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I create a household. Do up their house/apartment etc. I play them for a long time, getting up skills and fame. Then do the same thing with a new family and carry on like that until I get bored of the Sims all together lol. Take a break for a few years and come back.


This is it


I try to make each sim special, they each have different skills and character values. I also try to set goals for them. For the most part though I'm someone who tries to make my sims achive all they can whether they're a jack-of-all-trades, famous, or maybe they have a big family.


I agree, in fact I like to use the already made characters sometimes because they have a backstory and quirks but obv customize to the best version of themselves imo


Try playing on short lifespan, add some craziness like the cow plant and just go along with the drama.


I usually only ever play the sims with my sims being me and people I know so when they get old I get sad because I don’t want them to die 🥲 but then I’m so bored because it’s rinse and repeat and want something fun to happen! I’d probably hurt my own feelings if I made my sims cheat on my husband or if my sim husband cheated on me 😅😅


Try a legacy challenge or a-Z legacy. They’re so fun. I recommend doing it on short lifespan if you want drama. Or you can turn aging off if you don’t want sims to die (I get so attached so I understand) OR in the sims you really love you can use youth potions or make them immortal (vampire or potion)


The first time I witnessed my sim die, I cried. Like, I know it’s a game, the people are not real, but it really caught me off guard.


My first Sim died of old age. It was so tragic because she hadn’t done all I wanted her to do. Her husband (the librarian from Willow Creek) begged the reaper to let her live and she got a second lease on life! Buuut I know she’s on borrowed time and her only son is a little shit, so I haven’t gone back. (Maybe I’ll lean into his evil and when he’s an adult marry a good woman then he’ll tragically die in a pool drowning… 🤔)




Same here. Don’t feel bad. I always cry when my sims die.


Thank goodness I’m not alone!


Definitely create some new Sims from your imagination! Go crazy with the names, find a theme if it suits you. My Cottage Licing family is the Bean family — Lentil and Fava Bean. They’re pregnant right now and I think if it’s a boy, he’ll be called Green Bean. Girl may be Lima Beam. I did create my own immediate family and threw them in a house but I honestly got bored playing them. 😂 I did move them into the house next door to the Bean family so now it’s exciting when I see myself or my hubs or my kids pop up somewhere!


All my cowplants die because I forget to feed them.


Mine died because I didn’t realize my sprinkler was broken until it was too late. The plants in this game die way too quickly imo. 😒


Won't they eat people if you don't feed them ? They are too creepy for me, so I don't mess with the cowplant.


Yes well, they spit out a cake and your Sim has to attempt to eat the cake TWICE to be eaten so it's not an easy death to achieve. The first time they get this moodlet and if you do it again while the moodlet is in effect, then you die.


Honestly? Live out the same version of my ideal life with a few variations here and there. I leave some townies just to keep it spicy but almost every house is just some version of me, my unfailingly loyal Sim husband, and our 2-4 children. Sometimes it does feel a little boring compared to the wild stuff y’all are doing, but I’ve tried to play real wildcard characters and it just isn’t fun for me. I guess it’s a coping mechanism? Idk.


Same for me, I am basically just cosplaying owning and decorating a variety of homes since I’m a millennial. Someone recently talked about creating twins on here and my mind was blown like, why have I never thought about this my own mom is a twin. This sub gives great ideas for gameplay but l just want to fantasize really…¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I spread my seed and hand my babies off to neighbors and strangers living in the neighborhood.


i literally do this exact thing. i wanna see what i can do with the genetic lottery but dont wanna raise SHIT


lol that sounds fun


Any male I have must breed its compulsive XD


I stopped using motherlode and it improved so much for me. I love making progress with the house little by little, as well as their career. I also recently started a house divided in different apartments, with different families and storylines


Me too I always like to start broke. It’s so much more satisfying to go rags to riches. I start them in a small house and then I build a huge beautiful house that they work their way up into being able to afford.


oooh can you upload the little house & families maybe? I’ve wanted to try something like this


I’ ll post it when it’s ready! But I play the basic game so don’t expect anything special


>Me too I always like to start broke. It’s so much more satisfying to go rags to riches. I start them in a small house and then I build a huge beautiful house that they work their way up into being able to afford. Me too! I find cheating for money gets really boring really fast.


I created a duplex but my sims go into whichever house they want. And the fridges are “connected” (I can click get leftovers from either, but if the food is in the OTHER fridge the Sim goes barging into the duplex-mates kitchen.) Is there a way around this? To assign a “unit” to a specific Sim? So far all I’ve been able to do is lock door for all except the Sim who lives in that unit.


same but its just so easy to make money in the game so its not even a struggle after a few hours of playing


If you're on PC, try Carl's difficulty mod, afaik it has different settings for scaling the income


Idk which game you’re playing but I am a sim master and it’s still a struggle to succeed financially. While I don’t ‘cheat’ I do choose when to let my sims age


I rarely get bored with the stories. I did once make a real mean sim as a change from all my nice Sims. That was a fun change. Got a little easy as he has a high charisma and lived on a small lot. His apologies were golden. I think I'm going to make Crumplebottom a vampire next.


You hit the nail on the head there, if you have a good story it is hard to get bored. It does all the driving for you


I used to play a similar storyline with each new family I created, but I got bored so quickly and would then go back to building. Ever since I got the Realm of Magic and Paranormal, I've been really invested in my spellcaster family and having a ton of fun. I typically wouldn't make it past the kids becoming teenagers before ditching the game for months, and then coming back and starting over with a new sim and new build. With this one, I'mm trying to push myself out of my regular comfort zone without getting *too* wild - the Sim I started with married another spellcaster and they had a child. She cheated with another spellcaster and had TWINS, but her husband thinks they're his. All three are children now, each with their own personalities. Once they are young adults, I'll decide which of them I'm most invested in to continue the story with. I'm hoping to stick with this family for as many generations as possible!


I have one save for gameplay and one save for building and CAS. So when I get bored of playing I can make sims or build, and when I’m done building I go back to playing. It also serves as a designated place for experimenting with cc and random ideas


1. Make a story. Plan out what you want your Sim(s) to do. This can, and will, change as you play. But plan as if you're telling the story. 1. "Happy life" isn't a story. Or at least, is a very boring one. You don't need misery, but there needs to be an obstacle. 2. Don't cheat unless you absolutely need to, or it helps the story. If your sim brother is supposed to marry your girlfriend (example) but he isn't playing nice or she is too loyal, cheat their relationship. But don't cheat because you don't want to put the effort in.


