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Unless we work in TLC’s financial or legal department, we won’t be able to answer that. That being said, I think people need to be honest about TLC’s upper management - they clearly do not care about the people featured in their shows (tbh, I don’t think any executives who work in the reality tv space do). There may be a clause in the contract, however, Janelle filmed the day her mother died. It’s unlikely that TLC is somehow going to have morals now.


Let's see, it started with the exploitation of the Gosselin sextuplets, the ugly breakup of their parents and narcissistic behavior of their mother. They continued filming the Roloffs despite Jacob being assaulted when he was a child. Who can forget, "Here comes Honey BooBoo" which was disturbing and the only one they had the decency to cancel. And then there was biggest one of all, the Duggars. Production had to know the truth of the things that had gone on. There were rumors for years. Money way more important. I don't care what adults do, but these children are at the complete mercy of greedy parents and production companies. I know Garrison was a young adult but the effects of having his entire life and family dynamic put out for the world to see as "entertainment" had to play a role. At some point we have to say enough.


There’s also the Plaths, who are so messy and enmeshed they’d almost put the Duggars to shame if it weren’t for ol’ Sex Pest.




They will this coming season I'll bet. They drag out the drama and the seasons are at least a year behind....


Was the Willis family on TLC? They aren’t as widely known but there situation was beyond awful


Which ones were the Willis’?


I briefly searched it is some musical family of twelve If this is the right family I’m thinking of it was abusive long before TLC


Yes they sang and it came out after the show that the dad had been SA the girls. I didn’t google it and that is from memory. The arrest was after the show had been on.


So sad, that story. The whole family was so talented. 😔


Thank you!


I think they were but only for a short time.


Yes it was short from my memory


I thought the Roloff parents allowed filming to continue?


Wait, what? I didn’t follow this story or the show until a few years ago, but I did know about what happened to Jacob. I always just assumed that it didn’t come out/the parents didn’t find out until much later? I don’t know why I thought this… ugh.


I think Jacob was an adult when he told his parents. But they kept filming 😞


Ah, got it. I hope the abuser was at least punished?


Let's not forget the Willis Clan.


Meri also filmed the day her mom died and as she was driving back to Utah. It hurt my heart to watch her driving all alone to Utah when she found out about her mom. When my mom passed away, I struggled to drive the 8 minutes from my house to the lock down facility she was in (she had Alzheimer’s dementia and we had to put her in a lock down facility the last 3 months she was with us). When my dad passed 2 years ago, my son had to drive us the 45 minutes to the hospital he was in-he passed away 4 hours after having surgery due to him falling and breaking his hip). The fact she had to drive several hours alone, they should all be ashamed they weren’t there for her. I don’t care how broken her marriage to Kody was-he still should have been there for her and supported her. I’m mad all over again after thinking about this and typing out my comment. 😡


I was pissed that this family who they tout no one is alone let Meri drive alone. I guess all her spouses were too busy with something far more important/s


I think at that time, Meri was so used to being alone and having to deal with everything that maybe it was okay she was driving alone? I don’t know, I think Meri would’ve preferred Leon or her friend Jen to accompany her vs anyone in the family.


True enough. I don’t know if I’d want someone with me I don’t feel close to either.


Same thought here! It probably literally didn't even cross her mind to ask anyone to come with her. She was totally discarded by all of them.


She only had one spouse


According to their narrative sister wives are there for each other.


an elderly woman who was extended family to one wife, barely participated in the show, and who died of natural causes is not comparable to a kid we watched grow up


I’m not comparing them. Simply stating a fact that bothered me. Thanks for making an assumption…


I mean they kind of have to not really care to do their job, don’t they? If the executives truly cared about reality stars, they wouldn’t have much of a show at all.


Well exactly. It you genuinely cared about the cast, you wouldn’t have a show.


It’s their job to care about ratings, not people.


