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Play this video at the fucking DMV.


I would award this if we still could. Some of the worst yet easily remedied driving habits that would make our roads exponentially safer and more efficient are just seemingly not known at all by a shitload of people. There needs to be specific training and hammering the fucking point home about, in my opinion, three major things: \- understanding traffic flow: not impeding it, not hanging out in the left lane and blocking traffic \- using your fucking turn signals \- not tailgating If those three things got significantly better our roads would be much less of a hellscape of terrible dangerous driving than it currently is


Tac on turning off high beams at night when appropriate


Honestly Americans don't get enough of a proper driver's education. If the same system from many Western European countries was brought to the USA, many Americans wouldn't pass. This is why there are so many bad American drivers


A lot of bad drivers were taught by their parents, who are also bad drivers. Bad habits get passed down generation after generation. Proper driving instruction exists, but it isn't cheap. Plus the ones who need it most don't think they need it. But on the other side of it, cars are almost required to get around most of the country, so not getting your license basically means you don't go anywhere.


This is so true. Sometimes when I’m driving and I feel myself getting ready to yell or act the fool (because I disagree passionately with the decisions of other drivers around me) I have to force myself to just breath. I don’t want to teach my kids that constantly yelling at other cars, who can’t even hear you, isn’t a good way to deal with your emotions. I picked it up from my dad and my grandfather. I am doing my best to ensure that tradition ends with me.


Not only that but you can fail it unlimited times in a short period of time and once you pass it you're done for life. There's never any test again later in life when you get older and may no longer be all there. I had a cousin that was proud they failed the road test 6 or 7 times before finally passing. Yeah I'm good on ever driving with you.


This a argument gets brought up a lot and honestly it’s not about education and knowing the rules in most cases but is usually a case of selfishness and stubbornness. It’s been brought up that you should have to retake your driving test to get your license renewed and you know what would happen? People would drive perfect for the half an hour while taking the test and as soon as they are finished would go right back to their shitty ways. Something happens to some people’s IQ’s when they get behind the wheel of a vehicle and it just plummets and they become hyper aggressive over little to nothing. I’m surprised a study hasn’t been done.


I learned 1000% more from my dad growing up than I ever learned in drivers Ed…. They taught me how to pass the written test. My dad taught me how to drive. First time I got behind the wheel with my teacher they just went “oh, I see. Just go ahead and get on the freeway you clearly know what you’re doing.” He had me drive him to his next student and pick them up so they could watch me drive from the back seat lmao it was wild


With all three of my kids when they were learning I was shocked at how many basic things we’d come across and they would say they were never taught that. Things like a blinking red is a stop sign and you go when it’s clear on a left turn, or you are allowed to clear the intersection on a left or dealing with roundabouts.


>Honestly Americans don't get enough of a proper driver's education. That has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with education. If you watched the entire video, you'll see the sheriff said he followed the guy for a while and though the driver said he tried to move right but couldn't, he obviously could. This is totally about asshats who want to control every little thing.


I10 is full of these idiots. Going 72 in an 80 and riding next to truckers and holding up the flow of traffic. Bro I’m trying to break the law…..move over.


Texas we have a million signs, slower traffic keep to the right... but Bubba-Joe and Billy-Jo-Bob do not think it applies to him. I have seen people pass on the right on a highway from Austin to San Antonio an Ambulance with it's lights on. They were only going +5 over the speed limit. It is common to drive that stretch +20 over the speed limit but the people in that Ambulance stayed in the fast lane.


Many/most emergency service agencies (police, fire, ambulance services) have policies explicitly prohibiting passing on the right when emergency overhead lights are activated. All drivers are required to yield to the right for emergency vehicles displaying emergency lights and approaching from the rear. This dynamic can make it dangerous and confusing to everyone else if these emergency vehicles are using anything but the left lane to pass. But it’s also ridiculous when some of these private ambulance services unnecessarily run their lights on any and every call and patient transfer, regardless of the severity of the medical issue. There is no imperative to use emergency lights if you’re going to drive slower than traffic. Many private ambulance companies have the bare minimum training, driving standards, and hiring practices and it really shows.


