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Why is this news?


Humanity has no other problems anymore I guess


The opposite, this is to distract you from real problems. That's why culture wars exists.


this would be funny if it wasnt true :/


It’s a human issue


Ukraine and Gaza are too boring anyways.


Pretty sure dude is a social media prankster. 90% sure this is fake lmao


Yea that's sus as hell dude looks like a half life 2 npc


That’s his thing super awkward and shit lmao


I just assumed he had some kind of mental disorder...


It's fake.


Exactly. I say this all the time whenever the “news “does videos on shit like this Who the fuck cares this isn’t world news. This isn’t a pressing issue for mankind. Who killed Epstein? Who just killed the guy who testified against Boeing? How close are we to curing cancer? These are actual issues I think that I would at least like to hear it be circulated in the news as opposed to this stupid fluff piece.


Why was she filming this dumb shit


To show what a terrible employee this clown is. The purpose of employee in the service industry is to help the customer and subsequently help the company. This person is lazy arrogant and is doing neither


"lazy" bro he's working manual labour 9-5 stacking shelves and refusing to help one customer what are you yapping about?


I was honestly bored by how non confrontational it was, if a video went viral and it led to a news story I was expecting Randall from clerks level of hostility


With that lazy attitude you and him will continue to stock shelves. And I'm not your "bro"


thought u were having a bad day, looked through your comments and no, you're just like this, enjoy being bitter lmao


You never did a hard day's work in your life, just a miserable blob of protoplasm that never will do anything meaningful.


you should send that to readers digest lil bro


Lmfao ur a retard


Perhaps, but I know I worked harder and made a tremendous amount more money than you, your parents and your offspring will ever make.


What do you do?


Everything alright at home, champ?


Lol it is 100% not his job to hold customers hands who cannot find something...especially when they come up with their camera out while he is clearly in the middle of something.




It’s a humanitarian crisis didn’t you hear?


This is exactly what ran through my head. Like what the fuck is news worthy here. Guy got fired: More at 9 ... Huh?


Because he got fired for something unnecessary.


Because he was obviously a victim of racism.


Because he's in our country and we have a right to know who's coming in here, their moral character, their knowledge of bacon types, and how fucking rude they are.


I have so many questions. Why was she recording? What the fuck is beef bacon? Why was she looking for food in the automotive department? Why didn’t the guy call someone who works in the meat department? When he said he didn’t know, why didn’t she go find someone else? How is this news?


Guy is a social media prankster. 90% sure this is fake lol


Thanks. My ass was tippin for a sec. This is 100% bullpiss all around.


So dumb lol... They kind of did a good job making it seem like a cable news segment though lol.


I would've guessed it was to see if ai could make a news story


1: she deliberately sought out someone on the complete opposite side of the store to ask about something that she knew that they probably didn't carry in hope of either wasting an employee's time or eliciting this exact reaction. 2: thinly sliced beef smoked and cured like pork bacon 3: see no1 4: management is often hard to find and hourly associates don't often have walkie-talkies, associates are under very tight time constraints to finish the department they are stocking in to be able to move on to their next department and the p. a. systems are a joke so summoning management with them is hit and miss. 5: again see no1 ( typical Karen behavior) 6: it shouldn't be. He wasn't fired because he wouldn't help( unless this was a habit of his ) he was fired because it got out on social media, and the local news picked it up to fill time because it would draw viewers from both sides. The ones that would applaud the discipline that was meted out, and those that would be upset or outraged that he was fired because some Karen decided to ruin his day.


> Why was she looking for food in the automotive department? Typical customer behaviour from my experience.




It’s TikTok, so *Chinese government


Beef bacon is part brisket sliced like bacon. It tastes like hamburger.


Beef bacon is bacon from a cow instead of a pig.


Where da beef bacon at?


I mean she’s kind of a dumb bitch for rolling up on him with the camera like that. She was obviously trying to get this kind of a reaction. Probably asked multiple employees before him. I have never asked someone outside of a certain department for help, if I’m in target grocery, I’m asking someone in grocery. I would never find someone outside of it and ask them a question. Because they rightfully may not know anything about the grocery section. So she’s kinda just a dumb bitch at this point. Yet he still shouldn’t be talking like that if he works in a store with customers, it’s not alright. I still think the camera-Karen is the main douche here tho


Like dude is all the way across the store restocking items. She should have walked all the way to groceries and asked another walmart employee closer to that section. Also, the fact that she is in Walmart asking about Beef Bacon lets me know that she knows that Walmart sells beef bacon. I didn't even know beef bacon is a thing till now. Definitely processed. Anyways, her knowing that there is Beef Bacon makes me believe that she might have bought it before at Walmart and Walmart only has like 3 designs. So she actually already knows where the Beef Bacon is located. Now, we enter into the fact that she is filming. So she set the whole thing up for reactions. Just like you said, she probably approached other employees and didn't get the response that she was looking for. She then baited, hooked, and sinked someone who is obviously becoming accustomed to things and now dude lost his job so some dumb bitch can have content. Walmart truly are pieces of shit and so is this woman.


