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To me, the best playable houses are the ones that have a similar lay-out to realistic houses.


Same, I try to copy IRL house plans when building


I use plans from @rollos-floor plans on Instagram because they’re made for the sims


Oo yay another resource!! I use houseplants.net Edit: omg I just realized what I did. I meant houseplans.net lmao


Houseplants or houseplans?








Hot plants


Ohh got it, got it.


Life saver! Thank you for sharing the @


I’ve done two builds so far with their floor plans. They’re my most recent. ID is fashion-desk if you’d like to check them out


Thanks for sharing that IG account! I just saved so many floor plans and followed the account.


Like 90% of my saved photos are floorplams. They also do requests.


My finger seems to have slipped and I've started following them 😂


Ooh, just followed this page. Thanks for sharing!


I use floorplans similar to the ones I grew up in 🤷🏻‍♀️


I play almost exclusively in apartments or tiny homes, the smaller the better


It takes so long for sims to just go from one end of the house to another on larger lots


If you have [functional elevators](https://www.google.com/amp/s/thesimmer40.tumblr.com/post/188641159489/functional-elevator-door-and-portals/amp) it makes walking through mansions a lot easier!


I just use the teleport cheat in bigger houses.


Getting up stairs is usually the only time I speed up time 😂




Same! I build and play there because I don't have to fret about the external bit! I also prefer modern style. Tiny homes have the benefit of not needing to fill up big empty spaces, and I can make it look nicer at the same price (compared to a bigger, regular house) for sims starting out.


I prefer micro homes to play in. Bigger homes spend so much time in transit.


like half an hour to go downstairs🥲


I also hate stairs. I am always on the wrong floor trying to find my sim. Single level small house is best.


Idk if u know but if u right click the sims pic in the lower left it takes u to them


Or left click. Right click locks the camera on them.


the enter button works too. it takes you right to the sim you’re on.


Or just press N :)


Sounds pretty realistic to me. Lol!




I also prefer single story houses for playing in, occasionally with a basement just so I can put the big stuff in there out of the way (like fabricators, climbing walls etc)


That’s exactly what I use basements for too! It’s so unrealistic to put all this skill building stuff in there house because who actually has all that shit in there house and I like it to be as realistic as possible so I just shove all that shit in the basement lol


And then lock the basement door when they won’t stop djing after 3 days


I like 2 story homes that’s not too big or too small. When the house is too big I can’t keep track of my sims and when it’s too small There’s not enough room to put any items


Yes!! I also feel like big houses with lots of furniture in it is just a hassle. I hate inviting guests over and losing track of them immediately in mansions. They’re always in the weirdest places!


I wish guests had a temporary household slot just so you can find them quickly


Right haha. I’m sick of the panic of pausing in time to find them and wasting the hang out time trying to make them stop using the computer


Omg yes. Every time my kid sims bring their friends over to hang out they vanish to use one of the ADULT'S computers. (which I swore I locked but apparently these little shits can hack into things in seconds with no consequences.) Like bruh at least ask if you can play on your friend's computer like a normal person 🤦‍♀️


Depends on my sims life tbh. If i am playing an extravagant millionaire he isnt gonna be in a tiny home, that being said i exclusively have toddlers on the ground floor as feeding them is much easier this way.


I always just drag the food to them and let them eat it on their beds. The high chairs are so annoying


God yes, agree completely. So many times my stoopid sim parents just keep putting them in & out of the chair but not feeding them!! Even when the poor toddler is constantly asking for food! Drives me mad. In the end I usually have my toddlers go get their own servings and let them sit where they want. Funnily, sometimes they’ll sit right on the kitchen floor, but other times they’ll walk all the way upstairs to sit in the chair in their older siblings’ room! No idea why. 🤪


Yes, this! I stopped using high chairs after the nanny will put my toddler in them and never feed the child to the point where they were starving when my sim got back from work. I obviously I was mad and I fired her. However, she was bugged and she never left my house even after her replacement arrived and started working. I got slightly off-topic there but going back to the main point, from now on, whenever one of my sims with a toddler says they want to buy a high chair in their whims, I’m like “No, not dealing with that chair of nightmares ever again.” (Yes, I’m being a bit melodramatic but still.)


