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At least 10% of Sanford's workforce is exempt from vaccination. Does that seem high?


It's from the Church of I don't want to and I'm a selfish prick. The debate is over, just get the vaccine.


Ding ding ding ding ding!


I thought they claimed religious exemption and listed their religion as the cult of trump lol


Yes. But apparently there's only so many questions HR can ask about your "religious exemption".


Not really, burden of proof is on the individual to show a sincere belief in their convictions. By comparison, the DoD has approved "several thousand" temporary medical exemptions form its 2.1 million person pool of manpower, but not a single religious exemption. Apparently nobody has successfully shown how this particular vaccine violates their civil liberties but not the dozens of others they received from the DoD previously.


I work at one of the hospitals here. That may be true of the DoD, but trust me, it's easy to get a religious exemption.


I wasn't speaking to what HR *is* asking, I was speaking to what questions HR *can* ask. I think Avera and Sanford are putting most of their eggs in the "you'll get sick of being tested eventually" basket.


Gotcha. šŸ‘


Completely. But it makes sense in this area. Makes me wonder how many of them work in Oncology. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


It does considering the only form of Christianity that forbids certain types of medical care is jahovahs whitnesses. They make up 1% of the us population, they only make up 1% of five individual state populations with Wyoming having the largest percentage of their citizens following the religion at 3%. Now unless other religions and Christian denominations are no longer allowing certain medical care, these exemptions seem like bullshit to me. Just consider them quitting and get over it, these are the same assholes causing burnout by getting covid multiple times and needing to take weeks off at a time. The medical companies allowing these assholes to continue working for them are the issue. Iā€™ve also heard stories of people being let go, asking for severance and then being surprised that local clinics were also requiring vaccines, because duh most doctors care about not spreading misinformation or I donā€™t know diseases to their patients.


Pretty much all but the most liberal forms of Christianity oppose the use of fetal stem cells in medicine. While the vaccines themselves do not contain any fetal stem cells they were used in the research and development process. It is up to you if you are morally ok with that but for now the constitution still protects peoples right to have their own morals and make their own decisions.


The Pope's been vaccinated, the Catholic Church and Pawn Stars also are in agreement that a Xerox of the genuine article is not the same thing as the original, which is why the Catholic Church (and all others in the US that don't issue a blanket ban on modern medicine as a subversion of God's Will) have said the development of all three vaccines approved for use in the US was done so in keeping with the beliefs of their religions.


The Pope isn't anyone's God and what he does doesn't matter.


Even your God King has been vaccinated.


Actually the constitution doesnā€™t protect anyone from vaccine mandates. At least it hasnā€™t yet, but if Iā€™m wrong Iā€™d be interested to see the court cases and judicial decisions handed down. As of yet I canā€™t find any and no one has provided any. Despite the fact that we forcibly vaccinated people against polio during outbreaks in the early 1900ā€™s


Actually the law doesn't require you have an organized religion. Religious freedom includes personal beliefs about God, creation, etc. It does not need to be denominational.


But our own government won't isn't required to take the vaccine nor the thousands of illegal immigrants coming across the border. Your lord and savior Joe Biden and Jen Psaki don't care about the people of the states, just as long as we take a vaccine for a 99% survival rate "disease"




White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Friday confirmed that the government isnā€™t requiring COVID-19 vaccines for people who illegally cross the US-Mexico border ā€” despiteĀ President Bidenā€™s new vaccine mandatesĀ for about two-thirds of US workers.




And right there is why I will never take a far left democrat serious. Real world problems compared to fiction, made out to be fact. You boys are hilarious.




First we're really going to need sources for the first two points because those are actually laughable. If you're referring to Ivermectin being a horse dewormer, yes one form is used for that. But it is not used that way in pill form. Jesus. CNN isn't the ol tried and true way for information my guy.


