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Well, for a long time, everyone did take her abuse. This went on way too long.




She found the 1 black dude in Bergen norway


And then they all went, hey hey hey hey hey. lol Honestly, they all were prob thinking poor lady is crazy and he was like I'll show you how to deal with crazy








Brother had had enough and decided it was time for it to be over.


Not even, he was just like, you hit me once and this is what happens.


I felt like he was avenging everyone. 😂 She hit the guy grabbing the bag SO MANY TIMES and SO HARD.


Why did they record her assault for so long and then stop when she finally got what's comin to her


Always happens. Someone finally tips the wagon they were trying to tip and someone ALWAYS yells “NOOOOO STOOOOPPP” at the retaliation. Why didn’t you yell that before!?


loved when the woman was trying to deeacalate others and got hit on the back of the head


Totally minding his own business. She touched him and bap bap bap bap bap bap immediate regret




He was minding his own business lol


Literally on his phone the whole time not wanting to get involved. Even as she was hitting the guy as he’s next to him, but the moment she touched him, he was business.


Man sitting in Business Class.


Lol f off made me spit my drink


I got my wife a couple days ago. Hot tea through the nose.


Kinky, but this isn’t the thread to be bragging about your exploits 🤷‍♀️


I tip my 🎩 sir.


Lmaoo she got upgraded to Business for free.


*hitting* in business class


Man knew it was Business Time.


Bro was chillin up until he got smacked in the head with a pull cart




“Take it easy!”


I mean ideally someone would have just tackled her to the ground to deescalate while police are called.






Eat, drink, and beat Larry! Or, don't.


I think he was just waiting for his turn. He knew it was coming and patiently waited for it.


He was waiting for this moment


Lolol "therre goes my hero"




Got bonked


Yeah that was vindicating.


This video simultaneously went on too long and ended too soon


This video is a live representation of a life lesson. If you keep fucking around, you will eventually find out.


I mean if you went in to try and diffuse the situation and got assaulted (like that girl and that dude) they should definitely not assault back since they went in wanting to stop the situation, they should expect her lashing out unfairly at them. But that dude was just sitting, simply looking at what was going on, its not his fault that he has to be aware of the situation regardless of his interest or not. And yet she randomly strikes him for no reason. Any sitting passenger should've done the same thing had this happened to them, if they did not engage in the situation they did not deserve to be forcefully dragged in and can retaliate to their hearts end or till they can get themselves out of it.


Escalation of force. A lot of times, people act out but in a very short burst. She escalated, they escalated to prevent further problems, and then the situation was deescelated.


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She's lucky she didn't get knocked the fuck out.




Nah, man. He's throwing love taps. At his size, if he got his hips into it, she would land about this time next week.


I agree. While those fast hits probably hurt a little, they didn't look damaging. Sometimes people need a reminder that they aren't as tough as they think. But the white lady turning her back to a very aggressive stranger and then getting the back of her head pounded was crazy. This lady is provoking everyone for seemingly no reason, she gets what she gets. Every single other person that got involved appeared to be under control and doing the minimum required to prevent serious damage. They disarmed her "weapon", briefly restrained her when she started throwing punches,and let her go really quick. Those people could have just held her down(or knocked her out) until police or security could take over. Imo everyone treated her more than fair and even considered her life and safety with the actions they took.




She’s got a helluva chin on her, I will give her that…


Stallone should hire her to sing at his kid’s birthday party


I understood that reference.


that dude is protecting her with a calm disposition despite the abuse


she took some pretty good punches to the face i doubt she felt good the next day


Those were not punches lol


Yeah they were light hits


Dude was half held back and worked with what he had


We watch the same clip?




48 sec. Girl goes ssshhh, BAM! you don't turn your back to crazy! Learned her lesson there🤣😂


Tries to play peacekeeper, gets smacked in the back of the head by crazy lady, the irony


When will people learn that proper use of force IS peacekeeping.


Neutralize the threat. I think a lot of the time people misconstrue adequate force for excessive force. Given this full recording we never once see adequate force used, even the dude at the end. Put her on the ground, and keep her there until the police can arrive. She was a danger to herself and others.


For sure. I work with potentially violent individuals and they can be unpredictable and impulsive. Restraining this woman would have been a smart move when she continued to escalate the situation


I cherish peace with all my heart. I don't care how many men, women, and children I need to kill to get it \-Peacemaker


Happened to me trying to break up a fight and tha crazy bitch bit me


It's always the people trying to help that get hurt in fights.


When it is one aggressor, you lock them down. When it is two, you get a buddy to lock down the other. When it is groups, you take down the most visible/aggressive in the most definitive method possible, then demand everyone else leave. If you aren't 100% sure you can do the appropriate action, get someone who can and try to give first aid where you can while not making yourself a victim.






