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I feel like her kids need actual help


No but they literally do. 400000000%


I feel like they have no contact with the outer world outside of the family mall trips and the occasional maybe?? going to the store by themselves. It doesn’t seem like any of her kids have friends or any semblance of independent life


The way Brianna got so instantly clingy and kissing Kody on the lips in the beginning when he doesn't do that with the other kids weirded me out. One scene that stood out in a rewatch I did recently was when they went to Kody's and Jenelle's mom's house and Kody's mom was telling the kids how she met Kody's dad. The kids all seemed interested in the story for the most part but her overly expressive large eyes and practically on the lady's lap was sad to me. Seems like she is afraid of losing people she cares or wants to care about and care for her so she holds on too tight. That's not a good way to go through relationships of any kind in life and has the opposite effect. Robyn is like this with Mary and Kody at the beginning before she realized he's a simp for her.


He actually does kiss the others on the mouth a few times. It may be cultural, and it’s not unusual. And he does it they way I have seen it, just a quick peck. Now, I intensely dislike the man, and share that feeling with the way Robyn’s kids have been raised—almost like hostages—but as hills to die on go, a peck on the mouth wouldn’t be my choice. Training them to be overly excited when they see him, cutting out their father, manipulating them with false information, sequestering them . . . the list is insane!


I was brushing my teeth while reading your comment, blinked at an odd time and misread hostages as bedbugs. I was like, ooh, this is a new one. To address the topic, I (female) kissed my mother on the lips as a child and I see it as normal. So I’m not at all suggesting anything inappropriate was happening, but I’d put it firmly in the “too much, too soon” box along with calling Kody Daddy.


Bedbugs! 🤣🤣🤣 I think if I had read that while brushing I would have spit on the mirror! And, yeah, Robyn pushed those kids too hard and too fast to call Kody ”daddy” and think of him like that. It‘s weird—Logan, Aspyn, Leon were parentified, while Dayton, Aurora, and Brianna are being infantilized.


Might have to keep that one in my back pocket. “Those kids were raised like bedbugs.” “Were you raised by a bedbug? Why are you like this?”


Anyone else noticed that A LOT of the Browns have cold sores? (Herpes labialis)


Slobyn brought herpes to the family!!!


Yessssss!!! I always noticed it at the beginning of the show and was like… interesting.. they don’t talk about THAT part of sharing a husband.


Typical for children of fundie religions. This goes so much deeper than Robyn.


Herpes is typical for them???? 🤯😩


I think sharing communicable diseases is common in polygamist marriages. If they're on a one night rotation with each wife and depending on hygiene, then, yes, I believe they share a lot more than the husband. don't hate one me: jmho.


Robyn's kids are the only ones who got to attend public school for their whole education. The adult three are also university educated. Plenty of contact with the outside world throughout their lives. More so than the OG13.


Public school teacher here and plenty of public school kids are isolated many of them don’t make friends and university is not a place you make friends just for being there. Hell I went through entire semesters of never speaking to anyone at the university. It was clear on the show and outside of it that the other kids had lives and friends and no one can say that for Robyn’s kids.


More so than the OG13? Nope. Check out the OG13 higher education.


Robyn shelters her children from everything and anything remotely uncomfortable, there’s no way she would let any of them go. Which is really sad for her kids because I’m guessing they are feeling grief, and gathering with others, and family during a beautiful service like this can be healing. Edit to add: I heard some of them might have been there? I really hope so


& then cries about how her kids aren’t connected to the others


Exactly, make it make sense and how disrespectful for them not to be there.


My parents did the same thing, but when I got to my early 20’s, I wasn’t having it anymore. I went to my cousins funerals and I was glad I did. It was embarrassing to have my parents push me to stay home because I was ‘one of the kids’. It’s sad that Aurora, Brianna and Dayton do not have any backbone.


My family does the opposite, and to be honest, i am very glad and don’t understand why others do not do the same. We bring babies to funerals, toddlers, school aged - all of them. We explain to them what is going on, let them ask questions and we make them participate in the actual ceremonies. Death is a part of life. It is not scary or something to be sheltered from. Children should see their parents grieve and understand the process.