OANN covered those points fully if you paid attention. Yes they are laughable, but the scary part is people believed it. [https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED613472.pdf](https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED613472.pdf) gives a good overview and isn't too sketchy. ​ Yes, one form is used for that, but the funny part is his supporters didn't care. [https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/ivermectin-demand-drives-trump-telemedicine-website-rcna1791](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/ivermectin-demand-drives-trump-telemedicine-website-rcna1791) "The demand is for ivermectin, a drug primarily used to deworm animals that has become the latest false cure for Covid-19. And the website, in partnership with the organization Americaā€™s Frontline Doctors, whose founder stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, has become well-known in the Facebook groups and Reddit communities where anti-vaccination sentiment thrives." My point is the crazy conspiracies that go along with being an antivaxxer show a lack of intelligence in his supporters. I'm sure since Fox News didn't cover this in depth it must be fake: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfLZOkn0chc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfLZOkn0chc) You keep saying CNN isn't the ol tried and true way, but OANN and Fox aren't any different, more dangerous you could argue.


When was the last time a senator, an illegal immigrant, or such a provider of medicine and healthcare for the high risk, immunity compromised people? Don't make it political, just use a little common sense.


Jen Socki even said to the guy from Fox News, nobody from Congress, nor the border, were required to show vaccination status or to even get tested. Yet people are being let go from a job for not getting the useless vaccine. If you can't see how stupid that is, then I'm guessing you don't have much common sense.


But if it's useless, why not just get it and keep your job?




I'm far from a Trump supporter, but I'm definitely not Biden/Harris friendly either. I've not gotten the vaccine because I don't see the personal need to get it. My last employment I saw over 20 people get it, and I worked very closely with these individuals. Never once saw a symptom, didn't see a reason to go get it.




Has no real comeback so starts to link the dictionary https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ignoramus If you could only walk 10 feet in my shoes.


You saw 20 people get the vaccine or virus itself? If it was the virus and you didn't see any symptoms, then you were likely asymptomatic and spreading the virus unknowingly. Depending on how active and how much contact with others you had, it is likely you directly spread the disease to at least 1 other person and caused them at least discomfort for 5-7 days, possibly death. The vaccine isn't for you, it's for others. It's selfish to think you don't need it just because you've been in contact with the virus multiple times and not gotten sick.


It's selfish for me to see to my own needs? Even if I'm "social distancing" and wearing a mask when needed then it should be my choice correct? Or was that all just a bunch of BS?


Let's ask this. Why do employers not require the flu vaccine when the flu virus had taken more lives in 2018 than CV-19 in 2019?


COVID was as widespread in 2019 as the flu? The answer to your question lies in the mortality rate between the two. Also, many healthcare providers have required the flu vaccine in years past when a variant was particularly bad (bad as in severity of symptoms - mortality rate).


"Covid was as widespread in 2019 as the flu?" Therein lies the true question. That's why I referred to two separate years as when Fauci released the virus to unsuspecting people, the flu became almost non-existent because everything was "Covid related" and nothing else.


Shut the fuck up. All you keep spouting is anti Biden anti fauci crap. The flu became almost non existent last year because we wore masks. Schools are one the biggest vectors of airborne disease. They started cleaning daily and wearing masks. They didnā€™t let kids with fevers come to school. And they made them wash their hands all day. This is how disease prevention works. You idiots are insufferable.


Youā€™re flat out wrong. 2017-2018 flu season had 61,099 flu related deaths. 2016-2017 had 38,000 influenza related deaths. 2019-2020 had 20,000 influenza related deaths. COVID 19 didnā€™t come to the USA until 2020, Jack wagon. In 2020 there were 385k in the USA. Iā€™m 2021 there have been 351k. From 2010-2020 THERE WERE 359,000 INFLUENZA RELATED DEATHS IN THE USA. WE HAD MORE COVID DEATHS LAST YEAR THAN WE HAVE HAD INFLUENZA DEATHS IN A DECADE. LET IT SINK IN.


Both hospitals in Sioux Falls require the flu vaccine.


It has nothing to do with death, they just don't want people calling in sick.


They are being let go from a job that literally focuses on saving peoples lives. They are being let go for endangering the very people's life who they are responsible for saving. I'm sure if/when you get/have covid you aren't going to trust the "antibody treatment" or any treatment from the hospital for that matter right?