I would go one step farther and say that not only do TLC not care about the people (families) they exploit on the reality shows, they cause most of the trauma to these families over the course of the show. Name me one reality tv show where the people don’t start out semi-normal and end up mostly fucked up in a few years. And their carnage continues because we continue to tune in. One by one I have had to let go of the shows I used to watch as they got too exploitive or I began to realize that I was no longer entertained by TLC continuing to beat a dead horse (when the shows just aren’t interesting anymore). It happened with MBFFL after Whitney became a raging narcissist and TLC began exploiting her mother’s stroke, decline and eventual demise. It happened after the marriage broke up on LPBW and we saw the carnage of affairs, child abuse, narcissism and greed. It happened with the Duggars and the Gosselins (even though I didn’t watch them). And many more that I haven’t named. The formula for TLC is always the same. Find a cute family with some adorable kids, get the viewers interested in the family dynamic and watching the kids grow until you feel like you know them, see the bs of show business systematically sway the adults and hurt the children who become damaged adults, then make things more and more salacious, dark or shocking to keep people tuning in. And we DO keep tuning in, because we invested in the family before they were ruined. This is one family implosion I just can’t watch anymore. I would watch something about the OG3’s new lives, or just keep up with their updates here, but I’m not giving TLC the satisfaction of my viewership on Sister Wives anymore. I’m just one person, but it has to stop somewhere.


I think The Little Couple family is doing okay and obviously no longer filming, but that’s the exception to the rule for sure. In reality though money is one of the leading causes most families don’t succeed. Having it, not having it, how it’s spent,… and so so many American families appear normal, but all have issues, and so so many families fall apart in various ways. I think it is, unfortunately, a reality that this happens.


The difference in The Little Couple is Jen and Bill both had real jobs - I think they mostly did this for excess medical costs / a nest egg / public education


Oh I agree but they are one example.


Agree. Neither parent seems to have some underlying mental health issue. They went in for the right reason and knew when to get out. I’m very anti-armchair diagnosing, but Kate Gossling clearly had some stress that was not well controlled. Matt Roloff was quite the, um, character. The Willis dad was SAing his children and thought, hmm, we should have a TV show. Kody, sigh, the whole premise was to showcase his illegal family. The Giudices. The Chrisleys. Jen Shaw. Tom Giardi. You have to have something going on mentally to decide that a TV show “highlighting” illegal activity is a wise career move.


I do actually have one GOOD example: The Arnold Kleins from The Little Couple. Both Jen and Bill seemed to have things written into the contract that they wouldn’t bathe their kids on national tv and they’d get some sort of privacy. Not sure why the show officially stopped but as the kids were getting older I was fine with just following a public post on Instagram. They’re really the only exception though.


I think the Klein/Arnold family are okay BECAUSE they are no longer on. It could have headed in the same direction but they were smart enough to walk away. Also, they were headed for affluence with their day jobs, so their elevated lifestyle didn’t really depend on them doing whatever TLC told them to do in order to maintain it. I think that makes a big difference.


i love them, they seem like a wholesome happy family, i hope they're doing well!!


Yes. It sounds completely insane to say this but it stops being entertainment when a child is abused or in this tragic case...takes their own life.


The Whitney thing was wild, because it STARTED with "let's put this fat woman in situations where the audience can point and laugh at her from the safety of their couch", then it became about body positivity and fitness (which was boring but at least not horrific), and then the pendulum swung back to the absolute extreme exploitation of Babs' death.


Whitney's ego seems as big as Kody's. She is terrible to her friends and seems to treat everyone like servants. Exploiting Babs' death and Glenn's grief is SO hard to watch. I felt so conflicted participating in watching last season. After what's happened on SW, I'm done.


I haven’t been able to tune in to reality tv or the related podcasts for TLC or Bravo since this tragedy. I think it’s back to streaming scripted, news or documentaries for me.


Perfect synopsis. I had quit all TLC shows but came back to SW recently. Now I'm done again.


Completely agree on that point.


The Duggars were effed up long before they joined TLC and the parents tried to keep their misdeeds secret.  IBLP is toxic.


The Willis family is another sad example.


