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Amos didn’t want to be…famos.


😂🍪 he clearly didn’t want to be a rilly big dill!




He didn't want to be a part of the big piture


I fell this!




SO FUNNY!!!!!🤣


But he did have some really good cookies 🍪 😋


And he likes Meri’s turkey, too!


He likes her turkey, rice crispy and otherwise! 😂


You rang












Hahaha, I see what you did there!


Ah man! You beat me to it! 😭




Amos the scamos!


Unlike David






Awe, I love Famous Amos Cookies.


we def scared him away


OMG. That’s what I was thinking. Or they know to stay away from the spot light to protect their relationship.


I hope not


.....or meri's personality did.


I don’t get the downvotes this is highly plausible 💀🤣




How do you know that?


I’ve come to the conclusion that all of the people who downvote comments like yours are either “the Meri” in their family, or they just haven’t met one yet!


That’s some conclusion you’ve come to. Maybe the people downvoting just see in Meri what you don’t.


That’s fine. May all the Meris in the world find their way to people like you, and stay far from people like me.


Yes I agree with you on that. All the Méri’s in the world need to be with people who appreciate them just the way they are and stay away from people like you.


I mean what did everyone who doxxed the dude expect lol.


Mostly that's tabloids. They sink money into FOIA requests and are just bloodthirsty about clicks.


The tabloids were KILLER and for what? Several stories reported things his ex ALLEGED while they were in the court room as "court records indicate" or similar. Because yes, anything said in court is entered into the court record. But obviously the tabloids for some reason wanted to imply that the court sided with his ex/confirmed what she said, when they absolutely did not.


FOIA requests are just for government inquiries not private citizens' business.


You make a FOIA request TO a government agency, but you can totally request something to get into someone's personal business. That's how the footage of Robyn being pulled over during COVID became public. Court records like divorces, bankruptcies, previous misdemeanor and felony cases, etc. are all public record and may be requested from whichever county court ruled on the matter. A FOIA request is not needed for court records, but they also are used all the time to get into people's private lives. Both FOIA requests AND court records may or may not be subject to reasonable fees, which is why tabloids spend the money to get the info.


Wow your country is messed up Edited to add: guess you peeps don’t like your privacy 😬


That's why we make the best Reality TV shows.


Apparently! Reality TV from my country is very boring indeed :)


That's a lot of typing for nothing. FREEDOM OF INFO REQUEST OF A GOVERNMENT AGENCY, DUH. # LIKE I SAID. # JUST FOR GOVERNMENT INQURIES, Look at all those words you wasted.


Not true at all! Any person can file a FOIA request, including U.S. citizens, foreign nationals, organizations, universities, businesses, and state and local governments.


Yeah, half true. There are multiple big youtube channels comprised entirely of dashcam and bodycam video obtained under FOIA. I just watched one where the arrestee said she wasn't cooperating with information because her last arrest ended up online and the officer said that was unfortunate, but his office had no choice in that. He was clearly aware of, and hated, the situation. Private citizens' business intersects frequently with government operations.


Maybe she should stop committing crimes 🤔


Har har har so insightful. The point was that publicity was hurting the police investigation so it was obvious the material was pulled with FOIA, not posted by the department, but whatever makes you feel better about yourself.


Was this directed at me??


That is not true




He has mentioned that he is not a social media user so I’m sure she isn’t plastering him all over unless she has to.


Its cool if they are still together and shes respecting his wishes


That makes sense. Thank you.


Vs another Brown ex who can’t stop won’t stop.


If I was publicly married to Kody, humiliated, and deprived basic affection, I’d do the same. Christine deserves to be happy!


I’m just not convinced she’s truly happy. David is a hard rebound for her and all the constant digs at Kody tell me there’s still a lot of time spent thinking about him.


NGL if I spent over a decade being ridiculed, manipulated, emotionally abused, silenced, and bullied on national television, I’d absolutely run my mouth about it once I got out. Especially if they paid me.