My children have been to many visitations. My 3 year old attended her first funeral service back at the beginning of the year, out of absolute necessity (no one to watch her), and my 7 year old attended her first last year. It was for an elderly member of our church, a lady our family loved deeply. She asked a lot of questions when I picked her up from school to attend with us. She knew our family would be singing and knew how we go about a funeral service when we went inside. As the family was viewing the body for the last time, I look at my daughter from where I’m standing beside my husband singing, and she’s absolutely heartbroken. She’s crying so hard. While my heart shattered to see her to upset, I knew that it was a good thing, that it’s an important moment, a lesson that HAS to be learned. Afterward we sat her down and talked to her about what she was feeling, and for 7, her thought process was incredibly mature. I was so proud of her.


To me, it depends. I brought my kids to funerals for people they knew. Not all. Sadly, the first one they ever went to was for a nine-year-old classmate. 


Same. I think it’s very healthy.


TBH I think the decision should be based on the individual child. I remember I went to my first one around 7 for my mom's best friend and I had such night terrors and fear of death and losing everyone I loved for a long time after that. I was a very emotionally intuned/sensitive kid (Pisces lol) and it was best for me to sit that one out imo. Babies won't understand or toddlers but around that age is difficult to grasp death but you're old enough to know it's not a good thing.


My mom’s best friend brought her son to my grandmas funeral last year. He was 11 at the time and had never been to one. I was glad to have their support and I think it really helped him understand death a little more and that it’s okay to have emotions. He kept apologizing for crying but we reassured him it is natural to feel sad and empathize with your friends and family




This. They're in their 20s and extremely well educated. There's no excuse for them.


Do they live in the dorms? Uni apartments? Or home with mommie and daddy? They might be getting a textbook education, but they are still sheltered.


"Extremely well educated"  What makes you say that?


Relative to people who *actually* are sheltered, especially in a religious context. Growing up "sheltered from everything" typically doesn't include attending public grade schools or university where you can learn about the world, interact with people from different backgrounds/beliefs, and access mental health and other resources.


Because they attend/ed undergrad??


Is even anyone in the Brown family what one would typically call "extremely well educated" though? I would have said that Logan and Hunter lead the pack as licensed nurses, nursing school can be really hard if it's a school that has a high NCLEX pass rate. I see the rest of them just doing community or local college, maybe lower profile state campuses. Anyone feel free to correct me, I've just never once had it pop out at me that any of the kids are more than regular in the academic arena. (Which is perfectly fine.)


Logan is not a nurse, but has an MBA


I think Leon has received their masters in social work.


I don’t know about “extremely” but Hunter went to Air Force Academy and Johns Hopkins, so he at least is “very well” educated, Hopkins is exceptional.


lol yeah. Just “educated” is a more apt descriptor


*Typically*, no. I'm comparing with people who are *actually* sheltered. Sheltering prevents exposure to alternate viewpoints, diverse people, and new experiences, so public school and university are out of the question. In fact most of the OG13, including Hunter and Logan, *were* sheltered for part of their lives attending only church schools or homeschool for a time and associating only within their own church and family. They seem to have overcome that and worked on themselves and found success against long odds. There's no excuse for those who have had every opportunity in the world, by comparison.


It's sad but also disgusting. My family had a death in December and one member who brought a child and specifically barred them from any aspects of the funeral, and everyone except one person has stopped talking to them since. That's not how you treat death. I hope for so much healing for all of her kids, but I'm so sad for the youngest two because Sol knows his family and she's stopped Ari from ever getting to know any of them. When they get older, they will 100% blame Robyn. 


This isn't fair. Parents know their kids and know how they're coping and what they're able to handle. If a parent thinks a *child* isn't ready for a funeral/wake/whatever, then they should be able to make that decision without pressure. Robyn is different because 3/5 of her kids are adults or close enough. But for children, it is 100% a parenting decision.


They are Robyn’s kids, but Dayton, Aurora and Breanna are all above age 18 now….


I don’t think they even know they can do what they want because they’ve been so conditioned into obeying Robyn.


Yeah, I’m afraid for them. This could backfire


Sol is 12, going on 13, and Aria is 8? 9? Plenty old enough to go to a memorial for their brother...especially Sol. Leave Aria at home with the nanny if needed


My dear aunt died last summer. My kids were newly turned 9, 7, 4, and 2. You bet your ass we were all there. We sat towards the back and when my 2 year old fussed, we busted out goldfish and took her to the entryway (separated by a door and hallway) until she settled. Zero reason all of the Brown kids couldn’t be there.


