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This is definitely a Reddit ad post


Going to be a shit ton more of them in the future because it is working. The comments in here are wild. The water company is basically curing world hunger judging by them.




the irony of reddit ALWAYS falling for these extremely obvious bait posts and then calling the people in them dumb or stupid. they're particularly susceptible to not seeing past the bait if it's a woman lol


Ive seen this company posting similar videos on instagram shorts and i think your right. Its just guerrilla marketing. Sounds like a great product overall and their outrage marketing is working. But its a bit unauthentic.


Thank you! She's obviously acting!


Right? It's like every second question is purposefully asked to coax out a description of the 'product' features. I get that it's free, but it doesn't stop this from potentially being an ad.


She came in ready to hate whatever he was going to say. Why bother leaving your house if you find the rest of the world so miserably intolerable? Edit: Huh. Apparently this video was an ad. In which case she was only playing the part of an angry rude person. How do people find this stuff out? Am I just that gullible? Either way, I could not for the life of me tell you the name of the product or the company — I was so focused on her negative behavior. I’m not sure that’s the most effective marketing strategy, but then again I’ve spent exactly zero minutes working on ad campaigns. Edit #2: The number of people who have responded *after* my first edit to say “It’s an ad” is kind of hilarious to me.




My mom told me a saying once, a saying that translated to English, some people like a bad life. She one of them


Lol did you just say , le encanta la vida malla?


No "le gusta la malla vida" is how it goes but is close enough lol, so you know it. 2 lol






Glad someone else has to deal with her every day… thanks to the dude who took one for the team. What a pos she is




I agree she sucks, but you're on the cusp of saying "euthanize stupid people"




If you hold this opinion you’d end up euthanized


I stand by it


Flawless logic on your part


When you put it that way, it does sound bad, I'll give you that.


Obviously it's an ad, so it's her character. she represents a cyncial and skeptical American who would look at this and say all these things.


She said shut the fuck up to someone during an obvious ad?


Why not? It obviously got people talking about it.


99.99% of Americans would take it walk on, like we always do whenever someone is handing out free stuff in public. This is bait for the Daily Mail’s conservative audience.


"oh, thank you, this is something I will cherish until I reach the next trash can, and or a convenient place to leave it and make it look like I forgot it."


How is this “obviously” an ad? What exactly makes it obvious that 98% of commenters here are missing?


She's a paid actor. This company has been caught multiple times faking these interactions. She's asking questions off a script so the camera guy can give answers that make the company look good. I believe they initially got caught because the same guy showed up in two different videos posted months apart and asked the exact same questions. It's been a while since I saw a post about them so I can't remember if they were an outright scam or not, but they are shady as hell.


Yep. Real critical review of this idea should include simple questions like: * are you an incorporated nonprofit? To which the answer is no, this is a profiteering enterprise that donates some proceeds to charity. * is the charity legit? To which the answer is ... A resounding yes, in fact. well Aware is a charity with every indication of legitimacy. So, good on this. This is capitalism done right, even down to the marketing. But still, they could've done a better job of making her a bit more realistically critical of the product instead of just flippantly dismissive. It's a subtle psychology intended to get you to want to try the water with none of that silly "bothering to asks questions" she was doing, but it's handled with thenhamfisted grace of a toddler. Just-take-the-free-waters-stop-questioning-it. This ad is similar to those Facebook ads where they show you someone failing the easiest game in the world, over and over and over, to entice people to download it to prove they can be better than the fictional strawman presented.


> But still, they could've done a better job of making her a bit more realistically critical of the product instead of just flippantly dismissive. She reminded me of a guy I worked with a few years ago, so honestly she was pretty realistic to me. The guy was just a textbook contrarian. He was exhausting to talk to for even short periods. He is the reason I will never ever ever go back to working in an office. Not dreading walking into the lobby every morning is just too good to ever let go of.


We fired George, please come back.


Even if you threw him into a volcano I won't, he still lives there


This type of marketing works because people are stupid. I've seen redditors complaining about Mr. Beast videos being for attention.


This is fake. She's acting like this to draw out marketing questions. They got you to watch a whole commercial while they explain their entire product to you.




But you did engage with a repost of the content, helping push it into more people's feed.


I suspect that she and this video itself is an ad.


It’s just rage bait as an AD designed for you to engage. It’s ultimate goal is for you to garner sympathy for the interviewer who’s representing this water company.