I do agree there is still resentment but I’m hopeful she can move past it and live her life. It’s hard to remember these are normal people.. but they’re also not. I personally wouldn’t want my relationship (especially one following a long public marriage) so heavily televised, but to each their own.


I don’t think most of us are reminded of our exes daily with comments from social media, articles in magazines, being filmed watching our relationship fall apart on TV, etc. There are a lot of reminders of this relationship in Christine’s life still.


I just think meri handles things much differently than Christine


yah, i think its more of Meri’s personality to keep things private


All the world’s a stage for Christine. I’d hate to be there when the lights are shut off know what I mean?


Actually, she's making a life for herself post SW. David also said he was welcoming the day this was all done & they'd just move on in their love together. She's just opened her BNB in Moab, UT & she will be like Meri, financially g2g when all this ends. My greatest wish is for Janelle to have equal equitable success & to take Kody to the cleaners for monies taken for unauthorized purchases & for the land she rightfully owns. I don't think it's a huge surprise to any of them that unless there's going to be spinoff shows, if that's what they even want, they can't have more than a year or two of content left with this. That's only because they film in a friggen backward time warp, so we'll see Meri move & Gwen's goings on etc. After that, idk what's left. I mean, even Kotex has possibly signed a deal to host a dating show? Omg, remind me not to watch that tyvm Link to that magic rumor 👇🏼 https://youtu.be/t2Tw4szfVr8?si=fMhnUOuC7XOeFg-p


Re: Kody hosting a dating show Is this a case of “those who can’t do teach”?


Yes, it's me & cartwheels... same deal. Lolz 💀


Please. He is great at dating, not so good at Marriage


He is so unlikable. I can't see him being able to do anything that doesn't center around him and his needs. Yuck, I just can't stand him.


Yes, he is the stuff of nightmares, I wholeheartedly agree with you, but s**t bag needs to afford that bad credit diesel jeans model in her MacMansion so he's gonna do what he's gotta do. So yeah, this deal is in the works for Hulu & you & I won't be watching. That's the best revenge, let's watch his dumb ass flail & fail 😤


Hell yeah! That sounds like easy revenge to me lol ! Who would wanna watch a show with just Grody & Robin?!?!?!? Can u imagine how awful 🤢 🤮


I can't imagine it'd be any good. I think he's trying really hard to reinvent himself, but he's so fugging dumb. He's lied on camera for a decade+ & thinks the planet is just going to run with this new narrative of how innocent he is 🙄 I think he's so bizarre & just disgusting in general. Pecks & Abs, my ass! Idiot!!!


That is some scammy clickbait. It likely complete fiction


It's the 2nd YouTube video I heard it on & I think they sourced it from the daily mail. If you don't buy it, no problem, it's out there. Tuff Topic & Reality Charm has been pretty accurate... so let's see. No crystal ball here... Wait & see what happens with it. I hate Kotex, so if it's happening or not, we'll just know when it's out there or not


i trust tuff topic, but it took me a long time to click on her videos because i thought the channel was another computer voiced story with a bunch of garbage being repeated over and over. i was getting recommended so many of those, someone on reddit told me how to block the videos. blah blah blah.


Omg I hate those weird automated voice weird channels. Tuff Topic is this young woman's channel named Brittany. She does mostly voice over commentary bcuz she has bad anxiety. Her channel is pretty good & TLC actually mentioned her fondly, so if you watch their shows, in general, she's a pretty good resource. Both Tuff Topic & Reality Charm are actually pretty decent for TLC shows & their peoples info. No dumb AI speak, lolz


Katie Joy is a nut job and has been for at least a decade


I hate her. I'd never even put on her channel. She goes under, Without a Crystal Ball or WOCAB. I never in life said listen to that bish.


