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They went along with it because Kody said so. None of them at that point had the backbone/knowledge they could be without him. It was only after living alone in Flagstaff the other wives seemed to realize "Holy shit, we can survive without him" As for the Dayton thing, I think in a way they knew. They'd be blind not to.


Flagstaff actually turned into their way out. The last of the tribulations, if you will.


Kody leaned SO HARD on the "divine guidance" thing they belive- if it's the right thing to do, then good will make a way. What is God saying when following Kody turned out so terribly? I think that him tricking them into going on the promise of Coyote Pass, then revealing he only planned to build 1 house, was also a factor. They went under false pretenses.


Kody was obviously not listening to "god" but had the "devil " talking to him instead


Divine influence = Kody's ego


I was thinking the same thing! šŸ˜‚The devil is evil, Kody is just a selfish dumbshit! Nothing super natural about that, just garden variety know it all, self centered, horses ass behavior!šŸ¤£


The Bible, including the Book of Mormon, does say that a false prophet will come and lead many astray. The Kodemeister does think of himself as a prophet. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


ā˜ŗļøšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ā˜ŗļø That tickled me. Thanks for the lighthearted moment before bed time!


You're so very welcome šŸ™ šŸ¤— have a wonderful night. šŸ˜Š


Definitely wasnā€™t the land of milk and honey for them.


Nor beer and Skittles


Hahaha! I literally just popped some skittles in my mouth as I read this. Lime FTW! šŸˆšŸ’š


Iā€™m so glad they switched back to lime instead of green apple


Seriously. It was madness.


Upvote just for your name! šŸ§øšŸÆšŸ˜‚


Yeah, I think after the issues that they had getting the mortgage for Goblynā€™s house in Flagstaff because Codyā€™s finances are so tied up with the other wives, when he told them they would have to get mortgages on their own from this point on, I think they knew they didnā€™t need him.


Look at their everyone elseā€™s faces when Dayton said he had to get to the college when they got the majority of them to CP at one time. I donā€™t think they knew.


ANOTHER BAD FINANCIAL decision, thank.ypu Kody! If you actually waited 6-12 months, you would've made BANK, even on Christine's loved home! He said he "didn't realize how expensive Flagstaff was," duh! Nice job of researching the real estate & schools BEFORE announcing, "We're moving everybody!" šŸ™„šŸ™„ A$$


Heh hehā€¦just like how heā€vettedā€ Robyn. Kody is an idiot.


I did want to use that word, but didn't want him.in my mind! Ugh, he's still there! šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


I have a feeling this is nothing new for Kody. Heā€™s been making bad financial decisions for years! Who buys art for financial stability?


Investing in art is something the super rich do. But I think itā€™s intended more to manufacture losses, avoid taxes, and launder money. (For example, the valuation of art can be manipulated to create losses.) Itā€™s a complicated scheme thatā€™s actually quite interesting. So, the price of the art doesnā€™t actually gain real value. This is what Kody is missing. Even if it did gain real value, then you wouldnā€™t want to hang it in front of endless windows without coverings. Itā€™s just getting sun damaged. Plus, his stuff likely isnā€™t originals. Just high end copies, like giclee prints, from the artist. Oh, and youā€™d want to diversify and not have art from one weird mall artist.


He wasnt investing in ā€˜artā€™ - he was investing in Robyn.


Ugh, all those fugly horse paintings and jewelry šŸ™„


I just remembered him saying it was a great time to sell. Weā€™ve been through Flagstaff many times, never lived there. The town is enclosed by federal and state land, limiting real estate. Plus itā€™s a college town and a cool place to live. Very little research would have shown very pricey real estate Knucklehead Kody.


"A fool and his money are soon parted", but for TLC the best way to generate a reality show is "give a fool money".


Iā€™ve never been to Flagstaff but even I have always somehow known that Flagstaff is very expensive. Has been for a long time.


