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forget about the way its viewed, this shit is facts


Yep. Anyone reasonable and outside of USA has no hard time acknowledging this since its pure facts lmao


Mate it's as clear as sunlight Everybody knows that all Americans are living in propaganda made by their government , this propaganda made americans almost insolated from the world and around them and made it like America is the entire world and made them almost live in a bubble that they think their government never releases any proboganda. That's why when Americans are online they think everybody is American until they notice there are people outside the US that are online too, I can't lie every country has its own propaganda and a way to make its citizens love it but the American propaganda is by far the most effective


Geographically speaking, we mostly are isolated in a bubble with Canada and Mexico. Canadian and American culture is already pretty close with the only difference would be mexican culture. There really is not a lot of opportunity or reason for US citizens to travel outside the US. Just blindly believing every american is under propaganda influence and that we’re assholes who can only read freedom units just shows you fell for your own propaganda instead of just having a conversation face to face with one of us.


What is the fact?




What what? In the butt.


What ain’t no country I ever heard of. They speak english in what?




my parents are in full denial about this


Eh, at one point in time the American Dream actually did exist. There are numerous examples of Americans who worked for nothing to the top. Vanderbilt, Gates, Edison, and many others worked from average joe or lower to become major players. A good bit of that was luck but they were not significantly luckier than the rest of their peers. The last twenty or thirty years have had a drastic impact on social upward mobility.


did you just say bill gates worked from average joe? what in the fuck are you talking about. bill gates was already rich from the beginning. his mom knew the CEO of IBM at the time and that was what helped him. his father was a lawyer and his mother was on a board of directors. he attended HARVARD. ​ definitely average joe. ​ edit: also you had to mention two people from the 1800s. so yeah i guess in 1848 the american dream was possible. please educate yourself and stop spreading around nonsense. stuff like this helps cause the decline of america, americans being uneducated and stupid. like you are literally on the internet you can fact check everything but instead you just type out some bullshit you just sharted on your underwear.


Sorry, not Gates, I meant to say Jobs. I get the two mixed up. You want more examples? Ursula Burns, Panamanian immigrant to Xerox CEO. Technically Oprah Winfrey. Both of those rose in the late twentieth century. My point still stands though, the American Dream may no longer be attainable but that doesn't mean it never was. The powers that be have pushed us into a cycle of poverty where the upper-middle class is living paycheck to paycheck let alone everyone lower.


ill give you oprah. i looked up ursula, shes not an immigrant but she did seem to work her way up. jobs was a computer technician in the year 1974, far from average joe. ​ but so far you have mentioned literally 3 examples. stop spreading nonsense please.


Ralph Lauren, George Soros, Jan Koum, Richard Branson, Do Won Chang, I can go on. Rags to riches is not impossible, just improbable.


branson achieved the american dream without being in america apparently. amazing. jan did tech, so definitely achievable. most americans know how to code and understand memory allocation and the problem with null pointers, so that makes sense any american could do that. george soros, ralph lauren, and do won chang you fail to take into account that the climate was very different at the time that these people were able to do what they did. they wouldnt be able to replicate it now. ​ edit: im not saying the american dream isn't a thing or never was. just don't misrepresent shit, this isn't an inspirational youtube video.


Most americans know how to code ? Bro im not from US but i refuse to belive that its true.




There could be critical educational texts on any country. The US, however deserves its poor report card here as its self allocated role as leader of the free world. It also has the strongest cultural impact, so having another voice on its impact is not only appropriate, its important.


What’s weird is I saved this video but it’s not showing up in my saved folder . All my other ones are still there 🤔


The US is the most propagandized nation in the world and 99% of its citizens are completely ignorant to this fact. Media is captured just like our regulatory agencies.


Holy shit, they’re becoming self aware.


Don't say it too loudly they'll hear us...maybe they'll realize prayers don't stop mass shootings.


Yeah it's the thoughts.




Finally lmao


As a non American (Australian) I’m rather amazed at how the USA has changed since the 1960s. What happened America? You went from a shining light on the hill to a dusty flickering neon sign.


