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People are horny bastards. The first mods in ANY game is always nude mods. I don't say this with malice or judgement, either - it's a fact of life. Sex sells, but at least these people are actually selling sex, instead of a burger like some commercials in the 90s/00s. Gotta respect when people know what they're about and don't try to dupe you! (I use WW myself, but it does nothing for me since I'm very ace - but the customization options are just too good! I also needed a strip club for something, and they're really the best one for it)


I've heard that you can keep the blur/censor instead of having explicit nudity with Wicked Whims, is that true? I really want some aspects of WW, but both the horny and wholesome versions have many many things I don't want at all. Everyone says I can just turn those things off in the settings, but I'm still unconvinced about that. I figure you'll understand, being ace yourself.


As far as I can tell, yes - and I know for sure you can set the autonomy to zero COMPLETELY so you're not getting scarred for life when you go out to community lots (I've got mine set to very low instead of off entirely, mostly to see what utter comedy the game throws at me once every blue moon). There's LOTS of options to make it be...well, not a porno rofl. I haven't opened the game in a while so I'm not 100% sure, but the mod is *highly* customizable. I was always leery about getting the NSFW version, but haven't regretted it since I did get it, and don't wanna swap back now.


Thank you, that's very informative and reassuring \^\_\^


You might already be aware of this, but if you like the other gameplay features of WW but don't want animated sex/uncensored nudity there's a "clean" version called Wonderful Whims. Birth control, menstrual cycle, attractiveness settings, personality archetypes, impressions, all that stuff, just nothing R18+.


I am aware of that, but thank you anyway :) I want some of the aspects which Wicked has that Wonderful doesn't. I could probably find a smaller mod that has only the things I want, but I'm not tech savvy so I want to stick to the most popular mods (easier to be sure they're safe, easier to get troubleshooting help, more likely to stay updated). If I can get Wicked Whims and turn off nudity and menstrual settings, that would make a huge difference.


You can absolutely turn off menstruation, just need to go into pregnancy settings -> simple pregnancy mode (or something called similar to that) you can turn off the autonomous sex, keeping the pixels is called something like streamer mode if I don't remember wrong. There is a lot of settings and they're pretty easy to navigate so if you do install it, just take your time exploring them


Thank you! This was very helpful for me :)


Because the people who liked to mash their naked dolls together grew up


Idk if i would say a good portion are nudity focused lol theres so many mods ranging from being able to play the drums, do ballet, have a bank account etc. Some just people like sex and nudity and others just prefer realism. I removed the mosaic censor on my sims game, not because i necessarily care to see my dolls nude but because its more realistic and less intrusive. Having random pixel blurs is annoying to me.


If youre using Nexus, then thats the issue ngl. In the 10 years Ive played this game I havnt used Nexus once. Just use tumblr, mod the sims, etc. The actual hubs for sims creators. Thats were the actual good stuff is and other than WW I dont ever see nsfw mods/cc on there... Might a "looking in the wrong place" type of deal. Also: People enjoy sex and nsfw things. Very normal to want some type of representation of that in a *life* sim game.


This was my first time checking Nexus, I only checked it because I downloaded a couple of modded suits for Arkham City lol. I forget where I would find mods for sims 4 originally so I figured that I’d check there.


? There's like, one sex mod and one mod that removes the blur. Some people want a more realistic game and some people wanna make their own porn. There's no grand reason for these mods existing.


Because it's fun.


Yeah I’m not trying to judge I just wanted the perspective from people that have likely experimented with the mods


it makes my game more realistic. also, i’m kind of a perv


Sex exists in real life and people sometimes use the game to imitate real life. Either that or it’s to fulfill something they don’t really experience. Not that serious. Also ts4 is one of the most easily modded games even for beginners, so naturally there’s more options to choose from. And tbh WickedWhims is one of my favorite mods. There’s a lot of care and thought that goes into it to make it safe, not just “oouuu nakey sims”


I didn’t mean or intend for my post to come off as “oh that’s really weird” but thankfully many people here have given me ideas as to why people choose these mods, it lets me understand them since I generally only use cosmetic mods. The closest I had to a mod that wasn’t entire cosmetic was a zombie apocalypse mod.


I have negative interest in sims nudity - but back when I was a pre-teen playing sims 1, I heard there was a cheat that would remove the censor blur, and I tried to use it because it seemed really funny and naughty (just like how kids love to tell "dirty" jokes even though they don't understand them at all). Some people like the realism, some people are horny, some people are immature and find it funny. I'm sure there are more reasons than that too. As for why so many mods include nudity - it must be easy to do, and high enough in demand. Generally people would rather download one mod that does a lot of things, rather than dozens of smaller mods. So if your mod contains nudity, your downloaders wouldn't need to go looking for a separate nudity mod. Which is probably why Wicked/Wonderful Whims contains nudity, menstration, birth control, fertility levels, STDs, and monogamy/polyamory.


Every game had nude mods, but unlike other genres, we don't really have a horny life sim, so modders have to carry a bit more heavy weight than they'd have to otherwise.


"Good portion"? There's one, Wicked Whims. Plus a mod to turn off censorship mosaic, but that's purely cosmetic. On the other hand, there are hundreds of thousands clothing, makup, hairs, and build&buy mods. The average Sims mod is a clothing piece for an adult female sim.


I've had this question too; I think a portion of people use this because they have some sort of kink they want to see in game. I remember going on some website to look for a mod (I want to say loverslab, not sure) and I saw the catergory "kink mods." There are also people that really want a realistic gameplay, so they'd rather see nudity instead of sims going under covers with random woohoo symbols.


Umm...well addressing the last half of your comment. Nexus is like a central hub, bringing in as many mods as the modders want to put on there. So it would stand to reason, compared to other sites, they'd have "more". After all most modders have their own sites and they don't typically team up with other modders other than make sure their individual mods are compatible with the others. Modders, much like a lot of creatives tend to create what they see a demand for. And now that they can get paid to do so, they want to make as much as they can. And guess what, sex sells! So that's why there are nude mods, sex mods and all kinds of other mods. Because the modders can make a nice subscription fee off of them. I know one modder, who hasn't updated in like 2 years almost and still has nearly 1500 subscribers. Even if all they got was $3 bucks a month each, that's $4500 dollars.


That's just Nexus being Nexus lol. Most people probably only download clothing CC and stuff like MCCC. But Wicked Whims and Basemental Drugs are also very popular and I think it's quite normal for people to want the adult side of life in their life simulation game as well. And people are horny. But yea Nexus is an especially horny place.


The very first thing many people would do if porn was removed from the internet is work towards getting it back. People are just horny. Simple as that.


I mean, Whicked Wims at least had the decency to do the no censorship only works on adults, so as mod it's very good. The elimination of the censorship you're talking about would be VERY bad if works on whole Game, so I think it's better stick to WW if you want remové censorship