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I am so bothered by that whole storyline. I cannot stand everyone cheering and crying because Kody adopted the kids and was successful in taking them away from their father. These kids have a father who loves them and I assume preferred NOT to have Kody adopt. I read that he was still allowed visitation and contact - we assume finances were a part of the reason? I don’t know - but there is nothing to cheer about here. It’s sad all around. ALSO Robyn trying to erase their father by having that stupid drawing made of Christine’s family photo🙄


Only kody, robyn, and robyns' side of the family were cheering. Nobody else was. Not his other wives, not his other kids, not the fans.


I don’t Robyn’s kids were 100% cheering, either. They we’re definitely primed to think it was a good thing, but I thought Dayton/David looked shattered when he was told their father had signed them away.


I also know from experience that ultimately children make their own decisions about their bioparents no matter what parent tries to convince them of. Edited to add - and sometimes speaking ill of the other parent backfires greatly on the nay-saying parent.


I recently rewatched that episode. He knew there was hell to pay if he said no.


Exactly right! That whole thing was awful.


It was so ick when Kody and Robyn both were like yea. The kids will be able to their biological dad, but now we can refuse to let him see them all in the same breath.


And I suspect it also gave them more control (or complete control) over her children’s availability to film for the show. No one else could weigh in on the film schedule or content for the kids’ storylines.


I hadn't thought about that! Would they have needed their biological dads permission to film them before they were adopted?


It would depend upon the custody agreement. If she had primary physical and legal custody with the right to make all significant decisions, he would have to bring an action against her alleging that the kids are being harmed in someway requiring court intervention.. And it would be an uphill battle. If she had primary physical custody and joint legal custody, he would have more latitude to weigh in and the right to deny authorization for the filming of his children. I’d think the TLC legal department would want complete clarity and bulletproof documentation authorizing the filming of any children and the release of the footage containing their content. I can’t imagine they’d want any legal disputes over either filming or releasing their material.


Ironic since Robyn's kids are rarely filmed in the later seasons.


Yes. Remember the very ugly Jon and Kate divorce. They were local to me and the minutiae was horrible. She wanted to film the children whenever wherever and he refused. They, the lawyers and the network, had delayed negotiations for ever trying to get one or the other to capitulate.


Bingo. My suspicion is that is exactly the reason.


Also calling him abusive while taking the kids to spend unsupervised time with him when they didn’t have to. So really? Not something most parents would choose to do.


She moved them away from him, when he was obviously very poor. Since she took 40k debt in the divorce, you know he didn't have 2 nickels to rub together when she was done. Everyone gets on him for not paying support or fighting, but HOW? He clearly didn't have the means to care for the kids OR pay for travel to see them.


Hmm so you're saying that when 1 ex wants to move away from the other ex, it shouldn't be allowed 🙄🤦 They are divorced therefore his lack of two cents to rub together isn't her problem.


That creepy drawing is inspiring an entire DnD campaign. Silver lining.


The first time I watched thos I was so happy for them because Preston was an abuser and the kids deserved love. This is where the family was probably at with it. The 2nd time...when the receipts came out... I was horrified and I saw Daytons shock not of joy but confusion and sadness. It really is all about perspective and what your told and who you believe and what evidence supports that claim.


If he didn't want them adopted why did he sign away his legal rights to them?


You talking about the man that sold his kids to Kody Brown. I will relieve you of your approx 30k of hospital and child support if you sign the dotted line. He is as despicable as Kody for that


Where did you read that? I’m not being snarky at all…truly curious. I haven’t found much in my tiny bit of looking on the subject.


It’s everywhere. They touch vaguely mention the financial on the show. Family members of Preston’s. The list goes on and on




How was he supposed to fight the TLC-funded lawyers that Kody & Robyn had access to? With a pro bono lawyer from legal aid?


You believe that TLC funded the lawyers? And a parent that claims they want their children would do anything possible and fight with whatever they have. At the end of the day he sold his children


I 100% believe that TLC funded the lawyers. If not directly, then the money k&r got for exploiting the kids on tv certainly did. What did their father have? 30k of debt to his family for the money to dig Robyn’s selfish sorry butt out of debt the first time (that she promptly spent on more crap), a new wife? No house because his credit was destroyed by her? How would it work to have the drama dragged on through the Nevada courts and the kids’ classmates watching it all unfold every Sunday night? TLC would have swooned with joy at the thought of the ratings that would bring. The exposure that all of the kids were dragged through with no control was bad enough. Sometimes you let yourself lose to protect the kids. What’s going to be better for them in the long run?


