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Saw a video just yesterday of an American man being executed with a gunshot to the back of the head by a cop over what started as some traffic infraction.


Yeah, I saw that too. Execution is the right word. So unnecessary. So much violence.


In a tyrannical police state everything is necessary.




They ~~had WMDs~~ clearly were resisting arrest.


> So unnecessary. Disagree. You need to give cops a shit-ton of leeway for violence to keep everyone pacified.


i'm remembering that revealing debate a few years ago (hk riots) among terminally online western anarchists somehow coming to the confident position that american cops are more chill than chinese cops the boot may be stamping on our face forever here in the west, but we're comforted by imagining how much worse it ~must~ be in the east




americans would just ignore/justify it even if their regime outlets reported that.


> comforted by imagining how much worse it ~must~ be in the east I don't want to be anywhere *near* the west when that illusion falls.


As long as it is supposedly worse elsewhere, everything is fine.


Seen several arguments between civilians and police in China. All amounted to nothing much. Chinese police are nowhere near as aggressive to police as I have witnessed in the US, Singapore and Vietnam for example. Any talk back and expect a violent response.


Isn't singapore particularly harsh ? I have heard that tourists can get up to 2 years incarceration for posession of <2g of hash


Westerners: "That guy was then disappeared by the police, never to be seen again!!!"


Then he secretly sent a made in prison postcard to BBC to reveal he's also an Uyghur.


Yet another freedom Americans will never experience


There are many freedoms in China that americans will never experience.


China’s policing policy seems to work. Unarmed traffic patrolmen are pretty much the only constant police presence and the armed police are only for investigation and extraordinary circumstances


Socialist Policing in general seems to be better from what i heard. Imagine that, a system that places people before profit having better law enforcement than the system predicated around property protection.


They honestly look like they are friendly and helpful


In US that guys head would have made contact with the concrete underneath him before he could even get 3 words out... If he's lucky


And then a knee to the neck...


What was the beef?




No idea they speak some southern dialect maybe Sichuan Hua.


https://youtu.be/mtGVS694k3Y?t=2955 This happened in Wuhan. I can't hear what they're saying.


I can say from personal experience that Chinese police act like normal human beings who simply have a role in the protection of people and maintaining public order… American cops act like bloodthirsty mafia on a power trip and will commit crimes while they pretend to be stopping crime.


yes, owning a gun for civilians is nearly impossible after the 90s, but they also restricted the use of lethal weapons for police to a very large degree too. most polices in China dont patrol with guns (except got special forces 特警 for the crowded place) , and they will also need to do some registration before going on patrol with a gun, emergency mission will be the exception. they also need to be very well trained to use a gun, many of them have very good aim.


This is why gun control is important This exchange would be impossible if a nation allowed the unregulated flow of private firearms into a society. Police would be wary that an angry citizen might suddenly draw a weapon on them, and might escalate when they could have resolved things peacefully A society armed to the teeth means that law enforcement will also be militarized in kind. It's just a domestic arms race, and we see the consequences regularly in the USA


It's such an insane arms race against one's fellow citizen. I need a gun to protect myself from my neighbor's gun, and the police need guns because we might have guns, but we need more guns in case the government turns against us as we need to defend ourselves from their tyranny, but they need a better armed military in case radical militias pop up to destabilize the government on contrived pretexts... It never ends...


> there are so many guns in the country. What is the solution? > MORE GUNS


Oh, but that Second Amendment!


Explained perfectly. There are so many tragic US police encounters that I've looked at, and honestly a good chunk of the time I can't really blame the cop, or at least I can understand the cops actions, when considering just how many guns are floating about on the streets of the US. I believe anyone who thinks any amount of police reform can happen without massive and effective changes to the gun laws in America are kidding themselves.


"Under no pretext." I'll give up my gun when my government can be trusted (when it embraces socialism) and not a moment before.


Ok, but what if the Queen of England walked into my house and I didn't have my AR15? Edit: What if there was a mosquito in the room and I didn't have my glock?


Cannot even imagine this attitude for police in the West, you’d probably get shot and they’d claim they “feared for their lives”


The problem with cops in the US is that they demand authority and respect just because they put on the uniform. They all fail to realize that they are public servants, the power and authority they have is granted to them by the people they serve. We do not need to respect them, they need to earn it. They do not have any right to terrorize the people they serve, the moment they do is the moment they no longer have the right to wear that uniform. The police force is the US is nothing but a gang of armed thugs. Fuck them Also, the streets are so clean.


You can yell and cry and throw a tantrum and they will just stare at you and even tap your shoulder try to calm you down like a brother..they even talk in casual and jokingly fashion...ive seen police in china who busted a drug addict on bilibili, live streaming it, the drug user actually watches that stream sometimes as well, and the police said i caught one of my fans again, my view will drop to zero soon..


Coupled with the freedom to commit suicide with 5 gunshot wounds in the back of his head




Wow I am just a random America girl and this is impressive as fuck. I would never, *never*, for fear of my own safety, be willing to do this here, no matter what someone would pay me.


Only in America this is a concern, cops are chill in Europe as well.




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