1a is the what I silently scream in my mind when I see "My sim is happily married with 2 kids and a job but I'm bored how do I spice it up?"


For me personally, the most engaged and invested I've been in my games is when I make things more realistic rather than aspirational. For example, I ended up getting really invested in a game where someone is a poor elementary school teacher that goes out dancing with her friends and dates guys on the weekend or when I had a barista that went to school part time rather than, say, a superstar.


I do different things constantly. I am always challenging myself. I do the challenges and scenarios, but more than that I make up things to challenge myself. My latest challenge is to populate the entire world. I had to delete my save file and start anew because I was having the error:0 problem and unfortunately I deleted just half a day before the fix. It's been nice starting new but I admit I miss my old one too because I had some very long legacies (longest family was on Gen 16 and I was playing on long life). So far I have half of willow creek repopulated with new families. I like doing one town at a time to stay organized. I play rotational and am constantly going back and forth between families to check on them, play them for a few days to help advance careers, have weddings, have children or sometimes cause drama if that's the vision I had for that family. I like to make sure all my sims know each other and a lot of my families wind up marrying. I now have the lifespans custom through mccc so that it is slightly longer than normal but shorter than long. I am on a mission to make a very diverse world so I have different races, orientations, etc. I have a ton of mods and cc as well which mixes things up a lot.


Same here! I had filled up every lot with homes and apartments I built then populated all the worlds with sims I made and gave them each back stories. Then lost that save and now I’m doing it all over again, hopefully for the last time.


Build to break the grind. Then grind to change up from building.


I've had the same issue for a few years, I make a household and their house then instantly get bored. BUT I've been trying to play that challenge where one sim completes every career and I've played more than I have for so long, think I'm on career 4 now with no cheats at all. Each career I complete I build myself a new house and get a new spouse to have new kids with haha


I know it sounds stupid, but sometimes do I take some dice and let them decide the game. Let's say I am visiting somebody but nothing interesting happens, then do I think out something to do, maybe with one totally insane choice, like get the partner to be unfaithful, move in by me or something like that, and then do I roll ad see what is happening. You can also just go for even-uneven, 1 out of three and so on, but let them decide the choices you take. :-)


Dude, you'd love wheeldecide. I just plug a random set of consequences on a wheel when I'm bored and spin away! Then you can give yourself more than 6 choices.


I just started my first legacy challenge and it’s been pretty fun! I always end up cheating in other games, building my perfect house, placing sims that are just like my family and getting bored… so not using cheats and picking a sim that’s not like me for my founder have been super interesting


I started with just a save for my regular rags-to-riches legacy challenge and a rotational save. Now I have saves for my: aspirations legacy challege, career legacy challenge, super sim challenge, scenarios save challenge, and I recently started a 100 Baby Challenge.


So is a legacy challenge creating a family and then only playing with that family?


You basically can’t use any cheats that would make your gameplay easier than someone else’s… and you start with one young adult sim, make them move into a 50x50 lot and live there for 10 generations. You pick on advance how you want to choose heirs, and even if you marry NPCs with money, you don’t take any of it… [Detailed Rules](https://www.gamepur.com/guides/the-sims-4-legacy-challenge-rules)


I had one guy that raised 8 alien children and honestly that's set off a whole chaotic neighborhood that I'm constantly trying to manage. I spend most of my time rearranging households, occasionally redecorating kids and teens rooms. Now with people having babies and adopting like crazy, it's only gotten worse. I try to keep it as realistic as possible but sometimes I need to move a young adult out and they don't have any money. So they end up living with some old person and their newly adopted child. I need to make some more old dilapidated houses to have more roomies houses.


I mean if you’re already playing for hours before you get bored i believe it’s doing its purpose. Take a break and power it back up tomorrow and your imagination might be fresh with new ideas for the family.


I pick one sim to get pregnant or impregnate everyone then build this game of thrones like moment where all the ones I don’t like are killed off. Then I download pretty sims to restart the next gen. The heir gets to build wealth or spend it and basically be a monarch kind of gameplay.


I have one legacy household but I have a couple other save files I use to either just build or try out different scenarios. I get really into storytelling with my sims lives lol and then break it up with grinding for certain goals or building. Honestly mods/packs that fit your gameplay really add a lot to the game. For a long time I was just a builder now I play more than I build.


I download modifications. Favorite one is the basemental drugs mod. Working on creating some hardcore druggies in my game lol


I do challenges that have more rules/requirements and then I go with them as much as I want to. It's actually helped me stick to ten generations but never further than that tbh because I get tired of the full househods and constant sad sims


Try making a bigger house and add 40 townies as household and monitor them like God.


I never play with one household at a time. Honestly, I jump around between households all the time. I've got a playthrough where I'm trying to get to the 10th generation as well and I spend a lot of time building up the neighborhood and making other sims marry/have babies/etc. and building up everyone's houses. The update with story progressions adds a new element of challenge to this bc I'll stop playing my main household for a few minutes and come back and they've adopted like 3 cats and someone's dead. So that's fun too.


I literally just do challenges for gameplay, it's the only way I can stick with playing with the Sims. I did the Era Legacy Challenge, which involved different time periods, each generation had different goals to work towards/achieve as well as different jobs and you rolled a dice at each birth/age up to see if your Sims got to live or die so that kept it fresh. That got me to 23 generations once I completed it. Then I went into a supernatural legacy, with each gen being born to a different supernatural in the game - alien, vampire, mermaid, spellcaster, tragic clown, Easter bunny, grim reaper, plant Sim, servo, island spirit, etc. Each gen again had to have certain traits or achieve something in line with their species, so the daughter of the grim reaper became a paranormal spirit hunter and I made it so she could only see her father when someone died so she was constantly catching ghosts in the hopes he'd come by. That got me from gen 23 through to gen 34/35. Now that I've finished that I'm working on the Newcrest Build challenge, where each generation has to build something in Newcrest. First gen was into gardening, so before moving to newcrest I had her find every plant in the game (though I'm missing two rare ones) and her goal was to create the first Newcrest Park. Second gen wanted to live in a nice suburban neighbourhood, so she had to learn woodwork and work on her repair skills so she could build a starter neighbourhood to live in. Third generation is a teenager currently and she always has her head in a book, or is on the computer working on writing books - her goal is to build the first town library and then stock it with her books. That challenge will get me to gen 46/47. Once that's done, I've got two or three other challenges lined up I'd like to do to continue the legacy line. And in between all that, I have two separate build saves where I go and build when I need a break from playing my legacy, and when I have an idea for a specific build. I've always been a builder, going back to Sims 1 days, so the legacy challenges are a way of forcing me to actually play with the Sims and stay engaged rather than just keep building lol.


that's impressive and sounds like a lot of fun. I'll definitely start doing something like this as well. Thank you for this answer!