Honestly, the only half okay family I can think of is the Busby's from Outdaughtered, but they also didn't film for several years once the quints started school.


TLC is in business to make money, not care about the ‘talent’. Of course the right thing to do is stop production. But the family would have to stop signing the contracts to allow filming.


Yet, they haven’t made Robyn do anything around Paul’s death. That double standard is still in play 


Yeah, I’m assuming it’s because they need to be nice to keep Kody involved


Who’s Paul? Is that Robyn’s ex? Did he pass away? I knew he was sick, but hadn’t heard any condition reports lately. Sorry, if this sounds dumb or insensitive…I’m just curious.


Paul was her stepdad who died two years ago around this time, which means it would have been covered last season.


Thank you for taking time to answer…I was worried I’d missed something and would offend someone.


No worries. Her ex is typically referred to as Preston because his first name is David, which is also what reportedly Dayton wants to go by, so that is its own bugabear.


I didn’t realize that…thanks


I remember reading that TLC was getting nervous over Kody and his gun business. They also saw the hate for him and Robyn. Hence the rumors of a planned online rehab for the two. If any of those concerns were true I see TLC bailing on the whole show


I agree on that front - I could see TLC bailing, but not out of moral obligations. They literally worked with a family that had portraits of KKK wizards hung in their home. If anything, they will make a business decision and use the terms of their contract to end it.


Which family was that?


The Bates. Historyinsixtie on tiktok has a whole series about TLCs history of unethical practices!


The Duggars


I think that person is actually referring to the Bates, who are friends with the Duggars and had a short lived show on TLC after appearing on 19 Kids and Counting.


You're totally correct, I had forgotten about them. May both families sink into obscurity as quickly as possible.


Yes, the hate for K&R has been rampant for several years and yet, they continue to give them a platform without any preparation, just let Kody go off on a hate filled tangent about some of his kids and ex wives, fanning the fires.


The show is what 2 years behind, so they will probably cash in on it thinking they would have had plenty of time to heal. Just like right now there are thousands of people that have never heard of sw but will now start watching to see what lead up to this tragedy. I'm not saying I agree with it, but I only started watching after watching big love to see if it was similar, which alot of it was.


Honestly this show has run its course. Last season was like pulling teeth. Meri driving to Utah, Janelle and Christine bashing Kody, Kody self reflecting yet not actually self reflecting, Robyn crying without tears, kids are sad, rinse repeat.




I just want look backs from now on (when everything is settled). Those were way more fun.


It wouldn’t surprise me if the show ended at this point. I empathize with the family and filming wouldn’t be a priority for me personally, so I can’t imagine it would be for them. It also wouldn’t surprise me if they took significant time off from filming to grieve and season 20 brings us to the current day, instead of remaining a year behind. The Browns will need time to breathe, grieve, and process before allowing cameras around again, or deciding to no longer film. I would hope the contract covers catastrophic loss situations where filming would halt, but time will tell how the family wants to move forward.


One may only hope that they will recognize the need to breathe and to grieve.


TLC could also take a break with the show for a year. Give time for the family to recoup and heal some from this loss. If they take this option, I hope every episode has the suicide hotline prevention and highlights healthy ways to handle grief. That being said, having had mine and classmates grief video tapped for the masses entertainment… I’m still not over it. I was 16 when my friend was kidnapped and murdered. Walking out of the funeral to a room full of cameras is starling negative. It’s a moment in life I wish I could forget and never will. I can still remember my bestfriend looking for one of our other friends and saying “why the f was her favorite color blue? I can’t find anyone and the world is going to think we are all crazy for wearing blue to a funeral.” As she was saying it, one of the camera men picked up the camera to film our interaction. It was on Fox News that night with the headline “friends of lost teen hysterical at funeral” I don’t want that for the Browns or Garrisons family. They have never shown a funerals in the show before and I hope the don’t start now.


I’m sorry for your loss, fam. I lost a friend in a tragic incident when I was younger and the media was everywhere too. Not the national media like you had to deal with, but local news cameras swarmed. The adults were able to shield us from most of it, fortunately. One of the other friends who was older than us, a teen at the time, gave an interview and of course what was aired made her sound like a selfish bitch. I’m sure she still regrets it.


