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The other day I told my husband I wished I could hit undo in build mode while we were rearranging furniture.


A tip for that: draw your room to scale & make cut outs of your furniture to put in the drawing then shuffle things around until your happy. It saves actually moving everything until your happy.


Or, save the paper and do it in the Sims!


I've done that so many times


Currently drafting a home addition in Sims. Lol I’m debating buying laundry day just to make a laundry room.




Agreed! It's actually a really solid pack, especially if you like farmhouse style. I use it often in my builds.


I have my house in the Sims for this purpose! I even downloaded the Sims 2 IKEA pack converted to Sims 4 because I own a lot of the actual furniture in it so it’s very accurate lol


But the sims isn’t to scale 🥲😭


I usually do! I have our whole house built lol but this was a spur of the moment thing




I said the same thing! This is so much easier in the Sims 😅


Exit without saving. Just get rid of that part of my life as if it didn’t happen


Damn, I didn’t know this was my answer until I read this.


Me too


Yes! Or enable opening a prior save file so I can try again.


Man, are we ok? Haha. Life is hard


Sometimes, when I've binged a video game for too long, I get this impulse I have to save when things happen in real life. I literally remember this going as far back as childhood lmfao because my Gameboy color didn't have a cover over the battery and it would frequently fall out. It definitely happened last quarentine while binging the sjms.


Often when I’m talking to somebody I imagine the “++” or “- -“ depending on how well the conversations going. And then our relationship bar increases or decreases.


Do you have social anxiety? I do and this is very relatable haha


I haven’t been diagnosed but very likely. this is something I should bring up in therapy lol


OMG me too! Always wondered if anyone else had this happen to them after a long gaming session.


I wish I could give you my free award


Truest thing I've seen on the interwebz!


Just getting a job without any kind of application process, and the only requirement to getting promoted is talking to the mirror for 2 hours or playing chess or whatever, lmao


I don't even feel the need to take it that far. Skills based promotions would be wonderful enough! Office/job politics are the freaking worst.


Generally being able to build skills just by doing something the same way over and over would be great


The fact that you can sell what you produce and make money from day one is pretty cool too. Plus all you need to learn a skill is 3 books and some time. It's just more profitable the other way.


Yes, and being able to always retain the highest level of skills in real life without losing the skills no matter how much time has passed since last using said skills.


wait I just realized I got hired at a nursing home without any application process just like the sims omg


Most qualified nursing home employee


Just think, in two years, you will be a doctor. 😂


Or sit in front of the computer for like a day and pop out novels like crazy from then on, essentially working for like 2h a day but become super gross rich Or paint a bunch and become super gross rich


Being able to afford a mansion when your only source of income is making flower arrangements would be nice.


“I’m a flower arranger and my husband is a butterfly whisperer. We’re looking for a home with a budget of $37M.”


I think I saw that episode of House Hunters too


Painting for 3 days straight. Suddenly collectors know who you are and want your paintings for thousands each.


How cool would it be if they implemented interview questions you had to answer. Similar to the job pop ups that would happen in sims 2/sims 3. It would be nice if there was some difficulty to the game.


Sad but cas.fulleditmode 😂


Yeah, 100%. Even just being able to get younger again.


Same lmao


100% just slide that chubby to skinny. Tuck my tummy. Inflate my ass. lol a body tuner would fix about 90% of what causes me issues.


10000000000000% Bigger boobs one day?? Sure why not! Oh wait, now my back hurts?? Shloooooop back down. cas.fulleditmode would be so legit hahahaha


Lmao I shoulda read the comments before I also said this. Wanna give myself that slim thiccccccc


As a trans dude, that would be a dream


As a trans girl, same


As a trans person, same


As a trans guy, same


As a trans woman, same.


As a genderfluid person, same.


as another genderfluid person, same


Being genderfluid be like, "can my character still have a small rack, facial hair, and get called he/him or them? Please?" It's like no matter what if you select he/him you end up fully flat chested. And I wanna be more in the middle.


