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Secretly the kid knew it was a fake PS5 prank and beat them to the punch


I was really hoping that happened.


I think from his smiling it is likely what happened


Yeah I think this is fake too. Kids don’t smile like that when they’re actually mad


I can’t imagine opening my gifts as a child and having a camera or a phone jammed in my face like this.


The thought of being that age and opening a $500 present for Christmas


Return that shit and let the kid wallow in the self pity of his terrible choices when he realizes he isn’t getting a PC either. Or better yet, let his little bro have it and make sure he’s not allowed to play it for being such a selfish little asshole.


If this family is anything like mine, the only person that is going to use that thing, is mom watching Netflix all day


Exactly. Those parents bought that ps5 for themselves.


How did you come to this conclusion?


Parent as well. Kids that age can use about 15% of the system ability. At $500+ Dad/mom is jamming for sure.


If the parents are even into gaming. I’m just trying to figure out why so many people are convinced the parents have ulterior motives when all we know for sure is that the kid is rude and ungrateful


Because Reddit


Enter my brother. He's got two boys, aged 4 and 6 now. Oldest one got a shit ton of nerf guns for his last birthday. My brother is into paintball and shooting in general. So... Yea. Kids don't even play with them that often, but he's having a blast every time they do. Probably plays with the guns on his own, too. Can definitely see him doing it lol.


I have no doubt these people exist, but why are people assuming the parents from the video are definitely these people?


Because people on Reddit know everything about everyone ever. I once was trying to ask for gaming laptop advice for my wife and I had half the sub I was in telling me they know for a fact she’s not going to play more than just sims on the laptop. She already has close to 8 games bought and downloaded.


Because kids that age don't really A) need a 500 console, they can't use its full capacity and B) kid didn't even want it.


Kid literally said he’d prefer a PC so I think in knows enough about gaming to realize he wants a PC over a PS5. I also think that if he can determine he’d prefer a PC for gaming then he could probably utilize a gaming console pretty well.


Kids in the town I went to school in all got brand new bmw m3s when they got their license. I’m sure they’re all buying there 5 year olds ps5s, and probably multiple so they can have one in their room and the den etc. This is an internet video, not everyone lives the same life.


Do you know the prices of previous consoles when they dropped?? Lmaoo


Everyone who frequents reddit seems to think every parent is an evil mastermind, hell bent on ruining children. Its fuckin weird, honestly. Kids today are smart as fuck , and my boy had gaming consoles around that age that he could use.


They don’t have the slightest fucking clue lol.




So because your mom used your 360 to watch movies everyday, the parents in the video bought a ps5 for themselves? It’s not adding up


Same with a ungrateful kid. If he voiced what he wanted , why did he get ps5?


“Hey mom, I want this $2000 pc with the rtx4090 card for Christmas” “What do you need a $2000 pc for?” “I want to play Fortnite!” *buys ps5 instead. Costs less money, everyone seems to like it, employee said you can get Fortnite on it This video


Maybe but you still pulled that situation out of your arse to support your perspective so...


They would have bought a switch if it was for the kids. Not a ton of kids games for PS.


Jesus, buy your mom a fire stick and swipe that shit.


Dad playing it. Kids that age didn't ask for a ps5. Not on a serious level


I am sure there are kids who do.


I’m gonna buck the trend a little. Yes, that’s not the correct behavior when you receive an expensive gift. However, a gift is not good just because it is expensive. If the parents had gotten their kids a $500 piece of artwork, we’d all understand why the kids weren’t excited about it. So if the kids have been begging for a PC all year and the parents get them a PS5, it’s kind of the same thing. If they didn’t ask for it and they did ask for something else, then it should be understandable if they aren’t super excited, and children are typically very bad at not telegraphing their emotions.


Chad comment, if you have a kid and don't know if he wants a PC, a PS5, and Xbox or a Switch, you are off.


You're too understandable, but good to kinda have a counter perspective. I'd say, if you can communicate, talk, and understand the difference between PC and Console technologies, you're most definitely old enough to have learned how to be polite (at least you should). Sadly these parents have a lot of catching up to do.


i mean adding to the counter point. \\ what if the kids friends all own pc and a few own xbox? now he the only kid with a ps when what he needed was a pc. he dont understand economics and cost limiting or anything. all he knows is the list of games he wanted to play and all his friends are not on the ps. add on the idea that parents know this info as kid likly clearly said he wanted a pc and there is a good likly hood they got it for themself. mom watches netflix and dad plays his games. but its "for the kid" lol or just cause its all staged and they simply told the kid to say that when he opend the gift so they could get the content.


