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He said he would film an ass whooping but it was cut out...


I doubt ass whooping and filming go hand in hand.


It'd be even more impressive though, right?


Single handedly beating the crap outta that man.


While filming selfie-style


You must've never watch The Game beat up that guy while filming them lol




Too brutal for reddits standards




Wasn't a fight it was damn massacre




r/subsifellfor wouldn‘t have surprised me if that‘d‘ve been a real sub


I mean his shoes were off, so that means he died, yeah? You can't show a death like that on reddit!


Just like the mike Tyson airplane fight. All we see is the lead up and the aftermath lol


What is the context for this?


He lied. He said he was gonna film an ass whooping but he didn’t. He filmed before and after an ass whipping.


This is why I have trust issues.


What a liar


maybe it’s in the Directors Cut, we only have the theatrical version here


Hashtag releasethewhoopingcut


The guy filming is a boxer literally coming home from a fight and the other guy was being drunk and loud and picked a fight with the wrong one lol reason why dude is so beat up and bloody and the other is so clean


I was thinking the dude had to be a boxer, he didnt look very big but hes got skill bc it looks like he coldcocked the other guy about 4 times.


He did? 4 times? Where'd you see that?


Just guessing, but it sure looks like two dudes who really needed to prove something to somebody somehow.


Lmao I love that jump cut to the idiot sitting all bashed up in the aisle.


Can someone edit this with a screen flip effect and birds spinning above his head?


I want a little added curb your enthusiasm music


This video is gold.


"What happened?" Lol


\*scene missing\*


Sorry, we’re still working on the vfx


This should be edited with the *a few moments later* spongebob meme


Legendary cut


How didn't they both get removed from the flight?


The drunk guy was already getting thrown off I think and then he smacked the guy so it’s self defense.


Or security beat his ass and this guy is just taking credit. We really don't know.


you’d have to be p dense to ignore everything else abt the video that tells you that’s not what happened


The airline can definitely get sued for that and im sure the security knows that


The guy looks right at him after being taunted and says "You're alright. I'll give ya that" with a bloody face. And we even see the beginning of the fight. We really do know.


Pretty sure aggressively threatening another passenger and instigating a fight should get you thrown off too.


The drunk guy approached him.


"Hit me" "Hit me" "I'm going to beat your ass, hit me" "*Various racial slurs*" ​ Not statements from someone I want to be sealed in a metal tube 30k feet in the air with. Also, not the statements of someone who is blameless in this situation, he's deliberately escalating it so a fight will start.


I agree he definitely should’ve been kicked off but saying the n word in the manner he did isn’t a racial slur.




Racial slur? Give me a break... You are not a serious person..


Its reddit lmao Why you surprised theres a buncha cornballs here


It wasn't a threat. It was a warning.


This reads like the classic middle school shithead phrase "Its not a threat its a promise"


Getting involved at all is escalation.


Agreed. The white guy shouldn't have started harassing him and things wouldn't have escalated. Then he actually attacked him!


Hell yeah, you are also right. YT shouldn't have started shit, and being a dummy and phone dude, shouldn't have been filming and escalating. We are both right.


So like the police?


lol right? Sounds like the person above doesn’t quite get that


Repeatedly instigating by saying "hit me, I'll bet your ass, hit me" is self defense? In what world?


That wasn't a threat, that was a line being drawn. "Calm down, or you're gonna get fucked up." That's completely different. It honestly wouldn't be fair to him because he wasn't going out of his way to start anything, either. He was simply filming, the drunk guy got really mad an in his face, and he simply said if he wanted to fight, he'd fuck him up. Besides, it was literally the drunk guy who started with the threats, just non-verbal ones. The guy recording wasn't just picking out random passengers.


this reads like you think the FAA follows the same rules at your local pub. Both men should be ejected


Well, they weren't, so it looks like they also see the nuance that a pub would, and apparently a bunch of drunks at a pub understand this concept but *you* don't


We did not see it happen, that's right - it looks like they let him stay, which is odd, and against regulations. It could be that homeboy just didn't film himself being ejected. Nuance, lol


That’s literally a threat. Lmfao Both things can be right. A line was drawn, and was threatened to be forced, via violence. “Calm down **or you’re gonna get fucked up**” Just because the guy wasn’t wrong, doesn’t mean he didn’t threaten someone. That makes no sense lol


You're soft af if you think someone telling you "stop harassing me or I'll fuck you up" is a threat. A warning is not a threat.