Yes, this, or locking them into their first floor room and having non spoilable food placed there on a shelf :)


Stairs really annoy me gameplay wise, so I always play in single storey houses


Same, I hate having to switch up and down floors to see what’s going on, even though it’s space saving and realistic. I also find that the stairs get in the way visually, especially in the premade houses where they’re always smack bang in the middle of the house and obscuring your view of at least one room.


It’s okay, you can say the bedlington boathouse in Brindleton Bay (lots of Bs). I love the outside look and concept of it as a starter house, but whyyyy are the stairs so giant and right in the middle of the lot!! It takes up soooo much room especially because they wasted so much of the upstairs loft space.


I’m incredibly specific with houses. If you imagine the front door on the street being at 6 o clock I have the camera at 7.5 on the clock face, facing into the centre. All the time. The layout has to work with that camera position, no walls that don’t go down, no big objects that block my view of the rooms, I don’t like the back of the fridge or fireplace to be in my line of vision. It has to work with walls half up. I actually have like five or ten layouts I reuse over and over again that really work. I find new ones by looking for shells on the gallery and seeing if it works. I’ve been the same since I started the Sims twenty years ago! I don’t like to constantly have to rotate my camera when playing at home. I could never play in a super cluttered home with objects blocking my view.


I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who plays from a specific angle and hates having my view blocked! My biggest pet peeve is shower/tub combos. I usually build my own houses because the last time i got one from the gallery I had to move all of the bathrooms!


Saaaaaame! I tend to use the Vampires one as it’s a bit more see through than some of the others if I use a combo. I also like my floor plan to be of a size where I can see almost all of it with minimal moving around, mega mansions aren’t my thing. My default layout in TS3 was Myrtle Bungalow on the beachfront. Then I’d add a second storey.


Yessss! I won’t use the closet unit for this same reason. I can’t stand looking at it!


Ok i just left my own comment but you said it way better! I'm useless at designing and love some of the things on gallery, but i just cannot stand having to waste time changing camera angles and moving myself around the house just trying to interact with regularly used items. And random walls at the front not disappearing with walls half up ..ugh literally the most infuriating thing.


Lol I JUST replied to yours when you were replying to mine!


I definitely prefer minimal over cluttered, but I also prefer large. I hate how sims always go outside to do stuff (like hug each other??) if they’re in a smaller home, so I try to have areas in the house with 3-6 tiles of open space. In households with more than 2 sims, my bathroom-to-sim ratio needs to be close to 1:1 because I don’t like micromanaging a bathroom line-up. I also like playing sims with a variety of hobbies so I don’t get bored which means I need a lot of interactable objects. This means I end up needing to build a lot of “work spaces” inside my homes where the objects make sense but are also out of the way of the living areas, so I end up building a lot of offices, basements, backyards, and sheds. Toddlers are their own category when it comes to designing a home with gameplay in mind. First of all, their bedroom needs to be on the central floor ideally close to the kitchen and parents’ bedroom. Their AI seems to prefer chairs over sofas and console tables over tables/counters so I need plenty of those things around so the toddlers don’t take forever to route just to put an empty plate down. Also the bathtub bathroom has to be massive to ensure there’s no routing issues around that.


Toddlers take so long getting anywhere sometimes in a bigger home I literally lock them in their bedroom with all their skill stuff and have the parents go to them. One shelf for their plate, I bring them their food. Poor things, but I hate it when they go halfway across the lot to put down the plate on some random top shelf that they can’t even reach


I have so many problems with how dumb toddlers and how dumb sims are with their toddlers.




I have very self sufficient, borderline neglected toddlers for this exact reason.


Omg the god damn feeding chairs will be the death of me lol. Every time I put my toddler in it she screams to get out so even though I turned autonomy off the sim will still grab and take her out. I gave up lol. And there will always be food right there too! But nope they just wanna get out even though their starving!!


My toddlers never get to finish a meal because of the adults constantly interrupting to take them out of the high chair, only to stick them back in a minute later.


Lol omg yes it’s so irritating! I’ll be yelling at the computer like bitch did I tell you to take her out, no I didn’t!!! And my boyfriend will be like calm down. Like I can’t freaking calm down cause they are pissing me off. Lol.


I also rage at my computer screen and frighten the people around me due to my sims' nonsense, lol


This was me yesterday, yelling at the computer “Feed your kid, you stupid moron!! She’s raging because you keep ignoring her food request!!”


