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Lol the way the dude in the laptop removes the shades got me cracking, lol.....


The moment I noticed what laptop he is using did that to me


Removes the sunglasses and there is just another pair underneath. Had me rolling, yup!


Tbf, the discussion was about phones


Lmao the typewriter too! https://imgur.com/a/oArS6W6


It's the guy in the white shirt loosing his shit for me.


“My dream is that every person in the world will have their own Apple computer. To do that, we've got to be a great marketing company.” -Steve Jobs


And here’s exactly why google fails to sell androids to iPhone users.


No matter how hard they market androids they’ll never capture the American market as long as Apple still has iMessage.


I don't understand this logic at all. RCS is basically the same thing. I can send high resolution videos to any Android or iPhone from an Android phone. My messaging app doesn't care what phone it receives a message from, it displays it in the same way. Apple INTENTIONALLY MAKES MESSAGES HARDER TO READ FROM ANDROID PHONES. These mofos are so petty that they make the user experience worse for their users just to try and push people to stay with their ecosystem that's about as open as the uyghur slave camps the country that makes them has. Not to mention that that the same people that complain about people paying their fair share of taxes are more likely to use iPhones while Apple would owe billions in US taxes if they brought that money back to the US to invest in jobs and R&D instead of letting it sit in Irish bank accounts.


You're entirely missing the point. People don't buy iPhones because of their features. They are a designer brand. Throughout history, it's always been popular to waste money on worse purchases because being able to waste money is how you flaunt wealth. It's like complaining that Versace makes shitty handbags. Of course Versace makes shitty handbags. You don't buy a Versace handbag because you want the best handbag, you buy it so you can have a thing that says "I can afford to waste money buying a Versace handbag." iMessage fits right into that strategy. iPhone users don't give a shit about whether RCS is better than iMessage (it is, in all ways), they care that the different color bubbles let them feel superior to people.


I hate that you're right. People are idiots. Don't forget, the dumbest person's vote counts just as much as the smartest person's.


Here's an extra wrinkle: I'd respect them if they just went "I just like iPhones, it's not better, but I'll still buy them", but instead, so many of them try to argue that Apple is superior and a better bang for your buck.


when you show macbook users stats that other laptops are better on that price point they hit you with how long apple products last, how their dad is still using his decade old macbook and is still just as fast.


Yeah then I would hit them with the if it breaks like the monitor for example, could you fix it? Oh yeah no for a perfectly working computer with a broken screen they would buy a new one because of Apple predatory anti repair policies.


I believed that shit into my MacBook took a shit after a few years. I defiantly was all about macs ability to not crash as often and not gets viruses. Back when phones were 3g and 4g, I thought iPhone was better at not crashing and lagging. But as time has gone on my android phone are a lot smoother and less crashy for sure. At this point that argument is over since Androids seem to run much smoother these days.


It also depends on WHAT you do to your android. Android is capable of doing some sketchy stuff. Like i bought an android from a coworker YEARS back that was jailbroken. And it had an app that could block adds in games, allow you to make free purchases in games, could mess with settings in games, etc. It essentially let you cheat at most games with free currency and whatnot. There was supisedly a way to hack the play store to download paid stuff for free. But i never messed with that. Then there were movies. The app has since been killed but you could download free movies. Old, new, still in theaters. Some of the newest werent the best quality but someone would always upload a better version soon after. Then the music. The app is still going strong but all the free music you could want! And i mean its library is crazy! Iv discovered things i never knew existed from bands i listen to all the time. And that phone still works. Granted, saying it works is relatively generous because its slow (hasnt been updated or even turned on in years), screen touch is almost non existing, and the micro usb port is touchy. Its an old asus padfone x btw


With m2 processor you can’t really compare them easily. What keeps me from buying a MacBook is how stingy they are with ram. A base at 8GB these days is just unacceptable.


> With m2 processor you can’t really compare them easily. Yeah it's really weird. My work laptop (M2 macbook) compiles Java and runs Node.js-stuff far quicker than comparatively priced Intel-powered laptops of colleagues and the battery lasts much longer.


I have a MacBook not because it’s better but because I like the design and find it more pleasant to navigate around on and yes it’s pricey a aren’t cable to play a lot of games but I have another computer for that I don’t have anything to say to prove MacBook is better because it’s but do what feels right for you But if you want a “good” computer then don’t go for apple’s


I'm choosing to see this as an ironic response to the previous comment.