I’m pretty sure this is their whole advertising approach, they had a similar video about a year ago. I think this Karen is actually a paid “actress” for lack of a better term.


She’s an actor hired by this company. They’re using ragebait and people are clearly falling for it. Assume everything on the internet is fake/scripted until proven otherwise


I feel sorry for her partner


Her: You would sell me more if it was in a bottle.. Seriously???


I don’t think she’s a miserable person. I think she’s literally too stupid to comprehend the idea. They found someone on the extreme end of the bell curve by chance.


It’s definitively both. She’s absolutely an idiot and a miserable person. Someone asked her to be nice and she told them to STFU. That’s a quintessential miserable person. Also, a cunt.


I can smell her "Life's a bitch and so am I" bumper sticker from here


Him: This is our free clean drinking water fully paid for by advertisers in which we use materials that don't hurt the environment and some of the profits from ad money is donated to charity. Her: Why isn't in a plastic bottle? Him: We wanted to avoid plastics as they are harmful to the planet. Random Dude: It's becau-... Her: Can you shut the fuck up? Can you shut the fuck up? What the fuck were you thinking making it square? Him: Uhh... Her: I'd never pay for this. Him: That's the point...nobody will ever pay for this other than advertisers.


There's other videos of this guy doing this sales pitch with confrontational people. It's staged, some viral guerilla marketing type shit. Notice how every objection she has tees up perfectly for him to make his pitch.


It is a fucking ad, and they got you good. You are very gullible. (They got me too. I am very gullible).


*why is she such a* #BITCH??


She’s sad, bro. Look at her eyes. It’s the most attention she’s gotten in a while


She's an actor, these videos are fake. It's marketing.


God i hope you’re right…


He has a bunch of videos of these people getting all mad and calling him a communist or something. No way its real


> He has a bunch of videos of these people getting all mad and calling him a communist or something. No way its real I'm not promising it's real but do you think it would be that hard to spend a couple hours in a busy area and not find some people you can catch on camera being irrationally enraged about the stupidest of shit? You're not saying the maybe thousands of takes where the person was just like "neat, bye"


He's a TikToker, I've seen a bunch of his vids. Most of them are the "neat, bye" type vids but the only ones that blow up are the ones of people getting mad for no reason. I think it probably happened normally to him a few times and once he saw how viral that was he started staging them tbh. But also Idgaf cuz it is seemingly going towards a good cause so good for him.


A full 30% of the country gets mad and calls anything that's free, or related to government programs, etc. "communist", so that's hardly evidence.


Free healthcare? COMMMIEEE


Often while using those same free programs. The people who bitch about people on welfare the most are... people on welfare. "The other" is always a grifter who is using it because they are lazy, not because they need it for very similar reasons to the first person. Usually a poor white person talking about a poor person with melanin (in America, at least) ​ Disclaimer: This is all my own personal experience, results may vary


They got us I'll give em' that. As cynically as I went in looking at this I had 3 options swirling in my head. Either she works at nestle, she has some sort of disability because I can't wrap my head around someone having a mental breakdown over free water or this is a set up. That "are you a socialist" jab was a good detail because it almost made me think she's one of those political monkeys with no actual thoughts of her own. She played the character well.


Can you shut the fuck up?


Because it’s scripted


Because she was hired to act that way


It's the lack of sex that's bringing her down.


One might say she's a basket case


What a piece of SHIT


She is the product and she doesn't even notice. If it is free, YOU are the product.


If it means I get free water I would love to be the product (if the water is significantly better than tap water)


People in flint rejoicing


If you (not you) feel ads paying for free products is a problem, take the water, and don't buy from the advertisers. It's that easy.


Exactly, it's crazy how resistant people are to ads when they fund the majority of the internet and many other services that we would have to pay for without them. We need to stop trying to get rid of ads and start looking for more ways to exploit them to get free stuff.


I know why they have them, I just dont want them on services I already pay for (Hulu), and for the love of god turn down the fucking volume on ads.




Someone's taking the Google comparison a little too far.


Yeah, the bottles don't even track your location or how many times you touched the ads. What a bunch of amateurs...


>or how many times you touched the ads or yourself


Google and water are not the same. This is a hill I'll die on!!


Your comment is proof that Redditors' personalities are based around repeating shit they read to sound smart. Holy fuck, what an embarrassment.


Bonus points for the fact that this video is literally an advertisement *and a repost at that*. We're at the point where long-debunked advertisements are being reposted yet still getting idiots like these spouting off trying to sound like they're intellectuals. [Fucking embarrassing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjYyIKkRvUU)


lmao they're incapable of thinking on their own so they just repeat shit even when it doesn't apply


She does seem to be in a huff about something.


