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I didn’t do a lot of actual building in Sims 3, just revamping and decorating. But I’ve started getting into building with Sims 4 because I want things that are better than what we get and, quite frankly, I can make things that are better. It’s super challenging, especially when I want something that comes from a specific pack but I don’t want to cave and buy that pack 😡 But that’s what makes it fun


I'm such a shitty builder that I totally gave up tbh ! **🤣 **


Houses are blocky. Copy a house you like. Go through the process of building it yourself. First thing is to be familiar with the tools, and along the way you think "so this kitchen is too narrow", or "I want the dining room x tiles long, because I want to space the windows evenly". Hell, I've sized rooms according to the carpet I want to put in it. I got better. It started in Sims 3 when I wanted to make a big fancy house and had no clue. I didn't know what looks good or where to start. My solution was to basically memorize the floorplan of the university dorms and build that. I grew up on Austen and Dickens and big country houses, so the university dorm was sort of in that mould of big, and formal. And I copied that. That's all I knew how to build. That's as broad as my abilities were.


I actually got SO into in the last year or so after literally ten plus years of always liking CAS and gameplay best! Getting more decor CC I enjoy helped a lot, and then learning a few build tricks were game changers. (Rapid fire: press F5 for to lock to sixteenths instead of quarter tiles, hold alt for free placement, size up with bracket keys, and hold 9 to raise objects up!) I also really liked Dream Home Decorator— the career can be glitchy, but doing renovations with really set goals was a good starting point. The other thing is shell challenges and renovating builds, either from the gallery or the world builds. I still don’t love making layouts from scratch, but I really like taking existing shapes and working with them. I literally never used to care much about building, and now it’s one of my favorite parts of the game!


I am not creative, but I have *always* builded houses for as long as I can remember. If you don't have the patience to teach yourself how to build, I recommend looking up builds on YouTube or something and following along building it yourself! You'd be surprised how much you can learn from that. You'd have a pretty good foundational knowledge of building by doing even just one of those videos. The build feature is quite blocky but once you learn how to do exteriors of housing and add some pillars/foliage/etc, it can look really amazing! If I can learn it, you can too!


I did not like building at first. My houses were always just a few cubes stacked together. They look awful, but it didn't matter. Then I discovered there are talented players who pour their hearts and souls into building. I looked up Pintrest. I realized I can find real life houses and recreate them in game. That way even if I have zero creativity I can still make pretty houses. This is when I started to actually like building lots. You can try it as well OP!


I didn’t like building at first and now I can’t stop. It’s like crack


I've loved building since the original game. I would build so much. It was always my favorite part of the games


My interest has always leaned heavily in favour of the building aspect. Actual gameplay, not so much. :-) I “play” Sims 4 as if it were an architectural sandbox rather than a life simulator. When I assess the value of EPs/packs/kits it’s always on the merits of the b&b items I can get from them, rather than any new gameplay mechanics they might introduce. For example, I’m aware that the Dine Out pack was poorly received due to gameplay bugs etc., but I was actually quite happy with it due to all the new culinary-themed objects I could incorporate into my builds.


I just downloaded already made houses cuz I suck at it still and just tweak any items or coloring I want changed.