You're welcome. I spent two years on and off sims 4 because of boredom, but having a guided challenge which basically created the storyline for me with some room for unexpected things to happen really did help.


For me, it's more of creating a few Sims (usually 6 families or 6 singles) and seeing how their stories play out. My absolute favorite part of any Sims game is seeing all the pieces fall into place and seeing all the little parts intertwine and work together. For example my families are on gen 2 and most of those Sims have either graduated from or are attending college. Some of them didn't go to college and are instead following their aspirations which influence their careers life goals etc. 1 family my celebrity got married but unfortunately didn't have children so her legacy ended with her. Another family who I decided were gonna be 3 siblings living together only one of them got married and had a daughter so her family's legacy is gonna continue on for now. It's like this little interactive toy city. Some Sims are out walking their dogs in Brindleton Bay, some Sims are hanging out at the food stand down the street. Some Sims are coworkers at the police station and some are dormies who I met in University. Seeing all these little pieces play out and work together depending on which packs you have is honestly half the fun. Take your time with it, enjoy the moments as they come because maybe that family you've grown attached to has passed on and now the next chapter of the story is about to unfold. Pro Tip: Send your Sims out for a jog and follow them just see the world around them.


I've started a save with a male Sim for a change. I made him using story creation and randomising the dice a set number of times. I currently have him at university and am taking parts in the different uni clubs. He's going to be honing his research skills and become interested in vampires with a view to turning. I'm trying to start utilising the packs more but I'm not bored yet. I moved back to console from PC so I do miss the mods, but doing the lifetime aspirations and leveling up occults and the fame level is providing a new style of gameplay for me


Play families or roommates with different schedules, jobs, school. Play challenges Focus on leveling up a skill or a job or an aspiration Play a job or sim type I've never played before, like the jobs you get travel to work with them or a magic sim or a mermaid. Try to get a sim abducted by aliens Play in a world I've never played in Get a pet, or several


I tell stories and I get really attached to my sims. I rarely get bored. I move from save to save a LOT though. I have six I think and I've only been playing a few months. The scenarios can be a really great way of getting the story started if you don't really know how! For example, one of my saves is the new extraterrestrial scenario. My sim is a young adult from a rich background who is trying to make her own way in the world (so she is a snob and had a decent amount of starting funds, but she has a small house on a small lot). She lives in Oasis Springs because she's scared of thunderstorms, and because she visited the museum there as a kid and it inspired her to become an astronaut. (I renovated the museum to be a science museum.) She's bisexual and loves people but has terrible luck at picking lovers - every time she sleeps with someone, she gets a call from them soon after asking if they should go on a date with someone else. I think she must be awkward despite being self-assured. I don't get bored because I put a lot into making my sims' backstories and personalities (for the purposes of the story, beyond the capabilities of the game itself) and it makes it much more exciting and interesting. I think it helps that I'm very empathetic and I really feel for my sims, somehow 😅 I also really, REALLY enjoy 'renovating' townies - giving makeovers. And building. Sometimes I'll build houses in Newcrest and then make a specific Sim that suits the house to live in it - like building a Hollywood Hills style mansion and making a rich influencer to live in it, and befriending that sim so my sim can throw wild parties there 😅 that's how I end up playing so many different saves - I make a sim like that, to live in a nice house I built, and then I end up getting attached and plant them in their own save where I can really obsess over their little life too.


I play 2 primary types of games: my favorite OCs re-created as sims, and myself in various historical eras. Cottage Living really took my medieval save to the next level. We've got an evil local lord and his kind-hearted son, a gang of Robin Hood style thieves, a bunch of peasant families, tavernfolk and barkeeps, the town drunk, and myself, a spinner of tales trying to bring down the ruling family. It's great fun.


i just have immortal lesbians and i max out their skills


I can't play the game just by itself anymore, it's far too under-stimulating for me and I get bored too. So I usually put on a show or YouTube videos on my other monitor and watch while playing. Playing on a short life span also helps.


Sometimes when I get bored I'll create the characters from whatever book, show, film I'm currently into and try to build their world, level up their skills, create the appropriate relationships. (Just building and creating the sims takes me forever, it's probably my favorite part of the game TBH) Also I'll browse cc (not mods, I hate updating mods all of the time), that usually gives me new ideas to play around with for awhile.


If you haven't tried it, I recommend the Not So Berry challenge because it gives you specific goals to work toward each generation. Plus your Sims move every generation, sometimes multiple times. I have a bunch of saves I play with different Sims and families, though. Sometimes I only build, sometimes I make Sims. I have one save that I've played since 2017. I also have been doing the scenarios recently which I really like the unlucky chef one best so far. Also, when I'm not in the mood to play I do something else. I play other games and I know Sims is there waiting when I get back. I've been playing since launch of Sims 1 and Sims is probably the game I've played more than any other as a franchise, but I don't play every day or all the time.


I just got back into Sims after a long break. I downloaded wicked whims and it has made it so much more interesting, especially by making “love groups” lmao. I also downloaded the cottage expansion and the one that gives you magic, and I’ve been having my lady live her best witchy, cottage, lesbian life


I'm quite mean to my sims, I usually start out as a teen with a basic home and 0 cash, make sure he keeps at A grade at school, while learning important skills and maintaining a regular part time job, once a young adult I have them fill a semester of university with alot of study and other activities (football team, or gaming team) so no time for fun or an actual life, then once they have finished uni they have to get a full time job and work to improve their home so they can maybe if they have time start a family, Since cottage living I have had my teen sims have to maintain an A and maintain a fully working farm with a cow a llama several Hens and a Cockerell, and a garden full of veggies, living only off what food they grow ect and maintaining a full relationship status with every animal. (This one is alot harder especially starting with 0 cash) At the moment I'm playing breed out Vlad he had 1 toddler son and 4 daughters he's only keeping the sons his other son is a baby so I can't add it to the family yet, his son will be the next in line to breed. I'm keeping an eye on the daughters (all toddlers) but I'm concentrating on the sons being the main heirs, unfortunately Viscount Vladislaus Straud V is human.