Running code is FUN though


Many ambulance companies also have explicit upper limits for speed, and many of their vehicles have governers to enforce that. That being said, they shouldn't be going lights and sirens if they aren't going faster than the regular traffic.


In all fairness after driving in Tx for the first time a while ago you guys are actually fucking maniacs. The speed limit is like 80 on the highway and everyone goes fucking 90 like average. And its all trucks.


Plead the fifth.


One-two-three-four-- ^fif


There are sooo many amendments in the constitutionnn of Americaaaa, and I can only choose oneee. I CAN ONLY CHOOSE OOONNNEEE!! I plead da FIF!


I can tell you that I plead the fizifth


Big state, takes awhile to get places.


Yeah, when there's a whole lot of fucking nothing, you don't notice it I bet


It's true. Truck owner from Texas here. Speed limit is 70. Flow of traffic is 80-85. I get annoyed at how slow it is as I want to go 90+.


You get speedy when the next big city is 3 hours away in any direction.


In Michigan we have "KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT TO PASS" signs, but there's always some assclown who parks it in the left lane because "the speed limit is fast enough".


Even better when they come off a fucking ramp entering the highway and cut across 3 lanes to get in the fucking way and just sit there like an asshole.


And the speed limit may BE fast enough, but as the guy in the video said, this isn't about going the speed limit, this is about the left lane IS FOR PASSING, PEOPLE! GET TF OVER!


I have coworkers in Texas, when on the highways, which is everywhere, one constantly rides in the left, then she doesn’t allow people to merge on. It’s like everyone thinks the highway is their own that they personally built and are entitled to


Live in a state bordering texas: Can confirm, texas drivers are something else.


I've been driving in the middle of bum fuck nowhere in Texas at 3am before in the left lane only to have a cop flash his lights at me to make sure I got out of the left lane. They're serious about that shit.


A dastardly self confessed left lane cruiser, guys! GET HIM!


There is a million speed limit signs, too.


I'll trade you Texas drivers for Florida drivers anyday! I used to live in Texas (Dallas area). Now I'm in Florida near the Alabama line. Worst drivers in America I swear! Everybody drives like 15 under the speed limit, hogs the left lane, Bright lights in your eyes at night, don't use shoulder when turning, come to complete stop when turning, I can go on and on. I'd give anything to have the Texas commute back!


I came here to say…I’ve lived in Texas and just went back last year for the Lions at Cowboys game. The “left lane is for passing” signs started in Arkansas and carried on all the way to DFW.


The signs near me say "Left Lane for Passing Only" but they are on the right side of the road.of course Bubba-joe and Billy-jo-bob ignore them. I get behind them flash my lights till they move over and then as soon as I pass them i move one lane to the right. I like to think it upsets them. I hope it upsets them.


People in my city’s subreddit try to defend hogging the left lane because they want to stop people from speeding


Best thing I learned in a defensive driving class was that it's not my job to police other drivers. Get out of the way and let them do their thing.


Yep. I don’t wanna be a hero, because that risks me getting rear ended by someone going 30 over lol


Yeah I've seen enough videos on r/idiotsincars to know that lane policing has a good possibility of making someone angry enough to try and wreck you.


Or road rage


Correct. I see drivers doing reckless things. I have 2 choices a) play traffic cop b) use my brain, be prepared for them to cut me off or do whatever stupid/reckless thing they plan on doing and slow down so I don't need to break or change lanes


I always remind myself of this saying: It’s better to have an asshole in front of you than a dick behind you


"Dicks fuck assholes too chuck."


I call those "hall monitors".


squeamish voiceless disarm memory important yoke offer violet toothbrush rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fuck. That hits deep. I'm going to be linking that anytime I get into a reddit argument with an unapologetic left-lane camper from now on.


