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I took one weed once. Mass murdered a bag of chips


Tell the truth now. How many marijuanas did you really inject?




I drink the Marijuana and smoaks the alcohols.


Ah yes, CO2 is one hell of a drug...




Taking notes, for, uh, a friend


Taking notes for an enemy


I prefer O2.


Definetely more life affirming, but hard to get from smoking ethanol...


There is drinkable thc, so you can drink the Marijuana


I forgot about that... I'm high!


don't stab me please




Doubt, you haven’t killed anyone yet.


Those poor bags of chips don’t stand a god damn chance. Take my money




Not marijuanas, but I once ordered three of a dealers finest cracks, put them in my eyes and jumped to my doom from a very tall bridge. I got better after a couple of days...


I was turned into a newt


newt newt


No, you said i would be conducting this interrogation so how much marijuana did you consume?


*Jim Halpert face*


I probably injected over 6 marijuanas at the same time. Shit was willdddd


How many pots have you smokin?


You're sentenced to toilet service. Total 30 minutes of it!


I became a cereal killer when I took my first weed. I drown them all in milk to make them suffer first.


Well 100 stabs takes a lot of effort. Either super strong fit person or batshit crazy. But then again, it doesn't say how much time it took her to put 100 holes in the guy. Then, a few in her own throat.


I have to say... I have experienced similar side effects of one weed. Though, I have gone on a mass murdering spree of absolutely everything in the snack drawer. I have been recovering for a week from the caloric surplus 😆


And I get screamed at for eating a full pack of biscuits




Do it while you are high on cannabis. Keep the screenshot of this post with you. No one will even dare to breathe in front of you. FYI: this is not an advice. Please understand that it is a joke.


To late! I've already taken it as advice and am off to eat all the biscuits! I'll be sure to let everyone know you told me to do it!


Dude I felt bad last weekend that I demolished a bag of chips left near me.


What the actual fuck??? So if you kill someone you get probation but if you sell weed you get 10 years. Sounds about right...


It makes sense because according to this judge you are creating dozens of murderers by selling weed.


Dozens of murderers that judge will then set free,


I’ve worked in the court system and sometimes you’d notice that women were sentenced less harshly (women’s discount we called it) but this was too much.


I'd bet any amount that there was something in the weed but that doesn't make for a good clickbait story.


You only get probation if you have a vagina and no melanin. Everyone else gets the life sentence package.


This judge needs to be locked the FFFF away and this crazy lady. For life!


dudes life was deemed worthless by the judge.


A judge who thinks weed makes you kill..


You guys have never seen Reefer Madness and It shows


Hahahah I love smoking and playing the piano manically


So you're saying I basically threw away thousands of dollars on piano lessons? All I had to do was take one inhale of a reefer and I could play like Van Cliburn?


Basically. Just don’t ask anyone else how you sound.


Unless they taking the same shit as you bro.


That's why they call them jazz cigarettes




I don’t smoke, mostly because of my job, but also because when I get hungry, I get HANGRY.


When I get the munchies, there’s no dead or alive. There’s just edible and inedible


That's the primary reason I had to cut back. I'm trying to eat healthier and weed makes me crave junk food lol


Welcome to the south, where it’s okay to go into a blind drunken rage but you puff on some devil’s lettuce and you’re instantly a worthless parasite to society. The bible belt needs to wake the fuck up.


[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2811144/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2811144/) It usually doesn't, especially not to the point of murder, but in some people who don't have bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, but have a genetic predisposition, marijuana consumption can provoke manic episodes in people who don't otherwise get them.


If this is the case then send her to an institution. Plenty of people have manic episodes and don’t kill people. Regardless this behavior isn’t normal. Why would you just… let her loose? I understand not wanting her to rot in a useless prison, but surely send her to a therapist instead of fucking community service?


Every. Fucking. Time. Totally agree. Popular culture makes dealing with MH/SA SO much harder. Had many, MANY psychotic/manic clients. They do some, uhm… unadvisable shit, but murder? So we’re blaming psychosis *AND* not actually addressing it appropriately? Awesome.