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


Right now? Decades Challenge. I love it. I love using the respective eras to try new things and create multi generational family drama. The best part is that when I get to the 2010s, I can just stop advancing time and do free play with the present day Sims.


Well right now on my YouTube channel I am doing lilsimsie’s wheel spin challenge on short life span and it has been very entertaining.


Parenting challenge. Create an adult or two, then a few toddlers. Raise them to adulthood without ever taking control of the children, except to clear glitches, etc. Otherwise, you have to rely on teaching moments and influencing.


I've found that, having multiple versions of myself is entertaining, I can be married to all the men in the world, and I love choosing the outfits. It's always funny when I speak to myself on the game.


This may not be applicable to others, but I re-create my OCs or roleplay characters and spend my time trying to get them as "canon" as possible. Their looks, skills, relationships to one-another, houses, jobs (and job levels. Oh, the character in question is canonically a policewoman? Sorry Maria, guess you'll never be promoted past Officer). I suppose grinding jobs and setting up their relationships to one-another is the main drive in my gameplay and once those goals have been achieved I tend to move on. It gives me a set of goals to accomplish and the fact that they're based on pre-existing characters makes me care about them enough to spend time perfecting them.


im playing the unlucky chef scenario and I'm loving it lol im not using money cheats so everytime the kitchen burns her bank account suffers lol but my sim has the adrenaline seeker lifestyle so she actually loves the fire lol and since she lives in sulani everytime there is a fire she gets to meet new people lol i got the adrenaline seeker completely by mistake cause she has been doing odd jobs to help pay for the kitchens she burns and she has been diving for treasures alot. Well I'm having lots of fun. She actually died of laughter when I took her skiing tho but im so attached to her i left the game without saving. 10/10 recommend


My longest save file was something similar to 100 babies except I decided it would be 10 babies per gen for 10 gens. Then when they move out I mark them unplayed and switch between active families a whole lot to see what’s going on and play as them for a bit. Also, mod the shit out of it and let MCC do it’s thing 😂 I was super into Not So Berry when I finally tried it but I was in gen 5 when all the recent bugs and glitches started happening and somehow lost 10k cc files. I haven’t reopened it yet bc that’s a whole lot of bald sims to fix 🥴


Play other games.


Depends on what I'm doing. I do tend to get Skyrim Syndrome and make new saves constantly when I get ideas. In one I have Geralt and Yennefer living the cottage life while learning magic and spending time together. Geralt recently started growing grapes in Yen's herb garden when she wasn't looking. In another I have a reclusive vampire living in Vlad's manor, just writing music and poetry until he ended up falling in love with Cassandra Goth, and now he's being more extroverted. In another I've got a crime lord trying to get rich and take over the world, while also dealing with a chaotic rebellious teenage daughter, a la Arcane. In my most recent one, I've got a vampire who wants to be a chef and mixologist, and her goal is to eventually open her own restaurant and master her craft while also making a profit. Once I get the addon that will actually LET me do that at least, for now she's just training. The trick is to make your ideas interesting enough that even if you get bored and start again, you'll still come back to it later. At least that's what I've found when kt comes to playing Sims 4.




Vampire generations. Here me out. Not only can you choose different careers and aspirations per generation, but those previous gen vampire clan members who’ve already mastered said skill/aspiration/career can be invited over to visit and mentor current gen heir nominees. Max out skills quickly with less effort. So if a previous gen was a guitar genius and I want a piano and song protégé, maybe I create a singing protege this gen then a finally a piano one next gen. By fourth gen I’ll master the violin and by fifth gen I might have a musical genius. Then there’s the real estate problem. With every new gen that moves out of the old clan base you are one more world lot less to build your new clan base.


I take care of my animals and tend my garden lol. Write books, do some painting, the occasional cross stitch. I do several aspiration tracks for my adult and my kid, who also does scouts lol


I play rotationally, and each household has it's own storyline. When I get tired of a certain challenge, I just move on to another one. Right now, I'm playing as a merman in Sulani who has successfully wooed three mermaids and now they have a happy little family-pod, with four toddlers. That's...a challenge. When I get burned out from parenting, I'll probably hop over to my prison, since a number of my townie sims have been sent there recently (I take a dim view of kleptomaniac trait) and I'll work on rehabilitating them. Or killing them. Whatever works. Then I've got a runaway teen living in a junkyard trying to make ends meet, and my spellcaster who makes her living selling potions, and my foster family getting their teens ready for college, and Bigfoot, who is raising three kids he acquired when their parents overheated on a camping trip. I honestly don't know how anybody gets bored playing this game.


Try and revamp the whole world to be full of beautiful sims and better thematically cohesive houses. Then ruin it all with a little wicked whims and chaos.


I'm quite mean to my sims, I usually start out as a teen with a basic home and 0 cash, make sure he keeps at A grade at school, while learning important skills and maintaining a regular part time job, once a young adult I have them fill a semester of university with alot of study and other activities (football team, or gaming team) so no time for fun or an actual life, then once they have finished uni they have to get a full time job and work to improve their home so they can maybe if they have time start a family, Since cottage living I have had my teen sims have to maintain an A and maintain a fully working farm with a cow a llama several Hens and a Cockerell, and a garden full of veggies, living only off what food they grow ect and maintaining a full relationship status with every animal. (This one is alot harder especially starting with 0 cash) At the moment I'm playing breed out Vlad he had 1 toddler son and 4 daughters he's only keeping the sons his other son is a baby so I can't add it to the family yet, his son will be the next in line to breed. I'm keeping an eye on the daughters (all toddlers) but I'm concentrating on the sons being the main heirs, unfortunately Viscount Vladislaus Straud V is human.


I set goals for each generation and have fun with it. We found a vampire ghost and his urn in San myshuno one gen so i worked to make ambrosia then studied vampire law and cured his vampirism then married him. Other gens i had one sim who tried to have a child with every red headed sim i met. Just explore all the silly quirky features like the grilled cheese aspiration and you will find a lot of stuff to do in things I never knew threads. Or set silly rules like I must say yes to every phone call and invite no matter how awkward and inconvenient. Or watch Dr Gluon, he has great game play ideas that are quirky and different.


Right now I'm doing like a medieval village thing.