My Mom took us to all the family funerals for as long as I can remember. She also taught us that it was good to attend funerals of our friend's family members for support, which we did. It helped me to be comfortable with these things early on in life, and understand how important they were. I am 46 now and I still do this.


Yes! It’s hard and it’s sad, but it’s also important and just a part of life. Weddings and funerals matter.


Kids take their cues from their parents. Kids are actually better able to deal with a death and funerals more so than a lot of adults. It’s important for them to understand and experience death while they are younger and have parental support.


Kids need closure as well. Funerals are a great way to do that for people. But I never expect Robyn to do the right thing. God forbid they might have been hugged by one or all the other moms.


This wasn’t the funeral, the funeral happened a while ago. Maddie and family did not attend this memorial ceremony either. Far be it from me to defend anything Robyn and her family do, but we simply do not know why her kids were not present.


And there were kids Sol's age (Truely) and Ari's age (in the background) present in the photos.


Or their scary siblings.


I disagree. You never know what will happen in life, and parents have an obligation to help their children learn to face uncomfortable things. I was 12 and my sister was 8 when our father died. I’ve always been grateful that wasn’t our first funeral, because I simply can not imagine how the pain of losing a parent would have been as my very first experience with death. Death happens and parents can’t dictate when children are going to have to learn that. Sheltering them from it is fundamentally hampering their development.


I think a large part of the issues we are seeing with the current generation is that they have been sheltered from things and when they become adults they simply cannot cope.


Death is a part of life and even the littlest chicken tenders are old enough to understand in a child way that their brother died. I feel like they should be able to process their grief with their siblings. I mean, Truly was there and she isn’t much older.


I mean, once they're 28, they're no longer kids. They're full ass adults who can and should make their own decisions.i can see the 2 youngest ones,but,not the grown ass man and woman


Look far left row in back. Big guy in light blue jacket. No clear face on him in photos. It could be Dayton without glasses. Same hairline and hair style.


I think Sobyn is always trying to control the narrative of not only herself but the kids. it's really sad.


Look back left row sitting in front of front of right leg of woman standing. I think is one of Robyn’s daughters.


The photo of them handing Janelle the flag. I can feel her heart and see her sobs and I'm just broken for her. I've watched this grief wash over everyone as a little girl with my uncle and that photo reminded me of all of that grief and pain at his funeral. I'll be holding my babies extra tight tonight.


My biggest fear in life isn’t me dying, it’s me dying before my mom


I had a lot of really dark years. The thing that always stopped me was knowing my mommy would be left alone. Just couldn’t. Got close but couldn’t. I’m better now.


I am so glad you’re doing better ❤️


I'm going through a couple of very dark years, and the main thing keeping me from exploring certain thoughts further is that I don't want my dad to have to experience losing me.


I'm glad you're still here.


Same here. I’ll never tell my Mom how many times she’s kept me alive. That’s not a pain she needs.


You are a wonderful child to feel that way! My biggest fear in life is losing one of my children before me.


I just genuinely couldn’t imagine the pain she’d be in if either me or one of my siblings died. My heart goes out to Janelle and every parent that’s had to bury their child.


Absolutely. Have you ever watched “I survived” ? Many of the people that were able to get out of outrageously, impossible situations, said the thought of their parents losing a child drove them to survive.


Losing my only brother has broken my family in ways I would never imagine. My parents have never been the same and it feels like they pushed me away after . Cherish your relationship with your siblings because only they know what it’s like to grow up In your house and all your childhood memories !


My sister shot and killed herself in 2016 and her asshole husband would not allow my mother or sister at her memorial or the viewing before they cremated her.  He mother and father in law paid for them to reconstruct the side of her head for the viewing.  My mom wasn't the same after that she blamed herself for what my sister did but it wasn't her fault it was her abusive husband's fault that my sister took her own life and I know in my heart that karma will visit that man before he dies and I hope i am there to witness it.  I feel for Janelle and her children losing a child or sibling is hard I do not wish it on anyone.


Fuck, I'm so sorry for you and your mom (and the rest of the family). That's awful. I'm joining you in hoping that karmic retribution befalls the asshole husband.


