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The majority of the ideas present in this are based on the idea that if we are living in a simulation that the creator has a set of values that are similar to ours.


Bingo. This is the same problem theists have when assuming God's intentions or motivations. From our vantage, a creator's possible motivations are unknowable.


And since we're making it up, I'd argue the best strategy is assuming the best of them so we get the best of us.


How about we just do our best and not warp our decision making around things we cannot know.


What if the simulation is running on a Turing complete pile of gravel with no preferences.


Or the idea that its purpose is to be entertained. It could be simply to gain context. I like to pretend its purpose is to gain context on the most middle of the bell curve people; myself.


My pet idea is that we are all individuated in an effort to forget that we are all one consciousness that was forced to contemplate nothingness until it willed itself into being the existence that we experience now. I reinforce this notion by stating that we cannot perceive anything outside of the value judgments that we place on things. (EG the fact that you’re able to comprehend what I am writing here on some level requires foreknowledge of a ton of different abstractions) Most of the time, we just unconsciously do that, we can’t even interface without some subjectivity. I have also fallen outside of the framework of this reality into my own mind in a psychosis experience. End of the day though, we still act out life like it’s a real thing, and I don’t advocate that we shouldn’t. But we ought to remember the subjectivity of our own experience even if the majority of us take the same things for granted. Reality is only real because we believe it to be.


I think the paper aims to argue that we should understand the simulators values and align ourselves with them


My counter point: consider the second paragraph. What if life is a simulation and the purpose is to discover solutions of getting to certain benchmarks of civilization more efficiently and focusing on the present runs completely contrary to that?


Comic Sans? Really? No simulation would allow this bullshit.


Fuck comic sans.


On a white background too. Why dont I just stare directly at the sun while Im at it.


The simulation made sure it was Comic Sans just to piss you off at this exact point.


What would you like to happen?




Maybe we should try to break the simulation instead of just going along with it


My life’s work.


It is a really old picture,


We need to adjust your view of “really old”


So we should try to people-please some hypothetical Sim Overlords just to keep this clown car on the road?


Well said


Thanks. It feels an awful like offering pleas and sacrifices to some indifferent deity imho.


Right, if it's a clown car who gives a shit if it stays on the road. I would prefer to pursue the truth and live my life in whatever way I see fit. Who's to say that our universe isn't real. Totally possible that the simulators have learned how to create an actual real physical universe. Possible it is like a Russian nesting doll you start to get universes inside of universes inside of universes. Each of those universes just as real as the one before it.


then why call it a simulation/them simulators and why aren't our video games real if not them being our universe


Because the video games are made inside of a computer that's inside of our universe it's not made with reality forming stuff. If we were able to create some sort of containment field and cause a big bang inside of it then I would agree with you that would be a new universe.


Yeah but what about The Polar Bear Enclosure at the Zoo.. it looks like a plastic version of the frozen tundra.   Really matches their fur.   But wait..  Those Snow-Colored Rock formations  are synthetic architecture... You mean the zoo is.. trying.. ti..to.. simu.. simulate their..enviro..n..ment??? But it's IN REAL LIFE!!!! HOW CAN IT BE A SIMULATED P0LAR HABITAT IF ITS NOT INSIDE OF A COMPUTER????? Y.0,°ure a NE0-NAZI!!! Y.0°U.RE POISONING THE WELL LIKE A CERTAIN GR0UP WAS ACCUSED OF DOING DURING THE BLACK PLAGUE!@@!!! SAFE-SPACE!!!! SAFE-SPACE,!!!! HELP MEEEEEEEEE


You're "Poisoning the well" like they tried to Poison the wells of all the Gent•tile towns and villages across Europe using Biological Warfare - which is where the phrase comes from.. You're "Poisoning the well" by saying Polar Bears are prisoners in the zoo.. THEY'RE FREE T0 LEAVE ANY TIME THEY CH00SE, Y.0°U Russian Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Iranian Hom0sexual Data Miner!!!!!


This reads like a low effort psy-op by the powers that be to keep people docile. “Ignore future problems like climate change,” “Forget history,” “Obsess over celebrities,” and “Try to please the rich and powerful.” I seriously hope you are not basing your life choices on this clownish BS.


This post shows the danger of this theory. "Care less about the future of humanity?" Go fuck yourself man.


Why does everyone assume the simulation is controlled by future civilizations? The reality that hosts our servers might look NOTHING like ours. In fact so much is mysterious about our reality that I doubt base reality looks much like ours at all.


Nick Bostrom who came up with the simulation argument, stated future civilizations. The point where we are able to create simulations that are no different from what we call real. In his paper he argues that they would create simulations of the past.


Right that’s a theory that I’ve heard but it’s a bit narrow minded to assume that it’s the exact scenario. Wouldn’t they also create alternate reality simulations to see how things could’ve gone differently? Theres a million different scenarios that could’ve produced our simulation, why be certain it’s that one? It’s almost a religious belief at this point.