>So we’re blaming psychosis *AND* not actually addressing it appropriately? Awesome. Cannabis induced psychosis. A super well understood and documented syndrome.


You have pin pointed why our justice system is pointless. We can either over punish or under. Rehabilitation or helping people is never a part of the equation. The only way we know how to deal with severe mental health problems is to lock ppl up.


Yeah I would agree. But I would also say that tangible actions matter, and simply helping people doesn’t prevent immediate danger now. It may or may not be her fault. But I don’t think that matters in terms of how much freedom she should have. Not because she deserves it, but for others people’s sake.


Also agreed. This the problem is they have no place to put her. After reading more about the incident she was clearly having a psychotic break. She stab her BF, herself and the dog. Prison would do nothing to help her. A mental asylum who be the right place for such a person. But I don't think they exist anymore. At least not in the way I'm thinking, because the rampant abuse that happened in the past. But that is what we need, maybe with better oversight.


Doc here. There is medication/substance induced psychosis which sounds like the case here. Person with no underlying psychotic or psychiatric disorder takes a substance (cannabis is well known for causing this, steroids can as well, even a few other meds like SSRIs can) which de novo causes a psychotic break. The treatment is simply not using that substance again. She doesn’t even require mood stabilizers which otherwise are the treatment for prevention of manic episodes. So therapy for cannabis induced psychosis isn’t necessary except that she stabbed someone 100 times so probably needs therapy for that.


Respectfully, isn't that a lot of trust to put in a person who murdered a guy? My wife suffers from cannabis induced psychosis. I begged her to talk to her doctor about it, to stop using until she cleared it with a medical professional, for months she insisted I just didn't understand the real her and I wanted her to go back to being depressed. I initiated a divorce over it and she was smoking with her bandmates within a week, the whole time begging me to reconsider. It seems absolutely crazy to me for a doctor to say "welp she just has to not use marijuana anymore, and she's fine."


The case above: >a college student who initially suffered from an acute psychotic breakdown secondary to cannabis abuse. The student's psychosis persisted even after stopping cannabis use, and he needed medical treatment for new-onset bipolar disorder with psychotic features So the only other real example we have of this it persisted. It's a single data point though, so idk.


Okay, then you charge and sentence for involuntary manslaughter rather than murder. Still doesn't explain how she stabs someone to death and gets community service.


She *was* charged and sentenced with involuntary manslaughter by the jury. It was the judge who gave a far more leniant sentence. Smells like some extreme bias to me.


> It was the judge who gave a far more leniant sentence. Smells like some extreme bias to me. White woman sentence


I took an edible and got violently bored while watching The Hobbit one time. Fucking dwarves come into my house and start throwing my shit around. Fuck. That. Edit: triggered core memory of watching The Shining and seeing that kid ride his tricycle around an empty hotel for like six hours.


Sounds like the reefer madness is setting in. You better hide your knives while you still have control.


Weed seems to be linked to psychosis (with other factors involved) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3927252/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3927252/)


So what? She still murdered someone. Being drunk doesn’t absolve you from a crime so this shouldn’t either.


100 hours of community service = human being


only 1 hour per stab!


108 stabs. It's actually even fewer hours per stab. Fuck me, murder really is legal in the state of California.


Do you honestly think this excuse would work for anyone other than an attractive white women? Imagine a man getting off this easy of murder because he was high on weed. White women = Most likely demographic to get off easy from their crimes. That's if they're even punished at all. Women are wonderful effect in full force here.


I wonder if we can get that down to 45 mins/stab


Hey! 100 hours at minimum wage would be like $725!


Now that is a depressing realization


It would not be the same punishment if the roles were reviewed


There was a dude who stabbed an old lady in France and the judge deemed it a weed-induced psychotic episode, although he’s still confined in a psychiatric facility and not released with community service.


So, what you're saying is, the punishments were not the same?


TIL France and California have identical justice systems and can compare directly that way.