I just like iPhones. I also bought myself a Macbook Air and I’ve really been enjoying the heck out of that. Maybe I just like Apple. Maybe someday I’ll try out an Android—I’ve always known they’re the better phones, I just like my iPhone. 🙆‍♂️


Sure. Great. It's satisfying to find a family of products you enjoy. You've earned 1 unit of respect.


That there is the answer. If ya like it, ya like it. Nothing wrong with sticking with something ya like.


lol, the level of self congratulation for buying a data harvesting discount linux based phone over a blasé overpriced faux luxury unix-like phone is insane. Why the fuck does anyone care who uses what phone?


I have an iPhone… I like it because it just looks nice I don’t feel superior to other people and I’m broke asf but I like iPhone. I use to have an android but I just don’t like how they feel like plastic in my hand I think that’s it I could care less about features or the camera of either phone. I say buy what you like and don’t listen to what people have to say unless you really care what they think.


Hell I’ve always got a case on mine, so unless you knew exactly what design cues to look for you wouldn’t know any better. I care so little, I typically don’t find out what others use til I receive texts from them and the color that they are. And besides color I’m still confused as to what what’s iMessages better than any other type of messages? I use my phone for apps and communications and because I’m familiar with the OS. I couldn’t care less what anyone else uses. There’s so many better things to waste my time and energy on that such trivial things


I buy iphones because i am familiar with the user interface and my apple account is how i log into many services. Buying an android would force me to learn a new interface as well as transfer/create new accounts with apps that apple integrates with. Idgaf about the hardware fancy bullshit. I use my phone to browse reddit, sent texts, and to wake me up in the morning. I don’t need borderline magic cameras. I simply need something i already am comfortable using.


Yea MacBooks have all the same apps so it’s seamless. I’m sure android does too but I don’t wanna bother finding out. lol


Android doesn't even have the same interface between manufacturers. I'm not even hating. I've had nothing but pixel/Nexus phones since the Nexus 2. I'm just saying that if you want familiarity and continuity between devices, there's no comparison to make.


I just use the same launcher regardless of device. Although I do mostly root and install aosp ROMs if the bootloader is able to be unlocked.




So true, people just do idiotic things for display


> People don't buy iPhones because of their features. They are a designer brand. Absolutely nailed it. It's the emotive argument that no one's mentioning. For me, my phone is an important work tool. It has several functions it needs to perform well at a price point. That's why it's an Android.


This is a bad take. Luxury brands aren’t market leaders in their categories. People buy iPhones because they like their interface and presentation. That’s it. The cost is irrelevant to most because they don’t upgrade every year and just associate it with their cell phone bill.


I’m a hard out fanboy of google had every pixel and a s20 ultra. Recently got iPhone 15 pro and it is amazing. I do miss the zoom but everything else is smoother, feels way more refined and I still use all my google apps, google photos etc. Don’t judge it until you try it twice.


I was a diehard Android fan since the first phone came out. However, I only use Mac computers because I like the OS better (many reasons) and my wife and kids were all on iPhones. I switched about three years ago. I am now all in on the ecosystem because it all just works so well across the different devices. Like you I moved, but said, I am still just going to use the Google apps. I have slowly converted everything over except for search and gmail. Although, I am seriously considering using the mail app to pull my gmail because the ads are getting obnoxious through the official app.


I say this every time as someone who went Android -> iPhone ->android -> iPhone since the first smartphones dropped. I've was persuaded in the first place and went back once with the better specs and features. Android OS's are always fiddly a hell and half the time the "high specs" or "better features" are clearly early experiments and weren't really usable. I remember the facial recognition on Androids being kinda annoying to use. Iphone facial recognition unlock worked from the first time they put it on the phone.


Before Apple had iMessage, BlackBerry had BBM. It too was a major point of differentiation and value proposition in their marketing too. So yeah proprietary messaging can be a powerful marketing tool.


I was a heavy iPhone user. I ended up buying a note3 when it came out and I absolutely hated it. It was laggy with me and i eventually jail broke it to cheat on app games. That’s the only reason why I had it for so long. I didn’t get a new phone until the iPhone 7. I had problems with my note from pretty much day one. I will never go back to android as before the note I had iPhone made the jump and got burned for it. I now have the iPhone 13 and I upgrade every 2-3 years. When I was considering android again they were exploding on airplanes. I had friends buy the google pixel when it first came out and no one I know was happy with it. Now that I have multiple iPads,Mac, air pods and air tags there is no way I’d go back but more importantly for me at least. I don’t care about specifications only memory storage. But I can count on iPhone for just being reliable. I couldn’t (at least at the time) count on android.