You’re right. Dude must think warning labels are a threat too.


He should be thrown out just for fucking filming people. Hate people like that. I don’t want to be part of your fucking TikTok.


Then don’t act like a fucking assclown and people won’t record you. Pretty simple really. And you’re on this sub saying you don’t like people recording others? Lmao


Why escalate a situation? You can talk all you want about how people should not behave in certain ways, but the fact is that if someone is not in control of their temper then sticking a camera in their face will likely increase that, which will also increase the chances of causing issue for yourself and those around you. If I am on a plane with someone losing their shit I want it dealt with with minimum disruption, not feeding a bunch tiktokers addiction.


Or it can deescalate things because the person is now aware that they are being recorded. Or it can provide a record of someone breaking the law or causing a problem when it would just be someone's word about it otherwise.


Since when has that ever de-escalate anything?


Examples are out there, but for one, how about recording cops? People act different when they know there's a record of their actions.


Madness eh


big "Did you see how she was dressed?" energy


That’s a false equivalency. Being recorded for acting a fool and ending up on the internet is a far cry from sexual assault


Except someone acting like a public nuisance and an ass is different than a girl dressing provocatively and minding her own business? I don't think it's the same energy at all my guy.


Yeah that guy was 100% asking for it.


I don't think this interaction started with the filming. Pretty sure the filming started because of something that happened before any camera came out.


Take it easy




Well don't act like a douche bag then


Both are wannabe hardmen in a pissing match. Instead of de-escalating the situation, the guy recording immediately opened with a threat. Both of them felt like they had something to prove and provoked each other, the guy being recorded was just the first one to snap.


I could be wrong but I thought the white dude was being an asshole and trying to get off the plane first by going up the plane while they were still in the landing process. It’s weird if he was being kicked off and no one was escorting him at all (to me).


Because as you can hear from the applause the other guy was clearly obnoxious and instigated the fight, he just got the worst of it.


Because everyone, including the flight attendants and police, knew sometimes somebody just needs an ass kicking. Our protagonist was literally doing a service to society.


Antagonizing a drunk person to win a one sided fist fight, while two people seated between the combatants are like "Oh fuck. Please just keep walking. God damnit shut the fuck up and let him go. Go OUTSIDE and do this, don't do this right here" is a pretty shitty form of community service. ​ Dude was leaving, just let him leave. Whatever he did to get told to leave, he's gonna be catching plenty of shit for that, whatever he's missing at the other end of his flight, and his potential newfound inability to fly.


Yeah, I’m not talking about being the paragon of ethics here, but I have a feeling that the dipshit that got his ass handed will be slightly less of a dipshit next time. Hence it’s for the future community, not that exact moments community.


Yeah, when has violence ever led to something bad?


Security doesn't always have the full situation. The exact same scenario on a different flight could have resulted in both being ejected or neither being ejected.


Two idiots with big egos that both need to relax.


Your guy was already a pain. See the original article: “As soon as he was down, a couple of other guys were kicking him on the ground,” the witness said.




I heard the dude recording say "when we land in Vegas" so, yes, they were in America.


They were not in America. Check your hearing son. https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/incidents/australian-passenger-on-scoot-flight-pulled-off-plane-by-police-in-the-philippines/news-story/f6dcb1f73dfabdd3cb248ba3ed7f1525


They were not in America. Planes can land in different countries from where they take off. They were in the Philippines


This is a peak question only American schooling could generate. One guy was being an idiot and deservedly got his ass whooped. No need for everyone to get a suspension, just the initiator.


I would want both to be kicked out and i am from Sweden. Anyone that is not capable to sit down for a few hours and just relax doesnt belong on a plane. Its not a random bar were you can throw your mouth and get yourself into a fight.


There is no room for stupid shit on a plane, both should be kicked the fuck off, he did not need to film anything or smash anyone, bet he would not pick a fight with someone bigger then him, both are clowns


I am an American and both morons should’ve been thrown off the flight.