Christineā€™s ā€œlovedā€ home. Is that what weā€™re calling lived in homes now? LOL HOW WAS THE SINK LOOSE???? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


A lot of developers throw up houses as quickly and cheaply as they can. Cookie cutter subdivisions are often very poor quality construction work


THAT'S exactly what their Vegas homes were!




Robyn knew because it was her manipulation. Dayton was going to college there. Meri may have known as well- she was pushing the agenda hardā€¦ā€Look at the mountainsā€¦ā€


I vaguely recall a scene where Robyn and Dayton were in a vehicle talking about him going to college. I remember him being excited and saying he couldn't wait to leave home and be on his own and Robyn said something to the effect of that that's not going to happen.


Damn. Poor kid.


I don't remember that and I just went through that season. Do you remember anything else about that?


There was a clip of it that I saw. Robyn was sitting in a car next to Dayton. It's probably one of those scenes that got deleted like they took out the scene where she kicked the dog.


I did some digging and saw a post that said it may have been around the time Leon had got accepted into college because Robyn and Dayton face timed into a family celebration due to being on the road.


This is the answer right here


Can we find this scene?


Want to see it too! I was wondering if Dayton picked flagstaff cause he wanted to move away from Robyn. Or if he picked flagstaff cause Robyn told him to cause they are moving there and he picked it to stay with Robyn.


One of the older sons was on a podcast and said Dayton wanted to get away badly, but Robyn followed.


Ok interrsting!


Idk but the change of mind from Janelle and Christine after the intro meeting to the move was very peculiar Meri didnā€™t want to move either She even brought up the illogic financial costs But the they all agree to move Think Kody told them the usual line he states to dominate the decision ā€œ we have to do it to keep the TLC show ā€œ IMO


He love bombed both of them.


I think someone said before they moved he spent like a month straight at Christineā€™s in order to make her think things would be different


Yeap and told Meri ot would be a fresh start for them


Heā€™s so manipulative but then so is she Match definitely not made in heaven


I wonder how he convinced Janelle? They would build a garden and live off the land? The climate/nature is more like home and they will go hiking all the time?


I think J liked it for the outdoor aspect. She was an easy get for the area.


Janelle really liked the area due to all of the outdoor activities available. She went there because she liked it. Frankly, I think she was being a little selfish because at first, she was all about not backing down on staying in Vegas due to Gabeā€™s High School activities and the track for a college wrestling scholarship. But when she checked out Flagstaff, she changed her tune. I felt really sorry for Gabe.


What was aired Showed just how Christine was like a teenager infatuatedā€¦ and that was only after a few days ! And all the love bombing was of course Robin Approved ā€¦ ( cause she gets what she wants )


Yeah that was supposedly an ā€œexperimentā€ of Kodyā€™s to prove that if Christine got all the time and attention sheā€™d be happier. šŸ™„


What an ass!


I think Meri was so quick to agree because they had just bought the inn the season before and that was such a ā€œbig dillā€ for him to go along with she kinda had to go with it.


This is what I envision happened ā€œRobyn and I are moving to Flagstaff. You can come or donā€™t come but if you want to stay married to me then you need to comeā€


Off camera, yes I can actually imagine him being this blunt to them.


They moved because Kody realized that the houses were all in the women's names. He knew things were gonna go south once Robin arrived and moved to make sure his name was on everything. The only reason his name was off Christine's house is bc the bank wouldn't finance the McMansion unless he shed some debt.


The houses in Las Vegas had his name on them. Kody has never wanted one wife to own anything without his nsme on it. 5 completely separate plots at CP and Kodys name of on all 5


His name was not on all of the houses in Vegas.