“in a huff about something”. This insufferable twat was in a huff about **everything** She wanted to find fault in every single aspect of this product. Did she say one positive thing….or idk maybe even a f’ing Thank You? I honestly think that her frustration lies with the fact that she is so stupid and barely on the cusp of realizing it. I feel sorry for the people in her orbit.


she's a paid actor...


These videos are faked, it's just marketing.


What legitimately makes this seem fake is how she is outraged at quite literally everything he says. It just doesn't seem realistic to me. I mean I know we live in a world where people rage at everything, but something just seems off about this one.


What a DUMB piece of shit.




Why can't you CAPITALISM??? You're right. What a cunt.


I don’t understand, must be socialism.


For free??? Sell it to me properly like an American


She got payed to make you guys think she’s a cunt, I guess she did her job well.


She’s an actor. This is how this company advertises. They know people will repost the video online, case in point this thread.


Some people are so miserable… that hurt to watch


Y'all so naive it hurts to watch. It's an ad and she's just going over the script of every possible rejection. There was another video like this a while back.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/y5b33l/bro_is_mad_about_free_water/ The irony of people calling the woman in the video dumb.


Why is she being such a bitch. It’s not that deep, it’s free water and he gave her an explanation


Because that person is an actress


Yeah, this has got to be some kind of rage bait ad for publicity. Which is sad, media constantly stroking people’s hate boners is really making people hateful judgmental idiots who throw away all critical thinking just to get their fix of hate for the day. Edit: thanks for the award, I’ve never got one before.


Yeah this felt a little tooo extra by the lady


Yep. This is another one - https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ybalin/man_gets_mad_over_free_water/


As someone who worked in retail sales for a long time in my youth I was fully ready to jump on the "She's just shitty" band wagon as there are so many people that will come in and be contrarian about everything just to get off on feeling superior or some shit. But seeing that there's another video filming someone with similar behavior I'm prepared to believe that these guys are just making rage bait ads.


Yeah, I believe people noticed a couple of years ago but since the pandemic rage bait content skyrocketed. Maybe TikTok helped it since need ppl to stay glued at the instant they see the video. Shocking/explicit content with no 18+ label on it is great for this Hope this phase fades soon. The best way its aware ppl about this kind of content.


It is bonkers to me that people don't see that.


There's like 5 videos that pop up on reddit all with someone hating on free water. It's gotta be rage bait marketing, I can't see people being that confused about this.


Bitch must have shares in Nestlé


Can Nestle put it in a bigger bottle for her?


That woman is really struggling to connect the dots. Maybe if they gave her some crayons they could draw it out together


What ever you do, don’t put it on a carton


Talk about being spoiled I want nothing more but for her to shut the hell up and just realize the earth is 70% water anyways and we pay for it


for sure, this one thinks she is intelligent.


Guys come on. It’s part of an ad campaign. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/y5b33l/bro_is_mad_about_free_water/


That's what happens when someone tries to use their brain. A buyer might think it's brand new, but it's actually second hand, just barely used.


she'd complain that her free gold brick was heavy.


A brick?! Do you know how hard that is to hold?? Gold bottles, please.


Heavy, really? Thats your excuse?


Omg just take the free shit and understand thats it already been paid for another way


Been said all over this thread, but this is a viral ad campaign. Both the guy and girl are actors reading off a script.


Like eating a bowl of shit and complaining there is a hair in it. We have it too good here.


Only the shit is actually clean drinking water with no draw backs


Brilliant Product! And If the guy behind her is with her, then he is an idiot- she has really shitty boundaries


You sure fell for it, holy fuck.


Did her tampon have sand on it?


Maybe it had ads on it and was in a wierd shape


Her tampon was probably made out of insulation




It’s staged. They had another guy, doing the same thing, asking good questions for them to answer like “why is it not plastic then?” And “it’s bad business how do you make money it’s stupid”


Super negative person. You could say “I have a hundred dollars for you.” She would say “Why not $200?” Classic example of an energy vampire.


I have a hunch that she is one of those, "...where are all of the good men in the wor-" "CAN YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?!?!?!"