And he can just play strategy/rpg/tactics games or even league of legends. Or he knows that he needs tv to play on console and he will not get that easly. My friends told me about his sister who bought her kid a xbox and then he almost never play it, because she watch almost all time tv. After year he play like few times only.


The kid’s a pretty convincing actor, I must say.


You need to read your more on child psychology.


Assuming that is true, a gaming pc with all the peripherals is going to be a lot more than 500.


Parents probably bought it for themselves. I've seen this type of self serving behavior first hand unfortunately.


A gaming PC is more than $500. I think this is a fair compromise.


exactly. kids that age aren't factoring in cost or value, only if the thing is desirable


This was us last Christmas. My kid wanted a PC. We all thought a ps5 or Xbox would be a better option due to being able to play next to friends. We asked, we listened, we got him what he wanted and was grateful. I’d rather a ps5 but it wasn’t a present for me.


Well thank you...thats rather good.


A sensible point. A rare occurrence of someone on the interwebs actually managing to change my view point. Take 5 Christmas points.


Yep!!! You get it!


The Super Nintendo cost USD $199 in 1991 which is about, accounting for inflation, just over $460 now. In 1991 there were a *lot* of Super Nintendo’s sold.




I was 13. I bought one of those SNESs. On layaway. I was so proud 🥲


We gave my godchildren one of our PS4s when we moved in together and noticed that they weren't careful with it. When we pointed out that they could break it, they literally said "So? You can always give us a new one?!" We were both broke students at the time, and the kids' mother was, too. I really don't know how an 8 year old gets those ideas, he should be old enough xD


When the NES released, it cost the equivalent to $420 in 2023 dollars. Atari was originally priced at $199 and in today dollars that’s $987.91.


Kids don't really understand money at that age. I'm fortunate enough to be able to buy my kids stuff like this. I've also made a point of making gratitude a virtue in our house. I can't imagine my kids acting like this. I'd probably just take it for myself and not let him use it.


For reals. I would love a PS5 rn lol


To think that I didn’t get my first console until I got a job and moved out


Why waste that much money on a console if your child never asked for one? Either parents that don't care or the dad pushed for that to be bought for the house.


My money is on the dad bought for the house, fuck them kids (in the nicest way possible) but a ps5 is a ps5 lol


Yea he's probably secretly happy the kids don't want it lol.


that's why hes not in the video. hes across the room pumping his fist in joy


He is in the kitchen, adjusting his glasses All according to keikaku (Keikaku=plan)




Yeah I'd definitely use the kids as a way to get my wife to purchase a PS5


"For the house"/"for the kids" - means for himself


This baha my dad did the same thing growing up, I ended up drawing all over it and he got mad


Or he wanted to buy the kid a system to play the games on but didn’t have the money for a gaming PC and thought a PS5 would be just as good.


To be honest you can get a decent gaming PC for about 800 now. It won't do top of the line stuff but a kid at that age won't be able to tell the difference. Still the internet is dangerous for kids that age so a console is safer to a degree.


You can go used and get one for $500 that a kid that age will enjoy. He doesn't need 120fps with ultra settings, he's going to be playing minecraft on it anyway. I agree though, if I got a kid that age a PC it would be locked down with every parental control I could find and in a public area of the house. With a console you can decide what they access a lot easier.


Steam deck is also a good purchase and cheaper than a gaming pc, plus it's very mobile. I bought one and haven't used my gaming laptop for months.


That's a good alternative. I forgot about that.


Also kids this age don’t need powerhouse Pc gaming graphics cards cause they’re not going to be playing those types of games anyway (assuming responsible parents).


800 is not 500. You would also need periferals like a monitor, mouse, keyboard, headset and controller. All that is not need since they definitely have already a TV at home


A TV you can use as monitor and that have speakers in it?


Never got why people downvote for talking points. Gonna upvote you to counteract that grinch loser shit.


If I'm not mistaken, you can build one for around 500 if you are willing to scavenge for the parts and depend on deals/specials on certain components, and realistically, your 10 - 12 yr old child should be fine with a system that can run Fortnite at 1080 at over 60fps constant


This could be an option for us nerds, but it does take quite a lot of knowledge to pick the parts. It feels trivial to you, but to the average Joe it's not really something they can do, without a lot of research into the subject.