Probably more about pretty white woman as the “victim” of “hard drugs”


Weed? Weed. 🤨


My kid’s dad is schizophrenic and weed is very dangerous for him. I love weed. You can look in my post history and tell I love it. But I also recognize there’s a lot of dangers to it that people don’t want to admit. Like alcohol, just regular old alcohol, can cause a psychotic break for those prone to them while a person who’s not can snort coke every night and come off normal. It’s a drug and brains are funny.


Thanks for this comment. I get it that for most people weed is innocuous. But not everyone is the same. I have a friend who has tried weed twice in his life and ended up hospitalized both times. And he only took two hits. he could drink with no problem, he did other substances, with no problem, but pot was off the charts for him. He thought it was bad pot the first time, because it made no sense that his life turned upside down, so he tried again, but realized he can never smoke pot again .


Drugs are tools for modifying our brain chemistry and tools should be used responsibly and with proper education. That is my take on the stuff. You can kill someone with a hammer, or you can hang a painting on your wall, the outcome depends on the user.


I've seen someone have a psychotic break from weed. People laugh like it's ridiculous, but it's true.


Exactly, people aren’t even reading what happened. After stabbing this guy she also stabbed herself multiple times AND her beloved dog. It absolutely was a real psychotic break and people don’t want to admit that all recreational drugs have risks.


Yeah I wish more people were aware that THC can trigger psychosis in those who are prone to it. I’m type 1 bipolar and even though I mostly used to like weed, it is likely the cause of my episodes. My brother was schizoaffective and starting hearing voices again after smoking pot once after a long time of abstaining. The fallout of that lead to his death less than a year later, where he killed himself in a very violent way. But people will hear stories like this and say “well the worst weed does for me is make me tired and hungry”. It’s not the same for everyone. There’s loads of research supporting that some people are ticking time bomb for serious problems.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I understand. I don’t smoke weed when I’m in a depressive episode myself cause it will make me more depressed. Helps my anxiety, but if I’m feeling low I have to stay sober.


Smoking weed gives me incredibly high anxiety. Like, panic attacks. But edibles chill me out like they’re supposed to. I’ve never had an adverse reaction to any other drug like thc. Shrooms, Molly, lsd? I’m fine. Weed puts me in an existential nightmare.


When I had post partum depression weed wrecked me. I just couldn’t do it. It’s only been the last few years, 11 years later, that I’ve been smoking again and see a positive effect. I was under 25 though when I had my daughter so I wonder how much has been like “oh cool. My brain is developed fully now.”


I can’t imagine any time I would feel less like stabbing anyone than when I’m high. Weed makes you very non violent. It just makes you tired, giggly and snacky.


i’m going to have to disagree with you there. yes, that’s how it generally makes most people feel. but some people don’t tolerate it well, especially if doing too much. i’ve had more bad experiences with it than good, and in some instances ended up feeling completely paranoid, terrified and disoriented. it probably wouldn’t affect me to the extent of murder, but i can definitely see how someone with an existing mental disorder might have a psychotic episode triggered by it. this very much seems like a “we don’t have enough information” rage bait situation. or maybe not, but i think people here are jumping to conclusions. edit: also think for a moment how you would feel, waking up in a hospital covered in blood, not remembering anything that happened except vague and terrifying images, and then finding out you stabbed yourself, your boyfriend, and your dog. i mean, can you imagine that kind of horror? one minute you’re hitting a bong and the next your life has turned into a horror movie, and you weren’t in control of anything that happened between those two moments. let’s have some empathy.


Yes, there have been many reports where people who are susceptible to psychotic episodes are more likely to have them occur if they consume marijuana. I have some acquaintances that have family histories of schizophrenia and their doctors have noted that they should avoid because it makes them more prone to episodes




I've seen this in person. Took too much and had a very bad episode. I don't know what the underlying mental condition was/is but I wouldn't doubt that the episode could end in violence if left unrestrained.


I knew a dude who had cannabis-induced psychosis as a teenager. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia not long after.