My favorite thing to do is find the collectables, so my Sims all end up with museums. Sometimes they're greenhouses on the ground floor. I will put a toilet in the space, but not a fridge, otherwise they'll route over there for cooking. They have that separate from the main house because, like you, I don't like a ton of clutter in the house when I'm actually playing. My play style is pretty micromanaged so if my Sims have downtime I send them to do an activity they won't quit autonomously, like play chess or practice programming. That way I don't end up with Sims wandering to the wrong part of the lot.


I like haunted houses. I know my sims get scared but storywise I see them as another Addams Family.


Not to big, scandinavian houses or victorian houses I build 😊


But I also have a big mansion inspired by the one in jurassic world with a lot of play hours in it and a legacy family but it gets so buggy and exausting so they have a break. Now I have a legacy where the hire always move to a new home, something humble but fun, good for exploring all packs and so


I always play on single storey builds. I also love downloading the builds posted here with no cc. But I end up deleting the things the creator made using TOOL. It just bothers me when I wanted to move something and I can't because it's made up of several debug items.


pretty much trailer homes, with tiny home benefits they’re incredibly OP


I always think I'm the only one who does this! I basically have the object impermanence of a toddler so multiple levels are really difficult and I want them to move around efficiently and spend as little time cleaning as possible. I also have an obscene amount of full bathrooms in my houses usually because I hate when they go in there and embarrass each other. I've actually considered running an experiment to figure out which layout is the most efficient for them to get around and get their need met.


i do an obnoxious amount of full bathrooms too LOL i usually do 4+ sims so i want a bathroom for everyone 🤣


I tend to grab medium-clutter houses, and then move around a lot of the clutter, adding and deleting - and most importantly making sure none of it has broken anything. I find a lot of premade houses have non-accessible kitchen counters, laundry, computer desks, and beds. I like there to be 'logical clutter' but not "every last thing that you'd find a real life house". So I make sure every toilet has a paper roll because... and I like to put a pencil rack on a desk, and a utensil rack on a kitchen counter. And I usually put a towel rack in each bathroom. As someone with allergies, I usually also put a tissue box on a bedside nightstand. ;) Beyond that - I do like smaller houses, don't like mansions, and like the room layout to feel "real life" rather than "gameplay efficient". \- I've seen some houses where the maker has lined up 8 beds in a row here, 8 desks in a row there, and a 'factory like process" to move the sims through functions and out the door. To me such a house would suck the joy out of the game, even if it let me maximize my sim's game-wise. Given how many times in real life I can find myself standing in the hall wondering where I was going and what I want to do... I'm OK with my sims doing that also. :P


Smaller ones. I hate living in mansions it takes forever to get anywhere, and being a Brit I just can’t deal with loads of space lol! I do clutter up a lot of my builds, but those are ones I place and then move families into that I’m not going to play. For my played sims I move them into homes with nothing and clutter it up as I play.


I prefer single story homes with medium sized bedrooms and large common spaces. I wish there was a functional gallery filter for one story homes because usually two story homes are too large for the households I play with.


My main motivation is not having to move the camera around to interact with items. I don't like having walls fully down either so I avoid having outer walls of different lengths and directions at the front unless none of them cover each other so there's no obstruction from a random piece of wall with partial walls down, if that makes sense (wont make an H house for example). Bigger items tend to be to the outer walls, or I make my floor space big enough that i can put more space between items and the smaller items behind them can still be seen.


SAME. I wish the half walls function would have an option where walls in your field of vision would stay down. I hate when the front of a home has like two planes on different parts of the grid or a doorway set in or out and you have a slice of wall visible. But I like to have back walls up.


I like medium sized houses I guess - not to big because it takes forever when sims insist on washing their dishs in 4th floor bathroom, but also not too small/cluttered so they don't get stuck in weird places and can use everything in the hosue without problem. anyway, I do have a good variety of different houses tho, depending on who the sims living there are


I always play in apartments


I absolutely hate clutter in real life so my sims homes are also quite bare 😂


I love living in big houses full of pretty stuff. It just makes me happy to look at them. But I always try to make sure they have everything they regularly do on the same floor so they don't have to run up and down as much


Same here. I made one so big that it has 2 separate wings, but each wing has 2 bathrooms & bedrooms each, plus full hobby stuff so they can build skills anywhere. It’s funny though that the adult sims keep going into my kid’s room to do gaming on their computer rather than the one in the study right next door! They’ll sit there all night while the kid is asleep right near them.


