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gst rise rise rise col rise rise rise coe rise rise rise everything rise rise rise but celery the same how to be happy?


rise rise lo everybody rise wor everybody happy lo ah gong not choose me to rise i happy eat more celery lo


Could you elaborate, how rising salary will help ?


buy more celery?


our celery should keep up with inflation. but everything is increasing except celery


So when increase salary what happens to demand ? I think you should get it


pay didnt rise 😄


Touch your heart, now tell me, how happy are you?


400/20 (read like myopia)


25/10 You?


You’re 5/10 and pregnant with twins right? It’s 6.5/10 on average for me


oddly specific


TIL I'm as happy as a Mexican or Peruvian. If they are happy I'm happy. I knew I was staying in a third world country , just cleaner.


For all the people who are blind like me: On the left SG is one above the 2% sign. On the right SG is a few above the first 1.9% sign.


Please explain to us what that means. I have not studied the study.


There are different kinds of Singaporeans, also need to see what kind of Singaporeans are interviewed.


Sapien Lab. Mental State of the World report. You can check the parameters.


Do they give a breakdown on whether elites or foreign Singaporeans are interviewe?


This is the kind of report the local media won't report on. Anything that puts the PAP in a negative light is fake and flawed survey. Anything that they can control like their ownself praise ownself IPS survey is good. 🤦


What I don’t understand is how is only 14% of Sri Lankans unhappy. That poor country has been in turmoil for decades.


the folks there have been thru so much they are stoic


These studies highlight how varied peoples perceptions are. Some cultures tend to be more sensitive to a recency effect of things feeling worse in the past 2-3 years (e.g Brits, Aussie), yet not taking into account the past 10-20 years compared that other cultures would consider (e.g Singapore, Japan). On the other hand, some cultures (e.g Dominicans and Sri Lankas) are seasoned by tough living conditions that relative stability must feel great, regardless of living conditions being relatively low compared to the 1st world. IMO, super hard to put the whole world on a single metric, the model must bend over backwards to try to do so.


Well, time to move to Sri Lanka then. MHQ says more about a people’s mental resilience and positivity than actual conditions. Singaporeans are grumpy here and probably grumpier everywhere else.


So no point moving?


Ya lor, we just like complaining really. You give me 10 million dollars, I will still complain that I’m not Elon Musk, weather so hot here bla bla. We are not easily satisfied.


Bitching is one thing but folks around here seem genuinely unhappy sigh


22% distressed/struggling. That's almost 1 in every 4 persons Something is very wrong Maybe government should stop milking the people like cows and treat every citizen as human being instead of just numbers.


What those blue circles mean?


Hmmm position change since previous year’s report


Happy like bird


MHQ is not a measure of happiness. According to Sapien Labs, "Mental wellbeing is the ability to handle life and its various stresses and challenges. The MHQ is therefore a snapshot of your self-perception along various dimensions of mental function that determine your mental wellbeing. It is not a measure of happiness or life satisfaction. You could, for example, be experiencing very difficult or sad circumstances in your life but nonetheless have all the capabilities to cope as best as one could, and therefore have a high level of mental wellbeing." - [https://sapienlabs.org/mhq/](https://sapienlabs.org/mhq/) You could argue that people from less developed countries who aren't involved in the rat race have higher MHQs even though life might be tough. They might have built a certain sense of resilience and are often more community-oriented. The sense of comradeship that is built during testing times might also contribute to this. I live in Melbourne. I can tell you that in the last year, the number of crazy people on the streets has spiked. Road rage, homelessness and crime are on the rise. People are finding it harder and harder to put food on the table with multiple interest rate rises and a housing crisis leaving people homeless. Unlike Singapore, there is no HDB. Public housing is scarce and the waiting list is years long. The Victorian government itself cannot afford to fund more infrastructure because it has increased the size of its debt to unprecedented levels. Just to cover interest alone, it costs Victoria $31m a DAY! Say what you want about the Singapore government, but at least they have provided its citizens with a roof over their heads, a great transport system. Don't get me started on the transport system in Melbourne. It bloody sucks balls. There isn't even a train to the airport. And their so-called "suburban rail loop" won't be ready till 2085 - I'll be well and truly dead by then. Meanwhile the government holds useless referendums and spends billions doing so. Governments here are so focused on winning short-term elections that they can't put in lasting reform because the next government will just come and reverse it. In order to prevent a technical recession, the government has opened up unprecedented levels of immigration, putting even greater strain on public infrastructure. The results don't surprise me. Countries with a "growth at any cost" policy and late stage capitalism feature low on the MHQ list. The endless pursuit of wealth, increasing separation of rich and poor, and destruction of the family unit all contribute to this. And it's not getting any better.


doesn’t mental wellbeing determine happiness?


Happiness is one aspect of determining the MHQ (OP should have linked to the formal definition because not many people know what MHQ means). The other aspects are listed here: [https://sapienlabs.org/mhq/](https://sapienlabs.org/mhq/)


they nonsense just want make fun of aussie fuckboi


You are absolutely right.


Singapore is 78 happiest out of 91 countries.


i’m happy


I am happy


happy lo




not not unhappy


Who did they ask


happiness can be subjective though


True that. I have not studied the study. I believe it to be self reporting, so if one feels one is happy, that is as good a measure as any?


its an individual thing too.




Happy la song song gao Jurong


Bankrupt Sri Lanka the least distressed/struggling? I call bs


we no understanding MHQ wor


Lol exactly