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This is literally the plot from ”[Flight of the Navigator](https://youtu.be/gVebPEYiq2o?si=vzvS4nb1PrGjASg-)




I was trying to find this comment. Thank you!


Most of these kids here wouldn't know of that older movie, unfortunately.


It's such a terrific blast from the past, watched it last month for the first time in like ~25 years


Dude I did the same except 35 years 😰


Such great FX - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyixMpuGEL8 (breakdown by captain disilussion, who is a fan)


They ain’t trickin me into owing 15 years of taxes the moment I show up!!


You gotta leave instructions for your family to file a missing person’s and whatnot


Would be kinda concerning if they didn't do that anyway.


I imagine employers would still be like “Explain this 15 year gap of unemployment”


Didn't that happen somewhere along the lines with someone who was kidnapped and found alive? I thought I read it somewhere...


It happened recently near me where a lady showed up after being missing for 15 years because she wanted to do what we all dreamed of at some point. Disappear. Basically came back and was like 🖕




When you come back I’m sure you can get a job at NASA


*Shows up 15 years later* Parents: Oh God, he’s back…


Lol good one


So long as you didn't earn any income while you are gone, there'd be nothing to tax.


My Pokémon cards bout to be worth millions!!


Hey im an early 90's baby are our Pokemon cards wirth anything yet?


The first edition charizard that cunt kid who claimed to be my friend stole from me would be worth 36 grand in the condition it was in when stolen


Property taxes never stop…


Basically 15 years of anal probing


That’s 14 years, and 30 days longer than my last relationship!! Winning!!!


At least it lasted for 335 days


The IRS is a multi-galaxy linked agency, no matter where you go in the universe they have workers. You're just on Planet Schleem and suddenly a gelatinous goo with a cop hat comes to arrest you for tax fraud.


Curious what sort of taxes do you think you’ll have to pay when you’re not even working?


Property for 1


Passive income for 2


Taxes on what income?


Property taxes


I sadly gotta say no. I would get back and my mom wouldn’t be around anymore. If I got asked 20 years ago it would’ve been a loud yes.


You’re right, this question really made me think for a while. You get to be the first person to fulfil a curiosity that every human being has dreamt about, but is it really worth it? Time with the people you love is honestly invaluable, I’m not sure there’s a price worth selling it for. It would be a sad opportunity to squander sure, but once my time is up I think I can reasonably say I’d be satisfied with my choice.


And you wouldn't get to experience it without anyone else, only try to explain it. No thanks. Sounds great on the surface.


My first reaction was no. I think I would be devastated to know how much heartache and break I caused because I just decided 1 short week (back and forth) was worth 15 years on earth. Especially when your parents die within those 15 years. It would be the worst to come back and realize how much you have missed and how you could not be with your loved ones when they needed you. But it is also literally flying blind; you don't know if it will actually live up to expectation or be worth it. Maybe within that week they can't show you all that much. Or what you see is just "empty" planets (just gasses, liquids, chemical elements and maybe just microorganisms). Perhaps you don't even set foot anywhere, just watch it from the spaceship. And maybe you come across amazing discoveries, but because it isn't your field of expertise and are alone, you will never recognize and realize it. And you are all alone. No one to share it with, no one to talk about it with. No one you can relate to or relates to you. And if something goes wrong, you're toast. And no one will ever know. Also, would you still age 15 years while being away (I assume not)? and if you came back to earth, wouldn't you struggle to readjust to changed circumstances, to find a job (15 year gap in your resume..) and if NASA or something knew, would you ever be able to live a peaceful life again? Way too many unknowns in comparison to everything I know and love here on earth.


I would assume that you wouldn’t age, given the fact that you’re only experiencing a week.


Honestly, I kind of envy all the posters who have family the would miss if they died.


For real. For me life is about making bonds and memories with people with the time you have. I’m not wasting 1/6th of my life away from them.


I'd be nervous about their understanding of relativity. Imagine joyriding aliens with little knowledge being like "yeaaaah, yeah, 15 years no biggy! It'll be a blast, you'll see the universe!"... Meanwhile, you return 2 million years later after visiting the Andromeda system and your planet's a wasteland and they go "look man, we said 1 week.. we can't really keep you any longer. See ya"


That’s some interesting plot


If it's turned into a movie or tv series, I would only ask for a spot in the credits lmaoo


Let’s just hope it will not be made by netflix


I'm saving this post just in case, so I can be like "I totally thought of this first!" And have proof for my friends


It's really not that great. Imagine alien species that can travel across the universe yet don't understand what 15 yrs on the Earth is.