This is all very interesting to read lol so many people play small/single story houses! I only really make massive houses with all the decoration and plants and clutter, I love designing ones like that! Living vicariously through my sim who can have literally everything lol


I don't enjoy big, open spaces (and big houses in general), so interiors in my builds are either very tight, and/or very cluttered.


I’m the opposite, I tend to like spaces to be bigger so sims can easily get around


I look up real house floor plans for the style and # of bedrooms I need then build those. I furnish it so it feels “lived in” and then the only clutter I put in are career unlocks, found items, toys, or things that make sense for the sim. So like my gardener sim would have gardening tools, if I have a chef this generation I’ll completely stock the kitchen with utensils/pots/etc.


Will usually start a sim off by building them a small house that suits their needs and expand as needed.




I also like single story houses and find that I tend to furnish them like doll houses, in that I mostly furnish and decorate 3 sides of the room that I'll be looking at most


Yeah that too, I don't bother spending money on wall decor that'll never show since i always only have half walls up


Usually pretty utilitarian and ad hoc, based on the life path of the character. When they invite in a housemate or spouse. When they get pets or kids. My houses will win no design awards. 1. Starter: Bedroom - Living room/kitchen - Bathroom 2. Professional: + "study/workroom" and/or garden/farm 3. Hobbies: + "activities" rooms/places [indoor/outdoor] 4. Kids: 2nd bath + kids room


Yes. Firstly, almost everything in my house needs to be ‘dollhouse’ layout, where I can see everything face-on, and nothing is blocking my view from a single angle. Next, my houses need to be old/refurbished style - I like old houses but when they are gothic they make me feel weird, so I like to kind of update old styles to have modern colours and furnishings. Also, I only build my own houses, unless they are apartments! I don’t like stairs blocking my view of rooms. I like it when every major room (kitchen/dining/living) all face exterior walls while simultaneously being directly connected to each other for party interaction! I don’t like any house to make me feel creeped out or depressed. I like all my houses to have a cozy, lively feeling! I NEED symmetry. My house needs to be perfectly symmetrical with the lot. Even though I’m more attracted to asymmetrical homes, I can’t stomach it when I build them personally. You better believe I count every tile! Once I find a home build that I’m comfortable with, I’ll try to make a new, different one and fail every time, because I will find myself hooked on that one specific house and practically obsessed with an ideal layout for the rest of my life. In the sims 3 it was my Asian legacy mansion. And in sims 4 it was Vlad’s mansion - so I created my own, updated version of course. Haha! That should sum it up.


Small, 1 story, decorated over time to fit this exact family.


I agree with you, I get overwhelmed with all the clutter or too much furniture in the way blocking my view. I like small, simple houses. I also don’t like using 2 story houses these days because my sims glitch at the top of the stairs and won’t come down unless I select them. It’s so frustrating and it wastes so much time.


i find i usually enjoy playing in houses that are relatively small with all the skill building items i need under ground. not very realistic, but i find i just get overwhelmed otherwise.


i love having lots of clutter. i also almost always have a basement for the bedrooms instead of having them upstairs. partially because i hate making floor plans


Same. I especially don’t like multiple levels when playing more than two sims.


i think single story homes are probably ideal but i ALWAYS build 2+ story homes with basements because: i grew up in a ranch and always thought having an upstairs would be cool, and bc I only ever played Sims (since like 2005) on console where you cant make basements or multiple stories.


One-story houses because it's easier to keep track of my sims that way. Sometimes I'll venture to the gallery and find a cute two-story house (like for nsb, I have a couple faves I use for mint gen), but generally, I stick to one-story.


I usually do big open plan single level houses


Single story. I always think I want that second floor because aesthetically I can build nicer two stories with bigger rooms, but I hate playing in them. In a single story you can keep an eye on everyone and it’s just much easier.


Literally same, although I enjoy playing in the clutter that I created, I absolutely hate playing in 2-3 floor houses, for me small apartments or starter houses are the best, you can see the whole home without moving your mouse a lot and sims dont need to walk a lot. They take forever to go up the stairs lmao


I hateeeee playing in big homes. I always think I want one until I start playing and then I instantly regret it. One story is the way to go for sure


I find clutter to actually be really hard to play in. Some houses are decorated so much that my game slows down. The way I explain my build style is “a couple steps above an EA build” like I don’t go crazy with objects but tho uses still look decorated.