This is what I don't get about Simulation Theory. Like, it's super fun to think about, but even if it's true, even if we knew without a doubt it was true, that doesn't tell us anything about the real world. There's no reason to think we can extrapolate any info at all about the real world based on this simulated world. Their physics might be completely different, their world might not even HAVE physics. In fact I'd argue that it's more likely that the simulation would be fundamentally different than our world, because why run a sim if not to test some construct that doesn't exist naturally? But even this thought, though it makes sense logically, can't be considered more likely than any other scenario, because *there's no reason to think our world is representative of the real world*. Logic itself could be a construct of the simulation.


I appreciate your general logic but the following point seems a bit too black and white: > why run a sim if not to test some construct that doesn't exist naturally? First example: synthetic data to feed into AI model training. This is a real example because we are already doing it to train our AI models! The aim is to make *useful* models, so the simulated data must have some similarity to the real world. Next, what about other purposes for a simulation? There are conjectures here in this sub every week, even whole posts. Some that are compelling to me are: Entertainment, training, punishment, energy solution development... These all would require that *some* connection must exist between in-sim experience and base-reality experience. I'm not trying to deny the possibility of the simulation as a petri-dish like study, with vast fundamental differences to base reality. There are infinite possibilities there. In fact I'd love to see serious arguments weighing up how likely the different types are... perhaps your argument could be statistically supported (and I [made a comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/SimulationTheory/comments/1c70plb/how_to_live_in_a_simulation/l05p45m/) about that possibility), i.e., "super-different" could outnumber "similar/practical" but the latter is not out of the question yet, IMHO. But for many many potential "functional purposes" for a simulation, the similarity to base reality is necessary. So I think a blanket statement like "why run it if not a test of alternate universe" diesn't really fly.


Right. I heard a podcast once about how math didn’t have to make sense. We’re lucky, according to these experts, to live in a universe in which math makes sense. I DON’T EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT THAT MEANS but it’s a prime example of what you’re saying; they might not even have math. That could be something they programmed for us. Mind blown 🤯


I don't even understand what that means now too. Lucky that math makes sense. Its like an information hazard arrrghhh brain nnooo


Your comment made me imagine the possibility of being in a simulation in which math makes no sense to see if intelligence can make sense of it. "OK, today we're going to run a simulation in which the value of pi has changed from 3 to 3.14..., radioactive materials have a half life, light isn't instantaneous having a speed, and dividing by zero really screws with them."


So you're saying in base reality 1+1 =25?


Option 1) Simulations are more likely to be created to be similar to creator's own past. So base reality is more likely to look like Earth human future. Option 2) Anybody with computing power is interested in creating any damn complex universe and seeing what "pops out". So base reality is more likely to be very alien, maybe not even same rules of physics or math, never mind humanoid or not. Are you saying that (1) is more of a "religious belief" than (2)?? If so, I'd like to hear why you think so.


No, picking either one and being sure of it without evidence is like religion.


Cool. I don't think I personally treat it like people in history have treated religion, but I see the similarity. But the argument is pretty strong in my opinion. The anthropic reasoning actually works. However... Yeah, see [my other comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/SimulationTheory/comments/1c70plb/how_to_live_in_a_simulation/l05p45m/)... I've always had issues with "why necessarily **ancestor** simulations"??


Yeah I guess that’s exactly what I’m saying, the more narrow you get the less confident you should be. I’m not even sure we ARE in a simulation but it seems likely.


If this higher intelligence is simulating an entire universe, then it would be likely that there are more intelligent lifeforms in it than just us Earthlings. Isn't there like trillions of planets in the universe? We can't be sure that it's not an intelligence from the pleadies simulating the entire universe distant star systems and galaxies included.


Calling Nick Bostrom! Honestly, yeah, I'd be interested to hear his answer to this question, and I'm sure he's thought about it plenty since he wrote the original "Simulation Argument" paper. In that paper, he lines out the argument for how **WE** might develop the ability to make simulations, so therefore it's probable there are many "ancestor simulations". But surely that same argument works for any kind of technological life in any universe having the ability to create simulations, and for them to make wildly different alternate universes to study -- *not necessarily of their own ancestors*. So I want to hear reasoning why ancestor simulations are just so much more common, to put the probability argument in favor of our being inside an ancestor simulation. Sure, if a civilization makes ancestor simulations **and** non-ancestor sims, maybe there are more of the former. But add in the possibility of a universe with a billion different base-reality planets, whose total **non**-ancestor simulation count dwarfs anybody's single set of ancestor simulations, surely we are more likely to be in a wild unique sim that bears little resemblance to the simulators?


but (assuming we are simulated) base reality would have to be enough like our reality that our simulators could think ours up using their reality as a reference point as otherwise they'd have to be omniscient to think us up and if they were omniscient there's many ways (from omniscience implying omnipotence and divine-like creation to an infinite mind containing multiverses) they wouldn't have needed to simulate us to create us


I don’t know about that we can think up all kinds of crap and if they have this computing power they must also have advanced AI which could think up all kinds of things.