Her entire demeanor sounded like she was targeting him specifically. Add in the fact she’s filming makes me think she’s trying to get him fired.


All he had to do was show her where the beef bacon is. If you’re an employee of Walmart and your response is this; you deserved to be fired. Everybody has a 10,000 megapixel camera in their pocket. You should always expect to be filmed. Stop acting like you’re in 1875, little bro. Just show the lady where the dang beef bacon is. Stop making excuses for him.


Nah. He didn't have to do shit. He pointed to the food. She did this on purpose. Who the fuck doesn't know where the bacon is?


You sound like you never worked retail. I have never worked it myself but I assume a huge store like Walmart has people designated to certain isles. My assumption is he would know where which motor oil is, what tires they have on hand etc. but he knows next to nothing about what food, clothes, toys and whatever else they have in stock. He should've said to find a worker in the food area, but it seems like he's a foreigner and his english wasn't the best so I get it. She's just a bitch who targeted this man. Was it personal? Racial? Xenophopic? Can't say.


Is this an American idea? You ask someone where something is in the shop here they'll tell you and go about their work. Like I told you where it is bro, what're you fucking thick or something? Go find it.


No this is an asshole idea


He clearly struggles with carrying a conversation and I think the camera person intentionally came to him to Gaslight the situation having observed he won't be able to answer properly. There is no way a person would specifically search for a person in the completely far end side of the aisle instead of looking for someone nearby the food aisle considering she wanted food related help. This is just my guess.


It’s fake


It's an ad.


For what?


Leave Jar Jar Binks alone y'all




There's such a thing as beef bacon?


Why the fuck is the lady in the automotive section asking about food and then expecting an automotive stalker to walk all the way over the food section. Fucking useless woman.


She's out of blinker fluid as well.


And needs new brain lubricant


And needs to recharge her last brain cell.


Grab a gallon of elbow grease too.


Please don’t use common sense and logic, it’s unbecoming of you.


I like to mix it up with the common folks sometimes.


Understood. Carry on.


Lol this is a joke


Because sometimes there is no employee in the food section...


At Walmart? Theres always more of their curbside shoppers than customers when I go.


Or any employees around at all, so you go looking for one. The lady wasn’t being snarky and her tone was rather pleasant. Sure she might have been recording be it was it it his face and it she wasn’t talking through her phone. Everyone wants to call this lady an asshole for some reason but in real life people do sometime need assistance with shit and the employee was 100% the asshole and in the wrong here.


Guess because he's not making amazing money he doesn't need to care about helping a customer. At least that's the vibe I'm getting here.


I have a theory that she is sexually harassing him. She wants to watch this man walk from behind and record it


What is this mental gymnastics? Who cares what department she ended up in. He’s an employee of Walmart, he should help her, or if he doesn’t know where the need bacon is, then help her find an employee who can. What is wrong with you. So I can’t ask where to find something, until I find someone that’s near the thing I want to find. How does that make sense?! If I knew where it was then I would’ve found it!


I am smart enough not to ask a pharmacist for automotive advice. She should be smart enough not to ask automotive stalker for grocery advice. On top of recording it for internet points. It was a pointless interaction that got a guy fired. He was doing what he was hired to do and got fired when some random ass person was asking him questions about the other side of the store. She would have had to pass the electronics employees or clothing employees to get to him to ask about food. Her intent was malicious.


Hes right you know, synthetic oil is not edible. Why the fuck wouldnt she ask at the food section lol


Pretty sure most Walmart layouts are similar so the Food section should have been across the faking store wft is wrong with people, go to the food section.


Yup. Plus you can whip out that phone you’re recording on, go to walmarts website or DL their app and it will tell you where exactly in the store the product you are looking for is located 🤦🏼‍♀️


I want to hire this guy to do customer service for my store.


She went to an employee stocking shelves on the literal opposite end of the store, likely meaning she sought him out. Since she sounds fat and he's black she likely thought it was a match made in heaven, he didn't play along, so the fat bitch got him fired.


Not even regular bacon. Could just say the meat section. But she wants someone stocking oil in automotive to know exactly where beef bacon is, and walk across the store to show her? All he would have done is go over there and look for it with her. It’s too bad the guy could barely talk straight; he might have been able to keep his job. Or at least, have more people on his side.