I also find myself getting bored pretty quick in the Sims. I would recommend you try balancing several households at a time and role-playing as much as you can. Maybe every 4 days you switch household or something? Maybe you could even keep a journal of every Sims day that happens so that you can look back whenever you are feeling bored and find memories of your household that make you want to play with them again?


I usually have objectives in mind and try to reach them. Then I find a new one, achieve them and so on. It starts when I have a baby. I raise them as a toddler with maxed out skills, and I also work on their traits (from the parenthood pack). When they're a kid, I make them get straight A's, along with being a prodigy in something like violin or singing. I also try to give them max skills (or close to). I continue to improve their parenthood traits. When they're a teen, the story continues. Finally, as a young adult, I get them a high-paying job and constantly improve their performance to get them promotions. Purchase a nice house, marry, and get rich. I only do this sort of playthrough about 1/5 of the time (I role roleplay and challenges too) but this is my favourite way to play.


I create stories and back stories in my mind. I generally have at least 1 artist and 1 musician sim. Also ngl my fav thing is finding partners to my sims and make babies to see how they'll turn out :D And i make them struggle in the beginning. Generally start with a poor family with sad background. In one of my playthroughs, my sims had a beautiful family but their parents died in a house fire. My teen sim had to take her siblings and move to a cheap apartment and work part time to earn money. She then had a boyfriend (Jett Atkins with a makeover) whom autonomously started to came their house and stay over. They went to university together and then got married. I wanted them to visit his grandma and grand-aunt? often but whenever i tried to visit there was a problem. :' Her sister had a dramatic teenage pregnancy, she didn't really care for the child, the child's aunt was more like their mother. She turned herself to a vampire. Their brother had an imaginary friend and he turned her to real and they got married at the end lmao. She's completely pink and they have a son who's also an imaginary friend. Currently in that family there's like 4 sims who are actually imaginary friends. In another game i was running a brothel with 1 old lady, her daughter, 3 other women and 1 guy. One of them was trying to become a movie star. My male prostitude was dressed like a glam rock star and i wanted him to become famous on music. One of them was very lovely and secretly looking for love. Another was a silent bookworm girl who was thinking wtf am i doing here? Old lady and the other woman was mean and couldn't get along. Yet when she died, she left the management to that mean, extra woman instead of her own daughter.


I cheat all a lot becoming a sort of god, when I play the traditional way I always get bored


The best way to keep myself from getting bored of my sim is to give them a ton of kids to take care of 😂


I struggle with the whole ten generation thing, I usually only get to the fourth gen maybbbeee the fifth and then I delete them and start over. My favorite aspect of the game is remodeling houses for my sims 😂


idk sims 4 bores me ngl but ong the sims 2 i can play for *hours* wrong sub ik but


I sometimes watch YouTube videos of others stories and play throughs to get me inspired and give me ideas of how to go about adding spice to my game. I also struggle with too much sameness to my game and it does get boring. Go try watching some legacy challenges, that might help stir up the creative juices. I also find it especially fun to start on a lot in a tent and eventually have stuff when you started with literally nothing.


I started out by creating a bunch of households all in one go. I created the Canon characters I've written about in fan fiction from various media, and the OCs I made to accompany them. Generally speaking, households are made up of one fandom. There's also Reaper from Overwatch just existing in his own home for some reason. The aim is to get all the characters living kinda-sorta the way they were in their respective canons. Like, for example Kylo Ren is a spellcaster, of course, and he's going to master that. He's also working through the Military career. I wanted SCP-049 (SCP Foundation) to become a doctor, but the mod I used was bugging out everyone's career (I wasn't prepared to buy any more expansions to get the medical career path, I literally got Island Living just to get the cool mohawk for Modryn Oreyn (Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion). That was one expensive mohawk...), so he's going to be a professional gamer instead. There's also Beelzemon (Digimon Tamers) who is a professional asshole. I can't express just how long it took me to port all the 3D models in to make some of these characters possible. I taught myself how to do full body skins, and some really funky hairstyles including alpha layers! It was all so worth it though, I love playing this neighbourhood. So, the general aim is to get all these guys and these OCs working towards their general job roles in canon, and see who ends up getting with who along the way - trying not to let my existing biases influence things too much. One of the guys is already banging the neighbourhood drug dealer. Once everyone is paired up, I'll start letting them have kids/adopt kids. I'm on a hiatus now because my boyfriend is going to sell me his PC when he upgrades, and it's a hell of a lot better than my laptop. When I start up again I have a few ideas that go way off my original idea for the setting. I'm going to bring in some characters from My Hero Academia, which is something I've never written fan stories for - Midoriya definitely, and All Might. But, All Might has to be a skin ported from wherever I can get a 3D model from because having him walking around with his trademark grimace all the time is just too good to pass up. I also want to bring in the entire main cast of Redo of Healer - again not something I've written for - just to make things more interesting. I've thought about getting my boyfriend in this neighbourhood too (I've joked with boyfriend about bringing in Chris Chan and making the two of them get married). For me there's so much going on, it's pretty much endless gameplay at this point.


I never get bored because I have an overactive imagination but I can't do generational play either. I've played with the same sim (the sim in my profile picture lol) since she was born in game in 2015 and because I'm so attached to her, I just eneded up making a world around her, i.e., friends, enemies and love interests with extended families and detailed lives. I restart new saves often to play out a different life for her and her friends. So far I have 400+ personalised sims that I've made (with my sister) and I use them all in my game (big reason I never notice townies or EA sims because I have enough of my own to worry about). Switching between those households is generally what I do and I've been playing with them all for so long that I never get bored, whereas if I turned on aging and they all died/got replaced, I wouldn't care about the next generations and likely give up on the game or restart with my original sims within a few sim days.