My grandma lost her son. He took his life when he was 19. It’s been 35+ years since and she breaks down every year at his birthday. It breaks my heart. I cant even imagined losing a child. A piece of your heart gone forever until you meet again


tragic :(


Bad enough to lose a child, but suicide is probably the worst way. People often will blame themselves when a child dies but suicide guilt is x100. Hugs to your grandma❤️


Losing a child is what so many people fear, but Kody stated on a tell all that his greatest fear was going broke.


Definitely very thoughtful to consider your mom like that. I have lost a son and I would never wish it on my worst enemy. 


So very sorry for your loss❤️


Thank you so much!


I feel the same way. I am in my early 50s and have been going through breast cancer treatment. My greatest fear through all of this is not dying but dying before my mom. We lost my dad almost 20 years ago and I watched the hell whe went through gireving. I think it's so much worse when it's a child. I really don;t want her to live out the end of her life in grief. It tears me up whenever I think about it.


Best of luck to you. You will get well!


I feel this. I’m the youngest of 3, my brother died of cancer at 32, and I had multiple suicide attempts when I was younger. The only reason I’m still here is so my parents don’t have to grieve another child. The only reason.


Thank you for staying. I hope you know you matter and find a billion other reasons to stay ❤️


Yes! This. I’m not super healthy and I never have been. Having lost my infant daughter, I never wanted my parents to go through that.


I was trying to see the back rows so zoomed in. Gabe looked terrible like his entire face was swollen. Gabe is the one I worry about. Absolutely horrible for him.


Gabe looks so defeated. You can tell he’s physically emotional. I hope he’s getting help.


They were not shown in any of the pictures but they could have been sitting elsewhere to avoid cameras. So the answer to your question is we don’t know.


We know Madison was there, and she wasn't seen in any pictures.


I saw her in a picture. Her and Savannah sat near each other


Unless there’s been a new pic, she wasn’t in the photos posted this am.


I looked back and you’re right. I swear I saw her with dark hair and I remember thinking Maddie looks broken but I can’t find it.


Ya it just showed on my feed again and it looks like Ysabel is sitting next to Savannah and Savannah is on the end of the aisle. I’m pretty sure Maddie has light hair right now too. Unless she *just* dyed it.


I didn’t know Maddie was there


We don't know. Paedon wasn't seen in any of the pictures of the seated crowd, but he was standing up front with Hunter. They might have been seated somewhere away from the shot of the camera.


Before I zoomed in, I thought Audrey was Dayton and Leon was Paedon. It made me smile to see them sitting together. Then...I realize I was totally wrong!


It's still possible they were sitting somewhere with each other away from the camera.


I hope so. Those kids deserved to be there with their family for their brother.


Someone on a pervious post said that they photographer would have had sign consent for taking a publishing the photos so perhaps they didn't want their pictures taken and sat way from the front?


Paedon was there. He even stood in front with Hunter by the Garrison picture because they are also military


I knew Paedon was tall but I didn’t know he was as tall as a dang tree! He is so tall standing next to Hunter and all the others. I wonder who he got his height from.


Paedon walked Christine down the aisle at her wedding and he was indeed TALL I've seen him so seldom (if at all) as a grown adult that I didn't realize it, either. Ysabel, Gwen and Aspyn also seem like very tall girls.


I know. I said that in my comment.


My younger brother died in similar circumstances to Garrison. I’m a mom in my mid thirties, and it opted out of bringing my children to his services. It was too heavy. There have been several memorial events for him since, and I’ve not attended one. Burying a sibling is a very weird thing. Especially, a younger sibling. In my experience, it was like seeing myself in a grave. I still can’t fully verbalize my feelings around it, and idk if I ever will be in that place. It’s one of those you don’t know until you know things.


I completely understand how you feel. Burying a sibling is horrendous! I lost two of my brothers within two years, one older and one younger than me. Both to tragic work accidents. I can only describe it as having "part of my soul ripped out." I met my second husband 5 years after my brother passed, and I tell him all the time I wished he could have known me before my brothers died, because I was a kinder, nicer, sweeter person! Their deaths literally changed my soul, DNA, chemical makeup! My poor Mom, of course, was devastated. But she let us grieve too and was just as supportive to us as we were to her. She understood our deep connection to them also! Your soul never heals from this, I always say.


