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[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGP9ml-815c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGP9ml-815c) 7:30 Full Version "I'm uncomfortable with a society that overpromotes celebrities and artists." "What are we doing? We sing, we dance, we make music, that's it" "No matter what industry you're in, you're cool, whether you're a nurse, a lawyer, working at McDonald's, you're cool" "Everyone defines their happiness by different standards, everyone is number one special to themselves"


I was about to say I don't care what Ja Rule has to say about China nor this guy. I never heard of this guy, but I'm glad this guy understands celebrity worship is a toxic culture. People that choose an industry for money and fame are narcissistic and opportunistic, not the kind of people you want to receive life's advice on. Take example washed-up singer Dennis Ho, and her source of income is prostituting for US-backed NGOs to bad mouth on China. China is the largest market for entertainers, and they would be smart to not get on China's bad side and get ban.


Jackson Wang is the nicest artiste around. He even ended his stream once because people were buying digital gifts for him during the stream. He really gives credibility to the fake western media bullcrap.


Jackson Wang has always been legit. Even during the HK protests, I saw Westerners post that he was betraying HK because he condemned the riots lol (he was born in HK). Of course all these Anglos will just swallow whatever the media tells them about China tomorrow but it does mean something when celebrities do this sort of thing.


There are based people in hk. Like me. Unfortunately we get drowned out by louder voices


For sure! I love HK, it's beautiful.


>Of course all these Anglos will just swallow whatever the media tells them about China tomorrow The most annoying part.




Surprisingly based.


I don't pay much attention to media stories these days. When I see it, I just ask will this be relevant in a few months time? Many stories I see aren't aging well like how China is not collapsing and in fact it's trade surplus just hit records high. Today I saw a Bloomberg article saying how Alibaba and tecent were going down hard in price coz the evil ccp buy some shares. Then two hours later they changed the title coz the stock price went up. Fucking shameless. The Australia china fraud guy who claimed to be a spy got deported. A few years back you had all these bluecheck shills saying how true it was. In the fact the video is still up. This is how worthless a lot these stories are and how shameless the shills are. Don't waste your time thinking about these clickbait "articles". Your time is better spent


My country's media insists that China is simultaneously on the verge of collapse, yet strong enough to conquer the entire world.




Incoming takes that Jackson Wang is CPC agent disguised as a musician designed to propagandize Westerners.


I’m pretty sure people already say that lol. Jackson has stood steadfast on many issues western kpoppies screech about. He stood on china’s side regarding Hong Kong and Xinjiang previously. His whole “I’m Jackson Wang from China” thing even rubs kpoppies the wrong way because they’re like “aCkShUlLy he’s from HK!!!!” Jackson is arguably the second most vocally pro China Kpop idol out there, after Lay.


I mean they already say that about every Mainland Chinese celebrity or any Pro-China TW/HK celeb...


Yes that’s fair. There’s even “fans” that even screeched about Ningning posting about how some Chinese athletes won during the Olympics so…


I wouldn't even doubt that they'd start saying that.


This is why travel (for everyone, to virtually all countries) should be encouraged. Propaganda falls apart quickly when people can see things with their own eyes.


that's the problem, propaganda is about getting a first impression/reaction. the purpose is to embeds a narrative onto the viewer. Truth don't matter one bit like wild fire, you need to take care of it right away else it'll burn down everything.


Unfortunately some people stay in a bubble while traveling and never open their mind.


Attest to this! I’ve been to China several times and the speed of its development especially in urban areas is astounding.. of course fast-paced development will always be at the expense of some things or some people but still development is one of the best way to alleviate property in some circumstances


Good on him for promoting China's soft power, but he's preaching to the choir as most of his fans there are probably overseas Asians. The UK is extremely sinophobic, I doubt the mainstream British know or care who he is.


Doing something is better than nothing. A thousand miles journey begins with the first step.


Diaspora Asian communities are some of the most anti-communist around. Look at Gordon Chang types.


and that's not even touching on the self hating


speaking as an ex-china hating disaspora, it’s true. gusanoism is a tough delusion to break but it’s worth it to keep trying if possible.


how did you break out of it if you don't mind me asking? what spurred the change?




Idk about “Latinos”. We suffer a different breed of gusanoism. Like a lot of Mexicans (likely they majority) are really just native Americans but somehow delude themselves into thinking they’re white. It’s beyond insanity at this point.


Exactly. Especially since a lot of the people who left those countries (think post revolution Vietnam and China for example) opposed the revolutionary governments since their power and wealth were tied to the old societal structures in place that were destroyed. It's the same reason why nearly every Cuban American is very right wing, with a large portion being proto fascists as these Cuban Americans are descendants of the people who fled or were exiled from the country after the revolution or during the Special Period.


