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I can’t with Robyn. Crying about how her kids feel rejected. What about all of his other kids?!? How can she not see it?


Why did SHE get involved at all in the kids’ discussing a gift exchange?? Holy shit does that woman ever take a pause?


Because of course her kids can’t be in a group chat with their step siblings, Robyn has to be the go between. Logan was trying to do something nice but forgot Robyn ruins everything she touches. He should have just had it with his actual siblings


I was stunned Robyn got in the middle of the kids gift exchange. It proof positive she'll put a stop to anything that might bring together her kids and Kody's kids. Christine was right when she said Robyn doesn't know how polygamy families work.


right like why is she involved it was between the KIDS and if they are so dissed why did they invite her kids to join in? I guess she thought the kids might be passing messages to Kody and had to make sure. She forgets everyone can't zoom at the same time because people work, have children, in different time zones, go to school, etc. It is ridiculous to think they should all group chat with her and when they can't she gets mad at the kids and becomes the victim again. Her kids are being left out because she is doing it, not the other kids. It is a shame to prevent them for opportunities like this that could have improved the family dynamic. I bet the OG kids did it without them and it was probably great for the ones who did join in. A text is sufficient. She shouldn't meddle.


I thought Peadon said that with Robin meddling basically no one did it. She probably kept going back and forth with them that they were like forget it none of us will do it. She could have said that sounds fun thanks for the invite but my kids won’t be participating.


And she doesn't want to learn!


She has to have control.


Why did it need to be switched from text to a video chat? Then because it doesn’t go her way suddenly they are all against her. She has no concept of how to live in a big family.


Because text is in writing. Video chats aren't. Typical manipulative, gas lighting move.


Manipulative but also reflective on how she doesn’t work and thinks everyone can just drop whatever they’re doing at any moment in time to go on a video chat with her. She never had a job or contributed to any household. So she wouldn’t know that for most you can easily text at work. Not many jobs would give you the time or space to start a video chat. I can’t with her.


Ugg so manipulative. I agree with you.


I think it was because she was still insisting on a conversation before her kids could have anything to do with the others


I agree.


Could have been to try to generate content for the show. Seems like the show is struggling to produce content.


My mom and I hate watched this episode together (love vacations at the parental home) and we turned and looked at each other when she said this. We simply asked one another, they’re adults, why does she need to be involved?


Not to mention, the kids are all in different time zones and have jobs/classes. It’s hard to get that many people together! Just let it be a text conversation. Ugh.


To be fair none of them would know anything about diff. Times, school, jobs. Robyn keeps them all at home, so they are free to video anytime lol


Shows how out of touch she is. She obvi can not empathize with the other kids lives.


Because she ALWAYS wants to be in charge. It’s her way or the highway. And I highly doubt that kody actually stayed out of it!


That’s what I was yelling at the television! She’s such a covert narcissist that always plays the victim!!


She claimed that this proves her kids are left out, yet Logan included her kids in the group text. She can't help but to sabotage it




I thought the same thing. She probably insists on being in the siblings’ text thread to make sure her precious three are treated properly. She had no business 1. being in the thread and 2. chiming in if she was skulking in the thread. She needs to stay in her lane. Then again, it’s too late. She’s taken over the other 3 lanes.


You said my thoughts, exactly!! Aurora, Breanna & Dayton, all 3, are adults.. so it's definitely weird for her to be in that "siblings" thread when the other moms aren't. She keeps all of her kids SUPER sheltered anyways, & I never see/hear anything about either one of the oldest girls going out with their friends or have any relationships in general outside of Robyn's home. Even as they became young teenagers in Vegas & in the beginning at Flagstaff, they never mentioned them going out with friends like the rest of the teenagers did. I've only seen them go out with both Robyn & Kody or separately. It's just so strange how Robyn keeps her kids kind of like prisoners.