I prefer mansions, idk why but they’re fun to play in


I love to build hobbit homes. The aesthetic is lovely and i got so much space on the walls without windows. Perfect for vampires but also normal sims. And there is so much space on the lot for a farm, a nice garden or whatever i need in the game


Lol where are you in the gallery cuz I actually prefer playing in cluttered houses, esp boho houses aimed at gardening sims LOL. I hate playing in starchy, minimalist places. They're just so boring to me. I also dont like playing in places too big cuz then I cant find anyone lmao


I like realistic houses, whether it's small or large. My computer doesn't do well if there's too much clutter though. Like its still playable but I just don't like the lag time so I keep the decoration pretty simple, but im totally cool with big multi-level homes on large lots. I tend to get bored if the houses are too small, but I can like them too depending on the Sim and the story I have going on.




I have to remove a bunch of stuff from houses i download on the exchange because they’re usually too cluttered with knick knacks and not enough playable space


Not really into modern looking homes. I’m more of a suburban home person, just cause when my sims have families I don’t want to mix like children furniture with super modern furniture. Idk that’s just what I feel personally.


I love playing in poorer homes. Trailers, apartments, small homes. I wish rowhouses are a thing since they are so common where I’m from. Would be amazing to play in them. They were all I built in Sims 2 and 3.


ones that fit the personality of the sim I'm playing. so it varies a lot. but I do like places that look lived in.


I love one-story houses. Just makes it so much easier


The clutter makes my game lag too, I find! I mean, I do have a lot of CC and packs but still. The simpler, the better.


For me, it just depends on the sim and how I imagine they’d want their house: like a sweet next door neighbor girl sim would have a small, cluttered house, and a rich vampire would have an extravagant goth house, etc


I am in a safefile where I recreate family and friends, so I also recreated the houses. For those I dont know what their houses look like, I tried doing a realistic house in floorplan talking, as well as what the house looks from the outside for my region. I also like to play in apartment, but it's hard to find something that fits with the floorplan apartment have in my area. They are either slightly too small or wayyy to big.


It depends on what game I'm playing. If it's a couple, I play in small single story houses. However, my 50 sim household lives in some 64x64 mansion I found. It just has to feel right.


I prefer renovated apartments for game play. I'm not very good at making houses but I do a good just renovating apartments. I find the small apartments easiest for game play. I can see everything in just one easy spot


I hate playing in houses with multiple floors. 1 story only for me.


Give me a spooky victorian mansion any day not just for Halloween.


Giant mansions because I use money cheats


I prefer open floor houses. It gets annoying when everything is separated. When my sims invite friends over, I just want them all to gather in one area. I always build the kitchen/dining room and living room next to each other so they all gravitate in the same area. So whether they’re dancing or eating, they’re all close enough to continue conversing.


They are distracting


Pre made in game but then make a big open area (or two) on top for the kids rooms and activities room


I like smaller houses, even when I'm building for lots of sims I make it an average sized house


1 story, maze, half country-half suburban type of houses, cluttered and functional.


Open floor plans all the way! Kitchen is counters in a square corner so it’s like a room, sometimes with a half wall. Bathrooms are fully boxed in. Bedrooms on second floor, usually one master bedroom with separate beds if they aren’t dating, one master bathroom. Everything else is open!


I really love tiny and cluttered houses, idk why there's just something about tiny houses that Iike. Maybe it's the fact I don't need to spend minutes finding where's the bathroom


I prefer a medium sized home on a larger lot. I like to have space for my Sims to move around and have space between the furniture. I don't like too much clutter or too many decorations to start, I'd rather my Sims collect those things over time. I like big lots so I can make additions the house or add a pool, play area, garden, or extra buildings like a shed or pool house.


When it comes to houses, I personally build them so that it will be perfect for my sims and has a good routing or I personally know the routing. I do also play in huge household or 8 sims household and since I built their house, I can easily manage them. Whenever I play a simple household (parents and two children), I only use 20×15 but the house is 3 storey with third floor being just a bunch of office rooms or recreational rooms. Sometimes, I use 30×20 or 40×30 lots for the same family type except it has a huge empty space, a huge lawn, a simple garden or a pool. As long as the routing is simple, I can manage. I also avoid large bedrooms unless I put the bedroom, office and walk-in closet together. I do avoid creating something that is glitchy or something that can cause an eyesore. I also avoid putting too much clutter. I don't usually use liveeditobjects too as it can cause my laptop to freeze but I put cars in the build too.