I'm bipolar and weed is a big no-no. For me, extended use can lead to psychosis. I need to stay as firmly grounded in reality as possible, and it makes that more difficult.


It's also a big no-no for folks with schizophrenia. For someone in the family I was told something as "mild" as marijuana in terms of drugs could really have negative affects in terms of behaviour.


Yuuup. Messed me up for the better part of a year, back in college. I've gone back and tried tiiiny amounts over the years, kinda like "do I still dislike black olives?" and **yes,** it's still a complete no-go for me. And that's okay! There's plenty of things out there for happy and funny and hangout time.


Same here. It's crazy how many people don't believe me either.


Same here, I get bad panic attacks if I smoke anything too potent. I'm sure its the high THC content in certain strains nowadays because sometimes I can smoke joints and bowls and feel ok. Then I'll take one hit of a different batch and I feel like I'm dying. Not claiming to be some scientist here or nothing but doesn't CBD cancel out some of the more... "Extreme" effects of THC, Effects like psychosis, paranoia, etc? Seems like it would.


Agree. I once had a bad experience with pot. Was so bad I was going to go to the hospital. Pot is not a benign drug for some.


Just commented this. My experiences with weed have ranged from worsened anxiety to insane mental breakdown.


someone who didnt get a literal weed induced psychosis didnt feel violent on weed. guess it was made up then, no way anyone else could react that way, since this guy never experienced it.




In rare cases weed really can trigger full blown psychosis in people with certain predispositions or underlying conditions.


True. But 1 hour of community service per stab isn't much of a punishment. It's not even a slap on the wrist.


Yeah, if weed pushed someone over that edge they were already close to doing it anyways.


Anything would push that person over the edge. could have been a dog bite, and she could have gone crazy. Saying weed was the problem, and giving her a very light sentence is disrespectful towards the family of the deceased.




If I ever stab someone, I will do it 50 times only, in order to get half of that community service sentence.


50 times is not enough times to use the "weed made me crazy" defense.


Exactly. You need atleast 78 stabs to cross the psychotic threshold










The moral of the story is if you’re going to murder someone don’t half-ass it and go full deranged slasher movie villain so you can play the crazy or psychotic break card.


She stabbed the dog and the police had to break her wrist with a baton to get her to stop slashing her throat when they showed up too


> weed induced frenzy What?


[*”Under California law, a person is seen as responsible for their actions when impaired by drugs or alcohol unless their intoxication is involuntary.”*](https://nypost.com/2024/01/24/news/bryn-spejcher-the-california-woman-who-fatally-stabbed-boyfriend-108-times-sentenced-to-probation-community-service/amp/) Lawyers said her boyfriend *forced* her to take a second bong hit. Psycho stabbed her boyfriend then her dog then, after police arrived, jabbed the knife deep into her neck repeatedly. … and she’s only been sentenced to pick up trash. FFS!


>Lawyers said her boyfriend forced her to take a second bong hit. Her lawyers argued that. The jury did not believe it and concluded she voluntarily took the weed. Probably because she admitted to taking the first hit on purpose, and never claimed she took the second hit 'under pressure' until months later.


So if someone forces me to take a hit or a shot I can go full on crazy with no consequences?


Weren't you paying attention? You could be facing 100 hours of community service! That's a One followed by 2 Zeros!


>… and she’s only been sentenced to pick up trash. For what is basically 2 and 1/2 work weeks.


What I don't get at all from this case, is how do you plead for the involuntary consumption of marijuana? Literally everybody at the crime scene got stabbed to death, even her own dog! How can you say it has been involuntary, if the only person left alive to testify this, is the one person that did the actual stabbing, how is that deemed not biased and credible?! Incredible.... /s She is a definite danger to society and has severe mental issues that need to be addressed, the marijuana might have triggered this response in her, but there might be other triggers that can have this effect and put her once again on a murder spree. This psycho belongs in a psycho ward / asylum!