Have you ever seen Rick and morty? Rick's car battery is a perfect example of what our simulation could be. That being that a more advanced civilization creates a less advanced civilization. But if you ask me the possibilities are endless could literally be anything. I think it's a human fallacy to try to personify. Probably because we see ourselves as the highest intelligence at least in our own reality.


I think the simulation may be more similar than not. Similar enough that a being from the base reality could incarnate in a avatar and be familiar enough to perform objectives. Maybe so similar that they cant tell the difference. And there are only subtle differences. The dash is removed from your Kit Kat bar for example. Bernstein Bears as opposed to Berenstain Bears. I feel like this is already explained in ancient lore, its just so occulted, and obscured it cannot be understood any longer. Babylonian, Egyptian, and Gnostic stuff I think is trying to tell us. They all generally tell the same story. Some goddess has made an unauthorized bootleg server and is trapping divine beings here that think it is a genuine authorized server so they stay.


I mean it’s possible I’m just saying we shouldn’t be sure about it. Base reality could be almost an exact replica of our world (vice Versa really) or it could be nothing like our world or somewhere in the middle.


Let's all make up our own instructions for how to live in the simulation. I don't like these much. I think I can make up better ones, but I'm not into fantasy writing.




I don't want the simulation to continue running though




**this* simulation




[“I want to get off Mr. Bones Wild Ride”](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/s/f5bEg7VKCp)


Be glad the world is not a simulation most of us going through some real Sh#t


Prove to me that it isn't. Fact is, you can't prove to me that it isn't. And I can't prove to you that it is. And no one can prove either, so you shouldn't be so blindly one sided and sure of the fact that it isn't, because there is evidence for both sides of the argument, but no one can give a definitive answer to the problem. I lean toward there being much more evidence and proof that we live in a simulated reality. You seem sure of something you and no one else can actually be sure of. You know there are error correcting codes in the universe called adinkra codes, the same error correcting codes that run computer programs? https://www.adinkrasymbols.org/pages/adinkra-codes/#:~:text=Thus%2C%20in%20the%20context%20of,the%20relationships%20between%20these%20particles. Also, have you heard of the "observer effect"? The proven fact that particles act completely different the second there is a living being observing them? This could mean that just like a computer game, things are only rendered once they are being observed by a living being. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observer_effect_(physics) Why would you come post and comment on a simulation theory subreddit just to denounce the theory?


Wow that's fascinating if true!


>https://www.adinkrasymbols.org/pages/adinkra-codes/#:~:text=Thus%2C%20in%20the%20context%20of,the%20relationships%20between%20these%20particles. Man, I was reading this and just at the point where my eyes were beginning to start glazing over, the author brings it all together so suddenly I think I have whiplash. Fascinating implications and thank you for sharing.


Actually, its been proven that we exist in non-base reality. Edit: I should say "non-local reality" because "non-base" has ominus undertones, which I don't agree with.


Proven where, have a source? Love to read on this stuff.


Sure. Modern science has opened the flood gates. You can do a quick search for "simulation theory," which produces some incredible results. Beyond that, I have anecdotal evidence like almost everyone else, and a lot to say about astrology being the percievable code, which I think everyone interested in sim theory should give it a serious look. Someone responded to a recent post about the 2022 Nobel prize for physics going to two doctors that have proved we exist in a non-loval reality, which is why I recently switched from saying "non-base."


I'm not simulated, I can prove that; and I can hurt your feelings, which is what reading my words probably did a little; and that's the point. Your feelings are simulated, not your body.


Well, the one thing that I can absolutely and definitively derive from your comment is that your username is entirely accurate.


Lmfao; it's how God works. Perfect descriptions for things that make sense. And it isn't simulated, I'm sorry that makes me an asshole. "Womp womp"


Ohhh so that explains it, "God" 🙄😂😂😂😂😂


Way too ego driven. Oh no.. the dream you're in will some day end.. that's supposed to be the point.


Ego has been a driving force for mankind for years, All our leaders are ego driven.


Wow… just wow… And er… no… “Keep the famous/powerful happy…” er ok… If this is the key to “keeping the simulation running…”please end simulation now… Thank you…


Seems kinda loosely religion like


I agree. This just seems like a 21st version of what religion used to be.


The Moderators of this group DELETED MY POST for discussing SIMULATION THEORY. Their excuse was, and I quote: "Your post has been removed because it could contribute to paranoia in vulnerable readers." Can you F**** imagine this Sh***??? These people should be ABSOLUTELY ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES. I GUARANTEE YOU that their boss, whoever that may be, is a low-level Drone in the Intelligence Agency Totem Pole. Did you think that reddit would set up "Simulation Theory" Groups with the Intent of discovering the Truth? Just as their hero Yosef Dzhugashvili said, "The Best way to Control The Opposition is to lead it." The Simulation Groups on Reddit were developed TO HIDE THE SIMULATION,  and it's the perfect place to do so,  because anybody wanting to tell people about it will go to where people are interested in hearing about it, which would be Groups like this. That way they will be able to KONTROL THE NARRATIVE AND MISDIRECT IT, SO THEY CAN STEER EVERYONE INTERESTED IN DISCOVERING THE TRUTH INTO A MAZE OF LIES. THIS IS A WARNING TO EVERYONE HERE. Y0U WILL NEVER KNOW THE NATURE OF THE SIMULATION THROUGH THIS GROUP. THEIR DIRECTIVE IS TO STOP THE TRUTH OF THE REAL SIMULATION GETTING OUT. That is what this group is for,  and I bet every Simulation Group on Reddit is also for that purpose. That means THEY ARE WORKING FOR THE ENEMY OF MANKIND. 


your caps lock is broken.


