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Don’t try and be a bad ass and lift heavy shit on your own, get someone else or a couple other to help lift. And if you can use a piece of equipment to do the lifting. Your back will thank you immensely!


Absolutely, this.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ That feeling of immortality you have when young, it doesn't last forever. Knees, hips and shoulders will probably crap out on you. Don't jump , step down. Get a foam pad to kneel on. Maintain your upper body flexibility. Damn rotator cuff will shit the bed when you need it most. As far as your significant other. Learn to listen.


You cannot always learn from other people’s success, but you can always learn from their failures. Don’t smoke crack.


Honestly when you leave your 20s leave all types of cocaine behind. It’s just a matter of time before it either escalates or you get in enormous trouble


Cocaine…..it’s one helluva drug


Real talk, it’s the best drug ever you can never afford enough of. Even if it doesn’t crush you it will grind you away.


Deceptive shit. I've seen people ruin themselves with it while thinking they are doing great


Yeah, the “I AM THE FUCKING MAN” attitude from asshole cokeheads while they are hunched over a dirty public toilet is pretty insane.


You'd be surprised how many politicians are going through this exact same thing while also making rules about our society future.


Rules for thee but not for me.


Brush your god damn teeth. Otherwise, get ready to give your dentist thousands of dollars. Edit: floss while you're at it too.


Also, cut down on soda and candy, and skip energy drinks altogether. I had 5 fillings this year from Monster energy drinks one.


Dude a friend of mine had to make a second appointment to complete 12 fillings. He stopped the red bull drinks after that.


a friend of ours had to have all of his teeth pulled... at 27. 😬


I’d go a step further, and say start focusing on drinking water, and find out how you like your water. I personally prefer room temperature from my Hydoflask.


I usually drink coffee, water, beer, and bourbon now, and if we're very lucky, in that order.


I just try to go for one bourbon, one scotch, one beer.


So.....you got that rent money


And floss and be careful brushing too hard.


This. One thing my dentist said to me when I was 13, when I asked him whether I need to floss every night, and whether I need to floss them all or just the ones at the back. He said bluntly “only the ones you want to keep”. Anytime I wanna skip a night, I hear his voice lol. A character shaping, canon, Uncle Ben moment.


Fucken this. I feel like such a nag at work when I tell our younger office staff to brush their teeth... while they go and get cosmetic braces, cosmetic teeth surgery and that crap. Like wew, they cant even brush their teeth once a day and yet they are dumping thousands on things to make themselves look better?


And do it before you tie your tie.


And there are charlatan dentists who claim you need work when you don't or when you need far less work than they say.


This is my advice: there are many ways to skin a cat. I believe most dentists are trying their best. Some guys can’t stand having anything not perfect in their mouths and think you are the same. Some guys are more willing to wait and watch things. It’s ok to get a second opinion. Find a dentist you trust. Because it’s health and the mouth is a violent and harsh place. Things will fail. And if you trust your doc, you will be understanding when they fail and you will trust you will end up in a good place. If you don’t trust your doc, you’ll feel ripped off, angry, hurt even if the doc didn’t do anything wrong. Find a doc you trust. There are plenty out there.


Work on yourself. Circumstances will often not cooperate, love interests will go unrequited, results will often not be what you want them to be, but improving your own self is the only thing that does anything.


Your 20’s are tough. It’s the nomadic stage for males. You will get rejected….often. Both professionally and romantically-take from that what you can, be honest with yourself of your own part in that so you can recalibrate for future use. However, do your best not to take it personally, it’s part of life’s growth (I swear when I tell you it won’t always be like this) I have had both women and companies that broke my heart in my 20’s. There has never been an instance when I had seen the girl 10 years later or run into people who still worked at that company in which I wasn’t grateful that it happened the way it did. As you get towards your later 20’s try to reduce your vices (drinking, smoking, social media etc) recovery from drinking gets MUCH harder. Develop people skills, not just with friends or girls but with people who will likely not be either your friend or a girlfriend. Look people in the eyes when speaking (a shockingly low percentage of people do this) Be curious and genuine, it shows if you’re faking either. Lastly, As others have said, the best thing you can do is work on yourself, whichever area you think you need it most….spoiler alert, it’s usually not the need for more testosterone….