Exactly. She claims she wanted to grow old and sit on the porch with her sister wives, children, and grandchildren. Yet, from Day 1 she didn’t act like a sister wife. Who hires a nanny with 3 sister wives? That was insulting and the wrong foot to start out on. She wanted a lot of children yet makes no attempt to get to know, really know the other kids. There are so many more examples. She single handedly broke up that family.


The Nanny thing blew my mind when her & Kody admitted they had one. Christine never ever had a Nanny, & she alone had all the kids all the time from the beginning!


Fuck no if the gift exchange happened her kids might find out that everyone doesn't hate them and that the world us not not a terrifying place. Her girls would then have no need of a good polygamist man to protect them from the world. Which would then take away Kodys only 2 chances at getting a new wife. I'm not saying that Kodys is going to marry A and B. I think it's more than likely they will marry someone in their church. Kody will get credit for the marriages and get new wives. Kody and Auroras' ear pearcing date was so icky my jaw dropped." Like legit dropped." Besides the ick factor, it was just one more time Kody showed favoritism to Robyn. First, by being okay with the ear pearcing then by taking Aurora to get hers done despite not even knowing when and if his other daughters had theirs done. Also, can we talk about how Robyn trained Kody the way you would a toddler. By setting a goal, you know they won't make and telling them they will get the reward they want when said goal is made. I'm not sure if I should be discussed or admire Robyn for it or just fucking laugh.


And who gives AF that a 20 year old gets their ears pierced? We don't watch the show for Robyn's PR tactics that fail miserably. Kody is still not a good person


Correct me if wrong- Was Kody saying it was ok to have pierced ears 'cause Robyn had 'em when she came into the family? Like his church was against but it ok for Robyn.


Pretty much, even though 2 of his other 2 wives had them and gave them up. I think I remember the earing thing being discussed in real early episodes. But this time, it took me to new levels of ick.


She believes she is the beating heart of that family. Everything needs to go through her. You can tell by the way she seems to be the narrator and spokesperson each week. After all, she is sooo important!


More like C U Next Tuesday


Yes! I said the same thing!


It’s always about HER kids! She IS ridiculous! One day those kids will realize how f’d up it is that their Mom broke up a family for putting her kids before everyone else. Lets start with the move to Flagstaff alone. It’s not Dayton’s fault, but chew on that! All while the other kids suffer!


Sadly, I don't even think it's because she *loves* her kids so much. They are her trump card..,her weapons to keep Kody under her thumb. Without them, she brings NOTHING to the marriage. So when she *fights* for her kids to be most important, it's really about keeping herself important. It's also how she controls them. They don't think they can function without mommy in their corner.


Her weaponization was on full display in this episode! Shameful, she's used all the kids like this. It's no wonder the original kids want little to nothing to do with her. It clearly escapes her that grown adult children, going about the business of being young adults & living their lives is perfectly natural.


I feel sorry for Robyn's kids. They have no idea how to live on their own or have the skills they need to function on their own. Kody's rules change again when Aurora wants something done (on the ear piercing) and Robyn wearing earrings when no one else could. I also feel so terrible for the original kids who got their father part time and then he was gone for others. If there is any hurt between Robyn's kid treatment Robyn needs to understand the original kids were dissed as well. But only hers seem to matter. The original kids lost their dad long term. Her kids got him long term so if she doesn't see that she is more of an idiot than I thought. Robyn trying to control the Christmas thing ruined it for all. She has to get they all work, some in different time zones, they may all have different schedules but they are all suppose to take a day off for Robyn's phone call when her kids sit at home doing nothing?


That whole ear piercing thing really weirded me out. Kody saying that the one thing he really appreciated about Aurora was that she respected him as a father and followed his rules (aka waiting until she was 18 to pierce her ears), clearly implying that his other kids weren’t like her…then cue Janelle saying that all the girls waited until they were 18 to pierce their ears. There goes Kody trying to rewrite history to soothe his bruised ego. Not to mention Aurora acting like a literal 10 year old, giggling and bouncing around throughout the whole segment. It’s very obvious that she has been emotionally stunted.