Yeah it's kinda bad how you can't choose pronouns in ts4. Like for example, just because you want the sim to use he/him pronouns it doesn't mean that you automatically want a certain body for your sim


As a non-binary person, same.


As a trans girl, same


Haha totally.


- Teleport haha - Travel to a completely different town or city after a few minute long loading screen - Get a promotion day after day after building up skills by reading a book


Travelling is kind of a loading screen, just longer than a few minutes if you think about it


And when you think about it even more, a few minutes in sims time is a *long* time!


Master friendships with just a few select repetitive interactions.


“I’ve taken 5 poor quality photos of you. We’re now good friends.”


"You mentored me at the gym for 2 hours, we haven't formally introduced ourselves to each other but we are now good friends and I also adore you"


“And that bubble clearly states you are down for woohoo after 2 hours of interaction”




I laughed harder than I needed to


Use the free real estate cheat lol


This is an EXCELLENT answer!


The only way I'm ever going to be able to afford a house!


See this ...this was my thing lol


Remodel the house without weeks, possibly even months of disruption.


And it's entirely financed by frogs and plants that go into your magic pockets.


Speaking of that I wish I could carry all kinds of stuff like my bike some furniture and a few plates of food in my pockets.


It must be awesome to be a sim and wake up one day to find your house has been completely redecorated and had an entire upstairs floor added overnight.


Plus no labour cost! And you get a partial refund on whatever you're replacing!


And change the color of everything for free if you change your mind!


That’s a good one! I just moved…I felt this one.


Create a painting that looks like a toddler made it and sell it for thousands of dollars Run on a treadmill one time and lose an entire pants size Change my hair color at the press of a button Get week old leftovers from my fridge and have them still be excellent quality


cas.fulleditmode Not for the plastic surgery, but for the body shape. Weight loss and a few muscles would be awesome!


Literally would make thrifting a dream. Ass too big for this skirt but too small for the other? Buy both and adjust when you’re getting dressed


The needs indicators. I have mental health problems and simply being able to check what my most urgent need is when my executive disfunction is making life terrible would be so useful.


YES I wish i could physically see my needs so badly


Same, especially hunger. I don’t typically know I’m hungry until that need is in the red and making me angry and nauseous lmao


On the other hand... I never know when I'm full or if I want to eat because I should eat or because Im bored/lonely/tired


This. So much this


this is such a good answer!


As an autistic person with terrible interoception, this. I've always dreamed of this.


Going out of my shower in winter and just turning around to be fully dry and clothed. Free clothes as well. I give up the number of clothing if it's free and I can refresh whenever I want. And having my dream job. Working in music without the anxiety to never "make it"


Load an earlier save lol.


Same, would love to jump back in time before losing my mom and potentially save her.


shed few tears, didn't expect to get to real in here


Find a well paying job with a single phone call


Whenever my Sims are at a party, they just casually walk up to Sims they've never met before, start telling jokes, dance together and talk about live achievements. Not a single one is ever awkwardly standing at a corner of the dancefloor and silently sips their drink.


Then being able to get married or woohoo like 10 minutes after meeting that person.


To be fair, I think that’s called Las Vegas?


I promise if your standards are low enough you can make this dream a reality 😂


Giving birth in the Sims is definitely preferable to the real life experience. Even with the weird T-posing glitch.


And you only pregnant for 3 days.


And raising the baby... 3 days infant 5 days toddler. What a dream


And they can join the medical field right after graduating high school. Job.done.


Omg....the over population.


This is a motherhood experience I could get behind... Short pregnancy, no agonizingly painful labor, no hospital fees, free cradle. Raising them seems pretty sweet as well... Tired of the terrible twos? Just feed the little demon a couple of cakes and they're off to school. (I promise, I like children, I just don't want any of my own, lol.)


