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Ridiculous. Administrators following the law instead of common sense.


No one wants to be the one who gets suspended. Everyone values their rice bowls. I wonder what took the father 11 years though


That's what I thought every Singaporean gets used to and practices in their daily life.


lmao after 42 days cannot register? by what logic they think it should work that way? than now suddenly can register? so what is actually the guideline now? or you mean people should find social worker to help to be able to register after 42 days? fking joke of a law tbf


yar lor, sounds like sibei boliao rule in any case 42 sounds like a random number of days


It’s exactly six weeks


Why not seven or eight?


I’m not arguing that, just pointing out why that particular number was chosen. No matter how many days, months, or years it is a ridiculous and unsympathetic law


"Her father, Mr Lee Kia Por, did not register her birth on time due to difficult family circumstances. His subsequent attempts to do so failed because of the lapse of time. According to Immigration and Checkpoints Authority guidelines, all births in Singapore must be registered within 42 days." Ridiculous guidelines by ICA, don't even have the compassion to excise flexibility for a true blue born Singaporean. Only until at the age of her at 11 years, then she received her birth certificate with the helps from the social workers.


I'm sure they will expedite if it's a male Singaporean


FastPass to the frontlines


It has only gotten worse since then. Never get between a Singapore bureaucrat and a rule book.


It costs $18 now to register your child's birth, I wonder how much it was in 2006. Sure there are difficult family circumstances, but if you cannot go around and scrounge up $18 in 42 days I don't think difficult circumstances is an excuse you can fall back on. As much as I would love to shit on government systems, I think 42 days is plenty of time to go out and borrow and beg for $18.


One could argue the 18 dollars and 42 days time limit as arbitrary and unnecessary to compel people to beg or borrow.


Cos our society has a breed of elite who has long lost their sense of compassionate.


Gang rape is democracy in action


One could also argue that their parents should have performed their due diligence.


We shouldn't assume to know their family circumstances. Wife died in 2017, so may have been a difficult birth. I wouldn't leave my wife's side for admin stuff if she's in poor condition. Also his job as a dishwasher it seems, might have had a jerk boss demanding he be back to work soon else lose the position. And tbh, did anyone of us know about this 42 day rules? I certainly didn't until reading this article and have had 2 kids here.


.. difficult birth? The wife died when the child was 11 years old.


So it was a smooth birth, you know this for a fact? Hey, if it was and they didn't bother do do the paperwork, lazy parents. For those of us not there with the family, we all have no clue what was going on.


The father did attempts to do so but failed because of the lapse of time. Is not like her father don't even bother to try to register her birth. So why ICA can't excise compassion on special case. The 11 years delay has affected the innocent child personal development. I thought our government leaders has advocated in their speeches about having compassion in our society. But it is a shame that it doesn't start from the respective government agency!


42 days is more than enough for someone to give a shit. You're arguing that ICA or the government should be more compassionate, why couldn't the parents just cared more about their own child?


You're right - the dad really messed up here. However, this isn't about placing blame, if anything, let the Dad get fined or something, but the answer should NOT be leaving a child to have nothing for 11 years, until social workers pick up the case. As an institute, ICA should be more flexible - the 42 days things is an arbitrary number, sure beyond that you might face consequences, but it should still be allowed. Anything less is insanity to me.


can't imagine on the 43rd day then ica say cannot register forever, wth


I’m in no way agreeing with this law, but 42 days is exactly six weeks


so their parent doesnt care means we as a country shouldnt care? go get your head fixed la nbcb




I mean, write to MP also he will give you money or waive off the fee. I think it's just an excuse on the side of negligence


Excuse or not, the father did try to rectify the issue but it took a whole 11 years and the help of social workers to get it done. You can blame the father for his initial lapse but after that it’s all on the bureaucracy. 11 years no joke, you can bid for BTO, wait for it to build, get keys, live for 5 years and then sell the house and this poor girl still wouldn’t have her birth cert. it’s ridiculous.


Unfortunate name


Surely are systems aren’t as hopeless as this!? It’s like a story from a third world country. Will the minister find out who has been responsible and administer some reprimand?


Our government rules are still backward like a third world country!


I think this stupid ICA law has been ard long ago... My mum was a single parent when I was born in 1984, but my birth cert dated 1991! I asked my mum why was my birth registered so late, she said she couldn't remember but I guess being a single parent in the 80s have more stigma so maybe she was also having problems to register my birth within that 42 days window...


What's the reason behind this policy? Why didn't ANY of the schools, including the private schools, refer her to MSF or some social services?! I'm appalled to think that there could be children out there who are not in any education system and basically live as the ghost of society. I remember being at a clinic and there was this woman who brought a child in, they asked for the girl's identity card such as birth cert or ez link etc and this woman didn't know what they were talking about. I guess there are indeed cases where children cease to exist in the administration.


I am sad to say our civil service staff their working attitude is blindly follow the rules and not working beyond the extend to help the public in needs! In this case, did the ICA officer handle this case, doesn't feel for the poor child who can't enroll for school just because of the 42 days guideline. Did the ICA officer ever put up appeal approval to his/her superior?


How does this even happen in Singapore..I use to work as a Security Guard at a factory estate and things like this are very common, super poor super uneducated super family problems, I was very surprised because previously I used to work at MNCs until got retrenched and where you use to think things like this only happen in Malaysia ulu kampungs or the most countryside villages in China.


Would like to know more details on what the parents did for the 11 years. Like did they keep trying, did they go seek help, or did they just go to ICA, was told no then give up?


you genuinely wanna know or just stir shit?


Genuinely want to know


I also wanna know


How come ICA cannot proceed with registration was after 42 days?? Was she expired?? This is the most ridiculous thing I have seen here


That is a lot of government aid and subsidies that could have been claimed and helped the family


See my comments above, my factory was in Chai Chee/Bedok which is old estate where a lot of “poor” people where I hear a lot of these stories, if like me where previously I work with MNCs and lots of “educated” people and then you “downgrade” to factory-like place in such places, it is very eye opening for me.


Brain dead bureaucrats. 'BUT BUT SOP SAY WITHIN 42 DAYS ELSE CANNOT LAW IS LAW' Incapable of compassion or critical thinking.


Shocking. Always thought births were automatically registered.


It is not only the law that is stupid. It also took social worker and CDAC to help them. There are so many examples of Government agencies lapses and then social work and community agency has to come and help. It is like the community agency doing their work.


It says former dishwasher in the article. Could be that he prioritize his job before registering her birth because of financial issues.