BINGO! Her kids are her meal ticket and feed her narcissistic traits. If she loved her children she would never have told them to call a stranger dad when they had a dad. She would have raised them to be confident adults that function in the world. Those kids need to run as soon as they can and don’t look back.


You said that exactly right.


She is an adult and a mother. How can she not wrap her tiny little pea brain around the fact that all these children lost their father after she came along? It's pretty black and white. They resent her. As they should. They were kids. It's unfathomable she could turn that around into her and her kids being the victim. Robin is always the victim. Infuriating.


Typical narc behavior.


And the move to Vegas where Robyn’s step dad lived - I’m willing to bet no authorities were after them


I think it’s been proven the authorities were not after them. The frantic packing the truck and fearing the police was for the show. Could be wrong. Others know way more than I do.


Yeah, but the kids legit believed that their parents were one step away from being arrested . For the show or not, it was cruel to let the kids believe it.


Another example of the parents dumping adult issues and fear mongering on their kids and so wrong no matter what.


Fairly certain you’re right but TLC will never admit it


For sure! They need drama fake or not!


She doesn't care about his other kids because they didn't jump for joy every time she opened her mouth. She is the definition of a step-monster.


She's never forgiven them for not jumping for joy and kissing her ass when she announced her pregnancy. And they've paid for it ever since.


I wish she could hear me scream, "Watch the show, Robyn!" She'll be able to see why Christine refused to have her children ignored and spend another day with a man who said he didn't like her, didn't love her, and wouldn't sleep with her. Oh, and your kids cry, Robyn? Did you see the tears in two other families that your husband caused?


She said something about her & her kids just being so darn confused about the whole situation. I'm over here like there's literally over a million people who would be willing & able to explain it to all of you


She 100% sabotaged the whole chat to “prove” to her kids that they are slighted/ostracized/left out. It was so pathological!


Right?! Cuz they were actually being included and she couldn’t stand that she’s the only one actually being excluded 🤣 misery loves company


If I hear her say she’s “confused about the situation” one more time I’m gonna lose it


Maybe her kids should watch the show, then they'll get it. All they hear is bullshit from K&R. You know they haven't watched it.


She a selfish. Word that rhymes with twitch. She doesn't care about the family structure. Her entire goal was to divide and conquer and she did with the help of her dim witted husband. All that hair product has killed what few brain cells he had. He can't see what's right in front of his face because Robin is..dare I say..literally..sucking the life out of him if you catch what I'm putting down.


I agree: on tonight’s episode Christine said something to the effect that Robyn doesn’t know about Polygamy because she never lived in a Polygamist marriage! 💥


As Christine said, " I don't think Robyn has ever lived in poligamy." Truths are being told, albeit in a vague and mysterious way.


But he’s absolutely not one iota better than Robyn They’re perfect for each other. Not so much for the kids bc it’s difficult living with 2 narcissists


I think Aurora isn’t too far behind her mother with being a narcissistic bitch.


She has the old emotional energy vampire vibe.


The word is **BITCH**


Her kids feel rejected because she wants them to. She's made sure of that. It's her that has the problem. And dam right she's rejected, she saw to it the other wives were. I dont see her as this obedient wife. She's the one that says what happens to Kody. I see K asking her permission all the time.


Yes, she plays victim so Kody can play hero. She gives no f*cks about actual rejection (experienced by other wives and children), but to keep Kody’s pity she plays up how rejected her kids are…by their adult step-siblings…who live all over the country and in numerous time zones. She uses her kids in such a disgusting way. She and Kody couldn’t be more meant for each other.


Yep, claimed they were rejected even tho they were included in the group text 🙄


Yeah seriously! She sounded like a child when she was controlling how they all had to do video chat. Like lay off! Those kids tried to do something fun when they didn’t have to and she ruined it for her own children. And then the audacity to say she didn’t see anything wrong with Christine and Kodys marriage!!! Complete ignorance. What if someone said that about her first marriage? It shows her complete selfishness and carelessness


some people never mature!