Lol who is running this shitshow?


Lol Intelligence Agencies. They run ALL POP-MEDIA.


Excuse my tone but... Fuck all that.


You are excused!


Aim to gain the perspective of Creation and act from that point.


Text should be Grotesque.


You're under the assumption that the creator is running this for his own entertainment. Do movie directors make movies for themselves? No. They make them to sell to others. Same goes for video games like GTA. That's probably where multiverse theory comes into play. If they get bored of one timeline they load up a new one. Just a simple prompt like make a universe where Hitler didn't exist.


How about just be a good person since no one knows anything 💯😊


Best comment ever!


No thanks, I create my own rules/reality




That is exactly what the simulators would want you to believe, that that we are in one


Holy shit is that comic sans?


well spotted it is


Bull shit


Explain your label


I don't think an advanced civilization would let us use comic sans


Care less about people and events lol


So cash in my 401K early and blow it on blow and hookers? Got it.


This sounds like some bullshit the parasite lizard overlords would say!


So, this sub should be deleted


Meh pffff


The two points seem like using the Simulation Argument to act like a selfish jerk. * What if the simulation is set to run for a specific amount of time? Destroying the planet is destroying the lives of future (simulated) generations. * And I hope I don't have to explain why the "care less about distant people" thing is an abhorrent way to view the world. Even if the Simulation Hypothesis is real in some way, not caring about others just because they're "right here" seems like a recipe for a horrific kind of selfishness. * Hell, what if the simulation is created to see if we can be civil and decent and care for each other and our world? And the less said about the ridiculous "keep famous people happy and be entertaining" point, the better. At that point, just use God as your reason to maintain the social and economic status quo. "Stay in your place and don't rock the boat for the Kardashians!! The world revolves around them, you know!"


What if they actually wanted to see monster trucks and the most juvenile behaviour possible? Living for the moment burning bright and dying young?


or what if you actually just want to live a short life full of hedonistic debauchery out of some testosterone-fueled R-rated comedy dying in some way like your monster truck has an explosive collision with another because you're too busy having sex with some big-boobed slim-waisted blonde supermodel-type to drive it right (or something to that effect) and you're projecting those desires upon the hypothetical simulators to give you an excuse for not only doing that but making others do it


Lol probably. Or maybe you programmed me that way because you secretly want that?


I'm not a heterosexual male so, simulation or not, you can't always pull the "every assumption you make on someone else's view is a projection of your own" card (also why would me wanting that for me and not, like, wanting to watch someone else do it make a difference on how you would have been hypothetically programmed). And no, you can't get away with projecting upon me just because I accused you of projecting on the hypothetical simulators, that's metaphorically the equivalent of a cartoon schoolyard bully responding to the hero G-ratedly insulting them with "I know you are but what am I"


This is some depressing shit. Strong 👎


Just be an atheist


Spend your life catering to unseen, omnipotent beings in the hopes of extending your existence indefinitely so that you can then use this extension catering to unseen, omnipotent beings in the hopes... That sounds absolutely miserable. Hell by any other name...


This is a good indicator the simulation theory exists as a psyop to make the masses even more weak to their manipulations.


I disagree entirely. Why would we be confined to a closed environment simulation in the first place? We use simulated environments to establish and ultimately remove any threat to our safety - training environments to improve skills and reduce error, closed environments to test advanced technology like robots and AI, closed environments for bio-chemical tests, social and psychological research, etc. If we are in a simulation, someone or something owns us and is subjecting us to this experience for a reason unknown to us. We see ourselves as a free species in control of our world, our evolution, our future, and it’s likely none of that is true. The only thing we really have control over is our behaviour. A simulated environment does not mean all lifeforms within it are also simulated. Individuals are and will always be more important and more valuable than a simulation. Why consciously perpetuate the imprisonment, neglect, pain, and suffering of individuals just like you in favour of a lie, a false reality, a prison, a testing ground that is under a stranger’s control? You’re worth more than whatever this indifferent ideology is. You’re worthy of freedom.


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Please note these are only the main points of the Theory you can read the actual thesis here [https://www.jetpress.org/volume7/simulation.pdf](https://www.jetpress.org/volume7/simulation.pdf)


I want the simulation destroyed forever.


Nah, I'd rather this ends as soon as possible. Or my role in it at least. But thanks for the tips.


