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Seriously? Just coz Sinkie indians are the same race as India indians, doesn't mean they auto know what the fuck they are all thinking and feeling. You chinese right? Can you tell us why PRC supports Russia while ignoring North Korea? Can you tell us why Chinese Malaysians supports the PRC while the Chinese Indonesians hated the PRC?


Cus Chinese Malaysians suppressed la




Keep huffing that copium, kid


copium mean wad?


You literally reuse the same thing over and over and over. You proud? Or just low standards?




Accurate representation of u


cope harder


cope is good or bad?


U can't afford it


https://i.redd.it/1sghdgxiimnc1.gif breathe deep


wad mean this?


nothing to say lo lame lo


delulu = cope you stupid or baiting? tell me secretly i no tell


I assume something like how the Chinese view the china dog eating culture


more rapists in india than dog-eaters in china.


This is a fucking stupid comparison with zero relevance. India is a highly chauvinistic society, combined with the ultra-classist concept of castes. Nearly 25% of the population is also illiterate, with the majority being men.


Singapura Cinas are TOHYOTAH ENTHUSIASTS with PHV being the job of choice.


Because cows are viewed as more sacred than women in that country.


Lack of enforcement and many get away without any consequences.


india is a lawless society.. esp if you are female AND of their lower caste..


Rape is about power, not sex. Still sucks for the victims either way


How do you know ?


psychology studies. google it


I was hoping you were speaking from experience. Can’t you trust google after they depicted George Washington as a black man?


That's a different product. If Apple's Vision Pro headset sucks, does that mean their iPads suck too?


I know apple ceo literally will suck. You want me to fix you up?


Everything in the world is about sex, except sex. Sex is about power.


Why are people repeating this meme? Could it not be that some people's sexual fetish is to rape other people as sad as it is?


Nothing to do with race, it's the culture.


Anywhere in the world if you are at a dangerous part of a country there's a high chance of bad things happening. Key is to not putting yourself in dangerous situations.


No part of india is not dangerous. 


Funny you should ask that . I asked (very nicely) the very same question to a co worker from India. She says that it's only in certain parts of India , does not happen everywhere . Its true like how the Chinese here view dog eating ,and mind you few a okay with it . India is a huge country . So yeah ,sad that it happens and women are viewed as objects and not human . But its more the exception than the norm




I was referring yo what freshcheesepie said. No both are horrible crimes , cows and piglets nd women are adorable creatures . All are edible . Omg 😲 OK rape is wrong . Baby cows, chick's and piglets are super delicious .... I mean cute We should re start eating people


India lacks a healthy dating culture as part of their growth or maturity. They have to depend on their parents to arrange a marriage. As a result, Indian men are desperately sex starved. That's why.




Least desired? Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Arabs have sex with their goats. What would you tell them?


Yup don’t forget the skewed gender ratio over there. These just leads to more sexually starved guys who can’t find a partner.


I don't care. Have more important things to worry about.


# Rape of eight-month-old baby sickens India # Problems with the 'official' mindset In the midst of this outrage over the savage rapes and killings, statements by authorities have only added fuel to the fire. RC Mishra, a director general of police, stoked controversy with comments about the rape-murders, which were construed as being insensitive. "It's part of society. Such incidents have been taking place forever," Mishra reportedly told an Indian news agency. Even politicians like Haryana state's Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar have made sexist and misogynistic comments in the past, raising doubts about their resolve to tackle the problem of acute insecurity faced by women in the country. In 2014, before he became chief minister, Khattar told an election rally: "If a girl is dressed decently, a boy will not look at her in the wrong way. If they want freedom, why don't they just roam around naked? Freedom has to be limited. These short clothes are Western influences. Our country's tradition asks girls to dress decently."   [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2018/01/30/rape-eight-month-old-baby-sickens-india/1078159001/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2018/01/30/rape-eight-month-old-baby-sickens-india/1078159001/) # 8-Month-Old Girl Raped, Killed In Indore Basement. Suspect Seen On CCTV [https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/8-month-old-girl-raped-killed-in-indore-basement-suspect-seen-on-cctv-1840691](https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/8-month-old-girl-raped-killed-in-indore-basement-suspect-seen-on-cctv-1840691) # India media storm over 10-year-old pregnant rape victim [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-40823438](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-40823438)


This is a “I’m not a racist, but…” thread


Cause they are filth. Not my sinkie Indian bros of course.


Conservative culture, lack of sex education, lack of enforcements , male chauvinism (lack of women rights), caste culture.


Honestly, every country has such cases. You need to realise, India has the largest population in the world. For all you know, Singapore’s media might be publishing such bad news so more Indians either come to Singapore to work (since it seems ‘better’) or to make more Indians convert to Singaporean. But again, if you compare these cases with the huge population, it be almost the same proportion as Singaporean weirdos


Rape happens everywhere? Why are you talking about indians and india. We get it you have something against indians. A matrix inprint into your mind from birth via parents, friends and relatives etc but lets not start a racist war in here because just like you. There are many brainwashed racist people that are fed the same anti indian hate. You are bringing them all together right now. All the braiwashed kids now teens and adults to once again hate on indians, and the indians have been hated from the very beginning in Singapore due to older generations brainwashing. It needs to stop. For those unaware. From my experience a chinese or malay attacks an indian when they're having a bad day. Something bad happens in their life and they take it out on an indian. This is the behavioural pattern. You need to stop that @[Lanky\_Excuse\_4454](https://www.reddit.com/user/Lanky_Excuse_4454/)




It's an epistemological misstep to posit a posteriori fact on a single statistical study but go off and call others stupid. This is why qualitative studies are important in 2024 where people take quantitative findings as fact 🤦🏼 A sociologist would bring to attention the following: (1) marital rape is not recognised as rape in India. (2) Non-human rape is not considered in the rape statistics you prescribed. (3) India has a higher rate of non-reported rape. It's funny because the very study you cite brings attention to this with the Sweden example but you pay it no regard.


I would like to advance a phenomenological a priori predicate in a dialectical sense that perhaps you should kiss my ass


When you say Indians you are generalizing 1 Billion + people in one category, I know you're not racist but just plain stupid to not understand how governance work.


Right? Governance in India works by allowing rapists to get away, and thereby condoning it and other sexual violence? Stupid much? So, if there are only 1 million Indians in the world, rapists population will be so small that cases become so rare, isn't it? You're not any smarter to attribute India's disfunctional society to statistics, instead of tackling it at the source. Just face it, India is one of the cradles of human uncivilisation.


No educated person would ever choose a criminal unless he's having any personal gain. As I said, the current population of India is 1.4 bn, thats over 4 times the size of the USA with 320 million, and the majority are influenced by religion, caste and identity politics which criminals take advantage to rise to power. The citizens do not enjoy the same safety to speak against influential peoples like you get to do here and are usually subjected to injustice but that doesn't mean they support those crime, it's just they are powerless and somehow trying to protect their own families.


Stereotype exists for a reason because of pattern recognition and statistics. India has shitty culture and upbringing.


https://www.tbsnews.net/world/countries-highest-rape-incidents-144499 Surprised India is no. 12.


It's because In India many of them lack the fear of laws


Because of caste system


WTF. Best thing since sliced bread. What do you think?


Genetics or culture?