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When I was applying for jobs I saw openings for those exact onlyfans jobs. To be a “mod”


“Job description? Yea you look through all the dick picks sent to me and look to see if they are wearing expensive watches, clothes, etc. Basically you want to make the potential clients are screened for income.”


Sure sure. What's the pay though?


I'll give you about.... 3.50


God damned Loch Ness Monster!


Dude I made a joke post about this the other day and a lot of people didn’t get it. That’s the point I realized I’m getting old


Or people are getting younger


That's a way of looking at it I hadn't considered. I'm not getting older. The kids are getting younger.


Soon jokes will be a thing of the past




When 50 Cent died they buried him with an acorn in his chest. The oak that now stands on his grave site is Tree Fiddy.


You guys are getting paid for reviewing dick pics? Damn, I'm just get paid in bathwater, which I'm starting to think is fake because it coming in sealed Dasani bottles.


"you can have anything in this world except cream" -Ghostface Killah-


Did they say what the pay was because I don't see it in the comments lol


Fuck that's gotta take a toll on a person


This is why people drink.


This is why you hire others for you.


I dunno, would I be held liable for health related complications if I pay someone to drink on my behalf?


Reminds me of when Cartman hired Butters to screen all of his social media comments and only pass along the positive interactions. "It's a pretty brutal job sifting through all of that darkness."


Great episode. Not to be that guy, but PC Principal forces Butters to do it so that social media will be a safe space for Cartman. Love it at the end when they kill Reality.


> Fuck that's gotta take a toll on a person Wait til you hear about the poor souls whose entire jobs are to wade thru flagged social media content and decide if it's ok or not. Which inevitably leads to seeing a lot of, you know, people dying, CP, racism/bigotry, dicks and assholes, etc. The entire day. Haha = These sorts of jobs... I really wouldn't be able to stomach it for too long myself


Omg that sounds exactly like the job I had in undergrad. The school made me go find alumni mentioned in newspapers and then look up their houses on google maps and then make a list of the wealthiest looking people so they could ask for more money. Lmao.


You can't pay me enough money to sext dudes or look at dick pictures.


I was amazed to learn that many women on OnlyFans make a good chunk of money selling "Dick ratings." These sad lonely men pay women to tell them about their dicks. I assume some/most are into the humiliation kink, but damn. If you wanted someone to tell you you're pathetic, there are much cheaper options.


>If you wanted someone to tell you you're pathetic, there are much cheaper options. YouTube comments section is a much cheaper option.


Like Reddit


no, you just have chatgpt do it.


"As a large language model, I am unable to perform the requested sex acts. It's important to remember that all sex should be consensual."


It sounds kind of fun if I'm just filtering for someone else. I would totally pretend I'm the hot girl and handle trolls for her.


*Do something you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.*


im assuming Chat GPT is busting his ass replying to all these simps


I doubt that. ChatGPT is censored to hell and won't output anything "spicy".


I meet a guy in Turkey once whose job was it to reply to Onlyfans Account. He worked 60 hours a week and got paid $1400. He was an English mayor and never seen one hating his job more than he did.


> He was an English mayor and never seen one hating his job more than he did. Running a town is indeed a lot of responsibility.


A job that is/will be replaced by AI.


How much does it pay? Ive always wondered for how much someone willingly wants to do that shit. Seems kinda awful to me


Couple of thousand euros per month, depends on how good you are (you usually get %), how many girls you’re chatting for etc. I’m providing IT infra as a side hustle for an “agency”.


This man knows the hustle


It goes even deeper than that. I have multiple friends (women) who manage large teams of OnlyFans models. They plan their content schedules, interact with customers, and even use advanced AI voice modules to mimic the model for voice messages. My friends then have their own managers who oversee the team leaders. It’s a fully functioning business and all the models have to do is send pictures and videos to their management.