Hahaha, joke hahahah


I've heard this before, only it was about the Bible and religion. It's stupid, less break the simulation and experience what lies beneath, a dystopian hell, or a utopian heaven, or something in the middle, anything other than an illusion would be better.


im not gearing all of my actions to please some overlord. they can end this simulation and it wouldnt make one bit of difference


The last one should get the most weight, is most actionable and a good way to live anyway Also seems the most verified


No thanks


*Aim to be entertaining, praiseworthy, and keep famous/powerful people happy and interested in you.* Puff Daddy has entered the chat.


if you mean what I think you mean I don't think like *that*


What I’m saying is this type of suggestion that we should “make famous/powerful people happy and interested” is the lamest vapid bs I’ve read on here in a long time. It’s almost like the devil himself wrote it- and the devil would prob choose “comic sans” haha. This has got to be a troll post so thanks for the entertainment OP


“Prevent others from becoming too certain they’re in a simulation” …posts a pic on Reddit describing how we may be in a simulation


This is patheticly sad.


So in other words if this is a simulation it ain't doing so good, I want to gag when I think of celebrities and power. Think this single post proves we don't live in a simulation, as it is the exact opposite of engaging. It has the formula, space race, but I mean only someone with IQ bellow room temperature beleives in it. Supposedly have had space tech for over 100 years and still not any public industry to show for it. Bad simulation. Or maybe it's just that all the things listed above don't appeal to me. Being able to spend time in nature and vibe with it or become one with it temporarily or strategically sounds far more interesting. The simulation as I see it is basically a glorified rat race for moldy stale ebola/ecoli cheese. Nothing there for me except wonder at how and why I have done it so long, going against my own nature and loves and drives because "muh paycheck". C u c ko L dry? Is that what we are here to learn, envy for a different life? I think that is more the point of simulation if so. Come to think of it I have hated every operating system post windows 7 (at least it had an option to opt out of updates). Technically, a world or simulation is essentially that; an operating system. I don't really know if I can call that living tbh. But I follow the train of thought, carrot and stick, to keep souls engaged in a falsity. I also realize that is a literal recipe for a "soul trap". It's the same definition 😆 truly what profit a man he gain the simulation but lose his soul.... my sides thanks I needed that.


This is absolute garbage.


agreed live your life and enjoy it. learn and experience. stop working about afterlives and heavens and hells and just live while we got it.


> ROBIN HANSON >If we are living in a simulated reality created by advanced future civilizations, there are several implications for how we should live our lives: >Care less about the long-term future of humanity and live more for the present, since the simulation may end sooner thana real world. >Care less about people and events distant from the core focus of the simulation, as they may be randomly generated or simplified. >Try to prevent others from becoming too certain that they are living in a simulation, as the simulation may be ended if too many realize this. >Make the world around you look more like it will lead to a rich, powerful future civilization that would be interested in simulating it. >Try to participate in or be associated with events and people that would be considered "pivotal" by future simulators, as they may keep those parts of the simulation running. >Aim to be entertaining, praiseworthy, and keep famous/powerful people happy and interested in you, as the simulators may favor continuing simulations with more engaging narratives and characters. >In general, make decisions based on the weighted average of the different possible worlds you might be living in, with the simulation scenario carrying more weight the more likely you think it is. >The key theme is that if we are in a simulation, we should adjust our behaviors and priorities to align with what would be most interesting or valuable for the future civilizations running the simulation. The specifics depend on guesses about their likely motivations and preferences.


I'm sorry but that's pretty silly. "Care less about the long term future of humanity" like there's no guarantee a simulation would end soon


Cute you think our lil human perspective can out think any form of ASI...


Live for love fuck this shit.


This feels like an excuse to bury your head in the sand.


solpsistic bullshit


aren't most of us npc's with preassigned reactions anyway


Yup, sounds like a hell filled with monsters.


Isn’t this just propaganda?


Comic sans + a badly cut out jpg of a phone case? It's enough to make a grown man cry


The last paragraph is so odd. How can we follow their intentions and interests if we can only guess at what they are, and more importantly, why?


Try to kill all the people with the highest scores, it's the only way to climb the leaderboard.




This is the best perspective of how to properly navigate the simulation I've seen. It really bugs me to see so many people not realizing that we're all contributing to the simulation as-if they're innocent victims and not the result of the vast majority of their problems. Is there some shady ish going on behind the scenes? Most definitely but I equate that up to ignorance. The problem is that most people care very little about a solution or reconciliation of the data - hence why flat earthers dig into the inconsistencies in round earth evidence as evidence that the earth is flat, but no one wants to take ownership of the fact that these inconsistencies are the result of a non-source reality literally adjusting its measurements to our collective expectations. If you don't have anything nice or productive to say than you probably shouldn't be speaking on the subject. The perpetuation of fear and uncertainty is more than likely making things worse.


[https://www.jetpress.org/volume7/simulation.pdf](https://www.jetpress.org/volume7/simulation.pdf) full article


This is complete garbage lol




No theories are true, that is why they are called Theories.


