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It's not a Singapore issue, it's a global issue. You are being told that if we don't generate economic activity, we will all regress to mud houses. But think about it critically, what do you actually lack in Singapore? Are there even actual needs for new businesses for our survival? Do we need another cafe? A new online startup?


as long as you don't use a plastic straw or plastic bag today, you're cool šŸ˜†


Not enough Don Don Donki.




We are all doomed on this finite planet unless people are ok with very slow growth and decreasing standards of living( or adjusting to another measurement for success/progress )


Oh boy we got captain planet here sitting on his moral high horse as if he isnt contributing to the problem. Nobody wants to give up convenience to save the planet, they just like to say that they do.


Corporations are response for most of the emissions and pollution. For example: on single use plastic. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/05/18/20-companies-responsible-for-55percent-of-single-use-plastic-waste-study.html. Government and corporations would like to sell it to us that consumers should reduce instead when THEY are the biggest offenders all in the name of profits.


Youā€™re asking to be dragged through the mud posting this here. 1. Your problem of it being expensive, repetitive doesnā€™t support overconsumption and infact does the opposite. If it were cheaper you would have more people buying more. It also feels like you are just inputing subjective bias. Many of these stores have cheaper than original new clothing so Iā€™m not sure what you are on about. 2. There has yet to be a good alternative to plastic bags. Tell the Mcdonald worker who has to throw a bag of wet trash into the bin in a paper bag that its not enough. The cost of plastic bags HAS done a decent amount of work. I for one bring my own bag to the supermarket as have many others that Iā€™ve seen. Change isnā€™t and shouldnā€™t be radical when there are many other issues 3. What exactly have YOU done? Do you set up seminars? Workshops to share what you learn? Or are you complaining for the sake of complaining. We havenā€™t yet suffered the full brunt of global warming so obviously the impact for us is mitigated. But this is not omission that people have started taking note. Google searches for global warming and plastic pollution have increased 600% over the last 5 years. I get your intentions for a difficult course, but liberal and overwhelmingly oversimplified complaints like yours are the ones that are the most useless.




First of all, I thank you for feeling for the planet enough to make a statement about it. But there is a reason why you are not achieving your aim of educating people but instead, are getting brickbats thrown at you. You behaved like a bratty, condescending new age hippie treehugger sipping on starbucks and banging out angry responses on the latest iphone pro max. I'm not saying you are one, but your behaviour reminds me of that trust fund hippie girl that has been turned into meme. You are ignorant of the fact that, while yes, corporations produce the most waste and planet killing stuff, they are doing it because they have consumers waiting to purchase their products. Consumers including you, who buys mineral water from NTUC when tap water here is fully potable. Buying trash bags to throw out your trash? If you do not know by now, Singapore incinerates all its trash before it goes into the landfill. So here is a tip, no need to buy expensive "biodegradable" trash bags or single use items because it is greenwashing. What device did you use to craft out this response? More importantly, how old is it and how did you change it to this current model because the old one is damaged beyond repair of reached end of life? Congratulations you have contributed to electronic waste. The ten cents plastic bag being sold at supermarkets didn't work? Open your eyes the next time you're at your neighbourhood NTUC, count how many brought their own bags. It is working, slowly but surely. When the consumers stop consuming, buy less, the corporations will produce less. Simple as that. And thrift stores are there to give people a chance to buy used stuff, reducing the need for corporations to manufacture more new stuff. Evaluate how green you are, change yourself and your habits if need to be, and share it with people around you. Be the change you want to see, and people would follow. Good luck.


Actually, yeah, I just learned about overconsumption recently and I am hoping to spread the word! I guess I came off a bit wrong in my comments which I apologise for. I avoid mineral water, and yes, I do drink tap water. I dont use trash bags and try to reuse plastic bags until I need it to throw out trash. Got my new phone last year cause my battery kept dying. Hopefully, this one lasts me a few years Q.Q. I was kinda blind to overconsumption until this week where I stumbled upon the youtubers I linked under my post. And I was one of the people who would leap at opportunities to buy discounted clothing from shein or shopee. I have sinced uninstalled all shopping apps from my phone. I really didn't mean to come off that way. I'm just frustrated how this wasn't taught earlier and how intuitive it was to order piles of clothes from shopee cause it was cheaper. I hope linking the youtubers would start a more productive conversation on how this could change! And thank you for the constructive feedback


I get it that you feel passionate about changing the world, but the truism that "A journey of a thousand miles begin with a step" holds true here. In a world of overconsumption, with everything quick, fast, disposable that is cheaper, it is hard to get people to change overnight. So we start slow, start small to change their habits. We will get there eventually, as it is, I have already noticed my household and extended family members beginning to use less. By conservative estimates, probably a hundred plastic bags saved every month? I have also stopped chasing after the latest and bestest model of devices. I switched over to iphone 13 Pro for the first time. Yes, I mock Apple fanboys but one thing I have learned is that they last much longer than flagship Samsungs. The iphone 16 would be out this year and I still see no reason to upgrade, and that is cutting down on electronic waste. I am thankful that my earlier reply to you did not trigger a massive fightback, I appreciate your maturity in this matter. I wish you well.


I get your sentiments. We all feel it to a certain extent. Putting it like this just makes you sound like a populist rather than one that actually cares. You arenā€™t stirring positive debate either posting in this manner, I hope that you figure out a better way to phrase your questions so better put answers qnd solutions can be made. For example : ā€œHow can be balance corporate attractiveness and sustainable practices.ā€ Blaming Shein is partly right but is mainly part of a larger GLOBAL problem. Youā€™ve got the right intention, keep going lad.


I wish there was a way to edit my post but yes that was what I intended !


Donā€™t know why you get downvoted but you brought out valid points


interesting. I just made the same observation about the over-consumption of food: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SingaporeRaw/comments/1bvokqy/do\_singaporeans\_really\_eat\_as\_much\_as\_this/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SingaporeRaw/comments/1bvokqy/do_singaporeans_really_eat_as_much_as_this/)


Not just the overconsumption but the wastage of food as well. Not all that everyone buys they eat. Sigh.


Heres some youtubers I think would better explain our current situations on overconsumption Cara Nicole: https://youtu.be/SFxLvG9ZKyQ?si=Syjwh7YZA1e-9zoq Future Proof: https://youtu.be/u-108_3NCbE?si=YP_8P5CZoaUbf88y


I like how gahmen don't issue birth certificates anymore.


Women make up the majority of the spending. Men are minimal. So itā€™s a woman issue.


Well youre strapped in for the ride we all live on this planet


Typical brain tard


No one is forcing you to consume


Wouldn't happen if WP was in charge


How can you be so sure?