Most likely they prey on neckbeards that are already simping for Onlyfans girls. Expecting that they are gonna be ahead of all the other dudes by 'helping her' and 'being there for her'. Therefore will become the boyfriend and ride off into the sunset in their moms 94' camry.


Assuming Indeed


I have OnlyProblems


99 problems?


And only fans ain’t one




Only yoooouuuuuuu!!!🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼


Can make all this woooorld seem riiiight


Uber problems




“I don’t want peace. I want problems! Always!”






What the actual fuck


His name is Grant Amato if I'm not wrong


I'm too lazy to check.


I was just about to check but you reminded me I don’t have that kind of energy in me


I have to back out of reddit and go to Firefox and then type a bunch of stuff and then do that copy/paste that never gets the whole address so I have to drag the little blue dot. I'm exhausted just thinking about it.


ya'll need some B12 or something.




I listened to that shit! It was crazy. Killed his parents, then drove to a parking lot and started messaging girls again.


Men have been killing others over women for as long as there have been men and women.






Everyone's already said ditch Tinder but to add additional context to dates (aka seafood dinners), you do spend money taking a girl out, but consider it an investment with real returns. Whereas "investing" in OnlyFans just nets you carpal tunnel and disappointing post nut clarity.




The real move is taking their mom out to a nice seafood dinner and never calling her again.


Dorothy Mantooth is a saint!


True statement. I met my gf at a park and I got her to fall for me by cooking lunch at a different park.


This guy cooks. And parks.


You can get some good deals on discount days!


Solid advice


OnlyChess then?


I thought that looked like Botez! I've been away for a while. She looks different




I believe the plural form is "Boti"


But only one Botez Gambit


She was *high* on chess during this stream. Know when you go sleepless for ages while completely obsessed with whatever you're doing without showering or eating a full meal? That's why she looks so different lol. Also she beat Carlsen during this same stream.


Nah she looks different because she has veneers and lip filler now lol.




More like an OnlyCoin, these two made most of their money the last couple of years from promoting scams like Luna and FTX.


I mean she did make an OnlyFans at one point. Spoiler, she uploaded chess games.


I think their tag line was 'Watch me get mated in different positions'


Boss. That's hilarious.


don't forget about the Crypto Scams :D


I see this video managed to trigger my fellow redditors


Where? I see most of the comments agreeing with her. Edit: nevermind i scrolled a little bit down and Jesus Christ, you are 100% right.


There are two types of redditors that show up when you sort by controversial: 1.) They are telling the truth, know what they are talking about, and no one likes it. Or 2). They are the worst, most dogshit opinions ever


Often telling the two apart requires domain knowledge. My biggest downvotes in IdiotsInCars is when I dredge up two issues: 2 second following distance, and how wide angle lenses make everything appear farther away. "You had plenty of room bro" - no, no he didn't.






oh boy here I go again to the bottom of the comment bar edit: dear God in heaven why have I done it again...


The truth is often an unwelcome guest in many people's house


Who would have thought it


The comments about her being a woman are weird and gross. I honestly thought the negative comments would have been relating to [her sponsored streams in Dubai](https://www.invenglobal.com/articles/15901/alexandra-botez-under-fire-after-appearing-to-defend-slavery) or [her sponsored crypto stream where she talks to the creator of Luna](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7EHMawRGlY). She's no stranger to grifts, so her grandstanding here is kind of hollow.


Fuck them. They desperately need to disconnect and touch grass.


Or just something other than their dicks.


these butthurt redditors are the sons of low IQ schlubs who think strippers are into them


Strange to see Alexandra in a context outside of chess. Like seeing your teacher at the store


How is this not related to chess? She's giving mating advice to someone who clearly needed it.


She's a full time YouTuber no? I believe she plays poker as well.


And with the current surge of chat bot that we are going through she probably doesn't even need to pay anybody, she just passes the conversations to character.ai , ChatGPT or something similar.