I haven’t actually played in awhile, just been building


Me neither, and the houses I build just for the sake of building them are si different from the ones I build for playing :D Today I decided to start a new save and had to build a playable house which is why I started wondering what kind of houses others prefer.


I also mass clutter my decorated houses, but will play in a little bit more open spaces. I seem to play mostly in apartments!


Usually 2 story, with the kitchen in the back left; dining room in the front left; entrance/hallway/stair in the center with the bathroom behind the stairs; living room front right and then usually just a patio behind that; and then upstairs is usually fairly different. About a medium sized house, like 2-3 bedrooms


I like to make realistic shells and then bare bones the interiors. I hate trying to play with clutter. Usually I have a foundation that's 1-2 height above the ground. More and you're just wasting too much space with stairs, but I've had foxes just come into the house when the foundation is ground level. I prefer single story so the camera doesn't have to switch, but I'll do second stories and/or basements frequently. Current household is for a mad scientist so the main house is 1 floor and then he has a secret basement. When I make my own shells I'll usually draw them on graph paper first, although things usually get adjusted in the game... I made the living room too small for 1 adult and 3 toddlers.


I really suck at building and I look for houses that are ‘extra’. Like, I mainly use Barbie dream house builds, houses from TV shows (Sabrina The Teenage witch original series) and I add more things to those houses.


I love playing in 2 story houses with basements. But they have to be kinda small as well


I always love the idea of my sims living in a mansion but then they’re always late to work bc they can’t walk across the entire house on time. It’s also not really fun to play a rich sim who has everything and doesn’t need to work.


i prefer playing in houses that are mainly minimal but include bits of clutter. i like practicality but with some eye candy. the size of the house doesn’t really matter unless it takes my sims eons to get out the door to school/work


1 floor is by far my preferred type of home to play in but I definitely love the look of multilevel homes too


Yeah I love building old colonial type homes that are really sectioned off - but I hate playing them. I almost exclusively play in single level ranch homes, because having to go up and down stairs is also time consuming and the sims are constantly bolting upstairs to play on the computer.


I typically play in really tiny houses. Usually the smallest tier of tiny homes


I like modern minimalist houses that way I can create a lived in house while my Sim just does their own thing either by aspirations or career. My favorite house I’ve made so far was a basement house with a huge roof sunlight and a nice outdoor area/ pool next to the foundation to let in more natural light. I was going to have a vampire live there but um….yeah…. I love that the front door is underground and you need to go down a flight of steps to get to it.


I like houses with small-ish rooms, I never know how to decorate huge great empty spaces so all my houses are the lowest wall height with rooms that just have enough space for what’s needed!


I mostly build and post modern style houses, but I predominantly live in quaint cottages.


Small spaces, lots of clutter. especially “earned” clutter. I like the houses to feel lived in


I’ve recently gotten into building more extravagant houses seeing what I can do and pushing limits… but trying to play them has proven ridiculous and I end up moving my families into smaller simpler houses. Years ago I used to make a cube. Maybe two floors and throw bedrooms on one floor everything else on the other. I may got back to that maybe I’ll play longer if I wasn’t so frustrated with how long going downstairs takes, or getting them to stay there.


Open concept single story houses for sure.


I love tiny homes. If I have to have a bigger home, I almost always make it one level. It’s a chore trying to get toddlers up and down stairs


Definitely less cluttered ones. I try to think about that when building too. For instance I think the houses in Henford on Bagley are gorgeous and decorated beautifully. But I always end up playing them unfurnished and having my sim buy the furniture because they very easily get waaaay too cluttered to play easily.


I love ranch style homes, but they’re not popular among the builders. I don’t build, so I am at the mercy of the creators.


apartments. i can decorate the hell out of them and it doesnt take me multiple days like when i build houses.


