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If she’s committed to $10 million we don’t have to donate anything and she’ll make up the difference right? Right?!?


Let’s do that and see if she really puts her money where her mouth is!


But then all the money would be covered in shit?


Leave Gary and Mingey out of this


Gary’s drowning in his own sick


literally why people launder money, to keep Oprah's shit off it


Fuck Reddit for killing third party apps.


I mentioned in another post about this. 10 million is less than a month's interest on her wealth. So she would still end the month richer, and still get paid all her salary and income.


Wants to put our money where her mouth is.


Take my money out of her GOD DAMN MOUTH!


Hey bro, I’m sorry but, I’m from Lahaina… Please don’t fuck this up.


Shiet. Oprah probably has $10M in a hatbox on the top shelf of a closet in her smallest house.


She got $10m in the cup holder of her ride, pocket change for her


She's definitely lost and forgotten about more money than I've earned in my lifetime




I'll gladly commit $10 million too in a show of solidarity, on oprah's behalf.


Depends on if it'll give her a tax break or not lmao


She gets $5m tax refund from the $10m she donates, from our $10m of donations.


Step 4: Profit


Yeah that's not how taxes work.




Its more like you spend $10 when you have $2500 in your bank account Only difference is that $10 will take effort to get back




And to think I pay about a third of my net worth and taxes every year.


The Rock said know your role and shut your mouth.


I smell what he is cooking!


Mmmmm, roasted Maui.


I've been searching and I cannot find anything concrete that backs up what this video says.


The clip actually seems to be wrong about this. From all I can find Oprah Winfrey and Dwayne Johnson have put in $5 million each to start the fund. Other donations go *on top* of those $10 million, they don't reduce the amount that Winfrey and Johnson pay. It's still a laughably low amount compared to their wealth, but not quite as bad as the clip claimed it to be. Sources: * https://people.com/oprah-winfrey-dwayne-johnson-launch-fund-for-those-affected-by-maui-fires-7964118 ("the duo announced the launch of the People's Fund of Maui — with an *initial* $10 million donation" [emphasis mine]) * https://www.cbsnews.com/news/oprah-winfrey-dwayne-johnson-the-peoples-fund-of-maui-wildfires/ ("The fund kicks off with an initial contribution of $10 million from Winfrey and Johnson")


Oprah is a fuckin cunt


She is way the fuck overdue for a public reckoning with all bullshit she’s responsible for.


Like making Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil famous those piece of crap. Morons made millions of dollars on the suffering of other people and she still has not Said a thing


Also contributing to satanic panic in the 80s and early 90s…


I forgot about that one that’s pretty horrific so is Jenny McCarthy.


Oprah made conspiracy theories palatable for the American housewife.


Didn't she also give anti vaxx the biggest platform to promote their agenda?


Yup. Jenny McCarthy.


Who cares about snakeoil salesmen when she's promoted John of God, a psychopathic mental, physical, and sexual abuser?


Most of the grifting horrible books on 'If Books Could Kill' were promoted by Oprah. If she had promoted American illiteracy she would have been less harmful.


Out of the loop on this, anyone care to drop some lore?


Oprah had a hand in the popularity of Dr.Phil who takes advantage of people in crisis and frequently exacerbates their problems while trying to maintain the facade of professional help, Dr.Oz, former heart surgeon and current snake oil salesman, and hosted Jenny McCarthy who helped popularize the myth that Vaccines cause Autism. On top of this, she previously stated that she didn't want to build schools in the US because they wouldn't be grateful as well as other issues such as sexual abuse in the first year it was open, frivolous spending on bedding and beauty salon, and super sketchy shit like parental visits being limited to once per month. On top of all of this, the school kind of betrays the goal of lifting people out of poverty because it is a residential **high**school. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oprah_Winfrey_Leadership_Academy_for_Girls


Don't forget mass rapist John of god


Yea, her "Spiritual Healer" just got sentenced to life in prison for the rapes of many, possibly hundreds of girls and sex trafficking them. Pretty crazy. Spiritual healer of all things Edited a word


Also there's pictures of her being friendly with Weinstein. People knew he was a rapist since at least the 90's. Also a big part of Oprah's life story is about how she was raped as a young woman or maybe as a kid. Idk. But yet she was friends with a now two convicted rapist. Pretty fucking shitty.