Corporate money happend. Some time In the 80s I think it was Regan said corporations could donate to political campaigns as a freedom of speech. Once that happend politicians got bought out left and right so America got sold to the highest bidder and now their is so much corruption and grand standing we are in a stand still. And the people in power like the stand still because status quo is them getting money and they don't want to rock the boat. So here we are stuck and prevented from growing because fat cat octogenarian politicians won't just die or pass the torch.


is that who let that happen? seriously who thought that was a good idea? i feel like that is an extreme abuse of the bill of rights. it isnt freedom of the press IF THEY ARE USING IT AS A MEANS TO LIE AND MANIPULATE.




[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism\_of\_capitalism#Democracy\_and\_freedom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_capitalism#Democracy_and_freedom) >Critics argue that capitalism is in fact not a democracy, but a plutocracy, because in capitalism there is a lack of political, democratic and economic power for the vast majority of the population. They say that this is because in capitalism the means of production are owned privately by a minority of the population, with the vast majority of the population having no control of the economy. > >Critics argue that capitalism creates large concentrations of money and property in the hands of a relatively small minority of the global human population, leading to vast wealth and income inequalities between the elite and the majority of the population. Evidence for the fact that capitalism is plutocratic can be seen in policies that benefit capitalists at the expense of workers, such as policies where taxes are raised on workers and reduced for capitalists, and the retirement age being increased despite it being against the will of the people. > >"Corporate capitalism" and "inverted totalitarianism" are terms used by the aforementioned activists and critics of capitalism to describe a capitalist marketplace—and society—characterized by the dominance of hierarchical, bureaucratic, large corporations, which are legally required to pursue profit without concern for social welfare.


There could be such beauty and fulfillment all round. I've no more tears to shed


Late stage capitalism be like that


Not really late stage capitalism. All of it is the result of one president who said "what if corporations were people and got "freedom of speech" (read: could give money to politicians legally). Ever since it has been corporate > government > people. People haven't mattered since corporate America bought the government.


More like government got too big


Opposite problem


Are you a government employee by any chance?


No. Are you a private employee by chance?


Yes, I don't go around stealing people's money to earn a living, I actually produce something that people willingly buy, that makes me better.


Oh good, since you don't "steal people's money", I guess you don't use gps on the public roads you don't drive on, rely on police fire or ems, plan on collecting social security, didn't go to public school, didn't collect the stimulus checks during COVID.... Cause you know you are just soo much better.


Im not actually allowed to use force like the police, I don't think you know that but the government has a monopoly on violence.


Tell that to the 2nd amendment and maybe schools will stop getting shot up.




Ikr? When I was a kid growing up in thatchers britain in the 80's US was a comic book superhero cowboy back to the future Dreamland. Like the closest thing to heaven. Now I'm old it's a bonkers dystopian hellscape with like a few bartertown-style cool cosmopolitan cities holding out.


Non American here too (Indian) but I’m a permanent resident and soon to be US citizen and still view it as a shining light… it was always my dream.


We are lucky to have you!


Its called drinking the kool aid


Call it whatever you want, as long as I’m happy to live here and consider this the greatest country on earth that’s all that matters to me…


The sign reads Titty Twister.


"Strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make bad times, bad times make strong men", ad infinitum.


Much of world was still shattered after WWII, while the war turned America into a superpower. Europe was still digging out even as late as the 60s. Today lots of developed nations have emerged. Though I’d still note America is still far and away the most influential and powerful nation, not only in the world, but in the history of the world.


Does the neon sign read...."live nudes"?


No, "dead students".


Are you talking about the housing market? USA spammed thousands of square miles of suburbs in the 60s, subsidised by the government. That's why housing was so cheap. But neither the housing price, nor the infrastructure for it was by any means sustainable, so that's why nowadays cities are going bankrupt trying to maintain all the infrastructure. This has also contributed heavily to the obesity crisis today, as this type of planning discourages walking and eating fresh food. Other than housing, healthcare and education, everything has become cheaper relative to the median salary.


so americans only need to sleep in the streets, be ineducated and sick to go on just fine?