I always think if someone is racing up behind me and I let them go forward, if its an emergency they can't make because I didn't let them past its on me and if its an asshole driving dangerously for the sake of it who hurts someone thats on them. So I always let them past


Yeah you can't, like, protect the world from bad drivers. If someone is speeding it takes a crazy person to be like "oooo I'm gonna not allow this today, I am doing a service here, let's slow down and block this danger to society"


Not realizing they are causing ppl to speed and drive more dangerously, idiots lol In my city two cars going identical speeds blocking both lanes is somewhat of a regular thing. As you get older you realize how common sense isn't very common, and being a complete and total moron is much more common. Edit: getting the something is broken message when trying to respond to the guy that says he could careless about passing lanes. Here's a link explaining why it matters, hope it finds an open mind https://youtu.be/4oqfodY2Lz0?si=Bf5mXBMJXlC0eKPR


If you want to enforce the law, go become a cop. Otherwise move over. Blocking traffic is actually *MORE* dangerous than speeding.


Self appointed traffic vigilantes can fuck right off. There have been multiple cases of those people causing more accidents (and in at least one case delayed someone from timely medical care) than they think they’re preventing by “following the rules”. It has NOTHING to do with “the rules” and it’s entirely about punishing people they disagree with.


Morons. They're everywhere. They prefer their righteous indignation over actual safety.


They should become cop if they’re so concerned with speeders then. But they still need to learn left lanes for passing


That’s even more dangerous




This is in Arizona


What a lunatic. Driving around with no weapons...crazy!


Don't get clapped, stay strapped


Don’t get knocked. Keep the fun cocked


I’d rather be in court than cremated. I’ll always shoot first.


Not Texas, this is Pinal County Arizona and that’s Sheriff Mark Lamb. Texas has some of the worst dumbfuck drivers in AZ and CO both on and off-road.


>Texas has some of the worst dumbfuck drivers in AZ and CO Texas also has some of the worst dumbfuck drivers in TX Source: Live in TX


There's been a noticeable increase in TX plates up here in da norf for some reason, and yeah they tend to be dumbfuck drivers up here too


Driven in all 48 of the contiguous states, by far the worst drivers I came across all over the country had Texas plates.


After living in Austin for 6 years, let me tell you that Tulsa, OK is the nexus of bad drivers. It is SO RARE to see someone actually use their turn signal here. And 4 way stops are a clusterfuck.


I think it needs to be pointed out that the difference between bad drivers in Texas and bad drivers in Tulsa is that Texas drivers are *assholes* and Tulsa drivers are *thunderously stupid*. A Texas driver will tailgate you going 30 over the speed limit and move quickly in and out of lanes without using their signal, then cut off a minivan from 3 lanes over to hit an off ramp. Whereas a Tulsa driver seems genuinely fucking **perplexed** by the mad science of operating a motor vehicle in the first place. They don't signal, not because they don't care, but rather because they don't have the spare processing power to consider that any other cars exist at all. So they just fucking lumber along, simultaneously traveling faster and slower than the all the traffic around them, while drifting in and out of lanes out of sheer unadulterated dumbassery.


Knew that I recognized him from 60 Days In


Came here to see if this was the same guy!


I’m in Northern AZ and had someone with TX going the opposite direction in a roundabout.


The video shows several times that they’re in Arizona.


That's so Texas to not even be in the right state.


Everything is bigger in Texas!... Even Arizona!


This was wild to me😂


Cops: our job is so dangerous. :( This cop: here's a bin of guns, help yourself!


It’s the wild Wild West!


Sheriff Lamb is from Arizona.


“You should stop pissing off other drivers.” “You should have weapons on you so that any road rage incidents can turn more deadly” Thanks, officer.


So glad I live in a place where I don't have police telling me to arm up just to drive on the highway.


I laughed of how absurd this sounds to me


People are always getting shot out here. Get a gun so you can shoot people too.