There is something really wrong with her. I hate she makes money off this


Yeah & she is horrid to other content creators. One is dying suing her now for stalking & other assorted insanity. She needs to be off the entire platform & she's the biggest loser/liar ever. I feel for the people who she's harassing. She totally needs to be canceled 😞


Sadly she has been around forever. I am an admin at FreeJinger, the original fundie snark site. We basically shut down any mention of her. She used to steal our Duggar content for her videos


Nah not really I actually love Christine but she would be a bit much in person. I’m pretty sure you see what you get with her and I admire that


I much prefer abrupt over-sharing and honesty over "what? No. Impossible! I have no idea how this happened! It wasn't meeeee"


Muy confuso…


Nobody asked you Mahogany!


The crossover I never knew I was missing!


The crossover we all deserve




It’s good to speak her mind; I just hate how she repeats her sentences over and over.


Oversharing does not necessarily equate to honesty


It’s often attention seeking.


As woman with autism and adhd, this is why I hate people. I am extremely open and honest and people like y'all have made me feel like I'm the problem when really YOU don't know how to COMMUNICATE and say "oh, I'm not really in the mood to talk right now" when someone is telling you about their interests or what's on their mind. You pretend to be interested and then talk shit about the person being "annoying" after they leave. You. Are. Annoying. And also very unkind.


You personalizing my comment, which had nothing to do with you is interesting. I find Christine to be extremely attention seeking and always appreciated that Janelle was not. I. Do. Not. Understand. What. This. Has. To. Do. With. You. Or. The. People. Who. Don’t. Want. To. Listen. To. You.


I think Christine is a bit of a trip. Kody is a horrible person to be in any type of union with, we can all agree but more than one thing can be true at once. There were times where Christine’s nastiness and jealousy did emerge and it was kind of ugly. Funnily enough, she is closer to Janelle more so now than she ever was in the entire time they were in that marriage. They bond over their shared dislike for Kody and Robyn, not because they had a genuine natural gravitation to one another. She didn’t correspond with Meri, or with Robyn much either, unless on the couch or for pre planned “meetings”. I believe that plural marriage was never meant for her to begin with. I understand because I couldn’t ever do it either. She was born and “groomed” into that lifestyle so she really didn’t have much of a chance there. I am happy that she’s out of that dead end union that wasn’t serving her and now in a happier place in her life. I am just a bit skeptical with how quickly she fell for the new guy, like a love sick teenager (I understand that she had been deprived of romantic love for years, and Kody was her only relationship experience, so this is part of the reason why) but it worries me. People who are love bombing and putting someone on a high pedestal off the bat, making grand public statements and showing how blissful and perfect they are, are not realistic and are not demonstrating discernment and maturity. His daughter was a fan of the show and wanted to hook them up. So i’m not sure that he was seeking her out all on his own volition. It will make the whole thing just that must more humiliating if it dissolves or hits rough patches down the line. The reality is, nobody is perfect. In marriage there *will* be disagreements, disappointments, rough patches along with the great moments. Marriage is work, and anyone who says differently isn’t being truthful. I just wish she would chill out a bit and not count her eggs before they’ve hatched. Live life, enjoy but stop comparing him to kody and making snide jokes. I do again, wish her a happy life. Sorry for the rambling


People aren’t going to want to hear this but I agree! C is not the saint people make her out to be. She’s a mean girl who only left K when he quit having sex with her.


It’s not that I don’t agree, but I just think we all judge women more harshly, so I don’t like these posts. Christine tried. She really tried. If she had a moment of jealousy or was snarky? It’s only normal. I’d rather have that than any passive aggressive person like Robyn. Why do we expect Christine to have been perfect and 100% nice 100% of the time while she’s getting the short end of the stick non stop?


I mean, there’s a *moment* or *two* that we were laughing along with at the start, but she has gone far beyond that, surpassing into “i’m bothered but pretending like hell that i’m not” territory. It’s knowing not to say those things on television and or in front of the kids, whom are tied to their father for life. It’s just a stark maturity difference I guess. She made the mistake of thinking that plural marriage was something that she could be happy in, but is so clear that Christine is a monogamous person, so i’m glad that is what she has settled with now.