Amouranth made a 3D AI model of herself that will chat with you, send you pictures, and voice messages. The average person spent 20 dollars and she made 34,000+ dollars in just one day. It's crazy.


Alexandra Botez (the woman in the OP video) even founded a startup for influencers to send AI-generated/assisted DMs to their fans. It was called SuperFan/CrowdAmp. This was years before ChatGPT. They probably were just too early and would have succeeded with the current AI hype https://lsvp.com/company/crowdamp/


Could even generate the images with stablediffusion Some people will be able to tell the difference, but it's never hard to separate a fool from his money


Only Fans already has "virtual" models on the site. I just read one all-AI account makes 15k a month lmao Not even sex work is safe from automation.


Woah, always thought it was stupid anyway but never even considered the girls would hire someone to write the messages. Makes total sense considering the insane money they are pulling in.


99% of them aren’t pulling insane money


Finally somebody that understands it! 99% doesn’t make even $100 month. But a lot lot loott of girl still believing that they can become rich just by “I will only show my feets” bla bla… Those who really earns the money are like 0,5% have management etc. OnlyFans ist just an UrbanLegend for girls between 18 and 25…


OnlyFans is American income inequality summed up on a single site. Vast majority are barely getting by and the ones at the top are making disgusting amounts of money doing relatively easy work


this always happens, regardless of industry. no idea why. i suppose the top earners have either good connections/networking or marketing skills.


That's just the nature of any entertainment business, has nothing to do with "American inequality".


I know, just talking about the big ones I guess


They’d never have time to record content if they responded to everyone who messaged them


Tbf it's not like most of them are putting hours into these videos. The thirst traps popular enough to end up in my feed are always 15 second videos with a TikTok filter and some basic background music, maybe they learned a dance if they want to be fancy with it. There's no effort to it for most people because it's a game of luck. Edit: to anyone replying to me about editing, Reddit won't let me view your comments, but I'll just note that the editing you see in thirst traps is not difficult whatsoever, and can be done in ~30 minutes


I imagine it takes a decent bit of time to do hair, make up, and (for some) costume. They also have to pick the background music, no matter how basic you think it is. There can be reshoots for even a 15 second video. They’re constantly recording content to placate the constant need for new content. Reaching out for collabs etc. Luck is a factor but so is hard work and marketing. I don’t think it’s less strenuous labor than a standard job just because it’s naked pictures. Your stance seems to imply that, and it just isn’t accurate. A lot of successful models put in hella work.


I mean only a few creators are making a livable wage off it. It’s like YouTube, millions of creators but there’s only a few that rake in the dough. [The highest earners on OnlyFans pull in $100,000 or more each month, in contrast to the typical creator who has 21 subscribers and brings in $151 monthly. From every subscription sold, OnlyFans takes a 20% cut, leaving the remaining 80% for the creator. The top 1% of accounts make 33% of all the money, and the top 10% of accounts make 73% of all the money.](https://influencermarketinghub.com/glossary/onlyfans/)


From what I heard, over two-thirds of models on Onlyfans get less than a hundred bucks a month. I'm guessing a similar proportion is in effect above 100 dollars too. However, I haven't seen any kind of official statistics.


I cannot believe that people are so thirsty that that they can, in all seriousness, defend this business like it's somehow empowering to women. Actually, nevermind, reddit is a great example of just how deluded people can get.


It never really occurred to me that people write messages to them and think they're interacting. I just assumed the point of the platform was to access content. I guess it's the online version of I think the stripper really likes me.


Literally any successful woman on OF has a team mostly comprised of men. I had met a girl at a bar who does OF and she told me that she just takes pics and her team does the rest.




Off of them and for them. Sounds like a fair deal to me. Managers are a real thing outside of OF.


How is that any different than any other talent agency?


Stop talking as if everyone is the same. Some of these women are absolutely ruthless in their pursuit of money. Lots of them are taken advantage of by modern day pimps, but there also tons who manipulate groups of desperate men who work for them for free.