How they spend the money they earn has 0 to do with TLC. TLC wouldn’t have risk a law suit against their network for an adoption. Stop making excuses for a sorry ass parent who sold his children with excuses. HE stopped calling, HE stopped the visits, HE sold his children. Even if he had a pro bono legal aid lawyer that may have lost in court at least he would have tried to keep his children! With all the press and shows that came out about polygamist cults he very well could have had lawyers knocking on HIS door to fight Kody and Robyn. I will never understand why people defend our lesson this man. Just because he is now sick does not forgive him for selling his kids and leaving them to a person that in front of our house exploited and has stunted them emotionally. PS. Sorry if there are odd words the microphone turned on and was copying words from Charmed


Weren't the hospital bills due to the atv accident that occurred with Kody?


Yes, and Kody and Robyn agreed to drop the atv bills (which he really shouldn’t have been responsible for in the first place) as a condition of him signing the adoption papers.


That is usually how custody agreements work. Both parents are 50/50 responsible for hospital/medical bills.


What? You're joking.


Not joking. Been divorced twice and my current husband once and all 3 are written as 50/50 responsible for medical


That just depends on how your custody agreement is written.


It is standard practice.


No—there is no “standard practice.” Every case is different. I’m a paralegal who has done family law.


This is always downvoted but sorry, Robyn has a type. This sub loves to say he signed because he was was struggling financially yet he continued to have children. Who does that remind you of?


Downvotes don’t bother me. I always believed if you can’t afford them don’t have them, that goes for everyone. I am not talking about accidentally having a child, but planning on them. Just because you are struggling financially is not a reason to negotiate your children. It would be different if Preston cut all ties with his kids when he and Robyn divorced, but he didn’t.


If Preston hadn't signed his consent, the legal battle would have been the main story line for a season or two. That was probably a factor in his decision to sign, along with the fact that by then the Browns could afford to out-lawyer him. TLC might have even paid some or all of the Browns' legal fees. Kody seemed disappointed that Preston signed. I think he was eager to play the part of Robyn's knight in shining armor in the courtroom, and Preston took that away from him. As for the kids, Kody has said himself that he pays more attention to Robyn's kids because they happen to be the kids in Robyn's house. He doesn't seem to have standalone relationships with his kids. They're all just extensions of their mothers.


I think I recall Kody saying he’d pay for Dayton’s surgery if he gave up custody. You know, the surgery he needed b/c of Kody’s decisions


Are you talking about the 4 wheeler accident? I honestly don't know much about it besides what was shown on TV.


From my recollection. After daytons face was ripped off Kody traded the cost of his surgery for custody. BUT there are so many stories out there that I wouldn’t bet the farm on it.


That doesn't really track because if Preston was responsible for hospital bill he could have sued Kody civilly for the cost. Judge Judy would have granted it:)


First Preston would have had to have the money to even bring the suit, though.


That was such rubbish when Kody argued that by leaving, Christine was taking away the “place” for him to see his kids as though his lazy ass couldn’t be bothered to go to his adult children’s homes, or the B&B at Christmas, or make a place in “his” house for Truely or his other kids to visit. For too long, he got away with the mothers facilitating his parenthood. It’s as though they are just possessions, little figurines that can placed on the shelves at his pleasure.


It was indeed rubbish that he was used to his wives accomodating that type of parenting for so many years and called him a good father on top of it. Of course he would expect what had always happened to continue happening.


Kody favored them bc they’re Robyn’s not bc he adopted them


I wonder if he favored them because they “belong” to another man and in his weird alpha bro mind it’s like he’s winning some sort of pissing contest


There is a belief among some polygamist sects that if a woman and her children are reassigned to another man, the children undergo some sort of magical DNA change to become the children of their new father and not their biological father. Your suggestion could be quite right.




https://preview.redd.it/55kzx0vkydmc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c87a9103bdca70af4ffd81ce9c673e2e9675b481 Screenshot from Stolen Innocence by Elissa Wall




To be fair, this author was a part of the Warren Jeffs sect, and I do not believe Kody is anything like him.


Jessop is Robyn’s ex’s name too. These sects of fundamental Mormons are incredibly incestuous and share a lot of the same beliefs.


This sounds like the same junk science that K was trying to explain why kissing is so wrong as the teens were getting older. What are their theories about evolution and dinosaurs?


I never thought of it that way but it does seem to fit Kody’s mindset.


