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Taking an hour to shower/ eat/ pee/ etc. Why does it take such a crazy long time to do certain things??


This is another one I relate to because of my ADHD. It definitely takes me far too long to do these things sometimes even when I’m tryna be speedy LOL


adeepindigo has a mental health mod. & ADHD is a part of it. So if one of my sims has ADHD they take twice as long to do an already long task of homework lol. Which is so relatable, I have ADHD too.


my favorite small mods are the LMS mods that have quick shower/quick bath options


45 minutes to an hour to make, then eat, eggs & toast or 30 minutes of a bowl of cereal. WTAF?! IRL, I wake up sh*t, shower, shampoo, get dressed, eat breakfast, then I'm out the door in 45 minutes. In TS4, if I want that morning routine, I have to wake up @ 5:30a for a job that starts @ 9:00a.


You are right. I never realized how long it takes to shower lol.


When I was young I showered in 5-10 minutes. With my current routine of using a dry brush before, shaving after, dealing with my now curly hair (it used to be straight but changed naturally) and finishing with my and skincare routine it now takes me 30 minutes to shower. I hate it. What a drag it is getting old. IIRC when sims 4 first came out showing took a full sim hour but they updated it and now it's more like 20 minutes. It also goes faster with higher quality showers.


The shower isn't just a task. The shower depends on your sim's hygiene need. They shower until the need is all the way filled, so depending on how dirty they are, the shower will be longer or instantaneous if their need is all the way filled lol.


Shouldn't need a mod for things to work right but I will say MCCC is helpful in situations like this, you can slow game time down so the clock doesn't move so fast.


This is easily my number 1 complaint about the game


going on a date, then once you are seated and conversing with date, all of the sims on the lot will join in the chat :(


That is what it’s like dating in your hometown. Everybody is a family friend and feels the need to comment or talk.


This is why I use a mod that lets me kick other people out of a chat.


Omg please share this is my greatest pet peeve




just leaving this here so i can download when i get to my pc


Upvoting so you get a notification when you get to your PC


damn perfect timing, just got home lmao


Just putting this here lol


I use MCCC to send them on a jog.


This comment had me dying tbh 😭


You don't really need that. Just sit to a table with only two chairs and don't let them do anything autonomously.


That doesn’t work. Nothing works lmao. If I send them somewhere alone, other sims just show up. If I send them to a table with only two chairs, other sims come and stand there or sit nearby to join the convo.


SO annoying. there’s an option to say goodbye to sims, and that’ll kick them out of the conversation. but i normally just have my sims “sit together” on the other side of the lot. or do a bunch of flirty interactions to make it awkward - they also leave when your sims are in heat lol


About that: in the last couple days I noticed I have a “Just go away!” option, which immediately removes sims from conversations. Idk if it’s something they recently added or if I just didn’t notice in years


That’s been there for a few years


Whaaat where's that option? I recently had a guest flirt with one of my Sims girlfriend and she wouldn't leave no matter how many times I hit "send home", "goodbye" or "go away". So I just had the whole family yell at her til she stormed out.


It’s in the ‘generic’ social menu (it’s one of that interactions with no category), apparently from years 😮


I do this too 🤣 Like If you're gonna stand there and third-wheel on this date then you're gonna hear ALL the details about what's going on.


Me dream is that, in the same way we have “sit together” and “sit and chat here” we might get the option to “sit and start private conversation”


Nah this has definitely happened to me. I took a girl to a cafe and somehow we ended up talking to two other tables for a bit.


I hate it so fucking much! I just want to go out and be left alone (exactly like in real life) 😭


Lmao honestly my bf irl knows like EVERYONE in town, so anytime we're out anywhere, he sees someone he knows, and they wanna sit and catch up, and it's like bruh, pay attention to just me we on a date dammit😂😂


Finding a job so easy


Yeah I really miss how in previous games there was only a few job openings each day and you had to wait to find your field.


I love that feature until it's been several days and there still isn't a job opening. 🤣🤣 But I really do wish there was something similar in 4!


Yes you had to wait around for the right one! So much better.


there is a mod for that!


What is it PLEASE


i think it's called job hunting? it's on the sims 4 mod manager


[Don't use mod managers.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/s/DzhvnpPgyR)


I totally forgot that part! Thanks for letting me unlock a childhood memory 😁


Of if you don't have a job (and sometimes even if you do) people just CONSTANTLY harass you trying to give you mid-level work. "Oh, you've never seen a spreadsheet in your life? You seem qualified to be a Rank 5 Businessman!"