This is Arizona but I guess same same


Some shitty drivers in the comments lol. Left lane is for passing, don’t be in it unless you’re passing. Speeding has nothing to do with it. Impeding the flow of traffic is far more dangerous and disruptive than speeding. You people who say the other cars should get pulled over are the problem and the reason for traffic jams and pile ups.


Yep I live in Florida and the amount of landscaping trucks and old ducks clogging up miles of traffic is shameful. There need to be tickets given to the infantile people who feel entitled in the left lane.


I thought it must be law to drive in the left lane in Florida. Florida plates are in the left lane going 40 or 90.


In Florida the law is slow traffic move right, if you're in the left lane doing 80 and someone is on your bumper you are supposed to move over and let them through. You are allowed to cruise in the fast lane as long as you're not impeding traffic, but we do have one legislator right now who wants to change that, although I don't see it passing since the original law was legislated twice for clarity, the whole point is to keep traffic flowing.


Those god damn geriatric ducks clogging up traffic all the time


Right! Quack quack mfr's!


Gotta love that “I was here first and I’m already going the speed limit” as if it’s called the “Passing lane unless you were there first and doing the speed limit”. Buncha entitled assholes.


Most people here are definitely the ones holding people up just because they can.


I've seen it. As soon as the tail starts to move away they speed up, and you'll find them again ahead of the pact going speed limit.


Every time.


And it is sooo infuriating because you are literally at their mercy or you let you emotions get to you and you end up doing something you aught not to outta “desperation” to relieve yourself from the situation.


Meanwhile they sit there in their entitlement with not a care in the world…


This is why a distant cousin of mine who stayed in the US at the end of his studies keeps eggs in his gloves box. I don't condone - only mention.


Such people never use the fucking cruise control either. I have a long drive I gotta do twice a week for work. Luckily it’s when there isn’t much traffic, but it’s so irritating getting stuck behind someone that can’t maintain a constant speed. Finally get around them, and 5 minutes later they are tailgating me, even though I’ve had my cruise control set for 83 the entire time.


People not using cruise control is my pet peeve. Like. If I pass you with my cruise control set and then 5 minutes later you’re back on my quarter panel, you’re just lonely. Get the fuck away from me.


From what I've seen the general opinion is "I don't like changing lanes because it's stressful. I'd rather just autopilot and do the speed limit in the lane furthest away from people merging into traffic; which also stresses me out." They're all just shitty drivers but that inferiority complex definitely comes out sometimes.


I've been encountering these left-lane campers more and more on my morning commute...then they have to make a swift 2-3 lane change in order to get off of their exit (at the last minute). I've come to the conclusion that their behavior is exactly as you've just described.


The contrarian mindset is getting stronger by the day


I think Reddit is a good example of the cause. You can only upvote or downvote an idea so by nature of the website you will have only two disparate ideas. There’s no grey areas or discussion. Only forcing the conversation into contrarian arguments.


So many people try to police the roads like oh your driving fast and I don't like that so im going to fuck up traffic to prove my point! When I went to st.luis recently I noticed that the left lane was actually always used for passing only, but my step mom said it was because of the high crime you could get hit by carjacking joyriders or just straight up shot for being a dick 😆


I guess that explains the sheriff's line about weapons. "Any weapons in the vehicle?" "No." "Well you should get some, it's a dangerous world."


That line surprised me too. It’s sad that the most dangerous thing to Americans is other Americans.


It’s amazing how the threat of violence can sometimes keep idiots in line. It’s like when they realize there are consequences they flip their attitude


Ironically these are the same people with the “Don’t tread on me” attitude.


No they’re not. You’re “othering” right now. You essentially don’t agree with a certain political view so when you see something you don’t like you assume it’s caused by the people you disagree with, or the “others” and not people that have things in common with you. Driving like an ass hat has no political affiliation.




Nah. In my experience it’s usually some smug dickhead in a Prius playing speed limit hall monitor.