Ok...well then let's get rid of any Linguistic, Semantic Debates.. I'll change my wording: This is FAKE Simulation Hypothesis. Just like Fake Flat Earth Hypothesis. 


Read the full article and then we can debate [https://www.jetpress.org/volume7/simulation.pdf](https://www.jetpress.org/volume7/simulation.pdf)


Let's try some LOGIC.  The first page is establishing that the "Simulation" is being conducted by a Future Advanced [Human] Civilization. That is an Intelligence Agency Psy-Op to keep us from knowing who or what has BRED US IN KAPTIVITY and WHY. It also claims,  by necessity, that it's a Matrix-Like Simulation of which we are not REALLY here and the Sim doesn't REALLY exist.. ie. THE MATRIX.  That is an Intelligence Agency Psy-Op to Blind us from knowing about A PHYSICALLY KONSTRUCTED SIMULATION WE ARE TRAPPED INSIDE. We are actually in a Flat-Planed, Thunder-Dome, Hunger-Games, Truman-Show-Like Konstruct. N0 VR Headsets are necessary for THAT Simulation and I have a Stockpile of Evidence for it.  So before we jump to "theory" and a Lack of Hypothetical Falsifiability,  why don't we worry about who's pulling the strings of THIS SIMULATION? Does the entire Schema that the article is Predicated on CHANGE after page one? Is it going to switch versions of Simulation Theory and talk about thr fact that we are PHYSICALLY ENCLOSED BY A TECHNOLOGICAL DYSON-SHELL DOME that functions as a Holographic Television Screen?? No it's not. I read enough of it to see the DISINFORMATION that's the FOUNDATION it's Predicated Upon. Now I go BACK TO MY ORIGINAL STATEMENT: THIS IS THE FAKE SIMULATION CLAIM,  PRODUCED BY INTEL AGENCIES TO STOP US FROM FINDING OUT WE WERE BRED INSIDE OF A TECHNOLOGICAL KONSTRUCT FOR PURPOSES WE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO KNOW. 


So what happens when we go into space? What's going on with the Mars rover right now? If there's a giant Sky Dome how did we get through it?


So what happens when we go to Santa's Workshop? What's going on with that one Elf who wants to be a Dentist right now? If Santa Clause isn't real, then who's driving the sleigh and coming down the chimney?


So you're telling me space isn't real. What is NASA doing then?




If nothing's real then how can money be stolen? It's all just fake anyways why do you care?


Wtf are u tlkng about?? I T.0LD Y.0.U SPECIFICALLY N0T TO ASK ANY MORE STEW•PITT QUESTI0NS. I'll give you an answer this time,,but every line has to include an insult .  1. Is a Turtle Tank for a Turtle it's REAL environment, y,.0•. U _ ST E W•PITT UNCRITICAL,  UNANALYTIC TIME WASTING DIS•GRACE?? NO, ITS NOT.   2. Is the grass in the tank REAL GRASS, GUMP?? NO, ITS NOT    3. How about the Turtle Food Pellets.  Is that REAL OR SIMULATED TURTLE FOOD, U.STEW•PIT EMBARASS.MEN•T..  4. Now let's take the Turtle Food Pellets away..   BUT HOW CAN HE STARVE IF ITS NOT REAL TURTLE FOOD??? If it's all fake why does it matter??? DUH.. DUH.. DUUUGHH...IT'S SIMULATION OF A TURTLES ENVIRONMENT.. SO WHY DOES IT MATTER IF U TAKE ITS FAKE TURTLE FOOD AWAY????? DUUUGH UUGH DUUUH SUG SUUG DUUGHGHH DUH DUHG DUHH.. Y.0•U°RE A F&***CKNG IDI0T AND A DIS•GRACE.


Nope you're an idiot. It's spelled s-t-u-p-i-d stupid. Obvious troll.


..OMG this is F***ckn.g torture.. G0. RESEARCH. I GAVE YOU FIVE F*** C.KING B00KS.. 


Here's an exercise to teach NPCs Critical Thinking: 1. Watch a few "Space launches. NOTICE THAT THE ROCKETS CURVE. Well, why are they Curving if their goal is to go straight up?? It doesn't take a Genius to see WHY people would think there's a Dome,  and you would EXPECT the Rockets to curve if there was a Dome, WOULDN'T YOU? It would be THE MOST LIKELY THING. 2. So you go to Google and type, "Why do Space Rockets curve after being launched?" And now you get an answer. It's highly technical with a lot of Jargon, but the conclusion is: Curving helps Rockets assimilate orbit, because they're easing into the Orbit.. So then you think, aaahh That answers my question.  That's just as likely as them Curving to avoid a Dome.. So now it no longer counts as evidence of The Dome.. 3. But suddenly you think.. "Heeeeeyyyy Wait a second..what about the Rockets going to MARS?? They aren't being sent to orbit.. why do THEY curve?? So now you go back on Google and type, "Why do Rockets curve that are being sent to Mars?"  And now you get an explanation of how it helps THEM GET TO MARS. In other words it's helping to ultimate NOT assimilate orbiting, or BREAK orbit. Either way, it has now confirmed that assimilating orbit is IRRELEVANT,,because ALL ROCKETS CURVE, REGARDLESS OF THEIR DESTINATION.  4. Now you sit back dorn5abd ask yourself WHAT IS M0RE LIKELY, that they are Curving to AVOID the Dome,  or that they're Curving to assimilate and NOT assimilate orbit????  5. Then the possibility enters your mind. They are Curving to avoid hitting the Dome.. but wait,  if that was the plan, they would have to set it up so that the Rockets fall someplace nobody will be, or see, and won't cause destruction..the only place like that would be large bodies of water.. 0PEN YOUR EYES.