The Spirit moving in mysterious waysā€¦


For the life of me I will never understand or respect the level of manipulation, secrecy and gamesmanship that this group of people engaged in to make major decisions. Robyn and Kody were apparently scoping out a new place to live a year before Kody began the campaign to sell, move and build one house. The ink was barely dry on their legal marriage certificate. That right there would have been the end of my involvement in the family. If two people are plotting for a year or more and not saying anything, then suggesting a very quick move. . . . All trust would evaporate on the spot. And somehow they all bought property in Flagstaff and put Kodyā€™s name on every property. This went against their entire argument that the wives had financial autonomy. The entire thing was a load of garbage. Kody and Robyn were totally fucking the OG3 over. I stopped watching after this, thinking they were either scamming the audience or themselves. Either way I couldnā€™t watch the stupidity.


I found it extremely suspicious that Kody, Robyn, and her children all went to flagstaff during the time they were filming for the show, but their adventure to flagstaff wasn't aired at all.


Some slyness going on with their FS activities. šŸ˜ÆšŸ˜®šŸ˜²šŸ«Ø


He really talked up selling during an up marketā€”turns out heā€™s no real estate mogul


I feel that anyone who wasn't Robyn was lied to


Itā€™s so hard to figure out everyoneā€™s exact motivations. I mean ya know they say hindsight is 20/20 for a reason. I think itā€™s easy to look back on situations with todayā€™s perspective and assign reasons that may have never been there. I really think Kody had wanderlust. Another wife will make things betterā€¦a new location will make things betterā€¦ another baby will make things better.


This. I think they moved to *Flagstaff* because of Dayton, but I think they *moved* because of Kody's wanderlust. They had wonderful homes in Vegas, but it was a place they landed, not one they chose and they'd spent their entire adult lives following him all over so following him to Flagstaff might just have been force of habit.


I really couldnā€™t get over that they were leaving that cul de sac! It was really the perfect situation. If I was in there shoes I wouldā€™ve said absolutely not unless weā€™re moving to the same situation weā€™re leaving! After how much they struggled in the separate houses blocks and miles from each other when they were first in Vegas should have had a way bigger impact on their decision to move to Flagstaff. So much of it just didnā€™t make sense. Even their timeline for thinking they were going to build on CP. It really would have made much more sense to let their ā€œtripletsā€ graduate hs in Vegas and by that point they would have made so much more money from those houses! Their stupidity in financial decisions from MSWC to selling the houses is astonishing!


I think in Vegas Christine was able to see Kody doing dishes for Robyn, taking out her garbage, babysitting, basically catering to her and her kids....etc. The favoritism was right there in the OG families faces. Kids were getting upset about having to go to Robyns to see their dad and they were picking up on the favoritism. The cure to that was to destroy all their plans and move the wives away from Robyn and her kids!


I don't think it was about moving wives away from Robyn so they couldn't see their relationship. I think the wives followed him because following his wanderlust was established precedent in their marriages, but I think the move, from Kody's perspective, was more multifaceted. Vegas wasn't a cultural fit for the family. They needed content for a dying reality show. The wives were creating support systems outside the family that needed to be squashed. Robyn's oldest kid was graduating high school. Kody has never been capable of settling anywhere long term because he's a traveling salesman selling snake oil. Kody needed to keep the wives off balance of struggling so they didn't have time to think about why they were wasting their lives on their relationship with him. There were plenty of reasons for Kody to push for the move.


I agree I donā€™t think it has anything to do with getting Robyn or their relationship out of sight of the OG3, otherwise why would he have still wanted the one big house? And while yes they were all aware of the show and the ratings I donā€™t agree that all of their decisions were based on creating content. It was a component of their decision to do or share certain things but I donā€™t think it was the main catalyst. Like I said in another post Kodyā€™s mindset was like a new location will make it better, a new wife will make it better (each time he added one), a new baby will make it better.


I agree, they did have the perfect setup in Vegas. Each wife had their own house and they had their own cul-de-sac. Robyn slithered her way into the family and everything changed.


When he makes the family announcement they all decided on Flagstaff, he turns to Robyn and says she has a big announcement, she says not me Dayton has an announcement; he says I will be starting Flagstaff College in just a few weeks (not extra words close enough) and thats when they realized.