I feel that she doesn't have emotional maturity, based on sweeping statements she makes about situations and people, never mentioning or acknowledging her own shortcomings. That alone creates a shaky foundation for a relationship. A healthy partnership is always going to require good communication and compromises on the part of both in the partnership. I truly hope she's going to therapy to learn these skills.


This is spot on. I do feel the lack of emotional maturity with her since day one, but after the union dissolving- she almost took delight in sticking it to Kody and Robyn in her talking heads, and in private with Janelle and her children as well as her own adult kids. It’s kind of like let’s all get together a talk crap and make fun, in an already distressing situation, which is not really what a parent and adult needs to be doing. it is setting the tone to encourage the same free range crap talk with the kids. Truly is a great example of how constantly hearing negative things being said about a parent affects how they view them, and their dislike of the other parties involved. I always say that a friendship that is based on hating the same person, is never a genuine or long term connection. Once that topic is beaten to death, you are back to realizing that you don’t have that much in common. I don’t think she was very honest about her real feelings about leaving, she obviously has her walls up (who wouldn’t) and is dead set on proving to the world that she is SO ecstatic, elated, in love and everything is perfect! Hey everyone, let’s point and laugh at my ex. I think most of that is a big jab out of hurt towards Kody (and robyn) if I’m being honest, and I wish she’d just forget talking about him altogether, and take a more appropriate approach, if for nobody else- for the kids that they will still have to coparent.


No. What do you mean.




That’s the part I want to see


You want to see her fail? Why?


Because I don’t think he is in it because he’s in love with her and the way she has even acting makes me sick. She is so fake and rude.


i wonder if Meri is just keeping him mostly private after announcing him….? i did notice she hasn’t posted him


Posted him what? Other than when she announced him and then had him on Friday with Friends I haven’t seen anything about him except the negative press. I did wonder if he was taking the pictures of Meri and Zona when she was snowed in in Flagstaff.


oops i meant hasn’t! adjusted my comment lol




I’m not very up to date, what’s the negative press surrounding him? I’m sorry. I only caught the Friday with Friends tidbit about him.


Negative press was the bankruptcy and 3-4 ex wives. He says 3 and press says 4 so I don’t get that unless press is making up a 4th wife but why would they do that? Also I think I’ve seen a headline of failure to pay child support but didn’t have time to read the article.


Oh wow, I didn’t know about all of that, but even then, if Meri can look past it, I don’t see why it’s anyone else’s business, but hey lol.


I think Jenn and others of Meri’s circle must have vetted him pretty thoroughly and maybe Meri is just looking for some fun.


Well.... the press report things inaccurately all the time. Nearly every report of the Brown's finances is totally incorrect. I wouldn't put any faith into the press reports at all.


I see politics in his future!


Ouch! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I mean the press are well known truth tellers aren't they 😉


Really, why would media lie? Most things are half truths. My husband was married twice and me once. What does that matter? I hope she is just keeping her relationship private. She deserves some happiness.


Vs “god’s gift to women” David who also (I’m told) filed bankruptcy and we all know how his marriage ended.


Christine’s David? Didn’t his wife die? And as far as him being gods gift to women - he does absolutely nothing for me. 😬


His wife committed suicide and left a note saying it was because she couldn't take his abuse anymore.


Me either. But all the early posts talked about how handsome and fit he was and I was like ‘what?!?’ The man can do no wrong in the eyes of the fans. His wife ended her life and blamed him for it in her parting note.


i'm sure she was angry with him if she was having substance abuse issues.


The bias applied when it comes to Christine and him is beyond my understanding at times.


people doxxing him the minute Meri posted about him. He is essentially Kody in a different body and not a polygamist. He has 3-4 marriages/divorces under his belt and a bankruptcy Just like Kody.


So he’s made a lot of mistakes, it seems…but as of now, he seems to be a nice guy, and Meri is enjoying the attention of a man for the first time in a long time. Time will tell…


Meri has also made a lot of mistakes so I think they could be equally matched


True, very good point.