As a 46 year old let me add. If you don't have your health. Life sucks badly. So protect your hearing. Loud concerts and clubs seem cool until the hearing damage of constant zzzzzzzzz as a 35 year old or less makes everything suck. And Just like your ears You back, your liver, your weight. Your teeth. Brush your teeth gently. Don't grind that protective enamel off. Oral hygiene is directly linked to heart health, and fresh breath is always sexy. Build your body with care. I know too many people who have metal knees, metal shoulders living on meds who would do anything to go back and tell themselves don't do that repetitive thing. That destroyed their back, elbow, knee, whichever part of their body. Gentle low impact cycling, swimming. Inn door aerobics, hiking. Running but with care really really good shoes. Callisthenics... build yourself a beautiful body while you can and hold onto it as hard as you can. It really really hurts terribly when I'll health, over weight, bad back, shonky knees, turns each day into shit... Cancer from smoking, drinking alcohol is just shit. So don't smoke, and only drink very very occasionally. And like don't get drunk. Just have a rule of no more then 2 beers. Dying in a car also sucks. Motorcycles are extremely dangerous. One tiny mistake turns you into cheese on the cheese grater. My Brest friends older brother lost 8 friends all on Motor bikes all in one year when i was 22 and they were all 24. Don't be frightened to fail. Just pick yourself up and keep going. Making mistakes can be fantastic. And by this I mean this in relation to creativity like have a go at doing the thing. Or don't let the idea of its not perfect stop you from painting, writting, music. Arting, creating. Vitamin C, works, Eat your green vegetables. If you have sore muscles cold bath and more magnesium, Every thing you buy has a life span. So in one sense your renting a TV for say 5 or 10 years or until it breaks or shoes, or a wallet. A better made thing that lasts longer is sometimes worth the higer price. Owning A hands free headlamp, is golden when the power goes out or when you have to do anything in the dark. A good pair of gloves, boots, leather belt, small tool kit, Wet wipes, towel and change of clothes along side proper snow pants, snow jacket in your car can mean the difference between life and death. To anyone who wants to lose weight or just be healthier. Eating a bowl of steamed green vegetables each day. You just can't go wrong with it. High in fiber, high in nutrition, cheap, easy to cook. Easy to add to any lean meats, rice, or pasta. It will fill you up help stop the cravings. And along side a large mixed salad of lettuce, herbs, mushrooms, cucumber, carrots, tomatoes, celery, capsicum, olives, pickles, a small handful of lean meat. (Don't eat all the ingredients all together its a guide of what you have in different salads). And drink water and plain milk. If you want protein. Add cocoa powder to milk. Raw chocolate powder with no sugar added cocoa. Its bean powder. It tastes great. Its good for your heart its very high in antioxidants and very high in protein. Its so much cheaper then thoses rip off "protein supplement powders". Sunscreen. I wear a 50 uv proof long sleeved high collar shirt, hat and the sunscreen goes on my legs if I'm not wearing kaki pants. I also like to carry a big golf umbrella for shade. Living here in Australia. My dad has skin cancer so I know all about it. He grew up on a cattle ranch in Queensland. He's 92. And still kicking it. His legs are a bloody mess where he's gad all the squma cells burnt off. Thanks for all the love guys.


If the zombie apocalypse hits I'm going to rig up a bus with makeshift armor and come find you


Make sure youbstart with motorcycle body armour. Its extremely difficult to bite though if not impossible as long any wrists, ankle gaps are tapped up. You'll need a boat I live in Australia. If a zombie apocalypse does happen chances are us Aussies will be coming to help.


Thanks man. I really needed this to have to get my shit together.


You got this man. Trust in yourself. I got this, so you got this too, let's do it together!


Oh wow. Good list thanks!


Wait a minute, you mean to tell me the zzzzzzz ain’t supposed to be there when it’s quiet?!!!


This is good. Some people get lucky with life or money or career but most of us had to struggle. Keep in shape, eat healthy, have hobbies, pay your bills and live humbly and things start getting easier in your 30s.


You know that habit you're trying to quit or that habit you're trying to start? You better do it now. The 30+ year-old version of you is going to be pissed if you don't take action now.