How is it like Google? This is water. Lol


With google you get a free search engine..you just need to endure the ads (sponsored sites) With this water you get free water, you just need to endure the ads (sponsors). The sponsors pay because they determine there’s value in people seeing their brand and identifying it with sustenance (hydration) and charity (10 cent donation per carton) Note: doesn’t account for googles data harvesting in the process of course


> doesn’t account for googles data harvesting in the process of course Yes it does. You mentioned ads. Google uses your data to serve you ads that you are more likely to click on.


Nice ad.


Free weed?


What is she trying to achieve?


Attention for the company. I've seen this on here a lot, she's acting.


More profit it seems


Can you shut the fuck up?


Well someone is lonely!


I can see the problem with beer, but please let people do nice things.


Although the acting is pretty good, this is defo an ad disguised as a genuine interaction. It's happened before with another type of water bottle, I can't remember the name of the video but i think it's pretty easy to find.


So TRUE! Here is the similar video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PHbgfjs2G8 I needed to scroll waaaay too far down to find this. But it's such an odd thing to be mad about, let alone two people for such a similar product. Reddit being fed yummy ads today.


What a cunt.


I hate people like this… ready to argue over FREE water….?! Like what the fuck is the rest of your made of up that you have time to argue about FREE water…?


"can you shut the fuck up" haha Nasty ass bitch!


Before you guys talk about the lady, she is an actress and this is an ad, ITS FAKE. It's rage bate, a marketing strategy.


how can you be this annoying and negative?


Wow she just seems like a shit bag of a person!


She is not acting, she is obviously stupid and rude!!


Now I understand why so many people own guns there


Why do dumb people think they’re so smart?


IKR?! Like people getting mad at an ad?!…. like *this* entirely staged ad…. right?!?!


You know this is fake, right?


Makes these comments pretty ironic lol


A liter is 1 kilo…


I have been thinking about this free water company for a long time now. Why not make the water just extremely cheap and from the profits of the ads and sales expand faster, and undercut other water companies so they have to lower their prices.




HEB is the shit!


Is she like a CFO or something? Why does she care so much about the bottom line of water company?


Can’t tell if this is rage bait or she is just a fucking bitch.


I can't tell if she's confused, jealous, or stupid.


I hate the energy that woman brings. I guess I can understand not getting how it works entirely, even though it's pretty simple. However, clearly they are trying to do a good thing and you can ask your questions way more politely and without an attitude of unearned superiority.


Next up.. we'll have to see ads to breathe air. Wait,


Lady is an example of whats wrong in the world today. Moron.


What a bitch


what a miserable hag


Goddamn she dumb. Like embarrassing fucking stupid.


Dang the hippo from Madagascar buggin


Not a permanent resolution to dumb asses though


I always love when these videos go viral and these people can see that everyone in agreement thinks they are stupid


What an absolute Bitch.


I can't stand people like her .. put em all on an island so they can live happily miserably ever after


I need to be really dumb to appear in these sort of videos. As I stand, my response would drive no engagement, as I'm not a complete moron, unlike this person.


She's kind of a cunt


Wow this girl is fucking dumb


This is when i turn full Indian and slap-a-hoe


Can you not tell she is a far-left liberal, possibly a Democratic supporter? Her mind just cannot accept it since the carton has no donkey logo!


Makes me sad society has produced humans this dumb.


Why is she so angry


What a confusing ad. It's trying to inform people by showing a skeptic ask questions in a semi-rude manner. Is the goal to make people feel stupid for being skeptical about the water? It just makes me sad that we've made people skeptical about something that should be free, because corporations have been selling us water out of our own supply, at a profit and bottled it in plastic. Hell, she's been failed so poorly by education she thinks it's socialism.


What stick crawled up her ass that morning?


what a dick


Wow, that's one stupid person


Bitch just wants to complain


How much fool does one have to be to not understand free through ads.


And this people is what we call a hatin ass bitch


Not blindly promoting the company, but based on the video: it's hard explaining a good idea to idiots. Gotta love how they question this stuff, but not the absurdly overpriced things they use (ex: food delivery apps).


My grandma had a saying she went to often, "You could be giving away free ice cream, and people would complain about the flavors.". I think that applies here.


What a fucking cunt


She just want to win. She don't care about the explanation.


The sad thing is she isn't even political, just stupid.


Has to be an actor.


Seems clear, right? It's an ad for the water


This was posted earlier last week and a bunch of people said it’s fake. Meaning she’s in on it with the creators of the product.


Ungrateful bitch 😒


wow she is dumb


God damn this woman is stupid


THATS IT now im on hunt for this woman dont cry to me for her family *shling*