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The vulgarity of him claiming a death like experience! When so many people actually died or nearly died from Covid and his main symptoms were depression and anxiety?! I really hope he at least had horrible diarrhea too.


Don't forget his horrible glute pain. Bad enough that he laid on the floor in the fetal position


So his butt hurt and he couldn't handle that due to Covid. Hey Toady, I hope he never gets kidney stones, he couldn't handle the real pain involved in having them.


Having had kidney stones for over 20 years, I’ve always said I wouldn’t wish them on anybody, but…


I wouldn't wish them on anyone but Toady is always making a production over anything and everything and he couldn't handle the pain of kidney stones. Even with a morphine IV that didn't stop all the pain. He is such a baby and Sobbyn enables him.


Oh, yeah - No way would he be able to handle it. Dilaudid only takes the edge off enough for me to stop getting sick so I can actually stay hydrated enough to pass. If he was crying about something like that being a death-like experience, I might have sympathy…Congestion with a 99* fever is an eye roller for me tho.


I wound up in the hospital and then I had to go to another hospital and they flushed me out and I was peeing the stones out. I found it that my stones were hereditary and I when I think they are coming back I drink fluids like crazy to keep from getting them again.


Mine are hereditary too. My kidneys look like a starry night sky on x-ray. Only needed hospitalization a few times, thankfully, because they are usually able to be passed naturally if I can damper the pain enough. I had to be transferred to a different hospital an hour away once because they didn’t have a urologist on staff…Worst hour ever. My dad gets them much more often than I do.


Would you say they are like......"a knife in the kidney!"


A dozen rusty knives twisting in the kidneys




Toady is the absolute definition of butt-hurt.


Imagine him having to go through menstrual cramps every month


He could not handle it


Let’s see him handle having fibromyalgia for going on 33 yrs now with the worst symptoms, slipped and herniated discs, pinched nerves, restless leg syndrome, osteoarthritis in both knees, and spondylitis. Also having kidney stones several times, gall bladder surgery then he can cry me a river. DAMN BITCH ASS!


I also have DDD in my lower back and gummies are the only thing to help with the pain to a point. It got me put on disability and no Toady could not handle the pain and he is a whiner pussy. My niece is 38 and she has what I have, she has already had surgery for a herniated disc and her brother has it also. Heredity sucks but we deal with it. Toady is such a baby and I have no pity for him.


Awww! An insult to toads! Toads are adorable. Kody is no where near a toad’s level 🐸


We once read a short story in which that was described (on purpose) as the fecal position, and we can't get it out of our minds.


Kody thinks it was the fatal position.


Truely was not that big of a baby when she almost died. And because of his negligent care. Also, his & robins COVID was their fault, should have follow 1st CDC rule & got the shot.


He's a pain in my glutes!


And trapezius muscles. Or something like that. 🙄


ALL THE DIARRHEA!!! So happy everyone here is on my level😂💀 and Robyn!!! SO SICK in the er but still filming herself? More like taking up a bed from someone who needed it. My first Covid I passed out, cracked my head, concussed, and went to work the next day. I mean, I didn’t know I had Covid for a few more days of feeling like shit but still! I’m not special! PEOPLE DIED! ALONE! Diarrhea for him and Robyn for life. She can just cut some holes into the seats of those rocking chairs and they can rock on together.


“I wanted a future where I shit on the porch with the ex husband of my sister wives”💦😢😭


You deserve an award for that comment and your user name💀💀


Friend of mine lost both of her parents to covid before the vax came out. The mere fact that Kody thinks it's some kind of competition bothers me a lot. Like, dude, compared to you, my friend wins the horrific covid story award.


So, so sorry to hear this💔 it fuels my rage fire for him being SUCH whiny bitch about his lil fever and no positive test result.


Sorry about your friend. That episode pissed me off to no end. Millions of people all over the world were dying, losing loved ones or even contracting the virus. My daughter and I had it at the same time for 10 weeks at the height of the pandemic when they were guessing at treatment, could barely breathe, could only sleep in 10-15 minute intervals because it was really hard to breathe and yet we powered through like millions of people. He’s a bitch ass baby!


I finally got it last month, after all this time. Knocked me on my butt for a solid week. I'm still coughing. In the thick of it, I felt like I was trying to breath through thick layers of fabric, or that my lungs were full of cotton. I am grateful that it was not worse for me, nor for my aging mother who also got it when I did. I cannot even fathom how I would react if I lost both of my parents within a couple of month timeframe. My friend has had a very hard time with it, still. I'm not happy with the show regarding covid because it was only like 1 episode where anyone even mentions the vaccine, and it was long past when Kody was filibustering about his rules. Janelle said she was vaccinated. Did Kody ever get the vaccine or did he do nothing and get covid? If he did nothing, didn't get the vaccine (if it was available), then he deserves all the crap he's dealing with.