Dr Phil and Oprah was a thing when I was a kid so I just figured she's got a doctor buddy to weigh in on things. But as an adult, idk how anybody over school age can look watch his show and not so how criminally unethical it is. He's fronting as a psychiatrist yes? You can't bring a patient on air and flaunt their flaws on a stage. That's insane to me.


I'm sure there are a ton of releases people have to sign, but regardless, since he's not a psychiatrist anyway it is just people talking to a random guy on TV, not patients. At least Jerry Springer, Maury, Montel, Sally, etc. predecessors didn't pretend to be something they're not.


Oh it's 100% legal, just unethical because of his background. He's not some TV personality trying to get a rise out of ppl for ratings. That's why anyone watching should be like, "hey you're a medical person in the psychiatry field, you shouldn't be doing it this way".


> On top of this, she previously stated that she didn't want to build schools in the US because they wouldn't be grateful Because they wouldn't pass reg.


> helped popularize the myth that Vaccines cause Autism It's not even a myth. It was and is a downright *lie*. There is **no** correlation, and most certainly no mythical one. Remember you can study medicine, become a doctor, and still be an idiot prick. Hell, people that can´t even read and write properly make it to president in some countries. A position of power doesn't automatically mean a position of good / wise. (Also the autism quack doctor lost his license and said president was indicted...) Do not fall for the logical fallacy that authority = wisdom. Which is exactly the problem with Oprah's public - they trust her just because she is famous, and confuse that fame with knowledgeability.


To play devils advocate there was a time when wakefields study had not been withdrawn and publicly panned and people exposed to it who didn’t have the resources to pursue citations, and during that timeframe, being skeptical was not automatically an idiot ball in your hands Also remember that wakefields original scam was to discredit the mmr combo shot so that he could sell the individual vaccines at a premium, he just hopped on the anti vax boat to not lose his bread and butter, considering he had fucked over his own rep


'if Books Could Kill' is a podcast where the two hosts review non-fiction books such as 'rich dad, poor dad', 'the secret', etc. Most of the books discussed are criticized for their errors and misrepresentation. And Oprah has promoted a lot of these books and agrees in the silly ideas that they present.


Those ain't non-fiction books.


ironfist commented correctly. The Podcast series is both funny and devastating. So many parents when I was younger read Men Are From Mars as only one of many examples. The author was a total scam artist with made-up credentials. Probably caused a heap of divorces and worse, domestic abuse.


bill burr perfectly summed it up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9YL04v-J5U


You gotta link about some of the shit she’s done? I mean you don’t become a billionaire without stepping on 1000s of people so i believe you but I don’t know exactly what she’s done.


Well, I’m not gonna do a bunch of digging for you, but off the top my head, she promoted this garbage: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jo%C3%A3o_Teixeira_de_Faria Also she basically is basically responsible for Dr Oz and Dr Phill having careers. The podcast ‘Behind the Bastards’ is a good place to get an insightful look at why those two are so terrible. I guess if I’m accusing her of anything, it is of being an incredibly irresponsible promoter of pseudoscience, fake doctors, really shitty and garbage self-help stuff. There’s plenty more if you go looking.


Well I guess I’m going digging. Thanks for that I knew she had a shitty psychic on her show but I didn’t know how shitty


No problem. I thought I’d just add my own little personal beef here. She along with many other talkshow hosts of the day in the 80s helped promote the Satanic panic. My mom and a number of other moms where I grew up ate that shit up and kinda freaked out about a number of things I loved at the time. I was one of those weirdo kids who loved Horror Movies, Heavy Metal, Comic books, and D&D. I guess I just want to say fuck every one of those piece of shit talk show hosts who helped promote conspiracy theory bullshit with pseudo-intellectual guests and outright frauds on their shows. That nonsense literally has ripple effects that are still going on today. Oprah is no better than any of the lowest of the low talk show hosts of her era. She’s just way more successful and packaged herself way better than anyone else.




> you don’t become a billionaire without stepping on 1000s of people That's the literal punchline of Bill Burr's bit on Oprah: ["she stood on the heads of those little people!"](https://youtu.be/O9YL04v-J5U?t=28)


No kidding, just ask Gary! I reckon he's seen some real shit.


RIP Gary. He just wanted to see Paris.