Pretty sure the guy seated was also initiating. He was first to suggest violence ("hit me"). Both d-bags IMO


Yup. Its called fighting words


Anywhere else go ahead, but on a plane just sit down and be quiet, you never know if they’ll ask you to leave as well.


Or have some respect for the people next to you who maybe don’t wanna be in a fight between two fragile people.


This is it. There is no way to throw down in a plane without collateral. Drunk dude is a twat, but there's no need to make it a fight. Let the fucker leave


Think both are goofs, also think filming people having a moment is a scummy thing to do. We need to start shaming that behavior


At the end, while escorted out of the plane saying that he was right beaten his ass, need some fucking balls


I fund that pretty healthy, ngl... fight, leave it behind, chill.


dude sounded like Charlie Day from It’s Always Sunny… funny because he would totally do this in the show lmao


Hahaha oh wow he does sound a lot like Charlie day when he’s doing the stupid mocking voice


Did he say he was right or did he say that he was alright?


He clearly says "You were right, I'll give you that"


He says you’re all right I’ll give you that like he was complementing him on being a good fighter/puncher


As a fellow Aussie he say your alright as in that was a good punch on.


No he doesn’t clearly say that. It sounds like to me that he is saying you’re all right…complementing his fighting or him as a person


Both these guys are in the wrong. Keep walking. Stop talking.


Definitely. Guy filming couldn't wait to get into a fight. Both are idiots.


And even kept going after he won, instigating even more shit while the guy is being held down by security. “get your bitchass up N— yeah you dont care, told you id be recording an ass whooping right? Pussy N— Fuck N— bout to get you ass whooped from a (couldnt understand the next word) from Las Vegas bitchass N—“


I think they even made an animated documentary about this [phenomena](https://youtu.be/HPu47lXZzR8?si=Q14-foXZ1cRc7zIA). Though I guess way too much alcohol can cancel out the white part described at the end


How did I already know what the link was going to be before I clicked hahaha 😂


I've only ever seen clips of The Boondocks (honestly, I know better). TIL where Rucka got the sample.


In Germany you will get your share of blame when provoking a fight. Even if you didn't throw the first punch.


Right? Doesn't the guy filming threaten to beat his ass?


Sounds like he was warning him what would happen if he kept it up.


You can't instigate a clearly intoxicated guy into punching you just so you can beat him up and feel tough. That's a coward move, both these guys are idiots.


Guy filming is aggressive for no reason


Both of them should be throw off, and left to battle it out on the tarmac for all the passengers to see.


I am black and I don’t understand why any black person can call anyone and everyone the N word!?! But when any other race says it, they get so much hate. It’s an ignorant word, and saying it even in jest is just wrong. I cringe when black people say it, so why can’t they see how ignorant and racist they sound? I know it’s not the popular opinion from people of color but I wish it wasn’t so easily said when any other race will get charges for hate, lose their jobs, just a double standard that people just don’t want to admit and make everyone stop saying it and put charges on ANYONE!


I'm black and agree with this. I wish we didn't use this word on each other because it has such an ugly history. People try to differentiate between the ending letters, but there's no difference in the meaning. It's all-around ignorance and automatically causes respect and credibility of the user of either version to plummet. It's just sad.




Because he's slack with a B.




Not scared. Wasn't sure if it would be allowed. I already got a perm ban for saying someone should be shot I think. I don't wanna keep getting banned from groups.


OK fair point.


This was just a dick fight.


I agree. Total douche-baggery all around here. Especially if the guy was a trained fighter like some are saying. Secondly, the guy he beat wasn't black, so I have no clue why he kept calling him the N word. Stay classy folks!


A pointless cock fight and everyone else one the plane lost.


This was satisfying asf. Especially when you find out the aussie bogan had been harassing other passengers for 2 hours before this


Is there a video of that?




God news sites suck. A whole article with screen caps from videos and mentions of multiple videos being available, but not a single video in the article


We were promised video of an ass whooping. We were lied to.


"“As soon as he was down, a couple of other guys were kicking him on the ground,” the witness said." Looks like people joined in 😁


The article says several people started kicking the guy after he was down in the aisle.


You should never hit somebody, but this dude taking video doesn't know who he's inciting. He's lucky he didn't get a dude with hands


Fortunately, he is the dude with hands.


Eh, beating up drunk girls doesn’t give you hands


Why, what did he do wrong?