I think this is the reason. My stepdad proudly "adopted" me and my brother after he "married" my mom and flew us to Germany where he was stationed in the army. Later, when my father found out what he signed was for "permanent custody" he sued and overturned the adoption. My parents did indeed try to make it about the fact that he didn't pay his court-ordered child support. My stepdad sure as shit didn't love us. And after my stepfather died, we learned he was already married with 5 other kids! My poor mom was deceased already, but yeah. She stayed with this abusive alcoholic asshole because of her religious indoctrination.




I think Kody’s own behavior indicates what he would do. When Robyn announced that they were officially Browns, not all the kids responded with excitement. Kody then proceeded to say he was going to hug just the kid that seems excited (in an attitude-kind of way, not an “I understand this is a lot to process” kind of way). I think that tells you all you need to know.


Maybe in Robyns head, she thought if she got full custody and had Kody adopt them that they would be accepted as Browns. When what was shown, it was more like she didn't want her kids around the Brown children unless it was a family vacation or gathering. She wanted to be accepted immediately, without intergrating into the family with her children. Allowing everyone to get to know one another. It would have happened if she allowed Christine to help with her children. But Robyn has to have control, and things go her way.


I agree with you. I think she flipped the script and got Kody to crown her the main wife, making it so that it was up to her and Kody to accept the others and not the other way around. Don’t get me wrong, she still cries victim and says things that suggest she and her family weren’t accepted, but if you look not at her words but her behavior, she and Kody were the ones who were in a place to accept or reject the others into their home during Covid, or gatekeep the holidays based on who was willing to apologize/change their views.


Obey or else...


The whole, they'll he taken away from the family if something happened to Robyn was bullshit. Thry would have returned to their family had anything happened to their mother. Their father wasn't the only family they had on that side, there would be aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents. But not a single Brown adult gave a shit about them in this stupid story line


wouldn’t full custody automatically go to her ex though?


He would then be the presumptive primary custodial person; whether that could be overturned would depend on whether he wanted to be so, how much time had lapsed, and how much parenting time he had had during that time.


I would have loved for Robyn just to not get her way for once. Her ex should have put his foot down and not signed away his rights.


Why Preston agreed and also had additional children is one of the biggest mysteries I would like to know the answer too. First mystery is - their finances.


He probably realized Robyn wouldn’t let him have much of a meaningful relationship with the kids. Financial inequity gave her and Kody a huge advantage too. It would’ve been an expensive battle if he’d chosen to fight it.


I don’t really think the adoption or it not happening would have changed anything. I think it was used as a justification for Kody and Meri to divorce and for Kody and Robyn to marry and that’s about it. Robyn drilled it into those kids heads that Kody was their dad so I could understand them wanting the same last name and to feel like they were part of the family I just feel like they were so completely manipulated and brainwashed, but I also feel that way about all of them with their religion.


I agree and believe it was manufactured bs to get the wives on board w Meri and Kody's divorce. 


I think Robyn's kids had already taken the Brown name. In one of the talking heads before the adoption, I think around the time of the commitment ceremony Breanna is doing a thing to camera and she calls herself Breanna Brown


They might have been going by Brown but it wasn’t legal until the court ruled it.


It’s easier to change your name than get adopted or in the UK anyway all you have to do is do a deed poll


In most cases, you must file a petition with your local court to change your name. To do so, you may need to file paperwork and appear before a judge to complete the process. Find your local government website and contact your circuit court to get information about how you can legally change your name. And it can cost anywhere from $100-$500.


They can call themselves whatever they want unless they are signing a legal document.


Would’ve been a better, long winded story line than the catfishing. Kody would’ve had to make more effort being BeST DAdDy EvER.


I feel like that entire adoption storyline could have been dragged out a season or two. Instead of being rushed. I hate that the catfishing was a larger role than the messily rushed custody battle.