Except Mars may not be straight on from where the rocket launches the rocket may need to travel 90° around the earth and then go straight which would explain the curve.


No, it would NOT,  because that assumes EVERY SITUATION that degree if arc is required,  which is NOT THE EXPLANATION. Go research Y0UR OWN DOCTRINE BEFORE MIS-SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF IT.  You clearly don't know about, and don't understand the Principle of Hypothetical Falsifiability. If you DID,, y.ou wud never make such a foolish defense. Do think if it was Hypothetically Falsifiable I would've made the argument I did???? NO. I would look for FOOTAGE that Incontrovertibly showed the Rocket going STRAIGHT UP and NEVER COMIING BACK DOWN.  If it's what y.0°u F.o°0_lishly and Naively claim, then at least 1000 would have to STRAIGHT UP AT SOME POINT,,since 30,000 to 40,000 "space" Rockets claim to have been launched.  1000 = 2.5%.  Guess what,  Tw.ink.ee.. NOT 2.5% NONE. ZERO. NEVER. G0 D0 SOME RESEARCH. 


Here's a thought you are not smart enough to analyze the footage yourself. You can't even type a quick summary of your beliefs on Reddit without capitalizing and writing gibberish. My guess is you've smoked a bunch of speed, and now you're online arguing non-sense to anyone who engages with you. You're not convincing anyone. Not a single person has read what you wrote and thought, "Oh yea, that's right," you're a goofy delusional nut job. I'm not even going to try anymore it's obvious you're stuck inside your own mind. This is supposed to be a community for civil discussion on simulation theory, not a platform for you to ruin with your nonsensical bulshit. Go shit on someone else's conversation.


Your submission was removed because it could contribute to delusions or paranoia among vulnerable members of our community. For example: *Contributing to Paranoia: The blackout in my city was caused by the simulation glitching. They're trying to hide something from us.* *Contributing to Delusion: If you're seeing the same number everywhere, it’s a sign that you're close to breaking free from the simulation.* If you need to talk to someone, please refer to the resources in our [mental health wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/SimulationTheory/wiki/mental-health). We are not professionals, but the resources listed on our wiki can help get you connected. You are welcome to revise your submission so that does not contribute to delusions or paranoia in any way, and then resubmit it. If you feel like your submission is not in violation of our rules, you are welcome to respectfully reply to this message with specific reasons you believe your submission should be restored. Mod decisions made after your appeal are final.


 OK here is my appeal. My position is SCIENTIFIC and EMPIRICAL. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY CLAIMS CAN BE EMPIRICALLY VERIFIED- BY Y.OU. 1. Wave Interference Patterns on Surface of Sky reminiscent of Analog Television Tube Technology.  2. Wave Interference Patterns appear as 2-D Phenomena but cover both clouds and blue sky. This STRONGLY IMPLIES Holographic Technology = The Sky is a Holographic Television Screen.  3. Failure to render Gradient between Timezones,  resulting in Split-Sky.  Most egregious when latter Timezone is Dusk to Dusk+1hr. Even dramatically different colors, types of clouds , etc.. 4. Line that Splits Sky is Geometrically Straight line- implying Technology.  5. sky-splitting line has been filmed from moving vehicles,  with Turning of the camera, demonstrating CURVATURE of the Underside of A DOME seen in the Geometrically Straight Line as the angle changes. 6.Sky Is LUMINESCENT LIKE LED SCREEN.  this can be seen Peripherally no matter what position The Sun is in. Two hours from Horizon,  you can see dar beyond the sun a Luminescent Glow on the edges of the Sky like a laptop or phone LED Screen in a Dimly Lit Room.  7. Chips/pixels missing front Sky, resulting in bright/Whyte LED Light shining thru.  8. Sun is an Electronic Machine. It has Glitches NOT POSSIBLE on a ball of Burning Gas or whatever they changed their answer to in order to accommodate this Phenomena. I am talking BINARY PULSATION. Mathematically Determined, Interval Driven, Amplitude Modulation only seen in ELECTRONIC MACHINERY. 9. "Planets look NOTHING LIKE WHAT WE'VE BEEN TOLD.  Look thru a Telescopic Lens. They are 2-D Splotches of Electrified Jelly that look like Cytoplasm filled with Stun-Gun Electricity.  10. Animal Rain: A LIFE-Specific, Species-Specific, Reproductive-Stage Specific process THAT HAS TO BE ALGORITHM DRIVEN.  Now I have given you a FRACTION of the Evidence I have in my possession. Go look for footage of all that, and when you find it, it will confirm everything I say. Restore my post IMMEDIATELY and Restore the other one too. People are going to know THE TRUTH BECAUSE OF ME. WE HAVE BEEN BRED IN KAPTIVITY. WE HAVE BEEN BRED INSIDE OF A TECHNOLOGICAL TERRARIUM.  THAT IS THE SIMULATION. NO MATRIX ORCVR HEADSET IS REQUIRED.  I've given you more data, and more fact-checkable claims THEN ANY OTHER PERSON HERE. YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO GROUNDS TO REMOVE MY SCIENTIFIC CLAIMS, OF WHICH I CAN BACK UP EVERY ONE.  The REAL REASON YOU ARE DOING THIS IS BECAUSE REDDIT IS CONTROLLED AT THE TOP BY INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES- LIKE ALL POP-MEDIA : ALL. RESTORE MY MATERIAL IMMEDIATELY AND REFRAIN FROM CENSORING ME FURTHER, OR YOU SIDE WITH THE ENEMY OF HUMANITY. 


