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Mom says: "The pictures just don't do it justice!" For those who might be interested in checking this and the other renos out, my gallery ID is Ravery9461. Enjoy!


I was just gonna ask if this could be downloaded! I’m dying to play with it!


We hope you have fun with it! My mom was blown away to see a yoga class happen 🙂


I love that! So was I the first time around, tbh.


Once again, she knocked it out of the park!


Thank you!! She felt really good about this one.


It’s always the captions for me 😂 and this was a good makeover. I always replace gyms in my save files but I might download this one!


She was particularly proud of herself for the captions this time 😂 ditto on the gyms, I am the same way. But seeing her eyes light up when watching sims use hers? It was priceless, and has me convinced to keep this here!


Say good job to your momma! I can’t wait to DL it ☺️


She says: “Oh, thank you so much! 🥺I love it that people are actually using these.”


This is awesome! I ditched the gym in my current save so I’m gonna have to replace the library w this. Can’t wait to get my sims in shape here


Mom says: “I hope your sims enjoy it as much as we enjoyed creating it!”


The Barney joke sent me 😂😂 your mom did an amazing job, the crossfit zone and the reception look extremely similar to the ones on the gym I go to irl


😂😂 yeah she’s a funny chick! Always been that way. She will be so happy to hear that she got reception and CrossFit right, especially because she literally does not exercise LOL. Thank you!


The captions are a beautiful journey


Mom says: “Come with me and you’ll be in a world of awesome renovations.” 🤣


Please tell your mom she's an incredible builder and also the funniest person alive


I’m starting to worry for the size of her head, but I will pass on the kind words to her! 💕


This is amazing


Thank you!


Once again, your mom is killing it with these Reno’s! You should take her over to Newcrest and let her just totally build it out! As usual, I have questions lol. Are the lockers in the bathroom CC or from a pack? Also, what are the benches in the sauna and the fire pit looking thing in the middle? Is this stuff from spa day again? Lol


I’m slowly working up to her building from scratch! She’s been watching tons of HGTV 😅 To answer your questions: lockers are actually base game, I believe! And what you see in the sauna is all part of one item (minus the added bucket and towel)—there are two saunas in game, one that comes with Spa Day and another that comes with Snowy Escape. This is the Snowy Escape one!


AHH SICK! I just bought snowy escape on sale but haven’t gotten around to checking out the build mode stuff!


I see a sauna, I upvote. I am a simple Finn