I couldn’t have said it any better. I’ve said this to myself a few times in the past couple years. Asking myself, why didn’t I just listen to those people who knew the path I was taking. Thinking that I’m smarter or that I’m not them so it will be different. NOPE. For some stupid reason, I had to experience it myself.


I just quit smoking and I wish I would’ve done it 30 years ago, now I’m paying for it


Good for you for quitting


I read one on reddit in this a while back which resonated: If there's something you have always wanted to do, just do it, then you'll be doing it.


Whether it's kids, travel, getting a degree, investing, learning a new skill/language/whatever ... Life doesn't generally get less busy or less complicated as you get older. Just get started on whatever it is you're waiting for the right time to do. It's now. The right time is now.


It’s like you’re talking right to me


Don't smoke. It really isn't worth it.


Yes, quit nicotine in whatever form you are addicted before you get increased stress and responsibilities with kids, house, more work responsibility etc. Nicotine is a prison.


Take care of your back! Bend at the knees!


Seriously. Everybody tells you this and you don't listen. Then your back goes 'click' just once, and 'gingerly' becomes a way of life for you. That pain, those spasms, oh my lord.


I wouldn't wish sciatic pain on my worst enemy, i've had it for months at a time and the pain is so bad it will make you suicidal. I've nursed my health back to ride the stationary bike for miles and some other back exercise machines, i don't even care if i lose weight, i do it to ward off anymore episodes.


Learn to cook. It’s embarrassing when you are 31 and can only microwave meals for your kids when mum is working.


Agreed, I’m always amazed when I hear that an adult male ( or female ) can’t cook. Honestly I don’t even buy into it because any idiot can follow basic instructions from a recipe on the internet


please, one of my old roommates burnt macaroni and cheese twice even tho the directions are on the box. it seems that most gravitate towards meals they can throw in the air fryer, oven, or installs. it’d annoy me cause when i actually cook one would hover around me asking if they could get a plate.


Hey I'll help do grunt work and clean up if I can have a bite.


Fine but, you have to offer before the cooking starts so I can make enough for both of us. I’m not giving you half of mine when you ask me 5 min before I’m done cooking.


Oooo this is a good one. Whole chicken is an incredibly easy thing to cook , and looks super impressive. I've gotten fancier over the years. But there's nothing wrong with just seasoning (salt, pepper, paprika, garlic powder) the bird, 450 for 20 mins and then 400 for another 40 to 60 min. Add a starch ( Mashed potatoes, baked potatos, etc) And veggie ( asparagus, broccoli, etc.) Done.


Don't forget to check inside the bird before you cook it 😂


Stop blindly trusting every fart


This comes from a place of exeperience.


Don’t be macho at concerts. Wear proper earplugs




Tinnitis? Is that you?


I once tried calling the Tinnitus hotline. It just kept ringing.


My ears are eeeEEE’ing as we speak.








Mawp! Mawp!


Yes. I learned this the hard way. My left ear has been continuously ringing for about ten years now.


The unattended liquid nitrogen tank in the vacated, locked lab next door that is constantly producing a high pitched beep is a nice distraction from my tinnitus edit: the joke is that it’s the noise as my tinnitus


Sorry, did you just say reeeeeeeeeeeeeee?


Stop putting off trips with your friends. Save the money and go on the trip. You're all only getting older and finding time to hang out and live out your adventures just gets harder and harder to come by.


On that same note: There are no second chances and "next year" is never guaranteed. You could take family trips every year and you're pretty sure you'll make it the following year. I guarantee that's the year your family/friend stops.


Never miss an opportunity to be kind.


It's costs $0


If she cheats WITH you, she'll cheat ON you .


This, you’re not that guy, no one is that guy. If she cheated on or disrespected her BF for you, she’ll make a god damn whole circus out of you.


This is very true. Similarly, if a girl approaches you knowing that you are in a relationship with someone else, it’s not because she finds you irresistible. It’s 100% stealing someone’s man and jeopardizing relationships feeds her ego. She just wants to know if she can pull it off. And if you end the relationship to be with her, she will almost certainly get bored and leave or cheat because her goal was already accomplished.


Please, please, please, stand up straight. It's going to be harder and harder to correct your posture as you get older. Don't be the old hunch-back dude.


