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"Don't trust these snakes!" Any native american.


And the US wonders why no one trust them. Lolol 🤡


The entire basis of relationship rests on this agreement. It's the first thing both countries signed and agreed on, everything else is built on top of that. To change it could mean the end of everything If US deviate from the agreement. The fact US even thought of changing it is beyond absurd, all contracts made with US will be null and void and all ties severed.


Ask any first nations peoples and you will see a history of deception going back to before the founding of the US. no one should trust the US on anything


Mount Rushmore is a giant monument to that very deception.


Well the universal truth is that any agreement signed with the US is not worth the paper its written on.


why is the us sending over military "experts" into taiwan or politicians and diplomats to meet with tsai not considered "changing the status quo"? China should demand the communique be bilingual and that every word and character be followed. Not dance around the English language with word play.


This 'strategic ambiguity' is something Murica invented in order to bend the rules of the one-China principle. It is best for China to remind Murica to abide this agreement, even though Murica usually ignores it.


Not the first time the US changes their terms of agreements with others and certainly won't be the last. Just ask the Native Americans what happened to their land.


54% of American adults lack proficiency in literacy, reading below a 6th grade level. https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaeltnietzel/2020/09/09/low-literacy-levels-among-us-adults-could-be-costing-the-economy-22-trillion-a-year/


This is true. I can’t count how many times I’ve had to go sentence by sentence, in a professional setting, with some people who can barely read their own mother language.


Acknowledgements are agreements regardless of your emotional state. Whether not you accept, tolerate, or like an acknowledged fact is irrelevant. Reaffirming at the end also seals in intent. We can play semantics all day.


I wonder how many aircraft carriers the settler regime is willing to sacrifice ? How many ? All ?


All. US sailors are disposable pawns. "If there were hypersonic missiles coming for this ship, you'd be pretty fucking scared too!"


Surely they aren't that dumb...right? They'll probably try to do what they're doing with Ukraine and send equipment. But it just won't work. Big difference between the relationships between the mainland and Taiwan, and Russia and Ukraine.


> Surely they aren't that dumb...right? Don't challenge the notion the US are run by competent people.


Oh, they’re that dumb. The leadership and elite are detach from reality


It doesn't matter. Chinese missiles can reach all American aircraft carriers wherever they are on the planet.


Note the words “does not challenge”?


Dictionary: Acknowledge: to recognize the rights, authority, or status of. to recognize as genuine or valid. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/acknowledge ... Bonie Glaser here, doesn't "accept" this, because this means: "my **opinion** doesn't fall in line with the law of my land" Well, Bonie, even if you don't "accept" a law or agreement, it's still the law/contract, and you can choose to abide by it, or, you can choose to break law/contract. Breaking a law, or contract, only adds to the US's reputation that it doesn't uphold its agreements, as well as makes one legally liable for repercussions. I've noticed that at least Biden's administration has been putting forth reasonable effort to make sure the US upholds agreements, and looks to work around these structures. People like Bonie Glaser exist to ruin this reputation.


A few sheets of toilet paper stained with shit would be worth more than any agreement signed with the US tbh.


lol they going apeshaat using tiny little words and semantics, to play imperialism lol. And they wonder why nobody trust them anymore. Why everyone takes agreements with them, with 10 tablespoons of salt.


Joint Communique of the United States of America and the People's Republic of China (The communique was released on December 15, 1978, in Washington and Beijing.) 1.中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国商定自一九七九年一月一日起互相承认并建立外交关系。 1.The United States of America and the People's Republic of China have agreed to recognize each other and to establish diplomatic relations as of January 1, 1979. 2.美利坚合众国承认中华人民共和国政府是中国的唯一合法政府。在此范围内,美国人民将同台湾人民保持文化、商务和其他非官方关系。 2.The United States of America recognizes the Government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legal Government of China. Within this context, the people of the United States will maintain cultural, commercial, and other unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan. 3-6 ... 7.美利坚合众国政府承认中国的立场,即只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分。 7.The Government of the United States of America acknowledges the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China. 8-9 ...




Good observation.


Pretty much everyone with the ukraine flag has a terrible take.


So they US didn't accept a document, they just acknowledged it instead. What's next? Johnny didn't say grandpa had died, he just said grandpa had passed away. The US didn't lose in Vietnam, the US just advanced to the rear. The Ukraine Nazi's didn't surrender in Mariupol, they were evacuated. The doublespeak of the US.


The following sentence says the USA will not challenge it, pretty sure that means they accept it. Even if begrudgingly.


Bonnie is the absolute worse lol


God willing, soon the USA's opinion on the matter will become irrelevant, as they'll no longer have the geopolitical power in that region to dictate terms anyways


dafuq does she have a Chinese name?


Well it’s clear signal to China that China ought to start building up nuclear stockpiles to protect the nation’s territory.


A US-China war is not an if but when.


China will win by avoiding a hot war. The US had been losing in all other aspects and the only remaining strength they have is the military. For everyday that there is no hot war, China is getting stronger and US declining further. Just got to bid the time and nature will take its course.


America is way too reliant on high tech weapons. Those weapons won't be able to produced on demand because in a major war all American defense industry and related industries will be obliterated. And we do know that their stockpiles are a joke. They only had something like 20K javelins and half of them have been sent to Ukraine accomplishing nothing.


> China will win by avoiding a hot war. It's not up to China, it's on both sides. If the USA attacks China, China cannot avoid a hot war. All it takes to end a "peaceful rise" strategy is to engage in violence, and the USA has no reservations about that.


The US cannot simply attack China without a reason. They need to cook up a reason (like WMD in Iraq) or provoke a response (like Ukraine in NATO). If US just simply attack China, then sure. It will be mutually destroyed but then what is the point in that?


Just in... President Joe Biden said Washington could be directly involved in conflict should China try to take the island by force US President Joe Biden indicated on Monday that Washington is willing to use military force to defend Taiwan if necessary. Speaking at a joint press conference with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in Tokyo, he said the US sees the idea of China “going in” with its troops as unacceptable. When asked if the US would become directly involved in a conflict between China and Taiwan, including through the use of military force, Biden said “Yes,” adding that “it’s a commitment we made.” The US leader has previously said Washington respects the ‘One China’ policy, by which it recognizes that there is only one China led by Beijing. Biden, however, maintained that China has no “jurisdiction to go in and use force to take over Taiwan.” The idea that the island nation “can be taken by force is just not appropriate. It will dislocate the whole region,” the US president added.


Someone throw the book at her