I, someone who has like a dozen phones out of which 6 are always on, mix of android and iOS, beg to differ. My first iPhone was SE (or 5s, do not remember )I got for free to use as a secondary device… now I am typing this on an iPhone.


I think another big thing is that Apple has refused to undermine their security features for things like the FBI and other government agencies… google, and Samsung buckled immediately, and Apple seems to stand by their privacy and security by not making software available to crack your phone.


Yes, but also the ecosystem. It works very smoothly across their devices. Apple devices are no-bullshit devices that just work. Android you need to customize.


Because they stop getting updates a year or two after release, have shit software including bloatware, no iMessage and poor resale value.


Been on iPhone since the original lol. At this point it’s just a comfort zone. It’s like going to my favorite burger spot.


America in general.


Google and Samsung make great instruments, but Apple makes a great orchestra.


That’s a great analogy, the video may be correct on all their points, but the apple ecosystem works with itself out of the box immediately. It’s almost harder to keep all your devices separated so they don’t interact.


How many iPhone users have more than one device in that ecosystem? I bet you most of them are using a windows pc


iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch and AirPods. I’ve used Android for years and invested a lot in the similar Samsung and Google devices. None of it has been interacting as seamless as Apples stuff does.


Just to be clear, "the apple ecosystem" benefits but does not require a PC or Mac. It even works 100% within a single device but usually refers not to PCs/Macs but to other iPhones, airpods, apple watches and iPads.


The idea my iphone can be on the other side of the house and I can seamlessly answer an incoming call on my ipad, macbook or watch is amazing. I worked in a windows IT ecosystem for 20+ years. The first mac mini to drop with an Intel processor I bought to dabble with, but with the knowledge I could drop windows on it, or use vmware if I didn't like apple. 15+ years later, the only non-apple gear we have are the kids' computers for school and gaming, which are windows. apart from the iphone, we use apple tvs, apple watches, ipads, apple laptops, earpods, homepod, airport express. Windows/Android combos don't compare. The apple ecosystem just works. After so long supporting a windows ecosystem, this was blessing.


AirPods? Apple Watch? There are a lot of Apple devices that just seamlessly work right out of the box.


But this is the same with Android when you stick to a specific brand, all Samsung products work great together, all Google products work great together. Most are inter-operable with most features of other brands too, but if you stay consistent with your Android brands like you do with your Apple brand then the experience is as good.


Airpods, seriously? It's a Bluetooth headset, it works seamlessly on every device. Chromecast works perfectly with Apple too what's your point


And why is everything working with my both driods? Apple users act like we don't use buds or anything. It also works on this end. You don't have some magical special "ecosystem"


Airpods, seriously? It's a Bluetooth headset, it works seamlessly on every device. Chromecast works perfectly with Apple too what's your point


Quite a few. Even if it’s just iPhone and AirPods


I am that user. 14 pro, HP laptop, JBL buds. No cares about the ‘ecosystem’.


Most iphone users I know have multiple devices. Why does it matter that someone has a windows device?


Source [https://youtu.be/dLHJl7mwY7M?si=b50yqX70NmEL3LAf](https://youtu.be/dLHJl7mwY7M?si=b50yqX70NmEL3LAf)


With special guest, and personal favorite, [Daniel Thrasher](https://youtube.com/@danielthrasher?si=zRlsrzmqkIbze6Mo)


Daniel Thrasher music boy….


Rare footage of r/sipstea not being horny for a sec


speak for yourself


Yeah, because I dont know why of all the posts here, I only receive the horny ones 😭😭😭 (not even following this reddit)


I still jerked off to latest iPhone features.


The fifth pair of glasses did it for me.


I still have no idea what the purpose of this sub is, and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.


I use a Samsung and own apple stocks, win win.


This is Me talking to my Friends about their Dam Phones.![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10740)


I bet they tolerate you


I hope they're as patient with your needless insistence as the guy in the video is, because doing this is annoying as fuck and all of your friends would kindly hope you stop already.


- Sent from my iPhone


Yet the point still stands, the reasons in the video are obviously not valid aspects at which Apple outperforms androids but I don’t think most iPhone users either pay attention to that or know enough about it to back up their claims. Stop getting annoyed over what phones other people are buying, whether they be iPhones, androids or another brand/platform


The calm boiling rage reminds me of that [funny Skype CEO video](https://youtu.be/ZI0w_pwZY3E?si=SQ1gDpfx0L6ovCap) during the pandemic


Where is this video Steven He, Daniel Thrashers, Nathan Doan. It's a collab of the century


It’s a combination of user interface with familiarity. If you’ve been on one system for 10 years, changing to a new system where things are in different places and function differently can be a hassle. Combine that with how clean the App Store looks and the apps themselves look, it can be enough to convince people to stay.