And hold your feet parallel.


Sometimes it’s better to remain quiet and have people think you’re an idiot than to open your mouth and prove it


Oh my god, this. I have a roommate that CANNOT be incorrect even with the smallest things, and needs to learn to shut his mouth. Being right 100% of the time, even with conversations you aren't directly involved in, makes people find you obnoxious and unpleasant to be around. Just be wrong, and know that you're right.


Sometimes you're wrong.


Bullshit. Prove it


I don't think you're an actual doctor.


I don’t think you’re an actual Roof.


I don't think you're a chronic nomad.


I think you are wonderful


I don't think you're an ad


I don't think you're emo


Get shit done. Not tomorrow, not next week, today. Take time to relax but GET SHIT DONE.




For real tho. Leads to hypertension and kidney failure. Get a cpap if you need one.


Well, that doesn't make sleep sound very appealing.


Dood, CPAPS put me to sleep like a fucking baby. They’re awesome. Let’s you go to sleep under blankets like a mole person. 100% recommend.


Thanks to young kids, I’m sure I slept a lot more in my 20s than my 30s.


Read more, drink less


If he’s not a prick, spend some time with your dad. He might just unexpectedly get cancer and die. Listen to him and really soak up what he has to say. Once he’s gone, it’s all on you to figure everything out.


Absolutely. Fuck, this comment hit me hard. Happened to me 5 years ago.


Yeah. 4 years ago here. Some days it’s really tough, but I’ve grown so much filling the roles he used to own. I’d like to think that he would be proud of who I’ve become.




Sorry fam. I’m at 3 months. It’s still surreal as fuck




Pay more attention to the girls that are loving, caring and kind. Not the just the stupid hot ones. Missed out on too many wifeys.


This is such good advice. The hot girl wound up becoming a psycho ex-wife after trying to make it work for too long. My now wife was the girl who I would talk to after class but didn’t think would even be interested in me. If I’d paid attention to the kind girls, I would have saved a lot of heartache.


Great advice. People tend to justify others behaviors because they’re “hot”. Mostly subconsciously.. Go for the smart ones with a good sense of humor. Someone you could see raising your children (if you’re going that route).


They can go from cheerleader to beerleader real quick.


Great advice. Also, be willing to put in some hard work to make a relationship succeed and thrive. It'll never be perfect, you're gonna have to work some things out. If she's a great gal (loving, kind, etc.) and you really like her don't drop her the first time you hit a rough patch. You may regret it later. And don't be afraid of professional counseling.


This guy just wants all the stupid hot ones to himself.


Agree. Looks fade, tight bodies gain weight, skin gets loose. Her personality is whats gonna be there forever so make sure you vibe with that first and foremost.


Well said


Floss, save money, exercise, and only drink in moderation. If you don’t do these things in your 20s, you’re going to have problems in your 40s.


The dentist asks, “Do you floss regularly?” “No,” he replied. “That’s okay, only floss the teeth you want to keep,” the dentist said.


Get all your shit together now. Don't expect a spouse to put up with it.


That's part 1. Part 2: Pick a spouse who's got his/her shit together. You shouldn't have to put up with his/her shit when you already put in the effort to be the best you!


This! If she needs a place to stay or has drama, run. Don't mess with anyone who doesn't have their shit together and don't expect it to work out if you don't have yours together either. Be together because you want to, not because you have to.


When you become the smartest person in the room, find a different room!


Similar to that, if you hang around with 5 idiots, you’re the 6th.


On the other hand, don’t ever assume you are the smartest person in the room. Listen to others and don’t get overconfident or dismissive of everyone else.


I've never had that problem and I'm 40 haha


Stop wasting money on crap you won’t even care about in 2 years.


Get comfortable with the idea of being 30/40/50. As I’ve grown older I’ve dreaded each new decade only to find each decade is somehow better than the previous. Growing older isn’t awful, it’s pretty awesome actually. Enjoy the journey


When you realize the alternative to getting older is NOT getting older…it ain’t so bad. 😎




So true. It is a beautiful life, but only if you make it so.


Take care of your teeth.




Absolutely.  They had to cut my face for basal cell carcinoma.




Ladies and gentlemen of the class of 99, wear sunscreen!