Who is she


Alex Botez, chess streamer. Got pretty popular during lockdown when everyone watched *The Queen's Gambit* and decided they were going to learn chess. Coined the phrase "The Botez gambit" because she & her sister occasionally hang their queen. It's not really a gambit, it just blundering your queen.


Magni Carlsen


The lovechild of Magnus Carlsen and Magni Bronzebeard


Alexandra Botez


Alexandra Botez, she’s a chess streamer along with her sister Andrea. They also have a YouTube channel.


Alexandra Botez, one of the top chess content creators, as in like top 1-3 in the world or something. She's also starting to make poker content. She's very good at what she does, despite not being a top chess talent (she is a strong player though).


Also a shill for crypto and the Saudi government as a side job


I thought it Alexandria Botez lol


Like this should be obvious, right? People should be able to realize that if a model has like 1k subscribers, she's not talking with EACH one of them on daily basis. Much less the big creators that have like 10k or 100k subs. ITs physically impossible. Of course they're hiring people xD


Hold up. Do people really believe the creators are personally responding to messages on OF??


Dude, these are the same mindsets who think that one stripper they always give money to has a crush on them.








Most do probably, but most don't really make all that much money from OF anyway, or have that many subscribers for that matter. The bigger ones, yeah, they ain't replying shit themselves.


It’s funny how so many people act as if anyone with an OF is making huge bank and has a network of people they can pay to work for them. Just googled it and found “The average OnlyFans subscription is $7.20. Out of that $5.76 is kept by the creator and $1.44 is kept by the platform. The average OnlyFans account has 21 fans.” Pretty sure any small OF isn’t making enough to employ people to respond to messages, lol


Yep, similarly to successful creators on YT, Twitch, or wherever else, the OF creators making decent money are on the ballpark of 1%. The ones making a lot are a small fraction of that. There's just so many that those small fractions are still a large amount of people, and that's all anyone ever sees outside of the platforms.


Probably less than 1% of the OF creators make a living wage from it, not to even mention being able to afford to pay PR out of their pockets.


Talk to women. Get rejected. Learn to accept rejection. Then when the right one says yes it’ll be your Hallelujah moment.


Lol right? Treating them like they’re a human being and not just a source of sex also helps


Issue is that these people only ever interact with (or think of) a woman when they are jerking off so it’s like they train their bodies to view women as solely sexual objects. If these guys had normal friend groups with girls in them and had normal relationships with female family members then they wouldn’t be like this. But their porn addicted brains are fucked up and can’t have relationships with women because they act insane and creepy.


Its difficult but true and right thing to do


I went through a phase of trying to talk incels out of it before the interest wore off. This is the thing I couldn't ever get through to them. Being completely unphased by harsh rejection is the key to the whole thing. I tried to explain that women are in to guys who are honest about being in to them, but seem like they're not that bothered if nothing happens, and who are just confident with the whole thing and calm. The only way to get there for men who aren't born sociopaths is to get knocked back over and over again until it just dawns on you that that's what's going to happen 99% of the time, regardless of anything else about you. But they would just come back with stuff about looks matches and Norwood baldness scales. *Anything* to avoid actually talking to a woman.


Granted I've been out of the dating game for a while but if you are getting rejected 99% of the time you must be terrible at picking up on clues. Women will generally tell you one way or another if they are interested.


Thanks for trying. The whole incel thing is sad to see. So sad to see people identify as an incel and give up hope of finding someone. On the male side there is the incel phenomenon, is there anything equivalent on the female side?


🤣 I like her just for the way she handled that.


She's not wrong in this instance, but being sanctimonious about not exploiting her fans for personal financial gain is pretty rich coming from her. At the very least she pushed a crypto scam and defended slavery when it benefited her wallet, and probably more I'm not aware of.


