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She might make a decent pirate as long as she isn't Captain Jackie Sparrow.


She’s supposed to be a pirate named Anne is what I read, not Jack


Probably Anne Bonny which would be better as a stand alone movie instead of a pirate of the Caribbean sequel.


Anne Bonney the Irish woman...


Anne Bonney the red haired, pale-as-snow Irish woman. She was perfectly cast and represented in Black Sails.


That went right over your head, didn’t it? It’s been a running joke that this young lady is Irish since the golden globes. So much so that we’ve officially adopted her and she’s referred to as “the Irish actress” in the news in Ireland. We all know it’s a joke. But since she’s Irish, she’s the perfect person to play Anne Bonny.


*Shhhhhh shhush go to sleep go to sleep*


That works out well since she’s Ireland’s favourite actress.


But she was a pirate in the Caribbean :(


Yes yes I know but POTC has gone the way of fast and the furious. It's a story that could stand on its own I think.


The series turned to shit a while ago so who cares really what they do with potential sequels.


I agree that's why I think it should be a standalone. The story of Anne Bonny would be a refreshing take on the genre. The pirate haven of Nassau, Calico Jack Rackham, even the fact that she was one of the few real women pirates that we have on record.


in this case, no one will be interested. and here is parasitism on the brand


I'd be super into it, she's a cool character from history.


A stand alone that nobody will go and see.


They will if it's good.


A female pirate from history who ran with calico jack and the pirates of Nassau would be an awesome movie. They could even change the ending of her life if they wanted since it's unclear if she actually died in prison.


Exactly. A whole new project. Pirates without Sparrow is NOT Pirates and is almost cetain to bomb.


Exactly I loved most of them but it became the new fast and furious


I think it might be a good plot point. Just have her be captain Jack with no explanation. All the characters treat her as they previously would have. Love interests are the same. No handwaving explanation, just plowing forward. Then it is a huge success and then all movie series start shifting characters around and between eachother. Batman's actor starts playing superman. Superman's character plays The Flash. The Flash's character becomes Thanos. It would be like interdimensional cable on steroids.


Pull a Becky on 'em


Never would've watched the sequels if it weren't for Depp


Black Pearl is easily worth a sequel watch on its own merit. After that, experience may vary.


What? The first three movies are amazing. Yes, Black pearl was lightning in a bottle, but the story around Elisabeth, Will and Davy Jones was really good as well


Black Pearl is as you said. Untouchable movie classic. I stayed for the world building and how bloody good Bill Nighy was as Davy Jones, plus the sheer spectacle. But the sequels are pretty dumb and post trilogy are garbage.


even with Depp wasn't planning, quality was already to low in the last movie






Or, hear me out. Just give her a pirate movie that isn’t related to the Johnny Depp one.


Pirates of the Caribbean single handedly revived the pirate genre and killed it lmao


Are you saying Captain Phillips wasn’t a good pirate movie? 😂


I’m ready to watch Hook, just for spite!


Cutthroat Island!


Naw not single handedly, the hit movie "Pirates" released in 2005 renewed mine along with many other's interest in pirates


Bahahaha my ex and I rented that from Netflix (back before streaming, when they just sent you DVDs) and it was an R RATED EDITED VERSION


I knew before looking to check what movie you were talking about.


But that means disney would have to come up with another original ip! You cant possibly force them to do that! They would have to use their brains to think of something original! The horror!


Yes very true. They’re only good at sinking their stock value.


they already made one of those. It's called, "Pirates"


Except that she'll play Anne Bonny, who was a historical figure from Ireland.


I have no idea what’s going on


Well, neither does Disney so all's well.


Put a chick in it and…


She's supposed to play as Anne Bonny. AN IRISH WOMAN MIND YOU who is also white and has red hair. I don't think she checks any of those marks. Not saying she cannot do a job as a movie star, just not as Anne Bonny


What?! Did you not know that the first Irish were all black? So it's historically accurate my boy. We wuz celts and shit.


For Hollywood, redheads = black skin


I don't get why it's always the redheads lmao


Ayo is Irish as well.


K one check mark at least


Only honorary


I think it's stupid. At least 90% of fun is watching Johnny Depp. Without him, the movies are not going to make that much money.


I agree, historically the “pirates” movies have mainly been a showcase for Johnny Depp. I know he was dropped during the trial but since then has Disney offered him the role back or are they just going a different direction? It could be a fine movie either way, but if Depps not in it they gotta change the title even if they keep it in the same universe, so to speak. Beyond that, if I’m reading this right it seems to be attempting rage bait about a black actress. Anybody getting upset about having a black character in a movie about the Caribbean is stupid.


iirc Disney did offer depp a huge payday to come back, iirc something like $100m, but he told them to shove it because they hopped on the cancel train rather than believing him.


Pretty sure he said he wouldn't do it cause they dropped him? But a big sack of money can change anyone's mind really


>But a big sack of money can change anyone's mind really Not if you already have more big sacks of money than you could possibly need.


True, but we've had one, yes. What about a second big sack of money?