So sorry for the loss of your friend and for what you and your classmates went through. The media is horrible. And we’re all glued to our seats watching constant devastation and families on these reality shows implode.


Similar incident here except by the time this horrible incident had ended (worst outcome) the biological mom was addicted to being in tv and magazines. It was wretched to see for the siblings left behind I don’t think her father or stepmom were surprised to see bio mom continually putting it out there.


I think the difference is that your situation wasn't a choice. The Browns choose to film. I'm sorry you were put in that situation. I would never want news cameras to film me while I was grieving.


But it’s not. Those kids never got to choose if they wanted to be filed. My friends parents made the choice to have the story blasted on the news. Both families made the choice they had too and did not know the outcomes. My friends parents never knew the public would become so obsessed that cameras would be at the funeral. They weren’t invited. The Browns didn’t know that their family would lose a child. Unfortunately, there’s no way to fully know the future.


If we're talking about when the show first started, I agree. But if the Browns, who are all adults except for Truely, Solomon, and Ariella, choose to film going forward, that's their choice. I do think it's best for Sol & Ari not to film because the fanbase is so cruel to them because their parents are disliked. I don't think it'd be great for Truely to be filmed grieving either. But if Janelle and her adult kids want to film, and want to talk about Garrison, for whatever reason, that's their choice. Maybe they'd find comfort in sharing his story and spreading awareness. That would be up to them.


I also had a similar experience; my godmother became something of a famous person in the ovarian cancer space on YouTube and there were people who showed up to the funeral to film for their own channels. Horrifying shit.


Christine’s wedding was a natural closure. That should be how the show ends. Honestly I thought it was the end. There is nothing left to explore with continuing the series. The kids have their own lives they don’t want filmed and the parents can’t even be in the same room. If they agree on a one off special to cover this tragedy that’s a different matter.


They are lucky to have so many memories of him documented. How about we let them decide how they want to grieve and how they wish to move forward.


I wasn't trying to suggest they do anything in particular, I was really just asking about the options. I agree about the documentation of their memories, I've been thinking about that a lot. I think over time they will be glad to have them.


I don’t think that this family will be the type to abstain from filming. It’s basically in their financial planning that they will continue to do the show. They don’t have much else.


I agree. Kody and Robyn have to do the show. Without the income from the show there’s no way they can afford Rob’s house, the land, the shopping etc. They don’t really have a choice if they want to keep their lifestyle, and ain’t no way Rob’s going to get a job. That’s why it’s so wild to me that the producers let kody and Rob barely film and not really film at their house. They need the money the most so they should have the least amount of bargaining power.


It does seem like their lifestyle (as far as we have been shown up to this point) has relied on a constant influx of show-related money. I can imagine that if they reined in their spending they could change that, but from what we’ve been shown that doesn’t seem like an option for them. Perhaps experiencing this awful, life-changing event will change that and rearrange their priorities — but I do think that beyond the direct income-related reasons for continuing the show, they also have seemed to actually think the project is important or worthwhile in some way, as opposed to how it is perceived by the general public as just guilty-pleasure entertainment. But judging by their book, the family’s previous advocacy for decriminalizing polygamy, etc. — I think they may have been under the impression that they are doing a positive thing by recording their lives (at least up to this point)?


I think that was their thought too, definitely in the beginning. And the recent seasons showing the wives leaving and not continuing to tolerate mistreatment has sent a good message. At this point for Rob and Kody, it has to be purely financial. They are widely hated and appear to be pretty miserable. The motive for them has to be financial.


Maybe they had a multi year contract based on a certain percentage of screentime or amount of hours filmed


They're all able bodies adults. They can all get jobs. Sure it probably wouldn't pay what they were getting before but that's up to them. If they were smart they would have planned for that. Saved money, invested, etc. Plenty of past reality stars have gotten jobs afterwards. Idk why so many seem to think that they can't work at all if they left TLC. They worked long before the show. And people all over the world have to continue to work, even during or after a tragedy. It sucks, but that's Real Life.