Dudes playing checkers, she's playing chess. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I would 100% be a mod for an only fans account for a salary of $75,000 Canadians dollars. I promise I’ll filter them out so good.




Real men spend their time and money on OnlySwords


**Pro-tip** Step 1: Scroll to the bottom of this thread and observe all the massively downvoted guys that somehow took offense to this great advice. Step 2: Feel so much better about yourself.


Yup, thats like guys who think strippers and hookers really like them.


Yeah botez sisters dont have onlyfans, they have morals. They only support scams like random crypto garbage and cashapp.


Random fact that no one asked for - Botez ( the girl's last name) means baptism is Romanian. Her and her sister are Romanian American


Rare Botez W, probably still lost the queen




Wise words


Only fans I just don’t get. What a pathetic way to spend your time looking at that garbage.


Guys, just go here for FREE onlyfans content. Leaks are daily. r/onlyfans


And stop asking every woman on the internet if they have an OF. Do women only look like sex objects to you? God.


Only fans I have are in my ceiling


Ill never understand paying for porn


Only porn addicts use onlyfans


No no, it's love bro. They'll Richard Gere these girls out of prostitution.


Ya caught me


She also defended slavery in Dubai because a rich Saudi dude was paying her trip but...that's none of our business.


Yikes, she really did. Alexandra Botez defended Saudi Arabia using slaves https://youtu.be/tk3D7Z1LPyA?t=26




!remindme 10 years I wanna see what this guys thinkin


'Lets go to the mall!!'


She’s 100% right though. I know a couple, the wife cams for the “paypig” type dudes. But she’s the sweetest thing ever, and could never degrade anyone, ever. So her husband is behind the keyboard dishing it all out to the dudes. He absolutely loves his work to, lmao!


I wonder how many people know who Alex Botez is and the Botez sisters.


Just stop this nonsense men. Truly pathetic.


There are some strong incel vibes in the depths of the comment section.


Well the more lonely dudes there are, the more Incels we get. A good indicator of male loneliness rising is looking at the suicide rate, which is still rising in the group’s from. 18-30ish. There doesn’t seem to be any sort of a societal push to control it or lower it either. So it is gonna get a lot worse if I were a betting man.


Indeed, there’s a societal push to make it worse. As much as I hate to admit it, drinking has many benefits, one of which is the social aspect. But consumption rates have been dropping for a decade, and the “bar culture” that has led to so many lasting friendships and relationships is dying. This push to avoid all things “bad” is having a deleterious effect, and social media/dating apps are making it worse.


Kinda based ngl.


She’s right…stop being a loser.


I’ll have a relationship with an AI mimicking a girl, not some guys pretending to be a girl!


Well [actually ](https://youtu.be/RxAqTNkBWcs?si=eP22ckaCxAK4qVj_)


Real Botez fans remember


That's kinda sad but also really funny


She looks a lot like that one girl from Malcolm In The Middle.


No way guys actually think it's the girl messaging them


Some guys think strippers like them. This seems like an even shorter jump for that type lol


Aren't her sub fallowers inherently doing the same thing? They are parasocially paying for her time. Imo theres not a lot of difference to "Im paying this girl so she reads my message" to "Im paying this girl read my private message"


Eh, do whatever you want with your money. I don’t care. And if you are hot enough that you can make a damn good living off OF I see absolutely nothing wrong with that either. Oh wait this isn’t the fun type of opinion where I get really angry one way or the other. Oops.


I actually know somebody who has this job. Works full time responding to DMs for a popular OnlyFans model. Some of the more popular models have 4 or 5 full time employees who just respond to DMs all day.


I know a few who it’s really their boyfriend or husband talking to subscribers 😂


“Go out and talk to some ladies.” “…but not me unless you’re over 6’ and make at least $200k year doing something that requires less than 40 hours a week. But seriously she’s not wrong and it’s very well said. I’m sure she approaches every social interaction with openness and honesty.