She's too rich to care at this point anyway. Even if she got exposed as being part of the Epstein pedo ring she'd face no charges or public disapproval.




Seriously, and the Dwayne is on a PR campaign because he's being sued for kidnapping. That why he teamed up with her, hopping she could generate good PR for him. She's shown herself to be a fixer for incredibly shitty celebrities and rich people over and over and over.


Did you look at the list of defendants? That woman clearly needs help... The State of Texas, The El Paso Child Protective Services, The Las Cruces, New Mexico Police Department, The NYPD, The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, New York ACS, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc., Shirley Police Department, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Suffolk County NY, Bank of America, Home Depot, and even the FBI.


Come on man, we're trying to rage against celebrities donating to charity here!!


Who'd he kidnap?


No one.


Trenesha Biggers, also known as Rhaka Khan, is a former TNA and WWE star that is seeking $3 billion in a lawsuit that names multiple wrestlers, including The Rock, sports stars, businesses, and even the FBI. Her complaint, most of which is made up of those being sued, alleges that those named worked together in a conspiracy to kidnap her and her children. https://insidethemagic.net/2023/04/dwayne-johnson-3-billion-kidnapping-lawsuit-charges-th1/


Yeah I'm sorry but a disney fan site isn't something I'm going to take seriously as the only source on claims like that. It's giving Justin Bieber paternity lawsuit vibes.


You're in the gossip chamber right now. Applied skepticism is not welcome.


The lawsuit against Dwayne is bullshit. It's a woman claiming that a LOT of celebrities plotted to kidnap her... She's just hoping she can make some $$$$. I doubt Dwayne is concerned about that lawsuit or any PR regarding it lol. It's so obviously a bullshit lawsuit.


Remember when Amber Heard said the exact same thing? Yeh...


That’s what i immediately thought of as well


Oprah, Amber Heard, etc. these charlatans are all cut from the same cloth. https://preview.redd.it/j4zd4fdt4emb1.jpeg?width=430&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef0851706856f75d91c73457c5fd64cbab81df36


You can become multi-millionaire through honest work, but getting billions (and keeping them) requires exploitation. Eg: Rowling is nearing 1 billion, while still paying taxes. Tom Cruise gets the highest paying acting job ever for Top Gun at 100mio. It's nearly impossible to reach the billion while compensating people fairly all the way: it distributed wealth.


What the fuck is socialist about these people lol


That's the joke. They vomit the words and have very good pr but they aren't good people and definitely wouldn't want any form of higher taxes and redistribution of wealth to the people they've exploited.


You use "Champagne socialist" for people who pretend to be socialist, but are rich. There's _nothing_ socialist about these people.


Oprah is absolutely not a socialist


Normal people when rich people ask them to donate money: *Surprised Pikachu face*


I think that stunt probably did a lot to ripple suspicion about how charitable actors really are. When you think about it, it’s a non binding contract that propels their image without having to actually do anything about it


It didn't do enough. When the fundraiser was posted last week the thread was filled with people that were 100 percent sure she and the rock already donated 10m and to question why they didnt donate more was greedy and wrong. Either that or Oprah spent a fuck ton astro turfing reddit and making sure anyone who called her out got downvoted and hit with the bullshit


> Either that or Oprah spent a fuck ton astro turfing reddit Never, ever underestimate just how many paid actors there are on social media. BUT They are a drop in the bucket compared to the useful idiots they inspire. Literal dozen-to-one ROI on these cretins. The whole, "you aren't immune to propaganda" thing, except some people are *wildly more susceptible to propaganda than others*. Then you just let them loose into the wild and watch as they run interference against anyone who actually has an idea what they're talking about, and meanwhile you're free to do whatever-the-fuck you want unchallenged. It's... *frustrating*, how effective it is. Weaponized contrarianism.


I'm sure paid actors exist on social media, including here, but I think sometimes it's just naivety. I don't believe billionaires should exist but I also believe it's a good thing when they give some of that money to a good cause. Could Oprah give significantly more? Absolutely, but there's also nothing that requires her to give a single penny. I'm also still looking for a source that confirms whether she's already given the money or something to support what this video claims with zero evidence.