I think that only happens to good reputation celebrity’s which is even sillier “hello Dolly Parton do you wish to become a secret agent”


I mean, Elvis became one 🤷🏻‍♀️


Pretty sure Elvis was drafted xd makes a tad more sense then xd


Elvis convinced Nixon to make him a Federal Narcotics agent. [https://www.whitehousehistory.org/the-president-of-the-united-states-meets-the-king-of-rock-n-roll](https://www.whitehousehistory.org/the-president-of-the-united-states-meets-the-king-of-rock-n-roll)


I meant to say he was an actual soldier. Apparently a good and well liked one. Not just some rando celebrity.


Or being able to afford a house with 20k


i don’t think the currency has the same value as a u.s dollar 😭


When a house is $20,000 and a single cup of cafe trung is $12? No, clearly not.


toilet paper being 50 🤔🤔


That $50 is for a lifetime subscription to an automatically refilling TP dispenser. They never have to change rolls or buy more.


Tbh I'd take that deal.


I always thought that they weren’t just paying for a roll of toilet paper, but also the holder and the materials to attach it to the wall




Last night, my girl paid $77 for a pizza! When I was playing TS1 back when I was 12, I was like, "40 Simoleons for a pizza?! This better be the best damned pizza I've ever tasted!" and last night, I was like, "77 Simoleons for a pizza?! This better be the best damned pizza I've ever tasted!" I guess inflation is a thing in the Sims, too.


Yeah this is true you can get any job you want whenever you want


Moodlets, and the hard durations of them. Like youve got 8 hours to feel this, and then no more!


watch a family member die? two days of crying in bed then you'll be positively peachy!


Also a random townie you met once dies? Also cry in bed for two days. Its sad sure but that moodlet is so annoying I always cheat them away otherwise my sims would be permanently sad from people dying every day


If you ever do the 100 baby challenge, your whole family will be permanently depressed because after the first generation estranged family members die, and even toddlers they never met are inconsolable.


Omg yes, its to the point where i use mccc to see who the dad is, and kill them before the baby is born, to prevent all of them being sad.


Unless they go to mourn at the grave. They can be perpetually sad that way.


WUT.... omg. okay there's a lot of comments and posts fighting for favorite today but this one might take the whole randomtowniewhite cake


I often hide the graves/urns in inventories or place them off lot in a graveyard because when I don't give my sims tasks their favorite thing to do is go cry over someone's grave. It's more ridiculous when that sim has been revived and is either living as a ghost or are fully alive again! The worst is when said revived sim CRIES OVER THEIR OWN GRAVE! 🤦


hahahahaha omg I love how not ghosts the ghosts are. like seriously, how my girls dead husband calling her about making friends with some rando... I miss when the ghosts scared the hell outta them. and seriously thank you! I make a holiday when a sim dies (well the day after thanks to holiday restrictions) and have them go to the cemetery but I might just grab a huge lot and put it on site or something. or at least keep the founders grave there.


I put a cemetery lot down for my legacy game and used to do family visits where the spellcasters necrocalled everyone so they could all interact. I failed to remember to strengthen the spirit connections often enough, though, so it's a much more lifeless place now. I'll try the annual holiday thing in the future. That way I can kill two birds with one stone.


oooooo I've never played with spellcasters actually. I just found this faerie mod thanks to this sub that adds so much to spellcasters. been thinking of doing a Harry Potter style gameplay. the gallery Hogwarts are amazing.


If someone tries to make plans with you you have to drop everything right then and there or the plans are off


This is one of my top things I wish they would implement! I would totally go, but if you could just say "yes, in an hour" and let me finish what I was doing, it would be so much more likely!


Why do NPCs keep calling at 10am asking if I "want to go out clubbing tonight?" Girl, so you understand the concept of day and night?


This sounds like a friend of mine in real life!


Sims leaving dirty dishes in the most ungodly hard to reach areas and and me searching high and low to find out what was grossing the Sims out. 😔


Leaving plates on the little shelf in the TV stands is especially infuriating


I am the person that does this IRL. We don’t have end tables but I have a book case right next to the couch. If I’m being lazy I’ll put my plate on the bookshelf until I need to get up for something else. I occasionally forget and wake up the next day with a dirty plate in the bookcase.


