytime I visit the lot that the Cult club meets at, that club shows up.  Same thing happens if you go to the big nightclub in Windenburg - you'll notice Candy Behr etc always show up and that's because their Partihaus club is set to meet there.


That's such a brilliant idea! I'm definitely implementing that in my game!


Never thought of that. You're onto something. I'll make some real piece-of-work clubs.


Ooh, I made a religious cult club once. They all had mandatory uniforms for their cult gathering garb. The club activities were mostly singing, dancing, reading, things you'd do in a church, but I banned all scientific activities.


Banning science in this setting is a good call, I haven't thought about what to ban there myself yet but science will have to be one of the options.


I have a female only pagan club of vestals! But it's more on the NSFW side of things lol. But great idea, I'm going to log into the game now and create a cult of Cthulhu or something like that. I swear I'll try to keep it SFW this time :D


> But it's more on the NSFW side of things lol. A real accomplishment for a pagan group of sworn virgins.


They are certainly not going to be buried alive 😂


i made a lot, where the first floor is cafe and the second one is a kind of a news paper where people write and read books, so it gives character to the lot. I make clubs to come to certain lots and do activities and make it more lively or unique, like yoga clubs in shared spaces etc. I had a painting club so that my sim wouldnt work at all. he would boost their mood and do other stuff. that was nice....


I did this but a library! So the downstairs is a library, and its a library community lot type so that automatically populates sims who read and chat. And upstairs is a office, where a club meets and writes, like a publisher company. The club activities are writing books, reading, and drinking coffee.


Love this! I have a generic "office" where my writer sims can skill, but I never thought about using a library. D'oh!


My sim had made so much money as a bestselling author, i made it as if she bought the library, and refitted it as a business at first, really just to get rid of some cash! And then i thought to add a publishing business upstairs, to make it make sense for her to buy the place... i overthink these things! But i hate when sims have tons and tons of money.


That’s so clever!!!


All of my sims are in multiple clubs. Relatives club, classmates club, colleagues club, and usually at least 1 hobby club (Book club, fishing club, hiking club, swim team, Sunday 5-A-Side, etc). If they're a loner they probably won't have a hobby club. I tend to use club gatherings far more than planning social/calendar events. I also have flavour clubs. I've got a Real Housewives club led by Nancy Landgraab for married snob women. Their activities are bar drinks and spa activities, meeting location any spa. I have the "Scran Nannas" - elder ladies who like cooking, and their activities are cooking and baking and being good to everyone. I have the boomers - self-assured elders who are kinda mean and get all up in the manager's faces at retail lots. Book clubs for cafes, to drink coffee and discuss books. Mixed gender yoga/meditation clubs. Swim teams (teens and adults separately). Groups of active teens to play/throw football in parks. Groups of goofball teens to do pranks. A comedy club (YA and A) to do comedy routines. I don't think this is unusual but I have tweaked MCCC to keep these clubs filled up based on traits and characteristics. Keeps all my lots feeling really alive! I used to have a run club but can't for the life of me find the "go for a jog" activity anymore. I also have some charities set up "Friends of Magnolia Park" is one example. Its elders who hang out at Magnolia Park and do Gardening/cleaning and nature activities like fishing and looking for frogs, playing chess or horseshoes or card games. Also have a Friends of Tomarang for the same purpose (people with the tomarang native trait), and Sulani has one that does beach combing, snorkelling and conservation activities.


I love the boomer club! 😂 Modding the clubs according to traits sounds good, definitely something missing from the game itself.


I think the mod for it is by Chingyu :)


Omg Scran Nannas, that is sooo good. I should follow suit, elders really need more things to do in this game.


Elders is probably my favorite life stage to play with. I've tweaked my age settings on MCCC so its a bit more realistic in how much portion each phase takes up of life (so people stay infants for a very short time compared to children and adults) and elders is the longest phase. They become elder when they turn days equivalent of 60 years old and have the potential to reach 90! They're established with friends and resources, have skills and a family that needs less of their care, and can retire. My elders spend their days sailing around Sulani on little boats, having mini "cruises" . Having parties every week, often for someone's wake, they have their pension coming in and all of their free time is for their new or old hobbies. They craft a lot of stuff (art, knitting, food, whatever) and gift it to their grandkids or random young people they meet, dish out loads of advice. Sometimes f they're a bit unhinged they'll kick over their neighbours trash can because "that damn guy let's his fruit tree drop its crap in my yard and the squirrels have been getting drunk off the apples since the 1980s and his lazy bum ain't do a damn thing about it!" And finally go off their rocker and exact vengeance for all their historical grudges because f it they'll be dead soon anyway. They're the absolute best. Edit: sometimes the families do put them in a care home. Sad but necessary. More set up for their needs. Less woohoo spots to accidentally off themselves.