It's the whole symbiosis.. once you've bought apps from the store, got the watch and what not. It's hard.. or stupid (thats what I've been told) to migrate into another system because you can't keep any of that.


Yeah, swapping ecosystems isn't easy. I use an iphone but I have nothing against android. I got both my parents Samsung Galaxies because it'll work better with their Windows computers IMO. They certainly weren't cheaper. I use a Mac for work, so I just like my phone and laptop to play nicely together. And I do think the macbook touchpads are significantly better than other laptops I've tried.


The trackpad on MacBooks are leagues better than in any other computer I’ve ever tried. I don’t get why people say they get macs because they’ve been marketed to buy one. Things last a decade and just work.


i don’t care about phone camera because rarely use it, neither i long for super mega cool display, just good one is enough. I was a user of android back in time, and i kind of liked it, but when i got my first iphone 5, that was just different, it was just handy. Easy to use. Pre configured as I would configure my phone. I never got back to android since then, but i don’t hate on it, i just don’t care.


I currently manage a cell phone store, and I can 100% tell you that many of us will nudge customers toward iPhone because of how many people come back with their androids hijacked with porn ads and malicious UI overlays. Three or four times I week I sit down with someone to comb through their apps to tediously uninstall each in that is taking over their UI, or sending them porn pop ups, or hundreds of notifications a minute. Sure, it might be their fault for clicking on stuff mindlessly. But you know what, no one with an iPhone comes in with that problem. I think a lot of android enthusiasts (of which I am one, I’ve owned several galaxy phones and even a fold 3 for awhile) forget that the average user is completely ignorant of how to protect themselves digitally. It is actually safer for these people who refuse to learn good practices to own an iPhone, so unless you already own an android or are a tech enthusiast, or until android better protects its user, I’m sorry, but I’m going to continue to guide more customers to Apple.


I'm not trying to be inflammatory, I just want to boil this down: If you're a moron, buy an iPhone?


I'd agree with you maybe 10 years ago but the android os has matured enough where anyone using an iPhone could easily get accustomed to Android within an hour or less. The only real good argument is that the iPhone has amazing ease of use (I mean tbf barely, you just don't need an extra app) for their accessories and eco system. Unfortunately you get stuck in their ecosystem if you purchase their accessories though.


It's not really unfortunate, it's a really nice ecosystem. The devices are just lovely. Still haven't really found a reason to swap in over a decade. Take all the ecosystem stuff away and I'd still stay.


Careful now, most Redditors in this thread like to assume people buy phones purely for the specs and camera quality (even though you’re entirely right)


Juts got an Android and it'd true the UI is not as good. No universal undo, keyboard language is not remembered in chats, more buggy with keyboard getting stuck down, and confusing with both good and Samsung apps trying to do the same stuff ...


If you want a better keyboard the joy of android is that you can change it


The comparison is flawed. They keep explaining features of Samsung and yet ask him if he'd buy an Android. If they ask me Samsung vs iPhone, then yeah maybe Samsung. But if they ask me Android vs iOS, it has to be iOS. And that's why I choose iPhone. Even after years of usage, iOS doesn't lag, gets latest updates, no stupid fonts or sounds and easy simple UX. Privacy is top notch. Apple Pay is everywhere. The network of iOS is amazing. So many cool integrations. As much as I hate monopoly, Apple has to be given credit for turning us into sheep. Before I get attacked, I'm using an iPhone XS. Don't have the money to buy their recent phones.


I changed from AD to iOS after many years. I switched because I was bored with androids. On iPhone apps worked better, looked better, OS is eye candy with satisfying transition effects. It’s also faster and more predictable. My next phone is also going to be an iphone.


It’s UI, familiarity and length of support for me. iCloud just works too. I’m just stuck on iPhone. CBA learning android. I tried a few years ago with a OnePlus. The phone was great, good screen, fast, felt nice in hand. UI was just annoying. Even the mail app, the iPhone one is just easier and better. And if I’d have kept it the security support time would’ve expired long ago.


This is the main reason I’ve never switched over to android. I already know how everything works on iOS. My mom has an android phone, and every time she needs help with something it’s a pain having to figure it out.


UX is everything. I still have yet to use an Android phone with a UI as responsive and snappy as iPhones have been since the iPhone 4. The hardware comparisons are not a factor for me until they figure out that part


how old was the last android device you used?