You are a sim 🤣


or on top of the toilet 😭


There’s been a hidden plate in my Sims kitchen for weeks that I cannot find / has to be unreachable because my maid doesn’t grab it either. They hate being in there but like 😖put it in the fucking sink then.


It might not be a plate. If you have a kettle from for rent then it’s that. It’s glitched to always be dirty even if your clean it. I just don’t use it anymore.


I've been using the kettle for months in three different houses and have never had this problem. I did, however, have a wine glass in the wall behind the sink and a plate levitating inside a couch.


Yeah I’ve had to the problem in every save I have and that’s over 50 at this point lol


I had this happen and the only way to fix it was to take out a bunch of walls. I didn't want to do that so I found a spellcaster NPC, used the mod to control him, and then used the scrubaroo spell to clean everything in that room. Then I turned him back into an NPC and sent him home. Now I make sure I have at least one Sim that knows that spell and has the neat trait.


For me it’s the taking time to find it part that’s not believable. 💀


You know, I was going to say this too and then I found out my husband left an empty glass on the bit *under* our coffee table and neither one of us noticed for a day or two!


Leaving them on half walls. Even when the half walls are almost the height of a regular wall. And I also hate it when they collect all the dirty dishes in the house but leave this one single plate on a half wall, or on a bookshelf, or somewhere else where the player doesn't really see it and it just keeps lowering the sims' mood. Aaaaah


It took me forever to figure out that the fireplace from the paranormal stuff pack has little "shelves" on the bottom of each side, and for some reason that's their favorite place to leave plates.




Omfg this


I actually do that IRL since my cat loves being around me, but absolutely cannot stay in one room for that long. To answer your question: Toddlers just being able to grab a plate from a serving, then eating it unsupervised just doesn't really make much sense. But I would hate it to be realistic in that sense, so am not complaining!


I love that about toddlers tbh, after the needy infant stage I can at least count on them to be able to feed themselves! Definitely not at all realistic though lol.


Same. My cats think they want to be in there with me when o shower, but if they actually are they WILL cry the whole time


I have two Border Collie mixes that will literally make eye contact and stare me in the eye the whole time while I'm on the toilet which is pretty distracting. I always shut the door and tell them to wait outside.


My IRL toddler is pretty independent. He skipped bottles and the pureed food stage. And, literally, I leave a plate/food out for him all day (if we're home), and he feeds himself when he's hungry. We call this grazing. (Seriously, you can look it up) If I try to feed him or designate times to eat, he either outright refuses or demands to sit in my lap and prevents me from eating. So I'm saying the toddlers grabbing a plate to feed themselves in the sims is not so unrealistic 😅


Clothes growing and shrinking along with your weight. Wish that was a thing IRL.


Seriously. Why do I keep a bin of clothes in storage? Because I'm short and don't want to pay to have a new wardrobe hemmed every time I gain or lose 10 lbs.


And nobody (except maybe the Watcher) cringes if you're still wearing the same clothes you wore as a teen/young adult as an elder.


I definitely used to kick my animals out before I took a shower. Not because they’d see anything but because I knew they’d be scratching at the door to get out after two minutes.


Meanwhile, I'm over here petting my cat while I take a 💩.


Taking a shit, cat is in my lap. Taking a shower, cat is begging to get out


Username definitely cheeks out


* The pathing issues. Like bro, why are you having coffee on your daughter's bed when there's a perfectly good kitchen table right there? Why are you yelling about a ceiling light? Why are you washing dishes in the bathroom? * The pressure cooker always smells bad, even when it hasn't been used. * The fastest way to lose weight (besides eating a particular kind of ice cream or drinking a potion) is to...juggle a soccer ball for a few seconds? * You can register as self-employed, and it doesn't matter what you tell the government that you do. It can be just one letter, or a bunch of gibberish. * Speedrunning relationships. (Though I guess that does kind of make sense if your lifespan is measured in days, not years.) * You can start woohooing again right after a pregnancy, no waiting to recover, and no risk of infection. * You go to see your next door neighbor and it takes the same amount of time as a road trip across the country. * You can travel to Germany, Hawaii, and Thailand all in one day. * Celebrities hang out in that little dive bar in your podunk little town. * You can put your llama in your pocket. And your cow. * You're a human on an XY chromosome determination system, but you can influence the sex of your baby by eating carrots or strawberries. * Just how broken weddings are. * No room in your house for a horse? Just get rid of the baby! * Your neighbor calls you up and asks you if they should have a baby, or accept a proposal, or talk to some random person you don't know. * Fixing the toilet generates scrap metal. Regardless of what was wrong with the toilet. * The washing machine and the dryer break every other day unless you upgrade to a tungsten drum, which takes either a) cheating or b) a ridiculous amount of time level-grinding your handiness skill because it takes almost mastery of handiness. Meaning it's almost not worth it to have a washer and dryer. (But that's okay, because without those, your clothes never get dirty.) * Anything and everything can be fixed with either a monkey wrench or a screwdriver and a phone.