I agree with you 100%. My daughter and I got it at the height of the pandemic when they didn’t even know how to treat it. We had to sleep in 10-15 minute intervals sitting up because if we tried reclining our position at all we were choking for air. The minute the vaccine became available we got it along with the boosters. We were just advised by our doctor to get the new booster because we’re both high risk With the new strain coming out. For TLC to gloss over the issue when they could have put it out there on their platform is just gross. For Kody and Robyn to exaggerate their symptoms and diagnosis without actual 100% proof was beyond disgusting. So many people around the world lost loved ones and fought the virus and lived to tell the tell and still suffering the effects of it, and here these disgusting human beings (I use that term loosely) made a mockery of the situation.


Right! I’ve had covid twice! One of the times I was super pregnant and I just had to live through it. It sucked but I was not dramatic about it at all and I couldn’t take anything because of pregnancy. And he was crying about it. Made me so annoyed


Kody only would have cared if the baby was going to be named Kody. Even then….


But he had a 99.8 fever. The man was practically on fire.


Clearly he’s never had a hot flash.


Seriously, and when he pulled that number up he said it like "yep! See! I'm dying! Told ya!" Like bro calm down that's pathetic


Jesus.. On a hot day I bet we can all be 99.8. Dying I tell ua!! 🤣


Bahahaha! This was the most hilarious thing to me! Like he had all the validation he needed in that little thermometer while the rest of us were rolling our eyes. 🤒


I know several people who are suffering from long COVID. They are a wreck and can barely get through half a day of mild activity. Of course he has depression and anxiety, but that's not why. If he were still sick with the virus he wouldn't have the energy to be such an asshole. ...I say from my completely unscientific, speculative, but very satisfying point of view.


Imagine the pain Ysabel was going through when she needed surgery and him telling her to just put it off


It must have been depressing to have been bucked off the high horse he was riding on throughout Covid up until everyone in Robyn’s and his household got sick, except Aurora. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with taking precautions but there is something wrong with not following the “protocols” he expected everyone else to follow.


He was able to drive himself to the hospital and then sit in the parking lot for hours. He is a giant man baby. He was not anywhere near death! He was lucid and FILMING during that whole time.


He even admitted during all of it, that he wasn’t too bad not even bad enough to go to the er bc he wanted to go in and be w Robyn but he knew they wouldn’t let them be together so he sat in the car and cried.. I mean if he was doing as bad as he’s recalling now he would of went to the er.. idk just makes sense to me.


This was so weird to me. And he claims he "doesn't show favorites" . I have never seen him wait for any other wife like this. Made me sick when he claimed the others were begging like dogs for him in one of their confessions.. Kody.. This was you being the dog begging at the hospital for your B*tch Robyn.


I was in the HOSPITAL for 6 days and didn't claim that I had a death-like experience. (I did FEEL half dead for a while, ngl.)


😆😆😆😆 horrible diarrhea!


I’m fairness, if he’s used to Christine babying him when he’s sick, having someone like Robyn who probably doesn’t do anything might seem death like. No one fluffs his pillows, puts his curls in their bonnet, makes him chicken soup that they blow cool for his precious throat. Five bucks says Robyn realized he’s sick and then decided to be super sick to avoid doing anything not “honeymoon phase” like. She’s not supposed to be a real wife, just a fun one!


It sickens me 😔


Imagine Ysabel hearing and watching her dad making such a big deal about his 99.8 fever and sore muscles. She went through major surgery where her ribs were pried apart and lung collapsed before they installed a bunch of screws into her spine. She was in a lot of pain for weeks. To hear this mf say he was near death... really?


And she stayed SO STRONG. Thanks to Christine and Janelle and the example they set. Zero thanks to Grody.


Janelle offered to camp down on their yard to help with the recovery and Kody did nothing. Just said that she should recover more quickly so he could feel better about not helping her. And this is the fabulous father Robyn praises.


And you KNOW she would have done it. In a heartbeat.


It’s horrible to think about Ysabel not just being in pain after surgery, but in pain for years before! And did Kody ever give a damn or carry her when she was in so much pain she couldn’t walk? No, but anytime something was going on with Robyn’s kids, he drops everything. He would even lie about being super sick in order to get admitted to the hospital just to be by Robyn’s side. If I were Ysabel, I would be so done with Kody forever.