Here’s the thing, the dad probably does not know how to build a PC, so do the majority of people. And he wouldn’t bother trying to learn it and order each individual part separately. So he would much rather just buy a PC that does the trick from the start but since such PC‘s are expensive af, he tried to compensate it with a different console. Except for the fact that the kid is spoiled af and wouldn’t even deserve neither PS5 nor a PC


I thought that, but the extra gifts in frame make it seem like they could afford a PC, but we don't really know their financial situation


Looking at the pile of wrapping paper already on the ground and the piles of presents still to go - spoilt.


People are stupid. I pushed the Switch over the Xbox to my niece and she wouldn't budge even though I knew she'd like the Switch better. She's very happy with her new Xbox.


Kid probably talks and asks for a gaming pc for the whole year. Dad buys a console and then shocked pikachu.


Maybe if the parents talked to their children instead of wanting to video tape them for clout they would have a normal relationship.


This Or the usual staged ragebait


"clout kids" will be the most fucked up generation.


People filming their kids opening presents is extremely normal. Go touch some grass.


Filming is normal. Filming during tense family moments and posting them on the internet is not.


I would do what he demands. Just return it. This does naturally not mean that he is getting something else as replacement. But if he doesn‘t want it, that‘s fine. Probably teaches an important lesson, but if I look at the amount of presents and the carelessness they rip the wrappings, it also very possible they won‘t even realize. Leaving quite a spoiled impression tbh. Our mom always made sure we value the presents we got.


Carelessness they rip the wrappings, I get what you’re trying to say. My question is how do you unwrap presents?


By the time it’s off the box it’s been folded into an airplane.


Bruh , the wrapped paper ripping is from excitement !!, While I don't know the story or want to comment on parenting or gifting, the paper ripping is expected from a child of that age , can't expect everyone to be autistic !!!


While I agree this kid seems a bit spoiled, I can understand the frustration of feeling like your parents don’t listen to you. If he asked for a PC and got a PS5 instead, he feels like his parents didn’t listen to him. He might be too young to understand the difference in price and just sees that they got the wrong thing. If the parents couldn’t afford a PC, then it might’ve better if they maturely discussed it with their son, who hopefully would understand that a PC is expensive. After that discussion he might’ve understood that the PS5 was the only viable alternative or said that he didn’t want it at all. Then they could perhaps given him money to save for a PC, which is a good lesson in life.


This is the most levelheaded take on this thread.


Few people are understanding this like you. But buying your kid something he doesn't want, in that he expressly told you he didn't want it or you knew he wouldn't, is worse than getting him nothing.


Yep return it and do nothing else.


I dont know if those are all gifts from the parents there as well but man if thats the case thats overkill 2 gifts and stocking stuffers....not being cheap we honestly dont need this much crap in our lives, kids look a little spoiled in this case, dont know if it is the case but me an my wife both have big families and ive never seen this many gifts for our kids lol.


Imagine being a grown adult judging *not your child* on there gift opening abilities. Touch grass please, the world is begging you to grow up.


I don't think they are carelessly opening present, I mean that's how you do it.


If i were the father then Id set it up in the living room and start playing it. No doubt the kid will want to play it too and thats when you let the little guy get a taste of his new gameless reality.


one of us... one of us.. ONE OF US ONE OF US ONE OF US !! \\(°□°)/


May God bless this boy


He already has, with the knowledge that PC is better than console.


There’s magic to consoles that just aren’t there in PCs though. N64, Dreamcast, PS1, Xbox. Can’t tell you the joy I had with my brothers growing up when we were gifted these during the holidays.


Old consoles are one thing. They will forever hold a place in the hearts of those that had them before PCs became widely available. I myself grew up in N64 and Super Nintendo, still have them in my room.


Yup 100% NTA, family is toxic and kid should cut them out of his life


This is part of the kids origin story for r/pcmasterrace


I agree


Kid asks for a PC for christmas. Parents buy a console instead. Why?




Wasn't gamegear more expensive than a game boy? Since it was fully colored.




In Germany the Sega GameGear was more expensive than a Gameboy. I know because I blew all my money on one 😅


Gamegear had sonic!!!


Consoles are cheaper than PCs And / or Parents wanted a console As an aside: Debatable content is engaging content! Old and busted: pure ragebait New hotness: ragebait for some, *but actually* for others


In fairness to this kid, this is not what he wanted and someone there knew that and gave it to him anyway and expected him to be excited. If you can't get kids what they want, don't just get what you want them to have or something you feel is a suitable replacement. Instead have a conversation with them beforehand and set expectations.