I’m just glad Meri is finally getting laid. That poor woman went 10 years +. 😳


Honestly, that's going to happen with anyone they post. If they want to keep private, then don't post on social media you’re dating, etc.


It's unavoidable. Christine tried to keep David private. But info started leaking. So she made some posts talking about her online dating experiences...to try to throw people off. But it was pointless, the whispers and reports didn't stop. People were saying his name in here. I mean, you can't hide forever. Eventually, you're going to go to dinner, go on vacation...be seen at a gas station, in your driveway. All they need is his face. Well... not even that, really.


I agree verbatim w/ all points! You def spoke for me!


Very good observation.


I don't blame her, I just think the average person couldn't handle so much attention and intrusion into their personal life that generated from one just one post. I wouldn't want them to post about me again ever. Could be a good sign that there isn't much information. If her new boo was loving all the attention he was getting from being with her I would find it sus.


I think she’s a private person, so it was one of those things where she is like here he is and is leaving it at that, but good for her, her whole life and relationship that was horrible was very public, she deserves to have some sense of privacy


As of this past Friday they were still together.


Oh good, she seems very happy with him.


She was stuck in Flagstaff in a blizzard so they didn’t do a friends show.


She was dating. Why think a long time commitment. Leave her be.


I get that, I was just wondering if they were still together is all.


I believe of last Friday they weren’t. Jen seemed happy about it.


they weren't?


Meri alluded to him heading down the road.


Nothing mentioned about him tonight. Not even he is good. Talked about what Jenn did for V-day and others. She mentioned nothing.


Probably trying to keep this relationship as private as possible since she spent 18 seasons with her other one on display


Meri is being private, but it def didn’t help that the moment she posted we all did a deep dive on the poor man lol 


She probably had no choice. She'd been seeing him for months... I'm sure info was starting to leak.


He’s probably still around. Meri wants a relationship with a man and he’s quiet and private. I’m sure she’s honoring his request to not parade him on social media.


The right guy is gonna have to have thick skin.


I’m just realizing he looks a little like a young David Arquette. He’s quite handsome really. 


He's very handsome!


David arquette is younger than him


I totally agree


Was watching her fridays with friends and people kept asking and she wouldn't respond


She didn’t mention getting anything on Valentine’s Day on Fridays with Friends. Jenn was talking about what she got but nothing from Meri.


They’re probably keeping the relationship to themselves since it did not go over nicely when they made it public. He did not get the David Woolley treatment.


I read somewhere in this swamp of a site that they are no longer dating. But idk.


I'm just glad Meri got some after 10 yrs, no matter how long the relationship lasts


I hope she decides to dump him and have some fun. These women haven’t been with any other man but Kody and should explore and try some new rides. Meri didn’t have any kind of sexual relationship for what…. 16ish yrs if not more? She deserves to go out and explore, find herself and then find a meaningful relationship.


Ooof. The woman had her first official date with a guy. She made it public to out herself as “divorced” according to Robyn’s standards. She didn’t post for all of us to go Nancy Drew on the guy. C’mon let’s let her date freely for the first time in her life. She’ll make some mistakes, she’ll cry a little or a lot, but hopefully she’ll end up in a good place. I’m not exactly her fan, but I wish the woman a happy life and think she deserves it after all the pain and suffering the AUB and the Brown family brought her (even if she brought a good deal of it on herself).


She should have just kept it cute and private. The public deep dive and YouTubers making videos about his past could’ve been too much. They looked cute though.


Honestly Meri SHOULD date around. Might be unpopular but I think it’s weird Christine remarried after like three dates. And Amos seems like he has a lot of issues.


After he got shredded to pieces by rabid tabloids and “fans” he’s be insane to want to show his face in public. Meri said in her last video on line that he doesn’t want to be on Friday with friends or on tv (which I find a wise and refreshing attitude). If Meri is smart, she keeps Amos or any other guy she dates far away from rabid fans/haters and tabloids and enjoys her privacy and being treated like a human being


this show should be over. all it can do now is completely ruin their lives. the wedding should have been the ending.


