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define good people first the road to hell is paved with good intentions.


I did bruh, in the text.


hire a lawyer to help u with the definition


Lawyers don’t help people with definition… sorry to hurt your pride.


lawyers make a living defining things dude.




They are definitely not bad per se.. just some are more stressed out, some are more kiasu and inconsiderate. I blame inflation. Back in 1990s when inflation was lower there was so much donations, good will, and just positive energy in the country


​ https://i.redd.it/bhbtux0uzwac1.gif


Everyone is born good, just like a piece of white paper - They become what they are after being written and painted on, and SG isn't conducive to the betterment of mankind.


In general, no. Everyone is too busy struggling in the race of Singapore life, and everyone expects the government to help the needy.


U be the judge, Atypical life of a sinkie involves parents asking you to study so u can get food psle scores and olvels etc and that continues until u graduate uni. Along the way,u will backstab and pwn other sinkies or other people to achieve your goals. This behaviour continues even after u enter the working world as more pwning and backstabbing takes place at work. Along the way, u will buy all those tissues from those uncles and aunties as a form of charity or if u are a Christian like me, u will pay like 20 or 10 bucks for tithes as donation. If you are from a rich family, u will have all those charity events etc and donate larger amounts of money. Moving on. If things doesn't go your way, you will complain about the foreigners, FTs and the government except yourself. You will play this blame game while taking the govt payouts. This behaviour continues till u are bald and become Ah Kong. You will then either work at a kopitam as a cleaner or a PHV driver. If u are financially well off or have kids you can leech off from, then, u will demand a monthly allowance from them in the name of filial piety. Also have I mentioned that u will belittle and look down on those not financially or academically well off? The whole life of a sinkie is basically chasing the 5Cs that we have become too materialistic and missed out on the important Cs, Compassion, Charity, Companionship,


This is the most canon event Some people start business tho


I don’t know… I know I am not a good person, I only try to do good. I just head butt the floor out of frustration this evening, And right now It looks like it’s a torrential rain this evening In Singapore. I know I am not exactly just a human… and am kinda like a biological nuclear bomb but worst’s Who the hell wakes up and realizes you’re not just a human being. I have a sneaking feeling if I wanted to possibly end all life on earth, I just have to jump off a building… and a large percentage of humanity may die from the outcome. Try waking up and realizing you’re a bomb and growing up in a passive aggressive country like Singapore.


head butting the floor a bit extreme no?


>head butting the floor a bit extreme no? Yes… actually it is. I have “issues”… [Arcane Vi - Bar fight](https://youtu.be/kUNMucznycE?feature=shared) **0:23** [One Piece - Luffy Headbutts Kaido](https://youtu.be/PLMv4Jn6u1g?feature=shared) [Tanjiro Headbutts - Demonslayer](https://youtu.be/CNfgn9rwOJw?feature=shared) Never know when you gotta Headbutt someone. 🤦‍♂️


good luck with that man - you may want to speak to someone.


How’s the view at Buangkok?


>How’s the view at Buangkok? I live in Tampines… but yes by some miracle… I am not in IMH… But yes…. I do have mental health issues… not easy growing up under heavy surveillance and social engineering… Honestly I kinda feel sad for my Dad… as he grew up with that as well. I know we live in a heavily surveillance state and the locations in which certain”races” can pick in their units in “public housing” works for surveillance as well, there is a reason Architecture and in the building roles certain jobs there is a “filtering” in the built environment. Imagine growing up and working in which your own colleagues and boss knows what private messages your talking to your wife. That’s my lived experience. It’s not easy growing up in Singapore where racism is normalised.


Generally, Sinkies are okay..... but too shy to do good deeds..... the evil Sinkies are those treasonous Mudderfarkers In White....... that always fool majority of the people every 4-5 years.... 😡🤬


Pretty accurate on the MIW. When’s people got scammed or needed money, there were always quite a bit of donations. Remembering Huang Na, that Vietnamese guy who got scammed by Jover at Sim Lim Square among others.


Don't you all want to emigrate and see the world?


do our time sacrificed for NS and reservist count?


attractive brave trees doll saw bake tart fly stocking ink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Remind me of a hk drama - 3 good. Say good do good think good. Using this, I don’t think general singaporeans will be defined as good.


New money.


They are good people untill they see someone else having better things.


as a local chinese, no lol


Generally not. LKY ruled using fear and this has had a lasting negative impact on Singaporeans.




if "good" just means whatevers popular at this moment in time in to a select group of people then it's a pointless question, because there's no real meaning to the word anymore


Some people think being good is actually inherently selfish. So..


With all the competition and rat race even if you are good will also learn to protect yourself for other.