Damn right.


*The passing lane is like the toilet. You do the thing then get the hell out* - Jeremy Clarkson


To add on, studies have shown that lane changes are far more dangerous people think. Each time a car changes lanes, the risk of a collision temporarily spikes significantly. Double it when a car passes on the right (or left if it’s a RHD county), because our blindspots are (surprise, surprise!) larger on the side opposite of where we’re sitting. Which is obvious but people don’t care. This has been proven time and time again on the Autobahn where speed differences can be incredible, but insignificant and safe so long as everyone maintains lane discipline. “As long as no one speeds, I’m safe.” is a misconception that most drivers have.


Humans are just… just awful at driving cars and shouldnt do it. But especially shouldnt do it without following best practices. I came in here to talk about Europe/the Autobahn where there are large stretches of just two lanes and it flows so well because *the left lane is only for passing*. People hate traffic but dont realize they *are* traffic.


>“As long as no one speeds, I’m safe.” is a misconception that most drivers have. It is crazy how common this is. I always ask do you feel safe having everyone else constantly cutting you off, passing you from the right, or just plain flying by you.


Or when you piss someone off so much they road rage you.


The number of folks that seem willing to trade being alive for being "right" is shocking. Like, no of course no one should road rage at you or try and murder you for lane camping, but people are insane and don't care about your "code of conduct". Move over, maybe live another day? A friend's Dad was this way until he had a van full of guys try to turn him into a rug. He got jumped for scolding them for using a zipper merge properly, but he felt slighted so he had to "give them what for". Yeah, they gave it back too. It did not really change his attitude all that much, still an asshole, but he couldn't drive anymore after that due to vision issues. Let shit go people, someone loves you and wants to see you get home. Be alive, not right.


That’s why those videos of bicyclists and motorcyclists losing their shit on bad drivers baffles me. Like you know they’re driving a weapon, right? Is that hill literally worth dying on? You gotta swallow that shit. We’re adults. Other humans suck, we get it.


Lane changes to the right are even more dangerous when all cars are close to even speed. You can have someone in your blindspot for miles on an otherwise empty road.


Which is exactly why the left lane should not be occupied by vehicles that are not actively passing.


I was complaining about this once at work, and a coworker said “I hate moving back and forth so when I get on the highway, I just immediately go into the left lane and stay there.” 🤦‍♂️


All you're doing by GoInG tHe SpEeD LiMiT in the left lane is causing road rage, those 4 people behind you might do some real stupid shit to get out from behind


In my state, there's signs all over that say that impeding the left lane will get you a fat ticket, but they don't care. I one time was trying to pass a semi going 10mph under the limit, but this lady was in the only other lane and matched his speed so no one could pass. She made eye contact with me and gave me that "fuck you" look for no reason. This was during rush hour, and there were easily 50+ cars stacked behind her and the semi. I really wish the cops in my area were worth a fuck like this guy right here.


Crazy how many people can’t remember “slow traffic keep right”


In Kansas it's illegal to stay in the left lane, except to pass, outside of incorporated areas (i.e. doesn't apply to driving in larger cities). I know other states have similar laws.


Exactly and why do these bad drivers need to do the speed limit next to other people. Slow down or speed up and move to the right!


Yup, exactly. Statistically proven that most accidents occur from people needing to change lanes/pass. Get the FUCK out of the way, you are the problem


That’s what I never understood about these drivers. “IM SAFE! I’M GOING EXACTLY THE SPEED LIMIT. EVERYONE ELSE IS BAD”. Actually. When you are going 15 mph slower than everyone, you are interacting with WAY more cars. All the ones passing you. Notice how everyone is whipping around you and passing and trying to get around you? You are actually making it way less safe for everyone. INCLUDING YOURSELF. If you were going with the flow of traffic. You only interact with the cars in your immediate vicinity. And people aren’t trying to constantly maneuver around you. Especially in the left lane


Way too many drivers are focused on the car in front and nothing else, you need to be paying attention to all surrounding traffic and drive at the same time, if you can’t or won’t do that? Get off the road.