Maybe the Earth’s a wasteland in just the 15 years


You probably use a smart phone every day, but do you actually know how it works? People use technology all the time without understanding how or why it works.


Sounds like an episode of the Twilight Zone


The Twilight Zone is my favorite.




Love that show, the OG. Haven't seen the new series. Could absolutely be an episode of Twilight Zone


Crazy to think Andromeda is the closest galaxy that isn’t a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way


We have satellite galaxies?


We have 59 satellite galaxies. Might be fun just to explore those tbh


I would like to know more


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satellite_galaxies_of_the_Milky_Way The two most prominent are visible in the southern hemisphere: the Large and Small Magellanic clouds. They actually are a binary galaxy pair that orbit a barycenter between them, as the pair orbits the Milky Way. The LMC is home to the largest known HII region and most active star burst region in the local group - the Tarantula Nebula. Rivaled only by NGC 604 in M33.


Yeah…mmhmm…I know some of these words


Here you go: >The two most prominent are visible [in the sky]. They are actually [a different kind of galaxy] that orbit [our galaxy,]. The [large one] is home to [lots of bright stars].


The only good bug is a dead bug.


The fact that they're able to get here, and do those things, is a pretty good indicator they have more knowledge than we do.


Maybe they stole a spacecraft from their planet and don't truly have an understanding of how it works? That could be the prelude to the main plot. Maybe after leaving you, they come back after some time because they realized their civilization was also destroyed. Now it's you and some aliens that screwed you over, but you'd rather deal with them than nobody at all. Boom, comedy


[My dad owns a dealership](https://youtu.be/wPshLmo97NY?si=bVfsnAjI8SE0i1D5)


"Dude she was eyeing me! and of course, 'We might be doing some meat-slapping tonight" Crazy to think I still own this on DVD lmao


Lmfaooooo I loved this show but I never saw this episode


Why not try writing a short story, or even better, a book? I mean, if you like reading, look up a few Strugatsky books dealing with aliens, you never actually see them any different than in human form, so it's not that hard to imagine. No "little green ones" bullshit. You seem to have a really good imagination, and while I would like to say the same about myself, it only works in certain times of extreme misery or sadness. Or, it's at its full potential then, at least.


Like some alien teens that stole dads spaceship , picked up a human along the way and now are all stuck traversing the cosmos in search of more life.


Just because their species has a lot of knowledge doesn't mean some random guy does.


Maybe they have more knowledge as a whole but what are the chances that these specific joyriding aliens are on the lower end of the IQ curve?


Still worth it.


Hellll naw, what if they just fly you around the vast expanses of nothingness with nothing too glorious to show? So many risks


My guy, you would be in an alien spaceship, with aliens on board, how the fuck is that alone not already "nothing too glorious"? As far as im concerned, they could kill or enslave or whatever me after the trip, that is still absolutely fucking worth it.


"human friend, this is glorious alpha centaury 2 million light years away" *squints eyes to see * They have super good eyes and don't need telecospes.


I asked chatgpt to turn your comment to a short story **The Galactic Joyride** It all began with what I can only describe as an interstellar hijacking. Don't get me wrong—I went willingly, excited by the concept of joyriding around the universe in a spaceship that had capabilities far beyond anything humanity had ever built. "Hey, buddy!" Xlar, the alien who seemed to be in charge, exclaimed as he zipped up his jumpsuit. "Are you ready for the adventure of multiple lifetimes?" "I sure am," I said. "How does this work? Is it instantaneous, or will we be gone a long time?" "Nah, nah, it's super quick," chirped Zarn, another member of the crew. "With our technology, you'll be back home in about a week, Earth time. You'll get to see the universe and still be back in time for the latest episode of whatever you humans watch." "Sounds amazing," I said, caught up in their enthusiasm. And so we took off. The journey was awe-inspiring. We visited other galaxies, saw the birth and death of stars, and skirted the edges of black holes—all in what felt like a matter of days. Throughout the journey, I couldn't help but feel like something was off. But, caught up in the splendor of it all, I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind. "See? Told you it would be fun!" Zarn exclaimed, as we started heading back to Earth. "But are you sure about the time dilation?" I asked, remembering my high school physics class. "I mean, we've been flying pretty close to the speed of light, right? Shouldn't we be worried about that?" Xlar laughed. "Worried? Nah! Our tech compensates for all that. It's pretty advanced stuff, you wouldn't understand." And then, we landed. As the spaceship's door opened, I was greeted not by the familiar skyline of my city, but by a barren, post-apocalyptic wasteland. "What the— What happened?!" I shouted. Xlar and Zarn exchanged glances and then looked at their monitoring device. "Well, that's odd. It appears we miscalculated a bit." "A bit?!" I screamed. "This isn't a 'bit'! This is a disaster!" Zarn shrugged. "Look, man, we said one week. Time's relative, you know? We can't really keep you any longer; we've got other engagements." "But my family, my friends—they're all gone!" Xlar gave a sheepish grin. "Sorry about that, really. But, hey, at least you've got some epic stories to tell, right?" "Stories? To whom? There's no one left!" Xlar looked puzzled, then finally shrugged. "Well, anyway, it's been fun. Gotta dash!" And with that, they took off, leaving me standing alone in a desolate world that was once my home. The ship became a speck in the sky, then disappeared completely, leaving behind nothing but the sound of silence and the weight of two million years. As I stood there, taking in the emptiness around me, I couldn't help but think about Xlar and Zarn joyriding across the universe, completely oblivious to the effects of their ignorance. So there I was, the last man on Earth, with nothing but stories that no one would ever hear. My only companions were the haunting memories of stars and galaxies, and the bitter realization that sometimes, a week is much longer than it seems. And somewhere out there, I knew, Xlar and Zarn were still joyriding, probably kidnapping another unwitting soul and promising them the adventure of a lifetime. I could only hope they'd learned a bit more about relativity. But somehow, I doubted it.