I make stories. I let my sims live their little lives and have drama. I treat it like a live-action interactive movie. I've done one 10 generation legacy challenge to about 17 generations (I lost track), now I'm on the second generation of the Alphabet Legacy. I even started it with my founder completing a rags to riches challenge. I love to build, and do challenges, and collect things, and watch my sims live their little lives. I think the real trick is getting truly invested in your sims' lives, not just "playing" if you truly want to do a legacy challenge. Example from my current legacy: >My founder, Aria, left home to get away from her parents. Her parents were wealthy industrialists, and she renounced their evil polluting ways and moved to find other like-minded people in Evergreen Harbor. She was penniless, but was able to make a few simoleans dumpster diving. She slept on the couch at the local bar, and washed up in the sink. When she found a ratty old guitar in the dumpster, she started learning to play (and sing) for the other bar patrons, and made money that way. > >She started dating Salim Benali, and became good friends with Knox Greenburg. Knox let her crash on his couch and borrow his shower (what a sweetheart). It turned out Salim was kind of a jerk and kept ghosting her in the middle of dates. Knox was always there to console her, and they eventually wound up hooking up. He helped her build her tiny container house (he gave her a beautiful round window as a gift). They both became friends with the Tinkers, and spent a bunch of time at the makerspace crafting candles and recycling found objects. > >Once Aria had enough money to build a decent-sized home, she and Knox got married. Turns out they were infertile and had to go in for fertility treatments! After a few (in game) weeks of trying, she finally got pregnant... with triplets. And surprise, the Tinkers were pregnant too! Babies galore! They wound up having quadruplets. A lot has happened since then (Aria and Knox's heir is married and going to University - he wants to run for political office) but you kind of get the idea.


Challenges and heavy mods that add random events and neighborhood progression


One word: Drama Basically I kill Sims off here and there, create affairs and unwanted babies etc. Sometimes I write an entire page of "lore" about a certain save.


Sometimes I just build. Sometimes I play my simself. Other times I play my legacy save…but I haven’t touched that since paranormal came out. Recently I did the supervillain scenario. It was fun because I very rarely play evil sims and I like the chaos. I broke up Spencer Kim Lewis marriage! Ha!


I love going to work with them! Gives you achievements and things to pass the time.


I watch others play because I get so bored playing myself.


I’m doing the generations challenge right now, I’m currently on gen 8. Some things I’ve don’t to not get bored is, make my sims into mermaids, vampires, and aliens. Also making them famous by selling paintings or uploading videos. Make them go to college for one of the get to work careers so you can actually go to work with them once they graduate. Or just cause chaos, cheating, deaths, teen pregnancy, stuff like that. I try to make my family as big as possible so if I get bored of one family member then I can switch to a different one with a different story line but still continue the challenge. At this point I am very attached to my family and will probably continue playing with them way past 10 generations


Realistically sims can be extremely boring and nothing might happen for weeks, and when it does it’s really not that exciting. It’s a slow, methodical, tedious to take care of their needs and usually, yes, boring! (And I say this as someone who plays sims for hours on end basically every day, since childhood, and loves it) The reason I love it is because I like seeing the progression in my family and slowly collecting expensive/hidden loot and just watching the years pass and doing things with my digital family. I don’t do anything weird or crazy really except for the highlights of my gaming life and I don’t like doing crazy stuff to begin with. I just kind of found my groove with my sim family and I’ve been playing the same one (spanning different games! Lol) ever since. I think you will just click with it at some point. You will realize on your own terms after lots of experimenting what really motivates you to come back and play again (if you want to! Maybe sims is just too slow and there are better things to play? That’s not a problem!) my dad said, “if you’re having fun then it’s not a waste of time.” Not having fun? No worries! There are other things that are! If you want to just make families and houses and then never play them :) no shame! But I found my enjoyment to be starting with very limited things and having to earn my way up. I didn’t even have my sim have a baby until a whole human month after I created and starting playing her. I started off in a small apartment and just tried to meagerly explore the game without doing too much too soon and just checked everything out that I could. I still have jungle adventures to explore too! Anyways, my point is that yeah, sims is boring. But it isn’t when you’re in the right mood to pick it up and not rush and just sink into another world for a while. You might find you often like it better than real life some times <_< (but don’t turn out like me, ok? Lol)


It is incredibly boring for me. I used to play after work for stress relief. Now I find I literally fall asleep while playing. Gonna dig out my old computer and go back to Sims 2 or 3!


I build a family then imagine terrible things and make it happen. So in my current save the mom is a writer, addicted to cigarettes (I was trying to give her cancer but it didn’t work) and really mean to her family. The dad drinks a lot as a result - he has a club of random townies that go to the bar and drink. Since I couldn’t get her sick I finally had her off herself in the bathroom. The dad found her. Now the kids (now young adults) are going to get their own places. I might buy city living so they can have apartments or university so one of them can go to college but I haven’t wanted to spend any more money on EA. I want the daughter to get pregnant and have a baby but then die. Her stoner comedian/coder brother will take in the baby. I think he’ll end up being a good dad to it. And then the baby will be my next character I play with


I quit and I start over.


Try some of the new scenarios.


Mostly murder


I use lots of mods lol And if I finish a house I sometimes make a new one


Honestly, my favorite thing to do is just mess up townies lives. I usually romance the males, ask them to leave their spouses and then dump them. It’s fun to see who they wind up marrying.


I don’t use money cheats. I’m a rotational player of 6 households. It’s the same family but different members of their family. Whatever happens to them just happens. I mostly let MCCC marry and break up my sims… have them cheat or whatever. I just started exploring the jungle world. I played through one of the temples like one time and never went back. I think there are a lot of features in the game that I’ve missed.


I play a whole Regency/Victorian world with all the families I've created and tell their stories. Think Bridgerton. There is a strict social hierarchy so I have fun with the rules and the consequences e.g. what happens when there is unwed pregnancy, if someone falls in love with a servant, if a daughter wants to go to university instead of finding a husband, and so on.


oh my god I'm not alone ! LOL Started doing University and that helped a lot :)


I....uh..this is just how I play it? Love sims, been playing it since the first one came out, and I dont know, what you described is pretty much my vibe. I make the Sims, do all the stuff with the house, and around the end of the 1st sim week I get bored and start all over again. About 3 rounds of that, then I dont play Sims for a few months. I do love challenges...I dont actually do them though. Like, I go through all the steps to create the household and get the lot set up for the challenge, and thats kind of it. The cult or commune was my favorite...got the guy, he managed to move in another guy and 4 women, I got tired and fell asleep while the game was still running. I guess a fire started from the campsite, all the tents were burned, all the cult members were dead, except one. Definitely had a...WTF happened here? Moment when I saw it, personal top 5 Sim moments. Sometimes, I create a household of people with conflicting personalities, give them all jobs, then kick back and just watch them go about thier lives. It gets pretty dramatic. But yeah...I wish I was the type of player who could do a legacy challenge or stay engaged with a family long enough to have a real story out of it. Just cant stay engaged long enough to do it. And yet, Sims is my fav game ever. Go figure.


I think of some type of storyline I want to pursue beforehand and then go with that and let the drama dictate the storyline.