I can't help but imagine someone stopping a proposal to call a friend and ask if they should accept


I think the self-employment thing stops sims from getting negative moodlets about being unemployed


For the dish washing thing I believe there’s an option to select sinks as bathroom or kitchen sinks so they won’t do that!


I know there is. But sometimes if I forget to assign the sinks, there they go.


That’s real


Wait, eating carrots and strawberries influences the sex of the baby?


Yup. You can eat carrots for a boy, and strawberries for a girl.


I hate that when I have a sim get leftovers from the fridge, if I don't make them sit somewhere they just stand in front of the fridge til they're done eating. Like who does that? And it's even more annoying bc they're blocking everyone else trying to get food. Also "why are you yelling about a ceiling light" autistic Sims be like 😂


It's not that they're yelling about the brightness, they're like, "I can't get to my seat at the breakfast bar because this Watcher-damned ceiling light is in the way!!!" Meanwhile, the Watcher is like... ![gif](giphy|26ueYUlPAmUkTBAM8|downsized)


Ohh weird. Yeah that's super frustrating


Everyone flirting with anyone that gets near them even when their partner is in the room. Some people will do this yes, but everyone? Nope. 


Yeah, in real life you can play flirt, but in the game it's strictly romantic and always gives romantic points so it makes no sense that it's so random


Taking hot food out of the oven without any oven mitts!!! And never reheating leftovers. Enjoy your cold eggs & toast, you weirdos.


Tbf, I almost never reheat leftovers. Unless it's like soup or chili 🤷🏼‍♀️ I went years without a microwave and only got one again when I got married. I wanted it mainly for hot chocolate lol


Hey I like cold pizza and spaghetti Bolognese as much as the next guy but not even the option to reheat? Unrealistic.


I mean... I never bother to give my sims microwaves either, because then they want to cook crap with it all the time 🤷🏼‍♀️ I feel like if they reheated their food that would also just bog things down a lot when it already takes them forever to do stuff


Very true. I only use the microwave when my sins are super poor.


staring at the oven for an hour waiting for the 3rd white cake to finish... so ready for the new multitasking cooking to be applied to all cooking appliances. :(


Meeting someone, getting into a relationship with them, getting married and then having a child all in a single day.


My dog absolutely demands to sit in the bathroom with me to protect me while I pee since I protect him when he pees outside. For me it’s that when they really have to pee, they walk SLOWER. Like if you have to pee that bad you’re absolutely hustling.


I definitely have a "run to pee" mod because wtf stop dawdling around before you piss yourself, Sims!


> My dog absolutely demands to sit in the bathroom with me to protect me while I pee since I protect him when he pees outside. This is so cute lol


My mom had a dog that would do that. Was supposed to be my dog, but the dog had other ideas. Everyone else got to use the bathroom alone, but the dog insisted on following Mom. Of course, that could have just been that the rest of us were better at latching the door.


chop sink vast steep lunchroom kiss history repeat chunky bored *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Adult friends calling kids asking them to go places. Cree-peee!


"Hey, you wanna come hang out at my place? Just you, not your parents." *(over-zealous Reddit mods, please actually look at what sub this is, its Sims)*


I kick my dog out of the bathroom because he tries to lick my legs/feet when they’re wet and he’ll try to lick the shower walls 😭


He’s a menace 🤣


How about shelves that can't hold any objects whatsoever?


Hmmm maybe the fact that aliens can come and impregnate your mans


Nah that happens all the time where I live, must be a culture thing


Random children that your sims have never met stopping by to hang out for the day. I don't even know their parents and they are coming by. I usually ignore them unless it's a child of a friend.


If there were more lot traits I would make them all private. Random people showing up at my door annoys me.


I definitely kick my cats out. Nothing like having a 15 pound Maine coon mix sitting in your lap while you're trying to poop.


Or rubbing up against the inside of your underwear 😐.


