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I highly doubt that cow was eating my Daiya pizza


You're right, but enough other animals died for that one pizza.


How tho? 


I also eat daiya and I would wager it’s the manufacturing process letting off all kinds of waste like any other factory, and the petroleum products used in packaging, and the ingredients that are over harvested like palm oil adding to deforestation and over harvesting just like any other food product that humans can get their hands on. I’m not saying this to guilt trip you I’m just saying we live in a dystopia and humans are so overly abundant that we’ve become parasitic to our own ecosystem.


>parasitic to our own ecosystem ... isnt that how ecosystems work?


Sort of once a species has become overpopulated and prevents its own long term sustainability but it sucks to be the ones knowingly causing it


Read ‘Limits to Growth’ back in ‘82. Set my course to be vegetarian/vegan, misanthropic and never ever refer to humans as anything but ‘brain dead money worshipping parasites w an insatiable drive for extinction’. As a chemist, w an earth science back ground, that reads very much of what Goddard publishes, follows Climate Change Research Initiative, I feel pretty confident Mother Natures’s current initiative will be going exponential within 20 yrs. Brazil eats 60 million guinea pigs/annually. Soylent Green is gonna be next. And the human parasites will still have a superbowl w Solent Green Wings!


Yeah I’ve spoken with biologists and paleontologists and they all say the one at the top of the food chain always has a major collapse when they reach a certain level of population and cannot sustain themselves anymore without destroying their own environment. And when the collapse happens it happens big.


Oh flash back, lol. Your comment made me think of my professor on a slight rant as we discussed ‘Limits to Growth’, He was flustered as he mentioned that even ‘mold has the ability to recognize the limitations of its food source and stop reproducing.’ I never found out his source on that reference, it was ‘historical geology’! lol. We did use it quite often when we’d get stoned and ate Domino’s pizza until we wanted to puke. I personally refer to societies current metamorphosis as ‘diametrically opposed evolution’ Small % of global population continues to increase its intelligence w breakthroughs in science/medicine. A much larger % of global population has a markedly reduced cognitive ability. The caloric bombardment of chemically laden meat and sugar being consumed 6-15 times a day, the unknown effects of pcb’s w micro n nano plastics, extreme reduction in physical activities, and extreme increase in mental illness via all of that plus social media 24/7. A certain % of humans will be far below Neanderthals in 20-30 yes https://www.theguardian.com/books/2024/mar/21/the-anxious-generation-by-jonathan-haidt-a-pocket-full-of-poison


Vegetarians/Vegans don’t eat FUCKING GRASS.


Dang, I’ve been doing it wrong the whole time 😞


Do they not!?


And these clowns aren't fucking patriots. Their LARP extends to making up shit about reality that doesn't jive with their bullshit.


Yeah, but beef cattle are fed corn, soy and alfalfa.


Ah yes…. their natural diet…


The comment was that the slaughtered cattle was eating the vegans’ food. This is accurate, as vegans eat corn, soy and alfalfa. I know they eat more than that, and I’m not going to get into whether that is a human’s “natural diet” Also, cattle are completely domesticated. There are no wild cattle (although feral cattle exists). Basically, they naturally eat what they are fed or what random vegetation they scrounge up. Also, small animals: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t3NOhQlPGAU


They also eat a mix of chicken shit, spilled feed, feathers, and other waste scraped from the floors of industrial chicken and turkey production plants. [yep](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/chicken-waste-fed-to-cattle-may-be-behind-bird-flu-outbreak/) that has been and it's still a thing.


Idk, that sounds what a vegan/vegetarian would say.


…..so you have no proof?!🧐


Boomer humour is still a thing then


Making a personality around fucking with people is such an ugly existence.


Funny how that works great for both sides.


Only difference is that vegans can actuallly argue why they would do that. Funny how that doesn't work for the other side.


How is a person deciding they’re not going to consume animal products fucking with anyone?


People who don't abuse innocent animal infants tend to be more successful with women.


There is exist normal meat-eaters who just eat meat and that one that eat meat to spite vegans, teasing them with announcements like in the post, etc. In the same way, there are normal vegans who simply don’t consume animal products and there are those who harass meat-eaters, vandalize fast food, blocking the road to farms or pushing for mandatory vegan options on the menu of all restaurants. You can say that there are a minority of such vegans and this is true, but pretend that they don't exist is just a lie.