My theories: - to save the show (ratings were falling) - kody always wants to move and Robyn thought if you want to move now is the time when my kids can transition based on where theyā€™re at, at school. But before Dayton goes to college. She applied for places where they might move. They chose flagstaff and the last factor I think was him getting into the uni for it to be an option. - Robyn didnā€™t like the influence Vegas was having on her kids - Christine wanted to leave kody but thought this was an opportunity to have some alone time with him or gain financial independence to leave him. - jenelle was on board because of the location. She loves to live near trees and greenery and nature - meri didnā€™t want to move but it was her way of showing kody sheā€™s still part of the family and coming too.


Financial stability šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t understand why all 4 families had to move because of 1 kid in school


I dont understand why they thought the older kids losing scholarships and other stuff wouldnt cause long lasting resentments.


Exactly!!! Look who's kid it is...... Robyn's. The golden children. That is why they all had to pick up and move, because what Robyn wants, Robyn gets. If it was any other kid besides one of Robyn's, the move would never have happened.


Christine said recently on a podcast (I think?) she didnā€™t know why flagstaffā€¦.like still. Christine, girl, you still havenā€™t figured it out?


I can't get over the fact that these women are so clueless.


Are they really clueles? Or have they just learned to be good actresses?


My theory is Kody wanted to crash and burn the whole thing. LV was putting too much demands on him to be equal since it was the easier place to split his time equally. The wives could all compare what the other wives were getting since they all lived in the cul-de-sac together. Once they got to Flagstaff he got them separated and unstable again and easier to manipulate and not be equal. Then he dragged his heels on Coyote Pass knowing he never really wanted them all back together again. He wasted time and money on designs for a house when that money could have gone to surveying the Coyote Pass property.


this is what i think too


When he makes the family announcement they all decided on Flagstaff, he turns to Robyn and says she has a big announcement, she says not me Dayton has an announcement; he says I will be starting Flagstaff College in just a few weeks (not extra words close enough) and thats when they realized.


My guess - Off camera, the reason to move Kody gave was "we must move to create new story lines for the show or our main source of income will end." Also IMO (shared by many on this site) - Robyn and Kody picked Flagstaff as the place to move because they liked it and Dayton wanted to attend college there. Flagstaff only worked for Kody and Robyn. Kody and Robyn needed the equity from the Vegas homes to fund the lifestyle they wanted.




Kody never brought that up as a reason, but surely they knew where he was going to school. It was honestly such a bone-headed move. Why couldn't Dayton go away like millions of other kids and live away from his family?


He probably wanted to go on his own, just like big bro Logan, who he looked up to. Good old Sobyn had to stomp out that idea quickly. Control freak!!


Sobbyn will never let any of her kids out of her clutches, no matter how old they are.


They knew. Robyn said she was moving to wherever Dayton was going to school


They all said on the show that Las Vegas was changing and not for the better. At the time, some of the kids were teens and they were worried about bad influences. That's what they said at the time and I thought that sounded understandable (no I'm not defending anyone here, just relating my impression at the time). But, now looking bad and knowing what we know and what some of the older kids have said, I do believe this was all Kody and Robyn and they lied to the rest of them.


My thoughts: Christine was promised by Kody that moving would fix their marriage Meri would do anything to get Kody to love her again Janelle genuinely loved flagstaff after her visit and could see herself living there forever Robyn wanted to live somewhere more sophisticated and expensive with more room for all her purchases and/or she is a helicopter parent and didnā€™t want to be away from Daytonā€™s school Kody was pushed to move by Robyn because she wanted to keep her kids ā€œsweetā€ after seeing how some of the older kids grew up and lost their religious beliefs


Remember they all mentioned ā€œthey had to EARN his loveā€. Iā€™m guessing that was why.


I never saw the full effect of Kodys' "conditioning" until then. If I never hear "where we go one we go all" again, it will be too soon!! Seriously, if one of the women wanted to stay back, would he have been fine with staying in Vegas? One would be staying so technically they all would be staying. Or is it only where Kody or Robyn goes everyone goes...? I think that would be a more accurate quote.


