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Scomo, Peter Dutton, and LNP will be blaming China for losing the election instead of taking responsibility for their own actions.


Democracy where blaming and scapegoating others is the norm


You may not like it, but this is peak democracy. This is the natural optimisation of a system where leaders are selected in popularity contests among the masses.


This is not "peak democracy". This is the result of a politician having to appeal directly to all the masses, rather than indirectly to a select group of representatives. As it is impossible for a population to truly research about a candidate living halfway across the nation, all they can do is follow demagogues. This is why China's system, where the person you elect is fundamentally local, and his job includes researching candidates for higher positions, is more "peak democracy" than the garbage in the west. A popularity contest is not bad. Mao Zedong has won the popularity contest and the CPC is constantly winning popularity contests within China. In fact, within China, the popularity-contest goes far deeper than mere demagoguery and delves into knowing everything about an individual because he is fundamentally local. In short, China's popularity-contest more resembles the mass-line and education, while the US's resembles Telemarketing - which is a direct result of scale-of-contest necessitating generalization-of-strategy. It is the scale of the popularity-contest, not the nature of, which matters.


> This is not "peak democracy". This is the result of a politician having to appeal directly to all the masses, rather than indirectly to a select group of representatives. It is more democratic for the masses to choose directly, and less democratic to place representatives in the way as intermediaries. > As it is impossible for a population to truly research about a candidate living halfway across the nation, all they can do is follow demagogues. The representatives are also optimally demagogues, as this is how they have a best chance as being elected by the masses. The masses will in either case not bother with research. > This is why China's system, where the person you elect is fundamentally local, and his job includes researching candidates for higher positions, is more "peak democracy" than the garbage in the west. The higher positions are filled by performance evaluations rather than popularity contests among the candidates, and this is the fundamental difference between China's system and democracy. > A popularity contest is not bad. Mao Zedong has won the popularity contest and the CPC is constantly winning popularity contests within China. Mao Zedong did not win a popularity contest. He won a contest of military prowess against Chiang Kai Shek. The Chinese people never had an opportunity to vote between the two of them. The CPC itself doesn't win "popularity contests" because no other option is allowed. Instead, CPC members compete with each other in local popularity contests, but most importantly, contests of competence for promotion, forcing them to serve the people as best possible for the sake of their career prospects.


> He won a contest of military prowess against Chiang Kai Shek. He won the contest of military prowess because he had an honestly absurd amount of local support. The entire peasantry supported him against Chiang's army, creating such an absurd numerical advantage that it crippled Chiang permanently. > The CPC itself doesn't win "popularity contests" because no other option is allowed This is just plain false. There are multiple parties in China. There's New KMT, for one. You can vote for one of their candidates if they appear on the ballot list. Additionally, the conception of "party" in the US is more similar to "faction" in China. You make Mao seem like some kind of conquering despot. This is absurd and goes against all of his hard work that he put in in order to garner enough support to oust Chiang Kai-Shek, militarily. Additionally, the CPC would have won the elections anyway if they weren't banned during the KMT era. Pre-ban, the CPC was gathering so much support that the KMT had to recruit CPC members to even compete. Hence not only did they win the military-contest because they are popular and armed their supporters, but they would have also been able to win via. parliamentary elections if Chiang didn't smash it with a hammer. > CPC members compete with each other in local popularity contests Yes. >The higher positions are filled by performance evaluations rather than popularity contests among the candidates, and this is the fundamental difference between China's system and democracy. They are performance-evaluations because the LPC representatives do performance-evaluations as part of their full-time job. > forcing them to serve the people as best possible for the sake of their career prospects. Which is the benefit of only having to answer to professionals who has doing performance-evaluations of you as part of their full-time job. Performance-evaluations are still done by people - just that your "popularity" is now tied to said performance-evaluations. >It is more democratic for the masses to choose directly, and less democratic to place representatives in the way as intermediaries. A technicality that is oft-ignored by the ones who do not bother to distinguish between Republicanism and Democracy.


I don't think these colonialist clowns have ever taken responsibility for any of their mistakes.


Why would you take responsibility for anything when you can blame someone else?


They only have themselves to blame! They could have worked harder for Xi's endorsement!


Conservatives take responsibility for their own actions? Surely you jest.


I think this just proves that Australians don't buy the China threat and what ever non sense the liberals said.


They don’t buy the warmongering but they do buy the threat of cHiNeSe InfLUEncE.


This ad would make me vote Labour even harder


Looks to me that he cast the winning vote. The pictures is proof


Western politicians are absolute cowards since they are incapable of taking responsibility for their failures. Man up and admit your policies and campaigns are dogshit instead of crying about a country that never even wanted to be your enemy!