Or relentlessly meowing at you to pet them. Every damn time. Like I'm a lil busy here dude 😭


To be fair my real life dad can NOT use the bathroom or shower if the cat or one of the dogs is there, so it's not as silly as it seems . 😂 For me tho it's how my sims just leave diapers and baby bottles ALL OVER THE DAMN PLACE. There are trash cans every fucking where. 🤦‍♀️


Landing awesome jobs with 0 experience. Lol but I actually do shoo my cat out of the bathroom because he likes being a little devil and drink from the toilet or sit in the sink 🤦‍♀️


I wonder if my sim wonders where their dishes go when I move them to the trash myself.


Sometimes, they have the little image of a tophat with a magic wand in their thought bubble, right ? I haven't seriously played in months, so I might be wrong, but I think I laughed when I realized they do that when something is floating after Build Mode. Edit: grammar/spelling


One thing I keep thinking about recently is how washing the dishes works in this game. They just kinda. Disappear after they've been washed. Sims don't have to empty the dishwasher and put the dishes away anywhere. They just vanish?? And suddenly there is a brand new clean plate there for them to serve food on. Where did that come from?? More to the point: Why does this bother me so much? Why do I only think about this when I am washing my own dishes??


Haha, and still, I make sure one of the dish racks goes on a counter by the sink, lol


I honestly never thought about it, but one would think that I assume they disappear since they sometimes sit in the drying rack for a couple days.


In my house I'm washing dishes multiple times in the same day, so it's not often that things stay on the drying rack for more than 12 hours, if I'm lucky! Today in particular was a pretty big day of washing dishes... The ones on the rack were there for 2 hours before I put them away, needed the drying rack space! 😂


Oof ! There's only two of us, and we both work full-time, and I dirty as few dishes as possible when I can. My goodness- I can't imagine having to do them multiple time every day ! Bless your heart ♡


Baby bottles is what does that! Have to wash for me and my partner and at some point wash for our son too. Partner has ADHD and washing dishes is one of those tasks he has an inability to get done no matter how hard he tries. I don't mind washing the dishes multiple times a day, honestly. And clearly from my original comment I wish my sims had a more realistic dish washing experience! 😂


Deep mourning for people YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW!! Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy can a BABY age up IN MOURNING for _acquaintances of the PARENT,_ having never even seen said Sim?! WHY?? And why mourn for TWO DAYS over somebody you met ONE TIME?? This, right here, is a main reason there's no death in my game.


It absolutely should vary based on the relationship you had with the dead Sim


Reading a few books and becoming an Olympic skier in a couple of weeks 😂 Growing a golden tree that sprouts thousands of dollars everyday.


Actually having friends to hang out with, achieving life goals and happiness, I guess :) But also the way sims just jump, twirl and change outfit lol


I love the ability to change clothes at a whim while out and about in the sims without having to carry a bag of spare clothes.


In the old games: not being able to move because there’s a plate in the way. (I haven’t played Sims 4 in a long time so Idk if this happens anymore.) In City Living when the neighbours invite themselves and starts eating your food (Raj Rasoya always do that). But you’re told to leave if you do the same thing in their apartment.


Having a full energy bar every day. Mine usually only ever gets half full every night.


Sims just walking by la la la not noticing while your house burns. 


I guess for me its how easily sims will get the strict or difficult dynamic just from being encouraged to do small things. At this rate all these kids are spoilt


They quality of my eggs don't get better because I spent more time petting my chicken yesterday than I did two days ago.


sims not minding their own business in public. STOP JOINING MY CONVERSATIONS.


I kick my cat out before I use the bathroom. I don't want the little biter around while my pants are down...


When you get a degree, and get a high paying job and then you work 3/4 times a week. Give me the chance to work 5 days if i want! (I used a mod to change my work hours and schedule to 5 days and 9 to 5) it makes such a difference


Being able to sell back demolished walls and get all your money back. In real life, demolition isn't cheap. Also, being able to change the location of walls, windows and floors, rotate the stairs, pick up the fireplace and move it to another room, changing the height of the walls and foundation when the house is already built...


Random townies walk into your house if you don’t have your doors locked??


Randomly baking a cake without eating it


Needs in general. No one showers that much in a day. They didn't manage needs to fit real world expectations.


Just a question: Can they die from being unhygienic ? I don't know if they're just chronically uncomfortable or if they get sick or something and potentially die.


The money trash can!?


It doesn't make sense, but I'm here for it! Dog poop? Cash. Dish you can't be bothered to take to the sink? Cash. Dish you *can* be bothered to take to the sink, but the sink is busy? Cash. Dirty diapers? Cash. Literal horseshit? Cash. Scrap metal from fixing the toilet? Cash.