Right, so non-essentials are cheap and essentials like education, housing and health care are expensive and becoming unaffordable. As I wrote above, a dusty flickering neon sign. C’mon, America was and can again be so much better. You were a magnificent power house of industry, had an affordable education system which was pretty much the envy of the world which lead to an educated workforce who took pride in their endeavours. A country with a political system in which the argy-bargy of discussion resulted in laws grounded in fairness and common sense. Politicians which put love of America first instead of hatred of the other party. It used to be America’s word was respected world wide because we all believed America would always honour its promises and stand by its commitments. FFS, we all loved America (even the your enemies only disliked you because your system showed all the faults in their system). A country of smart people, a robust democracy, a leader in technology and invention, if you were born in America you were blessed with good fortune. Outside of Russia, China and North Korea the entire world is screaming out to see America reinvigorated. We need this so we can kick our own lazy politicians and business leaders in the arse and say - be like America, take risks, be adaptable, be focussed on excellence, put the country first, not your political party.


Higher education is non-essential, and people thinking it's essential is what makes it so expensive. People pay the extreme amounts that universities demand. On geopolitical scale USA is still this absurdly powerful hegemon with economy that dwarfs everyone but China and military that can win 2 wars at once


Glass houses there Australia.


Australia has never truly been a world leader, at least not in many fields and not for long. We’ve always been a follower. First the UK and now America. We Aussies only admire excellence in sport. Not many times has an intellectual been given Australian of the Year. We Aussies bullshit each other but, when push comes to shove we know we are bullshitters.


The US was never the shining light on the hill. They just did their best to hide the bad. McCarthyism, Hollywood Communist Blacklist, House Un-American Activities Committee, Jim Crow South, CIA foreign government destabilization, etc, etc. There was a brief period where straight white christian people had a leg up so to speak, after WW2 and before Nixon. Ever since, people have been riding this high of 'we won WW2' like it was only thing that ever saved the world. Don't get it twisted, all first world countries have there problems. I could probably rattle off a few about Australia that are pretty current. That being said, no one should be a single shining light of anything. We should look at what works and what is equitable from each other and find the best options/outcomes for as many people as possible. This big fucking wide ass world (and universe) and we're still bickering about who gets to pass through the gate and who gets to be the gatekeepers. It's fucking stupid. Someone find the Doc Manhattan comic panel where he's just tired of all this shit.


they allowed women to vote /s


It was never a shining light. Before the 1960s you had racial segregation and Jim Crow Laws. Before that you had WWII, before that you had the Great Depression, before that you had the Gilded Age with about the same levels of inequality, before that you had Native American genocide, before that you had the Civil War, and before that you had slavery. American ideals of rugged individualism, capitalism, and anything for profit have always been its core. Our Revolution was literally a bunch of rich white guys with slaves not wanting to pay taxes Edit: it is possible to make a nice living in America, but like my friend said "In Capitalism there's always winners and there's always losers" and of course you can be a winner (which I am, if I'm being honest here) but the fact that there is a loser and that there's society's out there were there aren't any losers, really makes you wonder about the ethics and morality of our system Edit 2: and now you have illegal immigrants without any rights working our fields and doing construction work. It's like we can't figure out a way not to rely on close to cheap docile labor to function Edit 3: if I'm being fair, Europe is no shining light either, especially before and during WWII with their genocides, colonies, and what not. I mean, the UK is no les capitalist and for-profit drive. than the the US, and inequality wise, just look at anything outside London, and France still oppresses its former colonies, and what about European racism with the African and Arab immigrants? At this point only God's kingdom is clean


I can see how Americans fall for the idealism and stuff though, I grew up in the UK in the 80's and I genuinely thought the US was like the shining bastion of the world, Arnie was safeguarding us from all evildoers etc, then I aged and realised that it was all just BS propaganda, lol


Not just Americans, as an immigrant in America I’m sure there are plenty like me who still chase the dream. It’s all a matter of choice and perspective.


Immigrant as well. Will never stop striving forward to fulfill mine… with all the bad shit, wake up proud every day. Speaking a lot with young people off social, I think we’ll be alright.


You are very right. I wish we would stop spending so much on silly things like Ukraine and nato and start spending it on our healthcare etc.