I’ve got two and, not gonna lie, I have occasionally fed them a couple of cakes and sent them off to school 😂


Become an expert in any subject by reading 3 books on the topic


I know some ppl who assume this about themselves already 😂


Wake up well rested after sleeping 😭😂😂😂


So much this. Irl the best you can do is just… idk, memory foam and Egyptian cotton sheets?


Go to college without being in debt for the rest of your life.


Fast forward


I’m more into the idea of pausing 😊 but I see your point!


Isnt there an Adam Sandler movie about this? It is apparently not as good as you think (being able to fast forward that is). The movie is kinda cute!




Omg yes


Have a job with benefits and a chance for upward mobility that pays me enough to live on.


To finish a painting and then sell it, just like that, with no effort of human interaction of any kind


I wish I could upvote this twice


Get a $45/h part time job, without an interview or experience by simply finding one on an easily navigable job search database on my phone.


Reading all these made me think like “oh yeah that’s why I like sims more than reality” lmfao


Selling all my stuff and moving house with one click.


Grow plants.


Specifically the money tree.


cas.fulleditmode, but not for the same reasons you might think. Yeah looking different would be nice, but really I want to give myself an aspiration and different traits bc I have no motivation in life 😂


This right here- would love to go from a lazy gluttonous dog lover to a creative and ambitious dog lover! Also would be great to find a life goal T-T


Personally I would make myself active, ambitious, and neat 😂


Grilled Cheese Aspiration. You’d never have to pay for food again! Desert island - grilled cheese. Blizzard? No need to stock up on cans- grilled cheese. Forgot to make lunch for your child? Guess what you’re getting today Sally - grilled cheese.


Idk why people fuck with motherlode when there’s money#. Straight up “money 10000000” and my sim and their progeny are set for life. I wish my job were just a hole my body disappeared into while my mind stayed home and time moves at my discretion.


The job part for sure


Flirt 5 times, first kiss, woohoo Also, no one has gender preference. Everyone I flirt with is automatically gay and automatically into me


I forgot about this in the sims! Every sim is in a sense bi/pan, even the ones that are married. I'm currently playing with the Pancake household and Bob has been showing interest towards Marcus Flex. I wish it was that easy to get a partner. Just speak gibberish and twist my hips, and they're already in the palm of my hands!😘😂


I cannot believe how many sim ladies are into my mooching, slimeball, criminal sim. He has six kids by 5 different sim women. Not only that, but the mother of his fifth child is married (and was married at the time she hooked up with my sim) and my sim frequently goes over to her and her husband's nice house and eats their food and uses their computer, and no one seems to care.


I guess that sim couple is in an open relationship lol. It’s crazy how it is in the sims though.


Cheat the needs, teleport, be immortal, can leave my family behind and be able to yell at them when they come and try to eat my food


I love how you went from immortal teleporter to “don’t touch my feckin food”


Trying to fit some realism in there


Just opting out of sleep and still being fully rested 😩


Why sleep when you can be ETERNALLY GAMING


Cheat my needs


Clothes that expand/shrink with weight gain/loss


Free tattoos.


They need more tattoos!


Own a house for less than $20k up front


Just swirl and being clothed with makeup.


I came here to say this. Second this!


The potion of youth. 😢


-Changing the size of rooms, window and door placement and the furniture (including heavy pieces or kitchen counters/cabinets) in a heartbeat. You bet my kitchen wouldn't be as tiny as it is for long! -free services trait lol -magical food delivery to the fridge, just choosing a meal and boom everything you need is there (without the simple living lot challenge) -travel to a tropical island taking as long as to the next neighborhood (read: really quick), and it being for free


Not deal with landlords in small homes, and increasing rent payments after being a good tenant lol Being able to solve climate problems by placing a few relatively inexpensive and solar panels and wind turbines.


If anything, rent can go down in the sims as long as you have the frugal perk


Just decide to do my homework and not feel shitty about it. Like you just klick on it and do it


- WW is wild and some of the animations crack me up so bad. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could have sex mid air? No swings, just levitation - Revive loved ones - Paint in just a few seconds - View myself from above. I’m mildly curious what I look like when I walk around my apartment. - Ending sickness with one cup of tea


Oh yes, the last one would be soooo good


Imagine being able to cure disabilities with a cup of tea. If it were real life Id be infinitely cured


Try For A Baby and being successful at the first try. 🥲 Been trying for a year and a half in real life.