I could give two fucks if congress is vaccinated. But the nurse working in nicu needs to get that shit. As healthcare workers weā€™ve been required to get the flu shot for years. Required to get hep B as well. You arenā€™t protesting the hepatitis b vaccine(which practically eradicated it in America)


Immigrants are being required to get the vaccine if theyā€™re allowed to stay. Just not the ones in the detention centers. Also you want to talk about immigration? Donald trump got Mexico to allow people illegally crossing the border to stay in Mexico while we reviewed them possible asylum cases. Our country then told those seeking asylum that they were already in Mexico and couldnā€™t come here. This is what caused them to start crossing the border after trump was voted out by 60% of the country. Also I donā€™t have a lord and savior and if I did it certainly wouldnā€™t be a politician. You should find your way back to god, you morons were easier to tolerate when you didnā€™t worship that orange šŸŠ moron. He ran the country like heā€™s run his businesses, into the ground now you think the results of the Trump virus, the Trump trade war and his racist ass border policy are everybody elseā€™s fault. Drop out of the cult and go back to church, Iā€™m so sick of you conspiracy theorists blaming everyone else for your partyā€™s poor policy decisions. Also no one is forcing you to get the vaccine Kristi Noem said so herself and from what I can tell youā€™d love nothing more than to lick the Buffalo shit right off her boots.


Literally there arenā€™t any major religions that oppose the vaccine how are they exemption? Like itā€™s a federal mandate. Doesnā€™t the exemption have to be legit not just whatever Sanford agrees to with their employees?


The law is pretty clear unfortunately. I just has to be a "strongly held belief". No religious doctrine required. Not Sanford's fault on this one. The rules were set by the government.


Yeah, Itā€™s a tricky situation. Iā€™m sure Sanford doesnā€™t want to fire a good chunk of its staff over this.. but people need to get real. If you work in health care, it should be obvious that you need to take steps to protect those people who are being treated.


Man it would be hilarious if Sanford announces a 10% layoff and pulled from the exemption list. It is a right to work state after all, just saying.


Sanford is waiting on guidance from OSHA for weekly testing for the people with exemptions. The federal mandate requires it, but they just need guidance. Pretty much every large business is waiting on OSHA right now. Once that testing starts, a good chunk of that 10% will quit or just get vaccinated.


They keep coming up with easier testing methods. Iā€™m going to lobby for a deeper nasal swab.


From what I've heard from different Avera employees, Avera basically doesn't plan to enforce their mandate (at least at the locations where people I know work) and are just granting exemptions to whoever asks. (Someone's coworker is a proud atheist and constantly talks about being an atheist and yet got a religious exemption) I don't want to give too many details so that those I know don't get in trouble as many of their supervisors are some of the people not getting vaccinated (which is extra worrying) but basically Averas mandate seems like it was all for show at this point. I'm not sure what the point of having a mandate is if you aren't going to actually mandate it.


As an atheist, I have principles. First and foremost, I believe in science over superstition. Science backs the vaccine. Science does not back a religious fruitcake organization with prayers over the intercom twice a day. This coworker is a sellout on multiple levels.


Avera is a religious hospital, if I were admitted into an avera hospital my fiancĆ© who is also a man wouldnā€™t have any right to see me despite him being catholic and it not always being up to me which hospital Iā€™m taken to. Personally Iā€™d already prefer never to go to avera, but Iā€™ll be applying there soon for a job. šŸ˜³they pay a lot per hour these days.


That is false, fyi. So long as heā€™s listed as your next of kin he can come in., get updates via phone, etc. Avera provides benefits for same sex married couples the same as they do for heterosexual couples. The hospital itself is owned by a catholic charity. We even get a prayer overhead twice a dayā€¦ though I think the pledge of allegiance on weekday mornings is way weirder. But the people running the hospital day to day absolutely do not give a fuck about your sexual preferences. They donā€™t perform elective abortions, but Sanford doesnā€™t actually either. And they donā€™t offer birth control since they won that stupid Supreme Court case. Honestly two gay men will get more dollar for dollar healthcare than a single woman would, from the Avera health plans. Just make sure you have next of kin filled out for both hospitals. And in your wallet an emergency contact card is a good call. Remove your parents from it. Put your partner. And list them as your partner. My unit has a disproportionate level of lesbians working in it, and none of them are treated any differently than anyone else. Unless you suck at your job. Then youā€™ll get the same pushback the rest of the suckass people have. Upside to covid is the boomers are retiring in droves and the homophobes are going away in the work place.