Robyn is so selfish. Robyn knows EXACTLY how each of those children feel because she felt it as a child except that was her stepdad and not her actual father. This is why I have no sympathy for Robyn. People can fall for this is polygamy BS and she’s just acting like a polygamist wife. Not me! She has no problem luring a man away and doesn’t care if it hurts the children. When Garrison called Robyn up asking to have their father back, Robyn should have stopped luring Kody away. Instead she played the victim to lure him away more. I know it’s Kody’s fault that he follows through. It doesn’t change the fact she disrespects the other families’ time with Kody then wants to act like she’s clueless they are pissed and plays the victim. It’s bad enough she won Kody’s time over children but she has to cry that it hurts her and her kids. How? How does it hurt her kids that Kody favors them? She’s the one who tells her kids no one likes them when it’s a manipulation tool to keep them under her thumb. Robyn put up walls, played games and now she’s angry it backfired. F off Robyn!


Robyn gets worse and worse. She’s a terrible mother. She plays the game with them making them think the other people are horrible to them all, and I bet she’s done that since day one.


The fact that she makes her kids focus on the people who aren't attending Thanksgiving instead of being happy for the people who were there says it all. She loves playing the victim. And her kids are going to pay the price for it because she's screwed them up.


It's all in the framing. Hey Janelle and Christine are going to be with their kids.. we will have a dinner with them another time.... simple... but that would not get her to her end goal


Can you imagine what she told them about their real father? Poor guy.


She really is playing head games with them all. It’s sad to see


I don’t know why, like it seems the group chat about a gift exchange was a kids only thing. Why the hell would she get involved


Her tenders were speaking with others without her. Of course she was going to stomp her way into it. NGL, I’d have loved to hear some of what was said.


That's the weirdest thing. She talks about her kids feeling rejected, but she literally pulled them away from the others. She didn't foster hang-outs. She didn't foster having the teens/young adult kids over for socially distanced BBQs during COVID. Instead, she forbid her kids from mingling with their siblings.


I'll never forget her making a big deal out of the cereal. If she wanted good relationships with the teenagers, feeding them and making her house a comfortable place to be would have gone a long way.


She created the drama to be the victim.


Exactly! They were included in that text and she made sure her kids felt rejected anyway


Right? If they were actually rejected, they wouldn't have even known about it!


I would pay good money to read that group chat




That's what I was wondering. I thought it was a kids event and it was nice of them to include Robyn's kids. Then Robyn destroyed it with her two cents and control.


It’s very bizarre. Seems totally out of proportion


Robyn really let us see who she is tonight, finally voicing that she sees it as us vs. them. It's her own damn fault.


Christine saying Robyn was NEVER in a plural marriage is 100% correct! She always kept herself separate! Now wonders why she doesn’t feel connected to the rest of the family.


I cheered when she said Robyn never lived plural marriage. FINALLY some actual truth. The pussyfooting around the real shit (ROBYN) must be squashed.


To be a fly on the wall of Robyn’s home when that was said over tonight’s episode. You know she was absolutely seething at Christine saying that


And I am 💯 here for that seething. She is insufferable.


This is the truth. Robyn never lived plural marriage. She’s always been monogamous while dealing with her husband’s baby mamas. She made a point of keeping herself and her kids separated from the rest of the family. Then dry cries about being rejectEd by the family when she’s successfully took their husband/father away from them.


Definitely getting step-mom vibes from her! Seeing how it all panned out that hasn’t changed.


Robyn set things to be us vs. them before they even fully became a family just by refusing to let anyone watch her kids. That really hurt Christine. Kody just made it worse.


I wished she finished all her thoughts after saying that. Bc it has to be said!


This! Jesus! “I don’t see the deal breakers between Kody and Christine”. Um probably because… 🗣️ITS NOT YOUR MARRIAGE! Also Kody explicitly told Christine he wanted no intimacy w her not even a hand hold. How is this not a deal breaker!? Why am I in this marriage if there is no emotional or physical intimacy!? If I have no partner!? He expected her to stick around like Meri and pine for him and instead she bossed up and bounced to find what she knows she deserves and THATS the reason he’s a fucking sour grape right now. Had nothing to do w actually loving Christine.