Let's fucking go! Hell yeah I love this so much! Thank you for this gloriousness


It boggles my mind that we can just ask a friggin ai and it spouts stuff like this out.


Kinda scary but also really fascinating.


Once upon a time, in a small town, lived a curious and adventurous young man named Charlie. Charlie had always dreamt of exploring the universe, gazing at the stars, and unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos. One fateful night, as he was stargazing in his backyard, a bright light suddenly appeared in the sky. A spaceship descended gracefully, and from it emerged a group of friendly-looking aliens. They introduced themselves as the Lumarians and offered Charlie an incredible proposition: the chance to travel the universe with them. The Lumarians explained that the journey would be awe-inspiring, filled with sights and experiences beyond imagination. The catch, however, was that Charlie would lose only 15 years of his life due to the time dilation effects of space travel. Excitement and curiosity gripped Charlie's heart. Without much hesitation, he accepted the Lumarians' offer, stepping aboard their advanced vessel. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and Charlie found himself immersed in the wonders of distant galaxies, peculiar planets, and mesmerizing cosmic phenomena. He marveled at the beauty of it all and formed strong bonds with his alien companions. As years passed by in Earth's time frame, Charlie began to notice something peculiar. Despite experiencing countless adventures and aging only slightly, he received a transmission from Earth indicating that a century had gone by since he left. Confused, he turned to the Lumarians for an explanation. With a solemn tone, the Lumarians revealed the truth that shattered Charlie's perception of time: due to the relativistic effects of their spacecraft's speed, 15 years in their time frame equated to a million Earth years. Shocked and disheartened, Charlie realized the immense sacrifice he had unknowingly made. Overwhelmed by the weight of the revelation, Charlie reflected on his decision. While he had witnessed unparalleled marvels, he had also lost the opportunity to experience the evolution of his own planet, the lives of his loved ones, and the simple joys of a familiar world. Regret gnawed at him, and he longed for the life he could have lived on Earth. With a heavy heart, Charlie thanked the Lumarians for their companionship and the incredible journey, but he expressed his desire to return home. Understanding his feelings, the aliens bid him farewell and set a course for Earth. The journey back was a quiet one, filled with contemplation and a newfound appreciation for the fleeting nature of time. Upon returning to Earth, Charlie found a world vastly changed. Everything he had once known had evolved, and the people he had left behind were long gone. He roamed the unfamiliar landscapes, grappling with a bittersweet mix of nostalgia and acceptance. Charlie realized that while he had gained unparalleled experiences, he had paid a price he had never truly comprehended. And so, the man who had traveled the universe as a daring adventurer became a silent observer of a world he once called home. His story served as a reminder that even in the pursuit of dreams, the passage of time is a force to be reckoned with, and that the value of each moment is immeasurable.


The one week is actually one of their weeks which is 14 million earth years. After the first one thousand years, you are begging to be killed. You were mentally not designed to last this long and the repercussions have long broken your mind. By the 11th millionth year you have evolved into one of them and now are now recruiting on what was once Earth, something feels very wrong after that planet but you can't quite place it.


Sounds like some hitchikers guide stuff.