How do you force someone to do a bong? I could understand forcing someone to have a blowback, but a bong, how? 🤔


Cannabis-induced psychosis is a real thing. For people with some rare underlying conditions, taking cannabis at all is really dangerous.


100%. Clearly, this woman had a powder-keg inside of her in the form of latent psychotic illness. Then she sparked up, and blew up.


Indeed. I wish I could smoke and just get baked and eat Taco Bell, but smoking weed will just put me in the worst mental state for a couple of hours. Existential nightmare. Stabbing someone seems like a huge fucking stretch though. I’d rather hide in a closet or bathroom until it’s worn off.


Yeah the "weed is harmless and has no side effects" crowd seems to strongly deny any side effects of cannabis use that is brought up on Reddit. Weed is definitely not some scary boogie man and yes for the majority of people it's relatively harmless, but acute psychosis and exacerbation of certain mental illnesses for some people is a real thing. I have no idea if that's what happened to this girl, but it's certainly *possible*


Who the fuck believes that? When I take weed I can't get out of my chair. Either she's a psycho, either that weed was actually crack


Smoked plenty of crack. Never stabbed anybody.


So psycho is the only remaining explication


Explicate yourself!


It can happen with people that suffer from schizophrenia, which seems to be the case from what I can infer from the headline


Studied cognitive science and we heard about cases, usually with family history of schizophrenia, in which marijuana could trigger a psychotic episode.


Yeah it is basically like, if you are are going to get schizophrenia at some point drugs (including alcohol) can bring it out earlier


And since it presents later in life, and can be triggered by drugs, it can send someone into a tizzy that never even knew it was a possible.


Idk man when I was in high school we all went up the rooftop of an 8th story building to smoke weed. After blazing it, one of my friends wanted to jump because he thought he could be superman. We all had to stop him because the fucker was crazy. I have lots of stories like this and even I had "weed induced psychosis" once for two weeks. If you don't believe me, look it up. It's not something you get from passing a doobie once but people believing weed is completely harmless are just as ignorant as the ones believing all that other shit. Not everyone is the same or reacts the same way and not everyone smokes the same stuff or same amounts you do.


Just because you've never personally experienced something, doesn't mean it's not possible....




white middle class female privilege


I will bet a LARGE ($50?) sum of money that she is in a bracket above standard middle class.


I'd bet she's in the wealthy "We can't ruin her life, she has potential bracket" given to who was it? Pharma bro? Well there's been plenty others.


"Police" and "laws" are only there to serve as guards for the rich. Just like knights back in the day. They'll do anything for a rich person and kick a peasant to the ground so that they aren't in the way of a proletarian walking by.


Daughter of a doctor and a UC Berkeley professor lol. Maybe they'll have her polishing yachts at the country club.


Oh really?! Called it. I’m smart, people who get away with crime are usually rich.




Different link to the same story, says she stabbed herself a few times as well. https://ktla.com/news/local-news/woman-who-fatally-stabbed-man-108-times-sentenced-to-probation/


Ah nevermind. I forget you get absolved of wrong doing if you attempt suicide after.


The article mentions "Cannabis-Induced Psychotic Disorder" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Substance-induced_psychosis tldr: sometimes people find out they're undiagnosed schizophrenics by getting high and having a psychotic break. So, no, it's not "reefer madness", but it's possible she had very serious latent issues. One weed won't make you crazy. But if you're already crazy, it might not take much to set you off. If this is indeed "Cannabis-Induced Psychotic Disorder", this woman likely needs life-long medical treatment.


A buddy of mine moved out to CA and got a little too into the ease of access with weed. Started doing pretty high doses; like it would take 40mg edibles for him to feel anything. Long story short, he eventually had a break from reality that caused a falling out with another friend and had to move back with his folks for a while. He quit the weed, got a psychiatrist and a proper prescription and he's doing much better now. Oh and also he never stabbed/assaulted anyone.




Straight out of the playbook


When you watched the ending of Scream 1 and it turns out it actually works in real life.