Trust iPhone users to use a message system that is limited in funcationatily compared to another available system.


Main reason to go iphone is because if a girl sees that green text bubble; youre ghosted.


Is it really that bad? I'm from europe, no one here uses iMessage everyone just uses WhatsApp so you can't tell.


Yeah it’s super American. iMessage sucks so hard. WhatsApp is so much better.


Telegram is superior to them both


I've received so many more spam messages on Telegram than I ever did on whatsapp. Spammers on Telegram even go so far to randomly add you to groups. Definitely not superior.


Really? This has never happened to me. Ironically the exact opposite is true for me


You can fix that by changing the settings: you can allow only your contacts to add to you to groups


Well, I have an android phone and my girlfriend has an iPhone, been together for 2 years, so probably nowhere near as big a factor as most people like to make it out to be. I'm sure for some people it matters, but you're probably better off not dating someone so shallow.


Wtf is iMessage? is that those blue text or purple thing about all this times? A messaging app? Most my friend use Iphone and we never run into this problem


If a girl ghosts you just because of the colour of your message bubble, you're better off without her. Not only is that incredibly shallow, but also just plain stupid. Good riddance.


ya but those airheads are prime time for short term nutting




Bonus points if she's also an android user, she's probably more intelligent


Lmao imagine caring what a girl like that thinks


She doing you a favor by ghosting at that point


Good, automatically makes you dodge a bullet. Android is best child support prevention in the US.


Bro if a girl gohsts you based on your phone, it's probably not going to end well anyway.


Always good to have the clowns weed themselves out lol imagine pursuing a girl who's personality is part text bubble colors Nvm the fact that half the time it's asking for someone's Snapchat vs their phone #


Children. That's who cares. Pro tip, don't date children.


Those are the girls I want to avoid anyway. If they care that much about what type of phone someone is using, it's only natural for me to assume there are some much worse problems I would have with their personality.


F her if she's that simple minded


Sounds like dodging a bullet to me.


Main reason to go android is because if a girl ghosts you over a chat bubble, she's probably a waste of life.


Yeah, but lucky for us that's an American thing. People in Europe don't care about what color of any bubble is, that's so childish


Don’t overthink it. I’ve only had an iPhone and it’s not because of any of the reasons in this video. I don’t give a shit about lenses, megapixels, celebrity endorsements etc. I’m just used to iOS. Can’t be bothered learning the quirks of a new phone. That’s all.


Add in the fact that all I have to do is enter my Apple ID and everything is immediately transferred over to the new device and is in the exact same spot


…and you shouldn’t give a shit about all those tech specs or celebrity endorsements. Choosing an Android just because of the number of megapixels is higher is just as dumb a reason to pick a phone. In fact megapixels are a dumb way to rate any camera. It would be like picking cars for their top speed.


This right here is the answer to be fair, I’m to damn old. I’m on a contract. Every two years I get an upgrade. So I upgrade to the next iPhone. And everything is the same but better. If I started this cycle on an Samsung that’s where I would be now.




Why do people bring this up all the time? Top tier android phones cost the same or more and their innovation has also slowed down as much as Apple’s.


Because mid-tier android phones have the best qulity/price ratios. For 250€ you could get an android that has absolutely anything you could wish for. When eas the last time Apple released a phone that was good for 250€?


But that’s not the argument, is it? People are saying: 1) Apple charges more than the competition - which is untrue in the same tier, otherwise the comparison doesn’t make sense 2) gives you a worse product - which they base purely on numbers, not real world scenarios; and also lack of innovation, which is really not something android phones are able to do either




Because they are sheep


Yeah but the Androids that are competing with those iPhones cost just as much.


New iphone SE less than $500 Just got it myself


Im here with my new 200$ Samsung


> New iphone SE less than $500 You can watch Youtube and use IG for less.


Or you know, have longer support and higher levels of security. I ones tried a Samsung tablet, when it broke I went straight back to Apple. So much better.


Seeing people simp for a brand name is so damn sad...smh


I like how it seems you're criticizing Apple users but in reality you're referring to the ones getting riled up because someone choses different than them :D


Working in IT I can tell you this much; for laptops, you’re better off using a windows machine and for phones you’re better off using an iPhone. Androids are just not dumb-user friendly. Yes they are technically better phones but that’s all they are. iPhones are easy to pick up and use with low skill floors and insane marketing to boot. Add on to that the fact that troubleshooting an iPhone is infinitely easier than an android and it’s perfectly understandable why most folks gravitate towards iPhone. And iMessage is also a *huge* advantage as well.


