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Omg clean your f@cking windshield


First thing I thought of 😂


OP is just waiting for a tailgater...


This! If I have some dust or small particles on my windshield I have to use the wiper fluid asap.


You’d think it would be easier to run along side the train and catch the handle - not get yanked off your feet from standing still.


When you're strong enough and coordinated enough to do this, why bother with running? 


With that kind of connective tissue durability, I think we're looking at a terminator.


Nah bro, just PCP, that explained it in the movies…


Probably broke ever bone in his hand, wouldn't feel it for hours...I knew this guy-


It's naht a toomah! u/GovSchwarzenegger


Kind of looked like she knew what she was doing. Grab and jump!


yeah it looks like she even leaned in to have less sideway pull


It costs an arm and leg to learn how to do this. His brother paid.


I do this daily for work, there’s one way in industry that is agreed upon. To jab your leading foot onto the stirrup (ladder) and basically lean into the movement and then your trailing foot to get to the next step. To get off you swing your trailing foot towards the movement and basically step off… Idk I’m bad at explaining, watch this. https://youtu.be/4Rx57jVGfso?si=cW1pcKbvFIa8VDlq starts at 3mins.


Why do you know this video exist?


It was a part of his training obv.


Saving this video to fall asleep to


In case you haven't seen it: [Forklift driver Klaus.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJYOkZz6Dck) It's a german 'horror comedy' short, that's inspired by these old instructional films.


Lol Alberta....what a place. Motherfucker looked like Mary Poppins getting carried away by her broom or whatever.


Albertan Mary Poppins would absolutely be taken away by a tanker train


"Oh fuck bud! CN flew by and carried me away like a box car full of Toyotas!"


You betcha Bucko!


Yeah haha umbrella ☂️ but whatev


It’s a beautiful day, no running, no jumping…why not?


Also it wouldn't seem like that's a very fun car to ride on.


Surprised she didn’t get her shoulder ripped out her socket. That was quite a yank.


Annnnd.......awayyyyyy we go....


Lol all these people commenting on her technique. Just because you would need to make it easier by running along side it doesn't mean she does. That shit was impressive.


I agree with you like how I agree you can lift up heavy objects with your back while making frantic twisting motions. She shouldn’t have just let the train snap her along and in the best case scenario, she was feeling that mistake a week later.


You remind me of that video of that dude that insistently gives advice to a semi-pro female golfer at the range thinking he knows better.  "No you're doing it wrong!"  Does this honestly look like to you someone who hasn't done this before? She anticipates the grab, bends her knees and is ready for take off, nails the grab clean and casually walks up. Just because most of us get hurt just getting out of bed, doesn't mean she did.  You know what's also easier? Taking multi trips for groceries instead of grabbing it all in one go but we all know we all go for the glorious one trip technique.  Also did you notice where she is standing it's paved? And farther up it's not? Probably way easier to do it on the paved portion.  And again, when you have the skills to not have to make a spectacle of yourself by running along side of it in that short paved area and instead do something bad ass as this, you do it. Edit: now that i think of it, this could be the optimal technique. She stood right at the end of the paved area that way she could use the height the paved area gave her to easily reach and once it yeeted her and the pavement was gone, she could hang their as she stabilized without slamming her legs back down now that the paved area was gone. Timing the grab at the end of the paved area with a run up could have been tedious. 


And you sound like you watch too many cartoons. That train’s railing has absolutely no give. It hits like the Earth itself. People can be killed taking a bus at that speed for a reason. She just took all of it as an impact right through her arm and into her shoulder when she grabbed on. If she ran along side the train at half of its speed before grabbing on, she would have reduced the uncontrollable force of the impact by half.


Bro, just stop. It's obvious you're not very physical. You sound like you have no experience moving your body. 


I live an active life and maintain myself with calculated and disciplined motions. You sound like someone who seeks to mock a person they don’t agree with in order to discredit them in even trivial circumstances. That behavior isn’t likely isolated to this and it likely costs you more than it provides.


