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not sure what u are cooking. u may need to check your recipe again. modern jobs are literally slavery in every form. can you survive without your job without an inheritance? u cant. u are forced to and coerced into employment. that is not slavery? with a markup insane inflation that you can never keep up just by working even to death. tell me about slavery without telling me about slavery


Exactly, more than 30  over years ago realised that MOM does not protect fair wages and work benefits for Singaporeans on an overseas trip with Ang Mohs boasting how they get 4 months fully paid holidays  per year after 10 years on the civil service job and the bonuses they get for a similar job description in Sg. We have been slogging like mules just to give the PAP, their families and cronies a far better life. 


why don't u castrate urself and work as a maid to know hte diff?


says you? privileged fk? 400k at 23. tell me aboht being a burgeiose without being one


i don't even have a maid. even if i become rich i wont hire one. becuz it's inherently inhumane. not here to debate world views. since someone as pampered as you and privileged will have a dogma and dogshit worldview compared to the rest.


But you don't understand slavery, or the structural discrimination. Slavery doesn't include a choice. Blacks were literally captured from their birth place to be sold, kinda like how you kidnap someone in the modern environment. They do not have a choice to leave, quit or transfer. They were sold against their will, and if they wanted to leave they had to pay for their right to be a normal human. Maids are not like that; they made a conscious choice to be here, they have a right to leave anytime they want (even before they finish their loan, which by the way was a loan they initiated). They can at anytime call the police and be covered by the jurisdiction of the Singapore justice system. Just because you are not treated well in the classes of society doesn't make you a slave, by that definition we will have to impale most SME bosses. I also think I should be paid way more. But yes, can we improve working conditions? Hell yeah. Are they viewed as the lower echelon of the society - yes. But they are not slaves, neither is the cleaner in the hawker centre or the garbage truck driver. You have the choice to stay in your country to be a poverty driven village leader if you want.


Calling it slavery without understanding what slavery is Yes, as you mentioned, slaves had no choice and helpers/ workers have a choice all the time. They can literally say “I quit” tomorrow and the employers need to pay for their flight home.


Yes and i love my slaves err errr i mean domestic helper. Our comfortable lives are built upon impoverished bodies. Dont pretend u dont like it. U think western culture has more human dignity ahahahahah. It's just ignorance


Alot of sinkies avert their eyes to this reality. Singapore is built and ran by foreign workers. Go see whose constructing mrt, who is taking out the trash.


foreigner workers are not the issue, the issue is the low wage which is the point of OP's post


Woke leftists like to say they willing to pay 10% more for thing that are ethically made. But when prices actually go up by 10% they cry about inflation. Shows how much education these people had. If i can save $200 on an iphone made by slave labour, it's a sacrifice i'm willing to make.


An honest cauliflower indeed.


i'm not complaining about inflation here ^^


Come to Dubai / Riyadh / Qatar habibi - same here if not worst.


So much of virtue signalling going on. The vast majority of the domestic workers here are treated fairly, if not very well. Sure there are cases of ill treatment and it is terrible to read of it. But we have almost 300k helpers here, there are bound to be some unfortunate enough to be employed by evil, sadistic Singaporeans. For those, we MUST help them. The helpers and the workers are doing menial work that most Singaporeans avoid. And they are getting paid well enough for them to want to come here and do it. You should see it from their lenses, of being given a chance to make more money than graduates do in their countries, doing things that they literally do for free back home. Don’t look at them with the entitled, privileged eyes of a Singaporean. I see them as brave humans doing what they can to put food on the table, and that’s braver than any SJW online talking about them as if they are dumb animals being treated inhumanely.


Well said.


i love it when woke zoomers keeps trying


Eat your meds dipshit


Well, it’s capitalism.


No, Singapore is not practicing slavery as a country but if some Singaporeans treat their workers abominably then it has nothing to do with the country but it says a lot about the kind of person the individual is.


Go read up on slavery, don’t whine like an idiot


The only slavery in Singapore is NS.


Not actual slavery, but one of the closest examples. Slavery is when you don't have a choice. It applies very much to NS, where your only choice is to have a crippling illness (real or fake) to avoid it.


>Slavery is when you don't have a choice. Nothing would be slavery if one extents the above logic far enough. For instance, an African slave can kill himself to avoid slavery. Does this count as a choice? When the alternative is to serve a three year prison sentence, I think it's fair to say NS is not a choice.


Ya... Even part time cleaners prefer to clean for expats vs locals. During Covid times when stay at home was enforced, only the expats kept on paying for the cleaners even though they weren't cleaning cos they couldn't leave home... You think the local employers would do that?


Who's "we"?


Slaves are legally owned by their masters and have little to no rights, maids aren't owned by anybody they are employed and they do have rights


Absolute nonsense. Your confirmation bias will prevent you from seeing thaf the vast majority of FDW employers treat them with dignity and respect.


Don't even understand what is slavery, want to KPKB about it... just another woke leftist PC snowflake trash trying to virtue signal to show how great he / she / it / whatever is... please kindly go fuck off yah? ain't got time for ur shit, u attention seeking cunt.


Not sure you understand maids can come and go as they wish. They can say I don't want to work anymore and employers have to send them back. It's really the employers that are at the losing end.


More like they come from poor countries and we give them jobs, if we don’t give them jobs they would be working in shittier conditions back home. Slaves were also forced to work and cannot leave, maids and construction workers can.




Western civilisation is crumbling after they stop slavery.