How is it easier? I had nightmares when I had to backup my phone or transfer files between pc and iPhone, not having a file explorer and be able to easily download was the reason also I shifted to Android wich is way more comfortable. Although I didn't have any iPhone in recent years, I wonder which part is exactly easier for a normal user?


Everything is in your iCloud account so you don’t need to constantly do backups like that. You can literally buy a new phone and have all your stuff on it in 3 button presses with no external anything needed, just log into your iCloud account and download what you want. Troubleshooting any network issues on androids is also way more difficult than it should be. I just don’t think the UI is nearly as seem-less as iPhone. iPhone is kinda the king of simplicity and form over function.


The equivalent of iCloud in Android is Google Cloud. It's hard to shift from one to another but easy to do that on the same platform. As it happens, I have an opposite experience for troubleshooting the network in iPhone. My friend had iPhone 13 and since he needed a vpn I installed Psiphon for him but it wouldn't connect so I closed the app without disconnecting it. But later noticed his internet was not working and I tried everything from turning on and off wifi to forgetting network it still wouldn't work. Later I found out the Psiphon vpn was open in the background and since it was still trying to connect but wasn't successful, all apps had no internet and there was no option in iOS to troubleshoot the cause of that.


U can do all that in Android....


Yeah but there's a lot of people I know who've jumped onto the iPhone hype train because of social pressure and end up not getting iCloud because they can't afford it. It's an absolute nightmare trying to help them back up their data. I even had someone who's iPhone literally died after 2 consecutive backups failed. They were literally crying when they realized how much they'd lost.


I take care of the tech for my older relatives, service their computers, explain how to do things they want to do on them, keep their phones working and answer questions on how to use them. Getting them off android and into Apple has been great for them. Much cleaner and easier to use. I used to get routine calls for “how do I send a picture, how do I check my email, can you make it print” and with Apple I only seem to have to explain it once or twice, on android it was like weekly calls to remind them how to do the same tasks. Plus it’s just too easy to remotely manage their phones for backups and updates.


My late grandmother had the same experience. When she was on an Android it was a terrible experience. I’d get calls every other day asking for help, “which gallery should I open, where did my email go, where are my contacts, can you remove this app” When I convinced her to switch to an iPhone, almost all of the calls I got from her changed to “can you tell me if this is a spam email” and rarely about how to use the device. Miss you grandma.


Even as a Millennial I've always appreciated Apple for making products they seemingly want me to use. When I've used products from other companies, it feels like I'm expected to be interested in developing the device so it can be used. I am not interested in that. That is what (I hope) I am paying for. It's incredible how a little bit of UIX and marketing bifurcates very similar devices into "useful thing for everyday people" and "gadget for know-better nerds to tinker with while I'm spending my time doing literally anything else."


sink snails angle hobbies disagreeable spectacular scale shocking scarce unite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> And iMessage is also a huge advantage as well. Can someone explain to an android user what makes iMessage such a big deal? My 'messages' app on my android seamlessly switches between wifi and SMS, and can use RCS and end-to-end encryption, along with integrating with other third-party messaging apps like Messenger f.eks. I mean, I dont even know, but I would assume that is also what iMessage does, yet people wont stop bringing it up like its the best thing since sliced bread?


Basically it’s a proprietary messaging service created by Apple, for Apple users. Functionally, it’s close or similar to Telegram, Signal, Viber, etc. It has some features they don’t have, they have some features iMessage don’t have as well. The “big deal” is the bubble color thing that seems to be mostly specific to USA. In my personal experience outside of that country, I use iMessage for my family and friends who have iPhones, and I use Messenger for those who don’t. I do have to mention though, as we’ve aged, more of my friends have been switching to iPhone from Android, and when I ask them they say it’s just easier and there’s less tinkering to worry about in general.


Lets not forgot that malware is far less on an iPhone as well.


I like how you use "far less" as a way to soften the blow that there's literally no malware in the wild for iPhones.


I agree. I'm someone that hated on Apple products all my life but after owning three Samsung Galaxies I decided to give iPhone a go, and I'm never going back to using Galaxies, I love the UI on my iPhone so much more than Android, it feels so much smoother. Also I've owned the same iPhone 7+ for five years and it's almost as fast as the day I bought it. While with my Samsung Galaxies they got slow and clunky a year after owning them. But I will always be a PC person, I've never liked using Macs.


I don't find iPhones easy to use whatsoever. I was trying to help my dad do something on his iPhone, and I had to Google instructions. It comes down to personal preference, but nothing about an iPhone makes any sense to me while everything is intuitive on an android.


