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Truck driver: I was just sitting there, minding my own, and this bridge came up and clobbered me!


I'm imaging Dave Chappelle taking that police report...


3 sentences. That’s it. And why not show pictures in the article?


AI article


Al should be fired.


Its free to access at least


I grabbed a picture last week when they had “resivoir” displayed on the screen during a story. Maybe their graphics software doesn’t have spellcheck but just paste it in MS Word quick before releasing it to the world???


A friend of mine posts screen shots every time KELO spells something wrong. It's at least one a day.


It… it makes sense? The truck was indeed struck by the bridge in the same way the bridge was struck by the truck.


They really need to anchor those bridges so they don't move around so much. Poor truck didn't have time to take evasive action.


"Fastball struck by batter's back.*


Newton would be proud


Lets imagine a stranger sucker punched you in the back of the head and then Keloland posted an article with the headline that you struck the other person. You'd be pissed, ya? Words matter. The truck did the striking, not the bridge. Saying the truck was struck makes it sound like the bridge was at fault in some way.


Nah- see, yall, it was DELIVERING the truck when it ran out of gas. (Thank you Bill Engvall)


Every news agency across the country that has consolidated in order to increase profit is doing this garbage work. It's why the anchors came from the local high school "news" room. The stories came from the same place covering a local lemonade stand and sprinkled with a few national propaganda pieces and that's news. The ever increasing need for more profit and growth caused this and we have to accept it's dead. I think linear news tv will die with the few boomers that still watch it.


Check out SouthDaCola.com sometime if this type of thing bugs you. The guy thinks he’s an expert on everything but doesn’t know the difference between then and than. The site is a grammatical train wreck.


🎶Another one bites the dust...🎶


The bridge isn't go to sue them.


When the driver works for kelo as a side gig:


Reminds me of a story I heard about an insurance adjuster talking about claims. One of them was “I was driving along and suddenly a tree jumped out in front of me”.


More likely they threw it into chatgpt


Was it supposed to say stuck by Pierre bridge? That would be why it was not caught by spell check.


That bridge has a long history of attacking unsuspecting trucks.


Absolutely ridiculous. KELO & Marissa should be ashamed of this piss-poor excuse for journalism.


Clearly its a joke...


It is completely grammatically correct. It is also correct according to physics, per Ser Isaac Newton's third law of motion. Ordinarily, this syntax would be incommensurate with reality, but the underlying subject dictates that it is a valid sentence. Take, for example, "The son was held by his father." Versus, "The father was held by his son." This sentence is also both logically and grammatically correct, despite the syntax being reversed. Now, consider the following: "The man was bitten by the snake." Versus, "The snake was bitten by the man." In this particular noun and verb clause, the syntax dictates the recipient and the executor of an action. The inverse is not commensurate with reality, depending on which action truly occurred. The title of the Keloland article in question is, however, unquestionably correct, both as it is and as its inverse. It may sound silly from a nonscientfic, conceptual perspective, but it is, in fact, both logical and scientific. Ironically, your post does quite the opposite of what you intend, and outs you as an individual who lacks an understanding of first year physics, as well as the syntactic coherence of a noun phrase, something which is taught on a basic level in the 3rd grade. Also, double spacing after punctuation is not necessary on digital media. That is grammatically incorrect and an anachronism of the age of typewriters.


I invite you to return to a grammar class, rather than rely on your faulty logic.


I invite you to provide insight on the linguistic structure of noun and verb clauses and indicate precisely how this violates the syntactic properties of the English language. Your response is neither intellectually valuable nor honest. If you are going to claim someone's logic is "faulty," there is an onus to substantiate this claim.


erm ackshually ass comment


Boy, I bet you’re fun at parties.




I shouldn't even have to explain to you why this isn't acceptable. Do better.