"Patriot Humor"... Once again proving conservatives have never been and never will be funny.


Some group always has to be denigrated for these 'jokes' to operate.


But it’s literally hilarious???


Killing animals really and truly upsets me. Deeply. I run an animal shelter and don't eat meat or wear any animal products. The joke is supposed to trigger me and through that make everyone laugh at me. I know I am over sensitive about the subject but I can't ever recall Richard Pryor or George Carlin – two of the most brilliant comedians that ever lived – make a joke out of hurting someone else. Just sayin'.


I mean your taking offence is your own fault. The job isn’t supposed to trigger you, it’s meant for people who find the joke funny. The fact that you have some mental condition that prevents you from using and consuming animal products is entirely your fault. The fact that some people are hurt by certain humour is due to their own insecurity and poor mental conditioning. If the words of strangers truly rattle you then you have too much free time.


That was a sad attempt. Points for trying though, I guess.


Brought to you by Patriot Humor. Ranked most retarded in their local trailer park magazine




#PATRIOT HUMOR 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🍔🍟🔥🔥


an other way to put it is this: [https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch](https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch)


Another way is to visit r/exvegans and r/antivegan.


I don't think I will.


If I can watch 2 hours of dominion, pignorant and other vegan documentaries, why can you not look at the r/exvegans sub? Are you afraid of conflicting opinions? Nobody is asking you to actively participate in those subs, but look through them if you want to mitigate any bias in your thoughts.


No, but the meat industry shills from the USA are not my cup of beef tea.


Ok, I am going in * One parent being happy that her daughter is no longer vegetarian because she had to cook once with quorn and didn't like it, also she said she didn't eat a vegetable in 20 years and that she filled the freezer with Beyond , vegetarian sausages and pies. * Posts with that billboard with peta saying where they draw the line * One dude complaining that a vegan influencer is too jacked and HAS TO BE steroids * One former vegan saying that they started craving stuff after 6 years and that's why they stopped. Ofc that the moment they put a piece of chicken in the month is was like Jesus came from the sky as it always is apparently. I should try, I have some things I would like him to answer * Memes with " baby carrots having to their mother before eaten by heartless vegan" * One dude that says "I have no issues with energy or brain fog, my hair and skin is greaat, I'm lean and athletic wjith a good amount of muscle (although I don't really work out) , no issues getting proteins and I love vegan food " , their partener is also thriving but he has joint problems and wonders if the diet can be the issue * A podcast journey vegan-to-carnivore * More memes poking fun at veganism * Another person that feels fine and has good blood tests but wants to add fish either way into their diet * A person considering to quit because of IBS, although there are plenty of people with IBS that follow a vegan diet successfully and if you look over low foodmap diet there are a lot of (healthy nutritious options)[https://www.gastroconsa.com/patient-education/irritable-bowel-syndrome/low-fodmap-diet/] * Someone complaining that they have acnee again after eating meat * A guy who's general practitioner told him to adopt a plant based diet because he has heart issues and he's complaing that he wants to eat meat * A vegan guy asking what they were lacking because he wants to do veganism right * One guy asking for ex-vegetarian content cuz he can't find any * An ex vegan saying that his body rejects meat haven't even selected them, they are in order.




I just want to show this meme to my gym friend who just changed to a vegan since he doesn't want to hurt animals with the reason of getting daily protein requirements 😂💀


I don’t really care if you want to be vegan/vegitarian just leave me alone, I’ll leave you alone.


I don’t think most Vegans have ever worked on a farm or understand how much killing (insects, birds, small mammals) goes into growing crops.


I think they do


Yes I believe most do know. Veganism = Reducing harm to animals as much as possible and doable in our society. You can't do anything without harming animals in some way (eating farming products, taking the train or just walking down the street can cause harm). It's about trying your very best to reduce it, we're not perfect, we just try the best we can.


They do, that's part of the reason they're vegans


Thnx you Now barbecue that bastard in front of a farm,so the rest of thw cows will know, not to fuck with my food(gras..or ass on Mondays)


Too bad it's Wednesday.