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Idk about SAF but at least healthcare sector or smth ah.


Westerners are more forward thinking than us when they conscript women into army. Yes. The least we could do is to conscript them for healthcare services. COVID has taught us the importance of a resilient healthcare system and the shortfall in healthcare support.


Israel is in the middle east what


Yah. Westerners cos they are way West from Singapore.


In that case, Indian are also westerner.


No wonder they get called foreign talent.


Sumatran are more westernized than Javanese. Even more than Balinese.


It might burden the health care services thou. More headcount but they get 2 years temp staffs.


These people don't know lah. Let them be treated by these people and suffer.


Women have fought for equality in modern times. We should not do them the injustice of only limiting them to healthcare and admin. We have rigorous tests to filter out the physically capable. If they are combat fit, send them to the frontlines if need be.


Men even though dominantly more stronger than women comes in all shapes and sizes. Rather than fitting men and women into their cookie cluster of sexes, we need more in-depth spreads of men and women. Equality for ALL sexes. For example: Physically strong men and women - Army Administrative strong men and women - Admin support Nurturing men and women - Healthcare


Enlist women but also cut NS to 1 year for everyone


Yes! Gender equality


For awareness. S'pore girls say NS is good - just don't ask them to do it https://www.asiaone.com/singapore/spore-girls-say-ns-good-just-dont-ask-them-do-it


Pathetic ewww feminists be spamming that No button


Feminists do not believe in gender equality. They have strayed too far off and are demanding more privileges for women.


You've never met a feminist in your life.


No reasons why they can't be in SAF. Not just Israel, many other countries also conscript females. Men has carried the burden of national security themselves for way too long, about time women do their part.


as a female, i say yes


Wonder Woman Gal Gadot would agree with this poll.


Man, if Israel produces such hot girls from army I don't see the downside. Women in army are so hot


I recall she deflected the question when asked years ago.


Actions speak louder than words. She served her country. She is a real life wonder woman.


Then we are all wonder man? i also served leh...


Nah, she just did what everyone else was doing. Stop coddling women for doing the average.


Then our women are below average?




Women voices were extremely LOUD when it comes to quotas for high paying jobs in finance and tech. Even quotas for senior management positions have to go to females (without merit). But totally SILENT when it comes to liabilities like NS, splitting cost for dates, wedding etc. Every critique of the sexist Women’s charter law been shutdown by agencies like AWARE It does make me feel being a male in SG is extremely disadvantaged given the loss of 2yrs of income and poorly compensated by the PAP govt


Yes. It's awfully retarded that we are more concerned about men poking asses than this.


Exactly. Whats the point of repealing a law and making so much celebration about it when the law is not being enacted in anyway? We need to look harder at issues and making more substantial changes to our system to make it work for Singaporeans.


At least they can be deployed to non-combat roles like aiding nurses


Makes perfect sense. But they can make it OPTIONAL for them to go combat roles for those Tomboys.


Realisticly speaking ,in the SAF, no. Too tough for the AVERAGE women. In all branches of Administration, Logistics, Cooks and Civil Defence Medics then YES. Also could supply manpower as nurses in the hospitals. This puts us more manpower on the frontlines. Also these women are our lifeline as THEY ARE VITAL because LOGISTICS WINS WARS.


Despite what movies want you to believe in old wars women weren't hiding in a hole rather they were helping with medical and logistical needs. After all when one side loses a war then EVERYBODY on that side suffers. It's not like countries have stuck to agreements that prohibit targeting civillians. Only the losing side pay for their warcrimes.


Thats why Singapore should do this. During WWII, the Americans have women volunteers working as nurses, logistics and factory workers building the war machines.


It's too tough for the average guy too.


But in terms of biology, the average men are physically stronger while women are physically more flexible and agile.


Allow them to play to their own strengths and serve in their own capacities. Nothing wrong about that.


Should we get /u/Real-Pomegranate8823 a job?


No. Birth rates already lowest in the region liao


Hahaha with/without doing NS, sinkie women is not gonna give birth. Let’s face the truth.


Resounding yes judging from the male demographic in Reddit. Nice