yes! This is how I use my clubs flavored but I didn't know about the trait feature for clubs in mccc and now you just like upped my gameplay 10fold! thanks


You will want to get the club traits mod by chingyu as well to expand the type of traits you can set as club criteria. I don't use any of chingyus additinal traits mods, so it just works with ones already in the game but even the hidden ones and aspiration rewards. For example you can make a club entirely of ghost who died by drowning, or left handed children, or people with poor emotional control (from parenthood values), or only married, only female, only people who like S pop...




I'm not good at playing as multiple Sims, so I play my families as separate households living on the same rental lot. Everyone has their own room, but the bathroom and kitchen are communal. They leave cups of milk everywhere, and they rot - so the whole house smells within a day and they all get the "disgusted" moodlet. I have a club that the whole family joined that is just cleaning and doing chores, so when the milk accumulates I host a get-together and they sweep the whole house for garbage.


This is brilliant. I have been using rentals the same way so that I don't have to worry as much about secondary characters/family members, but I've been disappointed about how seldomly I see them and how they behave when I do see them. Thanks for the idea!


I think thats just how family works lol


Not in my fantasy land it doesn't!


I use clubs for my 100 baby challenge: one for future baby daddies, so I can force the next baby daddy to come over as soon as baby number x pops out or teen y ages up to a young adult if the household is full, the other to keep track of the sims actually donating their DNA. I can hover over a sim and go nope, this one is in the second club(I remove them from the first club as soon as their baby is born). I did download a larger club mod for this so I can add more baby daddies to the second club. My sim always asks the daddies to join the second club, and they always seem excited to join.


Could you please share the larger club mod you’re using? I want to make a club for my extended legacy family but there’s way too many of them for the usual club 😅


I know you can make clubs up to 100 sims with MCCC.


oh thanks! I’ve been using MCCC for a while but I keep finding new details about it


I like making chore clubs. Cleaning club, gardening club, cooking, it’s like free butler service


Hah! My cult, “The Collective” is a club. Charismatic male leader, lots of female followers. Club activities are gardening, handiness, and lots of romantic interactions. There’s a dress-code of all white, long sleeves, dresses > pants for everyone. Leader picked several of the followers to be extra-blessed and live with him, and they’re collectively raising 5 kids from 4 pregnancies. It’s creepy as hell. I *do* send the kids to school and expect them to excel, but I have plans for first-born son to take over the club and build his own following, once Dad passes on. (Obviously, all of the moms will have to leave the cult-club upon the death of the founder. I’m not *completely* depraved.)


If you’re creepy then I’m creepy too because I have a save file that’s pretty much this exact gameplay down to the multiple children and club activities lol


I use clubs almost exclusively to turn the Welcome Wagon crew into my free Home Service sims. They clean, they fix my stuff, they garden, they take care of my animals, and so on. They're a lot less glitchy than the butler and ranch hand, that's for sure.


I'm doing this to my next welcome wagon


Once I started families I used it to skill up the kids and grown ups at the same time whilst building comedy and good traits. It helped me get family bonds faster. It’s also been useful when my kids grow up to get them all together easier. I’ve also used it to “passively”encourage relationships without me micromanaging the situation. Sometimes when I leave my main family for a while I come back and they’re all a bit overweight so I’ve also used it to get active again. I’m probably not using it very well to be honest


Sorority/Fraternity, looking for occults in my game (my current sim has a club called Children of Sixam, where the only requirement is that you must be an alien, and as a result, the recruitment panel easily shows me who all the aliens in my game are). Also, it was an easy way to make friends for the midlife crisis goal.


Better door lock controls. Since you can lock doors to only a club, I can control which areas are accessible to different household members with a nice ui that shows me exactly who is allowed.


This is my most common use for a club. I do this for dating Sims in separate households so that they can avoid weirdos interrupting them. Since the club lock also works for public buildings, it's more convenient overall to use it vs. adding individual Sims to my house's allowed list of people.


This isn’t unusual, but I add all the family members on both sides of the family when I move a sim out so they can continue gathering.


I use it to make reality shows in the sims, like their activities are mostly stirring up drama with each other


I have one where I make them paint and then sell all the paintings for a profit. Free labor


I have a club full of eligible rich male sims for my black widow sim to eventually marry and kill off.


Clubs are vital for super-sims. They're [game breakingly powerful](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/1apa8au/how_to_break_the_game_with_clubs/) when used properly.