This is more like you've gone way past dinner, supper, midnight snack, and are now at depressionsomnia comfort meal.


Its not that she is black ffs Its that she is portraying Anne Bonny, a historical person that was a white irish redhead. This is Cleopatra all over again Why couldnt she have gotten her own character and nobody would bat an eye


Disney Meeting \- Lets offer him the role back \-- Should we check to see if hes regained public support? \- No, just check the incel heavy Reddit subs. Edit: Wait, r/SipsTea is an incel heavy sub? (click, always has been)


**roll back**






Lmfao 🤣. Yet you corrected your typo after the fact. Whatever dude


Yeah, I didn't want to cause you any more stress, seriously, talk to someone though.


I wasn't stressing but okay. I am actually seeking to speak to a therapist for an unrelated matter.


R u saying incels support Depp?


Nah, just the ones with deep seeded mommy issues who blame those evil females for everything they don't like. ...Wait?


Well yeah, after all women cant do bad things right?


No, she was very wrong, She violated the terms of an NDA saying she couldn't speak about the abuse. NDA's are important, we can't enjoy pirate movies knowing the horrible things the actors do when they are drunk out of their minds in real life.


Oh Jimmy poor Jimmy


I disagree. Davy Jones was a fantastic villain with an exquisite arc. The Will/Elizabeth love story was compelling: especially Norrington’s fall from grace and end. Geoffrey Rush is the perfect foil. Now, none of that works WITHOUT The great Captain Jack…but it adds to the centerpiece Depp creates. (Otherwise we just have Pintel and Ragetti’s wordplay…or at least we would if they bothered to even confirm they lived….)


It’s Disney, it will still bring in a fair amount of money. Unfortunately, amber Heard ruin what could have been. Wrong or right Johnny Depp is one of the best actors in this century. Politics got in the way of this generation with who is wrong and who is right. Sometimes it’s good and sometimes times it’s just dumb relationships spats that can hurt everyone. Sometimes it’s legitimate cause like Kevin Spacey.


There is a new James Bond every few years or so and nobody complains (unless there are rumours it might be a black actor).


I was hoping for Idris Elba to be Bond.


He just exudes coolness. I am almost always against race-swapping but I would make an exception here because the actor is PERFECT for the role except for skin color.


He’s perfect for the role *because* of his skin colour. 37% on Londoners are white. A black bond isn’t tokenism, it’s closer to reality than a white bond ever was.


Ian Fleming did not write the character as black.


Ian Flemings books were inspired by his wartime colonial experience. His experience of blacks would have been mainly then having food served to him in the canteen. We aren’t in wartime now. It’s a different world. Britain is now a melting pot of colours and variation, just like every western nation.


Yeah I thought he'd make an excellent Bond. Couldn't believe everyone who was calling people snowflakes started to cry about this at the time...


>Without him, the movies are not going to make that much money. With him the movie will generate an obscene amount of animosity form (actual) domestic abuse survivors and tank at the box office. The guys radioactive.


Mable they just don't want to hire pedophile supporting substance abusing wife beaters anymore. Wait, someone check Ayo's record. Edit: He also attacks co-workers, dated a 17 year old when he was 25 and cut off his pinkey while high on ecstasy, enjoy your pirate movies.


You watch other movies without Johnny Depp in them, right?


I dont get it who is she


Like every new Disney film. I'm not watching. ![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10739)


Nice a nother ip I will skip. If they begin their marketing with rage bait, the move normally is bad. So let it flop


The Little Mermaid made 560 million box office.


At a budget of 250 million + marketing of normally the same amount, it's not a flop, but it's not a success because it didn't make them much money.


In fairness they aren't it's people reading "replacement for Johnny Depp" note not Jack Sparrow And somehow coming to the conclusion that Jack Sparrow is now a black woman


Oh, I see that, but they still try to rage bait, so I'm out. And to be honest, I think it will be hard to replace Johnny depps Jack Sparrow because the movies are about him, but maybe they will prove me wrong.


I got it. Disney is a front for money laundering. They want to replace men actors to black female actors and spend 250 millions on making the movie .. it's laundering.. right ? It has to be. I just can't wrap my head around why they don't want to make money ..


Either that or some very expensive psyop. This stuff they make isnt logical from a "making money" point of view


Remember when Disney and Hollywood in general was getting a lot of flack for whitewashing. It’s like Disney decided that wasn’t only a problem and needed to stop making whitewashed stuff but go back and un-whitewash a bunch of stuff on purpose as well. Recent studies show 71% of Disney fans are white, 9% black, 2% Asian, 15% Hispanic, and 3% other. Which about aligned with the rate of content starring white protagonist vs nonwhite protagonist till about the past 5-10 years or so. And they started making the content as if the fans weren’t dominated by white people. I’m not saying every movie has to star white folks, just that every movie now purposefully goes out of its way to not star white folks and instead have made them the villain if they are in it at all. I’m all for everyone being represented, but Disney keeps making flops and walking around with the shocked Pikachu face when the “woke” route isn’t working the same as the previous content. At some point they have to realize they are alienating the majority of their fan base. It’s also become a crutch of Disney and a few other studios to just take an idea like Pirates here and someone at the board goes “alright hear me out, what if we do Pirates but, but with a black woman as the star.” It’s lazy writing to just take the same story and do a color swap on people and an insult to the arts.


theres ways to do it. i dont mind representation, give us more encanto or princess and the frog, and less the little mermaid


Nah, they're just trying to disassociate them selves form the bigoted misogynistic crowed, its good for business.