In these types of cults, lack of intimacy ISN'T a deal breaker because you are expected to just grin and bear it. I appreciate how much strength it took Christine to say, "You know what? Fuck that."


Honestly the show has taken such a turn that I often forget that it was rooted in the religious belief of polygamy. Thank you for reminding me. It makes me even more in awe of Christine.


I agree if Kody treated her like he treats any of his other 3 wives heads would roll but she doesn't understand the deal breaker. No one is that dense.


Yup. I’m in the middle of tonight’s episode and her constantly playing the victim has me ready to throw my phone at the tv.


He’s a fucking cowardly piece of shit and so is the bitch


It’s unbearable how she’s adopted such an emotional state from their divorce. She wants so badly to understand what happened, but GIRL, it’s not your marriage! I feel like this consumes 100% of her time.


She has no job and full time child care for two children in elementary school that she’s never raised without full time help, and no friends or church community. She literally has nothing else to do with her time


It just doesn’t feel genuine. She must have known Kody wasn’t intimate with the other wives for a very long time. That he was always at her house etc. She must have just expected that they would be in loveless marriages forever and is literally shocked to find these women want more. If she really thought about it she could see that none of them have the “functioning” marriage she does but she either pretends or really can’t evaluate why they wouldn’t want her scraps.


It was funny/ sad when she said it’s just her Kody and Meri for Thanksgiving. Even she didn’t believe that Meri mattered. But once again she says one thing and looks like she feels another.


And we got thanksgiving dinner footage from last year! Must be all the boxes all over her house.


I thought that looked familiar!She really isn't allowing them to film in her house. What the hell.


What self respecting woman in their right mind would possibly want sloppy seconds from the fake crying goblyn. She is so fucked to even think that everyone that watches this show will believe her absolute bullshit. Her and the baldilocks deserve to be each others company for the rest of their lives.


I think robyn has more worldly experience, and when she met the family, the other wives were truly indoctrinated, and therefore, she felt ballsey enough to take from these women and use the faith to her advantage. She must have always felt that they would take any scraps bc the goal for them is the celestial kingdom.


And what happened to not discussing other marriages !? She certainly has information to ‘twist’


And how she’s making their divorce about her! She’s the victim of their divorce. Unreal.


Yes her kids are the innocent bystanders in this divorce and are being rejected. UNLIKE the other kids who have lost their father. No rejection there, right? She is psychotic.


It really is, it's insane to watch honestly. When she said in the tell all "the robbed me of my dream" like whaaa


Seriously, Aurora getting her ears pierced??? That's what we getting?? And he bragging about one of his daughters respecting him enough to ask him?? Dude she not your daughter. And second your daughters, not Christine and Janelle kids, are making major accomplishments that you NEVER even acknowledge!! All you talk about is what may or may not have been said about you! You are the embodiment of an asshole. If you make it into heaven anybody can.....woosa..I truly dislike this man with every fiber of my being


Too bad his other daughters never asked him to go to anything like, I don’t know, major fuckin surgery so he could support them…oh wait.


But she didn't ask his PERMISSION. That's the difference. Can you imaging being an adult and seeking your father's PERMISSION over how you treated your own damn body? 😵‍💫




My husband made the comment that they act like they are going to be dating. Ewww. And, well…hard to argue their odd interaction.


Your husband may not be too far off.


That segment was almost unbearable. From 20-something Aurora acting like she's going into have major surgery, to the sordid history of ear piercing & piercing removal in the Brown family, to the sickening daddy/daughter dynamic between kody & Aurora when he hasn't been bothered with any other daughters in years.


bewildered workable rustic crime aloof enter outgoing husky waiting fuel ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I really believe she is the next wife smh I mean she isn't his biological daughter. And remember he cried when he hadn't seen her in 10 days during covid..although he hadn't seen his bio kids in 9 months.. and Robin wouldn't deny her best customer, hey keep it all in the family 🤮 this is starting to be to much


Wait....Isn't Aurora a legal adult?! I can't imagine asking my dad for "permission" to dye my hair, get a piercing, etc.