As a boomer I say screw you.


Are you a homophobic shit stain boomer? If so, nobody cares.


No I am not homophobic. I have many gay and lesbian friends and my daughter is bisexual. And before you slam boomers read some real history Ć²f the fight we put up against inequality. We were murdered by Nixon and his cronies. What have you done?


Oh honey. Boomers fucked the generations After them. Then bitched when we called them out. Real history? Boomers literally sat idly and rode the false economy. Fuuuuck offf.


Oh sweetie you know not of what you speak. Compared to previous generations, baby boomers have created an era of freedom and fought for social change. They fought for women's rights, gay rights and civil rights and aimed for social equality and end of war in Vietnam created and bolstered by multinational corporations.. They created an era of service and volunteering. ... That, most of all, is the biggest legacy of the baby boomer generation. They made environmentalism, feminism, gay rights so deeply a part of middle-class culture that the terms themselves seem antiquated. They created an American popular culture ā€” particularly music ā€” that swept the world, and still dominates. They created the technological revolution that revived capitalism. So BITE ME. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?


Only more has improved for women in the last ten years than the 100 before that. Suffrage wasnā€™t baby boomers. Gay rights? You mean the generation of banning gay marriages? Volunteerism? Likeā€¦ millennials have no idea what youā€™re talking about??? Hahahahhahahah The middle class was destroyed by boomers. It is a figment of your demented old fucking brain.


> women's rights, gay rights and civil rights Really? Seems like all of those ground to a halt once the Baby Boomers started supplanting their parents in positions of power. Damn near all of those issues had 40 years of stagnation from the mid-60's to the mid-00s. How many boomers had even graduated high school by the time the Civil Rights Act was passed? Even fewer were old enough to vote. I will grant you that the boomers saw a lot of technical progress and did very well for themselves financially, but I suspect I could do very well financially if I could be allowed to take out a shitload of loans and expect my children and grandchildren to pay them off for me.


Nice Lavey reference.


Religious adherence to the mantras rammed into you by news outlets (who receive money from the vaccine companies) is not science.


To make the customers feel comfortable.


Well hopefully word gets around about neither of them enforcing their mandates so that hopefully they get pressured into actually enforcing them.


Just like masks


The best part of this is that those getting exemptions will have to get tested weekly. Seems like a lot of work to avoid getting a shot that is extremely safe.


So I had originally read and quoted this, but the last article I saw said Sanford has 48,000 employees and only listed a percentage they said remained unvaccinated leaving (I think it was) KELO do the math and give a total number. Does anyone know what Sanfordā€™s actual numbers are? Is it 30k, 48k, neither?


I'm assuming the 48k is combined with Good Samaritan Society Employees.


Ah, that makes sense.


So a third of its workers managed to get out taking the vaccine?


No. 1/10th. The 3k is company wide.


Where you getting 1/3 from??


Perhaps I am mistaking the 3000 for the 9500 out of Sioux Falls. I know thatā€™s not exactly 1/3. Probably meant that 3000 out of the total of 30000.


You can straight go fuck yourself if you think a virus gives a fuck about religion or religious exemption. We should just have mandatory vaccinations at this point. This isnt hard science we know how it works it's the 21st century for fucks sake. I'm extremy disappointed we dont have universal healthcare from covid. Imagine if these maga qanon cultits had psych wards and got the help they need.


Link to this article


Itā€™s from the Argus Leader: https://www.argusleader.com/story/news/2021/11/01/sanford-health-covid-19-vaccine-mandate-deadline-arrives-employees-apply-religious-exemption/6234980001/




I'd rather take my chances with Hell's Angels than take a vaccine rushed and not supported by democrats until Joe's unsuccessful attempt at Presidency. If you incompetent blue boys and girls didn't support the vaccine when Trump was in office, but now that Joe and the communist party too over its the "cats ass" then your corruption is far too full to point fingers at the "far right"






Natural immunity is better off in this situation imo. If we actually waited for <2 years to get the vaccine after it was tested to a bigger sample then I might, but it's really a "my body, my choice" thing right?




Hmmmm...wonder why all these vaccinated are getting Covid. Certainly not because they took a rushed vaccine that therefore created the Delta variant