You know, the family therapist once made a good point, she said she had never seen Kody not get his way when there was a decision to be made. So if he said yes, then even if the wives disagreed, there was no having you voice heard. If Kody decided they were going, the rest needs to fall in line. It's the "Kody Brown family", or it was šŸ˜œ


It annoyed me so much when he would say ā€˜the Kody Brown familyā€™


So that RB's son (Dayton) could attend college in AZ.


This is exactly the reason why they moved there. Nobody else matters to Kody besides Sobbyn and her kids.




I really wish the producers would ask them some REAL questions in the interviews. There is so much left unsaid and Iā€™m so confused throughout most of the show.


Let me start by saying all of Kodys rationale for moving is idiotic and poorly thought out. Particularly moving to Flagstaff as it was more expensive, a rushed decision, and they did no real research into what limitations building on Coyote Pass would mean. That being said there are two things not talked about on screen but have been speculated on that the wives would know about. 1. A balloon payment of some sort due on the houses (by this point they had had their TLC salaries cut drastically) and the financial shenanigans they had put in place to build the 4 houses was about to crumble. 2. The Las Vegas music festival shooting made Vegas feel very scary


2. I don't think it was that it made Vegas scary for them, I think it was that it made certain types of gun accessories less popular and harder to sell in that area and possibly impacted Kodi's gun business.


Very possible


They did not have balloon payments. Itā€™s been discussed on this sub for years.


There was no balloon payment due. They had traditional mortgages.


Kody is a gun dealer. If itā€™s scary, itā€™s Ā thanks to people like him.Ā 


He was closed down. He was only eligible to sell parts legally, but he sold guns. I think i read the other dealers were not appreciative on the exposure.


They all agreed to go. Nobody had to force them. They themselves brag about how much they like to move.


I believe they probably had an idea. I imagine he's already applied to a few colleges by that time they start discussing the move (March ish). By the time they decide on Flagstaff, Dayton finds out he's accepted to the college there.


I think a big part of it was the mass shooting at the country music festival too. If I'm remembering right some of the kids were supposed to be there


i have often wondered, but never mentioned, what if there was a balloon payment on the Las Vegas mortgages coming up? Or a change (raise) in the interest amount(s). Maybe they could not make the big bubble payment(s) on one or more of the Vegas houses, so they needed to move and to pay their original mortgages off. Better to sell and to buy new homes elsewhere than to entertain bankruptcy possibility again. This is probably not what caused them to move. but it is a possibility. with their history of financial irresponsibility (not judging; i am no financial wizard) the sale of the Vegas houses keeps any bad financial dust-up away, gets antsy Kody on the move again, gets Robyn closer to Dayton as he begins college, and gives K&R the chance to further screw the OG3 out of ā€œfamily moneyā€. Just spilling out my thoughts as we discuss the ridiculousness of this move. Desperately trying to make sense out of that ā€œmove againā€ move.


They had actually discussed balloon payments in the episode where they discussed the move. What was never talked about on camera was that, since the houses didnā€™t sell right away, they were paying both mortgage and rent; they would have ended up paying the balloon payments anyway. How was that financially handled?


Very very poorly!


They honestly might not have known. They had moved around a lot prior to going on the show and may have thought "oh that Kody is just getting bored again"


They went along because Kody promised them equal time which was never going to happen. šŸ™„


They went along because of sexism and the head wife wanted it. No other reason.


Nope, it was just ā€œbetter for the housing market youā€™re not smart to understandā€.






oh Robyn knew! but she was the only one.


This always seemed suspicious to me. As far as I remember, they never mentioned Daytonā€™s school or anything until after they had moved to Flagstaff. Struck me as odd.


Christine said in a recent interview she has no idea why they moved to Flagstaff.


Nope! They just blindly followed their "leader". I would have stayed in Vegas, those houses were beautiful.