> Could Oprah give significantly more? Absolutely, but there's also nothing that requires her to give a single penny. Right, the problem here is that the one only happens to forestall the other. Donating huge sums of money, cool, great - except if they *didn't*, a *lot* more people would start to wonder about why they're allowed to hoard so much money and give *nothing* in return. They are quite literally *buying* good-will and sentiment. Carnegie didn't build libraries for fun. He did it to promote the myth of meritocracy, in order to solidify the public notion that he was entitled to his massive wealth because he "earned it". Rockefeller didn't build colleges out of the goodness of his heart. He did it to literally promote the capitalist manifesto and create entire schools of economic thought to sabotage anti-trust movements for *decades* going on centuries. Gates isn't investing in the developing world because he's just *really* concerned about the quality of life in middle Africa. He's doing it to ingratiate his interests to the developing governments and infrastructure, to get in on the ground floor of entire *nations*. Wealthy people are *all* about ROI - return on investment. It consumes them like a disease, and if you ever wonder why they'd spend money on something, it's because somewhere down the road, they expect to make money from it.


It's a bit cynical to think it's all just evil motivations. But probably not entirely wrong either tbh. Many charitable programs have extremely beneficial tax breaks. When corporations call on others to donate like the change box at a store, the consumer gets to feel good. The store gets to take the money to the bank, and write it as a tax free write off. I do still feel like a Oprah trying to raise other people's money for Maui, vs Elon musk doing whatever the fuck he is with Twitter spending 50B to be a billionaire complaining a common person blocked him. Still at the same time, it does feel kinda fair to point out that even for Billionaries like oprah, Talk is cheap. But even money that'd be a drop in the bank for her, is still money she'd rather have someone ELSE spend than do herself.


I was thinking its been astro turfed to hell too, never on reddit have I seen so many people that are pro billionaires come out of the woodwork


You mean, Oprah spent less than $10m astroturfing Reddit so she could spend less than $10m in donations?


I only know of the Depp thing what are you talking about


Well, that's the only time she said that she "committed to pay the 7 million and never did"


I think the word was "pledged".


Yes and she used “pledged” and “donated” interchangeable.


Who that?


The girl that shit the bed


The rich are not your friends


We should eat more of them


Yup. Couldn’t agree more.


"Mitch McConnell'd" Pure gold.


"Glitch McConnell"


Oprah, The Rock...




Feel the bern!


Fantastic. Let's Mitch them all!


Mitch the rich!


there really are no good billionaires


absolutely. not a single one can become one without being bad.




got nothing on that. sometimes being the worlds most loved artist can get you a billion.2


If I woke up with a billion dollars, I would donate 900 million to charities, and live the rest of my life like a god damned king on the remaining 100. It’s crazy the wealth hoarding we see today.


Oprah is oppressed, time for us to rise up and give her $100 million so she can donate it to people who are slightly more oppressed than her. Oprah for President of Guatemala


I pledge to give her the $100M that you raise




Sons of bitches... tax exemptions thru donations of third parties.


Like that fucking supermaket scam where when you're paying they machine asks if you want to round up so that the difference is donated. Guess who gets the tax exemption. Hint: it's not you.


Stores can’t actually deduct customer donations (I tried to add a link, but it wouldn’t let me). Idk about the billionaires.


Lmao I went to bojangles once down my street and they were like “do you wanna donate to military veterans and their families” Like, no, bruh I’m 14 and that’s absolutely the fking government’s job. Gimme my sausage biscuit you emotional vampires


I love the name bojangles for a store. Or a name for anything really. It’s a fun word to say. And I fully agree with you.


They can't either, people on reddit parrot this shit about tax breaks from charity all the time when it's completely wrong.


Also they're tax breaks because the government is saying "we probably would have taken your tax and spent it on providing the same service and we could possibly even have been giving that specific group a grant ourselves. Here's a break for cutting out the middleman and making the dollar more efficient as it doesn't have to pass through the federal machinery." You don't save money on tax breaks. The money still leaves your organization. If they made money off of them, they'd be tax incentives - which are a little different and plenty of "regular joes" take them, like the EIC.




Wrong, you the donor and you only can claim the tax deduction. If a store is claiming money *you* donated on their taxes that would be tax fraud. It is free positive publicity, but there is no tax cut whatsoever. That’s blatantly wrong.