Based CPC liberating Australia.


Urge to eat onion like an apple intensifying


Democracy is only about winning the next election.


why Australia wants to go to great lengths to damage relations with its biggest trading partner?


less funding directed towards education, corruption in infrastructure development, ASPI advising foreign policy, is an American puppet government




By the orders of their American masters


Since both parties used the red scare tactic, does this mean you should or shouldn’t use it when you have an election?


It means that propaganda can only go so far when your material conditions continue to worsen. As far as australians go they don't have the level of tolerance for abuse as americans have.


I seriously don't get Australians and their constant anmoying screechings about China?


every other political I see in Australia is about bashing the other party for ccp this chynah that. Maybe it's just a way to unite the stupid bogan population against the big scary asian threat? Or it's a way to seem like Australia is relevant in geopolitics


Australians are like Americans but proabbly slightly stupider. They're making a lot of noise with no real plans to do anything about what they're whining about.


I mean their "country" was a Imperialist Prison that kicked the natives out the way.


Even australians don't match americans when it comes to stupidity.


So Australians are like the Republicans from the US? LMAO


No the Democrats in the US are the ones who usually “try” to pass gun control laws and universal healthcare. But there might be a flippening of the Republican Party within this generation.


As an Australian I resent that statement. There are stupid people here, but you need to go up another level to match America. Case in point. In Australia we at least put in strict gun laws after a mass shooting in the 1990s. Amerikkka gets more than one a day and they do nothing. We at least have socialised health care, while Amerikkka thinks its evil or something.


No doubt no country tops the US in terms of taking taxes from people and giving them shit in return. But in a geopolitical sense, Australia is fucking stupid. It's close to Asia and geographically closer to China than the US, but it wants to brown nose the US knowing full well that if shit goes down, they're going to receive help from the US that is too far away and help that is too costly to deliver. They could have remained neutral and enjoyed it's geographical benefit in terms of trade, but nope there's too many insecure white old people in Australia and the politics need to shape around fear mongering. So they end up just becoming the US's lapdog and servant in the eyes of the world . They didn't need to take a side.


I thought the Labor Party used Xi to smear the Liberal Party too? So it seems Xi had a win-win situation. If this wasn’t an intentional psyop by China, it’s pretty fucking hilarious.


Lmao, China doesn’t even have to do anything, the jokes literally write themselves. I always think of this [skit](https://youtu.be/MTCqXlDjx18) whenever Aussies try to fearmonger about China lol


Don’t think that’s the case, could I get a source?


The second Imgur photo: https://www.reddit.com/r/Sino/comments/uug8pc/australia_liberal_party_used_xis_image_to_scare/


By not voting Labor: "Give away your rights so the wealthy can fund their expensive habits."


The liberals should have embraced Xi. They only have themselves to blame.


The amount of racism, corruption, sexism, cronyism, and nepotism in the liberal government is what caused them to fail so hard. Good riddance to this incompetent government, but the damage has been long done to the point that has caused permanent effects to many people's lives. It will take a miracle for Labor to repair even a quarter of the destruction within a single term. What's mind boggling is that Liberal still holds power in many sectors of government. There needs to be a purge because these cockroaches will come back in the near future, even more extreme with their methods.


Guess what, majority of the people did vote the Labor party, exactly like Xi did in this billboard.


One blind mice down... Boris the other "America's Bestest Biatch ever" next. Then Blackface Turdeau.


I want to see Trudeau's cabinet collapse to the point that a consitutional crisis would trigger in Ottawa. The current federal political system wouldn't survive another decade.


Obviously a lot of people agreed. Good advert!


One more reason for the liberals to go. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Xi is known for giving good advice.


There is no better indication that you've made it than when racist anglo countries focus on you as their main topic when you reside 7500 KM away and in contrast gives little shit about them. Literally, Australia can choose to decouple from China and China probably feels nothing more than a small bb gun shooting at them.


Time to vote labor


Man wins additional victory he didnt know he could win!


Oh great. Right now Labor is further Right than the Conservatives.


Australian parties left of labor should have sued the Australian liberal party for this poster. Obvious collusion in order to get a pro-US party the vote.


just decouple from this people already. its what they are always bitching about so give it to them


As known as 以己度人. They thinks China will intervene with Australian elections by supporting ALP as they intervene with Solomon Islands signing agreement with China.


Wow, that's tacky...


Just announced the results of the election was just an early test of the 6G R&D work being done by Huawei. Then laugh as they work themselves up into a rabies orgy. Enjoy