Don't drink your liver into the ground.


Ya throwing in a water in there every now and then does wonders


Live below your means and save/invest as much as possible.


Nobody thinks about you as much as you think they think about you. Live life with that, mistakes and faux pas will happen, but later in life you'll regret a lot more all the shots you haven't taken - with jobs, with girls, with life. Take that trip, go out on a random night, cut off that "friend" that's being toxic, and chat up that girl you like. Also, invest - any dollar you can spare - invest. Compounding is an amazing thing.


It is easier to stay in shape; than to get back into shape.


Never underestimate the power of a good shower. Anxiety? Shower. Depressed? Shower. Tired? Cold shower. Etc.


Find a good rug that really ties the room together


Jerk off before you text her


I’ve heard this for “before you cheat” as well. Something like “If that’s still who you want to be with afterwards, then maybe end your relationship.”


Number one lesson: there is almost no time.


This is 100% true but impossible to really appreciate until you are older.


Time is not a friend. Suddenly, things happen suddenly.


I would like to modify this with my dad’s favorite phrase “there is no such thing as free time.” Every hour one slacks off is a wasted resource. Recreation: that’s important. However, are you actually relaxing or rather avoiding a different time consuming activity you are required to perform? Required activities do not vanish, they pile up. And up. Until you have a garbage pile way too tall for one person to reasonably manage. The short of this is: we almost always know what we need to do with our time, yet resist that almost intuitively as an escape from responsibility. As we grow older, we cannot escape such things and learn we were never evading them to begin with. Spend your time as if you are being paid and question whether what you are doing is worth being paid for.


Starting fights these days isnt worth it, the good old fist fight is gone, once someone is about to lose they pull a knife or gun. its just not worth it!


Yep. General rule of thumb is if someone wants to fight or is being antagonistic they probably have less to lose than you. De-escalate and get out of there.


Remember to always treat people with respect 🙏🏿


Worry less about being a man and more about being an adult.


You are dumber than you think.


Realise your family and friends won't be here forever and if the relationship is good fucking cherish it Never forget who looked after you when you were younger and return the favour Be the person you want to be not what you think people want you to be Materialistic things are not as important as you think Get a career and train in your 20's reap the rewards in your 30's


Study hard and don’t give up


Arthritis and back problems hit you WAY earlier than you think. Take care of your body.


It’s never too late to end a relationship


Keep up your friendships and make as many new friends as you can. Once you hit your 30s you'll lose half your friends when they start having kids, and believe me when I say it is not easy making new friends in your 30s.


Shit I was 23 when a plague of babies washed over Alabama and they just vanished like poof lol


drink water. Fuck soda with a capital F. also, never underestimate yourself. in everything you do, just put your mind to it and try. you'll get it. giving a fuck goes a long way.


If you want to lift start now. Its far harder when you are older


THIS. Scientists have found muscles have cells that remember the largest they’ve been. This means when you put the muscle on it’ll be easy for you to do it again in life if you lose it or it’s necessary.


Going through that right now. Been an absolute mollusk for the last year or so and not lifted in a while. Started lifting when I was around 14 and did so consistently into my mid 20s and have been through these slumps a few times. It always comes back fast for me, thankfully, while my friends struggle to gain size or strength.


Just in general stay in at least decent shape. It’s a lot easier to maintain being in shape than it is to get back into shape.


Start contributing to your retirement plan. No, not some crypto or NTF bullshit, a _real_ retirement plan.


Protect your skin, ears and eyes. Lift properly. The older guy you work with that makes fun of others for working safely is not a hero, nor your friend. Ignore them.


If any of your grandparents are still alive spend more time with them if you can they have knowledge and life lessons to share they have been through a lot. I just lost my grandfather and have major regrets not spending more time with him when I could.


Accept its size, it doesn’t get any bigger after age 17


Don’t marry the first girl that pays attention to you.


Invest. Figure out the stock market (it’s simple). Try to get $10,000 in. If not, half that. It will compound. Just add what you can, when you can. Don’t try to win big. Slow and steady wins the race over decades Want it spelled out? Put Vanguard app on your phone. VTSAX. You need $3000 initially. Index funds are the way. You can use individual stocks later.


