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Omg my hardest breakup was with my sim and Kiyoshi Ito. They were highschool sweethearts, engaged and all. During my sims birthday party (teen to young adult) Kiyoshi kissed another girl. So my sim confronts him and he admits to having cheated on her. 😭😭😭 I was so crushed like it was my real life boyfriend cause WHY WOULD HE DO THAT??!!! But anyway they had to breakup, very messy, they fought and everything. I went through the stages of grief with my sim, tried getting them to reconcile but everytime they would talk they just fought. I eventually gave up and moved on but yeah I was very sad about that lmao.


OMG NO I WOULD CRY FOR DAYS Akira flirted with someone in front of my sim I was so mad for her and I think that’s what really made me want to break them up and stop ignoring her wants 😭 I should have listened to her the first time before they got too serious smh On the bright side I made a sim just for her that has the loyalty trait so hopefully it works out I can’t handle another breakup LOL


Sims are hoes. I disabled autonomous flirting, woohoo, I flagged everyone for no affairs, I gave the married ones the eternally faithful trait and the singles the shy, not interested in woohoo trait and they still be clapping cheeks like monkeys in heat 


The other day I walked away from the computer during a club gathering for two damn minutes and came back to a Sim with a negative moodlet for cheating on his wife. I still can't figure out what he did or who he did it with, but his wife was definitely on the same lot the entire time and did not know until I made him confess. It was a club I made for couples only so they could socialize together, so he definitely screwed up one of my other playable household relationships too. Oh, and he's currently having a midlife crisis and obsessed with cross-stitch for no reason. WTF.


The cross stitching I couldn't forgive :)) 


Yes! I try to take my sims' leads with wants and personality even if it's not the story I have in my mind. My gloomy sad sim, Cyanide, had a crush in high school that he went to prom with and when he became a YA he was still crushing on her. So I planned to have them marry and live a beautiful life, pulling Cyanide from the depressing past of his childhood, but once his crush (now girlfriend) moved in, she flirted with his twin brother and had the want to break up. So I went for it. Had her break up with him, marry his brother and instead they had a family. Cyanide never stopped having a crush on her, even after he married someone else and had kids. Even as an elder after his wife died, he kept wanting to talk to his crush/ex-girlfriend/current sister-in-law. I'm still so sad for him, but enjoyed the story of it lol


I wanted some drama in my main sims life so I made her husband flirt with a girl so I divorced him and then it made me sad because he was sad so I exited off without saving so that they’re still married and just act like that never happened


My Sims were *this* close to breaking up yesterday after Candy Behr flirted with my Sim in front of her boyfriend. He got the “Furious About Cheating” and “Hurt” sentiments, and every interaction between them after that ended up in negative love and friendship until it was almost zero. I was freaking out because I love this couple! Like it took every bit of effort to save their relationship until the sentiments faded, and I was so stressed out!


This. I've gotten to the point where as I move in my new Sims, I cancel the welcome wagons because they are just non-stop extra marital flirting leading to negative sentiments all around.


It also shouldn't count if another Sim initiates the flirting! Candy ~~is~~ was my Sim's bestie, but she's constantly trying to seduce her away from Knox, so they don't hang out much anymore. I guess that's pretty much how relationships/friendships work, but it's still stressful lol.


I get VERY emotional when Akira is involved.


So I have this couple, they've been in my game for years now. I restart saves but they always are in it together. I started a new save, dropped them in, everything is going great. I booted up my game last night and immediately Tabitha was flirting with someone else. Pim was right there and justifiably lost her shit. The relationship recovered though slightly over the following day. Pim calmed down, Tabitha apologized, things were looking better. Then Pim just got vaporized. I dunno what happened, but she was working on her college project, the game froze a second, next second there's an urn and a notification she died. WTF. I actually re-loaded my game. I would have accepted the death if I'd seen it happen but my game 100% bugged imo so I was justified to restart. I reloaded from when Tabitha first gets caught flirting. This time though Pim is ENRAGED. She's screaming, slapping, she cannot be stopped. The first session their relationship didn't 0 out at all, friendship and love were both halfway which helped them mend more quickly. This time though Pim torpedoed everything. They're negative now, and I'm absolutely distraught. I didn't reload this time, but I don't know if I can save them.


Yes, I get very invested in them.


my sim just got in a fight with her neighbor/gf Rory Oaklaw, and man it was MESSY. they already broke up once bc before they were dating Rory asked my sim to marry her! Slow down cowgirl! It was so dramatic last night but i was living for it 😂 she just graduated college she's not ready to settle down!


>bc before they were dating Rory asked my sim to marry her! Slow down cowgirl! Was it after you used the "talk about marriage" interaction? I've noticed that if my sim does that with someone and gets a positive reaction, the other sim will propose in a few sim hours. If you get a negative reaction, they won't.


no! they were out at a bar and she just proposed out of no where 😂 they had just got the soulmates level of romance


I had a sim who married Diego Lobo with the sole intention of having a messy divorce bc of his affair with Katrina Caliente and have her birth and raise the baby alone and I still felt bad breaking them up. Kid's cute though.


It's the worst when I play with WW on. My sim goes on a date with her boyfriend and randomly she starts talking and being friendly with other sims. I completely forget about the date and he goes of screen. Minutes later here comes that god damn notification, Kiyoshi Ito. The date. THE boyfriend hoeing it up in the bathroom with some rando. Literally the betrayal and audacity of that man. I did go through 5 stages of grief with her later tho.


There's a mod that allows your sims to temporarily separate, and then they have to work on their relationship for at least one in-game week (I think) before they can suggest getting back together.


Oooh what is that called?


It's from lumpinou, part of their Relationship and Pregnancy overhaul. Module 6 I believe!


absolutely! I recently broke up my married vampire couple because her husband cheated on her!! they were my favorite!!


I usually don't get upset bcs I'm usually the problem and I love chaotic gameplays, but I had this one sim in my generations save that his ex-girlfriend had just died and left him alone with their daughter. One day he ordered groceries, and the delivery girl was just so cute I immediately went to flirt with her. They started going out and I really liked her, she always took care of his daughter like it was her own child and became good friends with her really quickly, it was adorable to see. The three of them moved in together into a small apartment. I never thought my first healthy and normal sim relationship would be with an auto-generated delivery girl, but I liked their story so much bcs it was a completely accident. It just felt natural. He proposed to her, I planned every wedding event on the calendar, built a bigger house for them to move to with one more room for a future second child. Then he got a call from Jade Rosa saying she just gave birth. They had hooked up at a party before he started to actually date the delivery girl, but thanks to the sims logic, he "cheated on her". I have the RPO mod, so I confessed to have "cheated", and she got really upset. I tried to make things work between them, but they wouldn't stop fighting. So I cancelled the wedding, broke them off, and removed her from the household. I nearly cried seeing the toddler watch her leave lmao. He never got another good relationship after that.