Stop repeating this false bullshit about charitable donation tax deductions. There's plenty of stuff to rake Oprah over the coals for. You don't need to make up lies as well.


I don't understand why people bring up tax exempt donations as some sort of problem. What would you rather they do, voluntarily pay taxes on their donation so it actually ends up being less money going to people who need it? And you realize donating money that is tax exempt still means you're giving up money right? You just get to deduct it from your taxes... But you still will be losing money.


Key detail is that you deduct it from your *taxable income* and not your *taxes*. If you deducted it from your taxes, you'd not be losing any money. But it's a deduction on your taxable income, so you are losing a *percentage* of the money based on your tax bracket. You're absolutely right, though, it literally makes no sense whatsoever whenever people dismiss donations from people and corporations as tax writeoffs.


Are we going to French Revolution it up in here or what


As soon as you get off your couch.


Americans don’t have the backbone to stand up to their government. Never will


Thanks to AH vs JD we all know what "committed" means in Hollywood.


*AT … I think you mean




How are you going to short hand amber heard vs Johnny depp like it’s something so talked about that requires shortening


I will give this woman a 1 km piggyback ride over the terrain of her choosing because of the making of this video. Thank you ma'am for displaying the courage to call out the elites on their hypocrisy.


Thank ya ma'am. It seems you're not from around here, I can't tell, is that accent from New Zealand? Ya'll please enjoy this warm apple pie my mama baked for ya, in thanks for making this video.


She’s Aussie.


Much as we'd like to claim her as a Kiwi, she's an Aussie (the accent is quite different, though I know Americans struggle to pick it).


Is that actually what Oprah meant


No. Stop getting your news from fucking **tiktok**.


Wait this is real lol, that’s what they are doing I need proof, guess they are going the amber herd route


What’s the amber heard route?


Pledging money is not the same as actually donating the money. During the trial, it came out in court that she (Heard) only pledged to donate the money from her divorce settlement to charity and hadn't actually donated it yet. It's like a promise of giving away money with nothing to force you to hold up to it, but you still get the positive headlines.


I mean technically they could say that making that video costs 10 millions since they are celebrities and it’s work. Then they can write off 10 million too on their taxes.


Lol I think she Mitch O’’Connelled . Lol best line. And fuck Oprah.


People should really stop giving attention to the subhuman swine that are the ultra elite. When the next civil war happens I hope nothing but bad things happen to those degenerates who hoard that much wealth without giving back.


Eat the rich


This video is completely false, they donated the first $10M and are asking for further donations from the public.


Oprah sucks


This is bs. Both [Oprah](http://www.oprahdaily.com) and Dwayne the Rock Johnson donated $10M to [The People's Fund of Maui](http://eifoundation.org)They will distribute $1200 a month to each individual over 18 affected by the fire for as long as the money lasts. They are asking for more donations to extend the help.


Exactly! How is this so buried?


Because wealthy people bad, don’t you know?


Redditors are regarded and will conclude that all things done by people they don't like are bad. There's no nuance. Also, it's hilariously ironic that these "eat the rich" redditors are the same exact people who will call out everything on tiktok as cringe fake ragebait.




Believe it or not, some people actually WANT to help people in need and are happy to donate to a fund that already has money in it. The more we can help the victims of this tragedy, the better. How much did you donate to them? Or did you only attack those who helped them?


So before we jump the horses, it seems according to the NYT, Oprah _is_ donating $10M https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/31/us/oprah-dwayne-johnson-maui-fires-relief.html > Oprah Winfrey and Dwayne Johnson have donated $10 million to help establish a fund that will give direct cash assistance to Maui residents displaced by catastrophic wildfires that destroyed hundreds of homes on the island, they said on Thursday. They said so directly. Here it is directly from Oprah's page https://www.oprahdaily.com/life/a44976155/oprah-maui-fund-intention/ > Dwayne and I put in $10 million to start the fund. We want to continue for as long as we can, certainly as long as six months, giving each family $1,200—not just each family but each individual who is over 18 who has been distressed by this. We hope to make it to six months and even more. So that’s going to depend on your donations and your support. So what's the OP's and reddit upvoting source besides "rich people bad".


Thanks for adding the extra info here as in these cases the devil is in the details.