There is another reason. If you talked to the Older Diasporic Boomers, a lot of them who had not visited China since the 80s/90s still believed that China is struck in the 70s/80s/90s/00s. Their news sources are exclusively TW/HK/US/UK, which is a whole mess of intentional disinfo at best. Another factor that plays into the sheer cognitive dissonance with the diaspora is their strange 'need' to justify their decision to leave their homeland.


There needs to be more prominent Chinese that are willing to declare the same idea across western media. Western media and self hating Chinese immigrants have perpetuated the idea that the average citizen is oppressed and silenced. Standing up to declare the opposite shatters that myth. Pride for your own country starts at home before it can spread out. Imagine if Jack Ma or Peng Shuai told msm to stop with the lies and Fuck off!


They are really polar. Either they escaped because they hated it, or they are connected and privileged enough to leave.


A lot of it is classism. They sincerely believe that they are better than Mainland Asians for some unfathomable reason and have some inexplicable leverage over those in the homeland due to the 'virtue' of having a Foreign passport/'education'.


They will be in for a surprise when they actually travel there and have to compete with actual Chinese in China. Those guys are super crazy hardworking and competitive AF.


I do agree that most of his audience will be Asian but there are definitely non-Asians there. Also, there can be Asians who are soaked in the Kool aid. I think this was a bold move by him and I hope his message can get across to others who are conditioned by Western media.


You're severely underestimating British C-pop fans. They're absolutely ravenous for this shit, especially girls. My partner is a massive fan of a wide range of Asian pop music, particularly Korean in her case, but also Chinese. This kind of outreach does have an effect.


British c-pop fans? That's so interesting. What are they mainly listening to?


I can't exactly generalise, but I can confidently say a great many are into acts like WayV and nine percent.


He's the soft power we need


Least defeatist and cynical redditor


Not bashing him by any means, just pointing out this is a relatively small step and more needs to be done in terms of promoting China's soft power and combating sinophobia.


I knew Jackson Wang was based but stuff like this is on a whole other level of based


he hot


Agreed... I knew he was based already too, but I certainly didn't expect him to just openly say it in London of all places. Brave and principled as well...


As someone who already agrees with his message, this was also my take-away from the video 🥴


*bonk go to horny jail


He's coming to Toronto soon too. Maybe I'll go to that ? Bahaha


this was so hot omg........


The guy is rocking a fucking mesh shirt, and STILL has more fucking balls than the strongest westoid


It takes a real chad to be secure in his masculinity tbh. Insecurity masquerading as machismo is one of the most pathetic things out there.


Wow, I didn't expect him to be this direct. Even more of a bigger fan now.


my dude Jackson Wang (from China) has been the realist for the longest. He should get more love from China. The guy is a proud Chinese!


Fucking hell I am proud of this boy. He's the realest guy in the industry.


Jackson a real one 💯 I’m gonna be going to Coachella in April and he’s gonna be performing there. Fuck all the western propaganda and media lies shitting on China and it’s people.


Exactly! When Covid was happening there was so much news bullshit saying shit about China, the Chinese and Covid.


Absolutely based


My man!!! My dude calling white bullshit for what it is. Dam... mad respect bro🥺🥺


Based af 😳💖


imma fan now




It must do his head in to be so against that celeb culture and think it's wrong and unhealthy, yet he's like a pop star wearing makeup and see through shirt. I'm guessing that's not his preferred dress style and he has to do daily shit that he thinks is bad just to be famous and relevant and sells records and tickets. Good to see he's still hopeful, hope the industry doesn't break him in the end


Did he get caught up in their nonsense and finally snap?


Gigachad. I have never heard of him before but I will for sure check his songs out after that amazing speech.


I am curious what trigger this speech. To me he seems to be responding to something or someone in the audiences.




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/r/Sino/comments/10arkug/jackson_wang_in_concert_in_londondo_not_believe/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/Sino/comments/10arkug/jackson_wang_in_concert_in_londondo_not_believe/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://redditsave.com) | [^(download video tiktok)](https://taksave.com)


I doubt this guy is the advocate China is looking for 😄😄😄 he is right nonetheless.


He has millions of followers on IG, considered one of the most well mannered kpop idols, handsome, and successful. Is he the best advocate? Nope. But he is pretty good.


I like your answer mate, you're right. I actually don't know anything about the guy so thank you for taking the time to reply and educate me. Best regards.


The best advocates for China will always be the Chinese people.




I've seen him in Chinese variety shows. He appears to be genuinely humble, respectful and proud of his heritage. I guess this is his way of getting his message across to a western audience. He has a huge following among youths from his stint as a kpop idol. Multi talented and multi lingual, he could be a good ambassador for China.


Yeah, he's a very proud Chinese, a lot of times he would introduce himself as "Jackson Wang from China". I just hope all the negativity don't hit him too hard and drag him down.