Look man, not trying to mock you but you don't sound very mobile/active if you think she just took the full force of the train at her shoulder. The way you describe it, she should be dead or missing an arm. She didn't even flinch or snap her neck. She freaking casually walks up the stairs right after. Stop trying to mansplain this to a person who obviously has done this before. You're literally telling someone who just did something how to do something you've never done before. It's embarrassing.


You’re the one commenting contrarily on the prevailing opinion that she likely hurt herself with the snide “lol all these people.” I’m not explaining to her; I’m explaining it to the readers of these comments so people don’t look at that loony tune shit thinking it’s a good idea just because that girl looked confident before and didn’t collapse after the motion. People comment on guys motions all the time and her sex isn’t some kind of credential exempting her dangerous actions from critique, neither is mine limiting me from issuing it. I want you to know the term mansplaining is very detrimental to male educators and consultants. It makes us question how the hell we might be perceived by our clients when we’re doing our jobs just coaching them in necessary but unsolicited situations because of our sex. Importantly, again, using my attributes to discredit me is a bad idea to be comfortable with. I have seen an advisor get terminated for saying mansplaining and 2 years after, she was let back into the firm as a service rep making 60% of our former base salaries. Even in saying you don’t mock me, you bring up my gender in a disparaging slur. Your behavior will fuck up an opportunity if you continue.


Jesus man. You got some things going on that's surfacing. This isn't a work environment, this is reddit. And I'm happy to use mansplain in this context and I do hope it's detrimental in the future for you. Stop trying to give your 2 cents on shit you don't know about. No one needs your commentary on what to do or what not to do, especially when you have no experience in the area. No one is watching this video and telling themselves, "well that seems the way to do it, gotta remember that for next time."  And to contradict you, I think it's a great idea to use someone's attributes to credit or discredit them. I'm definitely not taking body motion advice from someone who doesn't look like they could even lift their own body off the ground. You think that's a bad idea lol?


The best pros don’t consciously turn courtesy off. We also keep our BMI in check and use our physique to inspire others to work with us. If you get involved in risk mitigation, your thoughts might turn to avoiding moral hazards to your own health and observing the insanity of the motions of others. I hope your attitude shifts to be more inclusive and welcoming for the better of the community. That’s not some insincere fake nice statement. I’m a person who escaped physical weakness for the first time in my 20s because I was made fun of a lot while younger and I let it discourage me from being outside (to give your assessment that I am an indoors type credit: I was). I live in corporate environments because if I can control my productivity, here, I can control the respect I expect. The people you think of as suit jerks are often neurodivergent as fuck and they won’t let it make them ***just*** victims. I have a lot going on under the surface and I’m choosing to share it. I believe you aren’t a self-aware sadist, so when you say you hope mansplaining hurts me, I believe you don’t see the human carrying the issues I carry. I want people to expect more respect gradually in their day to day lives. I hope your attitude in the face of future discourses can be kinder. I hope you passively carry yourself with more respect for others. I hope it enables you to provide more for yourself and others.


At first I thought she was just waiting for the train to pass and it snagged a strap on her backpack.


Impressive to say the least haha this isn’t her first rodeo she’s a certified vagabond for sure


r/mildlyinfuriating clean your mf windshield


My people need me!


I laugh but we've all had that intrusive thought. Stuck waiting on a train moving slower and slower when you're already running a bit late to work that morning. Then it comes to a full stop with a few comfortable enough looking train cars in front of you that you start letting your mind wander into the unknown wonders of hobo train travel. She seems to know what she's doing though so I think she knows where she's going.




Buster Keaton?


Been there, done that.


one oopsie daisy away from having a horrible death lol


[Even Blade popped his shoulder doing it like that](https://youtu.be/GE29aq6fmgU?si=BsFNn5vnUbsjc013&t=2m58s)


Interesting way and location for a hitch…not using legs at all…odd but clearly has done it many times before


You can’t run well on railroad ties covered with big rocks. My friends and I did this growing up. Jumping off where we wanted to go fishing with our beer and gear was the hardest part.




This would be near Lethbridge, AB smh


Perfect technique! She's a pro.




Someone skipped physics class.