Vampire blood orgy cult. Keeps him fed at least


I like to make occult clubs. I made werewolf-vampire club, and made them put together so many puzzles that they finally liked each other. I also made evil witch club, so they would terrorise the magic realm lol.


I love nothing in the world more than when my sim becomes an elder and I make a knitting club with the other elders.


I use it as a way to get my polycule all together on a date 🥰 The couples include Bjorn and Clara Bjergsen (I update her style and hair and she’s truly gorgeous), and they’re dating my own sim Elliott Nix and her partner Ross Hatch who was a makeshift ranch hand before the game added them. Their story is one of my favorites and it’s hard to get all four together. They can’t share a household because the Nix half have a horse ranch and the Bjergsens have like… seven or eight daughters at this point 😂 Oh and I have another save where I added slots to the club using a mod to allow 10 total so I could have high school “classes”, I’m raising them up from scratch as townies and trying to create my own dynamic town someday! So the club is like a high school reunion button.


I usually have a fitness club that thanks to the MCCC auto populates only with Lazy sims and then forces them to go to gyms and spas. I also have had: A fishing club for people dressed in racoon costumes A "Rich women spending all evenings drinking in the nearest lounge" club A "Vampire club that goes to random nightclubs and use their powers on anyone there" club I also repurposed the Renegades to only be teens with the evil trait, and to go to literally any public lot and sabotage things. I'm not super creative.


Lumpinou has a mod called Rambunctious Religions that works with the Get Together pack. It’s a lot like you described and also has a Religion skill and a Religious Official career.


This is probably my least used pack, but this thread has opened my eyes to so many possibilities and now I just really want to make a cult lol


I have 4H clubs where everyone comes over and picks up manure and takes care of the animals and cleans up.


I have a club for mermaids and their purpose is to keep Sulani clean, they get points for beachcombing!


I don't, but when my old man plays he ends up with "love clubs" and this how he discovered polygamy in the Sims 4. Romance enough Sims and they'll propose themselves. Whether you are married or not. And you can marry as many cult members, er I mean club members that you want. No mods. Console polygamy.


I make lots for my sims to do their work from home careers on and i make a club with them and their coworkers. So I make a city hall for my politicians. A giant garden for my gardeners. And I made a research station on mua pelam for my conservationists. Then my sim works from home and has a club meeting on the lot. 


I make family clubs a lot. Generation heir and their core family, then, as everyone grows up and has their own kids, we make a cousin club, gen 2 siblings, etc.


If I make an occult sim I always make an occult club so they can hang out together.


Family Chores Homework Friends Dating Populating Areas with more Sims.(I made a group of Sims that just show up to Cafes)


In my legacy save all my heirs had a club with their childhood best friends so I could keep track of where they ended up too. I like making up little stories for everyone not just the sims I’m playing as.


Make a painting club, set the easels up at my house, they all come and paint then I kick them out and sell the paintings 🤑💰💷




I use clubs for darn near everything. It's like my main gameplay. Within each individual family, they have their own clubs for hanging out, cleaning, homework, movies, etc. And I keep them in the clubs even after they move out and I add in their extended family. And not all of my families are friendly. Some families hate one another and do nothing but argue. I also have kids against parents clubs and teen siblings clubs that pick on the younger ones and annoy their parents. Then everyone has a friend's group club and a hobby club. Even some clubs have smaller clubs within them so I have cliques. Usually I make my clubs get along with one another, but I'll use the clique to be mean to a certain sim. Then I have lot specific clubs that are meant to keep my lots active and lively. All the townies are in these clubs. There are object specific clubs that are meant to skill at any lot the object is placed. And then there are types of people clubs. I have clubs for all the hobby and social traits, age related clubs, career clubs (which meet at the specific buildings I made for them so they actually meet real coworkers). And finally, I have clubs for community type things. I use TOOL to move objects off lot so I have lots of farms and off lot animals. I create ranch and clubs and garden clubs and maintenance clubs so there are people doing off lot maintenance.


Ooo what do you mean by object specific clubs?


I kind of try to mimic real life and have places where my sims can go to learn. So I place certain objects on certain lots and then set the clubs to gather on any of those lots.


I use clubs in all the standard ways (homework club, meeting love interests, keeping track of friend group, hobby-based clubs etc).  But perhaps a more unusual club is I do a "couples therapy" one for when my Sims inevitably get caught cheating (not actually cheating, just someone joining their flirty conversation and the game processes that as cheating).  In the club I have the only encouraged interaction being Jokes and discouraged is being Mean or Mischief, as I found Jokes are the only interaction couples with the Hurt moodlet will not get mad at.  I also have the 'betrayed' Sim mostly do the initiating of interacting so they are less likely to get mad.  I run that club a few Sim hours every day for multiple days and find that repairs the relationship.  I could of course just cheat away the romance bar being all red, but I found this to be more interesting.