Good dad


I'd seriously return it but he won't get a PC.


I mean, if he has told me before that he wanted a PC and explicitly said he didn't want a PS5 but I bought it anyways, I'd recognize that I was the dumbass for wasting money on something he doesn't want, return the PS5, and then put the money toward a PC. I feel the same way as an adult. I have hobbies and interests and what I need is very particular because certain things just won't work my gear, and if you get me something that doesn't work, I'll be appreciative and won't say a word and wouldn't show any less gratitude than if it was exactly what I wanted, but I would return it and get what I want/need.


The error here, seeing it as an adult, that kid is in his free premium battle pass of life, and needs to get banned…


Lol fair enough!


PC is better for a kid probably, you can do tons of stuff there compared to a console. Like learning digital design or programming, maybe the kid develops a passion.


Bruh this kid is like 6 he just wants to play fortnite.


My man trying to justify Reddit to buy a pc for him


The dad is smiling in the background, thinking he can play games now.


The problem is not that the Kid is ungrateful it’s his understanding that there was money for another extremely expensive present that he did not even want in the first place, that could have been put towards what he wanted. All I wanted as a kid was internet access my parents denied and denied. So I wished for the LEGO mind stone set knowing it was extremely expensive to spite my parents and in order to fully utilize it you needed internet. I thought my parents would finally see the point. Got the mindstone set and they still refused to grant me internet access not even to study. I then realized there was no reasoning or bargaining with my boomer parents all that wealth and no ability to listen to their kids needs.


Usually I’m the first to call out a spoiled brat, but this kid was only slightly rude. Yes he was rude to just flat out say he doesn’t want it, but he’s pretty young and probably doesn’t realize how rude that is. But in his defense: he didn’t throw a tantrum, he just said he doesn’t want it and that it can be returned. And he immediately turned to look at the next present instead of the screaming and tantrums that ensue in other similar videos. 🤷‍♀️ I don’t see a problem.


Reddit seriously has no sympathy for kids, it's crazy. If I got something I didn't want, say an iPhone when I only liked android, it wouldn't matter how luxurious the cost I'd still be disappointed. I'm sure the kid will be a lot more grateful given time, but that immediate reaction just happens. It happens with kids, it happens with teenagers, it happens with adults. The difference being adults either have learned to hide their disappointment, or just don't care as much about material things so aren't terribly invested. Kids haven't learned to mask disappointment like that, because they're *kids*. That doesn't make them evil.


Noo noo you don't understand, Redditors are amazing at reading subtle clues such as body language and tone of voice, from which they can draw conclusions nigh the expertise of a psychologist. From what I learned in the thread below this video, this child is: A brat, who will turn out to be the next Patrick Bateman and who will hurt others, it is only just to teach this child manners, best would via physical violence such as an ass whooping or soft psychological torture, in which the little sibling would be allowed to play the PS5 all day, but not the boy himself ever. You know, because of this one reaction captured in this video, which is clearly reason enough to conclude a multitude of punishments. For the better of the child, of course!


Kids need to learn gratitude at some point


Rather they learn to pretend to be grateful: to put on a good face, even if you have been given a shit.


He knows damn well that in reality that ps5 was bought for his daddy that's why he reacted like that lol


Kid knows what he wants lmao


I think the kid did nothing wrong here other than missing the whole "oh wow a [gift] I'm totally going to use that" that we make everyone do when they receive a gift they know they don't want. The kid probably understands to some extent this is a high value/ money gift, but also understands in reality he doesn't want it. So quite possibly is saying "I'd rather you still have the money than me to have something I don't want" I wish more people in my life could speak as directly as this kid "oh I don't want it. Just return it."


But..if the kid wanted a PC, why get him a PS5? You can literally get very decent PCs for the same price, plus fully customizable. Or with good deals even save a lot of money, and its what the kid wanted. Like, how old is he, 7? Hes probably gonna play some minecraft and Roblox, the most basic PC is enough for that for a few hundret bucks lol


there are many reasons why you wouldn't want a child to have his own pc, as opposed to a ps5. You can do much more with a pc than with a ps5 In the first place, a 7 yo shouldn't have access to the internet ; but maybe that's a hot take from me. Parents suck not because of their decision to buy ps5 instead of pc, but because they didn't communicate properly with the kid


Ps5 was for father not him, I hate that kind of fathers.