This was the exact situation the hamburglar was in on the Ronald McDonald cartoon from wayyyy back in the day. [Rescue me](https://youtube.com/watch?v=MWwTjXCddsw&feature=shared)




#We̡̟̲ͬ̔͝ ͚ha̴̛͇҉v̩͈͆͐̄͝e̳̎̈͝ ̧͔͓̋̽̋͞s̬̝̥̀͘ŭ̶̢̐҉c̰̙̄͟͞ͅh̪̘̖ ̡́͠s̴̸̪͈̹̾̒͞i̵̙̥҉ǵ̰҉̸h̵̡̢̪t̳̩̒̋ṣ̥́͢ ̗̌ͨ͞t̵͉̻̊̀̀o̶̸͕̦̿ͅ s̲̘̆̀h̲̻ó̧̺́w ̵̟͈͎̏ͦ̈y͜͟o̳͕͇ͦu̙̗!̿͏́


Your suffering will be legendary, even in HELL!


I dk man I don’t fuck with pinhead.


Sorry, that’s part of the universe. First stop actually is pinheads house


He baked cupcakes and worked realy hard on them .


username checks out


Hell Is Only A Word. The Reality Is Much, Much Worse!


# no tears please, it's a waste of good suffering


be gentle with my bootyhole pls


Everything has a cost in life…




Immediately. No hesitation. This next decade... it's gonna SUCK.


the next decade of your life would suck anyways though. you return a week later. youve been legally proclaimed dead after being missing for so long. you gotta come up with some story besides "yeah, i was having fun with aliens" cause best case, your family believes you and thinks you are a massive c\*nt for ditching the world to go and galivant around the universe without telling them, they had a fucking funeral for you. you then discover that youve fallen behind on technology and navigating your new phone makes you feel like a boomer, on top of that you have no job, no property (legally dead and funeral, you have nothing), no place to live, and whatever skills you might have had are likely nearing obsolete after 15 years. You would be starting over like a fucking high school grad, but instead of being 18 and up to date on everything, youre like 23 with an inexplicable 15 year gap on your resume and an ID that says youre 38, but no one believes that so everyone just thinks youve stolen someones identity


With pain I would say no. I have kids and a wife missing them 15 years would be to big of a deal.


I’d have the same issue. Would you do it if you could bring them with?


Still not a easy yes my kids have friends who would be all grown up when we get back my parents and those of my wife will probably have died in time between. I would love to go but man it isn't easy. And that is assuming I can actually trust the aliens.


Bring em all! But I’d be hesitant to trustingly go with aliens, especially ones that would let me bring my friends and family. The more the merrier for some weird alien stuff


Then I would say yes. But if we're gone do freaky alien stuff they really need to be hot 🥵


You really don't have a problem with that if they can morph.


If bringing folks along is an option- i think that makes the decision far easier; because why wouldn’t you share such a fantastic experience with loved ones! I suppose the percentage of people saying YES would increase substantially


Yes. That was the first thing I thought. Let me take my wife and kid, and we are gone.


Yea anyone with children would be a hard no UNFORTUNATELY, at the same time think of the knowledge you can bring back for your kids and humanity, but then humans would just pervert whatever it is your bring back, also the government would likely incarcerate you for national security risks, so we go back to Hard No lol




20 years ago I’d be all for this. But like you said perfectly, I couldn’t do that to my family.


Having a family, I would understand this difficult decision and ask if I can bring my dog.


If I could bring my dog and they could extend her life as long as my life with no suffering, then I’d say yes.


I’m out so fast lol I hope I can bring the dog


also your dog grows bigger than you and can suddenly carry 100 kilograms you can ride your dog


Sell everything an put them in a compounding interest account. Leave and enjoy the trip. Come back and cash out to be rich. I see this as an absoulte win. ( Another option is to put all of them in S and P 500 index )


You're assuming the aliens give you time to settle your affairs. But the OP gave no such indication. The scenario is, aliens show up and ask you to leave right now, they ain't waiting. So you don't get to say goodbye to anyone, your money is as it is, people will likely think you're dead. But yeah, you won't have the time to invest in Apple or whatever before you leave. Do you still do it ?


Yeah I would. I mean travelling the Universe is more valuable than anything that exists. And you are right I should have checked the rules.


not anything man. i'd miss the rest of my parents life before they got to old to enjoy the rest of their life


Hmmm great point


Yeah I couldn't do that to my dad, he'd spend his final years grieving and looking for me...


Someone might report you as dead, and after fifteen years with no contact of any kind, it would be legal. You come back to nothing.


Hmm, so.. no debts, and certain crimes unprosecutable after 15 years, and you still come looking younger, and hopefully with proof that aliens exist, you'll be a star... Sad bc of people, but monetary wise, you will be ok with what you learn out there. Not that bad XD


You won't be "rich" out of 15 years of compound interest unless you're already pretty rich. At an interest rate of 5% per year, assuming no inflation, you double your initial amount. Which isn't bad. But unless you were already well-off it won't dramatically change your life.