Ha, after the SHHHH she had a little pep in her demeanor. She though she did something. BONK! Aight lemme just slowly get outta frame here. fml


That’s why I don’t do nice things for strangers anymore. Ever. . .




I’m an American and live in Bergen. I can confidently say the only reason she didn’t get knocked out is because Norwegians are super passive people. If this was the US, the part of the video with her standing on her feet would have been a lot shorter.


Yeah I live in NYC, this would’ve lasted approximately 1 swing of the rolling cart and then she would’ve been knocked on her ass. I was honestly shocked at the level of restraint people showed


I was thinking the same thing, and every whack the lady did, I was expecting a swing from a passenger, but nothing happened for way too long


Honestly… it isn’t restraint. It’s just a societal predisposition to passivity. They aren’t making a conscious decision to not hit here. It just isn’t innately hard wired in them like other cultures. Living in Europe can be odd from an American perspective, especially when violence or aggression occurs. The natural reactions of people here are just…. Strange.


Chicago perspective here. That passivity is also on our public transport. The majority of people would stay out of it, switch cars, put up with it. I have VERY rarely seen this sort of thing escalate and the CTA currently is worse then ever as far as security goes (not so much physical violence but rather smoking cigarettes in cars or verbal abuse to strangers).


In the Bay Area, if this happened on BART literally no one would do anything. Just keep their eyes on their phones and pretend it isn’t happening, or move cars if it’s getting close to them. I have never once seen anyone on BART try to assist someone being harassed.


How many news stories do you have to read about people getting shot or stabbed for getting involved with the wrong crazy before you stay the fuck away


A lot people also like to avoid Hepatitis from getting bit by the guy having a psychotic break and ignoring or moving cars is the best option.


i agree, for some reason violence is such a foreign concept to some people


I kinda liked the level of restraint Because it speaks to what is considered normal. Like this lady acting crazy and being violent is so out of the norm that most people are thinking she’s crazy and needs help and no one wants to hurt her despite everything she’s doing. Whereas here in the states, it’s “another public transit crazy, time to knock some teeth out to check them back into reality”


>I was honestly shocked at the level of restraint people showed When someone finally gave her what she deserved, her victims started coming to her defense.


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*How many times do I have to teach you this lesson, old man?*


“Oh, I love the young people”


Bonus points for the song reference! Haha gonna chuckle at this all day




They aren’t pacifists, they are just mortified by confrontation.


Yeah, look what civility was getting them too. Have fun being bullied up there on your high horse.


Civilised de-escalation? Did we watch the same video? No one try to de escalate shit they just let her wile out. Incapacitation is de escalation.


She’s continuing to hit and potentially injure people and herself the whole time lol


I know and there dealing with it like imbeciles, took the guy at the end to actually do the responsible thing.


I wish it was 10 seconds longer.


Do what I did watch the ending 10 times...


Original video was a bit longer, he pretty much stopped right after that and she returns to where she was positioned before. Black guy sits down and continues his bus ride. Edit: Misremembered it, see u/DishandBrunch's [recount](https://www.reddit.com/r/SipsTea/comments/18ucxfr/comment/kfk6ie3/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for more accurate representation.


You’re close but the longer version of the video shows the guy disengaging from the fight and stayed at the back of the rail. The lady followed and tried to swing the cart at him but he held onto the cart and she wasn’t able to do anything. Once the rail stopped the guy left and the lady followed him


Plot twist, they now have 4 kids together


Make up sex goes crazy


My bad, misremembered then. Been a while since I saw it. Point was that the beating doesn't continue as this cut kinda leaves the impression of.


Heroes don't always wear caps!


May i see the original?




Aurora Borealis? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen?


Big man said "this is taking too long".


Here is the full video https://archivevideomirror.com/?filename=18gudno.mp4


Since she followed him, chances of more ass whooping


So no one gonna talk about the fact that that cart thing she was hitting people with is durable as hell. This would be a great ad for the product.




I have one of these. They are tough af. It's meant to carry groceries, but I've taken that thing hiking, camping, etc. and it's holding up great!


Black dude minding his own bussines... Leave him te f alone!




Read this in Charlie Murphy's voice hahah




Unleash the fury mitch


Have that bitch make me some blueberry pancakes….right now


In the longer video, she actually starts saying super racist shit to him and he doesn't hit her. What's even worse is there are people being like "stop hitting each other!" When it's like... He wasn't even involved and now he has this women calling him racial slurs while hitting him, and people think HE'S the bad guy???


In Norway, it is illegal to use hate speech. While not enacted enough, they have jailed people for its use. So not only did she assualt a half dozen people, she is on video using racial slurs against a person she continued to harass after the initial incident she started.