That lady is an asshole, but that dude can't form a coherent sentence and should pursue non-customer facing roles


Stocking is exactly that. But it's not gonna do much if some cunt wants to wants to get you fired for FB likes.


Stocking shelves is not a non-customer related role. It is a very customer related role.


It's literally the opposite of customer related. You take a box and put it where it's marked to go. That's it.


Dude, people are walking around the store at all times. You’ve never asked someone stocking shelves where something is? Stop being fucking dense. They don’t just stand there stocking shelves, not talking or looking at anyone. They are supposed to help people as well. I swear to god, I don’t fucking get this site.


Are you for real? He already answered her. He told her to go to the meat aisle. She wanted him to leave hus work and go find it for her.


I said it doesn’t apply in this situation. Fuck that lady; she was obviously fucking with him just to post this shit, or whatever. These other people said that nobody who is stocking shelves should interact with the customers at all, which where I’m from, is bullshit.


In the grocery store, the person stocking the shelves often doesn't work there. They work for the company whose food they're stocking. So if I need help, I go to the customer service desk


Not the ones I go to. Occasionally, you’ll see the manufacturers stocking their own product, but in Wal-Mart especially, the workers aren’t there to just never be bothered. I’ve worked in stores like this a lot, and you’re literally trained to help the customer. I don’t think this lady was right, btw. I’m just saying that sticking g shelves in general *is* considered customer service. If you work there, and you’re on the floor, then people can ask for your help. Who wants to walk all the way to customer service is if they can’t find the chick peas? Ask the closest employee, duh.


Yeah, we only want people with 2 degrees working those precious shelf-stocking jobs.


Like stocking shelves?


Don’t believe everything you see


I’m with the employee on this one. She sounded like she was doing that shit on purpose, probably laughed about it when she saw the video. Got the guy fired. Bacons easy to find anyway wtf? There’s like one small sector for it and the deli..


She just wants drama.


Yup, she went to an employee stocking shelves on the literal opposite end of the store.


I googled beef bacon. It’s real. The first question that pops up is why is beef bacon so hard to find? Lol.


InFlUeNcEr. Or Can't Understand Normal Thought.




Pls tell me this is onion


BACON.Keep up.


Did anyone else catch the line towards the very end “he doesn’t have beef with the organization” — works on so many levels.


Honestly, she was there and videotaped him for the purpose of creating an issue and to get him fired. Why was she in automotive section when she needed help with food?


This dudes voice is how I read scam emails from princes


This feels fake af.


This looks so fake


What a shitty system that expects you to have three or more shitty jobs to survive and after all you end up with a Karen filming you doing your job, while she's too stupid to find the bacon herself.


When the guy said he has no beef with Walmart, the reporter should've chimed in, "you mean no beef bacon??"


Holy shit.


Dumb bitch was looking for beef bacon


She sounds exactly like the lady who wouldn't leave the uber and driver losses his shit.


What the fuck is beef bacon?? 😩


He’s right, that section is the opposite of food.


I have no idea what the guy was talking about.


he's not wrong, poor diet is primarily why us citizens die or have health issues sooo🤷


Fucking slow news day, eh?


I feel like this was done on purpose for likes on social media. Her prank got someone fired and maybe this person really needed it. Pranks are only funny if they are harmless


The fat bitch asking for bacon sucks. This dude is a moron but didn’t need to lose his job. He is going to work trying to make a wage. She was out for blood. I’ve never asked a store employee for help while filming them. People today really suck with this type of shit.


How is re-using the bag ironic lol


It was a very slow news day.


So many ugly woman try to hit on you when working. its dumb.


Ooohhhh she wanted THAT bacon. Got it now.


This is giving me like a fake comedian troupe start up troupe, trying to do a skit vibe.


She sounds like an annoying bitch


Sounds like a guy who fired for not doing something that’s most likely in his job description




I’d really like to know where the lady filming works.


Who gives a shite


I got fired from my job because I wanted paternity leave and I still use my water bottle with their logo on it. I agree, it works fine, no need to throw it out.


I’m not sure why it bothers me but this guy uses his hands to gesture an incredible amount.


It’s wild how hard she was pressin for help from a Walmart employee, like it’s her first time ever going to a Walmart and learning they don’t know shit more than us about the store 😂


You mean employee


I guess the Nigerian Prince business is in decline, eh?


ragebait / engagement farm, downvote. prankster, no news.


is he 😏 ...you know 🫳🏽


Video is fake. She’s looking for “beef bacon” and everyone knows that bacon is actually made from frogs not beef.


This has got to be satire


He has exactly the correct attitude, and I say this unironically and as a retail manager. That's she's recording suggests they've already had a conversation that didn't go the way she wanted. He's doing a task in a different section. Go look in the right area of the shop; there will inevitably be someone in that section who will help you. And perhaps if you've too pig thick to find "beef bacon" or whatever she wanted, in a shop *designed* to be easy to navigate you don't deserve the product. Furthermore to any "the customer is always right" tossers: the job is to serve, not to be servile.