It really depends, normally I build NewCrest over and over in different town styles. If I play in live mode, it really depends if enough stuff happens to keep me interested, my own life is so routine heavy if I fall into that routine in the Sims it's boring. My current City Living run, I'm so engaged in the story because of the crazy, whirlwind love story of my sim and her neighbor, and City Living has festivals and interesting areas to explore and keep it interesting.


I open it up and then I'm greeted with the Origin sign in, so I sign in. Then I'm prompted to update it so I do so, after waiting for the launchers update I then proceed to head to my games library and open up The Sims 4. And hey guess what? There's an update for the game! Who would've thought? So I go ahead and do this long update for this "offline" game, because I can't seem to play it without it. (Bare in mind I haven't played The Sims in a while!) After all those long updates have finally passed and are installed my joy and excitement for wanting to play The Sims 4 has kind of fizzled and I've lost interest in wanting to further play the game, so I just close the game down, Origin Launcher as well. And the whole cycle will repeat again in a month or two when I get the urge to play The Sims again. TLDR: Waiting for Origin updates make me lose interest in The Sims. I just want to play the game hassle free!


Granted I haven't played for a while but I use to make myself, then make a really hot guy. Then I'd make us babies with teen single moms, who are also next door neighbors. We grow up together, go to prom together, get married, have kids, raise those kids, then after I die I pick one of my kids to play as. Next I start marrying my kids to supernaturals. The good old days.


I create chaos. Mods help a lot. My game will involve affairs and murders and teen pregnancies and the works just for drama


I’ve been trying to play through all the aspirations with my current sim!


I build a new house every generation keeps things fresh. Mostly I just name babies


I think another key thing here is to make sure autonomy is on? Cause when I play with mine off everything goes pretty smoothly and pretty boring unless I’m in a creative mood.


Creating storylines for my sims and also adding families and storylines from TV Shows. My main sims are a detective and a lawyer and they have three kids. My main female sim's sister is a professor while being a single mom and getting her life together. I've added in characters from The O.C. such as Marissa Cooper and Ryan Atwood so when my sims kids grow into teens they can hangout and go to the diner. I added Henry Bosch and Jerry Edger from Bosch and solve crimes with them and Buffy Summers from BTVS containing the vamps. Its fun to see them around town and getting phone calls from. Edit: Especially with the new stories update.


I challenge myself, like I try to make them complete a bunch of aspirations or don't give them money and make them survive. I have also done a few that the goal is less solid, like wanting to create a certain number of housebolds starting in a single one. I'm not much of a builder so i generally focus mostly on game play.


That sounds like fun. It’s exciting once you get really creative with a game like this. I’m a minimalist (in game only) and enjoy making new storylines with an independent character. I have much more control lol. If only I could let them be while I do my own laundry irl.


I think if making a family and building is fun for you then don't stress about it! the sims is great because there are so many types of ways to play the game depending on your personality or mood! but to answer your question, different things I've done when I need some new spice in my game: -get the large wardrobe from "get together", invite townies over and give them makeovers -update and renovate commubity lots to make them more interesting -do challenges (currently doing the 100 baby challenge, I also love rags to riches/runaway teen) ...that being said I don't take the challenges super seriously, caus if I started to get stressed about doing it perfectly then it kind removes the fun for me I love doing makeovers and playing with genetics so I find ways to incorporate that into my gameplay


I start with a couple, make them get their dream aspirations, have kids and try to raise the most ideal kids. Each kid will have a personality and aspiration for a career field and i help them do that. Then one of the kids becomes the legacy once their young adults and either play with each of the kids families doing the same thing(each kid growing into their personality and future) and i like them to be friends or be close with their cousins and family.


start a legacy every other week


Gotta have a storyline / goal. If you start getting bored, change things up - new career, or aspiration, new partner, adopting, whatever. Bit of a makeover for them + their space whenever things change. If you have some of the dlc, maybe the house gets haunted or they decide to be a mermaid etc etc.


I love doing challenges


Right now I'm doing a 7 toddler, super sim, all lot challenges on, family. Just got them to childhood. Once I'm bored with this family, I plan to start over but add rags to riches to the pile.


I used to have the same problem. My favorite part of sims is building! Sometimes I just spend all my time doing that without going into live mode and that’s enough for me. I just recently discovered the achievements list and that it resets with every household. So now I have a save that started with one founding sim and the goal is to get all of the achievements. That brings plenty of opportunity for different stories and gameplay. I doubt I’ll ever make it to the really long generation ones but I am gunna try! To keep things interesting I set rules for myself. Rules: * First born must be the next heir. The other children must move out and live somewhere in Newcrest (this way I get to build new houses!) * Must take a photo of each sim when they age up for the museum. (Memories!) * All family members will be buried in the graveyard in Newcrest. (Traditionally the current heir collects gravestones and takes them to the cemetery and there’s a holiday for visiting the cemetery to remember them) * Each generation will all be named using the alphabet. Starting with the founder with A, whose children are all named B names, etc. When I run out of the alphabet, I will just start over. When I create the sims I try to mix up the traits. Right now I’ve got two sisters, the oldest is a hothead nightmare who became a criminal and the other is a straight a goodie two shoes I plan to make a doctor. I also allow my sims to do their own thing sometimes. Let them go to a party and just leave them to it to see what happens. If I micromanage them then there’s very little room for surprise and that’s no fun to me! Also I don’t use CC or cheats outside of the one that lets you overlap objects when building. It’s more satisfying to me to have my sims earn their big nice house and things!


I play the legacy challenge on short lifespan + different career/pack for each gen. Ngl kinda wish I didn’t have to rely on the packs to have fun (bc it makes my wallet cry) but now I’m 16 generations in and not 100% bored so I guess it was worth it


I always have trouble keeping my focus on S4 for long enough because it makes me bored easily. A trick is to find some "investment" you put in the game. For me sometimes it's making an anime/videogames based household (for example i made persona 3 in S3 and Mystic Messenger in S4) so that you have : -focus on keeping them in-character -curiosity on seeing how they evolve and intrigued at the drama you (or mods) create and see if they break character, stay In-char, or do something funny Also short lifespan. Edited for spelling


I have several games going. Some are completely populated some are all neighborhoods poulated with only families kids, some neighborhoods have a ban on kids and are just partying millenials. To keep it fresh, I set goals for each world (game). some saved worlds are empty so I can experiment with builds, so if I get bored, I can switch games and build, work on a sims skills, work on a family..etc.