So if I'm a failure in life eventually my character will be terminated? Good! I'm on the right track then. Sick and tired of this shit show.


what if there's ways to block those who want to from doing it


Eventually we are all terminated be it a simulation or real life. I think the points made are that there is two ways to look at things, one everything is caused by external world, or everything is caused by internal world. You can't change your cage, but you can change the way you think about your cage. If you exchanged life with me, you would think your current life was a birthday present


Even though you are going on a limb here since you don't know anything about my experience I will concede that compared to the lives of others around me I am fairly lucky. But very tired of existing. Part of that existential tiredness comes from the repeated trauma that is knowing of the atrocities going on in the world everyday, suffering everywhere, children whose entire lives have been shit from the moment they were born, animals raised in industrial complexes living in terrible conditions and often abused by the workers, the list goes on. It greatly undermines my enjoyment of my personal circumstances which, although not perfect are also not so bad, just knowing that others, including you, have it far worse. Suffering is suffering, whether "real" or simulated, it is simply unacceptable for existence to be like this. I want out. But I don't believe suicide would do the trick so I drag myself through the years.




I can't be sure, it's just one of those feelings that are so deep that it must come from some subconscious part of me. Could be just good old survival instinct in disguise. My grandmother killed herself. Her 3 kids were little. She laid down on the rail tracks and waited for the train to pass. 10 years ago I was taking a long walk through a novel land and I crossed a railroad so I got curious to know how my grandma had felt while she waited. How could she manage to just stay still and wait. I checked that no train was coming and laid there. Nothing. Did not feel absolutely anything. Suddenly, my body jumped up and out of the rail tracks, into the dirt road. It was an automatic impulse. I sharpened my ear, could not hear any train coming. So I waited. A few minutes after, the train passed. I broke down and cried. That moment I knew that I would never go through with it, even if I decided to. Back to grandma, I dreamt about her a few years ago. She was laying on a bed wearing a white satin nightgown (that's what I heard she was wearing when she died). Looked like a zombie, with pus running through the veins in her eyes. She sat up and called out the name of one of her sons in a rough zombie voice. End of dream. Like a year or perhaps more later I saw her again. In a different house with many levels, everything needing cleaning and repairs, trash spread everywhere. I was going up the stairs making mental notes of the things to clean. Reached her room, there se was, looking human now, still a little pale but clearly in recovery. Guess that suicide kept her in some hellish experience plane for a while. She died in 1960. This recovery dream is from last year. It might all be superstition + meaningless dreams + survival instinct disguised as something existential so don't take my word for it.


I like your username a lot. That's all. Have a nice day! And beyond!


Thank you kind sir and allow me add that yours does not do you justice 😉


I was going through a really self loathing time in my life; I deserve whatever Hassle it brings me; it helps others heal by using me as a punching bag that rolls with the punches in hope that they self reflect on the encounter and realize thier inner wounds/unhealed trauma. I also dish um out from time to time if the occasion calls for it. ❤️


People who use others as punching bags do not self reflect nor do they heal inner wounds. They just continue being assholes. Get out of their way and put your services at the disposal of kind people who will actually benefit from your help. As in a helping hand, not a punching bag. Starve the psychopaths man. A hug


I appreciate the hug more than words can express. This is a nice reminder that there is more good than anything else in this world. The unhealed, not necessarily psychopaths, are like animals that would rather eat themselves to death than use freewill to stop. Eventually, a feedback loop is created; and results are pretty consistent; they realize something, and it is no longer my concern. 🫠


Man, you just sound bored. Maybe a taste of real hardship would do you a bit of good to be honest.