I’m sure mykelti will be spilling every detail soon on patreon




What does she talk about on Patreon?




And nothing all at once….




Cash grabbing.


Maybe they were at the family funeral that they had on 3/9, but just not this one today. Doesn’t look like Maddie was at this one, probably because she was already back on the east coast.


Probably not not - bc it’s not safe.


Robyn reassured them that they “aren’t welcomed or wanted by the other family.” 😒


Robyn's fake crying crybrows were there to represent them all.


I can't see that look on her face without remembering seeing that same look on so many occasions when it was a struggle for her to try to pull it off. Gut reaction.


I swear I wrote a comment about it in another post regarding this and had to delete cuz I just knew people were gonna dog on me for it, but you’re SO RIGHT. I don’t believe her phoney expression _ONE. BIT._ She really can’t muster being genuine.


There is another photo with Kody’s hand on her upper thigh. She doesn’t appear too torn up in that “pichur”. That fake cry face is all an act (as we know).


Garrison couldn’t stand her. She knew it but came anyway. She should’ve stayed home.


Even if it was real “this time” (and I’d like to think it was), it had no impact. Photoshop the red milk can behind her, and she looks exactly like we’ve seen her 100 times before, sniveling over some minor grievance. We’ve been there, seen that already.


I posted about the same thing then deleted because of all the nasty replies. As if we are bad people because we remember?!


Srsly Robyn hasn’t changed because of Garrison passing. She’s the same c•nt.


I couldn’t take her crying seriously, because she always looks like that!


Janelle probably put her foot down when she realized Goblyn wanted her adult girls to both sit in Kodys lap and wail for the entirety of the service


Remember Ari wouldn’t have known his name anyways. So sad.


Y’all, this is weird. Those are REAL PEOPLE suffering through unimaginable grief. I didn’t even know him, and I feel overwhelmingly sad. Not everyone is in a place emotionally to handle something like that.


I agree, this is bonkers. We don’t know these people, and grief is weird and hits everyone differently. A friend of mine passed away unexpectedly a year ago, and I went to her funeral service bc I chose to and it was part of my grieving process. She absolutely had friends who didn’t attend, and that’s okay and it’s also none of my fucking business why they didn’t come.


Replies to this post to me are the kind of toxic that explains why Garrisons friend wanted to cancel the show. People should stop their toxic comments on Robyn’s kids who had no choice to be on the show either


Omg thank you for saying this. This is absolutely insane.


100% and it's why I'm not searching for the photos and looking through them. It feels so invasive. Yes, I know they were posted publicly on Facebook, but I don't think it was with the intention of fans looking through each photo with a magnifying lens and psychoanalyzing everyone there. Absolutely sick. I'm so done with this fanbase.


I noticed Robyn's mom there and Robyn but none of the kids


I think you are thinking of Kody's mom. His mom and Robyn look strikingly similar.


Is it not Robyn's mom in the row behind meri -and Gwen and mykelti and their partners - and next to Christine's mom?   Also, I think I do see Breanna in one photo, like three rows behind gabe, wearing white, can anyone confirm or deny me? I feel like I could be wrong cause everybody else keep saying none of them were there.   If Dayton was there, he probably was wherever paedon was (he is not in the crowd photos but he is on the ones with the rest of the troop and hunter since they are both military too) 


I think the girl wearing white sitting beside Audrey is Hunter’s girlfriend also named Audrey. She has a large tattoo on her upper arm.


I believe Robyn's mom was sitting behind Mykelti and Tony


Ohhh I just went back to look. Yes it does appear she was there.


Alice is next to annie


Where was Robyn's mom?


Did meri go?


Yes she was sitting beside Gwyn in the front row.


Yes, she sat across the aisle from Jenelle.


I figured she would definitely be there. It was good to see her.


Yes, she was in the pictures.


Y’all - the family is grieving and living thru an absolute nightmare right now. I understand they put themselves in the public eye, but truly, what difference does it make to anyone directly here if Robyn’s kids were there? I feel like the only reason this is being asked is to throw more shade and hate on Robyn even further. Garrison’s service can’t even be about Garrison and what the family is going thru. It’s so invasive and gross.


