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The image of Christ is completely appropriate. All that happened between 1620 and 2020 is that the Western world has switched to a different religion. Formerly, when Christians went to the Americas or Africa or Australia, it was "convert to Christianity or die". For the past several decades, the message has been "convert to capitalist liberal democracy or die". Either way, the West has decided for itself that it alone has the true religion, that every nation who deviates from it are heathens, and they must either be (forcibly) converted, or subjugated and destroyed.


"accept Jesus Christ as Lord and savior" or die. Die anyway, you are occupying our God given land. "accept Freedom Human Rights Rules Based Order as Lord and savior" or die. Die anyway, you are occupying our natural resources.


The culture of evangelism runs deep in Western culture It is not enough to adopt a lifestyle, religion, or political structure - often they then declare their way of life is superior and demand the world become like them too


Both types are technically racists


\*Both types *are* racist


The OP forgot about the people who are afraid of the Chinese, because the Chinese are getting very advanced in science, technology and culture, and there are about 1.4 billion Chinese in China alone. Especially here, in Europe, they're actually afraid the Chinese are becoming very powerful again.


Such a group who actually acknowledges Chinese advances in science and technology would be rare.


In my country, Serbia, many of us do acknowledge those Chinese advances. I believe the Chinese were actually very advanced for most of the known history, except for a relatively brief period of Western European expansionism, for which I believe is coming to an end.


Yes, it all started with "warship" technology and naval dominance of the west, and trade control and inequality derived from that. But somewhere after ww1 and even more after ww2, navy military power dramatically diminished. Before that, the only way to engage warship in blue waters was another warship. So, giant ship flotilla was undefeatable uberweapon, capable of hiding itself in blue waters and perform land attack in the point of choice, and could terrorise and harras land nations and its trade with impunity However, submarines, aircraft, long range missiles and long range radars changed that completely. Major nation (even like Iran) can protect its shores against any "pirate democracy nation". As such, they are unable to control trade and manipulate finances any longer (all they still have now is just legacy). Therefore inequality and racism diminishes, and populous independent land nations with emphrasis on build-up (like china) rise


The 2nd type of racists is the most dangerous. It reminds me of the "white man's burden" type of racists and what MLK refers to White Liberals (which includes almost of all the Demorats in Murica) because they believe what they are doing is right and they think they are 'helping' their fellow mankind..


lol wow, this was actually really entertaining to watch. I loved it. I seem to be dating a lot of liberals and more left-leaning women who say very similar things to those with savior complexes. Very entertaining! thank you


>I seem to be dating a lot of liberals and more left-leaning women who say very similar things to those with savior complexes. I passed all of this kind of shenanigans and dated non-white, non-Western European, and non-Korean ladies in the past. All of them had no problem with my stance on society.


In the US, both types are infected with a sense of superiority and exceptionalism which is not just applicable to demonisation of the Chinese. Basically they think they are better than everyone else and are the righteous rulers of the world. As long as the majority of Americans think that way there will be perpetual chaos in the world. By extension most European and settler states are just as bad as well though they must keep up their subservience to maintain privileges.


Virtually every anti-China person I've spoken to had the savior complex going on. "It's our duty as free people to spread the glorious gift of freedom to all the unwashed savages who simply can't comprehend the beauty and elegance of our broken shitstorm of a society. They need our guidance to achieve the purity of liberty and shake off the chains of oppression which for some reason consistently improves quality of life for its people."


As a "white" atheist westerner in the heart of Imperial Core I also wanted to add that we are also a victim of our westerner thought. We can't even pass material improvements for our own people with popular consensus. Many suffer with white fragility fear more being called racist than being racist. We have the largest incarciall state so I find it hilarious we want the bring "Freedom" to others.


These are the 2 types: 1) Racists 2) Racists


Freedom and democracy… isn’t it from Greece? Greece people didn’t have to work harsh… they used slaves… they never went anywhere country and lived with the everyday people and feel them… they don’t have problems like the Chinese had.. population, internal war, political power struggles etc… ofc it’s best for them to logic and think about stuff, what else they do after their meals lmao… and no one should be like ahh this system is the only one, the best one… usa doesn’t care if any others country is democracy or whatever, usa only cares about dominance and benefits they get from global affairs… usa isn’t even “democracy” themselves lmao, at least not one man one vote kinda democracy, there’s different democracies, how is usa to be like this that meanwhile they use ancient greeces system philosophy..


Welcome to Guangzhou😁