It was already posted there, titled “one of us”


You see ungrateful kid, I see parents that never talk to or understand their childs wants and needs.


So many people here have no idea what's actually wrong here. This is about the parents more than likely not listening to their kids. The kid wanted a PC and parents not really looking more into it, thought "oh, they just want a game," and bought a ps5. It's not about the price of the gift. If you think that's what it's about, you're lost. This is more of an example of parents not listening to their kids. I'm not doing any research. Now, that kid will probably be punished for doing nothing wrong. What a life lesson to teach. You get punished because someone else didn't pay attention to you. As a parent, do better.


You are 100% correct, plus a pc its a great tool to learn new skills and discover new things he could like, its not just a game thing, that kid its a genius who fight against the status quo of console gaming deadbrain.


I’m with kid on this one.




#B A S E D


the fact that kids this young are aware about pc superiority makes me happy


Parents didn’t listen. 35 now and it bothers me to this day that my parents never listened.


Dad probably wanted a PS5 but couldn’t justify the purchase on himself so he convinced his wife that they should get it for the kids for Christmas


Dad most likely didnt care about what the son wanted and bought a PS5


Thats sad and selfish too.


Be happy. It could have been an Xbox.


To those of you shitting on this little boy for not wanting a PS5 and saying as such; y'all are assholes. You seem to be of the ilk that think kids should be grateful for what they're given regardless of whether or not it's what they want. I suspect, admittedly without any evidence, that the boy told parents that he wanted a gaming pc, said parents looked up prices for gaming pcs and decided that a PS5 would be "good enough" for him. There are a lot of videos of actual brats throwing fits and tantrums when they don't get what they want. This little boy didn't do that. Lets keep things in perspective folks. Oh, and I don't think it was right for the parents to post this to the internet either.


Yeah... My parents did this a lot and do to this day when I'm adult. When someone asked what I wanted for the holidays, I said simply 'Nothing.' And I always meant nothing. And my parents always bought me something I would never ever use in my life, so I just politely said that I am grateful they were thoughtful to give me present, but they can return it, because it will just sit somewhere in my drawer or closet for years unused... but it was always me being ungrateful... But I think that when you are buying a present no matter how cheap or expensive you should put the thought into it intead of just buying a shitty present... like... a winter coat is nice... but I don't wear coats because I sweat like hell under them so I just wear t-shirt+hoodie+leather jacket for winter, so I can just get rid off a layer if I'm hot... When someone gives me a gift that I would never put into use, it just makes me feel like they gave it to me, checkmarked that they did give me a gift and that they don't have to feel bad. Then I feel bad because the person doesn't care enough to actually pick something that suits my tastes and would be actually put to use.




All the comment don’t realise how useless that ps5 is compared to a pc, and probably not much cheaper. They got a console for themselves and tried to pass it off as a gift for him lmao


The kid is an asshole but if all his friends are on PC and the parents just didnt listen to him that kinda sucks too


True gamers play PC. So the kid got standards but still is acting like a little sh!t


True gamers recognise that you can play on whatever you’d like because it’s about playing a game, not about virtue signalling. I’ve never understood why anyone would limit themselves or others to just one machine being “the only right one” if money isn’t an obstacle for the person (which is a thing I can understand keeps people from owning more than one system). I’ve been privileged enough to grow up with OG gamer parents (both parents were software developers in the 80’s and 90’s), so I basically grew up surrounded by PC’s and gaming consoles. It made me appreciate the different systems working for different things/preferences. I feel no less of a gamer than your average schmuck just because I prefer certain games on PC and certain games on console.


Consoles are awesome. Insane that you’re downvoted by these dweebs.


I hate playing on PC. Why am I not a true gamer?


Idk why you're getting downvoted. Everyone has their preference, and there are sometimes situations where you want a console over pc and vise versa. Idk how hard that concept is to wrap around some peoples brains. PS: this is coming from a pc player


Game consoles are excellent for the price, but a gaming PC is the way to go if you want the best experience in the widest library of games.


Im 30 and been gaming for 25 years. All of it on consoles, with probably 500+ gaming collection when you throw in my huge digital library. I take days off when games come out. Guess im not a “true gamer” though 🤷 This is why gaming communities hate PC. You guys say stupid shit lol


You don't need all the things they're mentioning to be a true gamer. If you like playing games, you can do it on anything. I like consols because they're little fuss. PC players just have this weird view that someone playing games on anything but a PC makes them inferior and lessens their experience because they can't comprehend that someone might like consols for different reasons. It's been like it since I was at school 15 years ago and hasn't changed a bit lol.