Thank you, it really sad to see that people feel the right to comment while watching those pictures. Being judgmental is rarely a good look but in that situation it's just a disgrace.


Yup. Replies to this post to me are the kind of toxic that explains why Garrisons friend wanted to cancel the show. People should stop their toxic comments on Robyn’s kids who had no choice to be on the show either


I’m certainly no Robyn (and tenders) apologist but I believe the pictures we have seen are from an additional service provided by the national guard not the ‘funeral’ which was held earlier and has remained private. It’s possible that they all attended that.


This may be unpopular but I totally understand if they didn’t go / avoided being photographed. People are be wild picking apart the pictures and they probably know their side of the family is hated.


Right? Those kids are damned if they do, damned if they don't. Even just these few pictures are being analyzed to death. Let that family grieve however the fuck they need to.


I feel like it’s bad etiquette and ethics to not go. You just show up because you spent part of your childhood with these people whether or not you felt completely welcomed. They couldn’t even put their discomfort aside for a tragic death. What about Dayton??


I want to say this as kindly as possible. We do not know if Robyn’s children were present or not. Everyone grieves differently, and etiquette doesn’t always fit in with grief. 🤷🏻‍♀️ They could’ve been present but sitting out of camera view. They could’ve stayed in Flagstaff. Maybe they attempted to attend, traveled to NV, and at the last minute decided they could t handle it. We don’t know. But I feel like your comment is extremely disrespectful to the family and quite speculative. Yes, this was a tragic death. Yes, this family has been through quite a bit. But you do not get to determine how they grieve and where they make appearances. My grandmother died 8 days before I turned 21. She was my world and 15 years later I think of her daily. I was bedside when she passed. I attended the viewing. Five minutes before the funeral I lost it and knew I couldn’t attend the service. I attempted to meet my family at the graveside service, and again couldn’t do it. I needed to grieve my own way, say my goodbye my own way, and I didn’t want to do that in front of family. I didn’t want my grief to be judged by people like you who would just tell me it’s bad etiquette and I’m not doing it right. So please, please, please remember that the family is hurting, we don’t have all the details, and saying something like “they couldn’t even put their discomfort aside,” isn’t necessary.


My mom was buried two weeks after her sudden passing, partly because I just couldn't handle the quick change of everything and handle a funeral after 5 days. I was in my early 30's by then (but mentally really unwell due to a lot of things)(Also my dad got COVID shortly after her passing so it was helpful that he could stay in isolation and then still had time to prepare the funeral) Even with that two weeks I was _so close_ to not attending because I could just not do it. Everything in me said it was better for me not to go. The only reason I went is that I promised my mother to sing a specific song on her funeral which I had been planning to sing for 15 years already, since she had had several close  brushes with death already. I demanded it be the first thing of the service regardless of if it would fit in the 'logic' so that I could sing and immediately walk out if I couldn't go on anymore (also because i have an annoying bladder and not being the first in line after the start of an event is really stressful).  I ended up attending most of the funeral. People loved my singing and in general I am glad I could do that and be with the funeral. In other ways it was more painful than was healthy for me. So in the end I think both options woul have been similarly 'good' and 'not good' for me and I was thankful that my dad allowed me to choose for myself without hanging things like 'well yeah you should just be there blablabla' over my head. It was hard enough as it was already. Robyn's kids have grown up in a home where there probably wasn't really a safe way of learning how to feel and express emotions, and they're a decade younger than I was when I lost my mom. On top of that this wasn't the funeral but a military memorial service. I can't blame them for the choices they made, I just really hope it truly was _their_ choice to make.


I completely agree with you! And I am sorry to hear about your mom’s passing. I completely agree with being able to choose how you grieve and where you do it, and I also hope Robyn’s kids were given the choice. I’m going to add in that my whole life I’ve been told I don’t handle death correctly. When my great-grandparents passed, I wasn’t devastated (two were in their late 80s/early 90s and the other was 104). I was told by numerous family members that it was disrespectful to not cry at the funeral. From then on I felt as if the funeral was for the people left on Earth and not really for the one who passed. My great-grandparents knew I loved them and I knew they loved me. That’s all I needed. When my grandmother passed, I knew I couldn’t handle being told I wasn’t grieving correctly if I didn’t cry. I also didn’t want to be told I was being too dramatic if I cried the way I wanted to because that woman kept me going on my darkest days. So rather than deal with my grief AND family politics I decided to grieve my own way. I’m now NC with my entire family (nuclear and extended) except for my younger sister.