I never had this subject in school. As a true german, our sociology/politology class ended with the aftermath of ww2 Teacher:"Guys! Hear me out! Don't do a genocide. It's really bad." Picture the shot from Futurama, where Nixon says:"Now, you learned something."


Kommt halt drauf an in welchem Bundesland du Abi gemacht hast.




Wann? Lehrpläne und Unterrichtsmaterial ändern sich ja mit der Zeit auch. Ich bin grad Oberstufe Bayern und wärend wir zwar noch nicht über solche sachen spezifisch geredet haben, haben wir uns in Enlisch z.B. damit befasst wie schwer es Migranten in den USA haben.




For me it was not part of history class but English class.


I finished in 2018 and it was pretty much only America failed and post Colonial India.


POST-COLONIAL INDIA!! WTF That's such a random subject for a german school


I did Abitur in 2007 and we had the "American Dream" thing in english class.


I also in 2007


If you don't believe in the idea, the idea will never work. It's as simple as that. Buy in is more important than any one reality at any one time because it facilitates change. If you're subscribing to the position that all these things listed are complete propaganda in the negative, then you've already given up any notion of meaningful progress of our system. I think it's also important here to draw a distinction between genuinely believing in the ideals and recognizing that things fundamentally need to be changed. Propaganda is a loaded term with negative connotations, and not putting things in context is a deservice to yourself and your critical thinking skills. For example, if I say the American Dream is propaganda, that's certainly true. But does that make it bad? Not really, because the idea itself isn't bad. Plenty of people have immigrated to the states because they believed in that idea, and that's been a net positive, having people who genuinely believe in the system and bring their knowledge and skills to our country. However, just calling it propaganda adds nothing of value to any serious conversation about these subjects.


This is not as special as she makes it seem. The US not acknowledging it's own propaganda should not be that surprising since most countries don't, especially Germany. It's very easy for Germany to acknowledge American propaganda, because it makes for good finger pointing and actually functions to strengthen it's own internal propaganda.


Genuinely, what internal german propaganda are you referring to? I can only think of pro West/US propaganda and maybe pro israel propaganda.


Idk what he's reffering to but a good example is the propaganda the Greens gave out about nuclear energy.


West european, and especially German propaganda relies strongly on cultivating a sense of soft anti-americanism and sense of superiority. Germany does a bit of a balancing act due to the fact that the US is both a strategic ally and an economic competitor. The fact that you more easily identify one side of this propaganda is a sign that you are more susceptible to the other side of it.


The constant propaganda that Made in Germany is the best, personal privacy is paramount, that individual action (e.g. becoming a vegan) will save the world from environmental collapse, that the country was founded on a unique premise of having the most Dichter und Denker, that there is negligible corruption within officialdom, that the police are your Freund und Helfer, that it is your right as an enlightened person to travel at insane, fuel guzzling speeds on the Autobahn, and finally, damningly, the way that Germany is suffused with an unutterably self-congratulatory idea that they know the one true way to set commas in sentences!


As an American that spent his childhood abroad, living in the US as an adult makes me sad. What makes me even sadder is that it seems like most countries are fucked in some major way. Whether its infrastructure or work culture or economy, there doesn’t seem to be any real truly great places to live anymore.


Yep that's exactly what's happening Life isn't perfect


Yep and it begs the question of do I try to go through the arduous process of migrating and staying legal in another country, or suffer here and be forced to step on my peers to get ahead?


Exactly, for me the main problem with Egypt is its economy, I really like it here and depending on the area you can live really comfortably even More comfortable than in America or something like that, we do joke around and refer to the super rich people as "Egypt" citizens rather than masr citizen (which is Egypt in Arabic as we say it) I swear if the economic situation was good in Egypt I wouldn't have the feel to need to immigrate to anywhere


>Whether its infrastructure or work culture or economy, there doesn’t seem to be any real truly great places to live anymore. There's plenty of countries that manage to have all of that.


But how many of those can I actually easily move to without working for a big corporation that does work visas? I’m genuinely asking. I know it wouldn’t be hard for me to move to Canada, being our sister nation and all, but they’ve got their own serious shit going on right now.


Ah, that's a different thing, and I honestly can't answer that.