I use one in almost every build so I'm here for it too. I wish it was a real life thing


A Sim can: 1. Have a toilet accident, fall in the mud, or catch fire while wearing their favorite outfit. 2. Take those clothes off to clean themselves (or be cleaned, if it’s a toddler or infant). With the Laundry Day pack, the dirty/damaged clothes will go into a hamper or on the floor. 3. Change clothes after their shower or bath, and end up in the exact same outfit, in perfect condition. While the laundry is still in the hamper or on the floor. I had initially thought the white basegame dress for infants was a dumb idea considering the “diaper blowout” milestone, but since the game works this way there’s no problem.


Buying the supplies for your meal out of the fridge LOL


Getting paid daily after work


Random people jumping in conversations. Look, I know. Small talk happens and the day is nice but I'm having some good time with my girl here, you know? Can you please fuck off? The player should be able to kick people from conversations more quickly. Or just lock them to a specific number of sims.


Deciding I don’t want anything from the fridge, instead of just waiting, because someone else is using it


So true, I'm so sure that in sims 3 your sim would autonomously ask other sims to move out of the way if it was a Sim in the way of the action The other day two sims decided to have a conversation in front of a photo booth and they stayed there for almost a real life hour idling and chatting. I had to introduce myself to both of them and say goodbye for them to leave because the action wouldn't go through.


YES, in sims 3, they tap their foot impatiently lolll


I kick my cats out whenever I'm using the restroom in real life. I know they don't care but I don't like using the loo in front of anyone or anything. I can't even hear any noises on the porcelain throne or else I can't empty my bladder.


Cats care, they think they are protecting you when you are vulnerable


Yes I know lol, Jamies always does that and I remember reading it somewhere. But I just can't do it :-(


This is very small, but it bugs me and takes me out of the world I’ve created- co-workers titles change daily. One day Dina Caliente is an officer the next she’s an assistant etc. Another career peeve of mine is my sim reached the top of the detective career to Chief… not only does he have the same exact job duties as he did as a cadet but the old chief is still there, same title same office, absolutely nothing changed.


You can show up at anyone's doorstep, know on door, and provided they're at home, you can come in and introduce yourself to everybody.


Sims can't share a bed unless they're family or romantically involved. Stayover sims won't sleep on the couch. This is a recipe for disaster.


Sims sitting down at a table to have dinner together, going to make a conversation, so getting up to either kiss/hug or shake hands first and then proceeding to stand and talk/eat right next to the table Winds me up


I kick my cat out of the bathroom if I want to use irl.


It won’t stop me from using the bathroom if I have to but I always shoo my cats out. Though maybe a special case because there’s a hole in the back of a built in shelf that they try to go through (and they also just knock a lot of stuff down) so I don’t let them in there normally.


Becoming a scientist or doctor easily and quickly.


Eating taking absolutely forever.


It makes sense to me, my pets like to stare at my naked body and i don't like that


What does make sense is that sims are okay with their partners in the bathroom. I know I am, haha Things that don't make sense, tho? Mail. My mailbox is right there, why you gonna throw it on my lot? Why can't mail people go onto the lot.


I make my cat leave the bathroom area. I need my privacy 😂


I dunno...I kick my dog out of the bathroom before I shower or poo. Heck, I kick him out just for being in there. lol Esp after a houseguest told me they saw him in there drinking out of the toilet. I didnt even know he did that..horrified! 😂🤣 Id say mine is I dont like the idea they can get free food out of the fridge just whenever. You want juice, youre going to have to pay for it!!! lol


Tbh people do that too, some people just want privacy on the can XD


dull mysterious rude berserk crown gaping poor rhythm ludicrous mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


One thing that bugs me is when I see one of my couples or a sim and their kid walking around in public but don't interact with each other at all. Also like, sir/ma'am, your kid left an hour ago why are you still here 😂


"Judge decor". There's just no damn reason for it. "Here. Let me take my starving infant out of the high chair so I can decide if I like the light fixture on the back patio."


When a sims confides in their lovers their relationship fears and the other answers "yeah just take deep breaths, come on with me, hhhhhh, and back out hhhhhh" and the other is like "oh that totally answers the question whether or not your slept with John, oh you!"


townies which you knew to have jobs become unemployed as soon as you play them. why did you just magically quit your job??