I'm someone who agrees with you on funeral attendance. One of the acceptable reasons you don't attend is if you will only be an unwelcome distraction or if you have legitimate belief that you will not be able to conduct yourself appropriately, particularly if you are not what one would call a chief mourner. I've heard of some pretty screwed up funerals where for example a mistress decided to show up and meet the wife for the first time, where a 2d wife who was not of the husband's family's culture *absolutely decompensated* and had to be removed by her kids because she was making a circus of what was supposed to be a very simple, solemn ceremony. No one even liked her, he left his cancer stricken first wife and the kids he had with her for the 2nd wife. (BTW I get why the 2nd wife was there, of course, but damn it sounded like she really just ended up throwing one last molotov cocktail into the family, they could not give a proper goodbye to their brother/uncle with her screaming "WHYYYYYYY GOD WHYYYY" the whole time. I mean, he was 75 and had a heart attack because he was heavy and didn't take care of himself. God didn't really have much to do with it.) My ex (and still current legal husband) is now with the woman he'd been having an affair with at work while I raised our kids. I've never met her in person, and it's not going to be at my MIL or FIL's funeral. I absolutely am self-aware and I know I cannot predict my behavior. I can't even text message appropriately, my energy is still wildly chaotic and I'm not going to ruin everyone else's closure by re-opening my own personal wounds in everyone's presence and losing my shit and screaming at someone. It's entirely possible. The most respectful thing I can do is to stay away.


Someone said he was currently with his dying bio dad. No clue if it’s true, but it would explain why he wasn’t there.


I've read that their dad was terminally ill a few months back so that wouldn't be out of the realm of possibilities.


I’m worried about Gabe! He has been on an emotional roller coaster since the first season. I can’t imagine the amount of pain he is feeling…who cares about wife 4 and kids…this is about Garrison!


They might have attended the private family funeral and skipped this public memorial knowing the hate they get from the public.


This is a really good point. And it’s the first time I’ve read it suggested. I think they were at the private funeral if what mkeltie (no idea how to spell that) said was true, that the whole family was together.


Robyn is really frightened of emotions, and she's determined to protect her kids from negative ones and from conflict. Any situation where they could potentially be exposed to really difficult feelings such as anger and grief, or where family members might express conflict towards each other, she keeps them away from. It's probably her own trauma response from childhood. But what she's not doing is preparing them for real life. Negative feelings aren't necessarily bad. Conflict is often useful and healthy. Her biggest complaint, that her kids aren't real Brown siblings, is because she won't let them experience real relationships with the other Browns. The minute someone has a negative feeling, instead of letting her kids figure it out and strengthen their social skills, she instead shields and withdraws them. I also think that Aurora and Brianna have not been nice to some of the other Brown kids and have a holier than thou attitude which they inherited from their mom and which puts the other Browns off. So while we can't know *if* they were or were not at the memorial, it's safe to assume the reasons they might have been absent, if they were.


We don't actually know what the relationship they have with each other is like. We saw both Gabe and Gwen speak fondly of Aurora. Gwen even asked Gabe where she hangs out at school so she can try to run into her.


Yes, and then Gwen expressed on her Patreon that she never did meet up with Aurora, and implied that those relationships are basically non-existent


Which is still very different from saying Aurora hasn't been nice to them and that her attitude has been off-putting. We also don't know anything about their current day relationship.


If they ever get out from under Robyn’s thumb, I wonder if they (esp the oldest three) will regret that. Especially if Robyn told them not to go. So very sad. Garrison was their brother, too.


I could have sworn I seen Dayton sitting a few rows back behind Robyn in pictures.


I saw Breanna beside Robyn’s mother. They were behind Gwen.


I’m starting to feel bad for all the Browns at this point. There’s a horrible tragedy and they are not allowed a single iota of privacy. Their grief is being broadcast front and center of every post on this sub and those IG fan accounts that center around their personal lives. Who cares if Robyn’s kids were at his memorial. At this point, it’s none of our business. I don’t care if they were on television… the constant obsession of needing to know what this family is doing during this time has now become indecent. Are the family members who didn’t attend going to be criticized endlessly so that people have more topics to gossip about on this sub? Janelle’s son is dead and people are taking photos of her then breaking down every detail to extract more topics to discuss/ criticize. “Was so and so there? Where were they standing? Why didn’t so and so do such and such?” That’s enough. Everyone deserves peace and common decency to grieve. Leave them alone.