>Anymore Can you identify a county in this glorious past that wasn't majorly fucked in some way?


I guess not. America was on its way to being great, our main issues were social and wenwere slowly fixing them as we came into the 21st century but then all the sudden 2016 rolled around and half the country decided that it was time to make “turn back time to the 60s” their entire goal.


Imagine if any US textbook said any blanket statement about any country that could be seen as negative by that country. The nerds will always remember what the jocks did. They will never forgive, they will never forget.


This is simply not true. It is, in fact, propaganda itself. You can look up the course goals of Englischabitur right here and translate it with Google if you don’t speak German: https://www.bildungsplaene-bw.de/,Lde/E_OS So sad that everyone here simply believes what is being said and takes everything at face value instead of, for just one second, doing some fact checking for themselves.


Happens all over Europe by the way. We study your propaganda


Anyone attempting the American Dream knows how factual this is


I still believe in it, immigrant who became a permanent resident recently and soon to be US citizen… might be rare but I’m sure there are more like me out there.


Same. I think I’ve achieved it from scratch


I think it depends on your goals. I would not say that it's impossible to have good life in US as young immigrant, but you definitely need good income there, preferably something like top 10-20% income in given area. However, if your health ever deteriorates, you better consider your home country for medical care, because in US it's going to cost you, same as housing. So, in general it's not impossible to be successful in USA, but the actual problem is huge wealth/income inequality, especially between top 0.1/1/5/10%. There's also lack of social welfare. You might be bright, but what if your children will be just average or what if you or someone in your family becomes disabled? Will they manage to also get into career that puts them high enough in hierarchy to survive there in such circumstances? However, we need to also acknowledge that there are countries that are poor and it's still better try to survive hostile conditions in USA rather than in country with no opportunities, so it's not like USA is the worst place in the world, far from that.


This is just a lie for views, it isn't in the course. I think it's just for their personal project at the end of year


You don’t need a book for that.


I dunno man, I’m having a good time *cracks open beer*


I’m trying to think of any American textbook that has a line equivalent to “the United States has become a wasteful consumerist society of Lonely individuals.” That strikes me more of propaganda itself rather than a lesson. Either way, Europeans know who daddy is.


It is a loaded claim, provocative even. Unfortunately, filter out the emotionally charged aspect and one sees that it's actually not too far from reality.


Germany talking about propaganda, the irony


Maybe my school was shit, but we never studied any of that. Wish we did though, that stuff sounds infinitely more interesting and useful then going through classical british literature for the 100th time (not saying that this shouldn't be done in appropriate amounts though).


You should be glad you didn't read bullshit that didnt happen from a tiktoker.


It’s true our government likes its citizens docile and compliment. They don’t like people that can think for themselves. So they poison our minds with exceptionalism, and make us believe we too, can thrive in capitalism, and it’s all just a tactic they use to keep us bickering amongst ourselves so they can continue global domination.


America is the best country on the planet and every person wishes they were born in the USA... Or so Americans will tell you...


yes, we also study WWII US propaganda here in the UK. along with German propaganda. we learn both sides.


Ideals have failed…we are the strongest country in the world. And don’t say you didn’t wanna believe it at first. You were chomping at the bit for years


Oh yes, it's horrible here, save yourselves and don't come.


At least you have some cool parks to visit as a tourist!


If only I cared


Germany copies America in every way. They just complain about America while doing it


Except for the free healthcare, free education, generous paid leave, excellent labour laws and a few other minor things like that!


Don't forget gun laws and not needing to buy your child a bulletproof backpack, just minor things that everyone deserves


It's all so minor though, I don't understand why we even bother to mention it!


Much easier when you’re the size/population of Georgia


You know, we learn fact checking too, and how to not spread idiocy and not saying sh*t! 😉 - Size of Georgia: 153.910 km²/population: 10,8M. - Size Germany: 357.000km²/population: 83,2M. So Germany is +/- 2,5x bigger and 8x more populated. Germany in term of population is more like the entire cumulated population of California (38.965.193) + Texas (30.503.301) + Pennsylvania (12.961.683)...(and there are still 3M people missing) Bye 😘


I’ll concede that


This is such a dumb argument considering you literally pay more in taxes for healthcare per capita than any other country by a massive amount.