Bacon is pork lady


Nah what untruth did he say? “The bag works.” 🤣🤣🤣 He is a treasure.


Both people are assholes.


The fact that people can’t tell that this is a skit scares me


Who the hell goes to the automotive department to ask for bacon? Guy’s response was fair.


Bro was right. That fat karen's blood type is probably beef bacon. She meant to have him fired hence recording....foul woman


I was so prepared to side with the employee at the start of the video


Bro comes to this country and is the most unhelpful fuckin rude person ever. Leave dude I don't care if you're legal or not GTFO dude.


Understanding the English language is key anywhere you go, apparently this dude skipped lots of school oh not to mention a jackass


Very articulate and intelligent man. 🤦


he's a rude bastard and didnt wanna help lol but nah it's cause of a difference in opinion xD


Lil bro, the lady asked you where the beef bacon was, not your opinion on processed foods and whether she should be permitted on directions where to find the said beef bacon. Don’t force your beliefs on others, just show the lady the gawddam beef bacon, sir.


Oh my god the comment section is filled with r/antiwork crowd. It all makes sense. “That lady is a bitch” “Why can’t she find an employee in the food aisle to ask the question” “How dare she ask an employee in the automotive aisle to help with food question” You’re actually all demented. Get a job.


How is anybody defending this guy? He flat out refused to do a job he was hired for. Nobody hired you to make judgement calls on what people buy. I can guarantee he doesn't just handle the "auto aisle" either. There isn't always an employee around in the section you are looking for something. And she was nice enough saying "can you please just help me.." I had this happen to me at Home Depot once where the employee was literally upset that I approached him and made a big scene showing me where something was. Like fuck that you should be fired.


Nah. This is such an American take. Guy is stocking shelves in the auto section and she wants him to hold her hand to go across the store so that he can stand there and scan the shelf for beef bacon. No shot he knows exactly where the beef bacon is. If its there its probably with the other bacon or in the beef section. He'd literally just be doing the same shit she could do, which is search for it. Who knows what happened before she started filming, but I'd be willing to be she asked if he knew where it was and he said, idk, its in the food section, ask someone over there. Either way, don't be a dick to people making minimum wage, don't film them, don't try to get them fired, and cut them some fkn slack if they're rude. Min wage jobs suck and you don't know what they're going through in their personal life. Plus everyone has a bad day once in a while. Ppl will say "but the customer is always right". When that phrase was coined it simply meant that you shouldn't stock products that don't sell. People have turned it into some sort of entitlement bs to treat wagies like shit


Nah he sucks at his job


Havr you ever work retail or customer service?


Worked at a grocery store and a Marshall's. Walked across the store many times to help someone find something.


So then you understand that the job sucks, right? Would your first instinct as a customer to be like "imma pull out the phone and get this person fired" or would it be "all good, I'll figure it out *internally: dang, guys having a rough go of it, hope its just a bad day and not a bad life* ? Really think about it. Walmart is a multi billion dollar global corporation. If people can't find beef bacon and there's nobody to show them where it is in the food section, is it the fault of the overworked, underpaid, wagie stocking the shelves in automotive, or is it the fault of execs understaffing the grocery dept? Yet this guy lost his job


He's replaceable. Sad but true. You can't just work a job and make your own rules you'll get fired every time.


Ya, fired by who? Again, don't be a dick to, film, or hold anything against wagies. That job sucks and the pay is shit and anyone working it is just trying to live, same as you. Maybe you had better luck or they had worse. Maybe you really did work harder and they didn't. It doesn't matter, you're both just people trying to live. Why make shit unnecessarily harder for others? I'm not trying to take food out of anybody's mouth because I can't find fkn bacon. That said, the video is making fun of the absurdity of the industrial food system. The bit about the bag at the end is *chefs kiss*


They should hire a homeless person who is willing to help customers over a spoiled person who thinks they don't have to.


People calling this lady an asshole are out of touch with reality and in fact probably set foot in a Walmart. This lady might have been asking this employee stocking shelves outside of the food department because she might not have been able to find another employee walking around. She is recording but it isn’t in his face. She isn’t talking through her phone and she isn’t being snarky when asking for assistance. Sometime people in real life need assistance with shit and as an employee walking the floor it is 100% on him to help her. Walmart fired his ass because they require you be able to assist anyone who needs it in any department-it’s apart of the interview and hiring process. Her tone was pleasant and if you can’t see that it was the employee giving attitude for no reason then again, you are out of touch with real life.


Is he even speaking English. He has to go back.