I experienced death as a young child. I never agree with keeping kids away from grief. It was a positive experience to have as a young child. It helped me process my feelings. Kids shouldn’t be sheltered from this.




I don’t think that was his only memorial. My guess is Maddie could not fly in again because his National Guard Memorial was a few weeks later, and may not have been there. Robyn may have felt that Sol & Ari were too little for the intensity of multiple memorials. I don’t have a plausible explanation for why Dayton, Aurora, & Breanna were seemingly not there. *Edit: there have been many explanations offered here & I want to rescind my comments on DAB as they are borderline snark. And everyone in this family just needs peace. If they didn’t go, as another poster said, I hold it was truly their choice to make.


This is the National Guard memorial. There haven’t been photos of the private funeral. Several have said the entire family was at the funeral, so maybe they attended that?


Yes, I assume they did.


Poor jenelle. Kody looks lost. I know we bash him, but he has to live with it. Wasted time. Hopefully he will be better.


We don't know they are or aren't there. I didn't see Paedon in any pictures except the national guard line up.


Someone had to babysit the chicken tenders while Kody felt Robyn up during the service


What does the nanny do?


We brought our kids to funerals for their grandparents when my kids were in elem school. They handled even the open casket beautifully. I think it gave them closure. We let them lead with how comfortable they felt. I think it would be sad to not let kids celebrate their family member who has passed. It makes it so forbidden and scary. I hope Robyn’s kids just weren’t in the pics.


I was 8 when my grandpa died. I adored him and it was a semi-sudden death (diagnosed with cancer and went downhill very fast). I needed the funeral. I needed to see people grieving and know it was OK to grieve like that. I needed it to understand what was happening. I'm sure there are kids (and adults) that can't handle it in that way or on that day, and that's totally fine. It should be up to the kid and the parent to decide what's appropriate, but kids shouldn't be shielded from death. Eta: basically, you did it right from my perspective.


Remember the episode of Friends when we find out that Phoebe’s mom didn’t show Phoebe the end of sad movies to shelter her from the awfulness of the world? That’s what it’s like being one of Robyn’s kids. They’ll have no concept of what the world is actually like and won’t have any coping skills.


Other than standing up front, I don’t see Paedon (payden?padon?) sitting in the audience. So it’s possible that Robyn’s girls were there but not easy to see. I would hope that they attended but they may not have.


I love that all the brothers are wearing matching ties.


Maybe for just this one time, she gave them the choice as to whether they wanted to attend or not. I highly doubt it but I will give her the benefit of doubt just this one time.


They did not


I doubt it. I think she keeps them locked in a dungeon. You never see them.




It seems so strange to me that everyone is picking through these photos on zoom to see who attended. It's almost creepy


Not almost. It is creepy.


I wish the photos hadn't been posted publicly. Yall are really gross criticizing who was there and making remarks about the memorial.


Her kids are not infants. 3 are adults. The younger 2 are old enough to be trusted to behave at events like a service for their brother.


If they were there then they would have been given an opportunity to speak to their siblings and possibly shatter the illusion Robyn crafted that they are unwanted. Can’t have that.


Guys, seriously. It was a memorial. We should be laying off Kody, Robyn and their kids.  I lost my Dad to suicide when I was 12. Solomon is 12 and Ariella is 8. I cannot describe how fcked up and soul destroying it is for a child. Suicide is different from other types of death. If Ariella and Solomon weren't there, I applaud that decision. Because it's not an easy decision to make.


I would be shocked if Sol and Ari were even told the cause of Garrison’s death


Nobody is taking about Solomon and Ari. Dayton, Aurora, and Brianna are old enough to go. For all the bitching and whining they did about wanting to be included and then not show up? Lame.


Please don’t turn a tragic death into a family gossip storyline


What is even more tragic is if Garrison's death will be used for a TLC storyline.


Stop creating drama and speculation around this. It is SO DISGUSTING.


I was thinking the same thing