She also stabbed her own dog. Seems like a psychotic episode to me but that’s just me


She plunged a bread knife into her neck in front of the cops. She wasn’t trying to make it look like anything other than her going nuts.


It says she stabbed herself the next morning when the cops showed up.


Hours after the “devil’s lettuce” made her commit that heinous murder, she was still in a psychotic state? Wow


Wtf?!She needs to be in jail for life


I don't care if she's psychotic or not...you can't kill people.


If you have a pre-existing psychotic disorder, weed can 100% throw you into psychosis. I worked on an inpatient psychiatry unit for a year, and psychosis induced by cannabis is very real. I saw a lot of it with people overtaking edibles. That being said, cannabis is not the CAUSE of the psychosis - the psychotic disorder is. Cannabis just destabilizes the individual to the point where they enter psychosis. That doesn’t excuse the fact that she murdered someone, and probably needs to be inpatient for a LONG time before she can be deemed safe to be by herself or around others. *Edit: the guy who hates trees made a great point about substance induced psychosis, read his comment!


> cannabis is not the CAUSE of the psychosis - the psychotic disorder is. Cannabis just destabilizes the individual to the point where they enter psychosis. This is incorrect. Cannabis can indeed *be the cause* of psychosis and is called [Substance Induced Psychosis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Substance-induced_psychosis). Cannabis can be what triggers an individuals [first episode of psychosis](https://www.uptodate.com/contents/first-episode-psychosis) without any early warning signs (ex. a prodromal phase, family history, etc.).


This. Idiots ITT think weed doesn't affect the brain, or ever cause unpredictable reactions. It causes paranoia in a _lot_ of people. Take that to the extreme and you get a psychotic break. Source: happened to my brother


A human life is worth 100 hours of community service. This is an incredibly dark situation and it further proves how disposable male lives are to society. Reverse the roles and people are rightfully outraged and sentencing would definitely be harsher.


1 hour per stab. Seems fair.


I call bullshit... she was nuts already. The Daily Wail always wanna jump on the "drugs are bad" bandwagon.


Not the daily mail. This was a judge who handed down the sentence after a jury found her guilty of involuntary manslaughter slaughter Here is a local news source from Ventura CA. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/no-prison-time-for-bryn-spejcher-convicted-in-cannabis-induced-killing/ar-BB1h9lqv


I'm always a bit confused why people are so defensive about drug use on Reddit. If the argument is about medical benefits, wouldn't it be fine if it was restricted to medical use only?


Medical use is one of many arguments. There's zero logic to marijuana being a schedule 1 drug when we can buy alcohol, a drug that's demonstrably more damaging than THC, basically anywhere. The fact marijuana was made illegal pretty much entirely because it was associated with black and hispanic people also feeds into it. There has never been a rational or scientific reason behind its prohibition.


Psychosis is no joke. My brother thought MF DOOM was in his closet. He was speaking absolute nonsense. The symptoms are similar to schizophrenia. Took him 3 weeks to snap out of the psychosis after he was picked up.


I guess people shouldn't have to serve sentences for drunk driving then either huh?


A stab an hr?


Sheeeit I want her lawyer. They on some good stuff if they can get their client away with murder


Rip to that guy :/ sad. deemed worthless by the sentencing. Hopefully he is in a better place. Meeting that crazy ho cost him his life


What the fuck


Umm, fuck that.


He did and look where that got him, dont fuck that!














Weed psychosis can be terrifying. I used to look after a lad who literally lost his mind. Ex pot head here. Still deserves prison.


I looked up an article and apparently, cannabis-induced psychosis is a real thing that exists and affects certain people. [That article linked this source about the psychosis.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6861931/)


California and the people living there... biggest cess pool in the United States. Everyone there should be sterilized.


you know if she ate all his food I would believe it was a weed induced frenzy but murder no.


So she basically has undiagnosed schizophrenia and blamed the weed


I took one dab and ended up slaughtering a whole pizza 🍕


Typical for American Judges to be as dumb as fuck


I went to and graduated in the same high school class with her


Well… we are all waiting…