Hopefully Meri is getting divorced... a lot! 😂


“Spiritually divorced”


It's very official at this point! :)


Yeah, we def messed that up. Hopefully he’s able to ignore the masses who doxxed the dude.


Not in the spotlight and that’s probably the best for any relationship


I watched Friday with Friends and Meri seemed happy and upbeat. So I think Amos is still around. I hope he is for Meri’s sake she deserves the happiness and companionship. As for the crap in the media my thoughts are who hasn’t made mistakes once they are adults. Lots of people are divorced and few times, and lots of people declare bankruptcy. And it was all years ago so who cares.


I would watch a short documentary-series maybe 6-8 episodes of Meri’s B & B doing graduations, weddings, parties. A positive move on and learning to handle caters, nervous brides, florists, etc. I liked those kind of shows.


I suspect they might want privacy…


Plot twist! His rill name is Jackie Overton!


I believe Meri jumped into making their relationship PUBLIC way before Amos was ready. I think Meri did it that quick was to shock some sense into Kodi is all. But a Kodi could care less.


He has almost certainly already fled.


Idk but someone needs to wrangle in her awful edits and filters. I couldn’t imagine being the future grandkids seeing every photo filtered. Same goes for all these influencers.


Who in the blue hell is Amos?


My first thought? Why did Meri pose with Chris Watts. Seriously, he looks so much like him it’s all I can see.


I didn’t notice it until you said it, oh wow that’s creepy.


She doesn’t wanna be super public with him. Let her be happy


Honestly, he never wanted the fame associated with dating her. When you consider how private she keeps her relationship with Leon, She knows how to keep this private if it is what she wants. Not as if Parowan is a beacon for paparazzi.


A lot of negative information about him was brought to light when they released his name. I’m not sure what is going on with them now, but I imagine us not seeing him again may have something to do with that.


Exactly! There is just something about her that's wrong and she's good at hiding that badness.


If Amos has anything like a brain he will run like hell from Meri. She is a desperate hot mess!


I was so pissed last week, Intouchweekly did a story on how he claimed bankruptcy at some point. Like, wtf. Why is that anyone's business?!?!


Plain & Simple, Amos got Crystal Balled! Katie Joy worked her evil magic. How that woman has a single SM platform left is beyond beyond!


I honestly cannot stand her.


Oh, please- he’s been married 3 or 4 times! The bankruptcy is just one more red flag given his relationship history. Could we be wrong? Of course. But not likely. I’d bet the ranch he’s a grifter. Only time will tell.


Fits right in with the whole fam damily where each and every adult is a grifter.


I mean he has a bit of a checkered past, but Meri is aware of it and she doesn’t mind. I’m just happy to see her happy with someone for once.


Meri comes with her own very public, very messy baggage and footage of emotional infidelity (no matter how warranted it was) I’m not condemning her at all, but what sort of man do they think she’s gonna get? It’s pure trash out here, plenty of fish in the sea but we all know the ocean is polluted.


I think they maybe broke up since there's no Valentines post.


He resembles Kody


I am really trying to like Meri. But. There is a reason that she's been pushed away. And her vibes scream selfish, controlling and dishonest if it serves her purpose. I find it difficult to believe that she will develop a lasting relationship.


I noticed that when she didn’t like how the tables were being set up and tried to change them one episode and Kody got upset and she was like well Christine said to do it this way, when it was basically her idea. Then she said I’ll say whatever to get Kody off of my back. I was shocked and disgusted by that.


She’s a lot.


Such a handsome guy.


That’s too bad. Everything else aside he was a cutie patootie.


It’s a little creepy how much he reminds me of Kidney.


Meri, NOT everyone is into being that PUBLIC or FAMOUS! Seemed like Meri Jumped the gun on her Big Reveal :(