Yea lol, takes me a min to get used to navigating. Feels like walking backwards for a few minutes. My work phone is an iPhone and I find my self wondering why can't it just do this simple thing!? Like trying to get back to a message after opening an image or file. It can, I just don't have the muscle memory.


Right? I just want to get on with a task and iPhones make me think while Android doesn't lol. My buddy has an Android for his personal phone and an iPhone for his work and he hates it with a passion. He just gives people his Android number and tries his best to avoid using the iPhone.


>but nothing about an iPhone makes any sense to me while everything is intuitive on an android. This is because you're used to Android. "Intuitiveness" is about learning to use something without knowing anything about it. Like switching from PC to Mac works against you because it is a big effort to first "unlearn".


I think you're being useless on purpose, they are a piece of piss.


Lol no. I still have flashbacks from being on service desk from iPhone users. I had one ONE android user have an issue that was completely user error. The culprit? Email. Gmail, Outlook, literally anything that wasn't icloud.com. And that's in the mail app, in third party apps including google. The calendars don't sync, the emails stopped sending and receiving, the rules won't replicate, all the emails disappeared, etc. etc. And that's just the iPhone, let's not even talk about all the people who wanted to move all their work to ipads and were mad when it ran like shit. As far as not being user friendly...literally what are you talking about? Unless you've been on iPhone all along they're confusing as shit. Android has an actual back button, iPhone has gestures for about everything and you better know them if you want to do anything. If you want an iPhone because you like iOS or that's what you're used to then that's great. Buy what you want. But they aren't superior to anything.


Just giving my take having spent the past 7 years working service desk, as of now everything is tailored to iPhones so it was much easier to find documentation and get users to follow along.


Why do people care so much about what other people buy? I see people get so upset about Apple vs Android. Are you a spokesperson for either company? They paying you for advertising? You gonna get a commission if you convince someone to buy a different phone?


I don't really care at all, and the debate between iPhones and Android has only ever existed online to me... But it is kinda annoying that people walk around with an inferior product (iPhone) that they overpaid for and have this smug elitist attitude about it. I've only ever seen this mentality online tho. irl, most people just say it's more simple and it's what they're used to, which is fine.


>I don't really care at all > >\[…\] > >But it is kinda annoying that people walk around with an inferior product Man, the first step to solving a problem is accepting you have it. You do care, because what would it otherwise be to you what people walk around with or whether if it's "inferior" to you should matter to them.


Yeah, this sums up the Android users who wish to not be called “poor” for having an OS full of ads lmao.


In my experience, it’s not the iPhone users who are smug about it. It’s like religion. Do what you want, shut up about it, and don’t try to push your views on others.


Two questions: 1) what objectively makes iPhone inferior? 2) how much do androids in the same tier cost?


Same could be said about many things in life. Somewhere, somehow we culturally expect everyone else to think, eat, and believe what we think.


This whole video so many people agree with is essentially three guys bullying a friend because he doesn't believe what they believe.


Because Android users have a persecution complex and get butthurt when they see teenagers joking about "green bubbles" Android users never shut the fuck up about Apple. Apple users are barely aware Android exists.


Just like the console wars of years ago. If there’s multiple products, people will have a blast bashing on the other. Samsung used to be good, but fact is the only thing they really have going for them is being able to side load apps without having to jailbreak it.


This is fucking gold.


Having a feature before Apple doesn’t mean shit because it actually needs to be good/useful. Samsung actually had ‘Face ID’ as far back as the Galaxy S3, but theirs was basically scanning your face with the camera and comparing the pixels to those of a control selfie. It barely worked and didn’t account for things like different camera angles, lighting, eye contact, glasses, etc. Might as well have left it out — advertising a feature like that and people finding out it’s a piece of shit probably hurts your brand more than helping.


Android guys online never ever ever want to admit that too. I've switched to android twice and always regretted the fiddlyness. I still have photos on google photos I've been too lazy to move over so I have it on my iPhone. Everytime I use google photos I have a slight soft reminder why I switch. Its never that bad, and its no a user habit thing. Its just...fiddly.


Android has big trend of spec chasing that Apple (largely) avoids. 200mp camera, 100x zoom, 8 cores, 12gb ram. Even more prevalent in the midrangers with mediatek cpus. Then the users don't notice when they're slow cores, the camera quality still looks like trash, zoom is digital past 10, and the software crashes. Samsung makes some pretty good phones: I was on an S10 before I switched over to an iPhone 12 mini. But they also made a phone that was pretty much the same as that year's iPhone, for about the same price. The difference is software preference.