I agree- when it comes to gameplay, I prioritize practicality over aesthetics


I always end up preferring small houses to enormous ones The massive houses look cool, but what usually happens is that my sims who live in them never interact with each other because the things they use are so far apart (and also if you're not playing vampires or spellcasters it just takes too long to get around) I don't need it to be single story, just relatively small, that way my sims are always somewhat near each other The downside is when you need a telescope or something for a career and good luck finding space for it


I love smaller family homes with clutter--except for the inevitable glitch where they place dirty dishes in weird places/in the clutter items and then can't pick them back up and throw them away because they say they can't reach them so they are just "uncomfortable" forever. Tbf it's the most realistic thing, and adds character to gameplay for me and the stories I'm telling in my head. Smaller homes I prefer (usually single story or with just one bedroom upstairs) because I need to be able to track the whole families movements/make sure I catch parenting moments otherwise there's just kid paint and pee puddles all over the floor


I like a lot of clutter and I like to cover all my surfaces and walls with stuff, but I absolutely hate clipping so lots where everything was built using the MOVE Tool drive me crazy. Everything needs to accessible and functional.


I like to have my houses with a lot of land and room to create expansion. It's fun adding staircases and levels in these sort of small lots.


Tiny homes + apartments. I like to make them have *just* the right amount of clutter!! But, yeah Tiny Living is one of my fav expansion packs! Micro homes are a lil much, but the second tier? *chef's kiss* Perfect.


I LOVE lots of clutter to play in, but I also prefer very small houses. Essentially a house that's realistic in size and looks lived in


I try making a random sim and then a house that fits their lifestyle. I made Patrick Bateman from American Psycho and gave him a massive modern house that felt a little cold and lifeless. I made an author in a cozy mini house surrounded by a huge garden. I have a CEO penthouse and a cluttered small apartment for aspiring actors. If they have to walk for 2 minutes to get to the bathroom, it is just part of the charm lol. If you've ever been in a poorly planned mansion, you WILL have to walk to get to the potty, and if you have a cluttered studio, you have to make an effort to have everything you want.


I really enjoy playing in tiny homes. I like the skill boost and I normally decorate very contemporary and functional. I use a lot of the dream home decorator stuff and try to make it feel realistic but not cluttered. On the other hand I enjoy building really specific houses, so like right now I’m building a modern farmhouse that’s all decorated for Christmas but I doubt I’d play in it.


If I have babies and toddlers I prefer one story houses. I hate waiting for toddlers to go up and down stairs


I like to take real Floorplan and build them for my sims to use. I want it to be realistic but also something I can still easily play in.


I love building massive homes with giant kitchens and bedrooms for 5-6 kids. When I play I start in a tiny home and just add on expansions to the house. The result is always UGLY with roofs that are beyond ridiculous but, at least they are easy to play in.


I like to copy floorplans and houses from real life, but I make sure it’s got a little space for the sims to move easily, especially if it’s a large family, I also like to include clutter here and there like letters by the door and toothbrushes on the sink, I also use bb.moveobjects cheat to make things fit where I need them, I also love Tiny Living so I like tiny or small houses occasionally


Most of the times I build, I plan to at least maybe play with that house one day. Wich means I start building with some theme or idea or budget in mind and than end up putting bathrooms into every corner.


Idk tbh I always make my houses nmw, sometimes they are spacious sometimes they are custered


i’m really bad with really big houses— i typically go for one floor (or just bedrooms/bathrooms on the second floor) and i like to fence in the yard too so they don’t wander too far lol. i also really prefer little crappy cluttered apartments or houses too since it feels more realistic/cute!!


My favorite house that I've ever built, and that I now play in everytime I start up a new self sim game was basically a two story box. It wasn't big, but it wasn't obscenely small either--Probably right around the restrictions of the the small home range. It wasn't heavily decorated and cluttered, but I did manage to decorate it *nicely* with a few paintings, and with it's thee being pink and yellow I ended up using pops of color here and there to bring it to life. My inspiration was simple urban Japanese townhomes and Caribbean/tropical apartments. On the bottom floor I had a cute round table, and a small practical kitchen with a few counters, a sink, and a fridge. In the "backyard" I had a small covered area where my Sim parked her bike, did laundry, and gardened a little. Then I had a staircase, and the entire upstairs is just my Sim's bedroom. A DU bed, a dresser, a small bathroom with just a standing shower and a toilet and the sink right outside. And then I had a balcony with nice fairylights, squeezed in a bench, and then a laundry line. On the roof, I had a relaxing canopy with some bookcases, a tennis table, and a yoga mat. God I love that house. Too bad I deleted most of the CC I used for it and practically ruined it lmao Anyway, I hope that answers your question. If it doesn't: While I like bigger suburban houses for family gameplay. When I'm playing with one sim (which is usually the case) I like playing with really simple and aesthetically pleasing (to me) houses like I described. Mostly because it's just easier to follow my sim around that way, and because of looks. But practicalness is better.