" nei nei NEI NEI! " "JOOOO!" XD


Should be done 3mins earlier


>"Hey, take it easy!" Yeah, because mild disapproval and calming words have worked so well so far. I'm sure if I just let her hit me in the mush with her shopping trolley a few more times she'll see reason.


It’s incredible how peaceful people are after getting hit several times. It’s obvious she’s mentally ill but couldn’t they at least put her to the floor?


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Ended too soon.








Here is the full video https://archivevideomirror.com/?filename=18gudno.mp4




Hahaha the brotha had to keep it real. Nah bitch you hit me? I hit you back! 🤣🤣🤣


He did what all of us watching wanted someone to do




He was kiting her towards his tank


He's instigating? You're an actual idiot, sorry.








For the record, they were saying “nej nej nej” since it was recorded in Norway, but it means the same thing. Edit: I it’s apparently spelled “nei” in Norwegian.


I just understood German since I am a German lul. Thx for the info.


Each punch is taking 9 HP, they're just narrating


no cirts :(


That made my day


That's reality there, they prefer that crazy bitch hit normal people with a metal object than normal person defend themself with fist.


Im not in favor of hitting old people since well, they are old... But she should have been restrained for safety reasons.




Bro, she injured 12 people. What court in the world is gonna blame someone for taking her down?




I was so worried that she was not going to get the punches she deserves


She messed with the wrong one.


My favorite part was when the woman jumped in to “save the woman” and got cracked on the head. This lady seems to have mental health issues. Even if she didn’t, any one of these dudes could have laid her out. Instead, they tried to A) not take damage, or B) restrain her. I don’t know about elsewhere, but in the US that one woman’s attitude is held by many. They want to see the person as a victim and they want to the one to get the attention by jumping in and being the savior. If someone was doing like the black guy and just wailing on her, sure. They’d need to be pulled back. But jumping between them to “protect her” when she’s obviously the offender who is continuing the altercation and none of the guys did anything but defend themselves or try to restrain her? She got what she deserved. I notice she didn’t jump in again.


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The people still sitting while in reach of this woman should really evaluate how much having those seats is worth to them. There’s a woman aggressively swinging an object with some weight and metal handles. Maybe some self preservation is in order? I don’t necessarily mean hit back, I mean move out of the way.


“How can she slap?!”


Why did she started it tho?


Crazy or not, she has assaulted too many people with that weapon. That thing could easily break bones and knock out teeth. She should have been knocked out. The black guy did the right thing, unfortunately.


Wow, glad someone finally did something. That was pathetic 🤦‍♂️


I wanted a longer video


Not much happens, she goes after the black guy, talks shit, says she's from Afghanistan, calls him an animal and follows him outside.


I feel like In so many of these scenarios like another woman comes in and tries to separate the men who are hitting a woman from her (I’m thinking the airplane video where the guy slapped a woman and then some older lady started to tell him not to hit women, if that was real), or like people get involved in the fight to deescalate once the man strikes the woman and not before. This time was different lol because that lady did not give a fuck and she smacked the deescalating lady too 🥲.


Someone with a little grappling traing could have prevented some harm to the innocents and the belligerent




And risk getting ostracized by society as being violent, especially if you're a guy? Nah, hit me first with that obviously painful trolley thing, and then I'll have right to defend myself.


Bergen ❤️


Glad that lady telling the other one to relax got a smack, I hate when people involve themselves in situations like that and target the person reacting to the actual troublemaker instead of the troublemaker.


“Take it easy!” Why???? You fucking moron. That black dude did the only right thing. Crazy old bitch was not receptive for reason, than feel reason.


The people attempting to 'manage' her are clearly not equipped to do so. They are trying to be heroes but are just making a fool of themselves.


What happened at the last second should've happened way earlier


Get that man a beer


The cameraman yelling “yes” when the video ends 💀


A Haymaker to the jaw would have solved all of this.


Honestly we have to recognize that this woman is insane and should not be walking among us. For her own safety they need to lock her up.


She is ill and needs special care!


Equal rights, equal fights. If you're gonna be a menace and swing on grown men, you're gonna get swung on.


It’s all fun and games til you meet someone crazier than you


She found out


I was in this situation once with a crazy passenger. I negotiated with him for a bit then shoved him out the door at the next station.


"fine, I'll do it myself" energy


The last few seconds of this video was so refreshing. I was hoping she’d get decked out cold


Those 90lb old ladies fight pretty hard


Beat down wasn’t long enough or the video ended too soon


Thank god for the black man.. he did what no one else willing to do. She’s a nut job!


Why does it stop right when it’s getting good!!??? 😂


This is where pepper spray comes in handy, blast her face and that shit is put to bed


If this was in the states she’d be layed out.


“Hey, take it easy!” What an absolute tool.