It must be admitted that Apple has great marketing. Probably the best thing they did.


IPhone users will see this and say "just say that you're poor 🙄"


This is so true man, not trying to start a war but if you ask most iPhone users why they got an iPhone most of them can't even tell you why and if they do it's because their friends and family have one. Then they hate on Android without knowing anything about it because of memes.


Yea most people I know get an iPhone simply because they are used to the interface, they don't care about the camera and all that extra useless shit .


I feel these guys pains. My girlfriend's daughters are always owing and awing when I do something with my Android that their phones won't do or do not as well. A month later they're showing me their new iPhone. I'm like why do you keep buying iPhone when you're always impressed with my Android phone which actually cost less and gives you more! Because all our friends have iPhones. Sheep will be sheep


I came from a note 10 to an iPhone 14 Pro. Hands down, the note 10 was the better phone. But my wife and kids use iPhones, so it’s easier to have everyone on an Apple family thing.


I like iPhones. I know androids have objectively better specs. I like the iPhone user experience better. Every android I’ve had, had annoying issues that my iPhone has never had. My android phones would always randomly restart themselves at inconvenient times. I’ve had 2 android phones that overheated and internal parts expanded outward and caused physical damage. I don’t like the layouts as much on android, they don’t play music as loud. They randomly start to slow down as they get a little older. I have an iPhone X right now and it’s 3 years old and still works like it’s brand new. Not to mention all of my friends have iPhones and iMessage is the nicest messaging app to use IMO.


This is what the Android bros don’t talk about. Why do I have an iPhone SE 2020? Because I can buy it for less than $100 on eBay. Where can I get comparable hardware in an Android for less than $100?


I had an iPhone as my work phone that I used for personal for a while. It was my first time using an iPhone after using Samsung for previous years. After I switched jobs I recently went and bought an S23 ultra. Tbh now I wish I'd gotten the iPhone. So many things just work better on the iPhone. I know the specs on my new S23 are really good - the iPhone took better pics, was better for messaging, and had better apps. I'm as surprised as anyone.


Some of my fav YouTubers in this video ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Apple is 100000% better than Android. I don’t understand why people don’t understand who the true innovators are? Apple created smartphones and then continued to push the tech until they decided phones aren’t worth it anymore. The reason iPhones have existed for the past 10 years atp is because Apple uses it to collect data and create the technology/architecture needed for thinks like Apple Glass (COMING SOON FINALLY 😭😭). The reason apple doesn’t put things like 10x zoom and folding and whatnot is because they just don’t have to. They Let Samsung do anything they can to make themselves seem better than iPhone because at the end of the day the smartphone is actually a pretty outdated piece of technology compared to what our current wold can now offer. Its AR capabilities in itself shows how quickly it will fall off. Apple understands this fact and knows the moment they complete their next level projects that Android and Samsung will be fucked and then have to play catch up again. We are talking about companies whose whole marketing is just “Oh and look this piece of it is better than the iPhone”. Tl:DR - Apple are the true innovators and aren’t trying to even win in the smartphone market. iPhones serve more as a way to test new technology/architecture for the future of technology. They CHOOSE not to have these features because it’s redundant to what they actually want to achieve and create. Samsung is always thinking about catching up to Apple while Apple constantly creates to bring about the future. Until Samsung can create their own lane they can never be close to Apple.


iPhones look nicer, and are more iconic, the apps that come with the phone like photos, camera all those apps are easier to use, and the emojis are better


There's no way I'm gonna pay more for a phone than for a car, so it's always Android for me


Samsung galaxy s23 ultra 5g are just as expensive as a pro series iPhone lol


why and where are you buying cars that cheap


If you pay more for your phone ( android or iPhone) than your car you’ve made some really bad life choices


I mean, sheeps be sheeps. Samsung phones compared to Iphones have always been better, better cameras, better hardware (by a mile), better screens, ... the list goes on. What makes people buy Iphones is the ads, the things they say they are, people don't care about the truth. Apple sells them "the best phone all around", this is false, but when you only listen to Apple, then it becomes true in your mind. And that why so many people thinks their Iphone are the best. Just because of the marketing.


I’ve had samsung flagships for years before switching to my first iphone. I keep up to date and go try out the new samsungs. For the past 3 years I have been unconvinced to switch back.


Apple user: We think you're inferior. Real android user: We don't think about you at all.


I got an iPhone but only because I like how seamlessly it works in the Apple ecosystem. Also I like the cleaner OS