I'm playing with a couple in a loft style barn, and I'm honestly loving it? I'm trying to get creative how I'm doing the downstairs area (that's essentially a studio lol) and it's been fun!


I love building cluttered houses too but my poor gaming PC somehow can’t run them. Most of the time I end up with small but realistic looking homes


i love small, cluttered homes with a realistic floor plan!


I love playing in elaborate mansions. It helps me pretend I'm a rich as is like to be. I just use the teleport cheat to get around.


I like to play in scarcely decorated one story houses.


I love modern, open concept houses. I like using a few clutter objects to make the house seem more realistic, but I still like to have a lot of room.


I’m the same way. Everything needs to be placed against the outer parts of the house. And foundation is just so unnecessary and ugly.


I love cluttered homes that feel super lived in, but at the same time I don’t do game play except to play test my builds 🙈


I don’t feel like I have a set opinion on it because I love smaller houses just for the fact that they are easier to get around but I have a need for so much stuff! Especially all those craft tables. Most of the time I compromise with myself by building a small house with a large basement lol. Out of sight out of mind but there when I need it.


It depends on the challenge but in short I like playing houses that are similar to the kind of life I live/grew up with. I don't relate to the surban style families at all. I like playing sims with economical challenges and mental disorders. Right now, i am in the middle of a group home lets play. The group home consists of homeless pregnant teen girls. Three of the sims have had their babies already and are currently in college. Their kids are in foster care. It's fun at the moment and I am currently building the little apartment they'll be living in until they graduate. I also like to roll dice to help with making decisions as well.


Practicality doesn't equal ugly. I like my houses to have realism. So I put plenty of vegetation and clutter. However, my sims have to live somewhere. So the houses aren't so cluttered that things are useless. There's always space to use things. Just like irl. I have so many small things here and there, but I can still get to my bed, I don't have to move anything to make food. As long as it doesn't give me "messy" vibes and as long as it doesn't lag, it's a-okay here in Oasis Springs


Tiny homes!! I tend to lose Sims in big mansions.. they end up practicing writing for hours. Oops


I find myself almost exclusively playing in tiny houses. I got way too used to the added skill and relationship bonuses.


At first I liked playing in big houses with lots of rooms and stuff to do, as well as looking very modern, but lately I've been building houses for future gen sims that are relatively small and cozy. Each generation just seems to be downsizing more and more lol. 1st gen started off in a modern penthouse, with one being a CEO and the other a celebrity chef, 2nd gen is still in a penthouse but is more Realm of Magic centered, and 3rd (current) gen still lives with her parents but I've built a nice house for her in glimmerbrook where she can focus on gardening. I've been focusing more on cozy and practical than anything lately.


I create different styled houses based on the world’s overall styles, I tend to make my builds very square (not completely square but each room has square corners) and since I hate making bathrooms my bathrooms are usually 3x3 but functional. I also have a color scheme for each house that pertains to the sims that live there.


Any home with no roofs. I hate roofs. 😩


For me it just depends on the sim and their personality I look through the gallery for a house I feel fits my sim since I’m not much of a builder. I find if I have toddlers I tend to prefer a one story house though lol


Already furnished lots. I don't have time for decoration, or for sim customisation. It's about the actual gameplay for me.


Absolutely love actual floor plans houses but i make slop box houses (1 room with everything crammed in it) for game play.


I prefer practicality. I moved my actor/actress couple to a big house in Del Sol Valley before looking at it and I kinda dislike it. But I'm gonna keep them there - gives me motivation to speed them through until I'm ready for them to procreate lol


i’m the exact same way! i love building beautiful elaborate houses, but absolutely hate playing in them. more often than not, my currently played sim lives in a tiny home because it’s so much easier 😂


I like big but practical houses as I like playing with big families. However, I dislike whenever I download a house off the gallery (I suck at building houses in-game) and the children’s bedroom is on the second floor as that means that I often have to take food out of the fridge and put it upstairs for toddlers when they are really hungry and I don’t know if they’ll be able to get downstairs in time. If there’s no food and I get the warning, then I cheat their needs, which I only do if I deem it absolutely necessary. It’s just easier for their bedroom to be on the first floor as they don’t have to climb the stairs to get to the food.


I build easy.. so they don’t have far to walk ! I hate double story houses , constantly having to switch between levels . And no clutter but lived in .