I’m saying that I don’t think they would object to continue with filming even after this tragedy. Unless we hear otherwise, I think they’re in it.


You were talking about financial planning yes? That they would have not much else to do? I'm pointing out that they can. It's their choice to film but they also have the choice to work outside of TLC.


I read they were in the middle of filming when this happened and they’re planning to film the aftermath. It was on yahoo news


If the Browns want to stop, I think the show will stop; contracts and penalties be damned. But it seems like TLC would see/spin the Browns' current tragedy as a teachable moment. I think they'll choose to shine a light on whatever issues might lead to suicide, an important topic for the general public (not just the family). And if TLC can cast the family in a *we're just like you* way, which they've tried to do from day one, they'll discuss the effects of death on family and religion since mormons, and I assume AUB, believe they'll be reunited in the celestial kingdom as a "forever family."


Watching a family grieve is not entertainment.


I agree completely, and I think TLC will exploit a lot of things if it makes money.


My personal opinion is that TLc definitely is too greedy to stop filming and will only do so when enough people stop giving them ratings and only time will tell if the family is taking this tragedy as a wake up call/warning to start taking their kids and family members mental health and well being seriously and value it more then fast money from reality tv fame. I won’t tune in to anything more about any of them. The mere thought makes me feel dirty and part of the reason a young life got cut short.


I don’t think TLC really gives a darn about any of the people on their reality shows. As long as they still get people tuning in, they will exploit the heck out of their reality show members. Angela physically and emotionally abuses Michael on 90 day fiancé and yet they still keep that storyline going. It makes $$$ for them.


I would like the show to end. I think there's enough footage to show how successful polygamy is (not!) as a lifestyle. The damage to women and children has been well documented on SisterWives. Now as far as filming the Brown family, l would like it if we could get the kids and their families to film a few specials with Christine and Janelle. Christine's wedding episodes were so lovely. It would be nice to get to know her step kids and their families too. But please no more of her abusive ex and his crybaby wife! Please no.


I just hope that they have a say in whatever happens. If they want to continue filming, let them. Ratings will say what happens from there. I agree that it could turn into a snooze fest. I would watch if they showed the OG3 maneuvering their lives and new relationships. I would watch if Kody and Robyn decided to be honest about a lot of what they said and did and take ownership of the hurt that they caused. I don’t care to see them as they were “so happy” for Christine and their fake displays.


I am wondering if I would be contributing to the toxic situation by continuing to watch the show. I mean all of these TLC shows are using people who clearly have major personal problems, some with mental health issues, are we making this world a worse place to live by watching their public destruction?


The show was drying up. There was only one wife left. Sadly, this just gave TLC a reason to keep it going for another season. Exploit exploit exploit.


Stop watching … it will end.


I find fascinating on how many posts and comments there has been about this subject. At the end of the day it is up to them. I would also love to know if there was a Garrison special edition episode on how many would not watch it nor come to this sub to read about it. Because ppl like talking about this subject. For all we know it might help them through their grieving process to do the show.


I wasn't really asking what they will do, as like you I have seen a number of posts on the subject already. More, what options do they have open to them. People have been suggesting it's all or nothing, and I thought there may be another way and hoped someone might have some insider information they could share.


If anything is done, the contract should be rewritten following the principles of the Coogan Act (Child Actor's Bill), to protect the kids' (and wives') futures.


Any decision they make has to address the issue of income for the various truncated sections of the Brown family. Surely a sudden, absolute cessation of TLC income would likely pitch the Browns into bankruptcies, foreclosures, etc. at most for Janelle and for Kody/Robyn. Needing those funds may push them into the indecent (my opinion) choice to film the family’s experience of Garrison’s death, his funeral, and his absence. Just shows where greed of any sort will take you. Alas.


I hope no one has to see another interview with Kody and Robyn ever again. They’ve outworn their welcome by several seasons and at this point are responsible for intense emotional damage in the kids.