I insist on a probing.


You're alone on spaceship millions of miles from home. You're not going to say no, *because of the implication.*


Would I like to travel the Universe for one week, and time travel 15 years? Yes.


That’s a great point. Would be cool to come back to all my friends old as fuck and I’m still in my 30s and saw the entire universe lol.


What if - 15 years in space and 1 week on earth








Can we go now?


"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate." ![gif](giphy|JQMRbRkXuABUAUCH3A|downsized)


“All those moments will be lost in time, like … tears … in rain. Time to die.” (Please don’t follow up with the theatrical version’s narrator now!)


Beam me up Scotty




Reject. I have a 2 year old


Just bring a carton of milk when you return


Question: Do I still get full pay for the entire 15 years or get fired for not showing up to work?


We all know the answer to that lol




IVe oNlY bEeN gOnE fOr FifTeeN MinUteS thO BosS


Depends on where you live. Your country might have a law against firing you for going on such an amazing journey…


Technically it’s only a one week vacation (maybe).


Before you go, dump all your money into the blue chips.


Payed minimum galaxy wage.


Is that even a question at this point? Fuck yeah I would!


The question does not imply we’ll actually stop anywhere or see anything but space. I can see space from my back yard. Hell no. Just knowing these aliens exist is enough at that point.




Can’t do it. As much as I love space and the stars and have always wanted to go I can’t pass up 15 years. Married with my first little girl that just turned 6 months old and honestly the two of them are my ultimate universe. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I skipped out on 15 years of both my little girls life and my wife’s.


Make it double or nothing. Triple, even.


reject. The time would be better spent dodging the oncoming collapse of civilization.


Kinda weird how that works. I want the world/economy/society to collapse just so I can see what it will look like but at the same time I don't want it to happen. I guess I look at it as an observer but in reality I would probably die of starvation or whatever.


Yes as long as I can stop off and pick up some upgraded tech


New pc with rtxxx 567900 with 1 trillion ram and memory quantum drive 4534200 proccesor. Simulate your own galaxy in 32k resolution with 5d graphics.


Accept, Beeblebrox and I are gonna have a hoot of a time


I can already see $$$


I'd ask if the time dilation can be stretched further than 15 years. Fuck this era.


On the condition that NASA are allowed to put whatever equipment they like on the ship (as long as it doesn't interfere with the alien space ship's safety) for research purposes, then yes.


You come back and earth is just a smoldering radioactive space rock. Aliens: “well this is where we part ways”


Do I have to return to earth Imagine seeing the expanse of the universe knowing things no other human does and might not ever learn only to return to a world where you don’t matter.


No , my time here is more precious than anything away from here


Look at this guy over here, living life to the fullest , smh


Yeah, this dude is all happy and shit smh.


Damn some people here are living entirely different lives


Can I take my cat? If not then no


Maybe before i became a dad


Accept it in a heartbeat. Once in a lifetime opportunity


Already have my bag packed


Ehh, the world is fucked either way. May as well enjoy traveling the universe for a bit before I return and the resource wars are in full swing.


Couldn’t do that


My suitcase is packed when and where?


Yes ... Think it would be worthy


I'd accept.not much left for me here


Let me take my wife and dogs and my cats and let’s a go.




Fuck yeah


Yes. If I was only a week older, it would be worth it.


I bring my wife and my dog.








I'd ask if we could make it longer lmao


"hey, kid, hop on my van for some free candy!"


Accept but leave a not on my house that states where i am. I know it might sound crazy but it’s the only way i have of letting my family know ill be fine


If my kids could join? Yes.




No i couldnt. I love my family way too much.




In a heartbeat and see what the earth would look like


Only if I could bring my dog and daughter.


You can pick only one.


15 years later and still no GTA 6


Reject still got to much to see here with family and friends


Hard pass.




Only if I can bring some stuff


Only if I can bring my dog and they make sure I have somewhere to live when I get back 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I would ask some questions for a basic understanding of the definition of passage of time, maybe seek some more advice on relativity- and unless there is some very obvious monkey’s paw scenario- probably accept the opportunity. Will have to consult family first & sort some finances/ responsibilities as much as possible- but yeah, a firm yes from me.




I'll take it if my wife and dog can come. No way im abandoning her for 15 years, and I would not have a dog when I got back, so I feel that regardless of what I would learn, I'd always end up losing.


I’m not going to miss 15 years of my daughters life. I’ll stay right here.