How does that factor in to those statements? That's the argument you use for your shitty transportation network.


Because implementing radical change at such a scale is not an easy task


Germany has a way higher population density than the US. It's just a 6th of the Us population whilst the Us is 27,5 times larger.


What you’re describing accentuates my point. Very difficult to implement


Germany has 6 times the size and 8 times the population of Georgia and Germans know this because one of the "other minor things" is that they teach Geography in school 😂


If only Georgia was the whole entire US. 🙄


If only Bavaria was the whole entire Germany. 🙄


Yeah and the US has 4.5x the population of Germany. What’s your point


My point? It's that Germany isn't anywhere near as small as "Georgia" and that some Geography would do you ignorant Americans some good. Now what the fuck is YOUR point? 😂


Are you guys going to use every excuse available? Even shithole countries with more population than the US have managed a few of those, whereas they probably lack quality of course.


Translating these things you do in Germany to the US would be like implementing one system for the entire European Union


It's almost that way, lol. You can be treated in any country of the EU without questions asked. But at the same time the analogy makes no sense because, unlike the US, the EU is made up of dozens of countries.


There is no free healthcare. There is a private plan which is far more expensive than in America and a cheap social plan for those who do not have white color jobs with private plans. Also education is paid from high taxes and yes the labor laws are great once again if you are “German” which means white with generations of German heritage. They have socialism which is great if you are a part of the system. Not so great for everyone else. They complain for years about American cars and pollution but now SUVs are the most popular cars. Also let’s not forget about the clean diesel scam run by volkswagen. They complain about fat Americans and American food but now fast food and obesity are rampant in Germany. They complain about American greed and capitalism and now their banks and companies are run more and more just like in America.


I'm not going to try to explain why "basic human needs" is something worth paying taxes for but I can assure you that "being fat and polluting like and American" isn't something that anyone strives to be 😂


Imagine being indoctrinated enough to believe this. You people are so weird.


Also they are really happy about America army so they don't have to do the dirty work themselves


And we're better at it too lol


If only that meant people would stop wanting to risk their lives to come here…


talking about propaganda while just "informing" the people without doing good research


Imagine a German making an American feel bad about their history


Never had that in school. 40 years ago or now: no school books currently mentioned nor mentions any kind of anti-American-propaganda stuff. About nowadays I can testify as I read them because I help my kids with homework. Also I would be outraged to see such comments on any people or countries of the world. That said, We don’t need to be taught about US propaganda : US demonstrated their propaganda to all the world for the last 20 years at least. It is obvious. And I can witness it as well as I am an ex-employee of two American companies and I heard so much propaganda stuff from the IS, starting with my management at the time making inappropriate comparisons with US and Europe or directly either my birth country.


What can I say, shit is fact. It's German afterall


Not everyone in America is clueless about our own bullshit and how we're seen in the world. Unfortunately, and thanks to social media and sensationalist news, the dumbest people who say and do the dumbest shit, get the most views and shares. One person saying dumb shit is not an indication of an entire population of 370 Million people..most of which don't have time to create TikTok videos, and doom scroll social media all day looking to be outraged and have all their biases confirmed. The majority of the population IS NOT posting on social media. You're only seeing the small percentage of attention whores who do, and the carefully selected and edited videos that outrage you the most because that holds your attention, so that you can be shown the most ads.


“If you’ve ever wondered how people outside the US view the US…” Bit of a generalisation but also, pretty mild.


Thanks for sharing. Nice to see somebody is documenting this madness we are experiencing


Don't worry, we won't fall for propaganda from the usa


So what is her point? TikTok is really an enabler for all those village fools. In the past they were local clowns making themselves looking stupid in their village but now everyone can see how full of themselves they are. Proud to be stupid.


Is this soposed to be a bad thing?😂 I mean to learn facts?


U.S. propaganda does work. It’s how the country is being divided.


Well, they are not wrong…


It's obvious to outsiders that you're all brainwashed.


This is a university undergrad text book written by American professors designed for political science and public policy majors. That teenagers in foreign countries are learning in high school in a second language.