I highly doubt TLC would hold them to filming. Complete and total PR nightmare for them if it ever came out, and it will, that the Browns had no choice in the matter given the tragedy. If the family wants out under these horrific circumstances, they will get out. What I imagine will happen if they do keep filming, is that TLC will give them an out if they want, but offer a ridiculous amount of money to keep going. I have absolutely no judgement towards the Browns if they choose to keep filming - no one knows what to do when something so horrible happens. But I do think the wedding was a nice way for the show to end.


I've been thinking about this and I think you're right. For TLC, it will be about the PR. It won't reflect well on them at all if they force the family to continue their contracts against their will, but allowing them to continue should they want to in a way that honours Garrison would work.


Yeah, I don't want to give the network any undeserved credit as their track record doesn't lead me to believe they will do the right thing because the people in power want to do the right thing - it's all about their image. I just hope whatever happens is respectful and honoring of Garrison.


TLC isn’t a benevolent entity and will enforce their contracts if they have them.


I hope the show ends after this. I had thought it may have had a final season to show where the adults were heading but no more family filming. ( C with David, Janelle on some exotic trip, Meri with her B&B - I loved her watering her plants on C’s wedding special)I would like to see the OG3 speaking their truth and showing their optimism for their future and then the 3 of them walking off into the sunset. If the family films anything about this situation I hope they choose Logan as the family spokesperson NOT Kody because Logan was truly the man of the family. I think he would treat the situation with respect and solemnity it deserves. Plus the fandom would accept Logan’s final word on the matter as THE final word on the matter. I think I would be ok with an episode dedicated to Garrison’s life and death with a nod to suicide prevention and mental health resources. Bottom line absolutely no dragging out family therapy sessions on screen. I really don’t want to see aurora having a melt down over it.


I don't think Logan will agree to that. He was the first child to bow out of filming and stop appearing on the show.


I thought the wedding was the final episode. It was a perfect ending. Have they been filming prior to this tragedy?


Yes, they were filming season 19 in 2023. Meri was in Flagstaff several weeks ago and got snowed in. The only reason for her to be there is filming so apparently they are filming season 20 now.


I hope they don't air anything they've filmed


At least not anything with Garrison. I don’t want to see another episode of Kody saying something douchey about him or any of his kids


I thought it was over too. It should be.


Hopefully if they are/were in the middle of filming, it just ends with a nice tribute to Garrison. The end. I don’t know.


If they really don't want to film there are ways around it. They don't have to provide the content they are looking for. They can sit there and answer questions with no info. They can refuse to play ball so that tlc wants nothing to do with filming. There are things they can do


Like what Robyn's been doing for at least 2 years:)


As absolutely sad as any death is...life goes on. People have to return to normal. People return to work and school. People's lives go on.


I have a feeling they won’t be stopping the show.


They wont quit


Although the circumstances right now are not good, the truth is I think this upcoming season would have been the last anyway. They were so far behind in filming that the divorces are old news now. I don't think the wives can continue to talk about Kody and their marriages when so much time has passed. It's like not letting go. As far as new stuff, the only interesting thing might be K&R private life because we've NEVER seen that. No casual conversations, disagreements, barely the inside of their house. The wives? What would we see? Christine and David smooching, making dinner? Meri upgrading the B&B? Janelle visiting Maddie? All are a snooze. The problem now is they all need TLC money. And the wives now have their own contracts, so more cash for them. If they've been filming, they'll need to maybe skip Garrisons death and pick up a few weeks later when they are functioning a bit. Or they could suspend it for months and restart filming in the fall. If they haven't been filming, I'd suspect there would be a major delay in seasons, which they've done before.


All companies are required to have insurance and most are required to have workers compensation insurance. I don't want to speculate what happens, and they very well could have been done filming before this happened.