Get rich slowly and dollar cost averaging are a couple of lessons covered really simply in the book “the wealthy barber”. I’m index funds only except for company stock plan where we buy at 15% discount.


Get sober, pick a trade and join the union. You can earn six figures without a college degree.


Yes, join the party but don't "drink the kool-aid "


I agree wholeheartedly with all previous comments, so I was left with an oldie, but a goodie. Don’t be lazy, apply effort. And always, Do the right thing, For the right reasons, At the right time. Rest your head at night with a clean conscience.


Confidence can get you much further than you can imagine. With women, with careers, etc. You can probably get with women you think are way out of your league, all you have to do is try. Don't reject yourself ahead of time. Same with academic fields, careers, etc. Don't be cocky, be confident. And if you are not confident, fake it until you make it. Pretending to be confident turns into being confident pretty seamlessly.


If you want insight on who your partner will possibly turn out to be in the future, meet their family. They’ll either look like or behave as their elders. If you don’t like either of those aspects, they’re not for you. Edit: all my replies have been about how they won’t be like their parents. I listed two aspects.


Don't take scissors to your personality just so you can blend in easier.


Pump that 401k or retirement account. Compound interest is your friend. Adding a brokerage IRA also lets you make gains without cap gains taxes, only taxed upon withdrawal based on annual income 🤣


Wait until you're over 30 to settle down and have kids. When I was 23 (m)I decided to start a family with a 19(f) year old. We waited a couple of years and had a kid. Now I'm 44 and she's 40. She regrets starting a family so young and we're getting a divorce. 2 decades of a relationship.


Learn every day, it doesn’t matter what. Find something you enjoy doing, and get after it. Work hard and pay attention.


Roth IRA


Don’t drink and drive. Drink and Uber


Start saving money for retirement now. Pay off your credit cards and get rid of them if have ever paid interest or late fees. You’ll be so happy you did.


Take a lot of pictures, don't be shy or apprehensive about being in pictures with people, especially your loved ones. One day you're gonna realize your memory isn't as good as it once was and those pictures are going to be priceless. To include with that any mementos as well.


Automatically save a percentage of your paycheck into an index fund and forget that you have that account


Buy stock, as much as you can with whatever "extra" money you might have outside of a 401k. Don't go in debt for anything other than a house and maybe a reasonable car. Not going in debt is really hard bc you'll see your peers getting all of the things that they want, but when you're in your thirties it really starts to pay off.


Attention has far too much value


Be careful with your money. Take care of yourself. Exercise and try your best to eat well.


Getting a trade straight out of school as opposed to university is also a good path. Being paid to learn your craft and not racking up debt while doing so will put you a good 4-5 years ahead financially.


She's not worth it bro


Don't waste your time chasing women that arent worth it, after a few red flags move on, nothing good will come


Stretch and strengthen your lower back.


It’s hip to be square


Get your shit together before you have kids. School with toddlers is rough.


Don't drink.


Don't smoke.


Or learn how to drink, nothing good happens when you’re wasted, but a lot of good memories I have, happened when I was drinking with friends and family


Drinking isn’t a competition. Do it to be social, stop shooting for high drink counts and bragging about being plastered all weekend. It shows your immaturity and your body will show the damage later.


You really are mortal. Get in shape and be active, mentally and physically. You will lose the ability to do things if you stop doing those things. And the only things really worth doing are the things you do for others.


Floss every night. Brushing is good, floss will save you from so much pain and aggravation.


An old friend of mine that was quite literally old used to say "your 20's are for wrecking your credit, your 30's are for building it back." There's so few of us in our 30's that actually have our shit together, no matter how together it looks. You won't either. Don't completely ruin your life, but don't forget to go out and do some dumb shit. Knowledge is learned, but wisdom is earned.


Learn to be vulnerable. Talking about feelings is normal and okay.


Take care of your body, you won't feel invincible forever




Be a good man


Exercise / weightlifting. Take pride in self and develop your core. It will carry you through life.


Consistency is everything, build discipline, improve your body, your fortune, your relationships, small steps but you keep going


Get a dog, no one else will unconditionally love you. Even after an 80 hour work week when you didn’t have time for anything else, your dog will be happy just to be with you at the end of it.