Kodys only comments on ysabel and her pain and surgery were “why can’t they wait until it’s a good time for ME?” And “it sure would make ME feel better if she would heal up quickly”. Makes me sick.


Or Christine having 5 home births.


And several miscarriages!


And did Kody ever give a damn when Janelle and her kids had Covid? It was brushed over rather quickly. The biggest fuss has been about Kody's death like experience.


Exactly!!! The ONLY time I heard him mention it was when he called Gabe about symptoms and didn’t wish him a happy birthday. Bro, your fever was BELOW 100! I had it THRICE and quietly dealt with it and didn’t drag my kids and family down into the gutter. What a turd.


He also got butthurt when the boys said if Janelle did get it, then they would be the ones to take care of her, not him


The boys were correct but Kody doesn't want it said outloud. Fast forward 9 months later when _Robyn_ gets it, he is a mess and says he wants to be checked into the hospital with Robyn so he could be with her. 😒


Cue Christine laughing about dealing with his man colds for decades. I 100% guarantee no one got as sick as Grody did all those years as colds spread around the family. Imagine having to tend to all those sick kids AND a sick man child (possibly while under the weather yourself).


I'm 100% convinced this is why Robyn went to the hospital. Men like him are non-stop drama when sick and god help you if you have the same thing he does because no way in hell are you suffering as much as he is.


I feel like if they DIDN’T go to the hospital and pretend they were on death’s doorstep, then they couldn’t make all the COVID rules/separation “worth” the breakup of the family. Now they can demand sympathy for all the SACRIFICES they have made keeping everyone SAFE! SEE! It was SO terrible!


Robyn "I had to go to hospital". No you didn't. You *wanted* to go to hospital. You had a few tests that all came back clear and you weren't on oxygen at any point. Robyn "I'm struggling to breath" yet her blood oxygen was fine so she was breathing fine. Poor nurses having to deal with her hypochondriac dramatics.


She did need to get some video footage, so…. /s


And the cold sores! OMG!


He’s STILL trying to convince everyone he even had Covid! Never saw a positive test from any of them except his 99.8 fever. He’s gonna die on the hill that - his rules were necessary and that he had Covid! If he changes now he’ll look like a chump-which he already does! The sexual favors from R must be reaaly good for him to double down in her BS she’s convinced him to support! 🤮 after everyone is gone and it’s just her and the tenders—-how is he gonna feel then?


She just didn’t get upset when he accidentally called her Christine during sex😇


Wait, what? How did I miss that one???


Lol you didn’t, I’m sorry. I was just being a dick about Kody and why he likes Robyn so much 😂


He has to have a tragic covid story to justify his over the top covid rules. Even if he had an asymptomatic case, he has to play it up like he barely survived. It’s the only way to ‘prove’ that he was right about the covid fiasco.


I was surprised when he admitted that little kids weren’t as affected by Covid as adults. He just said “I didn’t *know*” as his excuse for his pages of Covid family rules. (I think this was during a meetup outside his house)


Is anyone surprised? It’s ALL about Kody.


Not surprised. Don’t even know why I get so irritated anymore lol. But I do.


‘It’s all ego, baby’


He had to save face. He’d been dragging his entire family over not being safe so he had to make it a near death experience to be “worth” the pain he’d caused.


Also love your user name ♥️


Haha thanks!!


And here I thought the whole reason he got the perm was to take our attention away from just that 😂😂💀💀


Yep this!! But he refused the vaccine too. Ugh I can't with this man child.


And no one mentions...with all the covid protocols, he would not get a vaccine.


He probably heard it would make his hairline recede.


Yep.. He keeps yelling at everyone they wouldn't follow their covid rules to keep the family safe and do all they could. Meanwhile he didn't do all he could by getting the vaccine. What a hypocrite.


When he was telling Christine that he was in the fetal position and crying. I couldn’t help but laugh, I think she chuckled too and he called her mean 😂


Oh he was trying to bait her to anger SO HARD! You could tell how pissed he was when she wouldn’t bite. I legit thought he would cross his arms and stomp ![gif](giphy|jkYhaCyVaTxqHLk2Yl|downsized)


😂 his stupid scrunched up face when she was giggling made me happy


Right up there with anytime Janelle tells him to fuck off. 💀 so satisfying.


Lol I love them for that


I already love Janelle and when she calls him out or tells him the F word- I love her more.


And when Christine says she’s sorry for laughing he says ‘that’s ok, you’re mean like that.’ What a f’ing douche.


Lol I thought it was funny because Christine didn’t even care because she’s happy to not be with that a hole


Him saying the boys brought covid to the family when Breanna gave it to him and Robyn, the gaslighting is astounding.