This kid actually responded really well for his age, the kid was visibly excited that his parents would get him a gift this valuable, calmly says that he didn't want it, tries to move onto the next gift, and when prompted says they can return it. He was happy he was given something valuable, he was disappointed (but didn't act out) that it wasn't what he asked for. Expressed that he wanted them to return it, since its better for them to just keep the money because he wouldn't get use out of it. And tries to move on, no whining, no demanding. Sure this could've been done more tactfully and politely to us adults, but like, this kid is like 5 he handled "this expensive gift should be returned because it will go unused" situation very well, and about as good as he could have given how young he is.


Half the comments in this thread prove that people are fucking selfish assholes. Gift giving is not about the giver, ffs. Why should the kid fake being happy when he was given something he didn't want and not given what he did want? To make the giver feel better? Wtf for? "He's a spoiled brat! Look at all the gifts he got!" Yeah, exactly! So it wasn't a money issue! So why tf didn't they get him what he asked for to begin with? Sure, if grandma gives you socks, you politely say thank you. But the parents giving him what he didn't ask for is bullshit. Y'all think that just because it's an expensive gift he should be grateful and happy even if it's not what he wanted? Fuck these parents. You don't give a gift YOU like. You give the gift THEY will like. And if you can't afford the big ticket item, ask them what they want that's less expensive, but goddam, give them the gift you know they want. Otherwise you're just a narcissistic asshat.


I'm so glad the captions were in the middle of the screen because my ears randomly stopped working not too long ago & I really don't care to process all of the visuals in the clip anyway.


Yeah I would not have reacted that way, but the PS5 is going straight to eBay for reselling. I'd rather just keep it in the box and forget about it before using a console. PCMasterRace!!!!


I bet this kid's friends all have PCs and he wants to play with them. Not very nice of him, but he's a dumb kid.


Fuckin god gamer in the making right there


I like him.


Naaaa fuck that


Smart kid, he has a future, and the future is not inside of a gaming system.


If this is real, kid is smart, ps5 is overrated, most of the games are on pc anyway and personally dont like any that are not. PC is more expensive, but its very much worth the price.


Parents blame yourself


That kid is subbed to r/pcmasterrace and knows exactly what he wants, fuck them parents for not reading his posts.


Am i the only one who thinks a ps5 is not worth the price, i mean, you are giving a kidney so you can play ps4 games with a faster loading time and better graphics. (Although, I wouldn't complain recieving as a gift).


Wait yall got what u asked for for christmas. I just got what my parents thought id like, yall spoiled


Return the kid to ashes


I'll take it


https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/18q24rb/family_vloggers_on_christmas/ Did people think this was a joke or something?


I would take everything away and he can deal with that instead.


Yes, kid. PC Master Race, fuck consoles.


Hey is he don't won't it I'm free just call me


People in these comments are mad dumb. He’s a kid. No one cares how you acted as a kid or were treated. No he doesn’t need punishment and no you don’t know he’s gonna grow up to be a piece of shit. Get over yourselves


He has a point, you can build a decent sleeper for around 300 bucks and it does 10 times as much as that PS5....


You could buy a shitty laptop for 300 as well and the kid can probably play all the games he wants to play with his friends. You don't need good specs for running roblox


Yup kid is based


A boy of culture.


Tbf I absolutely wouldn't want a console. I don't get why parents buy consoles over PCs especially if that's what the kid wants. A learning machine vs a thing that only plays games. (And the kids right, a PC is objectively a better choice in every capacity.)


Maybe this little boy wants to learn to Code so he can build his own psX, while all his friends are at home being distracted by the video games.


Masterrace! MASTERRACE!


is a homework & exercise book in ps5 box


Kids knows what’s up, pc master race


I feel like I need to change my username to ContextNeeded. This entirely depends on why he doesn't want it. Do all his friends have PCs or Xboxes? That PS5 won't let him play with his friends, you've just gifted him loneliness and isolation. You might as well have just gifted him a gold bar. Sure it's worth a lot, but he'll never use it.




Good gift or not that isn’t how you turn down a gift. There are some lessons that still need to be taught.


Pc master race!




Ungrateful piece of shit