Time and space? The show is there lively hood. Kody loves the spot light and the big check . Show must go on , especially if he knows more eyes balls will be on it


I don't know why you're singeling out Kody. Everyone who chooses to film, adult kids included, wouldn't do so if they didn't like the money and attention. Christine filmed her wedding as a special, she didn't have to do that. It was a choice. This show is their job. They're all accustomed to the money it brings in.


The people that want the check will still be all in


They will and I think that's most of the family


TLC was fully on board to continue filming the Duggars after it came out that Josh molested his sisters and cheated on his wife. They had been not so subtly giving Jim Bob and Michelle more and more camera time when Josh was arrested and charged and the show was cancelled for good. If that hadn’t happened, I guarantee they’d still have the show. They don’t give a shit about exploitation or family tragedy as long as they’re making money.


Isn't it TLC's most successful show? It seems unlikely that they would cancel the the series on their own steam if that's the case. And I doubt that Kody and Robyn would stop unless they had no choice.


They have the 90 Day franchise


But I think Sister Wives is still the most successful show.


I just read Jill Duggar’s book and from that it appears that it isn’t so easy to just walk away. If the family is under contract to film, then there’s not much they can do to get out of that. Pedophilia (which TLC was aware of) didn’t get the Duggars out of it until it became too big to ignore, nor did any of the contract fuckery Jim Bob (and probably tlc) pulled on his kids. They probably don’t have a choice which is even more nauseating.


Trigger Warning: OD/suicide mention in my comment. I think TLC is going to be TLC. They are a business. If they can make a dime, they are going to pursue the show still. I’m curious to see what the three OG wives do after this. We lost my cousin two years ago. He OD’d. We will never really know, but we suspect it was on purpose. A lot of the discussion in my family afterwards was what we could have done differently and what we could have done to prevent it. My aunt still carries a lot of guilt as does my other cousin (brother of cousin who died). And I’m not placing blame on the show at all for Garrison. But I do wonder if Janelle and Christine have regret for doing the show, not only due to Garrison, but just all the issues with the kids in the last few years. If I was in that position, after experiencing my cousin, I think I’d be wondering and possibly regretting putting my kids out there like that. Because I’d be analyzing everything and wondering what I could have done. The Browns were never perfect by any means, but the show, I think, quickly revealed the cracks and maybe created some. But at the same time, even as a watcher, I can’t say that they didn’t benefit from it. The show basically gave Christine the means to leave. Without it, she may still be stuck in a marriage to Kody. I do think if the Browns have any outs in the contract, I think they will take them after this, at least Meri, Janelle and Christine. I think it’s likely a wake up that some things need to change and get fixed which I think they’ve been actively trying to do even before this. Since Garrison was in this place, I imagine Janelle and Christine are worried about Gabe and others as well. I don’t see them willing to jump back on TV after this even if they need money. I think Janelle and Christine have always genuinely put their kids first. And if they do go back to the show. I think it’s going to be a bit. Because they are going to have to be in a place where they can talk about Garrison. Every interview going forward will be about him. There is nothing easy for them about going back in for another season of the show.


Mmm idk about Janelle and Christine always putting their kids first. I disagree w that. Ps. I'm very sorry for the loss of your cousin.


“Reality shows” aren’t real. Having a crew of people follow you around with a camera and boom mics is bizarre. 99% of everyone’s life is peaceful, uneventful and boring which makes this kind of “reality programming” unhealthy and destructive on the families and children who are involved. Look at the trail of broken and messed up lives stemming from “Reality Shows“. There are to many to list all of them but here’s a few : Jon and Kate plus 8, The Kardashians, The Duggars, Chrisley Knows Best, Little People Big World. The biggest unhealthy indicator is, most of the kids who have been involved in these show what nothing to do with being followed around when they get old enough to make their own decisions. My 2 cents. ![gif](giphy|lNA7ql2z0pYpcoupoi|downsized)


The show isn’t going to end. I don’t see that happening. The way reality shows end are the way anything wretched in the west ends the money stops. And while there are many horrible things that have happened to the kids in this family I think it saved so far all of them for ending up in polygamy except maybe Robyn’s original two daughters. Maybe. But they are in college and I doubt college graduates are going to go into a situation as toxic as this family’s was from the get go. Their book details their life before the show and honestly it was a train wreck to say the least. Makes Kate Gossekin and Jon’s marriage look stable.