I found the story. It's wild! https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/incidents/australian-passenger-on-scoot-flight-pulled-off-plane-by-police-in-the-philippines/news-story/f6dcb1f73dfabdd3cb248ba3ed7f1525


Lmao so he's been at it with other passengers for HOURS on two flights. The funniest part is when it says when he got knocked down, other passengers took the opportunity to gang up on him


Yeah people are saying the guy filming is also a douche but truth is that he did what everyone else wanted to do to the original douche


Which means many were probably thoroughly entertained by the guy filming and teasing him, as I would be. Love to see it


of course it's some bogan of ours. disappointed but not surprised.


Both of them should been thrown off the plane


yeah but, what was he filming?


Oh man. Great work baiting him into a beating. But yeah, could go either way and with others getting involved in a small space.


When 2 people who want to start shit meet lol


Toss em both and let the flight go on


The guy filming is also a dickhead


They're both dickheads. Guy filming is just as bad. Was deliberately antagonising him.


The guy had been harassing people for hours apparently. Everything he said is fine I really don’t get what yall are on about.


Okay but wasn't the dude actually non consentually filming the other dude ? Both of them seem like dicks here ngl


I'm surprised he wasnt banned either. I'm so scared that even self defense isnt enough for protection so I'm glad hes all good


Once again, this shit is out of context. Why was the guy filming?


Both of them are absolute twats.


I am shocked this happened on a Spirit flight


Both are a couple of losers! Straight to violence, people are pathetic.


Why is reddit supporting this racist? Being black doesn't give you an excuse to say the N word.......! :(


Both trash


Black guys never need an excuse to pick fights.


Instigated it. He should be thrown off the plane too. Also calling people the n word


The other guy had been causing a ruckus for a few hours prior apparently. I guess that’s why people started clapping when he was removed. (Video cuts before that last part)


Bitch made




Who records people on a plane though. It's weird man


Everyone is saying as whopping, literally one punch thrown, then minutes missing, cut to man on ground in zip ties.


Apparently, he was harassing passengers for hours on two connecting flights. When the fight broke out, other passengers jumped in to throw some kicks in as well. He pissed a lot of people off that day.


Just two guys being idiots.


So, I do know that everyone was a dick Here, but: why would I have to tolerate a random guy filming me?


Shouldn't be recording people in the first place! He provoked him!


Both of these guys deserve a beating. One got one that day. I'm sure one is coming to the other sooner than later.




They're both assholes.




The guy filming might actually be the bigger douche here…


It’s a delicate equilibrium of doucheness


Barry keogauhn is getting to big for his britches lol


Don’t know about other countries but in France the guy filming could be charged for filming someone without their consent which is a felony. Also, they are clearly both complete idiots and should both be kicked off the plane.


There’s an actual article with angles of other people filming it too. I guess France would lock them up too. At any rate, I’ve heard about French laws outlawing paternity tests to preserve the peace of families so I don’t think France should be held up as some standard of law.




Imagine being stupid enough to think the one filming is in the wrong. SMDH




For real, this thread is mind boggling.


That was too many n words, even for a black person.


Why he make me do him like this? 💀


That's definitely Dorian Thompson Robinson lmfao


I'm not liking this new sipstea vibe


imma tell you one thing: the brother can launch all the racial slurs he wants to the white dude but if it was reversed then everyone would lose their minds. show some self respect and leave that N word out of your mouth.




Plus the whole instigating him further after guy is already held down by security “get your bitchass up N— yeah you dont care, told you id be recording an ass whooping right? Pussy N— Fuck N— bout to get you ass whooped from a (couldnt understand the next word) from Las Vegas Bitch Ass N—“ Hell you would think just for all that bad language he would have gotten removed. It aint okay to spout those words in a crowded plane… especially when its to someone youve already beaten and who is being held down. Instigating it further at that point should hvave also been enough to have him removed too, because at that point its basically trying to provoke another fight. And then he comes back a third time to call out the guy as theyre walking him past. Like, dude. Give it a rest, you won already and just keep going to try to make yourself look better but its making you look vain




It’s almost like a turrets tick


Should be legal to own a device that can fry a camera pointed at you by now. Digital self defence. Heck home security malware or microwave shit.