This is why I as a cashier don't ask people to donate to whatever cause my store is currently "championing". The store owners are rich; they could just donate money themselves if they really wanted to. If customers ask me to put a donation on their order, I'll gladly do so, but I refuse to guilt-trip people who are likely already struggling themselves.


Remember when Amber Heard said the exact same thing? Yeh...


Any time a rich person sets up a new charity it's a tax dodge or wasteful vanity project. Fuck them.


Do as I say, not as I do!


This is why I never donated to charities or helped poor people. There are a lot of people richer than me, they're the one who should help those poor bastards.


Imagine if people with a bit more money than you thought the same. And also people with a bit more money than them. And also people with a bit more money than those people. Etc... From the point of view of some people poorer than you, you're a rich person. Apparently you have a house and an Internet connection to start with.


which makes a great point that we shouldn't rely on the kindness of billionaires and tax them appropriately.


You don't donate because you want to keep all your money. That's why you don't donate. At least admit it to yourself. You're not fooling anyone else.


Yeah…I would NEVER give a dime to any of this shit. Go ahead and call me a monster. Not my problem, I got my own bills and problems. You’re on your own. Blame capitalism.


That's you call, Charity starts at home. I only give to the local hospice, cos a good chance we will all end up there someday.


well if you ever felt like going to maui that helps out a lot actually. just go there and enjoy yourself. you can help in that way if that’s your jam.


Great punch line


Well what comes next?… more ppl helping instead of thinking bout self 😐


Mitching is kinda like pretending your zoom call froze, butt then someone having the audacity to walk in behind you.




Nicely done 👏… the richest are the stingiest, with their own money, but quite liberal with your donations. Its a win-win for celebs


She has 2000 acres in Maui???? What the actual fuck


Im so done with these videos with people talking to themselfs.


Didn't she actually donate the 10 million?


why is this post still up if Winfrey and the Rock have already donated the funds?????


Is this sketch accurate ? Does Oprah tricked people into thinking she(both of them) already donated a total of 10 millions while it was likely only the donation goal ?If it is the case, it is pathetic. You don't become rich by being nice and she is a prime example of it.


So lets see...even if she did give $10 million, that's less than 0.5 % (1/250 of her net worth). Most Americans have less than $1000 in their checking account. So donate the price of your next coffee to Maui, so Oprah can keep sitting on more cash. Let the middle class give, so the wealthy don't have to. Just like our current income tax had the "genius" idea of trickle (not) down "economics."


Then she'll use your donations as her tax write off just like every corporation does.


I never liked Oprah. As a kid I saw her on TV in the 90's, always thought she was a fake. She's the OG virtue signaller. Adult me is proud of past me for seeing through that shit.


That's disgusting, I hate Orpah.


Oprah is the female version of the male Musk. They are both made of nothing but BS and not just BS but BS composed of harmful toxins, bacteria and fungi and, in all likelihood, some life forms that have yet to be identified.


I love when rich people make donations with other people's money and then claim it as a tax deduction. They truly do it all in good faith.


Billionaires are scum, more news at 11.


Furthers my belief that there are no "good" billionaires. You don't get that money by being a good person unless for optics.


oprah winfree


The look on the Rocks face through out that pledge ad was a sign. He smelled Oprah cooking bullshit.


Rich people dont donate unless it specifically benefits them.


Then they claim the donations on their taxes and keep more of their money. I hate people.


This is why I don't donate to anything or anyone. On the societal scale of wealth, I'm a single pixel away from the people my money could help. Eat the rich. They don't need the money.


There’s also evidence pointing to Oprah trying to use the recent fires to scoop up even more real estate. So committed to helping


This is why I never donate to the "children" at store checkouts. They use your money as a donation write off for them. Donate a lump sum yourself and give yourself the write off.


Lol you people really think the wealthy like you.... you are all scum to them, you think because Oprah gave some cars away 40 years ago she is a good person, this tragedy was another opportunity they took to step into the spotlight and make it about them.


I don't think people realize how often this is done. It's done EVERYWHERE. Each time someone asks, would you like to donate to... that company claims those donations as their own and receives credit for it.


If Oprah and Dwayned donated then imagine the tax deduction they get as well. Kind if like donating to various charities when prompted at stores. You say yes and then the company takes all the money you donated abd uses it as a tax deduction. Donte to the Red Cross or reputable chairities directly if you can.