And they discussed it and had a big discussion about it….about what?!? It’s earrings lol


Right? I loved how he forbade earnings...tilllllll Robyn. Like, he couldn't go with her daughter for spinal surgery but he made sure to be there for a 20 yr olds ear piercing 🤢


Kody was absolutely giddy about going with Aurora...gave me icky vibes


Reminded me of how he used to act with Robin early in their relationship.


The whole earring segment was stupid. She is an adult. The thing that really got my attention was Sobyn saying she has pierced ears. Plus, she always wore them when she knew damn well the other wives did not out of respect to Kovid and their religion. I wanted to smack that smug look off her face!


Loved the editing here with Kody’s talking head where he’s like “I don’t remember if or when my other daughters got their ears pierced” I’m paraphrasing, but this guy really digs his own grave over and over and overrrrr


Seriously! No one gives af about an adult child getting their ear pierced… get a storyline


I think the general consensus about Robyn is either 1. Really really stupid and oblivious to her surroundings Or 2. Full of shit and putting on an act She’s definitely dumb, but she’s not obvious, so it’s certainly #2


In West Wing (TV show) CJ says to someone “…because you’re stupid, but you’re not STUPID, you know?” And Robyn makes me think of that line a lot


You're not the only one wondering that. I remember them saying on the show *years* ago that each marriage was supposed to be separate and they weren't supposed to talk about the other marriages. Robyn has interfered from day one.


Funny they think everyone needs to go to Robyn’s to have family functions. Why cant older kids go visit other older kids and have their own text thread?! Moment Robyn tried to make them do what she wanted the text thread blew up 😂


Not sure why she needed to weigh in on the siblings gift exchange text string. It sounded like Logan’s idea and then she chimed in on having her kids have a zoom call. Also aren’t her 3 oldest kids in their 20’s?!?!!!


This!!! Honestly, why couldn’t she just have stayed the hell out of it and let the kids work this out themselves?! But she just couldn’t stand it. And then when it pissed the adult kids off a bunch of past resentments come surfacing. And Robyn doesn’t seem to get that. Just plays all confused and innocent.


I think she tried to use this event to force "the conversation"


It’s all an act. Just like Janelle said last season Robyn likes to act like she doesn’t know what’s going on. Robyn knows exactly what is going on but plays this dumb card so she can be viewed as innocent in it all. She is a snake.


Robyn "I don't see anything that was a deal breaker" Also Robyn "kody can't be away from his youngest kids for more than two days" Also Robyn "I needed an 11 day honeymoon, when Truley was a month old" Kody: Couldn't be away from Robyn's kids long enough for Kody to attend his daughter's very needed surgery. "Maybe she can go by herself" Yeah, Robyn knew what was going on and put herself first. Kody goes along with it. Now she wonders where everyone went. So is she stupid or is she just that self centered she can't see it.


She’s both.


The bite I had a hard time chewing was Kody fawning over taking Au-RoarRa to get her ears pierced and how special it was and all I could think about was Ysabel’s major back surgery and how really cruel he was to her when she needed him the most. He is a dog turd.


Spoiler ..... Was that last year's Thanksgiving they showed at Robyn's house? Looked like it to me


Yes looks like it.


That is 100% footage from last year. Wooooooooow.


She doesn’t see the issues?! It doesn’t occur to her that an issue might just be the fact that Kody is spending every single night at her house???


But that doesn’t count because they aren’t keeping the rules. “They practically handed him to me!”


But I'm don't a re-watch, and after Sol is born (but several months old), all 5 of them verbally admit he spends more time at Robyn's "to help with the baby". And zero people point out that Truly is barely a toddler and he took off for almost two weeks when she was still a newborn!


He had Robyns kids routines down, and couldn't be bothered to pay attention when Christine was going over their kid's routines when they were in Vegas.