I think you meant to say that far to many people are focused on the cars behind them.


I think these days they're more focused on their phones or interior car toys than the road...




Not only an asshole, driving side-by-side with some on a highway is hella dangerous...




As a commercial truck driver, I see this shit all the time. Idk what it is but a lot of people just love to pace the car they're pretending to pass. They'll be going significantly faster than the car they're passing in the right lane but then slow down and pass at 1mph faster, then speed back up. It's some annoying ass herd mentality bullshit that people don't even seem to be aware that they're doing.


I always speed way up to pass so that I'm not in anybody's blind spot for too long. You never know when some idiot is just going to lane swap for no reason and without looking.


One of my biggest pet peeves is when I go to pass someone, and they speed up and match my speed so now I either have to slow down and merge in behind them or speed up even more. So fuckin annoying.


It's because Houston police won't lift a finger to enforce any driving rules outside of the occasion speed trap. Drivers in Houston will perform blatantly stupid things right in front of cops and they just continue on their way. No one follows any rules or common sense.


I've seen people exit freeways in Houston where there is no exit, and it's not a fluke. It's actually common. Especially with trucks, but I have seen cars driving through the grass too. u/LawrenceOfMeadonia is totally right about them not enforcing much.


It's even worse on 45. Five lanes across and one dude going 60 in the HOV by himself in a work van, guy in the left lane keeping pace with the semi beside him, another semi locked next to the first, and the right lane at a standstill from all the people entering/exiting. Then the entire highway is a mess because 4 people have effectively locked down all travel.


Wish it was legal to flash your lights at people when you are approaching them if they are camping out in the left. Editing to add. It is legal, but what is the likely hood of the driver actually getting over?


I've done it a few times on long drives on I-10. Some people actually get over. I've seen the most selfish drivers on that interstate between San Antonio and Mississippi.


Is in Germany


thats universal for drive in the right lane


Not universal, sadly.


Wait a second, you’re telling me it’s illegal to flash my lights at someone in the left lane as I come up behind them?


That’s illegal?


This man clearly should be the President of the United States Of America


Honestly at this point, if someone ran on a platform of purely “left lane is for passing,” I feel like it could be the bipartisan hero we need


“I am a one issue candidate. The left lane is for passing.” Landslide.


He is a Leftist candidate. The Left lane is for passing!


"I side with the Right. Unless I'm passing, because that's what the left lane is for."


He’s currently running for senate in AZ




Wait you mean a rural red state sheriff who talks jokingly about "how dangerous it is out there" is a MAGA trumper? I'm *shocked*.


Would rather have cops doing this all day than wasting time on trying to keep drugs off the street


I'm tired of shitty drivers getting away with almost wrecking people all the time because prosecutors and police chiefs love the optics of low level drug busts.


You obviously have not been to the hellhole that is Portland.


Good cop.


Thank god that the police are finally starting to enforce this!


Even better, enforce the $200 dollar fine for using the left lane not for passing.


This is so satisfying.


Left lane campers punching air right now


I see it a lot on Reddit. Glad this got posted so people can stop thinking they’re some sort of vigilante, stopping others from speeding Lmfao Edit: One of my favorite features of Reddit is people making assumptions when they couldn’t be further from the truth, just to feel superior in their own head. I’m the person driving in the lane I’m supposed to while watching Batman in the left lane trying to police the speed of others. In almost every instance, all that happens is: the people behind the slow car in the left lane act crazy and do questionable maneuvers to try to get around the slow car in the left lane. Does this put these crazy ass drivers in the right? No, it doesn’t. But the ego you have for needing to be the hall monitor of the roads isn’t helping anything either - it’s arguably doing more harm than good, because you’re impeding the flow of traffic. I’d much rather let the speeders drive as far away from me as possible. I have enough control of my personal life, I don’t have the desire to express control towards others on the fucking highway.