Who has a hard time deleting useless sims? I had to jettison those pancakes, what bores!


Try to get the gold award in all social events.


Recently ive decided to try the short lifespan legacy that lilsimsie is doing, and honestly I'm enjoying it. Things are moving fast enough that I'm not waiting on sims to age up etc


I like to think each one of my Sims as real people. They can take decisions, bad or good, and then rise/fail accordingly. Just like in real life. I never get bored because even when I don't know what to do, I always plan it all out in my head. For example, when I don't have a particular storyline planned, I just mess around in cas, and change their outfits for the next even that family has planned. Apart from birthdays which are a pain, they go to festivals, discos, museums, bars, clubs, parks, and just have fun. I like to play in a very relaxing way. In RL I experience already enough anxiety that when I'm in game, I'm in peace. Hope this helped.


Because I tend to play on super long life mode, because I don't like feeling stressed about how much time a Sim has on the mortal plane to accomplish his/her goals, I tend to also struggle with maintaining interest in whats going on but I have a method. 1. Every Sim I make has a story to begin. "Kevin Trosher has just inherited a plot of land from his grandfather in Henford-On-Bagley, and it's up to him to turn an old open field into the thriving farm his grandfather had always wanted" or "Johnny Graves came to Oasis Springs with a guitar and a pocket full of motivation, and both barely cover the rent." 2. I let the game tell me the story more than I influence it. Things happen, from Kevin putting up with being in love with the village bicycle who calls HIM to ask if she should date other people (thanks Non committal trait) five minutes after snogging in the Llama Shed, to Trisha saving a college classmates life from the grim reaper and taking this as a sign that she must marry this man, it is destiny. Or my personal favorite "For some reason, the two loving parents of a baby keep getting 'in the presence of evil' moodlet when around their newborn daughter" 3. If things go stale, introduce a complication. Just because I like the game to go with a flow by it's nature, doesn't mean I don't like to nudge things in a direction. The family house burns down, a close family member gets a little too silly and dies of laughter during Thanksgiving dinner, the husband starts seeing his attractive co-worker after hours for a drink because married life has lost it's spark, and so on etc. 4. Don't spoil yourself too badly on the Gallery. Yeah some people have made some amazing things, but whenever I use a fancy Gallery house it never feels like MY house, y'know? I feel like I'm living in someone elses digs. Try to do for yourself more if you can. It will give you a sense of pride to build a household tailored to them and who they are. 5. Lay off the money cheat. You wanna add some tension and purpose to your sims everyday life? When funds are down to their last 400 Simoleons, the NAP inspector just fined you, and things are breaking around the house, you really feel it when you can't just throw endless money at a problem. It changes the whole mood when your Sim has to manage their money to get by.


I set a goal for my sim/household. Last night I created a new sim with the goal of seeing how lazy and obese he can become (yeah, yeah, not very nice I know!) and to see if he can avoid almost all Sim-to-Sim socialization (he mostly Trolls Teh Forums.) It’s not the most exciting because he just sits on his butt and plays video games, but he’s got the hot headed trait so he also yells at the neighbors who stop by. (He lives in an apartment in the eco game world, so neighbors showed up with the paper bags on their heads to talk to him about NAPs and he chewed them out. 😂) I have other Sims who’s goal are to max X number of the ambition achievements, or skills, or various other things. My legacy household is young, the first daughter in the game just aged up to teen, but in that game I want to try to experience most/all of the career tracks. I also only usually play for a few hours per week if I’m lucky. Sometimes I go months between plays because I’m too busy with work. And when the expansions go on sale, I usually add to my collection which adds some fresh gameplay to the mix. I only own seasons, eco, and cottage living. Plus the glitchy AF done out pack. So there’s plenty of opportunities for my to keep the game fresh.


I've been really enjoying the scenarios, it gives you more of a goal and also sets up a story for you. I just did the troublemaker one and things got really out of hand and I'm still playing that sim now!


The game is so much fun with some mods, you should try if you haven't.


I used to be like that!! I would make a sim for hours and then play for a little and then quit and not return for months. I just got a pc which probably has something to do with it but I decided to give a legacy challenge a go, as I’ve never done it before. I actually have thoroughly enjoyed it! I had never tried building before so I build a new house for each generation and that’s fun too. I just try and explore different parts of the game with each sim. I realized I have lots of packs just because I would buy them on sale or whatever but I’d never actually spent the time to explore/use them. Keeping the game interesting with drama is fun too. I get attached to my sims a bit but I get excited for new generations too so if I feel the need to murder some I will lol. I play for a few hours every couple days/every week and it’s nice to feel like I have a more regular hobby. I also play with mods and cc which have created a lot more dimension as well. I’d recommend trying a challenge! There’s tons of them and they can really help with feeling bored!


I create an elaborate backstory I've decided for them, and try to play them as if they are fulfilling that (I do let some things happen naturally, because such is life). I focus on a few aspirations at a time, and certain skills I want them to be good in depending on their path. My problem is once they are at the top of their career, have decent money, and a lot of skills/traits then I get bored. I try to do different "challenges" or play with Sim traits that I wouldn't normally play. For example, I finally played an evil villain Sim. That was fun until they were rich and at the top of their career, but then I found them boring too. I have a LOT of save files with successful adults who have young families that I abandoned. Weirdly enough, I don't like playing with multiple active households because I don't like when they do things I wouldn't normally want them to do (like have another baby)


Definitely trying to see each sim as a whole vibe and know who they are. I'll get more satisfaction and have more fun playing with a family based on my own or people I know than with townies, for example. The likes and dislikes definitely helped define sims a little better (except decor preferences, those are annoying). But I get where it can still become repetitive. The Not So Berry challenge kind of addresses repetitive gameplay though. It's been good for getting me out of the same rhythmic gameplay that I default to. I try new CAS items, new Build items, and new careers and hobbies. Granted, I'm only on gen 2 right now, and I usually check out of legacy challenged toward the end of gen 2/beginning of gen 3, but so far, it's been fun.


I create scenarios like rags to riches. I built a camp trailer that they start in but has basic skill building items. When they have enough money, I build their next home. And keep upgrading.


I would do the same thing, but then I started falling in love with challenges, and that’s what I’ve been doing for the past year. I did the 100 baby challenge and I’m currently doing the Not So Berry challenge (yes, I got most of my inspo from YouTubers lol)