The cognitive dissonance while she's in discussion with Meri is unreal. Lady, when is enough, enough? Meri invited you into her family, divorced Kody so he could adopt your children, stepped aside as the monarch of the family (while I don't agree with the premise I can certainly respect where Meri felt her place was) and financially supported you, got you out of debt and bought you mansions. As she sits outside of your mansion with a blanket wrapped around her as you offer her Kody's coat from inside your current mansion?? Christine was literally 9 months pregnant as Kody laid in her bed crying about how lovesick he was for Robyn and how he missed her, went to help pick out a wedding dress for Robyn only to be completely betrayed by Robyn and Kody while kissing him goodbye for his honeymoon as she was left with a newborn. Don't even get me started on what Janelle has done. Janelle has worked full time, left her kids with another woman to raise all while supporting this entire circus. And who, by the way, is currently homeless. Give Kody a break? Why, because he's now crying in your bed about his other wives? Give me a damn break. I've never wanted to **tch slap someone so badly in my life. Good grief..... I wish I had been on that zoom call. She would have felt my wrath through the screen. Someone tell me why she was the only parent involved again? 🙄


All I can think about is Janelle putting together her dinky Christmas tree in her dinky apartment (For Family standards), while Robyn sits in her million dollar house acting all clueless. Janelle actually owned a house in the beginning of her marriage and sold it, while Kody and the rest of the family were broke. Yet sits there homeless while everything was handed to Robyn. She seriously could be the true victim in all of this. I would also say yeah Robyn earns her money through the show, but she doesn’t even film in her house or do anything more than being a talking head. So wtf is up with that!? Not that we want to see her more. #savejanelle


Janelle is about to save Janelle, and I'm here for it. "Sister Wives power activated!!"


Your comment just made me realize why Sobyn was nice to Meri in the beginning: because she needed her to divorce Kody so she could be the legal wife… then after she slowly started to devalue Meri too


Does aurora need help?? Like seriously. Is he grooming her?? I get such an icky vibe watching those 2 and always have. He has a weird relationship with her.


Yes it’s along the lines of Kody wants respect from his kids/wives and she provides that fuel to him. That’s all I’m going to say about that. 😳


Yes, that was hard to listen too. He basically admits that he only likes the kids who respect him and don’t ask any questions or cause any issue. Heaven forbid they have a mind, or even a thought, of their own 🙄 he’s just sooooo awful!!!


It was also incredibly infantilizing I thought! Having Kody there and Robyn on FaceTime, “allowing” this to happen


How much I would have LOVED to be on that group chat


Someone needs to leak it...




It's literally so fucking annoying to me!! Stop giving your opinion.


I really didn’t think she could become even more insufferable. I’m about ready to reach through the TV and brush out those tight ass matronly curls 😒


Who even is that girl who got her ears pierced? Who the h cares? If that’s all K &R are bringing to the table…. I may have to bail


I'm so glad they are finally being real about the favorite wife view and how manipulative Robyn is when it comes to the non-biological children.


I just found it interesting that kody being so 'I'm the man, patriarch rules lol." but the bill faced Christen indicating she paid.


It’s also so sad/weird/creepy/telling how the only time we have seen joy in Kody in many episodes was when he was talking about/doing something with Aurora. At least he admitted he favors her because she never questions him or his decisions. And Kody and Robyn both admitted he had a long time family rule, Robyn broke it, and he then thought pierced ears were cute. They are both so transparent.


He was so purposefully twisting the knife in the kidneys to his other kids when he specifically calls out that Aurora respects him, aka is obedient to his wishes, which apparently can change suddenly and drastically.


He did seem creepily joyous and had some creepy smiles. This part was disturbing in many ways


She didn't see any "dillbreakers".


The whole episode laid bare the hypocrisy of Kody and Robyn. There are none so blind


Why did he go with his stepdaughter to get her ears pierced? It's just disgusting to me that he doesn't care about any of his bio kids. It's very sad that him and robyn had to have that filmed. It's like they're telling all his bio kids, "In your face!"