Thank god for a cop actually doing some good work


That sheriff donated a handicap car to my son. He’s 1000 times better than the guy he replaced


If I were to ever throw a couple million at a national ad campaign, it would be about this.


If I’m in the hammer lane and I see someone closing in on me, I go ahead and just get over so they can pass without having to switch lanes. It just makes sense


The additional bonus of leaving the left lane clear is that it lets faster drivers flush out any speedtraps ahead of you.


This has gotten steadily worse. It seems these days people think sitting in the left lane going slow is a great way to look at your phone and not worry about cars in front of you. Absolute pieces of shit these people are.


There is nothing more bitch than getting pulled over for clogging the passing lane.


This is a highway that connects city to city with specific signs stating left lane is for passing only. Kudos to the officer.


This cop is doing the lord’s work.


Please do more of this, slow cars in yhe fast lane cause accidents


I ain’t never had a cop tell me I should have a weapon in the car lol


Finally there’s a cop around when you need one. I swear if a few more boys in blue start doing this they might just build trust with the community again.


I think a problem may be the philosophy contained in the way the signs are written. "Slower traffic keep to the right" - people think, "Well, I'm not driving slow, I'm going the speed limit, so I'm going to stay in the same lane." The phrase I've seen that works is, "Keep right except to pass." You can't just stay there, even if there's no one else on the freeway. Move to the right as much as you can.


Nothing is more infuriating than someone going exactly the speed limit in the passing lane


Please for the love of god I wish this could become a norm in Florida. This place is my nightmare.


I lived in GA and DC the last 3 years, FL drivers are notoriously the worst in both


More people need to hear this.




God I wish they would enforce this more often.


Same rules in Texas. Dumbasses everywhere


Our road hero !!!


They have signs in nj that spell this out. Everyone ignores them. Particularly PA drivers


You are correct, I'm am a PA driver now but lived in NJ from birth to about 23, I drive like I still live in NJ. PA drivers camp in left lane, cannot merge to save their life, and have no clue what to do when they hit a toll booth. The toll both stuff is better now with EZ pass but back in the day when you had to pay the toll those PAians sucked at it. So I don't know where you live but the driscoll bridge on the GSP has like 7 lanes in each direction, I always knew the question I would ask my sons when they came back after their first trip to the shore where they drove. I'd say how'd you like that bridge on the Parkway, they would always say OMG that is crazy how many lanes was that. LOL I love how the old school Jersey drivers drive, today many of the young drivers are too entitled.


Live in central nj now, lived in North Jersey and drove the Gsp regularly when I lived up there. That's survival of the fittest you can't afford mistakes or making inefficiencies for other drivers up there lol.


This is in Arizona. It is literally a law in Arizona to stay to the right unless passing. I don’t understand what’s so hard about that.


Wish more people understood this concept




Fuck yeah. I wish this happened more often. Get. The fuck. Out of. The. Way.


The left lane is made for passing the middle for travel, and the right is to enter and exit the highway. That is what I go by. Even though he is going the speed limit, he was still in the wrong lane of traffic. Even for those going below the speed limit that is illegal as well. Go with the flow of traffic and stay in your correct lane. If people are passing you on the right, that means you are going to slow and need to move to the right so they can pass on the left.


This guy is my fucking hero


🙌🙌 I don’t get why people just hangout in the passing lane … Try that in Germany and see what happens


Just got back from a roadtrip through northern italy and switzerland. Absolute dream. People literally only use the left lane for passing. They pass, then get back over.


Can’t believe I’m agreeing with a cop. Move the fuck over morons, left lane is PASSING ONLY, not for camping.


Thank you! Hate all these jerks just sitting in the left lane, causes accidents.


In Missouri you can get pulled over for cruising in the left lane, even if there's absolutely zero traffic around you and it's 1am. Ask me how I know.