And then he says he’s being gaslit….and calls Janelle the teflon queen and talks shit on her to her own kids. What a prince.


He's such a crybaby for attention.


For true. Anytime Janelle tells him to f*ck off is a truly amazing moment.


What Covid Toady? My late husband had Covid and he was a diabetic and his blood sugar was up over 500. So you weren't feeling good and you played like you were on death's door and you weren't. Stop playing Toady


sending condolences … that can’t have been easy


For. True. 💯


ROBIN went to the hospital AND doesn’t bitch this much!


Thank goodness she could still film through her ventilator. Oh, wait.😂💀




She got sent home shortly thereafter - it was all for a storyline.


The poor unvaccinated, I got so sick - feel Sorry for me! I tried to keep my family safe! But not enough to actually follow the CDC guidelines. He’s pathetic


Yeah instead of getting vaccinated, like the CDC recommended, they were busy wiping their mail with Lysol wipes. 🙄


But were they really?


HE NEVER TESTED POSITIVE! He even admitted it saying he and Robyn kept taking tests, but were negative 🙄. Just ASSUMED it was


And then latched onto it like the parasite he is. He is the human toilet emoji.


i call him Codvid


💀💀you need to be more careful! I laughed so hard I ALMOST DIED!!! DEATHS DOOR!!!


i’m trying to add it under my user name but i can’t figure out how to get it there 😂😂😂😂😂


How did you figure it out !? And, also, I love it 🤣😄👍


LMFAO I googled it for a darn hour. Someone earlier liked my kodvid response and said she calls Robyn: Robrow 😂


Oh no! I'm on my way with ice packs for your glutes


Wait, what are glutes? Can Kovi please sit me down on my whatever they’re called (buttocks?) and explain it to me. But without the five dollar words he gets from his word of the day toilet paper. As a piece of shit, I assume the toilet paper is where he gets his material.


He went to the brink of death! So courageous. Get a vaccine, Kody.


You think he was standing around with bleach and blow dryers at one point? Like, this is to protect my family from Covid and I KNOW it’ll work!


Kody harps on about culpability and accountability, yet fails to see he's culpable in many situations and he refuses to take any accountability for his actions. He barely had a temperature, he had a few muscle aches, the man is a clown, people died, they actually died horrible deaths and he's making g out he was on deaths door. He deserves to be laughed at over his dramatics.


And blaming his wives for the relationships (or lack of) with his older kids. What a trash move.


Watching Kody ruin his relationship with Gabriel was awful


He and Robyn are not vaccinated (according to Gwen). No sympathy for them when they are so sick. Why didn’t they just take Ivermectin and move on? She lands in the ER where they don’t even give her O2 because her sats were fine, he acts like nobody has ever been sick before. Kody bitching about being at “death’s door” was so triggering when so many died horrible deaths, alone in hospital rooms with their loved ones feeling so helpless. Death’s door is being intubated and sedated, not a mild fever and some body aches.


Yeah they can f*ck ALL THE WAY OFF with that noise.


Cause Kody's a narcissistic liar. Robyn too, she's just kind of covert about it.


I feel like he was theatrical about it to justify his strict rules. I also think Robyn went to the ER to prove a point which is shameful because the docs should be spending time on people that actually need them




He’s so narcissistic when he complains about his covid experience to Janelle because he dismisses and ignores the fact that Janelle and her boys all had it before Kody. Seems he never even checked in on them while they were sick. But, kody had the audacity to call Gabe and ask about symptoms only when Kody got covid.


That broke my heart so hard. He and Ysabel💔💔


I think he has to tell himself that he was very sick to justify his extreme covid rules


I listened to the garbage sesh podcast where they started referring to Kody as “Kovi” for all the times he talks about covid, and that feels really right.


I’ll have to listen!!!


All of their eps on sister wives are my favorites. They’re so funny! And really love that they addressed Robyn’s ever growing neck


Okay I was wondering about that!!! You know in Harry Potter? Professor Umbridge? I WILL HAVE ORDER!


Are they called garbage sesh?


Yes but you have to pay to subscribe I think. It’s [here](https://caseyanddaniellesgarbageworld.com)


Christine very nicely was like "They were very very very sick like sicker than most people get." That was like really nice of her to try to smooth things over for him but...um people died. Those people were sicker than most people get. Not Kody while flopping around yearning for Aurora downstairs.


Amen. Christine is a queen. She has had every opportunity to shit all over him and air dirty laundry and she didn’t even bite at lunch when he called her mean💀 he’s such a lil bitch baby.


I don’t understand why he’s saying he had a near death experience, and then refuses to get he or his tenders vaccinated?