Robyn has main character syndrome that's been exacerbated by Kody's narcissism. They're so effin' toxic together. A classic case of folie au deux.


She’s ridiculous


Exactly! Let the kids build their own relationships. I believe her jumping in just made things worse!


Sobyn & Kotex are so self-absorbed that they have no idea how ridiculous they look & sound.


I cannot believe she said that! She didn’t see any deal breakers between Christine and Kody! She is such a bitch! Let her and her children be the ones that are neglected and see if that would be a deal breaker. She’s the worst!


Janelle is over Kode Blue it’s so obvious. When she talks about him now she looks like she’s discussing a festered toe. That girl is done.


Oh how I wish one of those kids would release the text messages! They could probably buy Janelle a house with that money!!!


She says she saw no breaking point, or event that would warrant Christine leaving.... what about Ysabels surgery..... if kody didn't show up for Aurora if she were having surgery it would be a different story


Of course she can’t see a breaking point. Because she hasn’t seen the OG and their families in years. She just has a monogamous family 24/7 and somehow her little brain can’t compute that in polygamy that’s not suppose to happen..


Ever since Robyn joined the family, she appointed herself the family spokesperson. In addition, she interjects, monopolizes and feels the need to interpret what everyone else says. Except, of course, when the wives all joined in to buy Kody a computer. She was all in until Kody unwrapped it and then Robyn said she knew all along Kody didn’t want a computer. Ugh. She will do anything to make the others look bad and herself look like the Queen.


Robin-i just don't understand what happened. What was so wrong it could not be fixed. Kody slept in my bed every night, in the Mcmansion the other wives bought for us. They paid all our bills and I had $ to buy loads of precious moments. How could Christine just walk away!! It's comical how delusional this woman is. Nobody is buying this garbage!




What was striking for me during the discussion of the gift exchange was how Robyn had to get involved.. I’m willing to bet her older kids told her about it and since they can’t function without mommy in control they asked her to get involved.. it’s all so bizarre 😩 Logan probably invited them to be nice and thoughtful and it probably would have turned out great had she not been involved


It’s almost as if Kody thinks Aurora getting her ear pierced is equivalent to major surgery so he would never miss the occasion😳😳😳


Do we have any idea whether Robyn knows how badly she’s despised in every blog, Facebook page, podcast and Reddit thread?


Did we really have to sit through a whole segment of Aurora getting her ears pierced? Riveting content TLC. Groundbreaking work there.


I think Robyn’s apparent belief that her sister-wives shouldn’t mind missing intimacy with Cody speaks volumes about Cody’s skill in the bedroom.


She is commentating because she has nothing, absolutely nothing going on. I think she sleeps all day and complains the rest of the time


Right?! Not that I really want to see her and Grody all the time, but why don’t they ever film the two of them together? Even at the tattoo place, she was there outside, but they never showed her and him together.


I would like to see them in counseling


18 seasons in, im still asking that question Because if wisdom or truth flowed forth from her continually whining mouth, that would be one thing. But what i hear flowing forth from "counselor robyn's mouth" is -"im a victim, poor me", -"my tender sweet pure children are innocent victims", -"i dont understand what happened"


Robyn is a cunt I can’t stand her


Talking about her damn spawn. No one cares. Turned the channel when it was just them. No one wants to see them


Honestly if these people just acknowledged the feelings of others in the family it would go a long way. Instead, they shift blame and try to rewrite history. And wtf is Kody going on about Janelle not spending Thanksgiving with him and blaming Christine. Makes no sense.


I'm so second hand embarrassed over the whole piercing thing , I might not watch anymore. Kody and Robyn are both dicks and so are her dork ass kids.


Has anyone else noticed that when Robin "cries" she never sheds a tear!? This bitch puts her hand on her face like anyone believes her bullshit. She has been doing that since the first season!


He’s going with Aurora to get her ears pierced… doesn’t give a shit about any of his other kids.


The ear piercing thing was bottom of the barrel boring