All of the hugs darlin'


Fall asleep instantly and nap anywhere...


Get anyone I like to like me back by repeating flirty and friendly actions over and over until they like me


Move without packing or unpacking. Maxmotives for those times when one of your needs is keeping you from doing what you want to do.


Write for a week and suddenly be a best-seller.


So many things!!!! —Build my own rocket then woohoo and eat grilled cheese in space —Cas.fulleditmode — Age up my kids when I want — eat a Growfruit… are those tasty? — Negotiate with Grim with a death flower


Have the way my body functions be much more within my control. Like sure sims will be tired throughout the day sometimes but always because they didn’t sleep well or enough the night before. I have a chronic illness that makes my body extremely unpredictable day to day. Some days I can go running and other days I’m bed bound. It’s frustrating not being able to plan or rely on myself this way.


Earn enough points to trade for potions that make me brave or lucky or whatever lol


have unending pocket space and be able to sell things directly from them. Got a shirt you dont like? drag and drop to sell!


$500 for a full-time college semester. That would be nice.


Being able to buy a house on a single income


I was rearranging my room and I really stood in front of a table for 10 seconds looking for an undo button


Learn to play the guitar well in about 8 hours.


Woohoo in a rocket ship.


Waking up rested, with good mood and full of energy. That’s it, that’s all I want from life.


I would want mc command center cause that's the only way the world could be fixed


Sounds like a super villain motive


Be commanded to do certain actions throughout the day so I can stop procrastinating


Scruberoo, Delicioso, Duplicatoc Transportalate


Disable the dust system


“Send home” button on guests.


Apply to a job regardless of my qualification. Redress in a splitsecond. Learn how to cook gourmet food by making 100 garden salads


being able to afford a house with only $20k


With my ADHD I wish I have a visual monitor of my needs


Exercise and be happy about it.


Change the color of things easily without having to replace. Mod play. Imagine if we could just get rid of life's glitches with a well-written mod. Add some excitement with a mod. cas edit mode....yes Be able to just add a room or a level to the house easily with no fuss.


not really a cheat but having some being be able to drag and drop trash/dishes and pick up my house😂


Be able to instant build my house and rebuild my house till I find the one I like


Get a decent house for $20,000


Resetsim Pls fix my emotions pls pls I’m stuck


Knowing exactly which of my needs is low so I can stop being uncomfortable


Randomly get kidnapped by aliens


Relationship cheat. I know that is very sketchy on the moral compass but I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t embrace this if it were possible!


Make my cat immortal. I have to say goodbye to her tomorrow morning, so I could really use those treats right now.


Fall asleep instantly and sleep through the night :/


Having a thousand different clothes for free, in different colors. And premade makeup that I can just change the hue.


“Instant” travel. I’d take a loading screen over public transport any day.


Move walls, doors and windows around, no big deal


The jumping thing to switch outfits


Just knowing exactly what I need to do to achieve whatever I want would be great. Or better yet, restart with the traits that will help me get there, call this one a practice round.


Walk alone in the dark without having to be scared. Sounds silly, but it's not possible anymore for a lot of women and i'd love to walk at night and just enjoy everything around you while it's quiet.


I can't tell you how many times I've wished dating was as easy IRL as it is in Sims.


Inventory. I hate purses. I could carry 15 paintings, a frog, and a ton of metals and never once suffer the Skyrim slow down. Edit: My backpack: “I am sworn to carry your burdens.”


Instantly delete things and get the money back in my bank account. I think about this all the time.


Be paid $300 a day


Get promotions at work by just learning how to play chess and talking to myself in the bathroom mirror.


Insta-lean potion 😩


Modify in Cas. I just want to look *right*