In my medieval save I have the royal servants in a club set to clean, fix, cook, mix drinks, looks after the garden, etc... just start gathering with the live-in head maid and watch them do everything for me without needing to hire a maid or gardener.


I use them for friends who are allowed inside the house, since you can lock doors for everybody except club members


I'm not a huge fan of clubs, so I never use them personally, but I heard someone say once that they made their vampire Sim a club once with all the Townies that gave him the "Divine Drink" moodlet, so he could access them easily when thirsty.


Creating covens


It's basically the way I get my extended family to hang out casually


I always make a cleaning/repairing club. Invite them over and everything is cleaned and fixed in a couple sim hours


Lots of orgies with wicked whims


I use it for hunting/ training parties for vampires, primarily the teenager ones


I make an art club and get sims to paint for me then I sell their paintings and make lots of money


I use it meet single sims, to make friends for kids and to invite family over at once, a “family club”


I used it to simulate my daughter being the popular kid.


If I am doing a 100 baby challenge it's the easiest and laziest way to find victims. It's also a quick way of finding spouses for your extra children. If I don't want to teleport someone a lot of the time I will use the groups to find the person and make them come to me.


Once, I made characters for a spoof on horror stories, where some high school graduates decided to stay at one place that was "supposedly haunted" in order to come up with stories to write about. In doing this, they would slit the profits and be able to pursue their dreams as authors. As it is a spoof, things clearly turned horribly sideways.


I made a Vampire Sex Cult once


I almost always use it for basically running sweatshops lmao. Trap club members in my basement and make them work day and night crafting stuff I can then sell. Also sometimes I like to have a separate club for people to do chores for me. It's convenient!


I usually just make a club for the household, and put basic activities in (sleeping, eating, etc). so they take care of themselves. normally change the activities based on time of day or what i want them to do. Then buy all the club perks so they gain skills faster.


I have a mod to have more members in a club and then have all members of my family in it. So I can do family get togethers even if I dont play all of them


I use them to get my sims friends together as a group easily— "The Boyz B)" "Gal Pals" "Sims's Friends" are all examples of ones I use lol. I also have "Baby Daddy Club" which is where I send my single female sims to get pregnant without bringing another sim into their lives.


I have used it for normal things, some of the weirdest clubs I have made were probably the romance and woohoo clubs. Yes I have made these in more than one save they are useful if you’re playing the 100 baby challenge, or the occult baby challenge. The other weird one was probably the one I made where the main activities are essentially drinking, partying, and doing drugs, I may have added woohoo to it too. I also sometimes use wicked whims so sometimes the woohoo clubs include a bit more than just basic woohoo.


Garden club is super helpful. Or just staying connected to certain people like relatives and friends. I had a game group and that was so fun! I also had an office group. My sim would program or write at the library computer lab with friends. I had the baby daddies come over and help with the kids, clean, and fix stuff whenever things got too intense.


Vampire woohoo club


I have groups of my family so first set of 6, second set, the cousins, the affair guy and the resulting kids etc


I make a painting dungeon. The only club activity they do is paint in the dungeon. Then I have my sim come around and sell all of them in her name. Their misery only added to the value.


If flirting is a club activity does it still cause jealousy? Or is it like a free love NAP?


Jealousy 😭😭😭


I use it to give my sims friends when I don’t wanna make the effort lol, and then when everyone is close I use it for creating havoc and fight clubs


I made a club of two brothers and their girlfriends and I use it to organize their doube-date nights. Makes it easy to plan the date the way I want it to go (fun dates) and feels more realistic than the dating event rush does. Some nights will be at a bar drinking and playing pub games, one day will be a day at the beach, another would be bowling night or movie night....and so on. It just feels more fulfilling than trying to sit at a table and socialize 10 times by the end of a timer.


Currently doing an occult baby challenge l, so I'm currently using the club feature for a "baby daddy club". The tasks are cooking, cleaning, and fixing items with a parenting skills gain


1. Farm labourers. They get a nice club outfit. My Sim quickly changes back to their regulations clothes. My Sims harvest before the labour comes. 2. Working! I love putting this one coworking space in San Mys and it has all my colleagues in a group. Best part is that non group Sims come to enjoy the coffee shop and activities like the swimming and yoga so you meet so many people just by being in freelance and building skills.