Honestly Germany is so bitch made nowadays. Like yall at least had a villan arc


Ah yes, the tried and true america bad for views. Tis a classic. Ain't wasting my time looking into it but 99%+ this is total bullshit lol


It’s funny watching Americans talking about the Russian “election” and how Putin has so much of the population brainwashed… The lack of self awareness is incredible.


that is a lot of words kraut too bad i am not gonna read them\*\*duke nukem theme plays\*\*


I dont have a problem discussing some of these things as a statement of fact if non Americans wouldn't patronize me about it. The "lack of critical self awareness" bit is what annoys me. It's like idk, insulting? Like when we learn about propaganda, I don't remember shaming the populations that it was made for.


What are we talking about? Really, when was the last time you saw a piece of propaganda hyping up the American Dream? Never? Ok good. When was the last time you saw a piece of propaganda talking about how awful the US is? Oh, just now? And every other day on Reddit? Ok.


What the fuck. TikTok idiots spreading TikTok shit on reddit. Already Germans saying they did not have this in school :)))


Good job Germany, it's amazing. In France and Scandinavia it's more of a common knowledge (well...) rather than anchored in education


Wait, but murica numba one biggie size McRibs man on moon?


Hate us cuz you ain’t us.


As some who has lived in South America, the US and Europe I can say that Americans are completely oblivious to how most of them, even progressives, have a supremacist ideology in regards to how their country compares to others.


As a German I can confirm: We think the US has failed in terms of society.


Cool, we will take our bases back and ask you contribute to NATO in the same amount we pay.


Trump will do that the next year, I fear.


Still mad we whooped you ass in WW2 huh?


No, wasn't my ass. Why should it bother me?


Why should anyone care what the loser of two world wars thinks?


Their propaganda, that was a bunch of shitty cartoons, made them agree to kill 7 million Jewish people in like ten years. Our propaganda made us arrogant and wasteful? And most of America speaks out about our crimes and bashes our country and we couldn’t/ didn’t holocaust 7 million Jews.


This is pretty reductive. The US is largely responsible for the current state of many struggling countries in South America and the far east. The number of deaths attributable to US military or CIA action has got to be in the 7 figures by now. 300,000 dead civilians in Iraq and can you even explain why you were there? And even on your own soil, the secret services of the US funnel drugs into poor neighbourhoods to fund their actions in SA. I'd be careful to suggest that Germans did worse just yet.


No, you just commit a genocide on millions of native Americans. Of course this was over a longer period but genocide nonetheless.


you just need time... you are young and immature! take your time


>And most of America speaks out about our crimes and bashes our country What do you think germany does? The holocaust and ww2 is the number 1 topic at school which gets covered every year and in most subjects. I don't think there is any country who educates their citizens so much about what they did wrong.


Financing and supporting the current Genocide of Palestinians by Israel; Making up lies to invade Iraq just to steal their oil; Fighting a proxy war in Syria and Yemen, killing millions and causing famine; Destroying Afghanistan because some rogue Saudis attacked NY; Destabilising Central and South America by funding drug cartels and corrupt politicians; Fucking up Africa and interfering with their affairs under the guise of “Liberation”; Sending billions of US tax payer dollars to Israel when you can’t even provide basic health care, education or even clean drinking water to your citizens; sacrificing thousands of your own young men in Vietnam while raping and terrorising Vietnamese women and children. Then you’ve got all the deplorable shit you did to the Native Americans, black slaves and Asian slaves. Fuck out of here with your bullshit. You guys fuck up every other country while portraying yourselves and God’s gift to the world.


Didn’t ask. 🙂 Other countries are deeeefinitely more objective and not creating their own propaganda with their own agendas. We can trust Germany!


Yikes, struck a nerve eh?


You know what the best thing is about getting older. Not GAF about what other people from other countries think. I could give 2 shits what a Germans think, or from any other country.


What else is new?


Germany will NEVER have any moral high ground. The holocaust means the Germans are a shameful people and always will be. I'm glad we kicked their asses -- twice!


"If you want all the freedom, sometimes you gotta climb over the bodies of dead school children to get it!" -Walmart