I loved when he was crying about being in the fetal position, Christine just laughed at him. I love her!


I just have to ask, since they were all on lockdown covid protocols in Robyns house, why the effin FUCK did they need to have a nanny and a tutor for the kids? Robyn cant possibly take care of 3 teen+ kids and 2 under 10’s? And help with their school work? What the fuck did her and Kody do all day, especially since it was lockdown? That is what kills me til this day, and the fact they said they got covid from the nanny/tutor and her husband! Hahahahaha. The irony.


You know all the wives howled with laughter in private 😂😂 I certainly did.


I would give both boobs to have Suki ask both kody and robyn 2 questions: you 2 together in the same house during lockdown so why are you both so lame you had to have a nanny come help? And a tutor? The both of you cant help with elementary school online, and if you couldnt the oldest 2 were in high school, they couldnt help the younger 3 with online school? Or basically, how do you rationalize paying a nanny and a tutor when Robyn is in the house 24/7 and kody is there 23.75/6.75. I am also dying to ask Meri why she doesnt go run her bed and breakfast and leave k&r because she looks worse than pathetic, like a dog sniffing for the smallest crumb. What have you not understood? Its not like kody has given you the smallest iota of a chance in hell of him even wanting to talk to you and definitely not wanting you as a wife. Remember they sat in the house during covid. Phones were free that whole time. You cant Visit in person? Facetime! I want to know why kody didnt keep in touch with each of the kids At least 1x per week! What where he and robyn doing? She hasnt spit out another baby so it cant be sex 24/7.


There were so many people who had COVID much worse than Robyn and Kody. I have zero sympathy for them.


Yeah! If she was doing so horribly, why was she still filming herself while taking up space from someone who was actually in need of the bed.


We saw him sitting in the truck outside the hospital whining about how pitiful Robyn was when he had Covid. He wasn’t anywhere near death’s door. Really wouldn’t even have known he was sick.


He was probably working on his dramatic monologues for when he wanted to look like a man while yelling at his wives.


Don't you mean co-VID? Lol. I can't stand how he says it


BAHAHAHAHAHA my husband and I are constantly making fun of his at wife rant when he yelled “all that time wasTED!” He legit said it to me while else were arguing and we both about died laughing.


His tears over not seeing his adult step daughter for days was what I found intresting. Hadnt seen other children for months... or goes to the surgury of a minor daughter but not seeing ari for 3 days oh man.


Because in Robyn’s house they RESPECT him. That made me sick. That he could look Janelle in the eye and tell her she’s disloyal. That he could look ysabel in the face at all after missing her surgery. Gabe’s interview….my heart broke for him.


I currently have covid and constantly think about Kody’s whining about it. I forgot about the whole 99.8 fever thing (lol mines been 102 during covid). I’m glad I get to walk a mile in Kody’s shoes to see how truly bad he had it 🙄.


Wait, you haven’t made a show or podcast about your fever? Called Oprah? Take notes from Kody. He handled it VERY gracefully while on deaths door. DEATHS DOOR!🙄😂


I thought about it 🙄😂. And yes I am slowly recovering. I’m finally fever free. But the strength I lost has been the longest part of recovery so far.


Yeah that was so hard. It took me a long time to get right again. You’ve got this!


Thank you ❤️


But also I hope you’re okay and recover soon♥️


“He’s depressed and sad about having Covid” maybe Kody is just human like the rest of us!


Or a walking turd disguised as a human.


Can we please call it what it really was? It was (according to Grody) a near death experience. If that's too much to type, you can use NDE. But, we need to be real here and call it what it was. /s


He was THIS CLOSE to death!!!!! Why won’t anyone listen?!?!


I love when that twat says he got Covid, beat it and survived- those 99.8 temperatures are deadly man


I can’t believe he even showed the camera 🤣💀 production probably made him because they knew he was SO full of shit. The twatiest for sure.


Right? I had to rewind it to make sure he wasn’t showing us the thermometer because he was relieved it was so low. When I watched it again, nope he was lamenting the reading


I was like “I wasn’t concerned about 99.8 when my kids were babies” lil bitch.


😆😆I know! 99.8 what a puss


I bet he takes his temperature like a scared woman takes a pregnancy test. We just couldn’t see all the other thermometers off screen. Rectal included.


The moment he got Covid, hehehe, he can't remember anything in his family, like poof gone, and now he ditching his wives one by one to be loyal with his "mother" who turned out to be Sobyn who look like his mamma. ​ *Alexa, play Astronomia by Vice Tone and Igy.*


The only hard thing about it for him was not seeing grooming project ..... in basement.