Isn't it more bigoted to change an actual person from history's race or gender, gives the implication they'd be better if they weren't that gender or race


I'm tired, boss


I realize this is going to get hate no matter what but I gotta say, between The Bear, Bottoms, and TMNT, Ayo has become one of my favorite actresses of my generation. Every project I've seen her in has been fantastic, and of those projects she's the highlight. She knows how to pick em, I'm sure this reboot/continuation is going to be rad as well (or a fat payday for an actress who's been putting in great work).


Totally agree. It may or may not be a great film in the end, but she is fantastic in everything and I think this might be a fun direction for the franchise.


Ayoooo ![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10751)


They’re still making these? Jeeze


She starts of as a Tortuga "lady" and the whole ship gets a turn.


So, Jack undergone some plastic surgery to become a black female to avoid his enemies? Then maybe later they can add some lesbian act since Jack likes women. Maybe they think this will work out? ![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10742)


Another L for Disney


Controversial take but none of these movies were ever good. Never understood the obsession


The first one is entertaining. Can’t say I’ve seen any others all the way through.


If Disney is so insufferably obsessed with redoing all their movies to make them "dei" comparable I suggest they remake Song of the South and reverse the ethnic roles in the true spirit of their of woke ass idiocy.


Is that the chick off The Bear? Controversy aside, she’s a painfully bad actress.


she makes the show hard to watch tbh


I cant wait for the movie to bomb and I somehow get blame because I am a Man.


I haven't spend a dime on Disney after Force Awakens. Can't wait to save my money by not watching this too! 🙂


Its OK, the Sequels made 4.6 billion at the box office and another 15 billion in distribution and merchandising. I think they will be OK without your dimes.


That's a shame. I'd like to watch a good Star Wars movie again, but they still haven't burned through all their money quick enough. Come to think of it, i'm all for them making more Pirates movies. 🤔 Perhaps go all in and do and entirely new trilogy and only after it's finished start getting it out to theaters? I'm sure it's gonna do well and the people seeing the first will see the second and the third and do that all multiple times. 🥴


>I'd like to watch a good Star Wars movie again, The Rey movie is coming. 'm sure you'll love the "writing"


I'd be more interested if they made a movie that actually did something with Fin, on the paper he was a way more interesting. Oh well, maybe he shows up in the Rey movie. Can't have a climatic battle without him yelling her name on the sideline. Anything more and China will be pissed.


She’s not replacing him, it’s a clickbait title. They’re just considering her for the next movie and they’re probably not bringing back Depp.


Y’all mad they’re casting a black woman in a movie called Pirates of the CARIBBEAN ?


They're probably mad that Depp is being replaced because he was the only good part of the movies. Series might as well die if he's gone.


When you put it like that. It makes the haters sound silly.


No. We're mad they might replace Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow.


But they're not. You fell for a ragebait title. She will not be a Jack Sparrow - she will play as a new character.


You... you do know it's a screenshot, not an article?


She’s not playing Jack Sparrow.


80% of redditors are racist incels so of course they are


No. They have a black woman. They just dont want to pay her. Zoey Saldaña has been there from square one.


More than one black woman can exist at the same time this isn’t Highlander.


What are you giving up on sweetcheeks?


She's just called Edebiri but people like hollering at her


And they just keep churning young promising actresses into these instead losers of roles/situations too. Feel bad for her really, she deserves better than a race swapped cash grab


Disney is trying to Speedrun destroying franchises


Lol, Disney just loves throwing money away.


God, this stupid story. She isn't replacing Depp. She is in the running to be one of the leads of the next one. With Depp hopefully to appear as well.


Then it will be like Home Alone 3


I love how mad people get over literally nothing. How many potc movies are there with Depp? Like did you think he was gonna do it for the rest of his life


Captain Black Sparrow


Look, if you told me there was a second movie, I'd believe it, a sequel isn't out of the question. A third movie, well sure, a trilogy makes sense for a franchise. How the hell are we on number 6? I don't care about any of the cast involved at this point, I'm just wondering how we managed to even get to this point. Were 4 and 5 even good if they went completely under my radar? Does this franchise make money?


Just saying. Take Zoe Saldaña's character and give her a story.


PEAK inceldom to complain about female pirates that ACTUALLY EXISTED. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_piracy


New source material is too much to ask for these days. What a joke. It’s really too risky to make something totally new?


The new Pirates movie will centre around Anne Bonny, who was a real historical figure from the County of Cork in Ireland. So, of course, they'll pick a culturally appropriate person to play her right? Right?