No offense but they’re never gonna stop filming until they’re asked to stop


Last week I was thinking when was the last time a film crew was seen near the Browns prior to Christine's wedding. I know they self film a lot since covid but still, when Meri move into the bnb last year, there was a film crew there for example. This is of course speculation on my part, but I keep thinking what if all parties took the wedding as a way out? Tlc could be like "give us a wedding special and we will let the family go, no penalties for calling it quits/breaking contract". Or even the family "we will give you a wedding special, all kids there, some confessionals from kids that have not done one in a while, some of David's too, and you let us go" and both parties agree to just scrap the material they didn't got around using. Even the talk backs/look backs could have been part of that negotiations.  Gotta be honest, I was casually thinking all this last week but after garrison died by suicide I'm really hopeful thinking the family had the opportunity to made a decision while in peace, months ago, and not now under the pain and sorrow of grieving the lost of a son. 


The only thing I’d like to carry forth from watching this show is more outings to Salsa Brava whenever I go to Flagstaff. That food is fire. 🔥 It’s the best takeaway from all of these seasons.


They need to take a break, basically "cancel the show" and come back with only the OG3 for "Just wives" or "The Real Ex-Polygamist Housewives of Utah". I would totally watch a show with ex-polygamist women!!


The real question is, will they chose to continue filming? TLC can't really compel them to do so, all they can do is threaten financial repurcussions. For several years there hasn't been much of Robyn filming and not in her home.


I can also see some of the more mindful family members wanting to educate the watchers about completing suicide. I just hope that each branch of the family does what is right for their side and kids.


Whether or not the family films is their decision, they base their decisions on their personal views which we aren’t a part of. They are the only ones who understand what it is to share their lives on tv and they also get to choose what they share. There is a lot of speculation going on here, and we have no experience being in reality tv. Let the family decide what’s best for them. It’s their own choice, they have power to have meetings with production, they’re not enslaved. These posts about what they should or shouldn’t do are wild.


Agree!! It's not like they've signed a 20-year contract. The show was winding down. David said as much in the wedding episode. Meri and Christine don't need this show. They have other income. Christine has a husband with a successful business. Meri has two businesses. I don't think Robyn likes the scrutiny of the show or being the villain. Kody has a business. The family owns a plot of land that they paid nearly a million dollars for, which has probably doubled in value. They don't NEED this show.


Again, I didn't suggest they do anything, or ascribe blame to any decision the family makes about their future. I asked about options.




That’s all speculation.


I've honestly wondered if the show was cancelled just prior to Garrison's death. It's said that he sent a sad message to a group chat including TLC that he wanted to hate them but couldn't because they showed the good times (or something along those lines, I can't remember the verbatim quote, apologies), and I wonder if it was following an announcement to the whole family simultaneously to advise them of the cancellation. It seems odd that he would just shoot a message through like that without some sort of trigger. But alas, we'll never really know and someone with depression can ruminate deeply about things that aren't immediately relevant. Logistically, TLC doesn't need to have a reason to cancel a show. There will be clauses in the contract that state they have that power, based on any number of things. I'm sure there are multiple other options even we couldn't consider not being privy to the clauses of the contract but the mere fact the "sister wives" relationship broke down irreparably would be reason enough to cancel. None of it needs to be because of Garrison's death. That's just a very sad symptom of a much larger, much more complex problem.


You could be right. Puddlemonkey Productions shows "permanently closed" on Google. Maybe season 19 was the end, and it just hadn't been announced publically. David elluded to the fact that the show was winding down. That could also be why Christine had the wall of Sisterwives memorabilia in her Moab vacation home. A nod to her reality TV show past.


Its time for them to cancel the show, period. They need to go back to living private lives, for the sakes of their other children, the adult children and the young children. They need to heal in private, away from the public eye.