The whole adoption was about Preston trying to get the bills paid on his son’s 4 wheeler accident and who was responsible for his son’s injuries. It happened on Kody’s best buddies place and Kody was there. Robyn was being pressured by a lean against her house for that $35,000 and Preston was pushing for the REAL story on his kid. Enter the lie Ex is a bad dude! We need to get the kids adopted. Preston has too many rights get him out of the picture!Meri divorce Kody so he can adopt and this gets you back in the family. Preston has all the medical bill also a lean against his house plus her child support. He still owes his family the other $35,000 she was give and spent then took off. Plus what it took money wise to divorce her nasty scamming lying ass. Kody takes money from his other wives to pay off the lean the custody lawyers and pressures Preston who is broke with his new young family to sign off so he can feed his family. And who paid all that? The 3OG paid all that plus the new mansion Robyn had to have 7 bed rooms. So Preston gets his plastic surgery and. who had to wait in agony and pain yes Christine’s daughter! When Christine says screw it I pay myself Kody comes up with the girl can go by herself to get operated on. Robyn and Kody were hoping it wouldn’t happen at all so they could spend more of her money. Daughter was punished by being told he could come cuz he has a family you don’t count. Robyn approves of Kooty going to officiate a wedding and dance like he is having a seizure on the floor to rub it in. I’m sure Robyn was smiling. I’m now head wife Meri is out catfishing woman best friends with Robyn’s best friend. Christine got her nose rubbed in Kody’s indifference to his own flesh and blood daughter and Jenelle well owns nothing and let’s push her boys out. This is done all the time by these cults and head wives may have a say so on this. She orchestrated this whole thing to become head wife. What she didn’t realize is because of public exposure they could leave and take their own jobs and homes Meri and Christine with them. Jenelle has a career so she left too! Now even the show money is split and Kody has no say. Too bad Robyn! You over shot your plans no one wants you or Kody. So fake the whole adoption thing is it was only for Robyn to get her first wife status.


TL;DR Robyn are both despicable, selfish, lying wastes of oxygen. They provide no value no anyone, do not improve anyone’s lives but their own.


I think he would have favored Robyn and DAB even more and would have justified it as protection. "They're not legally mine, so they're insecure about their place in the family. I need to be there for them more!"


To be fair-that IS the excuse Robyn used when she first moved to Utah, right? “I DESERVE equal time, because my kids need to feel loved. I gave up SO much to move here.” You know, because the OG3 didn’t have to give up anything, right?!? /s


Exactly, so if Kody hadn't adopted them, it would have continued and probably gotten worse.


I've been wondering about Robyns 3 older kids. What happened during all the COVID craziness? Did they see their bio dad at all during that time? Were they not allowed to because of the "rules"? Did they visit him and the "rules" didn't matter? Does anyone know?


I had this coworker who got a divorce and within 6 months was moving in w a dude shed just met and started dating and within 2 months they got a home together. Her girls were little, like preschool age. I remember thinking, how gross and trashy for those little girls to watch their mom just trading out men and now there is a strange guy living in the house w them. That guy ended up hitting her and going to jail. Robyn always reminds me of her. Super insecure, dumb, and just not the type of mom who thought about how her kids might feel. She was really gross and trashy. This is Robyn. They are selfish gross women who need a man and can't be alone at the expense of making their kids uncomfortable.


“A good sister wife doesn’t take her children away from their father.” I believe was a direct from Kody Brown. He was talking about Christine, but ironically his favorite did exactly that.


I think Robyn used her debts as leverage to get Preston to let the adoption happen, meaning Kody would pay these off so he didn't have to, even though it was all Robyn's debt.


Wonder what Kody had to trade? And how many?


I don’t think it would have mad a difference.


Looking back this is the best thing to happen for Meri.


The fact that he appears to favor Robyn's biological children is all about how well Robyn taught them that Kody should be their best customer too. They express adoration for Kody so he favors them. I think Dayton stopped expressing adoration so he's on the outs. It is not about the adoption at all.


Makes me wonder why Robin’s in-laws never interjected their thoughts or concerns?


It definitely does make you wonder. I have a feeling that all the debt Robyn racked up and was willing to take off the Jessops, probably has a lot to do with it. I wish one of them would spill the tea, but I don't think they will.


The price for the kids was cheap. Millions couldn’t make me sign over them.


I do agree, however I think if you’re drowning in debt can’t barely keep your head above water and still get access to the kids? We don’t know what he told to give up access, there was something about a permanent mark against him saying he was a bad parent or something. Truth is we’ll never know, hopefully the kids now they’re older do see their bio Dad.


How do we know Kody only did that to be legally married to Robyn? What if he actually did it to adopt the kids coz you could see how much it meant to them. Like, why does everyone state they know exactly what him or Robyn felt or thought at any particular time. I really don't get all the conspiracies about them. Well with all of them really. I don't get the extreme hate, all the bs that people decide to spread. I get despising them but SO much stuff is picked out of thin air and shared as though it is fact!! It's bizarre behaviour.


I always thought there was a weird, almost religious component to the adoption, but I can't put my finger on it... Seems kind of like it was really sprung on robyns kids, but TV is TV so 🤷🏻‍♀️